Results for 'Sydney Cohen'

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  1.  19
    Obituary: Rodney Robert Porter, 1917–1985.Sydney Cohen - 1986 - Bioessays 4 (5):229-230.
  2.  9
    A semantic approach to mapping the Provenance Ontology to Basic Formal Ontology.Tim Prudhomme, Giacomo De Colle, Austin Liebers, Alec Sculley, Peihong Xie, Sydney Cohen & John Beverley - 2025 - Scientific Data 12 (282).
    The Provenance Ontology (PROV-O) is a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommended ontology used to structure data about provenance across a wide variety of domains. Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) is a top-level ontology ISO/IEC standard used to structure a wide variety of ontologies, such as the OBO Foundry ontologies and the Common Core Ontologies (CCO). To enhance interoperability between these two ontologies, their extensions, and data organized by them, a mapping methodology and set of alignments are presented according to specific (...)
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    Book notice: Ed Cohen: A body worth defending: Immunity, biopolitics, and the apotheosis of the modern body. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2009, 384pp, US$89.95 HB, US$24.95 PB. [REVIEW]Alison Bashford - 2011 - Metascience 21 (2):501-502.
    Book notice Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-2 DOI 10.1007/s11016-011-9590-9 Authors Alison Bashford, School of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry, University of Sydney, Sydney, 2007 Australia Journal Metascience Online ISSN 1467-9981 Print ISSN 0815-0796.
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  4. Can human irrationality be experimentally demonstrated?L. Jonathan Cohen - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (3):317-370.
    The object of this paper is to show why recent research in the psychology of deductive and probabilistic reasoning does not have.
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  5. Theorizing about the epistemic.Stewart Cohen - 2016 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 59 (7-8):839-857.
    I argue that epistemologists’ use of the term ‘epistemic’ has led to serious confusion in the discussion of epistemological issues. The source of the problem is that ‘epistemic’ functions largely as an undefined technical term. I show how this confusion has infected discussions of the nature of epistemic justification, epistemic norms for evidence gathering, and knowledge norms for assertion and belief.
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    On the control of automatic processes: A parallel distributed processing account of the Stroop effect.Jonathan D. Cohen, Kevin Dunbar & James L. McClelland - 1990 - Psychological Review 97 (3):332-361.
  7. Contextualism and Skepticism.Stewart Cohen - 2000 - Philosophical Issues 10 (1):94-107.
  8. On the psychology of prediction: Whose is the fallacy?L. Jonathan Cohen - 1979 - Cognition 7 (December):385-407.
  9. (1 other version)Casting the First Stone: Who Can, and Who Can’t, Condemn the Terrorists?G. A. Cohen - 2006 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 58:113-136.
    ‘No matter what the grievance, and I'm sure that the Palestinians have some legitimate grievances, nothing can justify the deliberate targeting of innocent civilians. If they were attacking our soldiers it would be a different matter.’ (Dr. Zvi Shtauber, Israeli Ambassador to the United Kingdom, BBC Radio 4, May 1, 2003).
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  10. Why Basic Knowledge is Easy Knowledge.Stewart Cohen - 2007 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 70 (2):417-430.
    The problem of easy knowledge arises for theories that have what I call a “basic knowledge structure”. S has basic knowledge of P just in case S knows P prior to knowing that the cognitive source of S's knowing P is reliable.1 Our knowledge has a basic knowledge structure (BKS) just in case we have basic knowledge and we come to know our faculties are reliable on the basis of our basic knowledge. The problem I raised in “Basic Knowledge and (...)
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    Intentions in Communication.Philip R. Cohen, Jerry L. Morgan & Martha E. Pollack (eds.) - 1990 - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press/Bradford Books.
    This book presents views of the concept of intention and its relationship to communication from three perspectives: philosphy, linguistics, and artificial intelligence. The book is a record of a workshop held in 1987.
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  12. Contextualism defended.Stewart Cohen - 2013 - In Matthias Steup & John Turri, Contemporary Debates in Epistemology. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Blackwell. pp. 56-62.
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  13. Subjective probability and the paradox of the gatecrasher.L. J. Cohen - 1981 - Arizona State Law Journal 2 (2).
  14. ISydney Shoemaker: Self, Body, and Coincidence.Sydney Shoemaker - 1999 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 73 (1):287-306.
    A major objection to the view that the relation of persons to human animals is coincidence rather than identity is that on this view the human animal will share the coincident person's physical properties, and so should (contrary to the view) share its mental properties. But while the same physical predicates are true of the person and the human animal, the difference in the persistence conditions of these entities implies that there will be a difference in the properties ascribed by (...)
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  15. Whose is the fallacy? A rejoinder to Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky.L. Jonathan Cohen - 1980 - Cognition 8 (March):89-92.
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    A memory-based theory of emotional disorders.Rivka T. Cohen & Michael Jacob Kahana - 2022 - Psychological Review 129 (4):742-776.
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    Corporate Fraud and Managers’ Behavior: Evidence from the Press.Jeffrey Cohen, Yuan Ding, Cédric Lesage & Hervé Stolowy - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 95 (S2):271-315.
    Based on evidence from press articles covering 39 corporate fraud cases that went public during the period 1992-2005, the objective of this article is to examine the role of managers' behavior in the commitment of the fraud. This study integrates the fraud triangle (FT) and the theory of planned behavior (TPB) to gain a better understanding of fraud cases. The results of the analysis suggest that personality traits appear to be a major fraud-risk factor. The analysis was further validated through (...)
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  18. Kants Begründung der Ethik.Hermann Cohen - 1877 - F. Dümmler.
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  19. The Scientific Revolution. A Historiographical Inquiry.H. Floris Cohen & Mikulas Teich - 1996 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 18 (1):135.
  20. Colours, colour relationalism and the deliverances of introspection.J. Cohen & S. Nichols - 2010 - Analysis 70 (2):218-228.
    An important motivation for relational theories of color is that they resolve apparent conflicts about color: x can, without contradiction, be red relative to S1 and not red relative to S2. Alas, many philosophers claim that the view is incompatible with naive, phenomenally grounded introspection. However, when we presented normal adults with apparent conflicts about color (among other properties), we found that many were open to the relationalist's claim that apparently competing variants can simultaneously be correct. This suggests that, philosophers' (...)
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    Elevations: The Height of the Good in Rosenzweig and Levinas.Richard A. Cohen - 1994 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    This elevating pull of an ethics that can account for the relation of self and other without reducing either term is the central theme of these essays.
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    Artificial Wombs and Abortion Rights.I. Glenn Cohen - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (4):inside back cover-inside back co.
    In a study published in late April in Nature Communications, the authors were able to sustain 105- to 115-day-old premature lamb fetuses—whose level of development was comparable to that of a twenty-three-week-old human fetus—for four weeks in an artificial womb, enabling the lambs to develop in a way that paralleled age-matched controls. The oldest lamb of the set, more than a year old at the time the paper came out, appeared completely normal. This kind of research brings us one step (...)
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    Deontological Guilt and Moral Distress as Diametrically Opposite Phenomena: A Case Study of Three Clinicians.Y. Bokek-Cohen, I. Marey-Sarwan & M. Tarabeih - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (3):449-459.
    Feelings of guilt are human emotions that may arise if a person committed an action that contradicts basic moral mores or failed to commit an action that is considered moral according to their ethical standards and values. Psychological scholarship distinguishes between altruistic guilt (AG) and deontological guilt (DG). AG results from having caused harm to an innocent victim, either by acting or failing to act, whereas DG is caused by violating a moral principle. Although physicians may be expected to experience (...)
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    (Re-)Redefining Neuroethics to Meet the Challenges of the Future.Noa Cohen - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (4):421-424.
    Today, nearly two years after Wexler and Sullivan’s (2023) article was first published, the crucial questions discussed therein are all the more pertinent and troubling. The advent of novel interve...
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  25. The Virtuous Troll: Argumentative Virtues in the Age of (Technologically Enhanced) Argumentative Pluralism.Daniel H. Cohen - 2017 - Philosophy and Technology 30 (2):179-189.
    Technology has made argumentation rampant. We can argue whenever we want. With social media venues for every interest, we can also argue about whatever we want. To some extent, we can select our opponents and audiences to argue with whomever we want. And we can argue however we want, whether in carefully reasoned, article-length expositions, real-time exchanges, or 140-character polemics. The concepts of arguing, arguing well, and even being an arguer have evolved with this new multiplicity and diversity; theory needs (...)
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    Corporate Citizenship in the New Millennium: Foundation for an Architecture of Excellence.Deborah Vidaver-Cohen & Barbara W. Altman - 2000 - Business and Society Review 105 (1):145-168.
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  27. The truth about 'The truth about true blue'.Jonathan Cohen, C. L. Hardin & Brian P. McLaughlin - 2007 - Analysis 67 (2):162-166.
    It can happen that a single surface S, viewed in normal conditions, looks pure blue (“true blue”) to observer John but looks blue tinged with green to a second observer, Jane, even though both are normal in the sense that they pass the standard psychophysical tests for color vision. Tye (2006a) finds this situation prima facie puzzling, and then offers two different “solutions” to the puzzle.1 The first is that at least one observer misrepresents S’s color because, though normal in (...)
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  28. What the Liberal State Should Tolerate Within Its Borders.Andrew Jason Cohen - 2007 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 37 (4):479-513.
    Two normative principles of toleration are offered, one individual-regarding, the other group-regarding. The first is John Stuart Mill’s harm principle; the other is “Principle T,” meant to be the harm principle writ large. It is argued that the state should tolerate autonomous sacrifices of autonomy, including instances where an individual rationally chooses to be enslaved, lobotomized, or killed. Consistent with that, it is argued that the state should tolerate internal restrictions within minority groups even where these prevent autonomy promotion of (...)
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    Domesticating Bodies: The Role of Shame in Obstetric Violence.Sara Cohen Shabot & Keshet Korem - 2018 - Hypatia 33 (3):384-401.
    Obstetric violence—violence in the labor room—has been described in terms not only of violence in general but specifically of gender violence. We offer a philosophical analysis of obstetric violence, focused on the central role of gendered shame for construing and perpetuating such violence. Gendered shame in labor derives both from the reifying gaze that transforms women's laboring bodies into dirty, overly sexual, and “not‐feminine‐enough” dysfunctional bodies and from a structural tendency to relate to laboring women mainly as mothers‐to‐be, from whom (...)
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  30. Forced Supererogation.Shlomo Cohen - 2013 - European Journal of Philosophy 23 (4):1006-1024.
    There is a disturbing kind of situation that presents agents with only two possibilities of moral action—one especially praiseworthy, the other condemnable. I describe such scenarios and argue that moral action in them exhibits a unique set of parameters: performing the commendable action is especially praiseworthy; not performing is not blameworthy; not performing is wrong. This set of parameters is distinct from those which characterize either moral obligation or supererogation. It is accordingly claimed that it defines a distinct, yet unrecognized, (...)
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    The logic of the interaction between beneficence and respect for autonomy.Shlomo Cohen - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (2):297-304.
    Beneficence and respect for autonomy are two of the most fundamental moral duties in general and in bioethics in particular. Beyond the usual questions of how to resolve conflicts between these duties in particular cases, there are more general questions about the possible forms of the interactions between them. Only recognition of the full spectrum of possible interactions will ensure optimal moral deliberation when duties potentially conflict. This paper has two simultaneous objectives. The first is to suggest a typological scheme (...)
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  32. Levinas: thinking least about death—contra heidegger.Richard A. Cohen - 2007 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 60 (1-3):21-39.
    Detailed exposition of the nine layers of signification of human mortality according to Emmanuel Levinas's phenomenological and ethical account of the meaning and role of death for the embodied human subject and its relations to other persons. Critical contrast to Martin Heidegger's alternative and hitherto more influential phenomenological-ontological conception, elaborated in "Being and Time", of mortality as Dasein's anxious and revelatory being-toward-death.
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  33. Leeway Compatibilism and Frankfurt‐Style Cases.Yishai Cohen - 2016 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 5 (2):89-98.
    The new dispositionalists defend the position that an agent in a deterministic Frankfurt-style case has the ability to do otherwise, where that ability is the one at issue in the principle of alternative possibilities. Focusing specifically on Kadri Vihvelin's proposal, I argue against this position by showing that it is incompatible with the existence of structurally similar cases to FSCs in which a preemptive intervener bestows an agent with an ability.
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  34. Individual and Essence in Aristotle's Metaphysics.S. Marc Cohen - 1978 - Paideia (Special Aristotle Edition):75-85.
    Aristotle's claim in Metaphysics Z.6 that "each substance is the same as its essence" has long puzzled commentators. For it seems to conflict with two other Aristotelian theses: (1) primary substances are individuals (e.g., Socrates and Callias), and (2) essences are universals (e.g., Man and Horse). Three traditional solutions to this difficulty are considered and rejected. Instead, to make the Z.6 equation consistent with (1) and (2), I propose that it be interpreted to be making something other than a straightforward (...)
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    Conceptualizing Spirit Possession: Ethnographic and Experimental Evidence.Emma Cohen & Justin L. Barrett - 2008 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 36 (2):246-267.
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    Time and Modality.L. Jonathan Cohen - 1958 - Philosophical Quarterly 8 (32):266-271.
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  37. (1 other version)Marxism and Contemporary Political Philosophy, or: Why Nozick Exercises some Marxists more than he does any Egalitarian Liberals.G. A. Cohen - 1990 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 20 (sup1):363-387.
    Now, we stand outcast and starving,Mid the wonders we have made….I belong to a school of thought which has been called analytical Marxism. Some of the partisans of this position, and that includes me, are deeply engaged by questions in moral and political philosophy which have not, in the past, attracted the attention of Marxists. We are concerned with exactly what a commitment to equality requires, and with exactly what sort of obligations productive and talented people have to people who (...)
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    A Further Examination of the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance on Investment Decisions.Jeffrey Cohen, Lori Holder-Webb & Samer Khalil - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (1):203-218.
    The value relevance of corporate social responsibility performance disclosures for financial markets participants remains uncertain despite advances in the literature and the recent proliferation of CSR disclosures around the world. Using an experimental approach involving MBA students at universities in the United States and Lebanon, we study the value relevance of CSR disclosures by testing whether they affect participants’ personal portfolio management investment decisions. We also examine whether the degree to which the CSR disclosures affect these decisions is influenced by (...)
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    Media Bias and the Persistence of the Expectation Gap: An Analysis of Press Articles on Corporate Fraud.Jeffrey Cohen, Yuan Ding, Cédric Lesage & Hervé Stolowy - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 144 (3):637-659.
    Prior research has documented the continued existence of an expectation gap, defined as the divergence between the public’s and the profession’s conceptions of auditor’s duties, despite the auditing profession’s attempt to adopt standards and practices to close this gap. In this paper, we consider one potential explanation for the persistence of the expectation gap: the role of media bias in shaping public opinion and views. We analyze press articles covering 40 U.S. corporate fraud cases discovered between 1992 and 2011. We (...)
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  40. Binding arguments and hidden variables.Jonathan Cohen & Samuel C. Rickless - 2007 - Analysis 67 (1):65-71.
    o (2000), 243). In particular, the idea is that binding interactions between the relevant expressions and natural lan- guage quantifiers are best explained by the hypothesis that those expressions harbor hidden but bindable variables. Recently, however, Herman Cappelen and Ernie Lepore have rejected such binding arguments for the presence of hid- den variables on the grounds that they overgeneralize — that, if sound, such arguments would establish the presence of hidden variables in all sorts of ex- pressions where it is (...)
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  41. Scientific Approaches to Consciousness.J. D. Cohen & J. W. Schooler - 1998 - Behavior and Philosophy 26 (1):109-119.
  42.  32
    A Mathematical Model of How People Solve Most Variants of the Number‐Line Task.Dale J. Cohen, Daryn Blanc-Goldhammer & Philip T. Quinlan - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (8):2621-2647.
    Current understanding of the development of quantity representations is based primarily on performance in the number‐line task. We posit that the data from number‐line tasks reflect the observer's underlying representation of quantity, together with the cognitive strategies and skills required to equate line length and quantity. Here, we specify a unified theory linking the underlying psychological representation of quantity and the associated strategies in four variations of the number‐line task: the production and estimation variations of the bounded and unbounded number‐line (...)
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  43. Fischer’s Deterministic Frankfurt-Style Argument.Yishai Cohen - 2017 - Erkenntnis 82 (1):121-140.
    According to the Dilemma Defense, it is question-begging against the incompatibilist defender of the principle of alternative possibilities (PAP) to assume that the agent in a deterministic Frankfurt-style case (FSC) cannot do otherwise in light of causal determinism, but is nevertheless morally responsible. As a result, Fischer (Philos Rev 119:315–336, 2010; Analysis 73:489–496, 2013) attempts to undermine PAP in a different manner via a deterministic FSC. More specifically, Fischer attempts to show that if causal determinism rules out an agent’s moral (...)
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    Abuse and Exploitation of Doctoral Students: A Conceptual Model for Traversing a Long and Winding Road to Academia.Aaron Cohen & Yehuda Baruch - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (2):505-522.
    This paper develops a conceptual model of PhD supervisors’ abuse and exploitation of their students and the outcomes of that abuse. Based on the literature about destructive leadership and the “dark side” of supervision, we theorize about why and how PhD student abuse and exploitation may occur. We offer a novel contribution to the literature by identifying the process through which PhD students experience supervisory abuse and exploitation, the various factors influencing this process, and its outcomes. The proposed model presents (...)
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  45. (3 other versions)Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science.R. S. Cohen & M. W. Wartofsky - 1967 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 18 (2):157-160.
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    Die Religion der Vernunft aus den Quellen des Judentums.Hermann Cohen - 1922 - Philosophical Review 31 (1):68-74.
  47.  12
    Moral Imagination in Organizational Problem-Solving: An Institutional Perspectiv.Deborah Vidaver-Cohen - 1998 - Business Ethics Quarterly 8 (S1):123-148.
    :This essay responds to Patricia Werhane’s 1994 Ruffin Lecture address, “Moral Imagination and the Search for Ethical Decision-making in Management,” using institutional theory as an analytical framework to explore conditions that either inhibit or promote moral imagination in organizational problem-solving. Implications of the analysis for managing organizational change and for business ethics theory development are proposed.
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    Gene Editing Sperm and Eggs (not Embryos): Does it Make a Legal or Ethical Difference?I. Glenn Cohen, Jacob S. Sherkow & Eli Y. Adashi - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (3):619-621.
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  49. Counterfactuals of divine freedom.Yishai Cohen - 2016 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 79 (3):185-205.
    Contrary to the commonly held position of Luis de Molina, Thomas Flint and others, I argue that counterfactuals of divine freedom are pre-volitional for God within the Molinist framework. That is, CDFs are not true even partly in virtue of some act of God’s will. As a result, I argue that the Molinist God fails to satisfy an epistemic openness requirement for rational deliberation, and thus she cannot rationally deliberate about which world to actualize.
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    A Harvard Education.I. Cohen - 1984 - Isis 75 (1):13-21.
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