Results for 'William Uricchio'

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  1. Constructing the audience: Competing discourses of morality and rationalization during the nickelodeon period.William Uricchio & Roberta E. Pearson - 1994 - Iris 17:43-54.
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  2. Padre Kolbe e la sacra scrittura: Citazioni, richiami e allusioni bibliche nei suoi scritti.Uricchio Francesco - 2005 - Miscellanea Francescana 105 (1-2):135-247.
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  3. Fisionomia interiore di P. Kolbe: Tre lineamenti spiritualu maggiori di P. Kolbe.Francesco Uricchio - 2005 - Miscellanea Francescana 105 (3-4):583-629.
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  4. Gesu'venuto a servire ea precedere nel servire: Rivisitazione del logion evangelico sul servizio.F. Uricchio - 1998 - Miscellanea Francescana 98 (3-4):645-718.
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  5. ofM conv., Recensione a L'Eglise in.F. Uricchio - 1967 - Miscellanea Francescana 67:213-215.
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  6. Spigolature patristico-evangeliche di P. Michele Mees, OFMConv.F. Uricchio - 1995 - Miscellanea Francescana 95 (3-4):467-481.
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  7. Tracce di inculturazione in MT: Un'indagine recente e originale.F. Uricchio - 1996 - Miscellanea Francescana 96 (3-4):547-560.
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    The nature of science in science education: An introduction.William F. Mccomas, Hiya Almazroa & Michael P. Clough - 1998 - Science & Education 7 (6):511-532.
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  9. Three uses of the herbrand-Gentzen theorem in relating model theory and proof theory.William Craig - 1957 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (3):269-285.
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    Seeking historical examples to illustrate key aspects of the nature of science.William F. McComas - 2008 - Science & Education 17 (2-3):249-263.
  11. Rational belief change, Popper functions and counterfactuals.William L. Harper - 1975 - Synthese 30 (1-2):221 - 262.
    This paper uses Popper's treatment of probability and an epistemic constraint on probability assignments to conditionals to extend the Bayesian representation of rational belief so that revision of previously accepted evidence is allowed for. Results of this extension include an epistemic semantics for Lewis' theory of counterfactual conditionals and a representation for one kind of conceptual change.
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    Underdetermination in classic and modern tests of general relativity.William J. Wolf, Marco Sanchioni & James Read - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 14 (4):1-41.
    Canonically, ‘classic’ tests of general relativity (GR) include perihelion precession, the bending of light around stars, and gravitational redshift; ‘modern’ tests have to do with, _inter alia_, relativistic time delay, equivalence principle tests, gravitational lensing, strong field gravity, and gravitational waves. The orthodoxy is that both classic and modern tests of GR afford experimental confirmation of that theory _in particular_. In this article, we question this orthodoxy, by showing there are classes of both relativistic theories (with spatiotemporal geometrical properties different (...)
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    Population Games and Evolutionary Dynamics.William H. Sandholm - 2010 - MIT Press.
    A systematic, rigorous, comprehensive, and unified overview of evolutionary game theory.
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  14. Mysticism: A Study of Its Nature, Cognitive Value and Moral Implications.William Wainwright - 1981 - Philosophy East and West 34 (3):337-339.
  15. Street Corner Society: The Social Structure of an Italian Slum.William F. Whyte - 1958 - Science and Society 22 (3):286-287.
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  16. The epistemology of evidence in cognitive neuroscience.William P. Bechtel - forthcoming - In Robert A. Skipper, Collin Allen, Rachel Ankeny, Carl F. Craver, Lindley Darden, Gregory Mikkelson & Robert C. Richardson (eds.), Philosophy and the Life Sciences: A Reader. MIT Press.
    It is no secret that scientists argue. They argue about theories. But even more, they argue about the evidence for theories. Is the evidence itself trustworthy? This is a bit surprising from the perspective of traditional empiricist accounts of scientific methodology according to which the evidence for scientific theories stems from observation, especially observation with the naked eye. These accounts portray the testing of scientific theories as a matter of comparing the predictions of the theory with the data generated by (...)
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  17. Not null enough: pseudo-null hypotheses in community ecology and comparative psychology.William Bausman & Marta Halina - 2018 - Biology and Philosophy 33 (3-4):30.
    We evaluate a common reasoning strategy used in community ecology and comparative psychology for selecting between competing hypotheses. This strategy labels one hypothesis as a “null” on the grounds of its simplicity and epistemically privileges it as accepted until rejected. We argue that this strategy is unjustified. The asymmetrical treatment of statistical null hypotheses is justified through the experimental and mathematical contexts in which they are used, but these contexts are missing in the case of the “pseudo-null hypotheses” found in (...)
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    Rehearsal and storage of visual information.William Shaffer & Richard M. Shiffrin - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 92 (2):292.
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    The Evolution of our Understanding of the Cell: A Study in the Dynamics of Scientific Progress.William Bechtel - 1984 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 15 (4):309.
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    Using the hierarchy of biological ontologies to identify mechanisms in flat networks.William Bechtel - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (5):627-649.
    Systems biology has provided new resources for discovering and reasoning about mechanisms. In addition to generating databases of large bodies of data, systems biologists have introduced platforms such as Cytoscape to represent protein–protein interactions, gene interactions, and other data in networks. Networks are inherently flat structures. One can identify clusters of highly connected nodes, but network representations do not represent these clusters as at a higher level than their constituents. Mechanisms, however, are hierarchically organized: they can be decomposed into their (...)
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  21. The Life of Cognitive Science.William Bechtel, Adele Abrahamsen & George Graham - 1998 - In George Graham & William Bechtel (eds.), A Companion to Cognitive Science. Blackwell. pp. 1–104.
    Cognitive science is the multidisciplinary scientific study of cognition and its role in intelligent agency. It examines what cognition is, what it does, and how it works.
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  22.  22
    The Social Psychology of Science.William R. Shadish & Steve Fuller - 1994 - Guilford Press.
    The social psychology of science is a compelling new area of study whose shape is still emerging. This erudite and innovative book outlines a theoretical and methodological agenda for this new field, and bridges the gap between the individually focused aspects of psychology and the sociological elements of science studies. Presenting a side of social psychology that, until now, has received almost no attention in the social sciences literature, this volume offers the first detailed and comprehensive study of the social (...)
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  23.  78
    Attributing responsibility to computer systems1,.William Bechtel - 1985 - Metaphilosophy 16 (4):296-306.
  24. Carl Schmitt and the Road to Abu Ghraib.William E. Scheuerman - 2006 - Constellations 13 (1):108-124.
  25.  24
    Ethics of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation under Conventional and Crisis Standards of Care.William F. Parker, Mark Siegler & Gina M. Piscitello - 2022 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 33 (1):13-22.
    Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is a form of life support for cardiac and/or pulmonary failure with unique ethical challenges compared to other forms of life support. Ethical challenges with ECMO exist when conventional standards of care apply, and are exacerbated during periods of absolute ECMO scarcity when “crisis standards of care” are instituted. When conventional standards of care apply, we propose that it is ethically permissible to withhold placing patients on ECMO for reasons of technical futility or when patients have (...)
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  26. ‘What place, then, for a creator?': Hawking on God and Creation.William Lane Craig - 1990 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 41 (4):473-491.
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    Redressing Substance Dualism.William G. Lycan - 2018 - In Jonathan J. Loose, Angus John Louis Menuge & J. P. Moreland (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Substance Dualism. Oxford, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 22–40.
    This chapter explains that most of the standard objections to substance dualism (SD) count as effectively against property dualism (PD), and that PD is hardly more plausible, or less implausible, than SD. Dualism competes, not with neuroscience (a science), but with materialism, an opposing philosophical theory. The chapter shows that although Cartesian dualism faces some serious objections, that does not distinguish it from other philosophical theories, and the objections are not an order of magnitude worse than those confronting materialism in (...)
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  28.  38
    Ancient Racists, Color-Blindness, and Figs: Why Periodization and Localization Matters for for Anti-Racism.William H. Harwood - 2023 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 29 (1):5-36.
    Interrogating received knowledge is constitutive to any critical project, and recently there has been a wave of scholarship which argues for locating the origin of racist-thinking prior to modern Europe—even prior to the Common Era—without any real consideration of the potential dangers accompanying such a seismic redefinition. By expanding “racism” to include potentially any pre-modern xenophobic or ethnicist atrocity, even well-meaning scholarship dilutes the peculiar injustice of modern Europe’s most successful epistemological weapon. As a result, we lose any criteria to (...)
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    (1 other version)Nature and Logos: A Whiteheadian Key to Merleau-Ponty's Fundamental Thought.William S. Hamrick & Jan Van der Veken - 2011 - State University of New York Press.
    Exploration of Alfred North Whitehead's influence on Maurice Merleau-Ponty's ontology of nature.
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  30. Hylomorphism and Part-Whole Realism.William Jaworski - 2019 - Ancient Philosophy Today 1 (1):108-127.
    Mereonominalism, holonominalism, and part-whole realism represent competing views on the metaphysics of parts and wholes. Mereonominalism claims that what parts exist is a function of the concepts we use in describing composite wholes. Holonominalism claims that what composite wholes exist is a function of the concepts we use in describing things that can qualify as parts. Part-whole realism claims that parts and wholes exist independent of our concepts. I argue that all three views face problems, but that the problem facing (...)
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    A cold look at HOT theory.William E. Seager - 2004 - In Rocco J. Gennaro (ed.), Higher-Order Theories of Consciousness: An Anthology. John Benjamins.
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    On Ageing and Maturing.William Simkulet - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (6):429-430.
    Räsänen draws a distinction between chronological age and biological age and argues that biological ageing is (sometimes) desirable. To demonstrate this, he asks us to consider the case of April, who like Karel Čapek’s Elina Makropulos, has stopped biologically ageing. Unlike Makropulos, though, April’s biological ageing was halted before puberty, so she will never mature into adulthood. Räsänen contends this case shows ageing can be desirable, but this equivocates between maturing and ageing. Here I argue biological ageing, or the wear (...)
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  33. Russell's paradox and some others.William C. Kneale - 1971 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 22 (4):321-338.
    Though the phrase 'x is true of x' is well formed grammatically, it does not express any predicate in the logical sense, because it does not satisfy the principle of reduction for statements containing 'x is true of'. recognition of this allows for solution of russell's paradox without his restrictive theory of types.
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    The Case for Emergent Dualism.William Hasker - 2018 - In Jonathan J. Loose, Angus John Louis Menuge & J. P. Moreland (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Substance Dualism. Oxford, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 61–72.
    Emergentism provides a remarkably appropriate fit with an evolutionary account of the history of life on earth. Emergentism presents us with a compelling picture of the co‐evolution of mind and brain. Among the emergentist options, emergent dualism is the one that best satisfies the requirements of both good philosophy and sound theology. The common versions of creationism are generally modeled on the dualism of Rene Descartes, according to which body and mind are two radically different kinds of substances. The body (...)
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  35. The very idea of the idea of nature, or why Hegel is not an idealist.William Maker - 1998 - In Stephen Houlgate (ed.), Hegel and the Philosophy of Nature. State University of New York Press. pp. 1--27.
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    Art and the Absolute: A Study In Hegel’s Aesthetics.William Desmond - 1986 - State University of New York Press.
    The book draws on the astonishing scope and depths of Hegel's Lectures on Aesthetics, exploring the multifaceted issue of art and the absolute. Why does Hegel ascribe absoluteness to art? What can such absoluteness mean?
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  37. Space exploration and environmental issues.William Hartmann - 1984 - Environmental Ethics 6 (3):227-239.
    New discoveries about materials and solar energy raise the possibility of a long-tenn shift of mining, refining, and manufacturing from Earth’s surface to locations outside Earth’s ecosphere, allowing Earth to begin to relax back toward its natural state. A little-discussed ambivalence toward the potential of space exploration exists among environmentalists. One camp sees it as a human adventure that may allow a bold initiative to improve Earth; another camp shies away from “heavy technology” and thus distrusts efforts as massive as (...)
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  38. The Illusion of Technique.William Barrett - 1981 - Mind 90 (357):147-149.
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    A unification-theoretic method for investigating the k-provability problem.William M. Farmer - 1991 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 51 (3):173-214.
    The k-provability for an axiomatic system A is to determine, given an integer k 1 and a formula in the language of A, whether or not there is a proof of in A containing at most k lines. In this paper we develop a unification-theoretic method for investigating the k-provability problem for Parikh systems, which are first-order axiomatic systems that contain a finite number of axiom schemata and a finite number of rules of inference. We show that the k-provability problem (...)
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    Criteria for ruling out sedation as an interpretation of neuroleptic effects.William J. Freed & Ronald F. Zec - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (1):57-59.
  41. Simple systems and phylogenetic diversity.William C. Wimsatt - 1998 - Philosophy of Science 65 (2):267-275.
    The simple systems methodology is a powerful reductionistic research strategy. It has problems as implemented in developmental genetics because the organisms studied are few and unrepresentative. Stronger inferences require independent arguments that key traits are widely distributed phylogenetically. Evolutionary and developmental mechanisms of generative entrenchment and self-organization provide possible support, and are also necessary components of a developmental systems approach.
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    Two Traditions of Analogy.William R. Brown - 1989 - Informal Logic 11 (3).
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    Perplexity and Ultimacy: Metaphysical Thoughts From the Middle.William Desmond - 1995 - State University of New York Press.
    Desmond explores perplexity regarding ultimacy--the metaphysical perplexity that precedes and exceeds scientific and commonsense curiosity.
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    Battling Wal‐Mart: How Communities Can Respond.William Beaver - 2005 - Business and Society Review 110 (2):159-169.
  45.  49
    RETRACTED: Fueling doubt and openness: Experiencing the unconscious, constructed nature of perception induces uncertainty and openness to change.William Hart, Alexa M. Tullett, Wyley B. Shreves & Zachary Fetterman - 2015 - Cognition 137 (C):1-8.
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    The Figure of Euthyphro in Plato's Dialogue.William D. Furley - 1985 - Phronesis 30 (2):201 - 208.
  47.  34
    When Is a Market Not a Market?: ‘Exemption’, ‘Externality’ and ‘Exception’ in the Case of European State Aid Rules.William Davies - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (2):32-59.
    The reach of markets and market-based forms of valuation is never unlimited in any society, which invites empirical and political questions regarding how limits to markets are instituted, justified and enforced. Under neoliberalism, the state performs a key role in expanding the reach of markets and associated principles and techniques of valuation, using law and governmental techniques. But this then poses a question of the relationship between the neoliberal state and the market that it endorses and enforces: is the state (...)
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    Neuronal inference must be local, selective, and coordinated.William A. Phillips - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (3):222-223.
    Life is preserved and enhanced by coordinated selectivity in local neural circuits. Narrow receptive-field selectivity is necessary to avoid the curse-of-dimensionality, but local activities can be made coherent and relevant by guiding learning and processing using broad coordinating contextual gain-controlling interactions. Better understanding of the functions and mechanisms of those interactions is therefore crucial to the issues Clark examines.
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  49.  16
    Beyond Hegel and Dialectic: Speculation, Cult, and Comedy.William Desmond - 1992 - State University of New York Press.
    This book is a defense of speculative philosophy in the wake of Hegel. In a number of wide-ranging, meditative essays, Desmond deals with the criticism of speculative thought in post-Hegelian thinking. He covers the interpretation of Hegelian speculation in terms of the metataxological notion of being and the concept of philosophy that Desmond has developed in two previous works, Philosophy and Its Others, and Desire, Dialectic and Otherness. Though Hegel is Desmond’s primary interlocuter, there are references to Aristophanes, Socrates, Plato, (...)
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    Sartre and his predecessors: the self and the other.William Ralph Schroeder - 1984 - Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
    Introduction The common-sense assumptions about Others described in the Preface derive from a world-view which I shall call "The Cartesian Picture. ...
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