Results for 'demythologization'

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  1.  8
    Demythologizing Revelation: A Critical Continuation of Rudolf Bultmann's Project.Chester O'Gorman - 2019 - Fortress Academic.
    Rudolf Bultmann aimed to make the revelation of Jesus a reality for people in the present, but fell short of his objective. In Demythologizing Revelation, Chester O’Gorman picks up where Bultmann left off by demythologizing the Christ event through the philosophy of provocative thinker Slavoj Žižek.
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    Demythologizing Heidegger.John D. Caputo - 1993 - Indiana University Press.
    This book calls for a distinction between dangerous, elitist, hierarchizing myths such as Heidegger's and salutary, liberative, empowering myths that foster the humility of justice.
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    Demythologization and existential theology: formation of paradigm.Yuliya Strielkova - 2018 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 85:42-53.
    The author Strielkova Yuliya A. in the article «Demythologization and existential theology: formation of paradigm» analyzed the conception of the demythologization of Sacred Scripture and Sacred translation as a fundamental setting not only within the dialectical theology of the twentieth century, but also for contemporary searches for the forms of correlation of philosophy and theology in the context of the scientific world pictur. The author outlines the heuristic potential of a reinterpretative approach to the concept of demythologization, (...)
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    Demythologizing `or'. MathewsBill Jr - 1974 - Mind 83 (329):106-107.
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    Demythologizing and History.Ronald W. Hepburn, Friedrich Gogarten & N. H. Smith - 1956 - Philosophical Quarterly 6 (25):383.
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    Demythologizing 'Or'.Bill Mathews - 1974 - Mind 83 (329):106-107.
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    Introduction: Demythologizing the Occupation.Rosemarie Scullion - 1998 - Substance 27 (3):85.
  8. Demythologizing the myths of West Africa: George Washington Ellis and the Vai peoples.V. Williams - 1995 - The Griot 14:42-47.
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    Demythologizing environmentalism.Douglas R. Weiner - 1992 - Journal of the History of Biology 25 (3):385-411.
    In the early 1950s Grant McConnell, Jr., called for a political adjudication of our environmental and political visions. He pointed out the arbitrary nature of Gifford Pinchot's noble-sounding formula (“The greatest good for the greatest number over the longest time”), noting that such a determination depended on whom you asked. No technocrat can determine the greatest good on the basis of some secret expertise or privileged knowledge. We need to resolve our disparate visions of the uses of nature and human (...)
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    Demythologizing Marxism : a Series of Studies Om Marxism.Frederick J. Adelmann - 1969 - Boston College.
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    Demythologizing Bioethics: The American Monomyth in Clinical Ethics Consultations.Tod Chambers - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (6):57-58.
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    Deconstructing Caputo’s Demythologizing Heidegger.George Connell - 1998 - Faith and Philosophy 15 (1):28-40.
    John Caputo’s Demythologizing Heidegger represents an important, distinctive, and intriguing attempt to make sense of Heidegger’s notorious involvement with Nazism. Where others have tended to emphasize biographical and sociological factors in understanding Heidegger’s involvement with Nazism, Caputo traces that involvement to fateful turns in Heidegger’s development as a thinker. While I am sympathetic with such an undertaking, I find Caputo’s account highly questionable and even self-opposed, especially as regards hisapparent valorization of Kierkegaard and of biblical faith as influences that could (...)
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    Demythologizing assessed.S. J. René Marlé - 1961 - Heythrop Journal 2 (1):42–47.
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  14. Demythologizing intuition.Jennifer Ellen Nado - 2017 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 60 (4):386-402.
    Max Deutsch’s new book argues against the commonly held ‘myth’ that philosophical methodology characteristically employs intuitions as evidence. While I am sympathetic to the general claim that philosophical methodology has been grossly oversimplified in the intuition literature, the particular claim that it is a myth that philosophers rely on intuitions as evidence is open to several very different interpretations. The plausibility and consequences of a rejection of the ‘myth’ will depend on the notion of evidence one employs, the notion of (...)
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    Demythologizing Heidegger: Alëtheia and the History of Being.John D. Caputo - 1988 - Review of Metaphysics 41 (3):519 - 546.
    HEIDEGGER COULD NEVER RESIST A GOOD STORY. He could never resist giving what he had discovered about alëtheia and the oblivion of Being a narrative form. In Being and Time we were promised a story--which was to be written backwards--of the "destruction of the history of ontology." Beginning at the end, with Kant, it was to feel its way back through the tradition in a deconstructive gesture, looking for what had all along been blocking the discovery of the temporal meaning (...)
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  16. Demythologizing and the problem of validity.Ronald W. Hepburn - 1964 - In Antony Flew (ed.), New essays in philosophical theology. New York,: Macmillan.
  17. Naturalizing Or Demythologizing Scientific Inquiry: Kitcher’s: Science, Truth and Democracy.William A. Rottschaefer - 2004 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 34 (3):408-422.
    In Science, Truth and Democracy, Philip Kitcher has argued that science ought to meet both the epistemic goals of significant truth and the nonepistemic goals of serving the interests of a democratic society. He opposes this science as servant model to both the theology of science as source of salvific truth and the theology of science as anti-Christ. In a recent critical comment, Paul A. Roth argues that Kitcher remains entangled in the theology of salvific truth, not realizing that its (...)
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  18. Demythologizing the Third Realm: Frege on Grasping Thoughts.B. Scot Rousse - 2015 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 3 (1).
    In this paper, I address some puzzles about Frege’s conception of how we “grasp” thoughts. I focus on an enigmatic passage that appears near the end of Frege’s great essay “The Thought.” In this passage Frege refers to a “non-sensible something” without which “everyone would remain shut up in his inner world.” I consider and criticize Wolfgang Malzkorn’s interpretation of the passage. According to Malzkorn, Frege’s view is that ideas [Vorstellungen] are the means by which we grasp thoughts. My counter-proposal (...)
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    Demythologizing History.Angel Medina - 1971 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 45:139-146.
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  20. Demythologizing the Authoritarian Personality. Reconnoitering Adorno's Retreat From Marx'.Lou Turner - 2002 - In Nigel C. Gibson & Andrew Rubin (eds.), Adorno: A Critical Reader. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 150.
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    Marx demythologized or remythologized?Paul Thomas - 1988 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 2 (4):91-100.
    MARX AS POLITICIAN by David Felix Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1983. 308pp., $27.50.
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    The chess room: further demythologizing of strong AI.Roland Puccetti - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (3):441-442.
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    Demythologizing Augustine as Great Sinner.J. Roland E. Ramirez - 1981 - Augustinian Studies 12:61-88.
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    Demythologizing Assessed.René Marlé - 1961 - Heythrop Journal 2 (1):42-47.
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  25. Rudolf Bultmann, demythologization and the existential interpretation of the consolation of the Christian faith.O. A. Funda - 2002 - Filosoficky Casopis 50 (4):615-638.
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    Revolutionary Syndicalism Demythologized.Gordon Wright - 1972 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 39.
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  27. The Scope of Demythologizing: Bultmann and his Critics.John Macquarrie - 1960
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    Wittgenstein’s Demythologization of Recognition: an Indictment of Logical Empiricism.Gordon Baker - 1985 - In Hans J. Dahms (ed.), Philosophie, Wissenschaft, Aufklärung: Beiträge zur Geschichte und Wirkung des Wiener Kreises. De Gruyter. pp. 81-100.
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    Demythologizing and History. [REVIEW]G. S. R. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (1):176-176.
    An attempt to defend Bultmann's existentialist re-interpretation of Protestant Theology against its critics. The major areas of disagreement center around the existentialists' rejection of the subject-object scheme in epistemology, rival conceptions of history, and the relation of faith to the Bible as an historical document. Provides an interesting view of the troubled waters of contemporary Protestant Theology.--R. G. S.
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    The Resistance of the Given and its Demythologization in Husserl’s Phenomenology.Virginie Palette - 2021 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2021 (2):58-72.
    The objective of this paper is to reconstruct Husserl’s two-pronged approach of sensory givenness. On the one hand, the phenomenological focus on intentional consciousness implies a virulent criticismof the positivistic myth of the sensory given. On the other hand, there is also a positive appeal to sensory givenness in phenomenology, without which phenomenology would not be worthy of its name and would, ultimately, be nothing other than a form of neo-Kantianism. In the context of transcendental genetic phenomenology, Husserl manages to (...)
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  31. Religion and demythologization in Hegel's Phenomenology of spirit.Thomas A. Lewis - 2008 - In Dean Moyar & Michael Quante (eds.), Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit: A Critical Guide. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Demythologizing Heidegger. [REVIEW]Patrick L. Bourgeois - 1997 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 71 (2):259-264.
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    Limits of Demythologization, Critique of Ideology, Postmodern Critique of Reason and Critique of the Other: Unsuccessful Moments in the History of Modern Rationality.Fasil Merawi - 2023 - E-Logos 30 (2):56-70.
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    A Hermeneutical Reconstruction of Paul Ricoeur’s Philosophy of Religion - Traversing the Critique of Rudolf Bultmann’s Concept of Demythologization -. 신인섭 - 2022 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 153:29-53.
    이 연구는 성서텍스트에 대한 나이브한 접근인 “1차 단순성”을 해체한 불트만의 비신화화를 비판하면서 리쾨르가 성서의 신화를 해석학적으로 복원하는 논증이다. 소위 2차 단순성(seconde naïveté)을 해명하기 위해 이 논문의 3장부터 리쾨르가 본격적으로 비판하게 될 불트만은 성서의 신화에서는 사유할 거리가 있는 그 어떤 것도 찾아내지 못한다. 말하자면 불트만은 신화를 너무 무가치한 것으로 본 것이다. 게다가 불트만은 자신의 신앙을 보존하기 위해 결국 이성에서 벗어나야만 했다. 고로 비합리적이고 실존적인 결단력에 의한 믿음의 비약이 그에게 필요했으며 이것이 바로 ‘신앙주의’로 불리게 된다. 반면 리쾨르는 신화에서조차 인간이 사유할 거리를 발견하면서 (...)
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  35. John Locke and the Myth of Race in America: Demythologizing the Paradoxes of the Enlightenment as Visited in the Present.Theresa Richardson - 2011 - Philosophical Studies in Education 42:101 - 112.
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    It Turned Out to Be a Snark (Book review: P.N. Kondrashov. Nine Myths of Karl Marx’s Philosophy: From Demythologization to the Reconstruction of the Original Ideas. Moscow: LENAND, 2023). [REVIEW]Леонид Гершевич Фишман - 2023 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 66 (2):146-159.
    The review offers a critical examination of P.N. Kondrashov’s monograph, Nine Myths of Karl Marx’s Philosophy: From Demythologization to the Reconstruction of the Original Ideas. Kondrashov employs an expansive definition of myth, encompassing any distorted interpretation of Marx’s philosophy that is prevalent within certain groups. Kondrashov posits that these distortions primarily stem from misattributions to Marx, decontextualization of his statements, and subsequent reinterpretations that invert their original meaning. However, the book’s author can only partially substantiate the existence and prevalence (...)
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  37. Section II. The Japanese Zen Nexus: 4. The Transmission of the Blue Cliff Record to Medieval Japan: Textuality and Historicity in Relation to Mythology and Demythology.Steven Heine - 2022 - In Heine Welter (ed.), Approaches to Chan, Sŏn, and Zen studies: Chinese Chan Buddhism and its spread throughout East Asia. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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  38. Life World: From Religion through Demythologization, Disenchantment, Deritualization, and Deauraization to Secular Communicative Rationalization.R. J. Siebert - 1999 - Synthesis Philosophica 14 (1-2):97-126.
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  39. At the Origins of Modern Science: Demythologizing Pythagoreanism.Dominic J. Balestra - 1999 - Modern Schoolman 76 (2-3):195-210.
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    Remythologizing theology: divine action, passion, and authorship.Kevin J. Vanhoozer - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The rise of modern science and the proclaimed 'death' of God in the nineteenth century led to a radical questioning of divine action and authorship - Bultmann's celebrated 'demythologizing'. Remythologizing Theology moves in another direction that begins by taking seriously the biblical accounts of God's speaking. It establishes divine communicative action as the formal and material principle of theology, and suggests that interpersonal dialogue, rather than impersonal causality, is the keystone of God's relationship with the world. This original contribution to (...)
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    Thomas Paine: Britain, America, and France in the Age of Enlightenment and Revolution.J. C. D. Clark - 2018 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    J.C.D. Clark demythologizes the history of Thomas Paine, understanding the impact he has had on modern human rights, democracy, and internationalism.
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    Sein und Existenz: die Überwindung des Subjekt-Objekt-schemas in der Philosophie Heideggers und in der Theologie Entmythologisierung.Gerhard Noller - 1962 - München: C. Kaiser.
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    Existentialism and Theology. [REVIEW]C. P. A. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (2):345-345.
    Bultmann's "demythologizing," according to Mr. Davis, consists in stripping away the non-historical elements of the Bible in order to lay bare the kernel of "existential meaning" embedded in the events about which the myths arose. Mr. Davis is lucid about what Bultmann does not believe; his account of the "existential meaning" which is to replace "discredited mythology" is both sketchy and puzzling.-- A. C. P.
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    Myth and Christianity.Karl Jaspers - 1958 - New York,: Noonday Press. Edited by Rudolf Bultmann.
    Two of the most brilliant German thinkers of the twentieth century were Karl Jaspers and Rudolf Bultmann. Jaspers, the philosopher, and Bultmann, the theologian, were both influenced by the philosophy of Martin Heidegger and the rise of the existentialist movement. Late in their careers they interacted on the subject of Bultmann's attempt to divest Christianity of its mythical components and make sense of it in more modern terms. This work is a compilation of articles by Jaspers and Bultmann that formed (...)
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    Retrying Galileo, 1633–1992.Maurice A. Finocchiaro - 2005 - University of California Press.
    Preface and Acknowledgments Introduction. The Galileo Affair from Descartes to John Paul II: A Survey of Sources, Facts, and Issues 1. The Condemnation of Galileo 2. Promulgation and Diffusion of the News 3. Emblematic Reactions: Descartes, Peiresc, Galileo’s Daughter 4. Polarizations: Secularism, Liberalism, Fundamentalism 5. Compromises: Viviani, Auzout, Leibniz 6. Myth-making or Enlightenment? Pascal, Voltaire, the Encyclopedia 7. Incompetence or Enlightenment? Pope Benedict XIV 8. New Lies, Documents, Myths, Apologies 9. Napoleonic Wars and Trials 10. The Inquisition on Galileo’s Side? (...)
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    Polishing Up the Pinto.John R. Danley - 2005 - Business Ethics Quarterly 15 (2):205-236.
    This paper revisits the Pinto case not merely for the purpose of demythologizing the case, but as an opportunity to examine the broader issue of the logic of blame, the ascription of legal and moral responsibility. Three issues are addressed in the contexts of fault and liability in tort, criminal liability and product liability: 1) To what extent can judgments of moral wrongdoing or blame be inferred from legal judgments? 2) What are the strengths and weaknesses of attempting to model (...)
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    Liberal Domination, Individual Rights, and the Theological Option for the Poor in History.David M. Lantigua - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (2):169-186.
    The theory and practice of liberalism has historically justified the dispossession of non-European peoples through the ideological deployment of individual rights—private property being the most prominent. Rather than discarding rights language altogether owing to its colonialist background, the theological option for the poor in the postconciliar Church of Latin America establishes a criterion of authenticity that contributes to its prophetic renewal. The methodological turn toward the poor evident in the liberation theology of Ignacio Ellacuría can wrest rights from its crippling (...)
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    Between facts and myth: Karl Jaspers and the actuality of the axial age.Andrew Smith - 2015 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 76 (4):315-334.
    Karl Jaspers’s axial age thesis refers to a demythologizing revolution in worldviews that took place in the first millennium bce. Although his philosophy has been pejoratively described as ‘Werk ohne Wirkung’, this idea has attracted considerable scholarly attention in recent years. This article aims to critically engage with the very notion of the axial age by looking first at contextual issues, then at the key claims Jaspers makes, before examining the actuality of the thesis and the problem of its characterization (...)
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    Rebirth and the stream of life: a philosophical study of reincarnation, karma and ethics.Mikel Burley - 2016 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing.
    Rebirth and the Stream of Life explores the diversity as well as the ethical and religious significance of rebirth beliefs, focusing especially on Hindu and Buddhist traditions but also discussing indigenous religions and ancient Greek thought. Utilizing resources from religious studies, anthropology and theology, an expanded conception of philosophy of religion is exemplified, which takes seriously lived experience rather than treating religious beliefs in isolation from their place in believers' lives. Drawing upon his expertise in interdisciplinary working and Wittgenstein-influenced approaches, (...)
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  50. Remythologizing Heidegger: Capitalism, Time, and Authenticity.Anne Pomeroy - 2009 - Philosophia 37 (2).
    Taking a cue from John D. Caputo's 1993 work, Demythologizing Heidegger, the author pursues a "remythologizing" of Heidegger's Being and Time that explores and develops the affinities between that work and Karl Marx's critique of capitalism based upon their respective expositions on inauthenticity and alienation. She suggests that Heidegger's work can deepen our understanding of the foundational existential and ontological impact of the alienation present within the capitalist form of social relations, lead us to a more adequate solidarity with those (...)
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