Thomas Heyd [52]Thom Heyd [3]
  1. Aesthetic appreciation and the many stories about nature.Thomas Heyd - 2001 - British Journal of Aesthetics 41 (2):125-137.
  2. Rock art aesthetics and cultural appropriation.Thomas Heyd - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 61 (1):37–46.
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  3. Nature, culture, and natural heritage: Toward a culture of nature.Thomas Heyd - 2005 - Environmental Ethics 27 (4):339-354.
    Nature and culture are usually treated as opposites. Nature, on this conception, is on the wane as a result of culture. A fresh analysis of the relation between these two terms in the light of the notion of “cultural landscapes” is needed. This account allows for nature to be understood as an important, distinctive category, even while granting the constitutive role of the culturally structured gaze. Culture and nature need not be conceived in opposition to each other, for it makes (...)
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  4. Nature Restoration Without Dissimulation.Thomas Heyd - 2002 - Essays in Philosophy 3 (1):38-48.
    On the face of it, the expression "nature restoration" may seem an oxymoron, for one may ask whether it makes any sense to suppose that human beings could restore that which is not human. Several writers recently have argued that, strictly speaking, this is nonsense and, furthermore, that the conceptual confusion involved may lead to ethically problematic consequences. In this essay I begin by discussing the problematic perceived in the notion of nature restoration. I proceed to consider Japanese gardens and (...)
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    Encountering Nature: Toward an Environmental Culture.Thomas Heyd - 2007 - Routledge.
    This book argues that an attentive encounter with nature is of key importance for the development of an environmentally appropriate culture. The fundamental idea is that the environmental degradation that we are increasingly experiencing is best conceived as the consequence of a cultural mismatch: our cultures seem not to be appropriate to the natural environment in which we move and on which we depend in thoroughgoing ways. In addressing this problem, Thomas Heyd weaves together a rich tapestry of perspectives on (...)
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    Reflections on reclamation through art.Thomas Heyd - 2007 - Ethics, Place and Environment 10 (3):339 – 345.
    Industrial interventions in the landscape leave their imprint in a permanent way, but there remain options on how to deal with land even at that point in time. In this essay, three alternatives are considered: leaving such sites as they are, restoring them to a condition resembling their original state, or transforming them into artworks. The author focuses in particular on the third option in order to determine to what degree it is possible for artistic reclamation to redeem such blights (...)
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    Thinking through Botanic Gardens.Thomas Heyd - 2006 - Environmental Values 15 (2):197 - 212.
    This essay discusses ways of thinking about botanic gardens that pay close attention to their particularity as designed spaces, dependent on technique, that nonetheless purport to present (and preserve) natural entities (plants). I introduce an account of what gardens are, how botanic gardens differ from other gardens, and how this particular form of garden arose in history. After this I contrast three ways of understanding the function of botanic gardens in the present time: as sites of recreation, of conservation or (...)
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    Indigenous knowledge, emancipation and Alienation.Thomas Heyd - 1995 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 8 (1):63-73.
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    Themes in Latin American Environmental Ethics: Community, Resistance and Autonomy.Thomas Heyd - 2004 - Environmental Values 13 (2):223 - 242.
    This paper seeks to answer the question how environmental ethics is approached in Latin America. I begin by discussing a suitable method for interpreting the question of whether there is a culturally based ethics, given that one may focus either on theory or on actually existing moral practices. Next, I consider some of the possible sources of Latin America's distinctiveness, namely its professional, cultural, and economic-historical particularities, followed by a discussion of the practice and theory of environmental ethics extant in (...)
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    The Case for Environmental Morality.Thomas Heyd - 2003 - Environmental Ethics 25 (1):5-24.
    Present environmental degradation has led some to argue that only an appeal to selfishness will “save the environment,” allegedly because appeals to “morality” necessarily are ineffective, while others have suggested that we need a “new, environmental ethic.” If we are interested in countering the degradation of the natural environment, we need to reconsider actual morality, how it is developed, and how it may take into account human activities affecting the natural world. Ultimately, we need to develop ways of knowing that (...)
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    The Natural Contract in the Anthropocene.Thomas Heyd & Bertrand Guillaume - 2016 - Environmental Ethics 38 (2):209-227.
  12. Basho and the aesthetics of wandering: Recuperating space, recognizing place, and following the ways of the universe.Thomas Heyd - 2003 - Philosophy East and West 53 (3):291-307.
    : An appeal is made to the foot travels of Matsuo Basho, especially his 1689 journey to northern Japan, reflected in his Narrow Road to the Interior, as examples of wandering. It is suggested that while the travels of a poetwanderer such as Basho are notably distinct from shamanic travels in some respects, they are similar in other important ways, for example in their capacity to give perspective to our everyday experience. Based on Basho's example, three aspects of wandering are (...)
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    Sustainability, culture and ethics: Models from latin America.Thomas Heyd - 2005 - Ethics, Place and Environment 8 (2):223 – 234.
    In order to develop sustainable relationships with the natural environment it is necessary to focus on approaches that may yield workable models of sustainability. Here I sample a few approaches from Latin America that point toward a promising model of sustainability. I argue that these approaches share the idea that the natural environment is in very close interdependence with human beings and their communities. I also outline the beliefs and practices of certain Latin American populations which exemplify this idea, and (...)
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    Botanic Gardens and Environmental Consciousness.Thomas Heyd - 2010 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 45:51.
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  15. Rock art aesthetics: Trace on rock, mark of spirit, window on land.Thomas Heyd - 1999 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 57 (4):451-458.
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    Symbolically Laden Sites in the Landscape and Climate Change.Thomas Heyd - 2014 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 17 (3):355-369.
    Attention is drawn to the threat posed by climate change to symbolically laden places, landscapes and landmarks, and suggested that, insofar as some of those sites are treated as sacred by certain populations, their disturbance may be especially problematic. Special consideration is given to the significance glacial retreat for local, nearby populations, and its importance from the point of view of climate justice and ethics is discussed. The potential value of iconic sites from the perspective of engagement and action on (...)
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  17. A Reassessment of Locke's Theory of Cognition of the External World.Thomas Heyd - 1993 - Dissertation, The University of Western Ontario (Canada)
    Locke's Essay concerning Human Understanding has generally been read as primarily concerned with epistemology. In particular, it has been claimed that the Essay attempts to defeat epistemological skepticism, but fails in this enterprise because of the veiling character of Locke's ideas. By way of reexamination of the texts in question I show that epistemological skepticism is not the topic of the Essay, and that there is not sufficient reason to claim that Locke's account of knowledge leads to epistemological skepticism. I (...)
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    And yet she moves! – The earth rests on water: Thales on the role of water in Earth’s mobility and in nature’s transformations.Thomas Heyd - 2014 - Apeiron 47 (4):1-28.
    Journal Name: Apeiron Issue: Ahead of print.
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  19. (1 other version)Bashô y la estética del caminar: por la recuperación del espacio, el reconocimiento de los lugares y el seguimienmto del universo.Thomas Heyd - 2004 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 9:135-154.
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    Culture and Climate Change.Thomas Heyd - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 23:45-52.
    Physical science is coming to an increasingly clear understanding of natural environmental changes, their causes and their effects on the landscape. Human beings have lived through significant climate variability in historical periods, and through repeated periods of relatively sudden climate change, as well asmultiple other drastic natural events in prehistory. In this paper I propose that we should take into account the cultural dimension when considering adaptation to drastic natural events, such as powerful storms (hurricanes), whose intensity may grow as (...)
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  21.  13
    Climate Change and the Environmental Humanities.Thomas Heyd - 2023 - In Gianfranco Pellegrino & Marcello Di Paola, Handbook of the Philosophy of Climate Change. Springer. pp. 337-359.
    The aim of this chapter is to sketch some of the contributions of the environmental humanities to an understanding of climate change from the perspective of philosophy. Recently, the environmental humanities have become a recognised area of study, encompassing environmental orientations within the humanities. It is noted that, generally speaking, the humanities engage in a critical and reflective stance regarding ways of understanding the world, while the environmental humanities do so in relation to environmental matters. Four key themes, describing the (...)
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  22. Environmental Ethics in the Workplace.Thomas Heyd - 2001 - In Ethics in the Workplace: Selected Readings in Business Ethics. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
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  23. Environmental Ethics: Responsibilities and Critical Perspectives.Thomas Heyd - 2004 - In Societal Responsibilities in the Life Sciences. Delhi: Kamla-Raj Enterprises. pp. 123-130.
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  24. Ethics in the Workplace: Selected Readings in Business Ethics.Thomas Heyd (ed.) - 2001 - Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
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  25. El sendero al Japón profundo de Basho y la estética del caminar: recuperando el espacio. reconociendo los lugares, siguiendo los caminos del universo.Thomas Heyd - 2004 - Páginas de Filosofía (Universidad Nacional del Comahue) 9 (11):7-28.
    A causa del transporte de alta velocidad, de las tecnologías de comunicación instantáneas, de la ubicuidad de los teléfonos móviles, del alcance planetario de los programas de televisión transmitidos por satélite, de la inmersión cada vez más acelerada en el ciberespacio, de la globalización del comercio, de la proliferación dé idénticos centros comerciales, cadenas de supermercados, multinacionales, etc., el espacio parece achicarse, los lugares pierden su especificidad, y la naturaleza va desapareciendo de nuestra conciencia. En este ensayo propongo que el (...)
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    Earth summit ethics.Thomas Heyd - 1997 - Environmental Ethics 19 (4):437-440.
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    Locke and French materialism.Thomas Heyd - 1994 - History of European Ideas 18 (2):293-294.
  28. La restauración de la naturaleza en relación a las obras de la tierra (earthworks) y el arte de los jardines japoneses.Thomas Heyd - 2004 - Estudios Filosóficos 53 (152):77-86.
    Parece contradictorio que los seres humanos intentemos restaurar la naturaleza, ya que el término "naturaleza" parece significar la antítesis de lo creado por nosotros. En este ensayo propongo elucidar la problemática de la restauración de la naturaleza a base de la consideración de los jardines japoneses formales y de las obras de la tierra (earthworks), en cuanto que ambas formas de arte constituyen formas de aculturar la tierra de tal manera que la relación del artefacto entra en relación directa con (...)
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  29. Naturaleza, cultura, y patrimonio natural: hacia una cultura de la naturaleza.Thomas Heyd - 2006 - Ludus Vitalis 14 (25):135-151.
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  30. Northern Plains Boulder Structures: Art and Heterotopias.Thomas Heyd - 2007 - In [no title]. Routledge.
    This chapter considers the potential of this kind of indigenous site-specific installation for thinking afresh the relation of contemporary inhabitants with the land in the Northern Plains region. 'Medicine wheel' is the name given since the late 1800s to a kind of boulder structure found in the Northern Plains of North America. Medicine wheels are often situated on knolls overlooking the prairie, and are mostly found in Alberta and Saskatchewan, and less frequently in Montana and northern Wyoming. The medicine wheel (...)
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    Pilgrimage Journeying in Matsuo Bashō and Alexander von Humboldt.Thomas Heyd - 2019 - Journal of World Philosophies 4 (1):23-35.
    In this paper I argue that the concept of pilgrimage provides a unifying trope for the otherwise seemingly unfocused travel accounts of Bashō’s Narrow Road to the Interior and Alexander von Humboldt and Aimé Bonpland’s Voyage aux régions equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent. I begin with a brief description of debates regarding the notion of pilgrimage. After that I show how pilgrimage as trope may be applied to the texts of these authors. This is followed by an application of the classical (...)
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    Relacionando cultura y naturaleza.Thomas Heyd - 2008 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 10 (1).
    En las diferentes culturas del mundo, el ambiente natural se percibe de diversas maneras, y en muchas sociedades no se considera como opuestos lo natural y lo cultural. En cuanto que la integridad del medio ambiente natural se ha convertido en algo muy preocupante, hay que preguntarse cómo concebir lo cultural en relación a lo natural para llegar a relacionarnos adecuadamente con la naturaleza. En este ensayo propongo que la naturaleza constituye una categoría importante y distintiva, que puede haber una (...)
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    Re-reading Kant on Free and Adherent Beauty.Thomas Heyd - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 1:121-125.
    Paul Guyer has proposed that, despite Kant’s apparent avowals that judgements of beauty of things are made without consideration of the purposes that we have for them, purposes do enter into aesthetic judgements of “adherent beauty.” He even attributes to Kant the view that functionality is a necessary condition for the beauty of objects that have certain ends or functions. I consider his claims and propose that, according to Kant, the degree to which an object fulfills its ends may pose (...)
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    Rapid Landscape Change, Vulnerability, and Social Responsibility.Thomas Heyd - 2008 - Northern Review 28:95-110.
    In this article I explore the relation between vulnerability to rapid landscape change, on the one hand, and conceptions of land and responsibility for landscape, on the other. I begin by briefly discussing the notion of vulnerability to natural phenomena, and possible ways of addressing it. Next, I introduce some of the ways in which natural phenomena and processes have been perceived, and take note of the sense of responsibility toward landscape often expressed among peoples who are deeply rooted in (...)
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    Reply to Roth.Thomas Heyd - 1989 - International Philosophical Quarterly 29 (4):463-467.
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    South American Environmental Philosophy.Thomas Heyd - 2012 - Environmental Ethics 34 (4):451-454.
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    Sacred ecology: Traditional knowledge and resource management.Thomas Heyd - 2000 - Environmental Ethics 22 (4):419-421.
  38. Societal Responsibilities in the Life Sciences.Thomas Heyd (ed.) - 2004 - Delhi: Kamla-Raj Enterprises.
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    Some remarks on science, method and nationalism in John Locke.Thomas Heyd - 1993 - History of European Ideas 16 (1-3):97-102.
  40.  29
    Saber tradicional, ética de la tierra y sustentabilidad.Thomas Heyd - 2005 - Isegoría 32:175-184.
    Éste ese! momento crucial para emprender formas de vida sustentables, por lo que resulta esencial adoptar una ética de la tierra que reconozca el valor intrínseco además del valor útil de los seres que pueblan nuestro medio ambiente natural. En este ensayo empiezo enfocando los obstáculos a que se enfrenta el desarrollo de una ética de la tierra, obstáculos que resultan ser el producto de conocimientos limitados y suposiciones equivocadas. En resolución de esas problemáticas prácticas apunto, primero, la existencia de (...)
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    The Intemperate Rainforest: Nature, Culture, and Power on Canada’s West Coast.Thomas Heyd - 2004 - Environmental Ethics 26 (2):205-208.
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    The Real and the Hyperreal: Dance and Simulacra.Thomas Heyd - 2000 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 34 (2):15.
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  43. Understanding performance art: Art beyond art.Thomas Heyd - 1991 - British Journal of Aesthetics 31 (1):68-73.
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  44. Allen Carlson, Aesthetics and the Environment. [REVIEW]Thomas Heyd - 2000 - Philosophy in Review 20:324-326.
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    Biodiversity and Democracy. [REVIEW]Thomas Heyd - 2002 - Environmental Ethics 24 (2):217-218.
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    Crazy Mountains. [REVIEW]Thom Heyd - 1999 - Environmental Ethics 21 (3):321-324.
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  47. Gregory J. Cooper, The Science of the Struggle for Existence. [REVIEW]Thomas Heyd - 2004 - Philosophy in Review 24:398-400.
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  48. G.W. Leibniz, New Essays On Human Understanding. [REVIEW]Thomas Heyd - 1997 - Philosophy in Review 17:424-427.
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    Minding Nature. [REVIEW]Thomas Heyd - 1999 - Dialogue 38 (1):168-170.
    This book does not propose to discuss a Spinozist conception of nature, as we might have hoped, given its title. The book is not about the philosophy of the science of ecology, either, as its subtitle would suggest, but rather about our approaches to the natural environment insofar as it is involved by human activity.
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    Minding Nature: The Philosophers of Ecology David MacAuley New York: Guilford, 1996, viii + 355 pp., $18.95. [REVIEW]Thomas Heyd - 1999 - Dialogue 38 (1):168-.
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