Results for 'Vito Candido'

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  1.  21
    Tutor’s Role in WhatsApp Learning Groups: A Quali-Quantitative Methodological Approach.Susanna Annese, Francesca Amenduni, Vito Candido, Katherine Francis McLay & Maria Beatrice Ligorio - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In recent years, digital tools, such as WhatsApp, have been increasingly deployed to support group interaction and collaboration in higher education contexts. To understand contemporary, digitally-mediated collaborative dynamics – including the role played by tutors and the situated nature of group development – robust and innovative methodologies are needed. In this paper, we illustrate how integrating qualitative methods with quantitative tools used in qualitative ways makes it possible to trace how tutors adapt their style to support group development, which in (...)
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  2. I Vote My Conscience: Debates, Speeches and Writings of Vito Marcantonio.Vito Marcantonio & Annette Rubinstein - 2004 - Science and Society 68 (1):108-110.
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    O Portador.Antonio Candido - 2013 - Cadernos Nietzsche 32:13-22.
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    A importância de não ser filósofo.Antôno Cândido - 2007 - Discurso 37:7-16.
    Texto do professor Antônio Cândido a respeito da atividade filosófica.
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    What differentiates episodic future thinking from complex scene imagery?Stefania de Vito, Nadia Gamboz & Maria A. Brandimonte - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):813-823.
    We investigated the contributions of familiarity of setting, self-relevance and self-projection in time to episodic future thinking. The role of familiarity of setting was assessed, in Experiment 1, by comparing episodic future thoughts to autobiographical future events supposed to occur in unfamiliar settings. The role of self-relevance was assessed, in Experiment 2, by comparing episodic future thoughts to future events involving familiar others. The role of self-projection in time was assessed, in both Experiments, by comparing episodic future thoughts to autobiographical (...)
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    Government Versus Markets: The Changing Economic Role of the State.Vito Tanzi - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    Vito Tanzi offers a truly comprehensive treatment of the economic role of the state in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries from a historical and world perspective. The book addresses the fundamental question of what governments should do, or have attempted to do, in economic activities in past and recent periods. It also speculates on what they are likely or may be forced to do in future years. The investigation assembles a large set of statistical information that should prove useful (...)
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    A Social Responsibility Guide for Engineering Students and Professionals of all Faith Traditions: An Overview.Vito L. Punzi - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (4):1253-1277.
    The development of the various themes of Catholic Social Teaching is based on numerous papal documents and ecclesiastical statements. While this paper provides a summary of a number of these documents, this paper focuses on two themes: the common good and care of the environment, and on three documents authored by Pope John Paul II in 1990, by Pope Benedict XVI in 2010, and by Pope Francis in 2015. By analyzing these documents from an engineer’s perspective, the author proposes a (...)
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  8. Homo, Humanus, and the Meanings of 'Humanism'.Vito R. Giustiniani - 1985 - Journal of the History of Ideas 46 (2):167.
  9.  52
    Kotarbiński's Theory of Genuine Names.Vito F. Sinisi - 1964 - Theoria 30 (2):80-95.
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    Nominalism and common names.Vito F. Sinisi - 1962 - Philosophical Review 71 (2):230-235.
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    Roger Bacon: a alquimia como ciência positiva.Raphaela Cândido - 2022 - Perspectivas 7 (1):207-218.
    Este artigo apresenta um pouco dos estudos de Roger Bacon sobre Alquimia. Filósofo medieval, Bacon deu sequência à tradição de estudos herméticos. Como parte de uma das ciências especiais, assim como ele a compreendia, a Alquimia teve destaque como elemento importante no seu projeto filosófico-científico. A fim de apresentar um pouco o lugar da Alquimia no corpus baconiano, o texto parte de uma breve exposição da possível origem dessa arte entre os povos da antiguidade oriental e, posteriormente, sua chegada à (...)
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    Principes de biologie mathématique.Vito Volterra - 1937 - Acta Biotheoretica 3 (1):1-36.
    This memoir consists of two parts, of which the first deals with the foundations of the theory of the struggle for existence, and begins with the introduction of the important concept of quantity of life, besides that of population. The fundamental equations are then established for the case where the individuals of a biological association mutually devour each other, the reasoning being based on the principle of encounters and on the fundamental hypothesis of the existence of equivalents of the individuals (...)
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    The development of ontology.Vito F. Sinisi - 1983 - Topoi 2 (1):53-61.
  14.  12
    (2 other versions)Acknowledgments.Igor Candido - 2018 - In Petrarch and Boccaccio: The Unity of Knowledge in the Pre-Modern World. De Gruyter.
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    A verdade da repressão.Antonio Candido - 1979 - Discurso 10:1-6.
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    Contributors.Igor Candido - 2018 - In Petrarch and Boccaccio: The Unity of Knowledge in the Pre-Modern World. De Gruyter. pp. 367-372.
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    Comentário ao artigo "Sobre as consequências filosóficas do primado da percepção em Merleau-Ponty".Gisele Batista Candido - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (spe):263-268.
    Resumo O propósito deste texto é mostrar que os problemas enfrentados por Merleau-Ponty, ao longo de seu percurso de pensamento, decorrem dos pressupostos dicotômicos dos quais ele parte. Assim, procuramos trazer à tona outras consequências de se assumir tal pressuposto, o do primado de uma experiência perceptiva muda como solo natal de todas as outras modalidades da experiência. Para tanto, tomam-se em consideração tanto a primeira como a segunda fase do pensamento de Merleau-Ponty.Our purpose is to show that the problems (...)
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  18.  14
    Dante, Petrarch, and Boccaccio on Religious Conversion.Igor Candido - 2018 - In Petrarch and Boccaccio: The Unity of Knowledge in the Pre-Modern World. De Gruyter. pp. 153-175.
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    Depoimento sobre Clima.Antonio Candido - 1978 - Discurso 8:183-193.
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    Encontros e desencontros: uma breve reflexão sobre o longo diálogo entre o poético e o filosófico.Gisele Batista Candido - 2018 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 18 (2):114-128.
    Considerando retrospectivamente os desdobramentos da filosofia, é possível observar que, antes de reconhecer e reafirmar as singularidades de seu exercício, o discurso filosófico tem sua origem intimamente associada à poesia. Evidenciando alguns momentos de cisão e outros momentos de contato entre o discurso poético e o discurso filosófico, o presente ensaio visa abordar e refletir sobre o diálogo entre esses dois discursos ao longo do tempo. Nesse horizonte, consideraremos estrategicamente os trabalhos de autores como Homero, Platão, Goethe, F. Schlegel e (...)
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    Feitos da burguesia.Antonio Candido - 1979 - Discurso 11:125-130.
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    Four waitings.Antonio Candido & Howard S. Becker - 1992 - Sociological Theory 10 (1):21-42.
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    Introduction.Igor Candido - 2018 - In Petrarch and Boccaccio: The Unity of Knowledge in the Pre-Modern World. De Gruyter. pp. 1-14.
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    Index Nominum.Igor Candido - 2018 - In Petrarch and Boccaccio: The Unity of Knowledge in the Pre-Modern World. De Gruyter. pp. 375-380.
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    Index of Manuscripts.Igor Candido - 2018 - In Petrarch and Boccaccio: The Unity of Knowledge in the Pre-Modern World. De Gruyter. pp. 373-374.
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  26. Linguagem matemática e Língua Portuguesa: Diálogo necessário na resolução de problemas matemáticos.Edi Jussara Candido Lorensatti - 2009 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 14 (2):89-99.
    Resumo: Palavras-chave : Learning mathematics in school is being faced with a world of concepts that involves reading and understanding of the natural language and mathematical language. Often, the curriculum components, Portuguese language and the Mathematic don’t talk to each other. The resolution of the problems seems to be a critical point in mathematics education. This article seeks to bring these components together to identify strategies for an effective learning. Keywords : Mathematical language.Natural language. Problems. : Linguagem matemática. Linguagem natural. (...)
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    Petrarch and Boccaccio: The Unity of Knowledge in the Pre-Modern World.Igor Candido (ed.) - 2018 - De Gruyter.
    The early modern and modern cultural world in the West would be unthinkable without Petrarch and Boccaccio. Despite this fact, there is still no scholarly contribution entirely devoted to analysing their intellectual revolution. Internationally renowned scholars are invited to discuss and rethink the historical, intellectual, and literary roles of Petrarch and Boccaccio between the great model of Dante’s encyclopedia and the ideas of a double or multifaceted culture in the era of Italian Renaissance Humanism. In his lyrical poems and Latin (...)
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    Pactos emocionais: reflexões em torno da moral, da ética e da deontologia.Douglas Borges Candido - 2019 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 19 (2):347-351.
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    Radicais de ocasião.Antonio Candido - 1978 - Discurso 9:193-201.
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    Leonardo Coimbra e Antero de Quental.Manuel Cândido - 1989 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 45 (1):43 - 70.
    Pode o criacionismo conceber-se como "ontologia de noções", dado o estatuto da noção (núcleo de relações construtoras do real) e o conceito de ser como pensamento e actividade criadora do pensamento, pondo a unidade da razação teórica e da prática. Esta última exigência encontra-se já em Antero de Quental pela ideia do númenp como fundamento teórico-prático do pensar, do sentir e do agir.Na coexistência anteriana duma razão eleática com uma dinâmica, viu Leonardo, na segunda, uma antecipação do pensamento como acção. (...)
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    La geometrización del espacio-materia en la cosmología cartesiana.J. Cándido Martín - 2016 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 1:165.
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    Variaciones recientes sobre un tema freudiano.Cándido Genovard - 1974 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 43:75-88.
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  33. Apetencia natural y obligación moral.Cándido Aniz Iriarte - 2008 - Estudios Filosóficos 57 (165):247-286.
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  34. O complexo conceptual.Candido Costa Pinto - 1946 - Lisboa,:
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    Lesniewski's Analysis of Russell's Antinomy.Vito F. Sinisi - 1976 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 17 (1):19-34.
    This article presents for the first time in english lesniewski's analysis of russell's antinomy as the analysis is given in lesniewski's 1914 paper "czy klasa klas, nie podporzadkowanych sobie, jest podporzadkowana sobie?" is the class of classes which are not subordinate to themselves subordinate to itself? it is shown how the concepts appearing in this paper, written in colloquial polish, were later incorporated and expressed as fundamental axioms and theorems of his theory of collective classes, mereology. in the 1914 paper (...)
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    The heritage of Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz.Vito Sinisi & Jan Woleński (eds.) - 1995 - Rodopi.
    Hence, the title The Heritage of Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz seems to reflect the general idea of this collection. Most papers collected here were specially ...
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    Kotarbiński's theory of pseudo-names.Vito F. Sinisi - 1965 - Theoria 31 (3):218-241.
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    Le'sniewski's Analysis of Whitehead's Theory of Events.Vito F. Sinisi - 1966 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 7 (4):323-327.
  39. “∊” and Common Names.Vito F. Sinisi - 1965 - Philosophy of Science 32 (3):281-.
    In [6] I tried to show how an objection to “the nominalist's” analysis of “This is red” and “That is red” on the basis of “the doctrine of common names” might be overcome. The objection is that “the nominalist,” attempting to analyze and by construing the pronouns in these sentences as two different proper names and “red” as a common name, is forced thereby to construe the copula in both sentences as the “is” of identity, and hence this and that (...)
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    On the conservation of simple concepts: Generality of the affirmation rule.Vito Modigliani - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 87 (2):234.
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    Tarski on the inconsistency of colloquial language.Vito F. Sinisi - 1967 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 27 (4):537-541.
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  42. Arbitrarily Selected Individuals in Natural Deduction.Vito F. Sinisi - 1963 - Analysis 23 (4):88-90.
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    Public Space in a Private Time.Vito Acconci - 1990 - Critical Inquiry 16 (4):900-918.
    2Public space is an old habit. The words public space are deceptive; when I hear the words, when I say the words, I’m forced to have an image of a physical place I can point to and be in. I should be thinking only of a condition; but, instead, I imagine an architectural type, and I think of a piazza, or a town square, or a city commons. Public space, I assume, without thinking about it, is a place where the (...)
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    Teorie classiche del cinema.Vito Attolini - 1997 - Bari: B. A. Graphis.
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  45. Alternativa e impegno esistenziale nell'umanesimo di Giovanni Gentile.Vito A. Bellezza - 1956 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 10:191.
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    Dal problematicismo alla metafisica naturalistica: saggio sul pensiero di Ugo Spirito.Vito A. Bellezza - 1979 - Roma: Bulzoni.
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  47. Il concetto gentiliano di "Dio" e la critica di Armando Carlini.Vito A. Bellezza - 1977 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 8 (1):60.
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    Individuo e impegno esistenziale-sociale nell'umanismo gentiliano.Vito A. Bellezza - 1989 - Lecce: Milella. Edited by Mario Signore.
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  49. Il limite esistenziale nell'umanismo di Giovanni Gentile.Vito A. Bellezza - 1955 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 9:433.
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  50. La concezione attualistica della storia della filosofia e la critica di Eugenio Garin.Vito A. Bellezza - 1976 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 7 (1):27.
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