Results for 'Tint Swe'

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  1. Dimokạreisi seikhtā.Tint Swe & U. [From Old Catalog] - 1946
  2.  27
    X.—Heidegger and the “Irrational”.H. Tint - 1957 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 57 (1):253-268.
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    Looking Through “Rose-Tinted” Glasses: The Influence of Tint on Visual Affective Processing.Tim Schilling, Alexandra Sipatchin, Lewis Chuang & Siegfried Wahl - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:452016.
    The use of color-tinted lenses can introduce profound effects into how we process visual information at the early to late stages. Besides mediating harsh lighting conditions, some evidence suggests that color-tinted lenses can influence how humans respond to emotional events. In this study, we systematically evaluated how color-tinted lenses modified our participants’ psychophysiological responses to emotion-inducing images. The participants passively viewed pleasant, neutral or unpleasant images from the International-Affective-Picture-System (IAPS), while wearing none, blue, red, yellow or green tinted-lenses that were (...)
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    Tinted lenses affect our physiological responses to affective pictures: An EEG/ERP study.Tim Schilling, Alexandra Sipatchin, Lewis Chuang & Siegfried Wahl - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  5. Tinte und Löschblatt. Probleme der Benjamin-Rezeption Gerschom Scholems.Michael Weingarten - 2016 - In Jörg Zimmer (ed.), Studien zur frühen Rezeption Walter Benjamins. Köln: Dinter.
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    The Tones, Tints, and Textures of Temporality: Toward a Reconstruction of Peirce's Philosophy of Time.Vincent Colapietro - 2017 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 72 (3):435-453.
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    Losing the rose tinted glasses: neural substrates of unbiased belief updating in depression.Neil Garrett, Tali Sharot, Paul Faulkner, Christoph W. Korn, Jonathan P. Roiser & Raymond J. Dolan - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  8. Teoria cunoștinței.N. Bagdasar - 1995 - București: Univers Enciclopedic.
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    Consent Through Rose-Tinted Glasses: The Optimistic Bias in Parkinson's Disease Clinical Trials.Lynn A. Jansen & Eran Klein - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 6 (1):63-64.
  10. The Rose Tinted Menagerie.William Johnson & Marthe Kiley-Worthington - 1992 - Environmental Values 1 (2):175-176.
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    Seeing Through Rose-tinted Glass: Exploring Forms of Self-deception Through Students Substance Usage Beliefs.Meroona Gopang, Abdul Waheed Siyal & Sumera Umrani - 2022 - Journal of Human Values 28 (3):247-258.
    Journal of Human Values, Volume 28, Issue 3, Page 247-258, September 2022. Recently, there has been increasing growth in the use of substance amongst the youth especially in higher education institutions of Pakistan. Literature indicates the existence of self-deception in substance users through self-reports. However, a dearth of qualitative exploration leads us to investigate self-deception through lived experiences of students who use the substance. The aim of the current study is to explore the phenomenon of self-deception through in-depth semi-structured interviews. (...)
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  12. Ochii știnţei spre macrocosmos și spre microcosmos.Eugeniu Toma - 1965 - București,: Editura Știinţifică.
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    19. Rose-Tinted Reality: Immanuel Kant.Nigel Warburton - 2011 - In A Little History of Philosophy. Yale University Press. pp. 110-114.
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    The affective value of color as a function of hue, tint, and chroma.J. P. Guilford - 1934 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 17 (3):342.
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  15. Non solum peritos in ea glorificare. Apretado compendio histórico-cultural del papel jugado por las disciplinas musicales en la educación occidental, y propuesta hermenéutico-filosófica, con tintes gadamerianos, de cierta labor que les cabría ejercer en nuestro porvenir.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2005 - In Zubía Teresa Oñate, Santos Cristina García & Quintana Paz Miguel Angel (eds.), Hans-Georg Gadamer: Ontología estética y hermenéutica. Dykinson. pp. 613-677.
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    Why in publishing the grass has become less green Rose-tinted ruminations of an editor-turned-author.Jeremy Lewis - 2006 - Logos 17 (3):133-138.
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  17. Mało jest naprawdę ludzi, wobec których bez przesady i zafałszowań użyć można określenia: życie swoje poświęcił nauce. Słowa te są absolutnie prawdziwe w odniesieniu do tego oddania, z jakim realizowała swe zamierzenia naukowe MR Mayenowa. Wyrażało się to nie tylko wkładem pracy, która nie ustawała nawet po Jej przejściu na emeryturę i od której nie zwalniał ani.Maria Renata Mayenowa - forthcoming - Studia Semiotyczne.
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    Proterosis and Noticing a Red Tint: An Essay Concerning Franz Brentano's Descriptive Psychology.Benito Muller - 2000/1 - Brentano Studien 9:267–278.
    The paper tries to analyze two notions, namely 'proterosis' ('Proterose') and 'proteraethesis' ('Proterasthese'), as used in these lectures to describe certain psychical phenomena, and to suggest a symbolic notation as a means of representing the results of this analysis. These results (and the notation) will be put to use in an interpretation of an uncharacteristically difficult passage of these lectures concerning the methodology of bringing someone to 'notice' something.
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    Jule Ana Herrmann: Ein Denkmal aus Papier und Tinte. Zum literarischen Einfluss Benedikte Nauberts auf das Werk Ferdinand Grimms (=Bibliotheca Academica Literaturwissenschaft, 7), Baden-Baden: Ergon 2020, 133 S. [REVIEW]Thomas Gerber - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 74 (4):358-360.
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  20. Review of Johnson, William, The Rose-Tinted Menagerie. [REVIEW]Rosemary Rodd - 1992 - Environmental Values 1 (2):1.
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    Greek Love Poems Some Greek Love Poems. Gathered and translated, with a brief account of Greek love poetry, by J. M. Edmonds. Pp. xii + 94; 3 tinted cuts by Vera Willoughby. London: Peter Davies, 1929. £2 10s. [REVIEW]S. Gaselee - 1929 - The Classical Review 43 (05):172-173.
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    Holmes's Ancient Britain Ancient Britain and the Invasions of Julius Caesar. By T. Rice Holmes. With 44 Illustrations and 3 tinted Maps. Oxford Clarendon Press, 1907. 8vo. Pp. xvi + 764. 2 is. net. [REVIEW]R. A. Smith & A. G. Peskett - 1908 - The Classical Review 22 (03):91-95.
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    Oveja negra, cordero blanco. La creación de lana para teñir por selección artificial de la oveja doméstica.Víctor Manuel Díaz Núñez de Arenas & Juan José Negro - 2023 - Arbor 199 (807):a696.
    La oveja (Ovis aries) es el primer animal domesticado para consumo en un hito histórico que marca el inicio de la sedentarización de las comunidades humanas al comienzo del Neolítico. Durante milenios, fueron semejantes al muflón asiático (Ovis orientalis), su ancestro salvaje. Las razas primitivas supervivientes en el norte de Europa son oscuras, mudan el pelo estacionalmente, tienen cuernos en ambos sexos y apenas producen lana. Los ancestros de las modernas surgieron hace unos 3.500 años. Se seleccionaron para producir lana (...)
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    Dual Powers, Class Compositions, and the Venezuelan People.Jeffery R. Webber - 2015 - Historical Materialism 23 (2):189-227.
    George Ciccariello-Maher’sWe Created Chávezis the most important book available in English proposing an anti-capitalist framework for understanding the Bolivarian process in contemporary Venezuela, as well as its historical backdrop dating back to 1958. The book contains within it a laudable critique of Eurocentrism and a masterful combination of oral history, ethnography, and theoretical sophistication. It reveals with unusual clarity and insight the multiplicity of popular movements that allowed for Hugo Chávez’s eventual ascension to presidential office in the late 1990s.We Created (...)
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    Podniebni atleci.Karolina Zakrzewska - 2014 - Etyka 49:112-116.
    Peter Sloterdijk, Musisz życie swe odmienić. O antropotechnice, przeł. Jarosław Janiszewski, Warszawa, WN PWN 2014, 640 str.
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    (1 other version)Seeing through Language.Donald Davidson - 1997 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 42:15-27.
    We see the world through language; but how should we understand this metaphor? Is language a medium that simply reproduces for the mind, or accurately records, what is out there? Or is it so dense there is no telling what the world is really like? Perhaps language is somewhere in between, a translucent material, so that the world bears the tint and focus of the particular language we speak.
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    Passion of the Russian Soul in the Context of Nikolai Berdyaev's Philosophy.Anna A. Khakhalova - 2020 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 24 (4):609-619.
    The paper compares two intellectual traditions, that is, psychoanalysis and Russian philosophy. As a result, it demonstrates the kinship of the main methodological principles of both of these two trends of thinking in twentieth century. First, a psychoanalytic image of the Russian type of cognition is set - this is an existentially loaded experience of asking the truth, carried out by a person from the people. In culture, this image is presented as an agent of truth, usually in need. The (...)
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    … τῇ μὲν ἡλικίᾳ πρότερος … τοῖς δ' ἔργοις ὕστερος…: relacja między Anaksagorasem i Empedoklesem według Arystotelesa, kilku zapomnianych komentatorów antycznych i niektórych słynnych uczonych współczesnych.Wojciech Wrotkowski - 2018 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 63:299-326.
    Ze słynnego passusu w Metafizyce Arystotelesa (984 a8-16) wynika jasno, że Anaksagoras urodził się wprawdzie wcześniej niż Empedokles, lecz to myśliciel z Akragas opublikował dzieła swe szybciej. Zaskakuje to, iż niemal jednogłośnie się przyjmuje, że fakt ów decyduje o hierarchii między Anaksagorasem i Empedoklesem: niemal wszyscy badacze zakładają, że starszy myśliciel był mocno zależny od młodszego. W artykule swoim staram się pokazać, iż aby utrzymać taki obraz historii filozofii starożytnej niektórzy słynni uczeni współcześni czynią zły użytek ze świadectw i wyrządzają (...)
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    Sachgruppe presse und druckwesen im gegenwartspolnischen und ihre Felder unter dem aspekt der entlehnungen aus der deutschen sprache.Katarzyna Sikorska-Bujnowicz - 2011 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 7.
    Kontakty z innymi narodami na przestrzeni dziejów przyczyniają się do przejmowania przez dany system językowy leksyki obcego pochodzenia. W tym momencie zanikają ich pierwotne powiązania z innymi leksemami, które miały w języku wyjściowym. Wchodzą one w nowe relacje semantyczne w danym polu wyrazowym i w ten sposób stają się jego nieodłącznym elementem. Na płaszczyźnie semantycznej podlegają procesowi asymilacji, co znacznie wpływa na strukturę danego pola wyrazowego i przyczynia się do zmian w jego obrębie. Zapożyczenia z innego języka mogą ze względu (...)
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  30. The Debate on Begriffstheorie between Cassirer and Marc-Wogau.Thomas Mormann - 2010 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 14:167 - 180.
    Abstract. The aim of this paper is to reconstruct the debate on Begriffstheorie between Ernst Cassirer, the Swe¬dish philosopher Konrad Marc-Wogau, and, virtually, Moritz Schlick. It took place during in the late thirties when Cassirer had immigrated to Sweden. While Cassirer argued for a rich “constitutive” theory of concepts, Marc-Wogau, and, in a different way, Schlick favored “austere” non-con¬sti¬¬tutive theories of concepts. Ironically, however, Cassirer used Schlick’s account as a weapon to counter Marc-Wogau’s criticism of his rich con¬¬sti¬tu¬¬tive theory of (...)
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    Telling Lies, Telling Tales and Telling (and Doing) the Truth: Racism, Moral Repair and the Case for Reparations.Michael Banner - 2022 - Studies in Christian Ethics 35 (1):41-62.
    First, in the section ‘Telling Lies’, this article attempts to illustrate recent everyday racism. Racism has a history and takes many different forms. I describe a particular practice of racism (found in Britain, circa 1970), which relied, for its doctrine, on supposedly scientific assumptions about biology and breeding—and received a confirming fillip through the celebration of monarchy, empire and rose-tinted history. Second, in ‘Telling Tales’, the story of Zacchaeus is taken as exemplifying a form of moral repair in which telling (...)
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  32. Colour Layering and Colour Relationalism.Derek H. Brown - 2015 - Minds and Machines 25 (2):177-191.
    Colour Relationalism asserts that colours are non-intrinsic or inherently relational properties of objects, properties that depend not only on a target object but in addition on some relation that object bears to other objects. The most powerful argument for Relationalism infers the inherently relational character of colour from cases in which one’s experience of a colour contextually depends on one’s experience of other colours. Experienced colour layering—say looking at grass through a tinted window and experiencing opaque green through transparent grey—demands (...)
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    Restless Mind: Hu Shi and Sinified Liberalism in Modern Chinese Intellectual History.Xia Lu - 2023 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 24 (1):95-110.
    Impossible de considérer la promotion, l’essor et le développement des idées libérales en Chine au xx e siècle sans prendre en compte la figure de Hu Shi (1891-1962) et l’influence que son œuvre exerça. Pendant toute sa vie intellectuelle, Hu Shi se tint au premier rang des intellectuels chinois désireux de moderniser leur pays. Parti se former aux États-Unis très tôt, il concentra ses recherches sur les (r)évolutions littéraires et entreprit d’analyser l’histoire de la philosophie chinoise avec les méthodes (...)
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    Earth-O-Meter: Color Studies Ochre.Elpitha Tsoutsounakis - 2023 - Substance 52 (3):109-112.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Earth-O-Meter: Color Studies OchreElpitha Tsoutsounakis (bio)Ochre is always in a state of becoming—becoming color, becoming blood. Ancient, stellar death becoming current, terrestrial life; geological making. Design becomes epistemic tool beyond aesthetic representation.I join a body of academic and community scholars around the globe who think with Ochre from a variety of disciplines. How have we evolved through and with Ochre? What future does Ochre bring as art or technology? (...)
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    Embryological Analogies in Pre-Socratic Cosmogony.H. C. Baldry - 1932 - Classical Quarterly 26 (01):27-.
    The extent of the dependence of early Greek cosmogony on mythical conceptions has long been a prolific source of controversy. Views on the subject have varied from Professor Cornford's claim that ‘there is a real continuity between the earliest rational speculation and the religious representation that lay behind it’ to Professor Burnet's extreme statement, ‘it is quite wrong to look for the origins of Ionian science in mythological ideas of any kind.’ The solution of the problem that I wish to (...)
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  36. ¿Filosofía de la ciencia? ¿Para qué?Daniel Blanco - 2023 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 14 (1):87-106.
    Típicamente, frente a la pregunta “¿para qué la filosofía de la ciencia?”, los filósofos de la ciencia responden objetando la legitimidad de la inquietud. Aunque no estoy particularmente en contra de esa estrategia, ofrezco aquí una alternativa: aceptar la pregunta y responderla de un modo directo. Para ello, abundaré sobre el protagonismo que tuvo la filosofía de la ciencia para enfrentar uno de los avances del creacionismo en las escuelas públicas en Estados Unidos durante la década de 1980. La mera (...)
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  37. Ensayo sobre el sentido ético y la idea de progreso.Francisco Javier Martínez Contreras - 2011 - Estudios Filosóficos 60 (175):511-533.
    Se plantea una reflexión sobre qué es y cómo se elabora el sentido ético presente en toda forma de vida humana. Se propone un itinerario que comienza con la narración de algunas situaciones en las que se ponen de manifiesto preguntas que se antojan urgentes en estos tiempos: conflictos reales entre formas de valoración y acercamiento a la realidad con tintes en general muy violentos. En un segundo paso se trata de encauzar los posibles desarrollos de esas preguntas, de manera (...)
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  38. Modele semantyczne w filozofii nauk empirycznych po pół wieku. Cz. I. Filozoficzne wątpliwości.Małgorzata Czarnocka - 2010 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 46 (184):205-230.
    W artykule analizowane są z filozoficznej perspektywy niezdaniowe semantyczne koncepcje nauk empirycznych, głównie ich najnowsza, to jest strukturalistyczna wersja. Dowodzi się, że strukturaliści wielorako interpretują swe fundamentalne kategorie: modelu, teorii empirycznej oraz relacji spełniania, przy czym niektóre interpretacje są niespójne ze swą wyjściową bazą, to jest logiczną teorią modeli. Konstruując koncepcję teorii empirycznej, strukturaliści dokonują szczególnie rozumianej transgresji logicznej teorii modeli.
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    Realismo y teoría cuántica.Antonio J. Diéguez - 1996 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 1.
    RESUMENLos resultados empíricos y los análisis teóricos en física cuántica ni apoyan ni refutan concluyentemente el realismo. Aunque se mostrara que la interpretación de Copenhague era la única viable de entre todas las posibles, todavía quedaría por probar que con eso se había conculcado cualquier tipo de realismo. Bohr mismo aceptaba un realismo con tintes kantianos y mostraba desagrado hacia el instrumentalismo de Heisenberg. Pero además de la interpretación de Copenhague existen interpretaciones rivales que, a pesar de no estar tan (...)
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    Lindy Trinkaus Zagzebski teoria autorytetu poznawczego. O potrzebie ufania innym.Marek Dobrzeniecki - 2018 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 52 (2):35.
    W artykule autor analizuje teorię autorytetu przedstawioną przez Trinkaus Zagzebski. Teoria ta podkreśla rolę zaufania w uzasadnianiu zdań, wskazując na ograniczenia stanowiska egoizmu poznawczego, dla którego ideałem jest sytuacja, w której podmiot, uzasadniając swe przekonania, polega tylko na własnych zdolnościach poznawczych. Trinkaus Zagzebski broni uniwersalizmu poznawczego, wg którego już sam fakt, że osoba x, głosi że p, jest prima facie racją za p. W tekście autor wskazuje na słabe punkty uniwersalizmu i konkluduje, że albo uznamy to stanowisko z jego (...)
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    Tuomela on Sociality.Miguel Garcia-Godinez & Rachael Mellin (eds.) - 2023 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Raimo Tuomela, late Professor Emeritus at the Centre for Philosophy of Social Sciences (TINT), University of Helsinki, is widely regarded as one of the most important philosophers of our time. He published extensively on various topics within social philosophy; particularly, on social action, cooperation, group belief, group responsibility, group reasoning, social practices, and institutions. To celebrate his legacy, this volume engages with and delves deeply into his philosophy of sociality. By gathering original essays from a world-class line-up of social (...)
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  42. Los informes y evaluaciones internacionales en educación.Immaculada Egido Gálvez - 2008 - Critica 58 (956):16-19.
    Las evaluaciones internacionales en el ámbito de la educación se han convertido en nuestros días en una cuestión de actualidad. A raíz de la elaboración de distintos estudios, sobre todo el conocido "Informe PISA", la información sobre el funcionamiento de los sistemas educativos en diferentes países ha dejado de ser asunto de pocos especialistas. Por el contrario, desde hace algún tiempo, los datos sobre los resultados de los estudiantes a escala internacional aparecen publicados, muchas veces con tintes sensacionalistas, en los (...)
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    Don't Forget about Me, Veronica.Paul Hammond - 2014 - In George Dunn & James South (eds.), Veronica Mars and Philosophy. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 72–80.
    This chapter focuses on the elements of time, memory and mystery in Veronica Mars. Both the plot and the visual style of Veronica Mars assign a huge importance to the past, suggesting that past events have a major impact on the present. The most straightforward way in which the past is accessible to us and has an impact on the present is through everyday memories. Much of the time when we voluntarily remember things, it's because something happening now has prompted (...)
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    Szenische Metaphysik.Wolfram Hogrebe - 2019 - Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann.
    The question of 20th century philosophy was: how are we humans situated in our world? In forms of consciousness, as Husserl insistently analyzed, in language games, as Wittgenstein thought, or in a prior understanding of being, as Heidegger recommended? Wolfram Hogrebe summarizes these answers in what he calls scenic existence. This is grounded in certainties in which we experience ourselves sensitively 'tinted'. In this respect, forms of consciousness, language games and understanding of being are only built up from an anonymous (...)
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    Uwagi O problemie uzasadniania.Roman Ingarden - 1962 - Studia Logica 13 (1):173-174.
    Potrzeba uzasadnienia zdań w sensie logicznym pŀynie z faktu, iż uznają one swą funkcją stwierdzenia zachodzenie stanu rzeczy, wyznaczonego przez ich sens, i to zachodzenie niezależne od nich samych, a zarazem jako twory czysto sygnitywne (językowe) nie są zdolne pokazać bezpośrednio tego zachodzącego stanu rzeczy.Uzasadnienie pośrednie przez odwoŀanie się do innych zdań, które tymi samymi cechami się odznaczają i same z natury swej wymagają uzasadnienia, nie może być nigdy definitywne i jako takie domaga się uzupeŀnienia przez uzasadnienie “bezpośrednie”.Uzasadnienie bezpośrednie może (...)
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    Feeling Blue and Getting Red: An Exploratory Study on the Effect of Color in the Processing of Emotion Information.June Kang, Yeo Eun Park & Ho-Kyoung Yoon - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Specific emotions and colors are associated. The current study tested whether the interference of colors with affective processing occurs solely in the semantic stage or extends to a more complex stage like the lexical processing of emotional words. We performed two experiments to determine the effect of colors on affective processing. In Experiment 1, participants completed a color-emotion priming task. The priming stimulus included a color-tinted image of a neutral face, followed by a target stimulus of gray-scaled emotional and neutral (...)
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  47. Dr Lawrence's acceptance speech: Australia's Indigenous heritage.Carmen Lawrence - 2015 - Australian Humanist, The 119:2.
    Lawrence, Carmen Why should we protect our heritage? In the broadest sense our heritage is what we inherit; it's what we value of that inheritance and what we decide to keep and protect for future generations. Heritage is both global enough to encompass our shock at the destruction of the Buddhas of Bamiyan in Afghanistan and as local as our own sepia-tinted family photographs. Everything which our predecessors have bequeathed, both tangible and intangible, may be called heritage - landscapes, structures, (...)
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    Introduction to the special issue: papers from the IX INEM Conference in Helsinki.Aki Lehtinen, Uskali Mäki & Caterina Marchionni - 2014 - Journal of Economic Methodology 21 (1):1-2.
    Following an established tradition, the current special issue collects five articles that originate from papers presented at the IX Conference of the International Network for Economic Method. The conference took place in Helsinki on 1–3 September 2011 and was hosted by TINT (Trends and Tensions in Intellectual Integration), University of Helsinki. The conference was successful both in terms of the number of participants and the quality of the presentations. Although the sample of papers that made it to this special (...)
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    Cecilia G. de Guilarte: de corresponsal en la guerra civil a escritora en el exilio.Julen Lezamiz & Ana Urrutia - 2015 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 4 (1).
    El propósito de la investigación que hemos realizado es poner de relieve la figura de Cecilia G. de Guilarte, escritora y periodista. Comenzó siendo una militante anarquista de la CNT y única mujer corresponsal de guerra en el Frente Norte republicano durante la Guerra Civil española, defendiendo sus ideas políticas y trabajando, también, como articulista en revistas de Cataluña. Con la pérdida de la guerra y su salida de España, su evolución ideológica y cambio político hacia ideas republicanas quedó reflejado (...)
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  50. The meaning of “water”: An unsolved problem.William G. Lycan - 2006 - Philosophical Issues 16 (1):184-199.
    WATER. …I. The liquid of which seas, lakes, and rivers are composed, and which falls as rain and issues from springs. When pure, it is transparent, colourless (except as seen in large quantity, when it has a blue tint), tasteless, and inodorous. --Oxford English Dictionary …the fact that an English speaker in 1750 might have called XYZ ‘water,’ whereas he or his successors would not have called XYZ water in 1800 or 1850 does not mean that the ‘meaning’ of (...)
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