Results for 'Stéphanie Treillet'

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  1.  41
    L'instrumentalisation du genre dans le nouveau consensus de Washington.Stéphanie Treillet - 2008 - Actuel Marx 44 (2):53-67.
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  2. Misgendering and its Moral Contestability.Kapusta Stephanie - 2016 - Hypatia 31 (3):512-519.
    In this article, I consider the harms inflicted upon transgender persons through “misgendering,” that is, such deployments of gender terms that diminish transgender persons’ selfrespect, limit the discursive resources at their disposal to define their own gender, and cause them microaggressive psychological harms. Such deployments are morally contestable, that is, they can be challenged on ethical or political grounds. Two characterizations of “woman” proposed in the feminist literature are critiqued from this perspective. When we consider what would happen to transgender (...)
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    Constructing a Web.Stephanie A. Welcomer, Philip L. Cochran, Gordon Rands & Mark Haggerty - 2003 - Business and Society 42 (1):43-82.
    In this single industry study, the authors examine relationships between forest products companies in Maine and their stakeholders. The research question, why do firms work with stakeholders, is examined from both instrumental and normative perspectives. Specifically, it is hypothesized that stakeholder power and corporate social responsiveness affect the degree to which firms have working relationships with stakeholders. The study found support for the impact of the firm’s perception of stakeholder power on the strength of its relationships with stakeholders. Most notably, (...)
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    Lexical-Semantic Development in Bilingual Toddlers at 18 and 24 Months.Stephanie De Anda & Margaret Friend - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:508363.
    An important question in early bilingual first language acquisition concerns the development of lexical-semantic associations within and across two languages. The present study investigates the earliest emergence of lexical-semantic priming at 18 and 24 months in Spanish-English bilinguals (N= 32) and its relation to vocabulary knowledge within and across languages. Results indicate a remarkably similar pattern of development between monolingual and bilingual children, such that lexical-semantic development begins at 18 months and strengthens by 24 months. Further, measures of cross-language lexical (...)
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    Introduction.Stephanie Rivera Berruz - 2018 - Radical Philosophy Review 21 (2):325-326.
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    Exploring the role of COVID-19 pandemic-related changes in social interactions on preschoolers' emotion labeling.Stephanie Wermelinger, Lea Moersdorf, Simona Ammann & Moritz M. Daum - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    During the COVID-19 pandemic people were increasingly obliged to wear facial masks and to reduce the number of people they met in person. In this study, we asked how these changes in social interactions are associated with young children's emotional development, specifically their emotion recognition via the labeling of emotions. Preschoolers labeled emotional facial expressions of adults and children in fully visible faces. In addition, we assessed children's COVID-19-related experiences and recorded children's gaze behavior during emotion labeling. We compared different (...)
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    Firm-Stakeholder Networks.Stephanie A. Welcomer - 2002 - Business and Society 41 (2):251-257.
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  8.  60
    Vicarious shame.Stephanie C. M. Welten, Marcel Zeelenberg & Seger M. Breugelmans - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (5):836-846.
    We examined an account of vicarious shame that explains how people can experience a self-conscious emotion for the behaviour of another person. Two divergent processes have been put forward to explain how another's behaviour links to the self. The group-based emotion account explains vicarious shame in terms of an in-group member threatening one's social identity by behaving shamefully. The empathy account explains vicarious shame in terms of empathic perspective taking; people imagine themselves in another's shameful behaviour. In three studies using (...)
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  9. Historical studies-Wolfgang Doeblin's archives and manuscripts.Therese Charmasson, Stephanie Mechine, Marc Petit & Bernard Bru - 2005 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 58 (1).
  10.  38
    (1 other version)Herodotus' ΑΙΓϒΠΤΙΟΣ ΛΟΓΟΣ.Stephanie West - 1989 - The Classical Review 39 (02):191-.
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  11.  47
    Herodotus' Epigraphical Interests.Stephanie West - 1985 - Classical Quarterly 35 (02):278-.
    Herodotus holds an honoured place among the pioneers of Greek epigraphy. We seek in vain for earlier signs of any appreciation of the historical value of inscriptions, and though we may conjecture that the antiquarian interests of some of his contemporaries or near-contemporaries might well have led them in this direction, our view of the beginnings of Greek epigraphical study must be based on Herodotus, whether or not he truly deserves to be regarded as its ρχηγέτηϲ. Apart from its significance (...)
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    Notes on the Text of Lycophron.Stephanie West - 1983 - Classical Quarterly 33 (01):114-.
    The proverbial obscurity of the Alexandra discourages conjecture, and Lycophron's editors have not been given to bold emendation. It may indeed seem that much has been suffered to pass unquestioned which no-one would think tolerable if it stood in the MSS. of Aeschylus, whose style Lycophron clearly sought to emulate. Yet despite the prophetic form of his Rahmenerzählung his manner of expression is far removed from the deliberate opacity, all too often accompanied by defective grammar , characteristic of genuine apocalyptic (...)
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  13.  35
    Herodotus' portrait of Hecateus.Stephanie West - 1991 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 111:144-160.
  14.  22
    Transforming the food system in ‘unprotected space’: the case of diverse grain networks in England.Stephanie Walton - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-18.
    Transitioning to food systems that are equitable, resilient, healthy and environmentally sustainable will require the cultivation and diffusion of transformational sociotechnical innovations—and grassroots movements are an essential source of such innovations. Within the literature on strategic niche management, government-provided ‘protected spaces’ where niche innovations can develop without facing the pressures of the market is an essential part of sustainability transitions. However, because of their desire to _transform_ rather than _transition_ food systems, grassroots movements often struggle to acquire such protected spaces (...)
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  15.  29
    Io and the dark stranger (Sophocles, Inachus F 269a).Stephanie West - 1984 - Classical Quarterly 34 (02):292-.
    More Than a quarter of a century has elapsed since the publication of the Oxyrhynchus papyrus which Lobel identified as a fragment of Sophocles’ Inachus, and though it has revolutionised our knowledge of the play, it has proved an excellent example of the papyrological commonplace that each new discovery creates more problems than it solves. What could with reasonable confidence be inferred about the Inachus from the comparatively numerous ancient quotations and allusions is well summarised in Pearson's introduction: Inachus, Hermes, (...)
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  16.  56
    Call Me Irresponsible Is Psychopaths' Responsibility a Matter of Preference?Jalava Jarkko & Griffiths Stephanie - 2017 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 24 (1):21-24.
    The philosophical debate over psychopaths’ moral and criminal responsibility is increasingly evidence based. However, as we noted, such arguments are misleading if philosophers only consider evidence that supports their own positions. In his response, Glannon counters our argument by introducing new evidence—neuroimaging data—and so demonstrates the exact problem we outlined; Strijbos, in contrast, offers a workable solution.Glannon’s response is a succinct summation of the strengths and weaknesses that philosophers bring to the debate. Although Glannon accurately portrays the potential role of (...)
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  17.  33
    Mondo Nano: Fun and Games in the World of Digital Matter.Stephanie E. Vasko - 2016 - NanoEthics 10 (1):117-120.
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  18.  33
    Ce que le genre fait à la religion. Compte rendu du livre: Florence Rochefort, Maria Eleonora Sanna, dir., Normes religieuses et genre, Armand Colin, 2013.Stéphanie Hennette Vauchez - 2015 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 28 (2):433-438.
    S’il fallait résumer en un mot l’importance de la contribution du présent ouvrage aux débats sur le genre , c’est celui de «désessentialisation» qui viendrait à l’esprit: tout comme il n’y a pas «la» femme, tout comme il n’y a pas «la» race, il n’y a pas «la» religion. Comme d’autres, le terrain de la religion est un terrain en tension, travaillé par des mouvements théologiques mais aussi idéologiques, sociaux et politiques; de même, la religion n’est pas autarcique par rapport (...)
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  19.  53
    Medical Humanities, Ethics, and Disability.Stephanie Vertrees - 2012 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 21 (2):260-266.
    In Confessions of a Knife, Richard Selzer gives a candid account of his life as a surgeon, divulging mistakes, regrets, impressions, and emotions in beautiful, metaphorical prose.
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  20.  30
    Brian Grodsky, The Costs of Justice: How Leaders Respond to Previous Rights Abuses.Stéphanie Vieille - 2011 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 21 (2):95-96.
  21.  9
    Analyse des reformulations dans les interactions orales : l'exemple d'une séquence portant sur l'écosystème en CM2.Stéphanie Volteau - 2015 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
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    Secret Springs.Stephanie Wacha - 2019 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 9 (1):19-21.
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    Does the Component Processes Task Assess Text-Based Inferences Important for Reading Comprehension? A Path Analysis in Primary School Children.Stephanie I. Wassenburg, Björn B. de Koning, Meinou H. de Vries & Menno van der Schoot - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Accounting for Environmental Remediation Costs.Stephanie M. Weidman, Carol N. Welsh & Lawrence N. Bonino - 1994 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 13 (1):147-163.
  25.  30
    Λογοι.Stephanie West - 1987 - The Classical Review 37 (01):8-.
  26.  28
    African charioteers: A note on sophocles, electra 701–2.Stephanie West - 2012 - Classical Quarterly 62 (2):502-509.
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    And It Came to Pass that Pharaoh Dreamed: Notes on Herodotus 2.139, 141.Stephanie West - 1987 - Classical Quarterly 37 (02):262-.
    Significant dreams, like omens and oracles, play a conspicuous part in Herodotus′ narrative; the prominence which he affords to them well illustrates the difference between his approach to historiography and that of Thucydides, in whose work we shall look in vain for nocturnal visions. From the point of view of the scientific historian reports of dreams are inadmissible evidence, resting as they must on the unverifiable testimony of a single witness whose recollection is very likely to have been influenced by (...)
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  28.  14
    Archilochus' Message-stick.Stephanie West - 1988 - Classical Quarterly 38 (01):42-.
    The second line of the poem in which Archilochus related his fable of the fox and the ape was a source of perplexity to Hellenistic scholars. According to Athenaeus Apollonius Rhodius explained it by reference to the Spartan practice of winding official dispatches round a staff or baton: τι δ λευκ μντι περιειλοντες τν σκυτλην ο Λκωνες γρφον βολοντο ερηκεν κανς πολλνιος διος ν τ περ ρχιλχου. This interpretation evidently failed to satisfy Aristophanes of Byzantium, who wrote a monograph περ (...)
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  29.  31
    Cultural Interchange Over a Water-Clock.Stephanie West - 1973 - Classical Quarterly 23 (01):61-.
    It once seemed almost self-evident that the extraordinary progress of Greek astronomy and mathematics in the Hellenistic age were, at least in part, the result of contact with Babylonian and Egyptian culture. But, whatever they may have owed to Babylonia in the exact sciences, there is now a growing consensus that even as early as Eudoxus the Greeks had advanced beyond the point where they might have profited from Egyptian help, and it is not easy to find a solid basis (...)
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  30.  12
    Crete in the Aeneid: Two Intertextual Footnotes.Stephanie West - 2003 - Classical Quarterly 53 (1):302-308.
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    Cicero, Laertes and Manure.Stephanie West - 1989 - Classical Quarterly 39 (02):553-.
    Cicero's Cato, in a passage nicely illustrating that enthusiasm for Greek literature which is said to have come upon him in old age, offers some valuable observations about manure : ‘quid de utilitate loquar stercorandi? dixi in eo libro quern de rebus rusticis scripsi; de qua doctus Hesiodus ne verbum quidem fecit, cum de cultura agri scriberet; at Homerus, qui multis ut mihi videtur ante saeclis fuit, Laertam lenientem desiderium quod capiebat e filio, colentem agrum et eum stercorantem facit.’.
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  32.  30
    Digesta Moles.Stephanie West - 1978 - The Classical Review 28 (01):3-.
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  33.  57
    Franco Montanari: Studi di filologia omerica antica, I. Pp. xi + 103. Pisa: Giardini, 1979. Paper, L. 7,000.Stephanie West - 1981 - The Classical Review 31 (1):104-104.
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  34.  49
    Herodotus Book.Stephanie West - 1989 - The Classical Review 39 (02):189-.
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  35.  24
    Horace, Epistles 1.2.42–3.Stephanie West - 1990 - Classical Quarterly 40 (01):280-.
    ‘One of Horace's fables remembered or invented. It is not found elsewhere’ . Not elsewhere in classical literature, certainly. But a story illustrating precisely this absurd ignorance of the natural world is attested later, in circumstances which make it highly unlikely that it derives from Horace's brief reference, and I think we may safely assume that he did not invent the tale.
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    Herodotus the Historian? - Donald Lateiner: The Historical Method of Herodotus. (Phoenix Suppl. 23.) Pp. xi + 319. Toronto, Buffalo and London: University of Toronto Press, 1989. £31.50.Stephanie West - 1991 - The Classical Review 41 (01):23-.
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    Not at Home: Nasica's Witticism and Other Stories.Stephanie West - 1992 - Classical Quarterly 42 (01):287-.
    Cicero's discussion of wit in the de oratore includes an entertaining story about Ennius and a certain Nasica : ‘Valde haec ridentur et hercule omnia quae a prudentibus per simulationem subabsurde salseque dicuntur. Ex quo genere est etiam non videri intellegere quod intellegas… ut illud Nasicae, qui cum ad poetam Ennium venisset eique ab ostio quaerenti Ennium ancilla dixisset domi non esse, Nasica sensit illam domini iussu dixisse et ilium intus esse; paucis post diebus cum ad Nasicam venisset Ennius et (...)
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    ΟΡΚΟΥ ΠΑΙΣ ΕΣΤΙΝ ΑΝΩΝΥΜΟΣ: The Aftermath of Plataean Perjury.Stephanie West - 2003 - Classical Quarterly 53 (2):438-447.
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  39.  60
    Only a Novel.Stephanie West - 1984 - The Classical Review 34 (02):201-.
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  40.  58
    Review. Zur Datierung des Prometheus Desmotes. R Bees.Stephanie West - 1997 - The Classical Review 47 (1):17-18.
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  41.  31
    Strabo 816: a note.Stephanie West - 1986 - Classical Quarterly 36 (02):542-.
    This note is not concerned with the reliability of this information, but with the lexical singularity παλλς, which has won widespread acceptance as an ancient sacral term, though our lexica display an uncommon, and indeed misleading, prudishness as to its meaning: ‘maiden-priestess’ ; ‘bei den Griechen in ägypt. Theben noch als sakraler Ausdruck = παρθνος' ; ‘A Thèbes d'Égypte pour désigner une prêtresse = παρθνος' . Pubescent temple-prostitutes had no place in Hellenic religious life, and it might be thought surprising (...)
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    Sea-Monsters at Sunrise.Stephanie West - 1991 - Classical Quarterly 41 (01):275-.
    It is hard to avoid the suspicion that the time appointed for the arrival of Lucian's leviathan was intended to bring to the reader's mind Nearchus' account of an alarming encounter with a school of whales in the course of his famous voyage from the Indus to the Persian Gulf ).
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    Some Watchers of the Skies.Stephanie West - 1982 - Classical Quarterly 32 (01):121-.
    Meleager, in assembling the poetic garland of his first epigram, picked palm-leaves to represent Aratus.
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    The amphisbaena's antecedents.Stephanie West - 2006 - Classical Quarterly 56 (01):290-.
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  45.  28
    The Scythian ultimatum (Herodotus iv 131, 132).Stephanie West - 1988 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 108:207-211.
  46.  34
    Venus observed? A note on Callimachus, Fr. 110.Stephanie West - 1985 - Classical Quarterly 35 (01):61-.
    Since we cannot hope to witness a catasterism for ourselves, we are fortunate to have a detailed first-hand account of the inauguration of Coma Berenices, the last constellation to be added to the ancient list until the seventeenth century. However, the description of the critical stages in the process presents various difficulties resulting not so much from obfuscation on Callimachus' part as from the circumstances of the poem's transmission and the problems to be expected in interpreting occasional verses more than (...)
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  47.  41
    Impulsivity and Rapid Decision-Making for Reward.Stephanie Burnett Heyes, Robert J. Adam, Maren Urner, Leslie van der Leer, Bahador Bahrami, Paul M. Bays & Masud Husain - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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  48.  35
    Power, Credibility and Expertise in a Colonized Medical Discourse.Terrence Kelly, Stephanie Bauer & Stephen Tower - unknown
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    Das Weltbild der Igel - Naturethik einmal anders.Angelika Krebs, Stephanie Schuster, Alexander Fischer & Jan Müller (eds.) - 2021 - Schwabe.
    Wie wichtig Natur für menschliches Glück ist, als Ort der Freude am Leben oder zumindest der Zuflucht, ist zuletzt vielen von uns aufgegangen. Trotzdem hat Landschaft bisher keine Lobby. Dieses unkonventionelle Buch tritt für die Schönheit der Natur ein. Es argumentiert gegen die Dominanz der anthropozentrisch-rechnenden Weltbemeisterung und für eine «ästhetische Ökozentrik». Unkonventionell ist das Buch aber auch deshalb, weil es die philosophische Arbeit an Begriff und Argument mit literarischen Passagen von grosser Leuchtkraft verbindet. Diese Passagen stammen aus Peter Kurzecks (...)
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  50.  92
    Herodotus, Book I - Timothy Long: Repetition and Variation in the Short Stories of Herodotus. (Beiträge zur klassischen Philologie, Bd. 179.) Pp. 200. Frankfurt am Main: Athenäum, 1987. DM 48. - R. A. McNeal: Herodotus, Book I. Pp. xxx + 208; 2 plates. Lanham, New York and London: University Press of America, 1986. $24.50 (paper, $11.75). [REVIEW]Stephanie West - 1988 - The Classical Review 38 (1):16-17.
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