Results for 'dependent property'

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  1. Do object-dependent properties threaten physicalism?Chris Daly & David Liggins - 2010 - Journal of Philosophy 107 (11):610-614.
    Thomas Hofweber argues that the thesis of direct reference is incompatible with physicalism, the claim that the nonphysical supervenes on the physical. According to Hofweber, direct reference implies that some physical objects have object-dependent properties, such as being Jones’s brother, which depend on particular objects for their existence and identity. Hofweber contends that if some physical objects have object-dependent properties, then Local-Local Supervenience (the physicalist doctrine on which he concentrates) fails. In this note, we argue that Hofweber has (...)
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  2. Supervenience and Object-Dependant Properties.Thomas Hofweber - 2005 - Journal of Philosophy 102 (1):5-32.
    I argue that the semantic thesis of direct reference and the meta- physical thesis of the supervenience of the non-physical on the physical cannot both be true. The argument first develops a necessary condition for supervenience, a so-called conditional locality requirement, which is then shown to be incompatible with some physical object having object dependent properties, which in turn is required for the thesis of direct reference to be true. We apply this argument to formulate a new argument against (...)
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    On the Metaphysics of Relation-Response Properties; or, Why You Shouldn't Collapse Response-Dependent Properties into Their Grounds.Spencer Smith - 2024 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 28 (3).
    Certain properties of great interest to philosophers—e.g., blameworthiness, praiseworthiness, desirability, etc.—appear on the basis of their standard English forms of designation to have relation-response structure. In other words, each such property appears on the basis of its standard English forms of designation to be a relational property of a certain sort, namely, the property of standing in a given relation to a given type of response. This presents a question: When we set out to theorize any such (...)
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  4. Are children moral objectivists? Children's judgments about moral and response-dependent properties.Shaun Nichols & Trisha Folds-Bennett - 2003 - Cognition 90 (2):23-32.
    Researchers working on children's moral understanding maintain that the child's capacity to distinguish morality from convention shows that children regard moral violations as objectively wrong. Education in the moral domain. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). However, one traditional way to cast the issue of objectivism is to focus not on conventionality, but on whether moral properties depend on our responses, as with properties like icky and fun. This paper argues that the moral/conventional task is inadequate for assessing whether children regard moral (...)
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    Response-Dependence of Concepts Is Not for Properties.Eyja M. Brynjarsdóttir - 2008 - American Philosophical Quarterly 45 (4):377 - 386.
    The aim of this paper is to show that response-dependence is not a metaphysically significant notion unless applied directly to properties. Therefore, a distinction between response-dependent concepts and response-dependent properties must be kept clear. While a notion of response-dependent concepts can in some cases be useful, it is quite different from a metaphysically notion of response-dependent properties. Some common accounts of response-dependence are described, and then it is shown how response-dependence can be applied to concepts without (...)
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    WKB properties of the time-dependent Schrödinger system.L. O'Raifeartaigh & Andreas Wipf - 1988 - Foundations of Physics 18 (3):307-329.
    It is shown that the time-dependent WKB expansion highlights some of the hidden properties of the Schrödinger equation and forms a natural bridge between that equation and the functional integral formulation of quantum mechanics. In particular it is shown that the leading (zero- and first-order in ħ) terms in the WKB expansion are essentially classical, and the relationship of this result to the classical nature of the WKB partition function, and of the anomalies in quantum field theory, is discussed.
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    Object‐dependent and Property dependent Contents.Gianfranco Soldati Manfred Bruns - 1994 - Dialectica 48 (3-4):185-208.
    SummaryIn a theory of representational or intentional states content is generally supposed to play various roles. It has to be the bearer of a truth‐value, it has to determine the way a representation is about something , and finally it has to 6e used in order to give intra‐ and interpersonal psychological explanations. It has been argued that no unique kind of content can play all these roles. What criterion should one adopt in order to draw the dividing line? We (...)
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  8. Response-Dependent Normative Properties and the Epistemic Account of Emotion.Jean Moritz Müller - 2020 - Journal of Value Inquiry 54 (3):355-364.
    It is popular to hold that our primary epistemic access to specific response-dependent properties like the fearsome or admirable (or so-called ‘affective properties’) is constituted by the corresponding emotion. I argue that this view is incompatible with a widely held meta-ethical view, according to which affective properties have deontic force. More specifically, I argue that this view cannot accommodate for the requirement that deontic entities provide guidance. If affective properties are to guide the formation of the corresponding emotion, our (...)
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    Interatomic potentials for alloys: Fitting concentration dependent properties.G. Bonny, R. C. Pasianot & L. Malerba - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (8):711-725.
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    Temperature dependence of mechanical properties and pressure sensitivity in metallic glasses below glass transition.V. Keryvin, K. Eswar Prasad, Y. Gueguen, J. -C. Sanglebœuf & U. Ramamurty - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (12):1773-1790.
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    Pressure dependence of the optical properties of alkali halide crystals.T. H. K. Barron & Alicia Batana - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 20 (165):619-628.
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    Object-dependent and Property dependent Contents.Manfred Bruns - 1994 - Dialectica 48 (3):185.
  13. Aesthetic Properties: Context Dependent and Perceptual.Kendall L. Walton - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 78 (1):79-84.
    The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Volume 78, Issue 1, Page 79-84, Winter 2020.
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    Size dependence of the mechanical properties of ZnO nanobelts.M. Lucas, W. J. Mai, R. S. Yang, Z. L. Wang & E. Riedo - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (14-15):2135-2141.
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    Dependence of the optical properties of UHV deposited silver thin films on the deposition parameters and their relation to the nanostructure of the films.Hadi Savaloni & Masoumeh Firouzi-Arani - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (5):711-736.
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  16. Holism and dependency among properties.Antonio Blanco Salgueiro - 1998 - Logica Trianguli 2:17-30.
    I present some distinctions concerning the dependence between properties. Then I apply such distinctions to the analysis of holism, concluding that there are at least three different kinds of holism that are important for semantic purposes.
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    Modal dependence logics: axiomatizations and model-theoretic properties.Fan Yang - 2017 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 25 (5):773-805.
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    Context Dependence Signature, Stimulus Properties and Stimulus Probability as Predictors of ERP Amplitude Variability.Carlos Mugruza-Vassallo & Douglas Potter - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Combinatorial properties and dependent choice in symmetric extensions based on Lévy collapse.Amitayu Banerjee - 2022 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 62 (3):369-399.
    We work with symmetric extensions based on Lévy collapse and extend a few results of Apter, Cody, and Koepke. We prove a conjecture of Dimitriou from her Ph.D. thesis. We also observe that if V is a model of $$\textsf {ZFC}$$ ZFC, then $$\textsf {DC}_{<\kappa }$$ DC < κ can be preserved in the symmetric extension of V in terms of symmetric system $$\langle {\mathbb {P}},{\mathcal {G}},{\mathcal {F}}\rangle $$ ⟨ P, G, F ⟩, if $${\mathbb {P}}$$ P is $$\kappa $$ (...)
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    Size-dependent chemical transformation, structural phase change, and optical properties of nanowires.Brian Piccione, Rahul Agarwal, Yeonwoong Jung & Ritesh Agarwal - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (17):2089-2121.
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    II—Moral Dependence and Natural Properties.Nick Zangwill - 2017 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 91 (1):221-243.
    I explore the Because Constraint—the idea that moral facts depend on natural facts and that moral judgements ought to respect the dependence of moral facts on natural facts. I consider several issues concerning its clarification and importance.
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    Structure and mechanical property variations in Mg–Gd–Y–Zn–Zr alloy depending on its composition and processing conditions.Rimma Lapovok, Emil Zolotoyabko, Alex Berner, Yaron Kauffmann, Eugene Lakin, Natalya Larianovsky & Dan Shechtman - 2016 - Philosophical Magazine 96 (11):1022-1046.
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    Dual dependency and property vacuum.József Böröcz - 1992 - Theory and Society 21 (1):77-104.
  24. Holism and dependency among properties* Antonio Blanco salgueiro.Logica Trianguli - 1998 - Logica Trianguli: Logic in Łódź, Nantes, Santiago de Compostela 2:17.
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  25. Perceptual Demonstrative Thought: A Property-Dependent Theory.Sean Crawford - 2020 - Topoi 39 (2):439-457.
    The paper presents a new theory of perceptual demonstrative thought, the property-dependent theory. It argues that the theory is superior to both the object-dependent theory (Evans, McDowell) and the object-independent theory (Burge).
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  26. The ontological properties of social roles in multi-agent systems: Definitional dependence, powers and roles playing roles. [REVIEW]Guido Boella & Leendert van der Torre - 2007 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 15 (3):201-221.
    In this paper we address the problem of defining social roles in multi-agent systems. Social roles provide the basic structure of social institutions and organizations. We start from the properties attributed to roles both in the multi-agent systems and the Object Oriented community, and we use them in an ontological analysis of the notion of social role. We identify three main properties of social roles. First, they are definitionally dependent on the institution they belong to, i.e. the definition of (...)
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  27. Perspectival shapes are viewpoint-dependent relational properties.Tony Cheng, Yi Lin & Chen-Wei Wu - 2022 - Psychological Review (1):307-310.
    Recently, there is a renewed debate concerning the role of perspective in vision. Morales et al. (2020) present evidence that, in the case of viewing a rotated coin, the visual system is sensitive to what has often been called “perspectival shapes.” It has generated vigorous discussions, including an online symposium by Morales and Cohen, an exchange between Linton (2021) and Morales et al. (2021), and most recently, a fierce critique by Burge and Burge (2022), in which they launch various conceptual (...)
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  28. Siding with euthyphro: Response-dependence and conferred properties.Ásta Kristjana Sveinsdóttir - 2008 - European Journal of Philosophy 18 (1):108-125.
    : I argue that a response‐dependence account of a concept can yield metaphysical results, and not merely epistemological or semantical results, which has been a prevalent view in the literature on response‐dependence. In particular, I show how one can argue for a conferralist account of a certain property by arguing that the concept of the property is response‐dependent, if certain assumptions are made.
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    The tensile properties of irradiated Ni single crystals and their temperature dependence.Z. Yao, R. Schäublin, P. Spätig & M. Victoria - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (4-7):745-755.
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    The tensile properties of irradiated Ni single crystals and their temperature dependence.Z. Yao *, R. Schäublin, P. Spätig & M. Victoria - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (4-7):745-755.
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    Compositional dependence of the optical properties of amorphous Se100-xTex thin films.K. A. Aly, A. Dahshan & A. M. Abousehly - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (1):47-60.
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    The Aposteriori Response-Dependence of the Colors.Dan López De Sa - 2013 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 13 (1):65-79.
    The paper proposes and defends the following characterization of response dependent property: a property is response-dependent iff there is a response-dependence biconditional for a concept signifying it which holds in virtue of the nature of the property. Finding out whether a property is such is to a large extent a posteriori matter. Finally, colors are response dependent: they are essentially tied to issuing the relevant experiences, so that having those experiences does give access (...)
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    Factorial Validity and Psychometric Properties of Exercise Dependence Scale Revised Among Lebanese Exercisers.Anne Deflandre & Arine Kassabian - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The aim of this manuscript is to discuss the reliability and the factorial, convergent and discriminant validities in measurement model of the 21-item Exercise Dependence Scale Revised used for diagnosing exercise addiction. A study was conducted among 695 Lebanese bilingual young adults who filled the English version of this questionnaire, along with a general questionnaire. This study showed that, despite an acceptable fit index confirming the 7-factor structure and invariance across gender, exercise duration and age groups; the EDS-R lacks in (...)
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    Set existence property for intuitionistic theories with dependent choice.Harvey M. Friedman & Andrej Ščedrov - 1983 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 25 (2):129-140.
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    The temperature dependence of single domain particle properties.P. Gaunt - 1968 - Philosophical Magazine 17 (146):263-266.
  36. Property-awareness and representation.Ivan V. Ivanov - 2017 - Topoi 36 (2):331-342.
    Is property-awareness constituted by representation or not? If it were, merely being aware of the qualities of physical objects would involve being in a representational state. This would have considerable implications for a prominent view of the nature of successful perceptual experiences. According to naïve realism, any such experience—or more specifically its character—is fundamentally a relation of awareness to concrete items in the environment. Naïve realists take their view to be a genuine alternative to representationalism, the view on which (...)
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    Variance and Scale-Free Properties of Resting-State Blood Oxygenation Level-Dependent Signal After Fear Memory Acquisition and Extinction.Alina Tetereva, Sergey Kartashov, Alexey Ivanitsky & Olga Martynova - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  38. Independence Properties Vis-À-Vis Several Utility Representations.A. A. J. Marley & R. Duncan Luce - 2005 - Theory and Decision 58 (1):77-143.
    A detailed theoretical analysis is presented of what five utility representations – subjective expected utility (SEU), rank-dependent (cumulative or Choquet) utility (RDU), gains decomposition utility (GDU), rank weighted utility (RWU), and a configural-weight model (TAX) that we show to be equivalent to RWU – say about a series of independence properties, many of which were suggested by M. H. Birnbaum and his coauthors. The goal is to clarify what implications to draw about the descriptive aspects of the representations from (...)
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  39. The Essences of Fundamental Properties.Jennifer Wang - 2019 - Metaphysics 2 (1):40-54.
    There is a puzzle concerning the essences of fundamental entities that arises from considerations about essence, on one hand, and fundamentality, on the other. The Essence-Dependence Link (EDL) says that if x figures in the essence of y, then y is dependent upon x. EDL is prima facie plausible in many cases, especially those involving derivative entities. But consider the property negative charge. A negatively charged object exhibits certain behaviors that a positively charged object does not: it moves (...)
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    Characterizing moisture-dependent mechanical properties of organic materials: humidity-controlled static and dynamic nanoindentation of wood cell walls.Luca Bertinetti, Ude D. Hangen, Michaela Eder, Petra Leibner, Peter Fratzl & Igor Zlotnikov - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (16-18):1992-1998.
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  41. Normative reasons: response-dependence and the problem of idealization.Marko Jurjako - 2017 - Philosophical Explorations 20 (3):261-275.
    David Enoch, in his paper “Why Idealize?”, argues that theories of normative reasons that hold that normative facts are subject or response-dependent and include an idealization condition might have a problem in justifying the need for idealization. I argue that at least some response-dependence conceptions of normative reasons can justify idealization. I explore two ways of responding to Enoch’s challenge. One way involves a revisionary stance on the ontological commitments of the normative discourse about reasons. To establish this point, (...)
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    Property Offences as Crimes of Injustice.Emmanuel Melissaris - 2012 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 6 (2):149-166.
    The article provides an outline of the basic principles and conditions of criminalisation of interferences with others’ property rights in the context of a specific context: a liberal, social democratic state, the legitimacy of which depends primarily on its impartiality between moral doctrines and the fair distribution of liberties and resources. I begin by giving a brief outline of the conditions of political legitimacy, the place of property and the conditions of criminalisation in such a state. With that (...)
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  43. Properties: Qualities, Powers, or Both?Rögnvaldur Ingthorsson - 2013 - Dialectica 67 (1):55-80.
    Powers are popularly assumed to be distinct from, and dependent upon, inert qualities, mainly because it is believed that qualities have their nature independently of other properties while powers have their nature in virtue of a relation to distinct manifestation property. George Molnar and Alexander Bird, on the other hand, characterize powers as intrinsic and relational. The difficulties of reconciling the characteristics of being intrinsic and at the same time essentially related are illustrated in this paper and it (...)
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    Property, liberty, and self-ownership in seventeenth-century England.Lorenzo Sabbadini - 2020 - Chicago: McGill-Queen's University Press.
    The concept of self-ownership was first articulated in anglophone political thought in the decades between the outbreak of the English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution. This book traces the emergence and evolution of self-ownership over the course of this period, culminating in a reinterpretation of John Locke's celebrated but widely misunderstood idea that "every Man has a Property in his own Person." Often viewed through the prism of libertarian political thought, self-ownership has its roots in the neo-Roman or (...)
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    Individual particles, properties and quantum statistics.Matteo Morganti - 2009 - In Mauricio Suárez, Mauro Dorato & Miklós Rédei (eds.), EPSA Philosophical Issues in the Sciences: Launch of the European Philosophy of Science Association. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer. pp. 175--185.
    Although there have been several attempts to resist this conclusion, it is commonly held that the peculiar statistical behaviour of quantum particles is due to their non-individuality. In this paper, a new suggestion is put forward: quantum particles are individuals, and the distinctive features of quantum statistics are determined by the fact that all the state-dependent properties described by quantum statistics are emergent relations.
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  46. (1 other version)Intrinsic properties defined.Peter Vallentyne - 1997 - Philosophical Studies 88 (2): 209-219.
    Intuitively, a property is intrinsic just in case a thing’s having it (at a time) depends only on what that thing is like (at that time), and not on what any wholly distinct contingent object (or wholly distinct time) is like. A property is extrinsic just in case it is non-intrinsic. Redness and squareness are intrinsic properties. Being next to a red object is extrinsic.
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    Properties that Four-Dimensional Objects Cannot Have.Ariel Meirav - 2009 - Metaphysica 10 (2):135-148.
    The paper argues that four-dimensionalism is incompatible with the existence of additively cumulative properties, including mass, volume, and electrical charge. These properties add up over disjoint objects: for example, the mass of a whole composed of two disjoint objects is a sum of the individual masses of the objects. The difficulty with such properties for four-dimensionalism stems from the way this theory makes persistence depend on the existence of disjoint objects at disjoint times. I consider various possible responses to this (...)
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  48. How everyone can have a rare property: Response to Sober on frequency-dependent causation.Deborah G. Mayo - 1987 - Philosophy of Science 54 (2):266-276.
    In a recent discussion note Sober (1985) elaborates on the argument given in Sober (1982) to show the inadequacy of Ronald Giere's (1979, 1980) causal model for cases of frequency-dependent causation, and denies that Giere's (1984) response avoids the problem he raises. I argue that frequency-dependent effects do not pose a problem for Giere's original causal model, and that all parties in this dispute have been guity of misinterpreting the counterfactual populations involved in applying Giere's model.
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    Monotonicity properties of comparative determiners.Hans Smessaert - 1996 - Linguistics and Philosophy 19 (3):295 - 336.
    This paper presents a generalization of the standard notions of left monotonicity (on the nominal argument of a determiner) and right monotonicity (on the VP argument of a determiner). Determiners such as “more than/at least as many as” or “fewer than/at most as many as”, which occur in so-called propositional comparison, are shown to be monotone with respect to two nominal arguments and two VP-arguments. In addition, it is argued that the standard Generalized Quantifier analysis of numerical determiners such as (...)
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    The Property Right to Voice.Avital Margalit & Shai Stern - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 37 (1):167-197.
    Should property owners have a unique right to express their opinion just because they own property? While current law recognizes owners’ rights to express their voices in certain instances, it does not provide comprehensive and coherent answers to this question. This article provides an analytical framework for recognizing the owners’ right to voice as an independent property entitlement within the owners’ property bundle of rights and delineates its boundaries. Yet even when the owners’ voice is (...)-dependent, there is a difference between voice that facilitates the realization of another property entitlement (such as the right to exclude, use, or trade) and voice that is constitutive to ownership in and of itself. Only the latter instances justify recognition of the owners’ right to a voice as an independent property entitlement. By examining different branches of both tangible and intellectual property law, such as inheritance law, eminent domain, homeowners’ association law, zoning law, and copyright law, this article demonstrates the usefulness of the proposed analytical framework in explaining certain parts of the current law and suggests modifications of other parts. (shrink)
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