Results for 'Walter Dress'

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  1. Die theologie Gersons.Walter Dress - 1931 - Gütersloh,: C. Bertelsmann, verlagsbuchhandlung.
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    Music and Jugendstil.Walter Frisch - 1990 - Critical Inquiry 17 (1):138-161.
    The most common approach in writings on music and Jugendstil has been to isolate several aspects of the visual art, either of technique or of subject matter, and to seek parallels in music of the fin de siècle. Historians of art and design seem to agree on at least three basic elements of Jugendstil: the primacy of the dynamic, flowing line; flatness or two dimensionality ; and the profuseness of ornament. All these features are neatly embodied in a 1900 drawing (...)
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    Antwort aus der Geschichte/Walter Dress zum 65. Geburtstag. Christlicher Zeitschriftenverlag, Berlin 1969, 256 pp. [REVIEW]Hans-Joachim Schoeps - 1970 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 22 (2):180-180.
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    Matter And Light - The New Physics.Louis de Broglie & Walter Henry Johnston - 1946 - Read Books.
    MATTER AND LIGHT The New Physics By LOUIS DE BROGLIE. Originally published in 1937. TRANSLATORS NOTE: THE Author has in certain places modified the original French text for the English translation, for the sake of greater cohesion, and has also revised some passages, in order to bring them into accord with the results of later research. Occasional Translators Notes are shown in square brackets. The chapter on The Undulatory Aspects of the Electron has the special historical interest of having been (...)
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    Oppressive Faces of Whiteness in Walter Mosley’s Devil in a Blue Dress.Klara Szmańko - 2018 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 8 (8):258-277.
    Walter Mosley’s Devil in a Blue Dress contributes significantly to the literary debate on the definition of whiteness. The socio-historical construction of whiteness emerging from the novel is amplified by white imagery dovetailing with the claims made about white people directly. For the African American first person narrator, Easy Rawlins, living in post-World War II Los Angeles, whiteness mostly spells terror. The oppressive faces of whiteness consist in the following trajectories: property relations, economic exploitation, labour relations, the legal (...)
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    Elizabeth J. Walters: Attic Grave Reliefs that Represent Women in the Dress of Isis. (Hesperia, Suppl. 22.) Pp. xvi + 135; 1 fig., 1 plan, 52 plates. Princeton, N.J.: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1988. Paper, $40. [REVIEW]Olga Palagia - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (2):517-517.
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    Le silence des sirènes: Walter Benjamin et le mythe.Veronica Ciantelli - 2020 - Paris: Hermann.
    Dans la pensée de Walter Benjamin, le mythe est-il seulement une source de danger et de séduction contre laquelle l'homme moderne devrait se protéger à tout prix? Par une approche qui convoque la philosophie, l'anthropologie et la sociologie, ce livre montre que la réponse à cette question est loin d'être tranchée. Le diagnostic que, au fil de ses oeuvres, Benjamin dresse sur l'appauvrissement de l'expérience moderne est de fait indissociable du problème posé par le mythe, en tant que porteur (...)
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  8. Psychopharmacological enhancement.Walter Glannon - 2008 - Neuroethics 1 (1):45-54.
    Many drugs have therapeutic off-label uses for which they were not originally designed. Some drugs designed to treat neuropsychiatric and other disorders may enhance certain normal cognitive and affective functions. Because the long-term effects of cognitive and affective enhancement are not known and may be harmful, a precautionary principle limiting its use seems warranted. As an expression of autonomy, though, competent individuals should be permitted to take cognition- and mood-enhancing agents. But they need to be aware of the risks in (...)
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    Paraconsistent algebras.Walter Alexandre Carnielli & Luiz Paulo Alcantara - 1984 - Studia Logica 43 (1-2):79 - 88.
    The prepositional calculiC n , 1 n introduced by N.C.A. da Costa constitute special kinds of paraconsistent logics. A question which remained open for some time concerned whether it was possible to obtain a Lindenbaum''s algebra forC n . C. Mortensen settled the problem, proving that no equivalence relation forC n . determines a non-trivial quotient algebra.The concept of da Costa algebra, which reflects most of the logical properties ofC n , as well as the concept of paraconsistent closure system, (...)
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  10. Our brains are not us.Walter Glannon - 2009 - Bioethics 23 (6):321-329.
    Many neuroscientists have claimed that our minds are just a function of and thus reducible to our brains. I challenge neuroreductionism by arguing that the mind emerges from and is shaped by interaction among the brain, body, and environment. The mind is not located in the brain but is distributed among these three entities. I then explore the implications of the distributed mind for neuroethics.
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    Über das Verhältnis der Logik zur Mathematik.Walter Dubislav - 1925 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 5 (6):193-208.
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  12. 4 Years of Animal Sentience.Walter Veit & Stevan Harnad - forthcoming - Psychology Today.
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    Modeling digital circuits for troubleshooting.Walter C. Hamscher - 1991 - Artificial Intelligence 51 (1-3):223-271.
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    Animal Rights from the Perspective of Evictionism.Walter E. Block - 2022 - Studia Humana 11 (2):10-19.
    In this paper, the conception of Anthony J. Cesario about the philosophy of animal rights is critically reviewed. His approach is a valiant effort to defend the philosophy of animal rights. He is a moderate on this matter, offering all sorts of compromises. He applies an unusual insight to this matter with using the libertarian doctrine of evictionism.
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    Phenomenology of questions.Walter Fales - 1943 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 4 (1):60-75.
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    Nancy Tuana and Charles E. Scott, Beyond Philosophy: Nietzsche, Foucault, Anzaldúa.Walter Brogan - 2022 - Philosophy Today 66 (2):411-416.
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    In reply to professor James.Walter B. Pitkin - 1907 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 4 (2):44-45.
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  18. Ueber Bolzano als Kritiker Kants.Walter Dubislav - 1929 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 42:357-368.
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    Bibliography of the philosophy in the Iberian colonies of America.Walter Bernard Redmond - 1972 - The Hague,: M. Nijhoff.
    Disputationes in universam logicam Aristotelis.,. BNMX: xiii, 8, (NI, 297; VTA 429; VTB). 2. Philosophia Naturalis. Disputationes in octo libros Physicorum ...
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  20. The Full-System Jadal Theory of the Lens-Texts.Walter Young - 2016 - In Walter Edward Young (ed.), The Dialectical Forge: Juridical Disputation and the Evolution of Islamic Law. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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    Plato's later epistemology.Walter Garrison Runciman - 1962 - Cambridge [Eng.]: University Press.
  22.  41
    Jesus the Christ in the Light of Psychology.Some Aspects of the Life of Jesus from Psychological and Psycho- Analytic Point of View.Walter M. Horton, G. Stanley Hall, Georges Berguer, Eleanor Stimson Brooks & Van Wyck Brooks - 1924 - Journal of Philosophy 21 (19):509.
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    Semantische Untersuchungen Über Quantoren I.Walter Issel - 1969 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 15 (23-24):353-358.
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    Scenes of Walking: Toward a Right of Absorptive Theatricality and Theatrical Absorption.Dianne Rothleder - 2022 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 36 (3):361-377.
    ABSTRACT Using Michael Fried’s work on absorption and theatricality, and Walter Benjamin’s figure of the flâneur and its counterpart, the detective, and his disparaged figure of the badaud, this article considers ways to characterize the walks of Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s solitary walker, Socrates on the way to the Symposium, Henry V walking on the battlefield the night before Agincourt, and Trayvon Martin the evening he was killed by George Zimmerman. Each of these walks is a variation on contemplation, the risk (...)
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    Schiller's Aesthetic Education.Walter Grossmann - 1968 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 2 (1):31.
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    Solvitur Ambulando. Meaning-constitutive Principles and the Inscrutability of Inference.Walter B. Pedriali - unknown
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    Extensional Interpretation of General Sentences in Sixteenth-Century Ibero-American Logic.Walter Redmond - 1981 - Critica 13 (39):45-73.
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    Verzeichnis der Bibelstellen.Walter Jaeschke - 2018 - In Vorlesungen Über Das Leben Jesu Vorlesung Über Die Leidens- Und Auferstehungsgeschichte. De Gruyter. pp. 661-694.
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    Truth and Truthmakers.Walter Schultz - 2015 - Philosophia Christi 17 (1):7-30.
    This paper introduces, explains, and defends a theory of truth and truthmakers comprising the following four claims: Truth is God’s knowledge. A proposition p is true if and only if what it represents as “being the case” is a constituent k of God’s knowledge. Otherwise, it is either fictionally false or purely false. Constituents of God’s knowledge are the truthmakers for true propositions. Thus, for every p, p is true if and only if some k makes p true. The set (...)
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    Intracellular trafficking of lysosomal membrane proteins.Walter Hunziker & Hans J. Geuze - 1996 - Bioessays 18 (5):379-389.
    Lysosomes are the site of degradation of obsolete intracellular material during autophagy and of extracellular macromolecules following endocytosis and phagocytosis. The membrane of lysosomes and late endosomes is enriched in highly glycosylated transmembrane proteins of largely unknown function. Significant progress has been made in recent years towards elucidating the pathways by which these lysosomal membrane proteins are delivered to late endosomes and lysosomes. While some lysosomal membrane proteins follow the constitutive secretory pathway and reach lysosomes indirectly via the cell surface (...)
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    Nietzsche's Admiration for Socrates.Walter A. Kaufmann - 1948 - Journal of the History of Ideas 9 (4):472.
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    Application of a Markov model to free recall and recognition.Walter Kintsch & Charles J. Morris - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 69 (2):200.
  33. Äusserliche Reflexion und immanente Reflexion.Walter Jaeschke - 1978 - Hegel-Studien 13:89.
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    Hellenistische pseudopythagorica.Walter Burkert - 1961 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 105 (1-2):16-43.
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    The eclipse of eternity: a sociology of the afterlife.Tony Walter - 1996 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    Many people still believe in life after death, but modern institutions operate as though this were the only world - eternity is now eclipsed from view in society and even in the church. This book carefully observes the eclipse - what caused it, how full is it, what are its consequences, will it last? How significant is recent interest in near-death experiences and reincarnation?
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    William Harvey and the Purpose of Circulation.Walter Pagel - 1951 - Isis 42:22-38.
  37. God and Caesar, a Christian approach to social ethics.Walter E. Bauer (ed.) - 1959 - Minneapolis,: Augsburg Publ. House.
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  38. Fragment teologiczno- polityczny.Walter Benjamin - 2007 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 1:34-35.
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  39. El albedrío: proyección del tema de la libertad desde el Siglo de Oro español.Walter Bernard Redmond - 2007 - Pamplona, Spain: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra.
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  40. The Land.Walter Brueggemann - 1977
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    Avant-propos.Marion Picker - 2010 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 27:9-14.
    La nuance qui vitalise éternellement. Dès 1955, le « nimbe » grandissant de Walter Benjamin figurait dans un portrait de l’écrivain dressé par Adorno. Évitant alors de justesse l’association directe de Benjamin avec deux importants concepts de son œuvre, l’aura et le mythe, Adorno évoqua précocement des effets qui allaient de plus en plus le gêner dans la réception de l’œuvre posthume de cet auteur. À la fin de sa propre vie, Adorno parlait sans ambages de l’« ennuyeuse popularité (...)
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  42. A Polanyian Metaphysics?Walter Gulick - 2010 - Tradition and Discovery 37 (1):39-46.
    This article offers an appreciative review of Milton Scarborough’s book, Comparative Theories of Nonduality: The Search for a Middle Way. The nondualistic metaphysics and epistemology Scarborough argues for integrating three major influences: the Buddhist notions of emptiness and nothingness, ancient Hebrewcovenantal theology, and the minority perspectives within Western philosophy of Polanyi and Merleau-Ponty. What results is a vision of a protean reality that is not captured adequately by fixed essences—especially dualistic alternatives— or by a drive toward some unreachable certainty in (...)
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  43. Letters about Polanyi, Koestler, and Eva Zeisel.Walter Gulick - 2003 - Tradition and Discovery 30 (2):6-10.
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    Nikolaus von Kues, Denken im Dialog.Walter Andreas Euler (ed.) - 2019 - Berlin: Lit.
    Der Kardinal Nikolaus von Kues bzw. Nicolaus Cusanus (1401 - 1464) war der bedeutendste Philosoph des 15. Jahrhunderts und zugleich einer der einflussreichsten Kirchenpolitiker seiner Zeit. Neben seiner rastlosen Tätigkeit als Advokat von Fürsten und Päpsten, als Fürstbischof von Brixen und Kurienkardinal verfasste er philosophisch-theologische Schriften von historischem Rang. Ihn interessierten die großen Köpfe der europäischen Geistesgeschichte und die Intellektuellen seiner Zeit genauso wie die Alltagsprobleme der Gläubigen seines Tiroler Bistums. Besondere Beachtung verdient zudem die Tatsache, dass er einen Großteil (...)
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    Der Teufelspakt vor Goethe oder Wie der Umgang mit dem Bösen als felix culpa zu Beginn der Neuzeit in die Krise gerät.Walter Haug - 2001 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 75 (2):185-215.
    Das Faustbuch von 1587 führt die Tradition der altchristlichen Teufelspaktlegenden fort und bricht sie zugleich um. Die neue Konzeption, die hinter den verwirrenden inneren Widersprüchen und Inkonsequenzen des Werkes faßbar wird, zielt auf eine bewußte Zerstörung des alten Legendenschemas. Dabei ist es sowohl verfehlt, in Faustus noch einen mittelalterlichen Magier zu sehen wie auch ihn als macht- und wissenssüchtigen Renaissancemenschen zu verstehen; vielmehr wird an dieser Figur ein neuer Umgang mit dem Bösen narrativ diskutiert. Er ist das Opfer einer Strategie (...)
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    Geschichte der Philosophie von Sokrates bis Aristoteles.Walter Kinkel - 1922 - Leipzig,: Vereinigung wissenschaftlicher Verleger.
  47. Prairies et savanes dans les tropiques.H. Walter - 1965 - Scientia 59:89.
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  48. The Places of Experience.E. V. Walter - 1980 - Philosophical Forum 12 (2):159.
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    Erfahrung und Intuition bei Aristoteles.Walter Hesz - 1970 - Phronesis 15:48.
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    Semantische Untersuchungen Über Quantoren III.Walter Issel - 1970 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 16 (8):421-438.
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