Results for 'Youth, Social and professional integration, Entry into adult life, Effect of age'

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  1.  34
    Pour une vue longitudinale sur les jeunes et le travail.Jacques Hamel - 2003 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 2 (2):255-268.
    Cet article cherche à retracer l’insertion professionnelle et sociale de jeunes diplômés dix ans après leur « entrée dans la vie adulte ». Après avoir discuté les thèses en vogue sur les jeunes et le travail, l’auteur expose les résultats de l’analyse de leurs récits d’insertion. Aujourd’hui, les jeunes diplômés de l’époque ont, non sans mal, pris pied dans l’orbite du travail et dans la société. Le travail revêt dans leur esprit une fonction instrumentale et une fonction expressive, y compris (...)
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    Integrating Morality Into Intelligent Machines – Can Artificial Intelligence Make Unsupervised Moral Decisions?Ana Frichand & Biljana Blazhevska Stoilkovska - 2024 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 77 (1):195-224.
    With the expansion of artificial intelligence and advanced technologies, theworld in the 21st century is rapidly changing and imposing new living dynamics. Althoughsuch changes affect all age groups, younger generations accept them faster andreact more positively. The new cohorts - Generation Z and Alpha - live in a digital worldthat affect their lifestyle, interpersonal relations, quality of mental health, psychologicalwell-being and everyday challenges. The presence of the so called “Frankenstein effect”in some adults provoked by the fast development of artificial (...)
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    Novo Nordisk A/S: Integrating Sustainability into Business Practice.Mette Morsing & Dennis Oswald - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 5 (special issue):193-222.
    “In an age where companies are scrutinised and transparency is the only way to gain trust,” says Novo Nordisk CEO Lars Rebien Sørensen, “social responsibility is vital to maintain a business advantage.” This case examines how transparency underlines the application of Novo Nordisk’s sustainability policy—how it is integrated, administered, monitored and measured throughout the organisation. It looks closely at one of Novo Nordisk’s business units, Diabetes Finished Products, to see the process in action. Novo Nordisk is a pharmaceutical company (...)
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    Compensating for age limits through emotional crossmodal integration.Laurence Chaby, Viviane Luherne-du Boullay, Mohamed Chetouani & Monique Plaza - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:146388.
    Social interactions in daily life necessitate the integration of social signals from different sensory modalities. In the aging literature, it is well established that the recognition of emotion in facial expressions declines with advancing age, and this also occurs with vocal expressions. By contrast, crossmodal integration processing in healthy aging individuals is less documented. Here, we investigated the age-related effects on emotion recognition when faces and voices were presented alone or simultaneously, allowing for crossmodal integration. In this study, (...)
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    When Patients' Values Challenge Professional Integrity: Which Way Out?Marta Spranzi - 2016 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 59 (3):326-336.
    An elderly patient in his early eighties is hospitalized in a long-term facility, with advanced Alzheimer disease. He is otherwise relatively strong and free from other life-threatening conditions, except for the fact that he has difficulties swallowing. After several episodes of acute aspiration pneumonia doctors prescribe “strict fast”: only hydration through an IV catheter should be administered during the night, in order to relieve the feeling of hunger, provide comfort, and stave off death. The patient is surrounded by a warm (...)
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    PRiME: Integrating professional responsibility into the engineering curriculum. [REVIEW]Christy Moore, Hillary Hart, D’Arcy Randall & Steven P. Nichols - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (2):273-289.
    Engineering educators have long discussed the need to teach professional responsibility and the social context of engineering without adding to overcrowded curricula. One difficulty we face is the lack of appropriate teaching materials that can fit into existing courses. The PRiME (Professional Responsibility Modules for Engineering) Project ( described in this paper was initiated at the University of Texas, Austin to provide web-based modules that could be integrated into any undergraduate engineering class. Using HPL (How (...)
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    Integrating ethics into the business school curriculum.Thomas W. Dunfee & Diana C. Robertson - 1988 - Journal of Business Ethics 7 (11):847 - 859.
    A project on teaching business ethics at The Wharton School concluded that ethics should be directly incorporated into key MBA courses and taught by the core business faculty. The project team, comprised of students, ethics faculty and functional business faculty, designed a model program for integrating ethics. The project was funded by the Exxon Education Foundation.The program originates with a general introduction designed to familiarize students with literature and concepts pertaining to professional and business ethics and corporate (...) responsibility. This may be accomplished through orientation sessions, readings, packages, short classes and lectures. (shrink)
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    Integrating mental health professionals in residencies to reduce health disparities.Jocelyn Fowler, Max Zubatsky & Emilee Delbridge - 2017 - International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine 52 (3):286-297.
    Health disparities in primary care remain a continual challenge for both practitioners and patients alike. Integrating mental health services into routine patient care has been one approach to address such issues, including access to care, stigma of health-care providers, and facilitating underserved patients’ needs. This article addresses examples of training programs that have included mental health learners and licensed providers into family medicine residency training clinics. Descriptions of these models at two Midwestern Family Medicine residency clinics in the (...)
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    (2 other versions)Integrating Strangers into the Mainstream Society: A Phenomenological Perspective.Matteo Bonotti - 2013 - Schutzian Research. A Yearbook of Worldly Phenomenology and Qualitative Social Science 5 (2013):23-36.
    In this paper, I argue that participation in face-to-face social groups can make a crucial contribution to the inclusion of strangers into the social life of liberal democratic polities. First, I critically assess Alfred Schutz’s phenomenological analysis of “The Stranger” within the context of his overall conceptionof the “life-world.” I then argue that linguistic communication can only enable a partial integration of strangers into an alien group. This is due, I claim, to whatSchutz calls the “irreversibility (...)
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    Come‐backs/Reincarnation as Integration; Adoption‐out as Disassociation: Examples from First Nations Northwest British Columbia.Antonia Mills & Linda Champion - 1996 - Anthropology of Consciousness 7 (3):30-43.
    To those raised outside of Gitxsan and Witsuwit'en culture, the concept of a child, (or adult) claiming to be, or being attributed as, an ancestor returned as well as the person of this life, sounds like a split personality. In this paper, we examine a single example of this category from among the more than two hundred cases on record for the Gitxsan and Witsuwit'en of northwest British Columbia. The example serves to demonstrate that the Gitxsan and Witsuwit'en do (...)
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    Genital Modifications in Prepubescent Minors: When May Clinicians Ethically Proceed?The Brussels Collaboration on Bodily Integrity - forthcoming - American Journal of Bioethics:1-50.
    When is it ethically permissible for clinicians to surgically intervene into the genitals of a legal minor? We distinguish between voluntary and nonvoluntary procedures and focus on nonvoluntary procedures, specifically in prepubescent minors (“children”). We do not address procedures in adolescence or adulthood. With respect to children categorized as female at birth who have no apparent differences of sex development (i.e., non-intersex or “endosex” females) there is a near-universal ethical consensus in the Global North. This consensus holds that clinicians (...)
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    Stories from the Trenches: Reflections on Integrating Sustainability Into CSR/BE Courses.Aimee Dars Ellis - 2009 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 20:383-389.
    In this paper, I provide a number of suggested exercises and assignments for integrating sustainability into Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics classes, as well as other classes offered in Business Schools. I developed or adapted these activities and have successfully used them in a range of classes. Not only do these activities engage students and promote creativity, they also promote critical thinking in the classroom.
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    Relational integration in older adults.Indre V. Viskontas, Keith J. Holyoak & Barbara J. Knowlton - 2005 - Thinking and Reasoning 11 (4):390 – 410.
    Reasoning requires making inferences based on information gleaned from a set of relations. The relational complexity of a problem increases with the number of relations that must be considered simultaneously to make a correct inference. Previous work (Viskontas, Morrison, Holyoak, Hummel, & Knowlton, 2004) has shown that older adults have difficulty integrating multiple relations during analogical reasoning, especially when required to inhibit irrelevant information. We report two experiments that examined the ability to integrate multiple relations in younger, middle-aged, and older (...)
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  14.  34
    Integrating Ethics into Business Education.Cathy Driscoll & Jacqueline Finn - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 2 (1):51-69.
    In a study of the integration of ethics in an MBA program at an Atlantic Canadian University, we found evidence of discrepancies between students and professors with regards to their perception of the integration of ethics into coursework. In addition, discrepancies were found among the perceptions of some of the students taking the same course. Possible reasons for these discrepancies are explored, as well as some of the examples of marginalization of ethics and some of the barriers to teaching (...)
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  15. L’objection de conscience des professionnels de la santé : une revue intégrative.Chantal Caux, Jérôme Leclerc-Loiselle & Jocelin Lecomte - 2021 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 4 (2):25-35.
    The entry into force in Quebec of the law regulating medical assistance in dying seems to have revived discussions on the concept of conscientious objection (CO) among health professionals. In order to better understand this concept, an integrative review of 39 articles, both national and international, was carried out. To be considered for this review, the articles had to include a definition of CO and at least one criterion justifying its acceptability, or not, in the Western context of (...)
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  16.  18
    Integrating teacher data literacy with TPACK: A self-report study based on a novel framework for teachers' professional development.Yulu Cui & Hai Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    While teachers' knowledge is widely viewed as a key aspect of professional development in the new era, little research attention has been paid to one of its key components: teacher data literacy. Accordingly, this study aimed to combine teacher data literacy with TPACK, a widely-used framework for understanding and assessing teachers' knowledge. We first used qualitative methods to develop this integrated framework, then distributed a quantitative self-report survey based on the framework to teachers, and analyzed the resulting data. The (...)
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    A New Framework Integrating Environmental Effects into Technology Evaluation.Shiu-Wan Hung & Shih-Chang Tseng - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 95 (4):543 - 556.
    This study aims to propose a framework considering both economic issues and environmental effects in technology evaluation in order to provide firms' decision makers a useful reference in adopting technologies that will enable them to fulfill corporate social responsibilities and get competitive advantages at the same time. Recently, the demands for technology evaluation have increased with the flourishing development of technology licensing, technology transaction or joint venture on the one hand and with the pressing needs of environmental protection for (...)
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  18.  26
    Disparities in Diffuse Cortical White Matter Integrity Between Socioeconomic Groups.Danielle Shaked, Daniel K. Leibel, Leslie I. Katzel, Christos Davatzikos, Rao P. Gullapalli, Stephen L. Seliger, Guray Erus, Michele K. Evans, Alan B. Zonderman & Shari R. Waldstein - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:456976.
    There is a growing literature demonstrating a link between lower socioeconomic status (SES) and poorer neuroanatomical health, such as smaller total and regional gray and white matter volumes, as well as greater white matter lesion volumes. Little is known, however, about the relation between SES and white matter integrity. Here we examined the relation between SES and white matter integrity of the brain’s primary cortical regions, and evaluated potential moderating influences of age and self-identified race. Participants were 192 neurologically intact, (...)
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    From technician to professional: Integrating spirituality into medical practice.Chad F. Slieper, Katherine Wasson & Lois M. Ramondetta - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (7):26 – 27.
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    Ethical concerns in integrating sport-related concussion (SRC) genetic testing into return-to-play (RTP) protocols.Tatiana Spitsyna & Pascal Borry - 2024 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (3):404-415.
    The occurrence of sport-related concussions (SRCs) has emerged as a significant health concern in professional sports, with millions of concussions occurring worldwide each year. Current return-to-play (RTP) protocols after SRCs involve a multi-disciplinary approach with growing interest in genetic testing technology. Numerous studies have indicated that the gene Apolipoprotein E4 (APOE4) holds promise as a predictive factor for developing diseases after concussions and other traumatic brain injuries. Nevertheless, there is an ongoing and contentious debate surrounding the impact of SRC (...)
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  21.  79
    Integrating ethics into technical courses: Micro-insertion. [REVIEW]Michael Davis - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (4):717-730.
    Perhaps the most common reason science and engineering faculty give for not including “ethics” (that is, research ethics, engineering ethics, or some discussion of professional responsibility) in their technical classes is that “there is no room”. This article 1) describes a technique (“micro-insertion”) that introduces ethics (and related topics) into technical courses in small enough units not to push out technical material, 2) explains where this technique might fit into the larger undertaking of integrating ethics into (...)
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  22. A Case Example: Integrating Ethics into the Academic Business Curriculum.Gael M. McDonald - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 54 (4):371-384.
    This paper combines a review of existing literature in the field of business ethics education and a case study relating to the integration of ethics into an undergraduate degree. Prior to any discussion relating to the integration of ethics into the business curriculum, we need to be cognisant of, and prepared for, the arguments raised by sceptics in both the business and academic environments, in regard to the teaching of ethics. Having laid this foundation, the paper moves to (...)
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  23.  56
    Moral Development and Professional Integrity.Michael S. Pritchard & Elaine E. Englehardt - 2017 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 31 (2):227-240.
    We rely on doctors, accountants, engineers, and other professionals to be committed to the basic values of their professions and to exercise their ex­pertise in competent, reliable ways, even when no one is watching them do their work. That is, we expect them to have professional integrity. Children obviously do not yet have professional integrity, even if someday they will become professionals. Nevertheless, the moral development of children who will become professionals plays an important role in the eventual (...)
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  24.  19
    Professional values in student nurse education: An integrative literature review.Carolyn Antoniou, Ross Clifton & Valerie Wilson - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (6):1323-1340.
    Aim The aim is to understand current research into the impact of undergraduate nursing education on the development of professional values. Background Values are evident in the professional standards for nurses and the guidelines and healthcare policies of many countries. These professional values guide decisions and behaviour and are recognised as an essential component in the professions ability to provide safe and professional care. This literature review presents the current research on the impact of education (...)
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    Integrating Instruction in Ethical Reasoning into Undergraduate Business Courses.William J. Wilhelm - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 5 (1):5-34.
    This article presents findings from a series of research studies designed to identify classroom teaching practices that can enhance moral reasoning of undergraduate students in business foundational courses. The research, conducted over five semesters at a Midwestern university, resulted in the development of teaching methods and materials that can, when properly sequenced and integrated into undergraduate business courses, increase levels of student moral reasoning as measured by the revised version of the Defining Issues Test (DIT-2). Findings in this research (...)
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    Integral Biomathics: Tracing the Road to Reality.Plamen L. Simeonov, Leslie S. Smith & Andrée C. Ehresmann (eds.) - 2012 - Springer.
    Perhaps the most distinct question in science throughout the ages has been the one of perceivable reality, treated both in physics and philosophy. Reality is acting upon us, and we, and life in general, are acting upon reality. Potentiality, found both in quantum reality and in the activity of life, plays a key role. In quantum reality observation turns potentiality into reality. Again, life computes possibilities in various ways based on past actions, and acts on the basis of these (...)
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    Integrating Traditional Chinese Music into Contemporary Music Education: An Evolutionary Perspective.Shuyue Xie, Tharanat Hin-on & Pongpitthaya Sapaso - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:70-82.
    This research investigates and analyzes the integration of traditional Chinese music into contemporary music education systems in Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province, China, from an evolutionary perspective. It emphasizes the importance of traditional music education in preserving cultural heritage, fostering creativity, and enhancing holistic student development within the framework of imaginative culture. The study employs a structured approach using the PRISMA methodology to systematically review relevant literature and assess the current status of music education in Ji'an, focusing on course implementation, (...)
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    Integrity Systems for Occupations.Andrew Alexandra & Seumas Miller - 2010 - Routledge.
    An integrity system is an integrated assemblage of institutional mechanisms, designed to minimize ethical misconduct and promote ethical health in institutions, organizations, occupations and the like. This book analyzes, describes and demonstrates the value of well-designed integrity systems for efficient, effective and ethically sustainable practice, in occupational groups in particular. Developing a blueprint for the design of integrity systems which can be tailored to the specific ethical needs of different occupational groups, this book furthers the general project of ethically informed (...)
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    Information professionals serving disadvantaged communities.Michel J. Menou & Kingo Mchombu - 2007 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 5 (2/3):140-154.
    PurposeThis paper sets out to offer a holistic perception of the information ecology in which disadvantaged communities of the so‐called third world operate with a view to contribute to overcoming its limitations in a more effective way.Design/methodology/approachThe authors briefly review the major social, economic and cultural characteristics of disadvantaged communities that balance the common place trust in the power of modern information products and infrastructures. Based upon a number of field studies the notion of information needs is reconsidered and (...)
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    Educational practices promoting civic engagement: a systematic integrative review.Luigina Mortari, Fedra Alessandra Pizzato, Luca Ghirotto & Roberta Silva - 2021 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 25 (60):9-24.
    The article presents the results of a systematic review conducted according to the integrative review method, which investigates both the empirical and theoretical-descriptive literature to combine academic reflection with professional practices implemented in educational contexts. The review question aims at identifying effective educational practices to promote civic engagement in the 6-13 age group, regarding school contexts. We conducted the search of the records through disciplinary and generalist databases and with the use of digital libraries. The analysis of the included (...)
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    Integrating Ethics into an Undergraduate Tax Planning Course at a University in Hong Kong.Richard S. Simmons - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 11:179-198.
    Recent scandals involving accounting firms raise serious concerns about ethical attitudes in the provision of professional tax services. Enhancing the ethics education of prospective tax professionals presents a means through which this situation can be improved. In order to promote such educational development, this study describes the infusion of an ethics intervention in a tax planning course at a university in Hong Kong. Also, the findings of an exploratory survey into theeffect of the course on student attitudes towards (...)
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    Executive integrity: the search for high human values in organizational life.Suresh Srivastva (ed.) - 1988 - San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
    Shows that executive integrity is not merely a moral trait but a dynamic process of making empathetic, responsible, and sound decisions. Describes key features of executive integrity including effective social interaction, open dialogue, and responsive leadershipand explains how integrity can be developed and practiced in today's organizations.
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  33.  55
    Healthcare Professionals’ Conflicts When Treating Transgender Youth: Is It Necessary to Prioritize Protection Over Respect?Maximiliane Hädicke, Manuel Föcker, Georg Romer & Claudia Wiesemann - 2023 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 32 (2):193-201.
    Increasingly, transgender minors are seeking medical care such as puberty-suppressing or gender-affirming hormone therapies. Yet, whether these interventions should be performed at all is highly controversial. Some healthcare practitioners oppose irreversible interventions, considering it their duty to protect children from harm. Others view minors, like adults, as transgender individuals who must be protected from discrimination. The underlying ethical question is presented as a problem of priority. Is it primarily relevant that minors are involved? Or should decision makers focus on the (...)
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    The achieving with integrity seminar: an integrative approach to promoting moral development in secondary school classrooms.David B. Wangaard & Jason M. Stephens - 2016 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 12 (1).
    For anyone concerned about students’ moral development, academic dishonesty presents a pervasive problem but also a promising possibility. The present paper describes the theoretical and empirical underpinnings of process-oriented, four-component model approach to promoting students’ “moral functioning” related to academic integrity, and the research project currently underway that is providing Web-based professional development to teachers for using the model in their high school classrooms. In doing so, we hope to develop a scalable approach that offers teachers an opportunity to (...)
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  35. Work/Life Integration.Erin C. Tarver - 2013 - In Christopher Luetege, Handbook of the Philosophical Foundations of Business Ethics. Springer. pp. 1191--1202.
    Some provisions of the UN’s Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) are clearly important from the perspective of business ethics, particularly those calling for equal rights for women to employment and financial security. Some other provisions of CEDAW are equally as important for ethical business practices and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), but are frequently overlooked because of the presumption that they are not strictly business concerns: the rights of women to participation in public life, marriage, and (...)
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  36. Machine Advisors: Integrating Large Language Models into Democratic Assemblies.Petr Špecián - forthcoming - Social Epistemology.
    Could the employment of large language models (LLMs) in place of human advisors improve the problem-solving ability of democratic assemblies? LLMs represent the most significant recent incarnation of artificial intelligence and could change the future of democratic governance. This paper assesses their potential to serve as expert advisors to democratic representatives. While LLMs promise enhanced expertise availability and accessibility, they also present specific challenges. These include hallucinations, misalignment and value imposition. After weighing LLMs’ benefits and drawbacks against human advisors, I (...)
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    Professor or Professionals?Herman De Dijn - 2015 - Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice 7 (2):40-45.
    Books and articles are written with titles like The Last Professors and The End of the University. Of course these headings should not be taken literally. What they indicate are deep changes in the nature of the university and in the understanding of what is a professor. They also demonstrate a profound malaise, especially - but not only-among academics in the Humanities. In this brief paper an attempt is made to understand what is happening. Universities have been changing from institutions (...)
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    A Pedagogy for Integrating Catholic Social Ethics into the Business Ethics Course.John C. Cassidy - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 3:35-54.
    Catholic business schools may better fulfill their religious mission by integrating Catholic social ethics into the business curriculum. But doing so presents a challenge to many business instructors who are unfamiliar with the Catholic ethical tradition. The purpose of this paper is to helpovercome this difficulty by describing a pedagogy the author has used successfully to integrate Catholic social ethics into the business ethics course. The pedagogy utilizes the Model of Integrated Course Design, the Method of (...)
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    An approach to integrating “professional responsibility” in engineering into the capstone design experience.Steven P. Nichols - 2000 - Science and Engineering Ethics 6 (3):399-412.
    ABET 2000 Criteria encourages development of proficiency in professional responsibility in engineering as part of the undergraduate curriculum. This paper discusses the use of industrially sponsored capstone design projects to encourage active discussion of professional responsibility in engineering that naturally occurs during the engineering design process. The paper also discusses student participation in designing responses and approaches to issues such as engineering ethics. The paper includes specific examples of topics addressed by students and the approaches developed (by students) (...)
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    What makes professionals so difficult: an investigation into professional ethics teaching.David Preston - 1998 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 28 (2):58-67.
    Teaching ethics to professionals pursuing a university degree programme requires a method that engages them with the realities and problematic nature of their workplace environment. In this paper we examine some of the history of Professional Ethics from a philosophical and political standpoint. Unfortunately this analysis appears to produce more questions than answers with the terms professional and expert seemingly poorly defined. In order to demonstrate some of the generic problems likely to be encountered by anyone teaching (...) Ethics we make use of our case study. Whilst this is concerned largely with what can be termed Business and Computing Ethics, the case study does highlight problems that occur across the curricula. We look at the concerns and problems surrounding the teaching of issues such as Integration into the Curricula, Codes of Ethics, Ethical Decision Making and Ethical Standards. We stress the value in universities moving away from traditional methods, based purely in direct value, of decision making to an alternative ethical evaluative framework based on Social, Economic, Environmental and Rights information. This model should be introduced early in the student calendar and used as a vehicle for discussion of later issues such as Whistleblowing. (shrink)
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    Youth Practitioner Professional Narratives: Changing Identities in Changing Times.Mark Price - 2018 - British Journal of Educational Studies 66 (1):53-68.
    This paper examines youth practitioner professionality responses to neo-liberal policy changes in youth work and the youth support sector in the UK, from New Labour to Conservative-led administrations. Using a narrative inquiry approach, six early career practitioners explore and recount their experiences of moving into the field during changing political times. The narratives reveal differentiated responses to a climate of increasing managerialism and performativity but point to the value of narrative capital as a personalised resource.
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    (1 other version)Straight talk about professional ethics.Kim Strom-Gottfried - 2015 - Chicago, Illinois: Lyceum Books.
    How does one make the right choices when faced with ethical dilemmas? Social service professionals use a unique set of principles to guide their decisions within a broad and complex array of situations. Straight Talk about Professional Ethics, Second Edition provides readers with the guidelines that will help them make decisions in a manner that is clinically and ethically effective. This book explains the seven core concepts that guide ethical practice in the helping professions: self-determination, informed consent, competence, (...)
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    China’s integration in the Asia-Pacific regional economic cooperation.Junhua Wei, Yue Gao & Ehsan Elahi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    China is actively deepening integration into economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement has come into force and China is one of its members. Furthermore, China is applying to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership. This study uses the Global Trade Analysis Project model to measure the impact of the RCEP and CPTPP on Gross Domestic Production, import, export, terms of trade, and social welfare of major economies under various (...)
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    Older people’s perceived autonomy in residential care: An integrative review.Tanja Moilanen, Mari Kangasniemi, Oili Papinaho, Mari Mynttinen, Helena Siipi, Sakari Suominen & Riitta Suhonen - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (3):414-434.
    Autonomy has been recognised as a key principle in healthcare, but we still need to develop a consistent understanding of older people’s perceived autonomy in residential care. This study aimed to identify, describe and synthesise previous studies on the perceived autonomy of older people in residential care. Ethical approval was not required, as this was a review of published literature. We carried out an integrative review to synthesise previous knowledge published in peer-review journals in English up to September 2019. Electronic (...)
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    Knowledge community: integrating ICT into social development in developing economies. [REVIEW]Keyoor Purani & Satish Nair - 2007 - AI and Society 21 (3):329-345.
    Technology and social change are interdependent. The information technology (IT) revolution has redefined social equation shifting the focus from material to knowledge power. While developed countries have harnessed their resources with the growth of knowledge societies, the developing and least developed countries have lagged behind in progress. In this paper, the authors have examined the roles of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), government and international agencies and human-centered approaches to arrive at a conceptual model of knowledge community in (...)
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    Social Studies Curriculum Integration in Elementary Classrooms: A Case Study on a Pennsylvania Rural School.Julie Ollila & Marisa Macy - 2019 - Journal of Social Studies Research 43 (1):33-45.
    Since the advent of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, classrooms in the U.S. have experienced a steady decline in the amount of time teachers spend on social studies, with the elementary grades suffering the highest level of decline. There is currently a need to understand how teachers perceive the problem of insufficient social studies instruction time and gain their perceptions of curriculum integration as a solution. The purpose of the qualitative case study was to explore (...)
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    Embracing alternative pedagogies for integrating global ethics into the business curriculum.Tanya Weiler & Deanna Grant-Smith - 2024 - Journal of Global Ethics 20 (3):373-380.
    Teaching ethics has been advocated as a means of providing the global citizenship competencies that business graduates will require to be effective change-makers and ethical professionals on the world stage. However, developing the moral imagination and ethical sensitivity required to take personal responsibility for broader ethical challenges and ethical dilemmas associated with a global ethics approach requires the adoption of critical pedagogies that counter privilege and challenge the status quo. This paper proposes alternative pedagogies for critically reflexive, agentic and hopeful (...)
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    Correction to: From the ground up: developing a practical ethical methodology for integrating AI into industry.Marc M. Anderson & Karën Fort - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-1.
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    Professional ethics and personal integrity.Tim Dare & W. Bradley Wendel (eds.) - 2010 - Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Professional roles are often thought to bring role-specific permissions and obligation, which may allow or require role-occupants to do things they would not be permitted or required to do outside their roles, and which as individuals they would rather not do. This feature of professional roles appears to bring them into conflict both with 'ordinary' or non-role morality, and with personal integrity which is often thought to demand some form of personal endorsement of one's conduct. How are (...)
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    Investigating monumental social space in Late Bronze Age Cyprus: an integrative approach.Kevin D. Fisher - 2014 - In Silvia Polla, Undine Lieberwirth & Eleftheria Paliou, Spatial Analysis and Social Spaces: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Interpretation of Prehistoric and Historic Built Environments. De Gruyter. pp. 167-202.
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