Results for 'Tony Waters'

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  1.  32
    Of Looking Glasses, Mirror Neurons, Culture, and Meaning.Tony Waters - 2014 - Perspectives on Science 22 (4):616-649.
    One of the most basic paradoxes of social life is that while we experience ourselves as individuals, we do so only in the context of the pre-existing social environment into which we were born. This environment existed before us and will exist after us . Given this, there are at least two logical ways to study the relationships between the social environment and the individual. On the one hand, you can start at the individual level and analyze how individuals become (...)
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  2. The Dialogic and the Aesthetic: Some Reflections on Theatre as a Learning Medium.Tony June 12- Jackson - 2005 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (4):104-118.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Dialogic and the Aesthetic:Some Reflections on Theatre as a Learning MediumAnthony Jackson (bio)A Doll's House will be as flat as ditchwater when A Midsummer Night's Dream will still be as fresh as paint; but it will have done more work in the world; and that is enough for the highest genius, which is always intensely utilitarian.— George Bernard Shaw, "The Problem Play"1People have tried for centuries to use (...)
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    Global movements for accelerating climate change action: the case of Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration.Bill Walker, Tony Rinaudo, Anna Radkovic & Andy Mulherin - 2024 - Journal of Global Ethics 20 (2):251-274.
    Much can be learned from burgeoning climate action movements in thousands of majority world rural communities. Land degradation has increased the vulnerability of over three billion people to famine, food insecurity, water shortages, and increasingly severe weather events, trapping climate-vulnerable communities in vicious cycles of impoverishment. Yet, many communities are learning through local climate action how to escape these cycles. We offer the case of Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) as one example to understand the conditions under which impoverished rural communities (...)
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  4. Tony Aquino: His Mentoring Flowed Like Water.Sherisa Nuesa - 2010 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 14 (2 & 3):95-97.
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    Book Review: Blue Gold: The Battle Against Corporate Theft of the World’s Water, Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke. 2002. Stoddart, Toronto. ISBN: 0-7737-3306-X. [REVIEW]Arnd Juergensen - 2003 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 23 (1):53-55.
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    Let's Do Nothing!Thomas E. Wartenberg - 2013 - In A Sneetch is a Sneetch and Other Philosophical Discoveries: Finding Wisdom in Children's Literature. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 33–41.
    This chapter talks about Tony Fucile's amusing book, Let's Do Nothing!. This book straddles the boundary between metaphysics and the philosophy of language, for the concept of nothing has been a very puzzling one to philosophers. But before entering those murky waters, let's see how Sal and Frankie fare in their attempt to do nothing. Sal and Frankie were trapped in their own fly bottle when they tried to do nothing. Sal's discovery — that you can't do nothing (...)
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  7. Genes made molecular.C. Kenneth Waters - 1994 - Philosophy of Science 61 (2):163-185.
    This paper investigates what molecular biology has done for our understanding of the gene. I base a new account of the gene concept of classical genetics on the classical dogma that gene differences cause phenotypic differences. Although contemporary biologists often think of genes in terms of this concept, molecular biology provides a second way to understand genes. I clarify this second way by articulating a molecular gene concept. This concept unifies our understanding of the molecular basis of a wide variety (...)
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  8. Causes That Make a Difference.C. Kenneth Waters - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy 104 (11):551-579.
    Biologists studying complex causal systems typically identify some factors as causes and treat other factors as background conditions. For example, when geneticists explain biological phenomena, they often foreground genes and relegate the cellular milieu to the background. But factors in the milieu are as causally necessary as genes for the production of phenotypic traits, even traits at the molecular level such as amino acid sequences. Gene-centered biology has been criticized on the grounds that because there is parity among causes, the (...)
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  9. What was classical genetics?C. Kenneth Waters - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 35 (4):783-809.
    I present an account of classical genetics to challenge theory-biased approaches in the philosophy of science. Philosophers typically assume that scientific knowledge is ultimately structured by explanatory reasoning and that research programs in well-established sciences are organized around efforts to fill out a central theory and extend its explanatory range. In the case of classical genetics, philosophers assume that the knowledge was structured by T. H. Morgan’s theory of transmission and that research throughout the later 1920s, 30s, and 40s was (...)
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  10. Beyond theoretical reduction and layer-cake antireduction: How DNA retooled genetics and transformed biological practice.C. Kenneth Waters - unknown
    Watson and Crick’s discovery of the structure of DNA led to developments that transformed many biological sciences. But what were the relevant developments and how did they transform biology? Much of the philosophical discussion concerning this question can be organized around two opposing views: theoretical reductionism and layer-cake antireductionism. Theoretical reductionist and their anti-reductionist foes hold two assumptions in common. First, both hold that biological knowledge is structured like a layer cake, with some biological sciences, such as molecular biology cast (...)
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  11. Why Genic and Multilevel Selection Theories Are Here to Stay.C. Kenneth Waters - 2005 - Philosophy of Science 72 (2):311-333.
    I clarify the difference between pluralist and monist interpretations of levels of selection disputes. Lloyd has challenged my claim that a plurality of models correctly accounts for situations such as maintenance of the sickle-cell trait, and I revisit this example to show that competing theories don’t disagree about the existence of ‘high-level’ or ‘lowlevel’ causes; rather, they parse these causes differently. Applying Woodward’s theory of causation, I analyze Sober’s distinction between ‘selection of’ versus ‘selection for’. My analysis shows that this (...)
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  12.  20
    The hierarchy of evidence in advanced wound care: The social organization of limitations in knowledge.Nicola Waters & Janet M. Rankin - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (4):e12312.
    In this article, we discuss how we used institutional ethnography (Institutional ethnography as practice, Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD and 2006) to map out powerful ruling relations that organize nurses’ wound care work. In recent years, the growing number of people living with wounds that heal slowly or not at all has presented substantial challenges for those managing the demands on Canada's publicly insured health‐care system. In efforts to address this burden, Canadian health‐care administrators and policy‐makers rely on scientific evidence (...)
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  13. Causal regularities in the biological world of contingent distributions.C. Kenneth Waters - 1998 - Biology and Philosophy 13 (1):5-36.
    Former discussions of biological generalizations have focused on the question of whether there are universal laws of biology. These discussions typically analyzed generalizations out of their investigative and explanatory contexts and concluded that whatever biological generalizations are, they are not universal laws. The aim of this paper is to explain what biological generalizations are by shifting attention towards the contexts in which they are drawn. I argue that within the context of any particular biological explanation or investigation, biologists employ two (...)
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  14. The Nature and Context of Exploratory Experimentation: An Introduction to Three Case Studies of Exploratory Research.C. Kenneth Waters - 2007 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 29 (3):275 - 284.
    My aim in this article is to introduce readers to the topic of exploratory experimentation and briefly explain how the three articles that follow, by Richard Burian, Kevin Elliott, and Maureen O'Malley, advance our understanding of the nature and significance of exploratory research. I suggest that the distinction between exploratory and theory-driven experimentation is multidimensional and that some of the dimensions are continuums. I point out that exploratory experiments are typically theory-informed even if they are not theory-driven. I also distinguish (...)
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  15. The moral dimension of organizational culture.James A. Waters & Frederick Bird - 1987 - Journal of Business Ethics 6 (1):15 - 22.
    The lack of concrete guidance provided by managerial moral standards and the ambiguity of the expectations they create are discussed in terms of the moral stress experienced by many managers. It is argued that requisite clarity and feelings of obligation with respect to moral standards derive ultimately from public discussion of moral issues within organizations and from shared public agreement about appropriate behavior. Suggestions are made about ways in which the moral dimension of an organization's culture can be more effectively (...)
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    Molecules Made Biological.C. Kenneth Waters - 2000 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 54 (214(4)):539--564.
  17.  71
    An Epistemology of Scientific Practice.C. Kenneth Waters - 2019 - Philosophy of Science 86 (4):585-611.
    Philosophers’ traditional emphasis on theories, theoretical modeling, and explanation misguides research in philosophy of science. Articulating and applying core theories is part of scientific practice, but it is not the essence of scientific practice. Insofar as science has an essence, it is to systematically investigate and learn about what is not yet understood. This lecture analyzes genetics to articulate a broad-practice-centered approach to philosophy of science. It concludes by arguing that this approach can lead to richer, deeper, and more useful (...)
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  18.  85
    No General Structure.C. Kenneth Waters - unknown
    This chapter introduces a distinctive approach for scientific metaphysics. Instead of drawing metaphysical conclusions by interpreting the most basic theories of science, this approach draws metaphysical conclusions by analyzing how multifaceted practices of science work. Broadening attention opens the door to drawing metaphysical conclusions from a wide range of sciences. This chapter analyzes conceptual practice in genetics to argue that the reality investigated by biologists lacks an overall structure. It expands this conclusion to motivate the no general structure thesis, which (...)
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  19.  37
    The relation of affective tone to the retention of experiences of daily life.R. H. Waters & R. Leeper - 1936 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 19 (2):203.
  20.  70
    Natural selection without survival of the fittest.C. Kenneth Waters - 1986 - Biology and Philosophy 1 (2):207-225.
    Susan Mills and John Beatty proposed a propensity interpretation of fitness (1979) to show that Darwinian explanations are not circular, but they did not address the critics' chief complaint that the principle of the survival of the fittest is either tautological or untestable. I show that the propensity interpretation cannot rescue the principle from the critics' charges. The critics, however, incorrectly assume that there is nothing more to Darwin's theory than the survival of the fittest. While Darwinians all scoff at (...)
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  21. How practical know‐how contextualizes theoretical knowledge: Exporting causal knowledge from laboratory to nature.C. Kenneth Waters - 2008 - Philosophy of Science 75 (5):707-719.
    Leading philosophical accounts presume that Thomas H. Morgan’s transmission theory can be understood independently of experimental practices. Experimentation is taken to be relevant to confirming, rather than interpreting, the transmission theory. But the construction of Morgan’s theory went hand in hand with the reconstruction of the chief experimental object, the model organism Drosophila melanogaster . This raises an important question: when a theory is constructed to account for phenomena in carefully controlled laboratory settings, what knowledge, if any, indicates the theory’s (...)
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  22. Decisional Value Scores.Gabriella Waters, William Mapp & Phillip Honenberger - 2024 - AI and Ethics 2024.
    Research in ethical AI has made strides in quantitative expression of ethical values such as fairness, transparency, and privacy. Here we contribute to this effort by proposing a new family of metrics called “decisional value scores” (DVS). DVSs are scores assigned to a system based on whether the decisions it makes meet or fail to meet a particular standard (either individually, in total, or as a ratio or average over decisions made). Advantages of DVS include greater discrimination capacity between types (...)
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    Strange carers.Dean Petters, Everett Waters & Felix D. Schönbrodt - 2010 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 11 (2):246-252.
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    Strange carers: Robots as attachment figures and aids to parenting.Dean Petters, Everett Waters & Felix D. Schönbrodt - 2010 - Interaction Studiesinteraction Studies Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systems 11 (2):246-252.
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    Toward an ecocentric Christian ecology.James W. Waters - 2021 - Journal of Religious Ethics 49 (4):768-792.
    Journal of Religious Ethics, Volume 49, Issue 4, Page 768-792, December 2021.
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  26.  31
    The capacity theory of sentence comprehension: Critique of Just and Carpenter (1992).Gloria S. Waters & David Caplan - 1996 - Psychological Review 103 (4):761-772.
  27.  95
    An inquiry into the principles of needs-based allocation of health care.Tony Hope, Lars Peter Østerdal & Andreas Hasman - 2009 - Bioethics 24 (9):470-480.
    The concept of need is often proposed as providing an additional or alternative criterion to cost-effectiveness in making allocation decisions in health care. If it is to be of practical value it must be sufficiently precisely characterized to be useful to decision makers. This will require both an account of how degree of need for an intervention is to be determined and a prioritization rule that clarifies how degree of need and the cost of the intervention interact in determining the (...)
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    American Indian Traditions and Religious Ethics.James W. Waters - 2022 - Journal of Religious Ethics 50 (2):239-272.
    TheJournal of Religious Ethicshas published only two full‐length articles focusing on American Indian religious ethics in the last decade. This may signal that the field is uneasy about integrating American Indian religious ethics into its broader discourse. To fill this research lacuna and take a step toward normalizing religious‐ethical engagement with American Indian ethics, this article argues that the field needs an intentionally anticolonial, self‐aware approach to understanding American Indian religious ethics—one that decenters methods and approaches that may facilitate the (...)
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  29. American Indian Thought: Philosophical Essays.Anne Waters (ed.) - 2004 - Blackwell (Oxford).
    This book brings together a diverse group of American Indian thinkers to discuss traditional and contemporary philosophies and philosophical issues. The essays presented here address philosophical questions pertaining to knowledge, time, place, history, science, law, religion, nationhood, ethics, and art, as understood from a variety of Native American standpoints. Unique in its approach, this volume represents several different tribes and nations and amplifies the voice of contemporary American Indian culture struggling for respect and autonomy. Taken together, the essays collected here (...)
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  30. Methuselah’s Diary and the Finitude of the Past.Ben Waters - 2013 - Philosophia Christi 15 (2):463-69.
    William Lane Craig modified Bertrand Russell’s Tristram Shandy example in order to derive an absurdity that would demonstrate the finitude of the past. Although his initial attempt at such an argument faltered, further developments in the literature suggested that such an absurdity was indeed in the offing provided that a couple extra statements were also shown to be true. This article traces the development of a particular line of argument that arose from Craig’s Tristram Shandy example before advancing an argument (...)
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  31. The seal of confession.Ian Waters - 2017 - The Australasian Catholic Record 94 (3):330.
    Waters, Ian One of the most universally acclaimed films of 2014 was Calvary, a parable of the betrayal of the Irish people by the Irish Catholic Church. The context for the film was the Irish Catholic Church, which had previously defined Ireland's soul, and had recently been revealed to have consciously and methodically covered up atrocities perpetrated in church institutions.
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    Truth, knowledge and the wild world.Jim Cheney - 2005 - Ethics and the Environment 10 (2):101-135.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ethics & the Environment 10.2 (2005) 101-135 [Access article in PDF] Truth, Knowledge and the Wild World Jim Cheney One ought not to put too much stock in the word 'philosophy'.... [T]here are alternative ways of intelligently engaging the world. To construe one's thinking in terms of belief is characteristic of a particular kind of world view and it remains to be seen whether those who share an indigenous (...)
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    Some Critical Issues in Social Ontology: Reply to John Searle.Tony Lawson - 2016 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 46 (4):426-437.
  34.  15
    Training and transfer as a function of component interaction.George E. Briggs & Lawrence K. Waters - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 56 (6):492.
  35.  27
    Adam Smith on Management.Philip C. Koenig & Robert C. Waters - 2002 - Business and Society Review 107 (2):241-253.
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  36. The ordinary as a precedent for sustainability in architecture.Martina Novakova & Tony Lam - 2015 - In Christopher Crouch (ed.), An introduction to sustainability and aesthetics: the arts and design for the environment. Boca Raton, Florida: BrownWalker Press.
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    Introduction.Bertell Ollman & Tony Smith - 1998 - Science and Society 62 (3):333 - 337.
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    A Fifteenth Century French Algorism from Liége.E. Waters - 1929 - Isis 12 (2):194-236.
  39. A Historical Index of the" Journal of Social Studies Research".Stewart Waters & William B. Russell Iii - 2010 - Journal of Social Studies Research 34 (1):94-152.
  40.  51
    Chesterton and Anti-Semitism.Margaret G. Waters - 1981 - The Chesterton Review 7 (4):374-375.
  41.  30
    Chromosomes take an active role in spindle assembly.Jennifer C. Waters & Edward D. Salmon - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (11):911-914.
    The assembly of a bipolar spindle is essential for the accurate segregation of replicated chromosomes during cell division. Do chromosomes rely solely on other cellular components to regulate the assembly of the bipolar spindle or are they masters of their own fate? In the Zhang and Nicklas(1) study reviewed here, micromanipulation techniques and video microscopy were used to demonstrate the different roles that chromosome arms, kinetochores and centrosomes play in bipolar spindle assembly.
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    Solovyov and Chesterton.Margaret Waters - 1994 - The Chesterton Review 20 (1):142-142.
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    Studying pastoral women's knowledge in milk processing and marketing — for whose empowerment?Ann Waters-Bayer - 1994 - Agriculture and Human Values 11 (2-3):85-95.
    Studies of local knowledge and farmer participatory research tend to focus on raising crops and livestock. Little attention is given to processing and marketing farm products, an important source of income for rural households, particularly women.This article presents the case of an investigation into processing and marketing of milk products by agropastoral Fulani women, which revealed how the women under stand local market forces and recognize important social and even local political functions of their marketing activities. However, it also revealed (...)
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    Bud-Sex: Constructing Normative Masculinity among Rural Straight Men That Have Sex With Men.Tony Silva - 2017 - Gender and Society 31 (1):51-73.
    This study draws on semistructured interviews with 19 white, rural, straight-identified men who have sex with men to understand how they perceive their gender and sexuality. It is among the first to use straight men’s own narratives, and helps address the underrepresentation of rural masculinities research. Through complex interpretive processes, participants reworked non-normative sexual practices—those usually antithetical to rural masculinities—to construct normative masculinity. Most chose other masculine, white, and straight or secretly bisexual men as partners for secretive sex without romantic (...)
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  45.  22
    This Mortal Flesh: Incarnation and Bioethics.Brent Waters - 2009 - Brazos Press.
    Preface -- How brave a new world? : God, technology, and medicine -- A theological reflection on reproductive medicine -- Are our genes our fate? : genomics and Christian theology -- Persons, neighbors, and embryos : some ethical reflections on human cloning and stem cell research -- Extending human life : to what end? -- What is Christian about Christian bioethics? -- Revitalizing medicine : empowering natality vs. fearing mortality -- The future of the human species -- Creation, creatures, and (...)
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  46. Perspectival shapes are viewpoint-dependent relational properties.Tony Cheng, Yi Lin & Chen-Wei Wu - 2022 - Psychological Review (1):307-310.
    Recently, there is a renewed debate concerning the role of perspective in vision. Morales et al. (2020) present evidence that, in the case of viewing a rotated coin, the visual system is sensitive to what has often been called “perspectival shapes.” It has generated vigorous discussions, including an online symposium by Morales and Cohen, an exchange between Linton (2021) and Morales et al. (2021), and most recently, a fierce critique by Burge and Burge (2022), in which they launch various conceptual (...)
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  47. Economic science without experimentation.Tony Lawson - 1998 - In Margaret Scotford Archer (ed.), Critical realism: essential readings. New York: Routledge. pp. 144--169.
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  48.  24
    Impunity and Hope.Tony Reeves - 2019 - Ratio Juris 32 (4):415-438.
    Is there a duty to prosecute grave international crimes? Many have thought so, even if they recognize the obligation to be defeasible. However, the theoretical literature frequently leaves the grounds for such a duty inadequately specified, or unsystematically amalgamated, leaving it unclear which considerations should drive and shape processes of criminal accountability. Further, the circumstance leaves calls to end impunity vulnerable to skeptical worries concerning the risks and costs of punishing perpetrators. I argue that a qualified duty to prosecute can (...)
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  49.  9
    Common callings and ordinary virtues: Christian ethics for everyday life.Brent Waters - 2022 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group.
    A leading ethicist offers a theological guide to thinking Christianly about the ordinary nature of everyday life.
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  50. Theoretical Pluralism and the Scientific Study of Behavior.Stephen Kellert, Helen Longino & C. Kenneth Waters (eds.) - 2006 - University of Minnesota Press.
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