Results for 'capable man'

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  1.  9
    Capable man, capable God.Richard Kearney - 2010 - In Brian Treanor & Henry Isaac Venema, A passion for the possible: thinking with Paul Ricoeur. New York: Fordham University Press. pp. 49-61.
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    The Capable Man: Anthropological Keys on P. Ricoeur’s Ethical and Political Thinking.Eduardo Cassarotti - 2012 - Filosofia Unisinos 13 (2 - suppl.).
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  3. Recovery From Natural and Man-Made Disasters As Capabilities Restoration and Enhancement.C. Murphy & P. Gardoni - 2008 - International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 3 (4):1-17.
    In the literature on the recovery of societies from natural disasters, a dominant theme is the importance of pursuing and achieving sustainable recovery. Sustainability implies that recovery efforts should aim to (re-) build, maintain, and, if possible, enhance the quality of life of members of the disaster-stricken community in the short and long term. In this paper, we propose a capabilities-based approach to recovery and argue that it provides important theoretical resources for better realizing this ideal of sustainability in practice. (...)
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    Being Capable of Death: Remarks on the Death of the Animal from a Phenomenological Perspective.Christian Sternad - 2017 - Studia Phaenomenologica 17:101-118.
    In this article, I investigate how phenomenologists have analysed the relation between man and animal with respect to death. The common tendency of most phenomenologists is to grant man a specific mode of being and to attribute a parallel but deficient mode to the animal. In this way, phenomenology fails to accomplish a positive phenomenological description of the animal’s mode of being or of animality as such. I turn to Heidegger’s decisive analysis of human/animal death since Heidegger would constantly hold (...)
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    Ricœur et Giddens: l’herméneutique de l’homme capable et la théorie de structuration.Ernst Wolff - 2014 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 5 (2):105-127.
    Résumé Le but de cet article est de mettre en dialogue Ricœur avec la théorie sociale d’Anthony Giddens, plus spécifiquement l’herméneutique de l’homme capable avec la théorie de la structuration. Nous commencerons par explorer quelques termes clefs permettant de comparer les deux auteurs au sujet du rapport entre acteurs et systèmes. Chez Ricœur, nous commenterons les notions d’institution et de pratique; chez Giddens, des notions importantes pour présenter la “dualité de structure.” Au cours de cette exploration, quatre tâches seront (...)
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    “There Is No Man Living Who Isn’t Capable of Doing More Than He Thinks He Can Do” … With Cognitive Enhancement.Mark Henderson Arnold - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 10 (1):54-56.
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    The acceptability and the tolerability of societal risks: A capabilities-based approach.Colleen Murphy & Paolo Gardoni - 2008 - Science and Engineering Ethics 14 (1):77-92.
    In this paper, we present a Capabilities -based Approach to the acceptability and the tolerability of risks posed by natural and man-made hazards. We argue that judgments about the acceptability and/or tolerability of such risks should be based on an evaluation of the likely societal impact of potential hazards, defined in terms of the expected changes in the capabilities of individuals. Capabilities refer to the functionings, or valuable doings and beings, individuals are able to achieve given available personal, material, and (...)
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  8.  48
    The influence of Karl Marx’s notion of justice on Martha Nussbaum’s capabilities approach.Wei Fei - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (8):973-982.
    This paper aims to explore the relationship between Karl Marx’s concept of justice and Martha Nussbaum’s capabilities approach. Nusbaum follows the Aristotelian idea of man as a political animal, which is intrinsically consistent with Marx’s view of human nature, but she provides us with a new normative perspective to reconsider Marxism. When she initially began to design the list of core capabilities, Nussbaum stated that her capabilities approach originated from Marx’s idea of ‘genuinely human functions’, which requires society to provide (...)
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    A Study of Aging Topic Focusing on the Catholic Social Doctrine and Sen's Capability Approach.Hsiang-Yi Lin & Daisy Tai-Hsing Day - 2014 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 13 (37):125-147.
    The purpose of this study is to examine the topic of older people in the world from the perspective of the Social Teaching of the Church. As explained in Christifideles Laici , the Catholic Church believes that the laity is summoned to pave the way for the arrival of God’s Kingdom, and people who are at an advanced age should still respond to God’s calling through their own unique way of contribution. In Familiaris Consortio it is emphasized that the Church (...)
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  10. Are animals capable of concepts?Achim Stephan - 1999 - Erkenntnis 51 (1):583-596.
    Often, the behavior of animals can be better explained and predicted, it seems, if we ascribe the capacity to have beliefs, intentions, and concepts to them. Whether we really can do so, however, is a debated issue. Particularly, Donald Davidson maintains that there is no basis in fact for ascribing propositional attitudes or concepts to animals. I will consider his and rival views, such as Colin Allen's three-part approach, for determining whether animals possess concepts. To avoid pure theoretical debate, however, (...)
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  11. The Acceptability and the Tolerability of Societal Risks: A Capabilities-based Approach.Colleen Murphy Æ Paolo Gardoni - unknown
    In this paper, we present a Capabilities-based Approach to the acceptability and the tolerability of risks posed by natural and man-made hazards. We argue that judgments about the acceptability and/or tolerability of such risks should be based on an evaluation of the likely societal impact of potential hazards, defined in terms of the expected changes in the capabilities of individuals. Capabilities refer to the functionings, or valuable doings and beings, individuals are able to achieve given available personal, material, and social (...)
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  12.  27
    From Brokenness of Death to Refigured Forgiveness: Reflections on Ricoeur’s Fault, Narrativity, and Capable Human Being.Jonathan Ray Villacorta - 2009 - Kritike 3 (2):128-138.
    Indeed, death, even the ones that some people are prepared for, comes with painful blows in the hearts of loved ones left behind. One, then, can only imagine the great pangs of pain that pierce the hearts of the bereaved upon hearing a young life that has been ended abruptly by series of uncontrollable occurrences—alas! Tragedy! This particular human experience pushes man’s brokenness to fore, illuminating the gap in human constitution, casting on humanity’s fault a blinding radiance which forces one (...)
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  13.  19
    A Study on ‘Disproportion’ and ‘Fragility’ of Paul Ricoeur’s Philosophical Anthropology: Focusing on Fallible Man. 김세원 - 2022 - Korean Feminist Philosophy 37:61-103.
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    Man's approach to God.Jacques Maritain - 1960 - Latrobe, Pa.,: Archabbey Press.
    Man's Approach to God was the 5th lecture in the Wimmer Memorial Lecture Series (1947-1970) at Saint Vincent and was given in 1951 by Jacques Maritain. Maritain was one of the most influential figures in the Thomistic revival of the 20th century. Both in his personal life and in his prolific academic corpus, Maritain modeled the Church's commitment to the interrelationship between faith and reason. So seriously did he take his intellectual commitments in his student years that, along with soon-to-be (...)
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    Man as economic animal and man as praxis an interpretation of Marx.Gajo Petrovic - 1963 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 6 (1-4):35 – 56.
    The conception of man as an economic animal is implied by the view that economic production is the determining “factor” or “sphere” of man or society. Against this conception can be put another, that of man as praxis. This takes account of man as a creative being, capable of realizing his freedom through his own activity. In this article the theory of the determining role of the “economic factor”, and the theory of factors in general have been examined. The (...)
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  16.  8
    Per un'ermeneutica dell'alterità : Ricœur e la vulnerabilità dell'altro.Sebastiano Galanti Grollo - 2020 - Discipline filosofiche. 30 (2):113-132.
    The article analyzes Ricoeur’s hermeneutics of the self and his concept of capable man, with particular reference to Oneself as Another and other late writings, where he develops a conception of the dialectic between self and other through a comparison with Husserl’s and Levinas’s perspectives. Ricoeur’s focus is on the acting subject, so that vulnerability is conceived with reference to the capabilities of the self. But since Ricoeur’s conception involves the recognition of the vulnerability of the other, which, however, (...)
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  17.  26
    Une juste reconnaissance. La place du juridique dans l’articulation de la “petite éthique”.Guido Gorgoni - 2020 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 11 (1):144-159.
    Cette contribution entend examiner la place que la référence au droit, et plus largement au phénomène juridique, occupe dans la dernière phase de la réflexion de Ricœur autour du sujet capable. Le droit joue en effet un rôle d’une importance croissante dans l’articulation de l’anthropologie capacitaire définie dans la “petite éthique” à travers une reconfiguration profonde de ses catégories fondamentales, notamment celle de sujet de droit et celle de responsabilité. Les implications d’un tel renouveau théorique seront prises en compte, (...)
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  18. Why Cro-Magnon Man Went Extinct.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2018 - Madison, WI, USA: Freud Institute.
    Cro-Magnon Man was smarter and generally more capable than we are. So why did he go extinct? Precisely because he was so capable. Whereas members of our species are weaklings who rely on others, members of his species had it in them to be rugged individualists; and that is what they did. But then, when circumstances became too severe, they had no social support and thus went extinct.
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    Man is a “Rope” Stretched Between Virosphere and Humanoid Robots: On the Urgent Need of an Ethical Code for Ecosystem Survival.Luigi F. Agnati, Deanna Anderlini, Diego Guidolin, Manuela Marcoli & Guido Maura - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (2):311-325.
    In this paper we compare the strategies applied by two successful biological components of the ecosystem, the viruses and the human beings, to interact with the environment. Viruses have had and still exert deep and vast actions on the ecosystem especially at the genome level of most of its biotic components. We discuss on the importance of the human being as contraptions maker in particular of robots, hence of machines capable of automatically carrying out complex series of actions. Beside (...)
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  20.  51
    (1 other version)Beyond Black and White: Transforming African-American Politics, Manning Marable, Second Edition, London: Verso, 2009 1.Paul M. Heideman - 2012 - Historical Materialism 20 (2):210-221.
    The new edition of Manning Marable’sBeyond Black and Whiteseeks to explain the course of black politics in the United States over the last thirty years. Marable argues that this history shows the failure of liberal and nationalist politics to address the problems facing black Americans. Though Marable attempts to chart a course beyond these ideologies, his alternative of ‘transformative politics’, shorn of the revolutionary Marxism that defined his earlier writings, is no more capable of confronting racial inequality than the (...)
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  21.  22
    Menkiti's Moral Man by Oritsegbubemi Anthony Oyowe.Polycarp Ikuenobe - 2022 - Review of Metaphysics 76 (2):356-358.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Menkiti's Moral Man by Oritsegbubemi Anthony OyowePolycarp IkuenobeOYOWE, Oritsegbubemi Anthony. Menkiti's Moral Man. Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, 2022. xii + 221 pp. Cloth, $100.00Oyowe critically examines the various threads in, issues raised by, and implications of Menkiti's maximal conception of personhood, against the backdrop of various criticisms, including his own. He indicates that, as "a repentant critic," he does "not deny the merits of these criticisms," but he (...)
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  22.  92
    Kann man die Achtung der Menschenwürde als Prinzip der normativen Ethik retten?Bernward Gesang - 2010 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 64 (4):474-497.
    In diesem Aufsatz werden die Interpretationen des Begriffs Menschenwürde vorgestellt, die in den aktuellen ethischen Debatten die am häufigsten diskutierten sind. Dabei handelt es sich um die traditionelle und die Kantische Theorie sowie um die Demütigungs- und die Achtungstheorie. Zudem werden zwei Ansätze präsentiert, die Menschenwürde über Relationen zu Menschenrechten erklären. Es soll ermittelt werden, ob einer der Kandidaten das Potenzial hat, einen begründbaren, gehaltvollen, präzisen und gegenüber dem Common-Sense Gebrauch nicht völlig revisionären Begriff der Menschenwürde zu liefern. Die hier (...)
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  23. Does Man Have a Place in Nature?Georges Guille-Escuret - 1997 - Diogenes 45 (180):115-133.
    Throughout the twentieth century, social anthropology has given the impression of being a science that is eternally in the throes of birth, all the while wondering whether it has the right to exist. As it has taken root, developed, and subdivided, it has become increasingly doubt-ridden. Today this self-doubt seems to have reached critical proportions: it is difficult to see how this discipline can continue to emphasize its schizophrenia without completely falling apart. Researchers who wish to sustain a belief in (...)
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  24.  66
    Warum man essentialist sein Kann – eine logische konstruktion im schnittfeld Von sprache, ontologie und naturwissenschaft.Ulrich Nortmann - 2002 - Erkenntnis 57 (1):1-39.
    Essentialism is, on the one hand, anchored with considerable firmness in a common sense picture of the world. On the other hand, it was dismissed for logico-philosophical reasons by a scientifically minded theorist like Quine. ``New essentialists'' like Kripke did engage in very profitable theorizing on an essentialist basis, but made no significant effort to investigate the prospects of imparting to an essentialist metaphysics a solid foundation within a scientific world view. These foundational prospects are the concern of the article. (...)
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  25.  26
    Man and the Internet: dialectics of knowledge and information.V. D. Emelyanenko & E. M. Yanenko - forthcoming - Philosophical Problems of IT and Cyberspace.
    In the article the problem of transformation of the information received by the user on the Internet into his knowledge is investigated. The paper uses the main special scientific and logical research methods used in the social and humanitarian sciences. At the same time, the methods of systematic and value-worldview analysis of the phenomena of the spiritual world of a person are distinguished by the degree of significance, which allow us to study the problem of the dialectic of knowledge and (...)
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  26.  36
    The knowledge of man. Selected essays.Jean Jacques Waardenburg - 1967 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 5 (4):382-383.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:382 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY the spiritual effort of all mankind. Many so-called historic events, he was convinced, will in the end be "as written in water," but the work of the human "spirit," however limited at any given time, is accumulative and helps prepare a better future. It seems fitting to close this review with the concluding words of high commendation addressed to him by the Argentinian Society of (...)
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  27.  23
    On the Interaction of Man and Machine.D. Iu Panov - 1967 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 6 (3):14-22.
    The very rapid developments in the field of computers in the last few years have made it possible to solve, with their aid, problems utterly new in character. The first "generation" of electronic computers, in the 1950's, was one of capricious and cumbersome vacuum-tube devices, but even it brought a fundamental change in our notions of the kind of tasks machines were capable of solving. The second "generation" - transistorized computers - is a substantial improvement. More compact and dependable, (...)
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  28.  64
    A Novel “Planetary Man”: From the Philosophical Paradigm of Modernity to Contemporary Anthropological Mutation: The Perspective of Ernesto Balducci.Mary Malucchi - 2011 - World Futures 67 (8):519 - 530.
    Italian priest, essayist, and intellectual of the twentieth century, Ernesto Balducci identified the crucial turning points of the new millennium by advancing original perspectives capable of opening unusual future scenarios. Sensitive to emergences of society (pollution, wars, ecological collapse), he retraces the causes in the more general ?crisis of modernity,? proposing a new paideia and a new model of thought. He theorizes the construction of a novel planetary horizon that presupposes not only the building of new organizational structures, but (...)
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  29. Royce, Racism, and the Colonial Ideal: White Supremacy and the Illusion of Civilization in Josiah Royce's Account of the White Man's Burden.Tommy J. Curry - 2009 - The Pluralist 4 (3):10 - 38.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Royce, Racism, and the Colonial IdealWhite Supremacy and the Illusion of Civilization in Josiah Royce's Account of the White Man's Burden1Tommy J. CurryNo colony can be made by a theory of Imperialism, it can only be made by people who want to colonize and are capable of maintaining themselves as colonists.—Sir Sydney OlivierIntroductionAs with most historic white figures in philosophy, their repopularization and reintroduction into contemporary circles commits (...)
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  30.  45
    Entre narration et action: Herméneutique et reconstruction thérapeutique de l'identité.Vinicio Busacchi - 2010 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 1 (1):21-33.
    La psychanalyse de Freud exerce un rôle constitutif dans le discours philosophique de Paul Ricœur sur l'homme. Autour de sa conception de “l' homme capable,” on peut voir s'articuler très clairement trois modèles théoriques: une théorie de la réflexion comme réappropriation, une théorie de la narration comme construction et comme reconstruction de l'identité, une théorie de la reconnaissance comme parcours d'émancipation. Il s'agit de trois modèles capables de donner à la psychanalyse d'aujourd'hui des éléments nouveaux pour l'élaboration d'une théorie (...)
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    Social Signaling and the Warrior-Big-Man among the Western Dani.Paul Roscoe, Richard J. Chacon, Douglas Hayward & Yamilette Chacon - 2019 - Human Nature 30 (2):176-191.
    We employ the Social Signaling Model and life history of a Western Dani big-man, Tibenuk, to analyze a neglected curiosity in the career of the big-man type. The big-man is renowned as an economic entrepreneur, the master of material displays. In New Guinea, however, big-men had invariably first gained fame and some influence as eminent warriors. The SSM accounts for this two-part career path by proposing that small-scale social organization rests on honest, competitive signaling of individual and collective fighting strength, (...)
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  32.  29
    An honest man?: Rousseau's critique of Locke's character education.Timothy T. Tennyson & Michelle Schwarze - 2024 - European Journal of Political Theory 23 (4):435-456.
    John Locke's educational program has long been considered to have two primary aims: to habituate children to reason and to raise children capable of meeting the demands of citizenship that he details in his Two Treatises of Government. Yet Locke's educational prescriptions undermine citizens’ capacity for honesty, a critical political virtue for Locke. To explain how Locke's educational prescriptions are self-undermining, we turn to Rousseau's extended critique of Locke's Some Thoughts on Education in his Émile. We argue that Rousseau (...)
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  33. ‘God said “Let us make man in our image after our likeness”’ – Mary Shepherd, the imago-dei-thesis, and the human mind.Manuel Fasko - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (3):469-490.
    This paper explores the role that Mary Shepherd's (1777–1847) acceptance of the so-called imago-dei thesis plays for her account of the human mind. That is, it analyses Shepherd's commitment to the doctrine that humans are created in the image of God, (see Gen. 1, 26–7) parts of which Shepherd quotes in Essays on the Perception of an External Universe (EPEU), 157, and the ways it informs her understanding of the human mind. In particular, it demonstrates how this thesis informs her (...)
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  34.  78
    Creative evolution and the creation of man.Claire Colebrook - 2010 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 48 (s1):109-132.
    This paper argues that Darwin's theory of evolution offers two modes of understanding the relation between life and human knowledge. On the one hand, Darwin can be included within a general turn to “life,” in which human self-knowledge is part of a general unfolding of increasing awareness and anthropological reflexivity; life creates an organism, man, capable of discerning the logic of organic existence. On the other hand, Darwin offers the possibility of understanding life beyond the self-maintenance of organism and, (...)
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  35.  95
    Could There Be a Humean Sex-Neutral General Idea of Man?Bat-Ami Bar On - 1987 - Philosophy Research Archives 13:367-377.
    In this paper I suggest that the Humean male and Humean female of Hume’s Treatise would have different mental lives due to a great extent to what Hume takes to be the socio-culture in place. Specifically, I show that the Humean male would be incapable but the Humean female would be capable of forming a Humean sex-neutral general idea of man. The Humean male’s inability is not innate but the result of the trauma he experiences when discovering sexuality, reproduction (...)
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    One-Dimensional Man. [REVIEW]W. L. M. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (4):630-630.
    A severe critique of contemporary society as one in which there remains no significant class or group capable of radically opposing things as they are. Marcuse works on the assumption that advanced industrial society is indeed sick, much as some recent sociologists have depicted it to be. He sees evidence of alienation in political and cultural life, in the technical jargon of the bureaucracy, in the technological cult of "operationalism," and especially in contemporary analytic philosophy, which he sees as (...)
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    On Seizing the Source: Toward a Phenomenology of Religious Violence.Michael Staudigl - 2016 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 24 (5):744-782.
    In this paper I argue that we need to analyze ‘religious violence’ in the ‘post-secular context’ in a twofold way: rather than simply viewing it in terms of mere irrationality, senselessness, atavism, or monstrosity – terms which, as we witness today on an immense scale, are strongly endorsed by the contemporary theater of cruelty committed in the name of religion – we also need to understand it in terms of an ‘originary supplement’ of ‘disengaged reason’. In order to confront its (...)
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    Transhumanist Genetic Enhancement: Creation of a ‘New Man’ Through Technological Innovation.George L. Mendz & Michael Cook - 2021 - The New Bioethics 27 (2):105-126.
    The transhumanist project of reshaping human beings by promoting their improvement through technological innovations has a broad agenda. This study focuses on the enhancement of the human organism through genetic modification techniques. Transhumanism values and a discussion of their philosophical background provide a framework to understand its ideals. Genetics and ethics are employed to assess the claims of the transhumanist program of human enhancement. A succinct description of central concepts in genetics and an explanation of current techniques to edit the (...)
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  39. La Forge on Memory: From the Treatise on Man to the Treatise on the Human Mind.Emanuela Scribano - 2016 - In Stephen Gaukroger & Delphine Antoine-Mahut, Descartes' Treatise on Man and Its Reception. Springer. pp. 139-154.
    In his remarks on L’Homme, La Forge aims at a rigid separation of the functions of the body from the activity of the soul. This project looks authentically Cartesian, but some critical issues reveal how difficult it is taking away any activity of the soul in sensitive experience. In the Traité de l’esprit de l’homme, La Forge explicitly limits the cognitive capability of the memory without the active presence of the mind.
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  40. Brain and mind operational architectonics and man-made “machine” consciousness.Andrew A. Fingelkurts, Alexander A. Fingelkurts & Carlos F. H. Neves - 2009 - Cognitive Processing 10 (2):105-111.
    To build a true conscious robot requires that a robot’s “brain” be capable of supporting the phenomenal consciousness as human’s brain enjoys. Operational Architectonics framework through exploration of the temporal structure of information flow and inter-area interactions within the network of functional neuronal populations [by examining topographic sharp transition processes in the scalp electroencephalogram (EEG) on the millisecond scale] reveals and describes the EEG architecture which is analogous to the architecture of the phenomenal world. This suggests that the task (...)
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    Kenzaburō Ōe, The Silent Cry (Man'en gannen no futtobōru): The Game of Sacred Violence between Myth, Logos and History in the Japanese Cultural Matrix.Rodica Frentiu - 2013 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 12 (36):22-50.
    Studies of mythology and the philosophy of religions ascribe violence an important role in understanding traditional societies. Whether perceived as sacred and capable of renewing the world, or as oppressive and destructive, violence acquires a twofold valence, whose constituents are interpreted in a complementary relation of interdependence and entail a world outlook with profound implications. Retrieving this ambiguous dimension of religious violence, Kenzaburō Ōe’s novel imagines, against the historical background of post-war Japanese society, a game that enacts the eternal (...)
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  42. The Health and Perfection of Man.Pedro Lain Entralgo & William U. Genemaras - 1960 - Diogenes 8 (31):1-18.
    What is health? What is it to be healthy? Our first answer must inevitably be the answer of St. Augustine, when confronted with the theoretical problem of time: “If no one asks me, I know the answer; if I want to explain it to the one who asks me, I do not know it.” In both cases the first sensation of one who aspires to theorizing is that of perplexity. I think, therefore, that this initial perplexity has its source in (...)
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  43.  8
    The Anthropological Content of Thinking: The Place of Thinking Among the Essential Forces of Man According to Hegel.S. V. Voznyak & V. S. Voznyak - 2024 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 25:133-144.
    _Purpose._ By appealing to Hegel’s philosophy, the article aims to understand the role of thinking through its relation to other essential human forces – feeling and will. Such a problem statement reveals the anthropological content of thinking, which is necessary for conducting a critical analysis of human nature. _Theoretical basis._ To realize the set purpose, the dialectical-logical method of categorical-reflexive analysis for texts and realities of human existence in the world is applied. _Originality._ The authors proceed from the fact that (...)
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    Ethica Iv : Spinoza on Reason and the "Free Man" : Papers Presented at the Fourth Jerusalem Conference.Yirmiyahu Yovel & Gideon Segal (eds.) - 2004 - Little Room Press.
    The fourth volume in the Spinoza by 2000 series presents the reader with issues central to Part IV of Spinoza's Ethics. Readers of this text face one of the most difficult questions in Spinoza scholarship - Is Spinoza presenting a rational ethics, capable of making human beings free, or is he merely drawing an ethical ideal, never to be reached within the confines of reason alone? Indeed, 'freedom' is meant here mainly in the context of human bondage to the (...)
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    Body–Soul and the Birth and Death of Man: Benedict Hesse’s Opinion in the Mediaeval Discussion.Wanda Bajor - 2021 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 69 (2):39-63.
    This issue was discussed with regard to chosen commentaries to Aristotle’s treatise De anima, formed in the so-called via moderna mainstream, in particular those of John Buridan, Nicole Oresme and Laurentius of Lindores. In such a context, the Cracovian commentaries referring to Parisian nominalists were presented by those of Benedict Hesse and Anonymus. The analyses carried out above allow one to ascertain that although William of Ockham’s opinion questioning the possibility of knowledge of the soul in the field of philosophy, (...)
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  46.  53
    Bringing Back the Essence of the “S” and “R” to CSR: Understanding the Limitations of the Merchant Trade and the White Man’s Burden. [REVIEW]Caterina Francisco Lorenzo-Molo & Zenon Arthur Siloran Udani - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 117 (1):123-136.
    One of the fundamental struggles in corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the uncertainty and inherent contradictions that stem from a company being an individual legal entity and a community of persons. The authors contend that CSR has departed from the essence of “social responsibility.” The paper is a commentary on CSR, presented as two frameworks rooted in individualism—The Merchant Trade (the strategic view of CSR) and The White Man’s Burden (self-righteous CSR heroism that assumes the shackles of responsibility normally offered (...)
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    Un essai d’approfondissement sociologique de l’anthropologie capacitaire de Paul Ricoeur.Marc Breviglieri - 2012 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 3 (1):34-52.
    This article considers two sociological postures in relation to Paul Ricoeur’s anthropology of capable man. The first sociological approach scrutinizes the concept of human capacity from the perspective of Ricoeur’s hermeneutics. The second approach elaborated here aims to study the fundamental phenomena of the practical sphere exposed in Philosophie de la volonté. The question of capacities is raised to the upper level, where primitive sensitive experiences are carried out and human beings are still considered to be dependent on vital (...)
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    “Eyes wide shut”: Paul Ricoeur’s Biblical Hermeneutics and the Course of Recognition in John Milton’s Paradise Lost.Małgorzata Grzegorzewska - 2014 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 4 (4):53-68.
    The author of the paper analyzes John Milton’s great epic narrative through the lenses of Paul Ricoeur’s biblical hermeneutics and his philosophical reflection, in particular the second chapter of the philosopher’s last book, Parcours de la Reconnaissance, devoted mainly to the prospects and pitfalls of recognizing oneself. Two excerpts from St. Paul’s Letter to Romans and the Letter to Corinthians highlight the main points of reference in this argument: the concept of involuntary wrongdoing and the contrast between the present opacity (...)
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    O poder explicativo da infância no pensamento político de John Locke.Claudia Elias Duarte - 2011 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 18:89-111.
    This paper intends to analyze the basic assumptions that sustain John Locke’s refutation of patriarchalism. It will be shown that neither his idea of paternal power, nor his notion of family, departs from the lockean idea of human freedom. Against our expectations, these arguments go through a different path, departing from those two aspects of human life (dependency and weakness) that do not match with the image of an independent and capable man. Considering this, it will be possible to (...)
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    Diálogo entre reconocimiento y desarrollo.Carolina Godoy-Berthet & Mauricio Alarcón-Silva - 2020 - Cinta de Moebio 67:26-37.
    Resumen: El presente artículo se propone establecer un dialogo entre las nociones de desarrollo y de reconocimiento. La fundamentación epistémica de esta discusión se enmarca en la consideración de Ricoeur que apuesta a la condición del individuo como un hombre capaz o “un yo puedo”, con el poder de hablar, actuar e imputarse acciones, condiciones básicas para enfrentar el camino hacia el reconocimiento de sí mismo. Ahora bien, dichas capacidades individuales de obrar, en el plano colectivo se extienden hacia prácticas (...)
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