Results for 'Vivien Chamberlain'

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  1.  17
    Achieving Moral Health Care: the challenge of patient partiality.Vivien Woodward - 1999 - Nursing Ethics 6 (5):390-398.
    Illness and hospitalization are sources of vulnerability; they arguably endow nurses and midwives with the moral obligation to develop caring relationships with patients. Fairness and the equal treatment of patients are central to moral practice; current government publications are giving this political emphasis. This article argues that patient partiality is one factor that may result in insidiously unequal caregiving. Data generated during a qualitative study into professional caring suggest that patient partiality is an accepted part of everyday practice. Factors such (...)
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  2. MDLChunker: A MDL-Based Cognitive Model of Inductive Learning.Vivien Robinet, Benoît Lemaire & Mirta B. Gordon - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (7):1352-1389.
    This paper presents a computational model of the way humans inductively identify and aggregate concepts from the low-level stimuli they are exposed to. Based on the idea that humans tend to select the simplest structures, it implements a dynamic hierarchical chunking mechanism in which the decision whether to create a new chunk is based on an information-theoretic criterion, the Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle. We present theoretical justifications for this approach together with results of an experiment in which participants, exposed (...)
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    History in the Education of Scientists: Encouraging Judgment and Social Action.Vivien Hamilton & Daniel M. Stoebel - 2020 - Isis 111 (3):623-630.
    The authors of this essay reflect on the experience of co-teaching a course on the history of genetics and race. The collaboration has pushed them both—a historian of science and a biologist—to consider how to make space for moral and scientific judgment in a history classroom. Drawing on examples from the course, they argue that it is possible to encourage social action and thoughtful critiques of past and current science without succumbing to a whiggish narrative of progress.
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    More of myself: Manipulating interoceptive awareness by heightened attention to bodily and narrative aspects of the self.Vivien Ainley, Lara Maister, Jana Brokfeld, Harry Farmer & Manos Tsakiris - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (4):1231-1238.
    Psychology distinguishes between a bodily and a narrative self. Within neuroscience, models of the bodily self are based on exteroceptive sensorimotor processes or on the integration of interoceptive sensations. Recent research has revealed interactions between interoceptive and exteroceptive processing of self-related information, for example that mirror self-observation can improve interoceptive awareness. Using heartbeat perception, we measured the effect on interoceptive awareness of two experimental manipulations, designed to heighten attention to bodily and narrative aspects of the self. Participants gazed at a (...)
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    Embodied Displays of “Doing Thinking.” Epistemic and Interactive Functions of Thinking Displays in Children's Argumentative Activities.Vivien Heller - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study investigates moments in which one participant in an interaction embodies that he is “doing thinking,” a display that is commonly referred to as “thinking face. ” From an interactional perspective, it is assumed that embodied displays of “doing thinking” are a recurring social practice and serve interactive functions. While previous studies have examined thinking faces primarily in word searches and storytelling, the present study focuses on argumentative activities, in which children engage in processes of joint decision-making. The paper (...)
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    Ethical lawyering in the Anthropocene.Vivien Holmes - 2023 - Legal Ethics 26 (2):201-218.
    Law must evolve to play its part in addressing the anthropogenic threats of climate change and biodiversity loss. Lawyers have a key role to play in assisting that evolution, and the ethics that govern lawyers’ work will play a large part in determining its success. This article explains how four core approaches to legal ethics support lawyers in their work to address climate change and to facilitate more sustainable ways of living.
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    James A. Chamberlain, Undoing Work, Rethinking Community: A Critique of the Social Function of Work (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2018). [REVIEW]James Chamberlain, Rachel H. Brown, Maria Rosales, David Frayne, Samuel Arnold & Marek D. Steedman - 2019 - Critical Horizons 20 (4):366-387.
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  8. Edwards and Social Issues.Ava Chamberlain - 2006 - In Stephen J. Stein (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Jonathan Edwards. Cambridge University Press.
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    Heaven Wasn't His Destination: The Philosophy of Ludwig Feuerbach.William B. Chamberlain - 2013 - Routledge.
    If forced to state Feuerbach’s philosophical genealogy, one would have to say that he was son of Hegel, father of Marx, and half-brother of Comte. In his own day he had many a celebratory and many a vilifier. His philosophy has received very little direct treatment in the English language. Feuerbach’s contribution was in his writings on religion and philosophy, each of them a manifesto to humanity, telling us that the desires of men can be satisfied here below. The object (...)
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  10. Routledge Handbook of Bodily Awareness.Colin Chamberlain (ed.) - 2022 - London: Routledge.
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  11. (1 other version)A Catholic Eton? Newman's Oratory School: Paul Shrimpton's Book and Catholic Education Then and Now.O. S. B. Leo Chamberlain - 2008 - Logos- St. Thomas 11 (3).
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  12. Elaborate Descriptive Information in Indoor Route Instructions.Vivien Mast, Cui Jian & Desislava Zhekova - unknown
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  13.  62
    Theorizing Ideas and Discourse in Political Science: Intersubjectivity, Neo-Institutionalisms, and the Power of Ideas.Vivien A. Schmidt - 2017 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 29 (2):248-263.
    ABSTRACTOscar Larsson’s essay condemns discursive institutionalism for the “sin” of subjectivism. In reality, however, discursive institutionalism emphasizes the intersubjective nature of ideas through its theorization of agents’ “background ideational abilities” and “foreground discursive abilities.” It also avoids relativism by means of Wittgenstein’s distinction between experiences of everyday life and pictures of the world. Contrary to Larsson, what truly separates post-structuralism from discursive institutionalism is the respective approaches’ theorization of the relationship of power to ideas, with discursive institutionalists mainly focused on (...)
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  14.  21
    Reference as an Interactive Achievement: Sequential and Longitudinal Analyses of Labeling Interactions in Shared Book Reading and Free Play.Vivien Heller & Katharina J. Rohlfing - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  15.  28
    (1 other version)The sad rider.Lesley Chamberlain - 2014 - Common Knowledge 20 (3):391-403.
    This guest column marks the tenth anniversary of the death of Jacques Derrida. The journal in which it appears, Common Knowledge, was not especially receptive to deconstruction during Derrida's lifetime, but Lesley Chamberlain in retrospect sees reasons to reconsider his role in intellectual history now. The delicacy of Derrida's mission, she argues, has been misunderstood. He is best placed in the company not of the “deconstructionists” who thought to follow in his footsteps but, rather, in the company of the (...)
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    Layoffs in SMEs: The Role of Social Proximity.Vivien Lefebvre - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 190 (4):801-820.
    Abundant research exists on the restructuring operations of large, publicly listed firms. However, little is known about the antecedents of layoffs in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Building on the stakeholder salience theory and arguments on social proximity, this study posits that SMEs are less likely to dismiss employees than large firms. We argue that the existence of strong interpersonal ties between employees and managers makes it hard for SME owners and managers to dismiss employees. Empirically analyzing a large sample (...)
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    Heartfelt empathy? No association between interoceptive awareness, questionnaire measures of empathy, reading the mind in the eyes task or the director task.Vivien Ainley, Lara Maister & Manos Tsakiris - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  18.  51
    Capitalism: A conversation in critical theory.James A. Chamberlain - 2020 - Contemporary Political Theory 19 (2):153-156.
  19.  18
    Community Perspectives of Complex Trauma Assessment for Aboriginal Parents: ‘Its Important, but How These Discussions Are Held Is Critical’.Catherine Chamberlain, Graham Gee, Deirdre Gartland, Fiona K. Mensah, Sarah Mares, Yvonne Clark, Naomi Ralph, Caroline Atkinson, Tanja Hirvonen, Helen McLachlan, Tahnia Edwards, Helen Herrman, Stephanie J. Brown & and Jan M. Nicholson - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  20.  34
    Motivating cosmopolitanism: Jürgen Habermas, Jean-Luc Nancy, and the case for cosmocommonism.James A. Chamberlain - 2020 - Contemporary Political Theory 19 (1):105-126.
    Tackling global injustice requires appropriate and effective institutions as well as cosmopolitan solidarity. This paper assumes that the ‘constitutionalized world society’ theorized by Habermas offers a viable proposal to make the protection and promotion of human rights more feasible. His account of solidarity, however, reveals a conundrum: If strong forms of solidarity grow out of shared political institutions and a related collective identity, but it is precisely those institutions that we need to enhance at the global level, then how can (...)
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  21.  12
    Nietzsche’s Journey to Sorrento: Genesis of the Philosophy of the Free Spirit by Paolo D’Iorio.Lesley Chamberlain - 2020 - Common Knowledge 26 (1):183-184.
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  22. The theory and practice of Imperial Panegyric in Michael Psellus: The tension between history and rhetoric.Ch Chamberlain - 1986 - Byzantion 56:16-27.
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  23.  49
    ‘Giving Voice to Values’: enhancing students’ capacity to cope with ethical challenges in legal practice.Vivien Holmes - 2015 - Legal Ethics 18 (2):115-137.
    ABSTRACTLegal ethics pedagogy does not often attend to the gap between principles and effective action. A pedagogy that does attend to this gap is ‘Giving Voice to Values’. Developed by a US business academic, Mary Gentile, GVV focuses not on the normative questions of 'what is the right thing to do?' but on the behavioural question 'how do we get the right thing done?' GVV has much to offer efforts to foster ethical behaviour in lawyers. In this article, I situate (...)
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  24.  29
    Sexual Abuse of Daughters-in-Law in Qing China: Cases from the "Xing'an huilan".Vivien Ng - 1994 - Feminist Studies 20 (2):373.
  25.  81
    The Ethics of Conducting Community-Engaged Homelessness Research.Vivien Runnels, Elizabeth Hay, Elyse Sevigny & Paddi O’Hara - 2009 - Journal of Academic Ethics 7 (1-2):57-68.
    This paper focuses on some of the ethical issues which may arise when conducting research in the context of homelessness. These issues are considered from the viewpoints of researchers, research coordinators and interviewers, drawing from their extensive real world experience. In addition to negotiating the complex context of homelessness, community-based homelessness researchers need to address a number of ethical issues in research conception, design, implementation and dissemination. Although these issues are commonly considered in community-engaged research, research with people who are (...)
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  26.  25
    Exploring Organizational Determinants and Consequences of Contingent Employment in the Phillipines.Vivien T. Supangco - 2005 - International Corporate Responsibility Series 2:235-258.
    This study looks into the factors that foster the use of contingent employment in the Philippines, and its consequences. It also explores the relationship between corporate social performance and the nature of contingent employment. Results indicate an inverse relationship between levels of social performance and utilization of contingent employment. There is a direct relationship between the size and intensity of utilization of temporary employees and the combined effects of unionization and total employment size. Publicly listed companies exhibit higher utilization of (...)
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    Maria Rentetzi. Trafficking Materials and Gendered Research Practices: Radium Research in Early 20th Century Vienna.Vivien Hamilton - 2009 - Spontaneous Generations 3 (1):246-248.
    Maria Rentetzi. Trafficking Materials and Gendered Research Practices: Radium Research in Early 20th Century Vienna.
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    Political Ideals.Houston Stewart Chamberlain - 2005 - Upa.
    This edition of Houston Stewart Chamberlain's Politische Ideale reveals the historical significance of Chamberlain in German conservative political philosophy. Contrasting the vital nationalistic state with the sterile commercialism of liberal democracies, moral freedom with the unruly selfishness of democratic parties, and the decaying culture of the Anglo-Saxon peoples with the relatively pure Teutonic, Chamberlain evokes in this work the principal elements of a genuinely conservative state.
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    The Kierkegaard Reader.Jane Chamberlain & Jonathan Rée (eds.) - 2001 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    This anthology is the first attempt to present a rounded picture of 'Kierkegaard as a philosopher' in English. After an introduction explaining how Kierkegaard viewed the task of 'becoming a philosopher', there are generous extracts from the Concept of Irony and the great pseudonymous works: Either/Or, Fear and Trembling, Repetition, Philosophical Fragments, The Concept of Anxiety, Prefaces, Johannes Climacus and Concluding Unscientific Postscript. Kierkegaard's own attempts to summarize the significance of his writings are also included, so that readers have the (...)
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    Responsibility for Migrants: From Hospitality to Solidarity.James A. Chamberlain - 2020 - Political Theory 48 (1):57-83.
    Critics of exclusionary borders might be tempted to appeal for more hospitality, but this essay argues that such an approach is misguided and develops an alternative framework called solidarity borders. The ongoing legacies of imperialism, the functioning of global capitalism, and insights from democratic theory show that we need to problematize two key presuppositions of hospitality: a clear distinction between hosts and guests, and the exclusive right of the former to impose conditions. Moreover, Jacques Derrida provides limited guidance as to (...)
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    Researching moral distress among New Zealand nurses.Martin Woods, Vivien Rodgers, Andy Towers & Steven La Grow - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (1):117-130.
    Background: Moral distress has been described as a major problem for the nursing profession, and in recent years, a considerable amount of research has been undertaken to examine its causes and effects. However, few research projects have been performed that examined the moral distress of an entire nation’s nurses, as this particular study does. Aim/objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency and intensity of moral distress experienced by registered nurses in New Zealand. Research design: The research (...)
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  32.  25
    The “reciprocal loop” model: How strong is the evidence, how useful is the model?Vivien A. Casagrande - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (1):121-121.
  33.  44
    "We the Others": Interpretive Community and Plural Voice in Herodotus.David Chamberlain - 2001 - Classical Antiquity 20 (1):5-34.
    When Herodotus uses the first person plural in phrases like "We know," "We say," and so on, the modern reader naturally takes this either to refer to his ethnic group or to be something like the scholarly first person plural: an appeal to consensus among a group of qualied experts. Neither is the case. Only once does Herodotus' "we" refer to the Greeks as a group; in virtually every other instance it must be interpreted as plural for singular. It refers, (...)
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  34.  11
    Nietzsche in Turin: the end of the future.Lesley Chamberlain - 1997 - London: Pushkin Press.
    Beautifully packaged reissue of the vividly lyrical biography of Nietzsche that John Banville called 'a major intellectual event' In 1888, philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche moved to Turin. This would be the year in which he wrote three of his greatest works: Twilight of the Idols, The Antichrist, and Ecce Homo; it would also be his last year of writing. He suffered a debilitating nervous breakdown in the first days of the following year. In this probing, elegant biography of that pivotal year, (...)
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  35. “The body I call ‘mine’ ”: A sense of bodily ownership in Descartes.Colin Chamberlain - 2019 - European Journal of Philosophy 27 (1):3-24.
    How does Descartes characterize the peculiar way in which each of us is aware of our bodies? I argue that Descartes recognizes a sense of bodily ownership, such that the body sensorily appears to be one's own in bodily awareness. This sensory appearance of ownership is ubiquitous, for Descartes, in that bodily awareness always confers a sense of ownership. This appearance is confused, in so far as bodily awareness simultaneously represents the subject as identical to, partially composed by, and united (...)
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  36. Our common future : the imperative for contextual ethics in a connected world.Vivien Holmes & Simon Rice - 2011 - In Reid Mortensen, Francesca Bartlett & Kieran Tranter (eds.), Alternative perspectives on lawyers and legal ethics: reimagining the profession. New York: Routledge.
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  37. Alphonso Lingis, Foreign Bodies.J. Chamberlain - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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  38.  47
    Chesterton in Poland.Lesley Chamberlain - 1985 - The Chesterton Review 11 (3):321-331.
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    Ethics as a Work of Charity: Thomas Aquinas and Pagan Virtue. By David Decosimo.Stephen Chamberlain - 2016 - International Philosophical Quarterly 56 (2):239-241.
  40. Immanuel Kant: die Persönlichkeit als Einführung in das Werk.Houston Stewart Chamberlain - 1921 - München: F. Bruckmann. Edited by Adolf Hitler & Elsa Bruckmann.
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  41.  24
    Semantics or Semiotics as the Foundation for Thomist Realism?Stephen Chamberlain - 2008 - Semiotics:617-626.
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  42.  27
    Truth, Fiction and Narrative Understanding.Stephen Chamberlain - 2020 - International Philosophical Quarterly 60 (2):201-219.
    This paper defends the cognitive value of literary fiction by showing how Paul Ricoeur’s account of narrative understanding emphasizes the productive and creative elements of fictional discourse and defends its referential capacity insofar as fiction reshapes reality according to some universal aspect. Central to this analysis is Ricoeur’s retrieval of Aristotelian mimesis and mythos and their convergence in the notion of emplotment. This paper also supplements and specifies further Ricoeur’s account by retrieving an Aristotelian concept disregarded by Riceour, namely, synesis. (...)
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    The Virtue of Fictional Wisdom.Stephen Chamberlain - 2016 - International Philosophical Quarterly 56 (1):5-21.
    This paper defends the cognitive value of literary fiction by offering an account of fictional truth and wisdom that is based upon Aristotelian-Thomistic principles. It first shows how Aristotle’s notion of understanding as an intellectual virtue provides the foundation for the possibility of fictional truth and wisdom. Second, it considers how Aquinas’s notion of the cogitative faculty or ratio particularis elucidates the faculty that is employed in the act of perception that is essential to the virtue of understanding. Third, the (...)
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    Witnesses of Tsushima.Gordon Blanding Chamberlain & J. N. Westwood - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (3):556.
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    Practising Professionalism: Observations from an Empirical Study of New Australian Lawyers.Vivien Holmes, Tony Foley, Stephen Tang & Margie Rowe - 2012 - Legal Ethics 15 (1):29-55.
    Many suggest that professionalism as traditionally understood is all but dead in today's legal marketplace. Some scholars believe that 'professional' orientations based on managerialism and influenced by profitability have seen the demise of the lawyer's traditional professional identity. This paper argues otherwise. A pilot qualitative study of new Australian lawyers indicates that professional ideals can still flourish. Participants both understood the traditional ideals and sought to incorporate them in their own developing sense of professionalism. This paper reviews the experiences of (...)
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  46.  15
    Power, lies and injustice.Vivien Lindow - 1999 - In Dr Michael Parker & Michael Parker (eds.), Ethics and Community in the Health Care Professions. New York: Routledge. pp. 154.
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  47.  31
    Emblem of Anomie.Vivien Ng - 1989 - American Journal of Semiotics 6 (4):3-11.
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    When does rapid presentation enhance digit span?Alan Baddeley & Vivien Lewis - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (5):403-405.
  49. The History of Linguistics in Europe: From Plato to 1600.Vivien Law - 2003 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This authoritative and wide-ranging book, first published in 2003, examines the history of western linguistics over a 2000-year timespan, from its origins in ancient Greece up to the crucial moment of change in the Renaissance that laid the foundations of modern linguistics. Some of today's burning questions about language date back a long way: in 1400 BC Plato was asking how words relate to reality. Other questions go back just a few generations, such as our interest in the mechanisms of (...)
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  50.  52
    Assistance with Fewer Strings Attached.Vivien Collingwood - 2003 - Ethics and International Affairs 17 (1):55-67.
    International organizations and bilateral donors often tie financial assistance to the undertaking of political and economic reforms–a practice known as conditionality. In recent years, the use of good governance conditionality has provoked controversy in the academic and policy worlds. So far, the issue of whether conditionality is effective in achieving compliance with good governance norms has occupied center stage in the debate. However, whether it is morally defensible to attach political conditions to financial assistance has largely been taken for granted.This (...)
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