Results for 'Story-driven Immersion'

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  1. Interactive art as reflective experience: Imagineers and ultra-technologists as interaction designers.Marianna Charitonidou - 2020 - Visual Resources 36 (4):382-396.
    The article investigates how the use of extended reality technologies and interactive digital interfaces have affected the design of exhibition spaces. Its main objective is to shed light on how these technologies have influenced the ways in which immersive art installations are conceived and experienced. Particular emphasis is placed on the impact of interactive technologies on how visitors experience exhibition spaces. The article examines an ensemble of immersive art cases, paying special attention to the distinction between immersion and interactivity. (...)
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    The role of community health advisors in community-based participatory research.Lachel Story, Agnes Hinton & Sharon B. Wyatt - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (1):117-126.
    Mistrust and fear of research often exist in minority communities because of assumptions, preconceived ideas, and historical abuse and racism that continue to influence research participation. The research establishment is full of well-meaning ‘outsider’ investigators who recognize discrimination, health disparities, and insufficient health care providers in minority communities, but struggle in breaking through this history of mistrust. This article provides ethical insights from one such ‘insider-outsider’, community-based participatory research project implemented via community health advisors in the Mississippi Delta. Both community-based (...)
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  3. Narrative immersion as an attentional phenomenon.Paloma Atencia-Linares & Miguel Ángel Sebastián - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Some stories generate in us a peculiar experience of intense narrative engagement. This common experience, which we call narrative immersion, has been the object of a vast literature in psychology and other disciplines. Philosophers, however, have only recently engaged with this topic and the tendency has been to explain it by postulating specific kinds of mental states. We propose a different approach, explaining narrative immersion by means of a particular distribution of attention over the content of ordinary mental (...)
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    Re-Enactments of the Prologue in cupid's Palace: An Immersive Reading of Apuleius’ Story of Cupid and Psyche.Aldo Tagliabue - 2021 - Classical Quarterly 71 (2):799-818.
    This article offers a new interpretation of Apuleius’ story of Cupid and Psyche. Most scholars have previously offered a second-time reading of this story, according to which the reader reaches Book 11 and then looks back at Psyche's story of fall and redemption as a parallel for Lucius’ life. Following Graverini's and other scholars’ emotional approach to theMetamorphoses, I argue that the ecphrasis of Cupid's palace within the story of Cupid and Psyche includes multiple re-enactments of (...)
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    Immersion and Invariance Adaptive Control for Spacecraft Pose Tracking via Dual Quaternions.Xiaoping Shi, Xuan Peng & Yupeng Gong - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-18.
    This paper addresses the simultaneous attitude and position tracking of a target spacecraft in the presence of general unknown bounded disturbances in the framework of dual quaternions, which provides a concise and integrated description of the coupled rotational and translational motions. By virtue of the newly introduced dual direction cosine matrix, the dimension of the dual quaternion-based relative motion dynamics written in vector/matrix form can be lowered to six. Treating the disturbances as unknown parameters, a modular adaptive pose tracking control (...)
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    Immersive movies: the effect of point of view on narrative engagement.Alberto Cannavò, Antonio Castiello, F. Gabriele Pratticò, Tatiana Mazali & Fabrizio Lamberti - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-15.
    Cinematic virtual reality (CVR) offers filmmakers a wide range of possibilities to explore new techniques regarding movie scripting, shooting and editing. Despite the many experiments performed so far both with both live action and computer-generated movies, just a few studies focused on analyzing how the various techniques actually affect the viewers’ experience. Like in traditional cinema, a key step for CVR screenwriters and directors is to choose from which perspective the viewers will see the scene, the so-called point of view (...)
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  7. The Role of Evaluation-Driven Rejection in the Successful Exploration of a Conceptual Space of Stories.Carlos León & Pablo Gervás - 2010 - Minds and Machines 20 (4):615-634.
    Evaluation processes are a basic component of creativity. They guide not only the pure judgement about a new artefact but also the generation itself, as creators constantly evaluate their own work. This paper proposes a model for automatic story generation based on the evaluation of stories. A model of how quality in stories is evaluated is presented, and two possible implementations of the generation guided by this evaluation are shown: exhaustive space exploration and constrained exploration. A theoretical model and (...)
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    Culturally Immersed Legal Terminology on the Example of Forest Regulations in Poland, The United Kingdom, The United States of America and Germany.Paula Trzaskawka & Joanna Kic-Drgas - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 34 (5):1483-1513.
    The importance of forests is reflected in the national forest legislation which has been developed and implemented in European countries over recent years. Due to regional and national specificities, forest regulations include culturally immersed terms specific to the described area. The aim of this paper is to analyses the culturally driven legal terms existing in specific legal regulations concerning forestry in Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Poland, and identify possible ways of translating them. In (...)
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  9. Understanding as immersion.R. M. Sainsbury - 2006 - Philosophical Issues 16 (1):246–262.
    Understanding has often been regarded as a kind of knowledge. This paper argues that this view is very implausible for understanding words. Instead, a proper account will be of the “analytic-genetic” variety: it will describe immersion in the practice of using a word in such a way that even those not previously equipped with the concepts the word expresses can become immersed. Meeting this condition requires attention to findings in developmental psychology. If you understand a declarative utterance, you thereby (...)
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  10. Participation and immersion in Walton and calvino.M. Carleton Simpson - 2005 - Philosophy and Literature 29 (2):321-336.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Participation and Immersion in Walton and CalvinoM. Carleton SimpsonThe novel begins in a railway station, a locomotive huffs, steam from a piston covers the opening of the chapter, a cloud of smoke hides part of the first paragraph... The pages of the book are clouded like the windows of an old train, the cloud of smoke rests on the sentences.1Part of Kendall Walton's theory of psychological participation, explicated (...)
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    A neuroarchitectural perspective to immersive architectural environments.Esen Gökçe Zdamar - 2023 - Technoetic Arts 21 (1):35-51.
    As digital and immersive architectural installations and augmented reality applications generate new sensations, new digital dimensions and boundaries create new perceptions of our built environment. Digital architectural installations as immersive environments make data visible and tangible and give access to data as an experiential flow. Like the works of Refik Anadol, TeamLab or Universal Everything, digital architectural installations point to a neuroarchitectural and neurophenomenological atmosphere that refers to the understanding and measurement of embodied human experience, and how spaces affect people (...)
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    The story of pain: from prayer to painkillers.Joanna Bourke - 2014 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Everyone knows what is feels like to be in pain. Scraped knees, toothaches, migraines, giving birth, cancer, heart attacks, and heartaches: pain permeates our entire lives. We also witness other people - loved ones - suffering, and we 'feel with' them. It is easy to assume this is the end of the story: 'pain-is-pain-is-pain', and that is all there is to say. But it is not. In fact, the way in which people respond to what they describe as 'painful' (...)
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  13. Allegories of Immersion.Filippo Fimiani - 2023 - An-Icon: Studies in Environmental Images 1 (2):14.
    Fish Night, an episode of LOVE DEATH + ROBOTS (S01E12, 2019) based on a 1982 short story by Joe R. Lansdale, can be interpreted as an allegory of the impossibility of immersive experience: if real, it is deadly, because the images are no longer such or ghosts but living beings present in a shared environmental habitat, acting with but also against the subject, in turn no longer a spectator. Comparing the story and film, and ancient ekphrastic literature, I (...)
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    Efficacy and Brain Imaging Correlates of an Immersive Motor Imagery BCI-Driven VR System for Upper Limb Motor Rehabilitation: A Clinical Case Report.Athanasios Vourvopoulos, Carolina Jorge, Rodolfo Abreu, Patrícia Figueiredo, Jean-Claude Fernandes & Sergi Bermúdez I. Badia - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:460149.
    To maximize brain plasticity after stroke, several rehabilitation strategies have been explored, including the use of intensive motor training, motor imagery, and action observation. Growing evidence of the positive impact of virtual reality (VR) techniques on recovery following stroke has been shown. However, most VR tools are designed to exploit active movement, and hence patients with low level of motor control cannot fully benefit from them. Consequently, the idea of directly training the central nervous system has been promoted by utilizing (...)
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    Two Children's Stories about Food Security.Michael Glassman & Shantanu Tilak (eds.) - 2023 - Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University.
    These texts were created as part of a federally funded project (R305A200364) funded by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), targeted towards the use of low-tech immersive learning for social studies instruction in Ohio's fourth and fifth grade classrooms. Texts and materials created as part of the Digital Civic Learning curriculum are free for use for educational purposes.
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    Getting lost in a story: how narrative engagement emerges from narrative perspective and individual differences in alexithymia.Dalya Samur, Mattie Tops, Ringailė Slapšinskaitė & Sander L. Koole - 2021 - Cognition and Emotion 35 (3):576-588.
    The present research examines how narrative engagement, or the extent to which people immerse themselves into the world of a story, varies as a function of narrative perspective and individual differences in alexithymia. The authors hypothesised that narrative engagement would be higher when people assume a first-person (rather than third-person) perspective and for people lower (rather than higher) on alexithymia. In an online study (N = 541) and a lab study (N = 55), participants with varying levels of alexithymia (...)
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  17.  10
    Ṭevilah ba-shekhinah: ʻiyunim ḥadashim be-ḥeker ha-Ḥasidut = Immersion in Shekhinah: new studies in Hasidism.Tsippi Kauffman - 2021 - Tel Aviv: Hotsaʼat Idra.
    Doctrine of the distant tzaddik: mysticism, ethic, and politics -- Self-image and the Father-figure: Rabbi Nachman of Breslov on repairing the souls of the dead -- Two tzsddikim, Two women in labor, and one salvation: reading gender in Hasidic story -- 'Outside of the natural order': Temrel, the female Hasid -- Hasidic women: beyond egalitarianist discourse -- The Hasidic story: a call of narrative religiosity -- The Yamima method as a contemporary- Hasidic- female movement.
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    The True Story—and Tragedy—of Race in America.Stephen M. Krason - 2016 - Catholic Social Science Review 21:195-197.
    This was one of SCSS President Stephen M. Krason’s “Neither Left nor Right, but Catholic” columns that appeared during 2015 in and The Wanderer and at his blog site. He makes an assessment, in light of Catholic social teaching, of the race issue in America today. He argues that the typical commentary about it ignores obvious realities, is often driven by ideology and the opportunism of self-appointed racial spokesmen, and ignores serious, deep-seated problems in minority communities with tragic (...)
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    Emotion in Stories: Facial EMG Evidence for Both Mental Simulation and Moral Evaluation.Björn 'T. Hart, Marijn E. Struiksma, Anton van Boxtel & Jos J. A. van Berkum - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:314381.
    Facial electromyography research shows that corrugator supercilii ('frowning muscle') activity tracks the emotional valence of linguistic stimuli. Grounded or embodied accounts of language processing take such activity to reflect the simulation or ‘reenactment’ of emotion, as part of the retrieval of word meaning (e.g., of “furious”) and/or of building a situation model (e.g., for “Mark is furious”). However, the same muscle also expresses our primary emotional evaluation of things we encounter. Language-driven affective simulation can easily be at odds with (...)
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    The Lost Notebook of Enrico Fermi: The True Story of the Discovery of Neutron-Induced Radioactivity.Francesco Guerra & Nadia Robotti - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag. Edited by Nadia Robotti.
    This book tells the curious story of an unexpected finding that sheds light on a crucial moment in the development of physics: the discovery of artificial radioactivity induced by neutrons. The finding in question is a notebook, clearly written in Fermi's handwriting, which records the frenzied days and nights that Fermi spent experimenting alone, driven by his theoretical ideas on beta decay. The notebook was found by the authors while browsing through documents left by Oscar D'Agostino, the chemist (...)
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    Disputing deindividuation: Why negative group behaviours derive from group norms, not group immersion.Stephen David Reicher, Russell Spears, Tom Postmes & Anna Kende - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39:e161.
    Strong social identity does not lead to lack of accountability and “bad” behavior in groups and crowds but rather causes group behavior to be driven by group norms. The solution to problematic group behavior is therefore not to individualize the group but rather to change group norms, as underlined by the relational dynamics widely studied in the SIDE tradition.
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    Mingadhuga Mingayung: Respecting Country through Mother Mountain’s stories to share her cultural voice in Western academic structures.Anthony McKnight - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (3):276-290.
    The cultural invasion of Yuin Country in Australia not only colonized the Yuin people and Yuin Country itself, but also contributed to non-Aboriginal people’s continual colonized journey of disconnecting self from Mother Earth. Cultural awareness is a process driven by Western theories informed by the colonial dualism that functions on separation and differences. Tripartation means assisting in a decolonization and more importantly a reculturalization process to place Yuin Country and align stories back into focus for all peoples attached to (...)
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    How can the Values and Ethics of Youth Work be Shared among Practitioners and with the Society? – A Challenge for the ‘Story Practice’ in Japan.Maki Hiratsuka, Miki Hara, Kisshou Minamide, Fumiyuki Nakatsuka, Sachie Oka, Emi Otsu & Misako Yokoe - 2024 - Ethics and Social Welfare 18 (2):211-222.
    This study attempted to answer the question of how to share the values and ethics of youth work among practitioners and with policymakers, funders, and society. Although social interest in youth support in Japan has been on rise recently due to the increase number of difficulties surrounding young people, the ‘ethics and values’ in practice and in the field can be driven by the neoliberal social and political trends present in our society. This study presents a way to resist (...)
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    Il mondo messo a fuoco. Storie di allucinazioni e miopie filosofiche.Achille C. Varzi - 2010 - Roma: Laterza.
    At the beginning, all there is is world. It’s not all alike: here is mama, there is cold, over there—noise. Soon we begin to distinguish and to recognize: more mama, more cold, more noise! Yet initially these things appear to be all of a type. Each is, in Quine’s words, just a history of sporadic encounter, a mere portion of all there is. Only with time does this fluid totality in which we are immersed begin to take shape: sensations recur; (...)
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  25. From Galton’s Pride to Du Bois’s Pursuit: The Formats of Data-Driven Inequality.Colin Koopman - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (1):59-78.
    Data increasingly drive our lives. Often presented as a new trajectory, the deep immersion of our lives in data has a history that is well over a century old. By revisiting the work of early pioneers of what would today be called data science, we can bring into view both assumptions that fund our data-driven moment as well as alternative relations to data. I here excavate insights by contrasting a seemingly unlikely pair of early data technologists, Francis Galton (...)
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  26. From Past to Present: A study of AI-driven gamification in heritage education.Sepehr Vaez Afshar, Sarvin Eshaghi, Mahyar Hadighi & Guzden Varinlioglu - 2024 - 42Nd Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe: Data-Driven Intelligence 2:249-258.
    The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in educational gamification marks a significant advancement, transforming traditional learning methods by offering interactive, adaptive, and personalized content. This approach makes historical content more relatable and promotes active learning and exploration. This research presents an innovative approach to heritage education, combining AI and gamification, explicitly targeting the Silk Roads. It represents a significant progression in a series of research, transitioning from basic 2D textual interactions to a 3D environment using photogrammetry, combining historical authenticity and (...)
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    The Emotional Content of Children's Writing: A Data‐Driven Approach.Yuzhen Dong, Yaling Hsiao, Nicola Dawson, Nilanjana Banerji & Kate Nation - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (3):e13423.
    Emotion is closely associated with language, but we know very little about how children express emotion in their own writing. We used a large‐scale, cross‐sectional, and data‐driven approach to investigate emotional expression via writing in children of different ages, and whether it varies for boys and girls. We first used a lexicon‐based bag‐of‐words approach to identify emotional content in a large corpus of stories (N>100,000) written by 7‐ to 13‐year‐old children. Generalized Additive Models were then used to model changes (...)
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    A Perspective on Implementation of Technology-Driven Exergames for Adults as Telerehabilitation Services.Cécil J. W. Meulenberg, Eling D. de Bruin & Uros Marusic - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    A major concern of public health authorities is to also encourage adults to be exposed to enriched environments during the pandemic lockdown, as was recently the case worldwide during the COVID-19 outbreak. Games for adults that require physical activity, known as exergames, offer opportunities here. In particular, the output of the gaming industry nowadays offers computer games with extended reality which combines real and virtual environments and refers to human-machine interactions generated by computers and wearable technologies. For example, playing the (...)
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    Reclaiming our humanity: Believers as sages and performers of the Gospel in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.Stephanus J. Joubert - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (2):8.
    New technologies are emerging across the globe and are influencing our perceptions of the world, our behaviour and our understanding of what it means to be a human being. In particular, Klaus Schwab and others define the advancement of ‘cyber-physical systems’, coupled with new capacities for both machines and human beings, in terms of ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution’. The South African Parliament placed the Fourth Industrial Revolution on its national agenda. It serves as a new foundation story for the (...)
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    "Do Thyself No Harm": Protecting Ourselves as Autoethnographers.April Chatham-Carpenter - 2010 - Journal of Research Practice 6 (1):Article M1.
    Autoethnographers have grappled with how to represent others in the stories they tell. However, very few have written about the need to protect themselves in the process of doing autoethnographic writing. In this paper, I explore the ethical challenges faced when writing about a potentially-ongoing disorder, such as anorexia, when the research process triggers previously disengaged unhealthy thinking or behaviors for those involved. In the story-writing process, I felt a strong pull to go back into anorexia, as I immersed (...)
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    (1 other version)Lost in Universalization? On the Difficulty of Localizing the European Intellectual.Francis Cheneval, Justine Lacroix & Kalypso Nicolaidis - 2010 - In [no title]. pp. 31-49.
    European Stories is the first book of its kind in any European language. Its authors explore the many different ways 'public intellectuals' have debated Europe - the EU and its periphery - within distinct epistemological, disciplinary, ideological and above all national traditions. The chapters focus on the post-1989 era but with a view to the long history of the 'European idea' and its variants across the continent. To what extent such ideas frame the attitude of European publics is left open. (...)
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    Vampirism: A Secular, Visceral Religion of Paradoxical Aesthetics.Max Chia-Hung Lin & Paul Juinn Bing Tan - 2018 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 17 (49):120-136.
    Vampire stories and folklores have originated from a range of sources; however, it is rather certain that the repulsive but attractive vampiric monster images in present popular culture are primarily derived from Anne Rice’s novel Interview with the Vampire. That being said, it was around the end of the eighteenth century that vampires first invaded the popular literary world, with literary vampires growing noticeably more powerful and perpetual than any of their monstrous predecessors in the years since the publication of (...)
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    ‘Philosophy in India’ or ‘Indian Philosophy’: Some Post-Colonial Questions.Bhagat Oinam - 2018 - Sophia 57 (3):457-473.
    Mode of philosophizing in post-colonial India is deeply influenced by two centuries of British rule, wherein a popular divide emerged between doing classical Indian philosophy and Western philosophy. However, a closer look reveals that the divide is not exclusive, since there are several criss-cross modes of philosophizing shaped by the forces of colonialism and nationalist consciousness. Contemporary challenges lie in raising new philosophical questions relevant to our time, keeping in view both what has been inherited and what has been imbibed (...)
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    The power of meaning: crafting a life that matters.Emily Esfahani Smith - 2017 - New York: Crown.
    This wise, stirring book argues that the search for meaning can immeasurably deepen our lives and is far more fulfilling than the pursuit of personal happiness. There is a myth in our culture that the search for meaning is some esoteric pursuit--that you have to travel to a distant monastery or page through dusty volumes to figure out life's great secret. The truth is, there are untapped sources of meaning all around us--right here, right now. Drawing on the latest research (...)
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  35. Ideas about art.Kathleen Kadon Desmond - 2011 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Ideas About Art is an intelligent, accessible introductory text for students interested in learning how to think about aesthetics. It uses stories drawn from the experiences of individuals involved in the arts as a means of exposing readers to the philosophies, theories, and arguments that shape and drive visual art. An accessible, story-driven introduction to aesthetic theory and philosophy Prompts readers to develop independent ideas about aesthetics; this is a guide on how to think, not what to think (...)
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    Climbing the Ladder of Love.Brendan Shea - 2015 - In Adam Barkman & Robert Arp, Downton Abbey and Philosophy: Thinking in the Manor. Open Court. pp. 249-259.
    Downton Abbey is, at its most basic, a story driven by intimate, romantic relationships: Mary and Matthew, Bates and Anna, Sybil and Branson, Lord and Lady Grantham, and many others. As viewers, we root for (or against) these characters as they fall in love, quarrel, break up, reconcile, have children, and deal with separation and death. But what do we get out of this? Is it merely an emotional “rush,” or is it something more meaningful? In this essay, (...)
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    Inhabiting conscious experience: Engaged objectivity in the first-person study of consciousness.J. Petranker - 2003 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (12):3-23.
    First-person methodologies have been criticized for their inability to arrive at reliable and verifiable knowledge of the contents of conscious experience. Consciousness, however, is not its contents, but the cognitive capacity that makes those contents available. That capacity is directly and uniquely accessible to first-person inquiry, provided a suitable methodology can be developed. As a framework for such inquiry, this paper distinguishes two structures that give rise to conscious contents: narrative and story. While narratives are told, stories are inhabited. (...)
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    "A Gentle and Humane Temper": Humility in Medicine.Jack Coulehan - 2011 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 54 (2):206-216.
    In his story entitled "Toenails," the surgeon Richard Selzer (1982) warns readers that total immersion in medicine is wrongheaded. Rather, to ensure their own health, doctors should discover other passions that permit them periodically to disconnect from medical practice. Selzer's surgeon character devotes his Wednesday afternoons to the public library, where he joins "a subculture of elderly men and women who gather … to read or sleep beneath the world's newspapers" (p. 69). Among these often eccentric personages is (...)
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  39. Pierre and circumspection in belief-formation.Laurence Goldstein - 2009 - Analysis 69 (4):653-655.
    In a well-known story constructed by Saul Kripke , Pierre, a rational but monolingual Frenchman who has never visited England, acquires, on the evidence of many magazine pictures of London, the belief that London is beautiful. He is happy to declare ‘Londres est jolie’. Pierre eventually moves to England and settles in one of the seedier areas of London, travelling only to comparably shabby neighbourhoods. He learns English by immersion, though he does not realize that ‘London’ and ‘Londres’ (...)
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    A Hymn to Tethys.Charlie Blake - 2025 - Angelaki 30 (1):146-170.
    In “A Hymn to Tethys: Chronofabulation and the Emptiness of Ancient Oceans,” the intimate connections between the human encounter with the sea in its various moods and phases, the experience of the passing of time on a human scale, but also on the geological and cosmic scales of deep time, and our propensity as a species for fictionalizing or fabricating as a way of orienting ourselves through language and imagery in the face of mortality and loss, areas explored through a (...)
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  41. Valuing peak experience in everyday lives: insights from positive and transpersonal psychology.Kay A. M. Weijers & Elaine R. J. Cox - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Valuing Peak Experience in Everyday Lives takes Abraham Maslow's concept of peak experience and compares how people have encountered transcendent peak experiences, and related phenomena such as flow and peak performance in their everyday lives. By examining existing research and sharing people's actual encounters in different contexts such as music, education, sport, creative arts and nature, the importance and value of peak experiences and self-transcendence in our lives can be better understood and fostered. The book explores the challenges, benefits and (...)
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  42. Philosophy of games.C. Thi Nguyen - 2017 - Philosophy Compass 12 (8):e12426.
    What is a game? What are we doing when we play a game? What is the value of playing games? Several different philosophical subdisciplines have attempted to answer these questions using very distinctive frameworks. Some have approached games as something like a text, deploying theoretical frameworks from the study of narrative, fiction, and rhetoric to interrogate games for their representational content. Others have approached games as artworks and asked questions about the authorship of games, about the ontology of the work (...)
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    Strange Days, Dangerous Nights: Photos From the Speed Graphic Era.Larry Millett & John Sandford - 2004 - Borealis Books.
    Driven by the desire to fill newspaper pages with sensational images, press photographers shot everything, day and night: automobile accidents, fires, murders, all the cop news that fought for a hot spot on the Front Page. And they covered uncounted numbers of social affairs -- pictures called 'grip-and-grins' in the trade: school events, sports, celebrities, oddities both of nature and humanity. Veteran journalist and mystery writer Larry Millett has unearthed over 200 of the best photos from the archives of (...)
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    The Taipai, Taiwan, Museum of World Religions.Maria Reis Habito - 2002 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (1):203-205.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (2002) 203-205 [Access article in PDF] The Taipai, Taiwan, Museum of World Religions Maria Reis Habito Dallas, Texas A new museum dedicated to exploring the world's great religious traditions opened in Taipei this past November. Its professed mission is rather unique: to teach about religions and religious life in the world, and to provide instructive experiences about the variety of the world's religious expressions as a (...)
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    Our Living Society.James Campbell - 2010 - The Pluralist 5 (3):128-140.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Our Living SocietyJames CampbellIWhen I was working on my history of the early years of the American Philosophical Association (A Thoughtful Profession), I spent a great deal of time immersed in the unhappy genre of the presidential address. Three divisions, each with its own annual president, make for a lot of presidential addresses. One of the things that I learned from this effort was that these addresses can be (...)
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  46.  27
    The Long Path to Nearness: A Contribution to a Corporeal Philosophy of Communication and the Groundwork for an Ethics of Relief (review).Jim Crawford - 2000 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 33 (1):96-99.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 33.1 (2000) 96-99 [Access article in PDF] Book Review The Long Path to Nearness: A Contribution to a Corporeal Philosophy of Communication and the Groundwork for an Ethics of Relief The Long Path to Nearness: A Contribution to a Corporeal Philosophy of Communication and the Groundwork for an Ethics of Relief. Ramsey Eric Ramsey. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press, 1998. Pp. xiv + 145. $49.95, cloth. (...)
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    Modelling and the fall and rise of the handicap principle.Jonathan Grose - 2011 - Biology and Philosophy 26 (5):677-696.
    The story of the fall and rise of Zahavi’s handicap principle is one of a battle between models. Early attempts at formal modeling produced negative results and, unsurprisingly, scepticism about the principle. A major change came in 1990 with Grafen’s production of coherent models of a handicap mechanism of honest signalling. This paper’s first claim is that acceptance of the principle, and its dissemination into other disciplines, has been driven principally by that, and subsequent modeling, rather than by (...)
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    Wittgenstein Reads Freud: The Myth of the Unconscious.Jacques Bouveresse - 1995 - Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
    Did Freud present a scientific hypothesis about the unconscious, as he always maintained and as many of his disciples keep repeating? This question has long prompted debates concerning the legitimacy and usefulness of psychoanalysis, and it is of utmost importance to Lacanian analysts, whose main project has been to stress Freud's scientific grounding. Here Jacques Bouveresse, a noted authority on Ludwig Wittgenstein, contributes to the debate by turning to this Austrian-born philosopher and contemporary of Freud for a candid assessment of (...)
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  49. Simplifying heuristics versus careful thinking: Scientific analysis of millennial spiritual issues.Daniel S. Levine & Leonid I. Perlovsky - 2008 - Zygon 43 (4):797-821.
    There is ample evidence that humans (and other primates) possess a knowledge instinct—a biologically driven impulse to make coherent sense of the world at the highest level possible. Yet behavioral decision-making data suggest a contrary biological drive to minimize cognitive effort by solving problems using simplifying heuristics. Individuals differ, and the same person varies over time, in the strength of the knowledge instinct. Neuroimaging studies suggest which brain regions might mediate the balance between knowledge expansion and heuristic simplification. One (...)
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    A Lasting Effect: Reflections on Music and Medicine: Bryan Sisk, 2011, self-published.Charles Leduc - 2014 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 11 (3):399-400.
    My relationship to the guitar can be characterized by the Friday evening distortion of Kirk Hammett (of Metallica) and Dan Auerbach (of The Black Keys) and Sunday morning’s soaring chords of classical musicians Julian Bream and Rafael Andia to anything in between the rest of the week. I have, however, kept my writing and my music away from my professional practice. I am one of those for whom music and poetry offer a refuge, a source of compensation for the emotions (...)
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