Results for 'drive specificity'

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  1.  19
    Drive specificity and learning: the acquisition of a spatial response to food under conditions of water deprivation and food satiation.Edward L. Walker, Margaret C. Knotter & Russell L. Devalois - 1950 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 40 (2):161.
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    Drive specificity and learning.Edward L. Walker - 1948 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 38 (1):39.
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    On the Drive Specificity of Freudian Drives for the Generation of SEEKING Activities: The Importance of the Underestimated Imperative Motor Factor.Michael Kirsch & Wolfgang Mertens - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  4. Clinical Specificities in Obesity Care: The Transformations and Dissolution of ‘Will’ and ‘Drives’.Else Vogel - 2016 - Health Care Analysis 24 (4):321-337.
    Public debate about who or what is to blame for the rising rates of obesity and overweight shifts between two extreme opinions. The first posits overweight as the result of a lack of individual will, the second as the outcome of bodily drives, potentially triggered by the environment. Even though apparently clashing, these positions are in fact two faces of the same liberal coin. When combined, drives figure as a complication on the road to health, while a strong will should (...)
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    Ethical Decision-Making for Self-Driving Vehicles: A Proposed Model & List of Value-Laden Terms that Warrant (Technical) Specification.Franziska Poszler, Maximilian Geisslinger & Christoph Lütge - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 30 (5):1-31.
    Self-driving vehicles (SDVs) will need to make decisions that carry ethical dimensions and are of normative significance. For example, by choosing a specific trajectory, they determine how risks are distributed among traffic participants. Accordingly, policymakers, standardization organizations and scholars have conceptualized what (shall) constitute(s) ethical decision-making for SDVs. Eventually, these conceptualizations must be converted into specific system requirements to ensure proper technical implementation. Therefore, this article aims to translate critical requirements recently formulated in scholarly work, existing standards, regulatory drafts and (...)
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    Gravity Constraints Drive Biological Systems Toward Specific Organization Patterns.Mariano Bizzarri, Maria Grazia Masiello, Alessandro Giuliani & Alessandra Cucina - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (1):1700138.
    Different cell lineages growing in microgravity undergo a spontaneous transition leading to the emergence of two distinct phenotypes. By returning these populations in a normal gravitational field, the two phenotypes collapse, recovering their original configuration. In this review, we hypothesize that, once the gravitational constraint is removed, the system freely explores its phenotypic space, while, when in a gravitational field, cells are “constrained” to adopt only one favored configuration. We suggest that the genome allows for a wide range of “possibilities” (...)
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  7.  85
    Autonomous Driving Ethics: from Trolley Problem to Ethics of Risk.Maximilian Geisslinger, Franziska Poszler, Johannes Betz, Christoph Lütge & Markus Lienkamp - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1033-1055.
    In 2017, the German ethics commission for automated and connected driving released 20 ethical guidelines for autonomous vehicles. It is now up to the research and industrial sectors to enhance the development of autonomous vehicles based on such guidelines. In the current state of the art, we find studies on how ethical theories can be integrated. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, no framework for motion planning has yet been published which allows for the true implementation of any practical (...)
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  8.  27
    Escape and avoidance as responses learned to a specific conflict-produced drive.Robert J. Innes - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 80 (1):78.
  9.  85
    Moral dilemmas in self-driving cars.Chiara Lucifora, Giorgio Mario Grasso, Pietro Perconti & Alessio Plebe - 2020 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 11 (2):238-250.
    : Autonomous driving systems promise important changes for future of transport, primarily through the reduction of road accidents. However, ethical concerns, in particular, two central issues, will be key to their successful development. First, situations of risk that involve inevitable harm to passengers and/or bystanders, in which some individuals must be sacrificed for the benefit of others. Secondly, and identification responsible parties and liabilities in the event of an accident. Our work addresses the first of these ethical problems. We are (...)
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  10.  4
    State Driving Under the Influence of Drugs Laws.Alexandra N. Origenes, Sarah A. White, Emma E. McGinty & Jon S. Vernick - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (S1):85-88.
    Drug-impaired driving is a growing problem in the U.S. States regulate drug-impaired driving in different ways. Some do not name specific drugs or amounts. Others do identify specific drugs and may regulate cannabis separately. We provide up-to-date information about these state laws.
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  11.  22
    Driving Style: Determining Factors, Characteristics, Optimization Directions.I. I. Lobanova - 2015 - Liberal Arts in Russiaроссийский Гуманитарный Журналrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Žurnalrossijskij Gumanitaryj Zhurnalrossiiskii Gumanitarnyi Zhurnal 4 (1):76.
    A system of description, identification and classification of factors determining driving style is proposed in the article; stable and variable factors determining driving style are studied. Driving style is analyzed within the framework of structural approach. The variable factor are: specifications and technical condition of the vehicle, class of the car, its prestige, training of the driver, social regulators, features of the road environment, psychophysiological condition of the driver. The stable factors are: individual-typological properties, the level of suitability for driver”s (...)
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  12.  18
    Drive, instinct, reflex—Applications to treatment of anxiety, depressive and addictive disorders.Brian Johnson, David Brand, Edward Zimmerman & Michael Kirsch - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:870415.
    The neuropsychoanalytic approach solves important aspects of how to use our understanding of the brain to treat patients. We describe the neurobiology underlying motivation for healthy behaviors and psychopathology. We have updated Freud’s original concepts of drive and instinct using neuropsychoanalysis in a way that conserves his insights while adding information that is of use in clinical treatment. Drive (Trieb) is a pressure to act on an internal stimulus. It has a motivational energic source, an aim, an object, (...)
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  13.  50
    Drive to Drive: The Deconstruction of the Freudian Trieb.Mauro Senatore - 2019 - Derrida Today 12 (1):59-79.
    In the essay ‘To Speculate – On “Freud’”, which is published in The Postcards: From Socrates to Freud and Beyond (1980) and draws upon the last part of his unedited lecture course on La Vie la mort (taught in 1975), Jacques Derrida engages a close reading of Sigmund Freud's Beyond the Pleasure Principle. This article focuses on the deconstruction of the Freudian concept of drive (Trieb) that Derrida unfolds across his reading. It traces the analysis of the movement of (...)
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  14.  17
    From Drive to Value.Jason Brown & Denys Zhadiaiev - 2022 - Process Studies 51 (2):204-220.
    This article takes up the processual account of drive and its derivations in relation to desire and emotion with an aim to explore the continuity of feeling from internal drive to value in the world. A mental state or act of cognition begins with an impulse and the category of instinctual drive. Drive partitions to desire, which is shaped by value. The combined concept/feeling can remain internal as emotion or distribute into action in vocalization or display. (...)
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  15.  41
    Driving in the Dark: Designing Autonomous Vehicles for Reducing Light Pollution.Taylor Stone, Filippo Santoni de Sio & Pieter E. Vermaas - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (1):387-403.
    This paper proposes that autonomous vehicles should be designed to reduce light pollution. In support of this specific proposal, a moral assessment of autonomous vehicles more comprehensive than the dilemmatic life-and-death questions of trolley problem-style situations is presented. The paper therefore consists of two interrelated arguments. The first is that autonomous vehicles are currently still a technology in development, and not one that has acquired its definitive shape, meaning the design of both the vehicles and the surrounding infrastructure is open-ended. (...)
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  16.  70
    The ethical landscape of gene drive research.Daniel Edward Callies - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (9):1091-1097.
    Gene drive technology has immense potential. The ability to bypass the laws of Mendelian inheritance and almost ensure the transmission of specific genetic material to future generations creates boundless possibilities. But alongside these boundless possibilities are major social and ethical issues. This article aims to introduce gene drive technology, some of its potential applications, and some of the social and ethical issues that arise during research into the technology. For example, is investigation into gene drives hubristic? Would applications (...)
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  17.  29
    Driving forces of the pervasiveness of street vending: A data article.Salem A. Al-Jundi, Sarah Basahel, Abdullah S. Alsabban, Mohammad Asif Salam & Saleh Bajaba - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Street vendors are prominent on public streets and in traditional markets in most developing countries. They raise significant problems for public authorities, residents, pedestrians, and formal retailers. Their informal business is problematic, leading to conflicts and sometimes violence. Moreover, unlicensed street vendors employ children and women and are accused of counterfeiting and drug trading. However, they participate in reducing poverty and unemployment. The current data article aims to formulate a public perception on the problematic issue of street vending pervasiveness by (...)
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  18.  16
    Lineage‐specific genomics: Frequent birth and death in the human genome.Robert S. Young - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (7):654-663.
    Frequent evolutionary birth and death events have created a large quantity of biologically important, lineage‐specific DNA within mammalian genomes. The birth and death of DNA sequences is so frequent that the total number of these insertions and deletions in the human population remains unknown, although there are differences between these groups, e.g. transposable elements contribute predominantly to sequence insertion. Functional turnover – where the activity of a locus is specific to one lineage, but the underlying DNA remains conserved – can (...)
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  19.  23
    No wheel but a dial: why and how passengers in self-driving cars should decide how their car drives.Johannes Himmelreich - 2022 - Ethics and Information Technology 24 (4):1-12.
    Much of the debate on the ethics of self-driving cars has revolved around trolley scenarios. This paper instead takes up the political or institutional question of who should decide how a self-driving car drives. Specifically, this paper is on the question of whether and why passengers should be able to control how their car drives. The paper reviews existing arguments—those for passenger ethics settings and for mandatory ethics settings respectively—and argues that they fail. Although the arguments are not successful, they (...)
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  20.  10
    Factors Driving the Intention to Adopt a Tobacco-free Policy among Employees in a Public Higher Education Institution.Kamaruzzaman Abdul Manan, Che Mahzan Ahmad, Aini Maznina A. Manaf & Ahmad Shalihin Mohd Samin - 2019 - Intellectual Discourse 27 (2):431-453.
    Due to their role as a centre of knowledge and character development,public higher education institutions serve as the best platform for emphasisinghealth communication messages and promoting a healthy lifestyle. Highereducational institutions’ employees should have good physical and mentalhealth to enable them to demonstrate good values to the students. Thus,the social cognitive theory was specifically selected to take a closelook at how a conducive environment and knowledge influence employees’intention towards the tobacco-free policy. This study used the partial leastsquares and structural equation (...)
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  21.  53
    What Drives the Smile and the Tear: Why Women Are More Emotionally Expressive Than Men.Agneta Fischer & Marianne LaFrance - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (1):22-29.
    In this article we examine gender differences in nonverbal expressiveness, with a particular focus on crying and smiling. We show that women cry and smile more as well as show more facial expressiveness in general, but that the size of this gender difference varies with the social and emotional context. We interpret this variation within a contextual framework (see also Brody & Hall, 2008; Deaux & Major, 1987; LaFrance, Hecht, & Paluck, 2003). More specifically, we distinguish three factors that predict (...)
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  22.  23
    Rhythms and Drives.John Meechan - 2020 - Process Studies 49 (1):79-114.
    In this article, I draw attention to some important points of intersection in the work of Henri Bergson and Friedrich Nietzsche. In particular I focus on the overlapping nature of their naturalisms. This proves enlightening for an overall appreciation of their respective philosophical projects but also allows those projects to be inscribed within a broader set of naturalistic traditions to which I think they contribute in interesting ways. I begin by assessing how Bergson's and Nietzsche's general problematics are shaped by (...)
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  23.  13
    What Drives Employees' Innovative Behaviors in Emerging-Market Multinationals? An Integrated Approach.Shanyue Jin, Yannan Li & Shufeng Xiao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic has severely damaged the global industrial supply chain and accelerated the digital transformation of the global economy. In such rapidly changing environments, multinational corporations should encourage employees to be more innovative in various fields than ever before. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, employees have become psychologically anxious, their working conditions have deteriorated, and they are in danger of losing their jobs. In this study, we aim to address the question of whether servant leadership (...)
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  24.  67
    Drive between Brain and Subject: An Immanent Critique of Lacanian Neuropsychoanalysis.Adrian Johnston - 2013 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 51 (S1):48-84.
    Despite Jacques Lacan's somewhat deserved reputation as an adamant antinaturalist, his teachings, when read carefully to the letter, should not be construed as categorically hostile to any and every possible interfacing of psychoanalysis and biology. In recent years, several authors, including myself, have begun exploring the implications of reinterpreting Lacan's corpus on the basis of questions concerning naturalism, materialism, realism, and the position of analysis with respect to the sciences of today. Herein, I focus primarily on the efforts of analyst (...)
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  25.  25
    EEG-Based Mental Workload Neurometric to Evaluate the Impact of Different Traffic and Road Conditions in Real Driving Settings.Gianluca Di Flumeri, Gianluca Borghini, Pietro Aricò, Nicolina Sciaraffa, Paola Lanzi, Simone Pozzi, Valeria Vignali, Claudio Lantieri, Arianna Bichicchi, Andrea Simone & Fabio Babiloni - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:414382.
    Car driving is considered a very complex activity, consisting of different concomitant tasks and subtasks, thus it is crucial to understand the impact of different factors, such as road complexity, traffic, dashboard devices, and external events on the driver’s behavior and performance. For this reason, in particular situations the cognitive demand experienced by the driver could be very high, inducing an excessive experienced mental workload and consequently an increasing of error commission probability. In this regard, it has been demonstrated that (...)
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  26.  21
    Sublimation and drives in sports: a psychoanalytic perspective.Yunus Tuncel - 2024 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (1):41-50.
    In continuation with my on-going research and presentations on sport as a field of channeling and externalizing cruelty and violence, as a field of transfiguration of drives, in this paper I will examine instincts, drives and sublimation in Freud and post-Freudian psychoanalytic literature within the context of sports. Freud was influenced by Nietzsche on his drive theory; however, in Freud it assumes a specific meaning and finds its place within the context of his overall psychoanalytic work, especially in relation (...)
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  27.  58
    Driving While Beagleated.Diane Michelfelder - 2014 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 18 (1/2):117-132.
    In this contribution to the philosophical debate over distracted driving, I defend the idea that talking on the cell phone while driving is an activity that ought neither to be regulated by public policy means nor addressed by means of automotive safety design features, such as the augmented-reality windshield. I arrive at this conclusion through taking a phenomenologically-influenced look at what an average driver pays attention to during the act of driving an automobile. More specifically, I suggest that if driving (...)
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  28.  38
    Male sex drive and the masculinization of the genome.Rama S. Singh & Rob J. Kulathinal - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (5):518-525.
    Charles Darwin remarked that “males, with their superior strength, pugnacity, armaments, unwieldly passion and love songs, are almost always the more active and most often, the initiators of sexual interactions”.1 Here, we propose that such male sex drive directly impacts the genome by leading to its progressive masculinization—genes that possess sex-specific effects on male fitness accumulate to a much greater extent and are generally more diverged.2,3 The larger proportion of male versus female fitness modifiers in combination with stronger sexual (...)
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  29.  60
    Culture: The Driving Force of Human Cognition.Ivan Colagè & Francesco D'Errico - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (2):654-672.
    An overview on archaeological evidence, provided by Colagè and d’Errico, reveals that the timing, location, and pace of cultural innovations are more consistent with scenarios that take culture, rather than genetic evolutionary processes, as the key driving force for human cognition. The authors elaborate on those mechanisms by which cultural evolution operates, with a specific focus on cultural exaptation and cultural neural reuse.
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  30. Jaspers on Drives, Wants and Volitions.Ulrich Diehl - 2012 - Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Karl-Jaspers-Gesellschaft 25:101-125.
    In § 6 of his General Psychopathology (1st edition 1913) Jaspers distinguished between drives, wants and volitions as three different and irreducible kinds of motivational phenomena which are involved in human decision making and which may lead to successful actions. He has characterized the qualitative differences between volitions in comparison with basic vital drives and emotional wants such as being (a.) intentional, (b.) content-specific and (b.) directed towards concrete objects and actions as goals. Furthermore, Jaspers has presented and discussed three (...)
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  31.  41
    Event Structures Drive Semantic Structural Priming, Not Thematic Roles: Evidence From Idioms and Light Verbs.Jayden Ziegler, Jesse Snedeker & Eva Wittenberg - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (8):2918-2949.
    What are the semantic representations that underlie language production? We use structural priming to distinguish between two competing theories. Thematic roles define semantic structure in terms of atomic units that specify event participants and are ordered with respect to each other through a hierarchy of roles. Event structures instead instantiate semantic structure as embedded sub‐predicates that impose an order on verbal arguments based on their relative positioning in these embeddings. Across two experiments, we found that priming for datives depended on (...)
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  32.  2
    How Identity Work Drives Ethical Conduct in Organizations: The Case of Organizational Citizenship Behavior.Michaela Driver - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-13.
    The study examines how identities in general and moral identities in particular are related to ethical behavior in organizations and what aspects of such identities might drive actual ethical conduct versus only the appearance of such conduct. The study develops a psychoanalytic, specifically Lacanian, framework with which to explore such dynamics and illustrates this empirically by analyzing how employees from a range of organizations narrate their identities as good organizational citizens. The findings reveal that how individuals position themselves regarding (...)
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  33. The German Act on Autonomous Driving: Why Ethics Still Matters.Alexander Kriebitz, Raphael Max & Christoph Lütge - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (2):1-13.
    The German Act on Autonomous Driving constitutes the first national framework on level four autonomous vehicles and has received attention from policy makers, AI ethics scholars and legal experts in autonomous driving. Owing to Germany’s role as a global hub for car manufacturing, the following paper sheds light on the act’s position within the ethical discourse and how it reconfigures the balance between legislation and ethical frameworks. Specifically, in this paper, we highlight areas that need to be more worked out (...)
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  34.  53
    The Hard Sell of Genetically Engineered (GE) Mosquitoes with Gene Drives as the Solution to Malaria: Ethical, Political, Epistemic, and Epidemiological Issues in Global Health Governance.Zahra Meghani - 2020 - In Kristen Intemann & Sharon Crasnow (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Feminist Philosophy of Science. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 435-457.
    This chapter analyzes the ‘hard sell’ of genetically engineered (GE) mosquitoes with gene drives as the solution to mosquito-borne diseases. A defining characteristic of the aggressive sell of the bio-technology is the ‘biologization’ of the significant prevalence of mosquito-borne diseases in certain socio-economically marginalized regions of the global South. Specifically, hard sell narratives either minimize or ignore the structural, systemic factors that are partially responsible for the public health problem that the GE mosquitoes are intended to bio-solve. The biologization of (...)
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  35. Against Nietzsche’s '''Theory''' of the Drives.Tom Stern - 2015 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 1 (1):121--140.
    ABSTRACT ABSTRACT: Nietzsche, we are often told, had an account of 'self' or 'mind' or a 'philosophical psychology', in which what he calls our 'drives' play a highly significant role. This underpins not merely his understanding of mind, in particular, of consciousness and action. but also his positive ethics, be they understood as authenticity, freedom, knowledge, autonomy, self-creation, or power. But Nietzsche did not have anything like a coherent account of 'the drives' according to which the self, the relationship between (...)
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  36.  15
    The Role of Item-Specific Information for the Retrieval Awareness of Performed Actions.Guangzheng Li & Lijuan Wang - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:352954.
    Research on action memory has been pursued for more than 30 years, but it is still unclear what drives the recollection process of performed actions. In this study, we used the remember/know paradigm and designed two experiments to examine the relation between item-specific processing and retrieval awareness of subject-performed tasks (SPT). The results showed that SPT allows remember responses in remember-know judgments more easily; that is, SPT can enhance the frequency of recalling re-collective experience. Item-specific processing can improve the memory (...)
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  37.  31
    U.S. State Ignition Interlock Laws for Alcohol Impaired Driving Prevention: A 50 State Survey and Analysis.Juliana Shulman-Laniel, Jon S. Vernick, Beth McGinty, Shannon Frattaroli & Lainie Rutkow - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (2):221-230.
    Objectives:Over the past two decades, all U.S. states have incorporated alcohol ignition interlock technology into sentencing laws for individuals convicted of driving while intoxicated. This article provides the first 50-state summary of these laws to include changes in the laws over time and their effective dates. This information is critical for policy makers to make informed decisions and for researchers to conduct quantitative evaluation of the laws.Methods:Standard legal research and legislative history techniques were used, including full-text searches in the Westlaw (...)
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    Sex and Population Drive Interindividual Variations in a Cognitive Task Across Three Populations of Wild Zebrafish.Danita K. Daniel & Anuradha Bhat - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Animal personality refers to the consistency of variation in behavior among individuals which may be the driving force behind variations in complex behaviors as well. Individual personality could predict how well an organism would perform in behavior and cognition related tasks, as well as survive and thrive in its environment. Therefore, we would expect inter-individual variations in many behaviors, which would persist even if habituation to the experimental setup occurs, which generally results in convergence of behavior. Our study used wild-caught (...)
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  39.  20
    Social norms and perceptions drive women’s participation in agricultural decisions in West Java, Indonesia.Alexandra di ZengPeralta & Sara Ratna Qanti - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (2):645-662.
    Increasing women’s participation in intrahousehold decision-making has been linked with increased agricultural productivity and economic development. Existing studies focus on identifying the decision-maker and exploring factors affecting women’s participation, yet the context in which households make decisions is generally ignored. This paper narrows this gap by investigating perceptions of women's participation and the roles of social norms in agricultural decision-making. It specifically applies a fine-scale quantitative responses tool and constructs a women’s participation index to measure men’s and women’s perceptions regarding (...)
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    No amicable divorce? Challenging the notion that sexual antagonism drives sex chromosome evolution.Joseph E. Ironside - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (8):718-726.
    Although sexual antagonism may have played a role in forming some sex chromosome systems, there appears to be little empirical or theoretical justification in assuming that it is the driving force in all cases of sex chromosome evolution. In many species, sex chromosomes have diverged in size and shape through the accumulation of mutations in regions of suppressed recombination. It is commonly assumed that recombination is suppressed in sex chromosomes due to selection to resolve sexually antagonistic pleiotropy. However, the requirement (...)
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    Changes in Electroencephalography Activity of Sensory Areas Linked to Car Sickness in Real Driving Conditions.Eléonore H. Henry, Clément Bougard, Christophe Bourdin & Lionel Bringoux - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Car sickness is a major concern for car passengers, and with the development of autonomous vehicles, increasing numbers of car occupants are likely to be affected. Previous laboratory studies have used EEG measurements to better understand the cerebral changes linked to symptoms. However, the dynamics of motion in labs/simulators differ from those of a real car. This study sought to identify specific cerebral changes associated with the level of car sickness experienced in real driving conditions. Nine healthy volunteers participated as (...)
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    The problem of the historical process driving forces and its significance for the philosophy of history: methodological aspect.Valery Nekhamkin - forthcoming - Sotsium I Vlast.
    Introduction. The work one of the main problems of the philosophy of history — the problem of the driving forces of the historical process. The author identifies specific driving forces of history, put forward in historiosophy. The methodological aspects of the formation of the philosophy of history as a whole, determined by the problem of the driving forces of history, are shown. The purpose of the article is to show driving forces issue in forming the problem field of historiosophy. Methods. (...)
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    Beyond the drive to satisfy needs: in the context of health care. [REVIEW]Charlotte Delmar - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (2):141-149.
    In the context of health care the aim of the article is to bring another meaning to the concept “need” that goes beyond the human activity; the drive to satisfy needs. Another meaning incorporates an ethical and existential nature of life phenomena. An example from empirical research on living with a chronic disease as seen from the patient’s point of view provides the basis for arguing another meaning of the concept “need”. The meanings and nuances in the life phenomena (...)
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    Comparison of visual requirements and regulations for obtaining a driving license in different European countries and some open questions on their adequacy.Nina Kobal & Marko Hawlina - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:927712.
    We reviewed the current state of knowledge regarding visual function and its suitability as part of medical examinations for driving licenses. We focused only on Group 1 drivers. According to previous studies, visual acuity, which is the most common test, is weakly associated with a higher risk of road accidents, with a greater role of visual field. The inclusion of the visual field test in medical examinations is therefore important, but the actual limit value is still unclear and further research (...)
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    (1 other version)Between Real World and Thought Experiment: Framing Moral Decision-Making in Self-Driving Car Dilemmas.Vanessa Schäffner - 2020 - Humanistic Management Journal 6 (2):1-24.
    How should driverless vehicles respond to situations of unavoidable personal harm? This paper takes up the case of self-driving cars as a prominent example of algorithmic moral decision-making, an emergent type of morality that is evolving at a high pace in a digitised business world. As its main contribution, it juxtaposes dilemma decision situations relating to ethical crash algorithms for autonomous cars to two edge cases: the case of manually driven cars facing real-life, mundane accidents, on the one hand, and (...)
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    Spatial Mental Transformation Skills Discriminate Fitness to Drive in Young and Old Adults.Luigi Tinella, Antonella Lopez, Alessandro Oronzo Caffò, Ignazio Grattagliano & Andrea Bosco - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Literature on driving research suggests a relationship between cognition and driving performance in older and younger drivers. There is little research on adults and driving, despite them being the largest age cohort behind the wheel. Among the cognitive domains, visuospatial abilities are expected to be highly predictive of driving skills and driving fitness. The relationship between specific spatial mental transformation skills and driving performance has not yet been examined. The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between overall cognitive functioning, (...)
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    The Role of CEO’s Personal Incentives in Driving Corporate Social Responsibility.Michele Fabrizi, Christine Mallin & Giovanna Michelon - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (2):311-326.
    In this study, we explore the role of Chief Executive Officers’ incentives, split between monetary and non-monetary, in relation to corporate social responsibility. We base our analysis on a sample of 597 US firms over the period 2005–2009. We find that both monetary and non-monetary incentives have an effect on CSR decisions. Specifically, monetary incentives designed to align the CEO’s and shareholders’ interests have a negative effect on CSR and non-monetary incentives have a positive effect on CSR. The study has (...)
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    The synaptic muscle‐specific kinase (MuSK) complex: New partners, new functions.Laure Strochlic, Annie Cartaud & Jean Cartaud - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (11):1129-1135.
    The muscle-specific kinase MuSK is part of an agrin receptor complex which stimulates tyrosine phosphorylation and drives clustering of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) in the postsynaptic membrane at the vertebrate neuromuscular junction. MuSK also regulates synaptic gene transcription in subsynaptic nuclei. Over the past few years decisive progress has been made in the identification of MuSK effectors, helping at understanding its function in the formation of the NMJ. Alike AChR, MuSK and several of its partners are the target of mutations responsible (...)
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    Moral Complexity in Traffic: Advancing the ADC Model for Automated Driving Systems.Dario Cecchini & Veljko Dubljević - 2025 - Science and Engineering Ethics 31 (1):1-17.
    The incorporation of ethical settings in Automated Driving Systems (ADSs) has been extensively discussed in recent years with the goal of enhancing potential stakeholders’ trust in the new technology. However, a comprehensive ethical framework for ADS decision-making, capable of merging multiple ethical considerations and investigating their consistency is currently missing. This paper addresses this gap by providing a taxonomy of ADS decision-making based on the Agent-Deed-Consequences (ADC) model of moral judgment. Specifically, we identify three main components of traffic moral judgment: (...)
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    Unbound: The Speculative Mythology of the Death Drive.Tracy McNulty - 2017 - Differences 28 (2):86–115.
    As a drive to the inorganic, the death drive is fundamentally opposed to sensuality and, specifically, to pleasure and pain. This is why Gilles Deleuze understands Freud’s account of the death drive as the “beyond of the pleasure principle” not in terms of the transgression of a boundary or limit (going beyond pleasure into something painful or traumatic), but rather as a foray into speculative philosophy, an attempt to identify the transcendent principle or higher law of the (...)
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