Results for 'Zhiyu Xie'

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  1.  26
    How Leader-Member Exchange Affects Creative Performance: An Examination From the Perspective of Self-Determination Theory.Zhiyu Xie, Na Wu, Tong Yue, Jing Jie, Guanghui Hou & Anguo Fu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  2.  45
    Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: How and When Machiavellian Leaders Demonstrate Strategic Abuse.Zhiyu Feng, Fong Keng-Highberger, Kai Chi Yam, Xiao-Ping Chen & Hu Li - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 184 (1):255-280.
    The extant literature has largely conceptualized abusive supervision as a hot and impulsive form of aggression. In this paper, we offer a cold and strategic perspective on how abusive supervision might be used strategically to achieve goals. Drawing on the Machiavellian literature and social interaction theory of aggression, we develop a moderated serial mediation model, in which leader Machiavellianism predicts their strategic use of abusive supervision on subordinates via the mediating role of leaders’ guanxi with direct supervisor. We further theorize (...)
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  3.  20
    Effect of Social Support on the Psychological Adjustment of Chinese Left-Behind Rural Children: A Moderated Mediation Model.Zhiyu Fan & Xinghua Fan - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:604397.
    There are tens of millions of children left behind by one or both rural-to-urban migrant parents (left-behind children, LBC) in rural China. Compared to non-left-behind children (NLBC), LBC are disadvantaged in psychological adjustment. Research has shown social support can help LBC grow up healthily, but the plausible mechanisms linking support to adjustment remain unclear. The present study investigated the mediating role of basic psychological need satisfaction (BPNS) in the above relationship, as well as whether the predictive pathways of support on (...)
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    Implicit Morality Theories: Employees’ Beliefs About the Malleability of Moral Character Shape Their Workplace Behaviors.Zhiyu Feng, Fong Keng-Highberger, Hu Li & Krishna Savani - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 184 (1):193-216.
    Implicit morality theories refer to people’s beliefs about whether individuals’ moral character is fixed or malleable. Drawing on the social cognitive theory of morality, we examine the relationship between employees’ implicit morality theories and their organizational citizenship behaviors toward coworkers (OCBC) and coworker-directed deviance (CDD) through a moral self-regulatory mechanism. A laboratory experiment (Study 1), an online experiment (Study 2), and a multi-wave, multi-source field survey (Study 3) found that the more employees held a fixed belief about morality, the lower (...)
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  5. Li shi wei wu zhu yi jiang hua.Zhiyu Gao - 1983 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing. Edited by Zikai Wang.
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    She hui ke xue zhi shi xin lun: wen hua yan jiu li chang shi ping = Social science knowledge re-examined: ten lectures from the perspective of cultural studies.Zhiyu Shi - 2005 - Taibei Shi: Guo li Taiwan da xue chu ban zhong xin.
    本书的写作将中心放在对科学主义的主要挑战上。各章均采取强迫对话的方式,直接提出文化研究者对于当前主流社会科学研究的省思,针对具体的研究议程,铺陳迥异的研究设问与方法论,既引介来自文化研究学界对于社会科 学主义的检讨,也探究文化研究学者如何对于社会科学研究另辟蹊径。藉此批判精神的实践,邀请读者也能针对知识之性质,共同参与探究,进而深思当代社会科学与政治知识的意义,摸索自己的立场,开辟有助于鼓励对话的知 识平台.
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  7.  19
    Empowerment through agency enhancement.Zhiyue Tong & Fengcun An - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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  8.  10
    Knowing oneself and one’s home country: Reflections on Fang Junbi's experiences from the perspectives of emotions and feminist history.Li Zhiyu - 2021 - Chinese Studies in History 54 (4):316-332.
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    Detecting the influence of the Chinese guiding cases: a text reuse approach.Benjamin M. Chen, Zhiyu Li, David Cai & Elliott Ash - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 32 (2):463-486.
    Socialist courts are supposed to apply the law, not make it, and socialist legality denies judicial decisions any precedential status. In 2011, the Chinese Supreme People’s Court designated selected decisions as Guiding Cases to be referred to by all judges when adjudicating similar disputes. One decade on, the paucity of citations to Guiding Cases has been taken as demonstrating the incongruity of case-based adjudication and the socialist legal tradition. Citations are, however, an imperfect measure of influence. Reproduction of language uniquely (...)
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  10.  35
    Prevalence of Research Misconduct and Questionable Research Practices: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Yu Xie, Kai Wang & Yan Kong - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (4):1-28.
    Irresponsible research practices damaging the value of science has been an increasing concern among researchers, but previous work failed to estimate the prevalence of all forms of irresponsible research behavior. Additionally, these analyses have not included articles published in the last decade from 2011 to 2020. This meta-analysis provides an updated meta-analysis that calculates the pooled estimates of research misconduct and questionable research practices, and explores the factors associated with the prevalence of these issues. The estimates, committing RM concern at (...)
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  11.  59
    A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Argument Predispositions in China: Argumentativeness, Verbal Aggressiveness, Argument Frames, and Personalization of Conflict.Yun Xie, Dale Hample & Xiaoli Wang - 2015 - Argumentation 29 (3):265-284.
    China has a longstanding tradition of stressing the values of harmony and coherence, and Chinese society has often been portrayed as a culture in which conflict avoidance is viewed more positively than direct confrontation and argumentation. In order to evaluate the validity of this claim, this paper sketches Chinese people’s feelings and understandings about interpersonal arguing by reporting results of a data collection in China, using measures of argumentativeness, verbal aggressiveness, argument frames, and personalization of conflict. These results were compared (...)
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  12.  32
    Sensitivity to Evidential Dependencies in Judgments Under Uncertainty.Belinda Xie & Brett Hayes - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (5):e13144.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 46, Issue 5, May 2022.
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  13.  36
    Doing Well and Doing Good: How Responsible Entrepreneurship Shapes Female Entrepreneurial Success.Xuemei Xie & Yonghui Wu - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (3):803-828.
    This study examines the role of responsible entrepreneurship among female entrepreneurs by examining how and when responsible entrepreneurship may exert a positive influence on female entrepreneurial success. Using the data collected from 337 Chinese female entrepreneurs, and by integrating responsible entrepreneurship research with a dynamic capability framework, our findings show, firstly, that responsible entrepreneurship is positively correlated to female entrepreneurial success; secondly, this relationship is mediated by female entrepreneurs’ opportunity recognition; and thirdly, the indirect effect of responsible entrepreneurship on female (...)
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  14.  58
    Strategies for Human‐Driven Robot Comprehension of Spatial Descriptions by Older Adults in a Robot Fetch Task.Laura Carlson, Marjorie Skubic, Jared Miller, Zhiyu Huo & Tatiana Alexenko - 2014 - Topics in Cognitive Science 6 (3):513-533.
    This contribution presents a corpus of spatial descriptions and describes the development of a human-driven spatial language robot system for their comprehension. The domain of application is an eldercare setting in which an assistive robot is asked to “fetch” an object for an elderly resident based on a natural language spatial description given by the resident. In Part One, we describe a corpus of naturally occurring descriptions elicited from a group of older adults within a virtual 3D home that simulates (...)
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  15.  23
    Adding Types, But Not Tokens, Affects Property Induction.Belinda Xie, Danielle J. Navarro & Brett K. Hayes - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (9):e12895.
    The extent to which we generalize a novel property from a sample of familiar instances to novel instances depends on the sample composition. Previous property induction experiments have only used samples consisting of novel types (unique entities). Because real‐world evidence samples often contain redundant tokens (repetitions of the same entity), we studied the effects on property induction of adding types and tokens to an observed sample. In Experiments 1–3, we presented participants with a sample of birds or flowers known to (...)
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  16.  60
    Affective valence facilitates spatial detection on vertical axis: shorter time strengthens effect.Jiushu Xie, Yanli Huang, Ruiming Wang & Wenjuan Liu - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  17.  26
    Contesting Dishonesty: When and Why Perspective-Taking Decreases Ethical Tolerance of Marketplace Deception.Guang-Xin Xie, Hua Chang & Tracy Rank-Christman - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 175 (1):117-133.
    Deception is common in the marketplace where individuals pursue self-interests from their perspectives. Extant research suggests that perspective-taking, a cognitive process of putting oneself in other’s situation, increases consumers’ ethical tolerance for marketers’ deceptive behaviors. By contrast, the current research demonstrates that consumers who take the dishonest marketers’ perspective become less tolerant of deception when consumers’ moral self-awareness is high. This effect is driven by moral self-other differentiation as consumers contemplate deception from the marketers’ perspective: high awareness of the “moral (...)
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  18.  33
    When and How Underdog Expectations Promote Cheating Behavior: The Roles of Need Fulfillment and General Self-efficacy.Thomas M. Tripp, Kristine M. Kuhn, Zhiyu Feng & Teng Iat Loi - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 181 (2):375-395.
    AbstractExtant research has demonstrated that underdog expectations—individuals’ perceptions that others view them as unlikely to succeed—can have positive implications for motivating performance. In this paper, we draw on self-determination theory to examine how and when underdog expectations can have detrimental consequences for both the employee and the organization. Specifically, we propose that underdog expectations can decrease employees’ need fulfillment, which in turn leads to more cheating behavior. Furthermore, we theorize that the indirect effect of underdog expectations on cheating behavior via (...)
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  19.  20
    Encoding and decoding of meaning through structured variability in intonational speech prosody.Xin Xie, Andrés Buxó-Lugo & Chigusa Kurumada - 2021 - Cognition 211 (C):104619.
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  20.  26
    The Impact of Work Stress on Job Satisfaction and Sleep Quality for Couriers in China: The Role of Psychological Capital.Yujin Xie, Jing Tian, Yang Jiao, Ying Liu, Hong Yu & Lei Shi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Objective: Work stress is one of the urgent public health problems, which has aroused wide attention. In addition, work stress also has a negative impact on the development of enterprises. This study has three purposes: to understand the current status of working stress among couriers, to examine the association between work stress, job satisfaction and sleep quality of Chinese couriers, and to verify the mediating role of psychological capital.Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 3000 couriers in Beijing of China (...)
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  21. Social Support, Mindfulness, and Job Burnout of Social Workers in China.Xiaoxia Xie, Yuqing Zhou, Jingbo Fang & Ganghui Ying - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In the last 20 years, amid extensive social and economic reforms, China’s social structure and community life have changed considerably. A large number of social workers are needed to provide many more social services to community residents. The central government has issued many policies to rapidly develop human service organizations and increase the number of social workers. Thus, by the end of 2019, the number of social workers has reached more than 1.5 million in China. At the same time, local (...)
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  22.  56
    The influence of emotion on face processing.Weizhen Xie & Weiwei Zhang - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (2):245-257.
  23.  17
    Disrupted Anti-correlation Between the Default and Dorsal Attention Networks During Hyperthermia Exposure: An fMRI Study.Shaowen Qian, Jing Zhang, Sumei Yan, Zhiyue Shi, Zhaoqun Wang & Yi Zhou - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  24.  27
    Can Touchscreen Devices be Used to Facilitate Young Children's Learning? A Meta-Analysis of Touchscreen Learning Effect.Heping Xie, Ji Peng, Mengyuan Qin, Xuzhe Huang, Fei Tian & Zongkui Zhou - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  25.  91
    Conductive Argument as a Mode of Strategic Maneuvering.Yun Xie - 2017 - Informal Logic 37 (1):2-22.
    This paper is to argue that conductive arguments could be understood from a rhetorical perspective. It contends that conductive arguments can be regarded as a particular mode of strategic maneuvering, rather than a new type of argument. Moreover, it demonstrates that the use of conductive arguments can be adequately analyzed and evaluated by adopting the theoretical tools developed in the extended Pragma-Dialectics.
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  26. Differences in Neurocognitive Mechanisms Underlying the Processing of Center-Embedded and Non–embedded Musical Structures.Xie Ma, Nai Ding, Yun Tao & Yu Fang Yang - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  27.  81
    Argument by Analogy in Ancient China.Yun Xie - 2019 - Argumentation 33 (3):323-347.
    Argument by analogy has long been regarded as the characteristic way of arguing in ancient Chinese culture. Classic Chinese philosophers not only prefer to use analogy to argue for their own views, but also take efforts to theorize it in a systematic way. This paper aims to provide a careful study on the relevant ideas in ancient China in order to reconstruct the ancient Chinese theory of argument by analogy, and then to reveal some of its distinctive features through a (...)
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  28.  8
    An analytical study of employee loyalty and corporate culture satisfaction assessment based on sentiment analysis.Jie Xie, Ri Le Ge Su & Jaehoon Song - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    As an important factor related to the interests of enterprises, the attitude and behavior of employees are related to the company’s survival and the realization of business objectives. However, in recent years, with the rapid development of emerging industries and industry changes, the turnover rate of employees in the whole enterprise has been greatly improved. Frequent turnover of personnel will have a great impact on the stability of the company, the competitiveness of the enterprise, and the operating cost. Employee loyalty (...)
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  29.  52
    Corruption and New Product Innovation: Examining Firms’ Ethical Dilemmas in Transition Economies.Xuemei Xie, Guoyou Qi & Kevin Xiaoguo Zhu - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (1):107-125.
    Corruption as a non-market strategy for firms has gained increasing attention in the field of strategy management. However, the effect of corruption on innovation is unclear, especially in the context of transition economies. Using institutional theory, we examine the relationship between corruption and new product innovation and identify the contextual conditions of the relationship. Using the World Bank Enterprise Survey data from China, our empirical results show that corruption has a positive effect on firms’ new product innovation. Moreover, we find (...)
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  30.  13
    Effects of Content Support and Planning Instruction on Discourse Connection in EFL Argumentative Writing.Yue Xie & Xiaoxuan Lv - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:912311.
    Discourse connection is a challenging aspect of writing in a second language. This study seeks to investigate the effects of two classroom instructions on discourse connection in writing for EFL college students, focusing on their argumentative writing. Three classes were exposed to different pre-task conditions: receiving reading materials that provide content support for the writing, receiving planning instructions on effective outlining, and receiving no resources. The results showed that the instructions helped students attain better overall coherence in writing. However, noticeable (...)
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  31.  50
    Neural Basis of Two Kinds of Social Influence: Obedience and Conformity.Ying Xie, Mingliang Chen, Hongxia Lai, Wuke Zhang, Zhen Zhao & Ch Mahmood Anwar - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  32.  76
    Structural heterogeneity mediates the effect of community structure on cooperation.Fengjie Xie, Wentian Cui & Jun Lin - 2012 - Complexity 17 (4):40-48.
  33.  30
    Mental Rotation in False Belief Understanding.Jiushu Xie, Him Cheung, Manqiong Shen & Ruiming Wang - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (4):1179-1206.
    This study examines the spontaneous use of embodied egocentric transformation in understanding false beliefs in the minds of others. EET involves the participants mentally transforming or rotating themselves into the orientation of an agent when trying to adopt his or her visuospatial perspective. We argue that psychological perspective taking such as false belief reasoning may also involve EET because of what has been widely reported in the embodied cognition literature, showing that our processing of abstract, propositional information is often grounded (...)
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  34.  34
    The Influence of Second Language Proficiency on Cognitive Control Among Young Adult Unbalanced Chinese-English Bilinguals.Zhilong Xie - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  35.  10
    Praktische Regulation der Natur: zur Grundfrage und Grundmethode der Metaphysik des späten Kant.Yuwei Xie - 2020 - Berlin: J.B. Metzler. Edited by Yuwei Xie.
    Mit der rekonstruierenden Textanalyse der Preisschrift über die Fortschritte der Metaphysik (1804) und der drei Kritiken hat der Autor den Begriff der „eigentlichen Metaphysik“ Kants zum Inhalt. Demnach wird die Hauptfrage der kantischen Metaphysik als die Frage nach der Möglichkeit der Erkenntnis von den übersinnlichen Prinzipien der Natur bestimmt. Die Grundmethode zur Kants Antwort auf diese Frage bezeichnet der Autor als „praktische Regulation der Natur“, in der die reine praktische Vernunft ihrem notwendigen Bedürfnis gemäß die reflektierende Urteilskraft dazu leitet, nach (...)
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  36.  21
    Whitehead and China: Relevance and Relationships.Wenyu Xie, Zhihe Wang & George E. Derfer (eds.) - 2005 - De Gruyter.
    Whitehead acknowledged that 'the philosophy of organism seems to approximate more to some strains of.Chinese thought.' Some scholars have attempted to explore this relationship and its implications. The Beijing Conference provided a good forum for interested and engaged scholars to address each other directly, in an atmosphere of mutual regard and respect. The ongoing scholarly work on process thinking in China is impressive. It is the editors' conviction that the publication of this book in English will promote international discussion of (...)
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    Critical impact assessment of organic agriculture.Xie Biao, Wang Xiaorong, Ding Zhuhong & Yang Yaping - 2003 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 16 (3):297-311.
    Based on its productionguideline, organic agriculture has set foritself the goals of minimizing all forms ofpollution and maintaining sustainability of thefarming system. By striving for these goals,organic farming meets the demands of anincreasing number of consumers who are criticalof conventional production methods. This papergives an overview of the present state of theart in the different issues. Possibilities ofand limitations in performing the self-aimedgoals under the basic standards of organicagriculture are discussed. Concerningenvironmental protection, in general, the riskof adverse environmental effects is (...)
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  38.  32
    Affective bias in visual working memory is associated with capacity.Weizhen Xie, Huanhuan Li, Xiangyu Ying, Shiyou Zhu, Rong Fu, Yingmin Zou & Yanyan Cui - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (7):1345-1360.
  39.  47
    Negative emotion enhances mnemonic precision and subjective feelings of remembering in visual long-term memory.Weizhen Xie & Weiwei Zhang - 2017 - Cognition 166:73-83.
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  40.  20
    Research on the Human Rights and Cultural Protection of Environmentally Displaced Persons under Rising Sea Levels.Rui Xie, Wen-Bo Li, Meng-Chun Lin & Jia-Ming di LuZhu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-11.
    In recent years, due to factors such as rising sea levels, several island nations such as Maldives, Tuvalu, Kiribati, and the Marshall Islands are in danger of disappearing completely. When the land of an island country disappeared, the human rights protection of Environmentally Displaced Persons in the migration process and the possible loss of their unique culture, language, and lifestyle have aroused great concern. We call such Environmentally Displaced Persons as EDPs. This study selects the EDPs’ data of 241 countries (...)
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  41. What is Kant: A compatibilist or an incompatibilist? A new interpretation of Kant's solution to the free will problem.Simon Shengjian Xie - 2009 - Kant Studien 100 (1):53-76.
    There are generally two controversial issues over Kant's solution to the free will problem. One is over whether he is a compatibilist or an incompatibilist and the other is over whether his solution is a success. In this paper, I will argue, regarding the first controversy, that “compatibilist” and “incompatibilist” are not the right terms to describe Kant for his unique views on freedom and determinism; but that of the two, incompatibilist is the more accurate description. Regarding the second controversy, (...)
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  42.  34
    Exploring express delivery networks in China based on complex network theory.Fengjie Xie, Jun Lin & Wentian Cui - 2016 - Complexity 21 (2):166-179.
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  43.  25
    Contextual Cueing Effect Under Rapid Presentation.Xiaowei Xie, Siyi Chen & Xuelian Zang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In contextual cueing, previously encountered context tends to facilitate the detection of the target embedded in it than when the target appears in a novel context. In this study, we investigated whether the contextual cueing could develop at early time when the search display was presented briefly. In four experiments, participants searched for a target T in an array of distractor Ls. The results showed that with a rather short presentation time of the search display, participants were able to learn (...)
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  44.  38
    Towards Ethically and Medically Sustainable Care for the Elderly: The Case of China.Wenye Xie & Ruiping Fan - 2020 - HEC Forum 32 (1):1-12.
    An enormous challenge facing China is how to provide sustainable care for its rapidly-increasing elderly population. Its recent policy directives include three medical forms—the institution-cooperation-form, the institution-medical-form, and the family-physician-form—to integrate medical care into ordinary care for the elderly. This essay indicates that China will not be able to maintain sustainable elderly care unless it places emphasis on the family-physician-form that focuses on family physicians and the use of primary care services. The essay constructs arguments for this policy suggestion based (...)
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    Vicarious Learning: How Entrepreneurs Enhance a Firm’s International Competitiveness Through Learning From Interlocking Director Network Partners.Zaiyang Xie, Runhui Lin, Jie Wang, Weiwei Hu & Ling Miao - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Assessment of color preference, purchase intention and sexual attractiveness of lipstick colors under multiple lighting conditions.Baolin Tian, Hanwen Gong, Zhiyu Chen, Xuan Yu, Michael R. Pointer, Jie Yu, Feng Yu & Qiang Liu - unknown
    Lipstick is one of the most commonly used cosmetics, which is closely associated with female attractiveness and influences people’s perception and behavior. This study aimed to investigate the impact of light sources, lipstick colors, as well as gender on the subjective assessment of lipstick color products from the prospective of color preference, purchase intention and sexual attractiveness. The correlation between color preference evaluations when applying lipstick on lips and on forearms was also explored. Sixty participants completed their visual assessment of (...)
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    A Test Procedure Optimization Method for an Industrial Robot Servo System on an Integrated Testing Platform.Shaomin Tang, Guixiong Liu, Zhiyu Lin, Xiaobing Li & Minqiang Pan - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-12.
    A test procedure optimization method was proposed in this paper to improve the test efficiency of the industrial robot servo system to be tested on the IRSS integrated testing platform. First, an ordered sequence was used to define the IRSS test project when tested on the IITP. The ordered sequence consisted of execution subelements, which were a combination of control variable parameters of the IITP. Second, the optimization relationships among the IRSS test projects were dug out according to the IRSS (...)
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    Contributions of Cognitive Factors in Conceptual Metaphors.Weizhen Xie & Weiwei Zhang - 2014 - Metaphor and Symbol 29 (3):171-184.
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  49.  29
    Global ethics: sentimental education or ideological construction?Wenyu Xie - 2024 - Journal of Global Ethics 20 (1):83-90.
    I distinguish two types of ethical efforts. One of them can be called ideological efforts in morality, which begins with the quest for truth. Once in possession of the truth, people can make moral laws and apply them to a society, demanding that all members of the society abide by them. The other may be called sentimental education, which depicts the formation of morality as being based on sentiments in this way: people live in an intimate relationship to foster a (...)
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    Prisoner's dilemma game on adaptive networks under limited foresight.Fengjie Xie, Wentian Cui & Jun Lin - 2013 - Complexity 18 (3):38-47.
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