Results for 'Vasile Constantin'

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  1.  4
    Principii de filosofia literaturii și a artei: încercare de estetică literară și artistică.Constantin Leonardescu & Vasile N. Morar - 1988 - București: Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică. Edited by Vasile N. Morar.
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  2. Responsabilitatea moral-politică a comunistului.Vasile Constantin - 1976 - București: Editura politică.
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    The literary works as a code of ethics in Great Moravia.Vasil Gluchman - 2019 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 9 (3-4):106-118.
    The author studies selected fundamental literary records from Great Moravia of the 9th century (The rules of the holy fathers [Zapovědi svatych otcov], Judicial law for laymen [Zakon sudnyj ljudem], Nomocanon [Nomokanon], Adhortation to rulers [Vladykam zemle Božie slovo velit]) presumably compiled, translated or created by Constantine (Cyril) and Methodius, the Thessaloniki brothers. In the context of defining early and medieval Christian ethics, the author concluded that the texts in question contain elements of the Christian code of ethics, by means (...)
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  4. Ethics and politics of Great Moravia of the 9th century.Vasil Gluchman - 2018 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 8 (1-2):15-31.
    The author studies the role of Christianity in two forms of 9th century political ethics in the history of Great Moravia, represented by the Great Moravian rulers Rastislav and Svatopluk. Rastislav’s conception predominantly uses the pre-Erasmian model of political ethics based on the pursuit of welfare for the country and its inhabitants by achieving the clerical-political independence of Great Moravia from the Frankish kingdom and, moreover, by utilising Christianity for the advancement of culture, education, literature, law and legality, as well (...)
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    The Institute of Philosophy in Communist Romania Under the Regime of Gheorghiu-Dej, 1949-65.Cristian Vasile - 2018 - History of Communism in Europe 9:161-186.
    This paper examines some aspects of the institutional history of post-war Romanian philosophy, with a special focus on the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of People’s Republic of Romania. The aim of this article is to shed more light on the main aspects of philosophical research during cultural Stalinism, and to underline the inflexion points within Romanian “philosophical” writings between 1948 and 1965. I examined the lack of human resources and its impact on the emergence of Marxist-Leninist philosophy, as (...)
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    Metafizica științifică după Constantin Leonardescu.Bogdan Rusu - 2022 - Studii de Istorie a Filosofiei Românești 18:28-53.
    Constantin Leonardescu (1844–1907) was a professor of philosophy for 34 years at the University of Iași. He was an adept of the French eclectic spiritualism, which he tried to reconcile with the positivism of Herbert Spencer and with the Darwinism of Ernst Haeckel, while countering Vasile Conta’s brand of scientific materialism. Leonardescu argued against the positivist tenet of the incompatibility of metaphysics and positive science, based on the emergence of new “partial” or “local” metaphysics in the thought of (...)
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  7. In Labirintul rasfrangerilor Nae Ionescu prin discipolii sai Petre TuTea, Emil Cioran, C-Tin Noica, Mircea Eliade, Mircea Vulcanescu, Vasile Bancila.Isabela Vasiliu-Scraba - 2000 - Slobozia [Romania]: Editura Star Tipp.
  8. The Internet as Cognitive Enhancement.Cristina Voinea, Constantin Vică, Emilian Mihailov & Julian Savulescu - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (4):2345-2362.
    The Internet has been identified in human enhancement scholarship as a powerful cognitive enhancement technology. It offers instant access to almost any type of information, along with the ability to share that information with others. The aim of this paper is to critically assess the enhancement potential of the Internet. We argue that unconditional access to information does not lead to cognitive enhancement. The Internet is not a simple, uniform technology, either in its composition, or in its use. We will (...)
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  9. Blame It on the AI? On the Moral Responsibility of Artificial Moral Advisors.Mihaela Constantinescu, Constantin Vică, Radu Uszkai & Cristina Voinea - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (2):1-26.
    Deep learning AI systems have proven a wide capacity to take over human-related activities such as car driving, medical diagnosing, or elderly care, often displaying behaviour with unpredictable consequences, including negative ones. This has raised the question whether highly autonomous AI may qualify as morally responsible agents. In this article, we develop a set of four conditions that an entity needs to meet in order to be ascribed moral responsibility, by drawing on Aristotelian ethics and contemporary philosophical research. We encode (...)
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    The Dark Side of Buyer Power: Supplier Exploitation and the Role of Ethical Climates.Martin C. Schleper, Constantin Blome & David A. Wuttke - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 140 (1):97-114.
    Media increasingly accuse firms of exploiting suppliers, and these allegations often result in lurid headlines that threaten the reputations and therefore business successes of these firms. Neither has the phenomenon of supplier exploitation been investigated from a rigorous, ethical standpoint, nor have answers been provided regarding why some firms pursue exploitative approaches. By systemically contrasting economic liberalism and just prices as two divergent perspectives on supplier exploitation, we introduce a distinction of common business practice and unethical supplier exploitation. Since supplier (...)
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  11. One struggle.Stephanie Jenkins & Vasile Stanescu - 2014 - In Anthony J. Nocella (ed.), Defining critical animal studies: an intersectional social justice approach for liberation. New York: Peter Lang.
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  12. Corespondență.Vasile Băncilă - 2001 - [Bucharest, Romania]: Editura Istros. Edited by Lucian Blaga & Dora Mezdrea.
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    C. Rădulescu-Motru.Vasile Băncilă - 1997 - Constanța [Romania]: Ex Ponto. Edited by Ileana Băncilă.
    Doctrina personalismului energetic a domnului C. Rădulescu-Motru -- C. Rădulescu-Motru, pedagog -- C. Rădulescu-Motru, filosof al educației.
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    Experiența vieții interioare și cunoașterea de sine: de la Socrate la Freud.Constantin Enăchescu - 1997 - [Romania]: Fast Print.
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    Femmes ParisiennesHunting and FishingAmerican Romantic Painting.Paul Zucker, Constantin Guys, Honore Daumier & Edgar P. Richardson - 1946 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 4 (4):251.
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  16. Conștiință și luciditate: eseu asupra subiectivității.Vasile Frăteanu - 1987 - Cluj-Napoca: Editura Dacia.
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    Conceptualizarea demonicului în filosofia lui Lucian Blaga.Constantin Nicușan - 2012 - Cluj-Napoca: Argonaut.
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  18. Eminescu – Friedrich Schlegel – Kleist.Walter Biemel & Constantin Aslam - 2003 - Studia Phaenomenologica 3 (9999):283-285.
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    Caiete de antropologie istorica. Oamenii si moartea in societatea romaneasca/ Annals of Historical Anthropology. People and Death in Romanian Society.Catalin Vasile Bobb - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (9):148-149.
    *** Caiete de antropologie istorica. Oamenii si moartea in societatea romaneasca.
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    Petru Moldovan, Moshe Idel. Dinamica misticii iudaice/ Moshe Idel. Dynamic of Jewish Mystics.Catalin Vasile Bobb - 2005 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 4 (11):81-82.
    Petru Moldovan, Moshe Idel. Dinamica misticii iudaice Provopress, Cluj, 2005.
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    Sincretism imaginar/Imaginary Syncretism.Catalin Vasile Bobb - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (8):102-108.
    If we disscuss imaginary syncretism, we will do this by taking some caution measures: we are used to general speculations, to metaphors, but we have to acknowledge that the present article values specific statements, namely, when discussing religion, dogma, the absolute truth, we are actually taking into consideration the individual behind all these. It involves to state the intercultural dialogue (defined as openess toward the other), having as bases several solutions likely to be traced, because when we discuss the great (...)
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  22. Ho palmos tou kosmou: agōnes tēs agapēs ston kairo mas.Vasilēs Karapostolēs - 2022 - Athēna: Ekdoseis Patakē.
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  23. Technē kai epochē.Vasilēs Panagiōtopoulos - 1969 - Athēnai,:
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    The body politic and “political medicine” in the Jacobean period: Edward Forset’s A Comparative Discourse of the Bodies Natural and Politique.Andrei-Constantin Sălăvăstru - 2019 - Intellectual History Review 29 (2):219-242.
    The use of metaphors and analogies was widespread in English political literature during the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, and for contemporary readers they were more than merely rhetorical artifices – they were used to illustrate and, in some cases, even to provide evidence. In this regard, none was more apt than the most prominent of these analogies: that between the human body and the state. The political thought of the time established an unshakeable connection between the two, building an (...)
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    The compatibility of technology and culture: A key factor of the human future.Constantin von Barloewen - 1992 - World Futures 35 (4):211-250.
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    Historische Praxeologie: Dimensionen vergangenen Handelns.Lucas Haasis & Constantin Rieske (eds.) - 2015 - Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh.
    Historische Praxeologie richtet ihren Blick auf vergangenen Alltag. Ihr Interesse gilt dem historischen Menschen in seinem alltäglichen Tun und Sprechen, das sie in Praktiken verortet. Der Band stellt den historisch-praxeologischen Forschungsansatz programmatisch als neuen Zugriff auf die Kulturgeschichte vergangenen Handelns vor. Praktiken sind erkennbare Muster im vergangenen Alltag. Sie zeichnen sich durch Routinen und Dynamiken, zeitgenössische Logik und Bedeutungszuschreibungen sowie das Mitwirken von Dingen aus. Als Zusammenhänge menschlichen Handelns sind sie bis heute lesbar. Der historisch-praxeologische Ansatz versteht sich als eine (...)
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    The Semantics of ‘Spirituality’ and Related Self-Identifications: A Comparative Study in Germany and the USA.Barbara Keller, Constantin Klein, Anne Swhajor-Biesemann, Christopher F. Silver, Ralph Hood & Heinz Streib - 2013 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 35 (1):71-100.
    Culturally different connotations of basic concepts challenge the comparative study of religion. Do persons in Germany or in the United States refer to the same concepts when talking about ‘spirituality’ and ‘religion’? Does it make a difference how they identify themselves? The Bielefeld-Chattanooga Cross-Cultural Study on ‘Spirituality’ includes a semantic differential approach for the comparison of self-identified “neither religious nor spiritual”, “religious”, and “spiritual” persons regarding semantic attributes attached to the concepts ‘religion’ and ‘spirituality’ in each research context. Results show (...)
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    Artă și cunoaștere.Vasile Băncilă - 2002 - București: Editura Istros-Muzeul Brăilei. Edited by Dora Mezdrea.
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    Repere ale gândirii românești.A. I. Brumaru, Vasile Gogea & Alexandru Surdu (eds.) - 2003 - Cluj-Napoca: "Grinta".
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  30. Ægyptiske leveregler i dansk oversættelse med indledning og forklaringer.Constantin Emil Sander-Hansen - 1952 - [København,: Nyt nordisk forlag.
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    La filosofía moral de Aristóteles en sus etapas evolutivas.Constantin Vicol Ionescu - 1973 - Madrid,: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto de Filosofía Luis Vives.
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    Argumentul ontologic în filosofia analitică: o reevaluare din perspectiva conceptului de existență necesară.Vlad Vasile Andreica - 2013 - Iași: Institutul European.
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    A Short Modern History of Studying Sacrobosco’s ‟de Sphaera”.Alin Constantin Corfu - 2020 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:23-33.
    A Short Modern History of Studying Sacrobosco’s De sphaera. The treatise generally known as De sphaera offered at the beginning of the 13th century a general image of the structure of the Cosmos. In this paper I’m first trying to present a triple stake with which this treaty of Johannes de Sacrobosco (c. 1195 - c. 1256). This effort is intended to draw a context upon the treaty on which I will present in the second part of this paper namely, (...)
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    The Ufology in the Version of C.G. Jung’s Psychoanalytical Thinking.Marius Constantin Cucu & Oana Elena Lenta - 2018 - Postmodern Openings 9 (4):44-53.
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    Etude sur le Style de Saint Augustin.Roy J. Deferrari & Constantin I. Balmus - 1931 - American Journal of Philology 52 (1):94.
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  36. Stis rizes tēs koinōnikēs empeirias: keimena koinōnikēs philosophias.Vasilēs Karapostolēs - 1987 - Athēna: Ekdoseis "Gnōsē".
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    Hē atheatē pleura tēs zōēs.Vasilēs Papatheodōrou - 1992 - Athēna: V.A. Papatheodōrou.
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    An Evaluation of Machine-Learning Methods for Predicting Pneumonia Mortality.Gregory F. Cooper, Constantin F. Aliferis, Richard Ambrosino, John Aronis, Bruce G. Buchanon, Richard Caruana, Michael J. Fine, Clark Glymour, Geoffrey Gordon, Barbara H. Hanusa, Janine E. Janosky, Christopher Meek, Tom Mitchell, Thomas Richardson & Peter Spirtes - unknown
    This paper describes the application of eight statistical and machine-learning methods to derive computer models for predicting mortality of hospital patients with pneumonia from their findings at initial presentation. The eight models were each constructed based on 9847 patient cases and they were each evaluated on 4352 additional cases. The primary evaluation metric was the error in predicted survival as a function of the fraction of patients predicted to survive. This metric is useful in assessing a model’s potential to assist (...)
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    Experimental and relational authenticity: how neurotechnologies impact narrative identities.Cristian Iftode, Alexandra Zorilă, Constantin Vică & Emilian Mihailov - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (4):743-760.
    The debate about how neurotechnologies impact authenticity has focused on two inter-related dimensions: self-discovery and self-creation. In this paper, we develop a broader framework that includes the experimental and relational dimensions of authenticity, both understood as decisive for shaping one’s narrative identity. In our view, neurointerventions that alter someone’s personality traits will also impact her very own self-understanding across time. We argue that experimental authenticity only needs a minimum conception of narrative coherence of the self and that reversibility should remain (...)
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    The Partnership between the State and the Church against Trafficking in Persons.Zizi Goschin, Daniela-Luminita Constantin & Monica Roman - 2009 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 8 (24):231-256.
    Trafficking in persons is a multi-sided phenomenon accompanying the current migration flows, therefore, the actions that must be undertaken in order to prevent, combat the phenomenon as well as to assist the victims of trafficking require a large partnership between all the actors involved: international organisations, governmental institutions and representatives of civil society. The special psychological, ethical issues raised especially by trafficking prevention and assistance to victims make the church and various religious organisations play a very important role in the (...)
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    Intercultural and Inter-confessional Relations in a Romanian Countryside.Daniela Serban, Constantin Mitrut, Silvia-Elena Cristache, Dana Epure & Simona Vasilache - 2008 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 7 (20):80-106.
    This paper addresses the question of ethnic entrepreneurship in relation to religious identity and multiculturalism in civil society and proposes a spotlight on Turkish entrepreneurs in Romania, as a relevant example of the benefits of increasing cultural diversity and opportunities to learn from different cultures and traditions. It aims at empirically investigating whether the distinct ethnic features of Turkish entrepreneurs, especially their religion, influence their business performance in Romania and their integration in the host country’s civil society. The information for (...)
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  42.  18
    Critical Theory and Animal Liberation.Carol Adams, Aaron Bell, Ted Benton, Susan Benston, Carl Boggs, Karen Davis, Josephine Donovan, Christina Gerhardt, Victoria Johnson, Renzo Llorente, Eduardo Mendieta, John Sorenson, Dennis Soron, Vasile Stanescu & Zipporah Weisberg (eds.) - 2011 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Critical Theory and Animal Liberation is the first collection to look at the human relationship with animals from the critical or 'left' tradition in political and social thought. The contributions in this volume highlight connections between our everyday treatment of animals and other forms of oppression, violence, and domination. Breaking with past treatments that have framed the problem as one of 'animal rights,' the authors instead depict the exploitation and killing of other animals as a political question of the first (...)
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    The Deleuze Reader.Gilles Deleuze & Constantin V. Boundas (eds.) - 1993 - Columbia University Press.
    Looks at the philosophies of Deleuze, who lived from 1925-1995, on issues such as becoming, ethics and morality, individuation, desire, and politics.
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    Die Naturlehre des Staates als Grundlage aller Staatswissenschaft (1870).Gustav Adolph Constantin Frantz - 1949 - Augsburg,: J. W. Naumann. Edited by Walter Ferber.
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    Respecting Older Adults: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic.Cristina Voinea, Tenzin Wangmo & Constantin Vică - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (2):213-223.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated many social problems and put the already vulnerable, such as racial minorities, low-income communities, and older individuals, at an even greater risk than before. In this paper we focus on older adults’ well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic and show that the risk-mitigation measures presumed to protect them, alongside the generalization of an ageist public discourse, exacerbated the pre-existing marginalization of older adults, disproportionately affecting their well-being. This paper shows that states have duties to adopt and (...)
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    Dworkin´s Last Word: Religion Without God.Camil Constantin Ungureanu - 2014 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 13 (38):220-228.
    Review of Ronald Dworkin, Religion without God , (Harvard University Press, 2013), 180 pages.
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  47. Drug adiction–it is just a medical problem?Mihaela Cătălina–Vicol, Oana–Cristina Stîngă, Lavinia Caba, Beatrice Ioan & Vasile Astărăstoae - 2008 - Romanian Journal of Bioethics 6 (4).
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    Experimental and relational authenticity: how neurotechnologies impact narrative identities.Cristian Iftode, Alexandra Zorilă, Constantin Vică & Emilian Mihailov - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-18.
    The debate about how neurotechnologies impact authenticity has focused on two inter-related dimensions: self-discovery and self-creation. In this paper, we develop a broader framework that includes the experimental and relational dimensions of authenticity, both understood as decisive for shaping one’s narrative identity. In our view, neurointerventions that alter someone’s personality traits will also impact her very own self-understanding across time. We argue that experimental authenticity only needs a minimum conception of narrative coherence of the self and that reversibility should remain (...)
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    A Matricial Vue of Classical Syllogistic and an Extension of the Rules of Valid Syllogism to Rules of Conclusive Syllogisms with Indefinite Terms.Dan Constantin Radulescu - 2022 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 31 (3):465-491.
    One lists the distinct pairs of categorical premises formulable via only the positive terms, S,P,M, by constructing a six by six matrix obtained by pairing the six categorical P-premises, A, O, A, O, where P* ∈ {P,P′}, with the six, similar, categorical S-premises. One shows how five rules of valid syllogism, select only 15 distinct PCPs that entail logical consequences belonging to the set L+: = {A, O, A, E, O, I}. The choice of admissible LCs can be regarded as (...)
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  50. How to assess the emergence of the European Pirate Parties. Towards a research agenda.Radu Uszkai & Constantin Vică - 2012 - Sfera Politicii (169):46-55.
    The purpose of this paper is to assess the emergence of the pirate movements in the European Union. Our goal is to sketch the steps towards a research agenda for this grassroots political movement which gained momentum since 2009. To attain our goal we showed the re-signification of the concept of piracy in the debate around intellectual property and its institutional settlement. Afterwards we analysed the big political themes of several European Pirate Parties and their struggle to follow the preferences (...)
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