Results for 'fenomenologija, patirtis, subjektyvumas, ego, savipatirtis, sąmonė, pasą­monė'

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  1. The Human Science of Somatics and Transcendental Phenomenology / Žmogaus somatikos mokslas ir transcendentali fenomenologija.Elizabeth Behnke - 2009 - Žmogus ir Žodis 11:10-26.
    Straipsnyje pristatomas žmogaus somatikos mokslas, kuris pirmiausia susiejamas su ankstyvaja Husserlio somatologijos samprata, o vėliau pasiūloma transcendentali šio mokslo pagrindinių prielaidų kritika. Kritiškai nagrinėjama psichofizinė apercepcija ir jos nuoroda į išgyvenamą mirties patirtį. Tada kaip alternatyvi somatikos prielaida pateikiama Husserlio kinestetinės sąmonės samprata. Straipsnnis užbaigiamas fenomenologine kinestetinių sistemų analize susiejant somatikos tyrinėjimus su įsikūnijimo etika bei pagarbos kinestetika. Esminiai žodžiai: fenomenologija, Husserlis, transcendentalumas, somatika, psichofiziologija, gyvenamas kūnas, kinestetinė sąmonė, kinestetinės sistemos, įsikūnijimo etika. After introducing the field of somatics as a (...)
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    Pasąmonė ir religija: Monografija = The Unconscious and Religion.Stanislovas Juknevičius - 2011 - VILNIUS: Lietuvos kultūros tyrimų institutas.
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    Betarpiška patirtis – contradictio in adjecto? M. Henry ir T. Sodeikos patirties betarpiškumo apmąstymo strategijos.Laurynas Norus - 2024 - Problemos 106:159-170.
    Straipsnyje svarstoma patirties betarpiškumo problema Michelio Henry ir Tomo Sodeikos filosofijoje. Straipsnyje teigiama, kad fenomenologinėje filosofijoje aptinkama deskriptyvumo ir performatyvumo reikalavimų įtampa šių filosofų kūryboje iškyla ypač ryškiai. Abu filosofai patirties betarpiškumą supranta kaip tiesiogiai neapibūdinamą oksimoronišką struktūrą, reikalaujančią iš fenomenologo labai specifinių pastangų ir išradingumo, siekiant ją perteikti skaitytojui. Straipsnyje siekiama išanalizuoti ir palyginti patirties betarpiškumo apmąstymo strategijas aptariamų autorių kūryboje. Abu filosofai, akcentuodami fenomenologijos performatyvumo imperatyvą, susiduria su neišsprendžiama prieštara tarp aprašymu medijuojamos patirties ir neįtarpinamo gyvenimo. Tai verčia (...)
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    Vosyliaus Sezemano filosofija: savęs pažinimo ir estetinės patirties fenomenologija: monografija.Dalius Jonkus - 2015 - Vilnius: Versus Aureus.
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  5. Phenomenology and Empirical Research / Fenomenologija ir empiriniai tyrinejimai.Algis Mickūnas - 2009 - Žmogus ir Žodis 11:4-9.
    Straipsnyje tyrinėjamas kompleksinis fenomenologinių patyrimo struktūrų ir empirinės plotmės sąryšis. Siekiama apibrėžti dviejų objektyvumo plotmių koreliaciją: eidetinių patirties struktūrų ir empirinės plotmės. Ši koreliacija yra labai sudėtinga. Netgi atskiri empiriniai fenomenai turi būti apibrėžiami per patirties struktūras, su kuriomis jie yra koreliuoti. Empiriniai komunikacijos tyrimai turi atsižvelgti į patirties struktūras, kurios užtikrina Santraukaempirinę duotį. Tuo pat metu jie turi empirinius faktus susieti su kalbiniais kontekstais. Dar daugiau, komunikacijos tyrinėjimai kultūrinių objektyvybių lygmenyje turi analizuoti ne tik empirijos koreliaciją su ženklų sistemomis, (...)
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  6. Kūrybiškumo psichologija ir fenomenologija Vosyliaus Sezemano estetikoje.Dalius Jonkus - 2015 - Filosofija. Sociologija 26 (1).
    „Ši dovana ištobulinama pratybomis, ir tapytojas įvaldo savo regėjimą ne per kelis mėnesius ir ne būdamas vienas. Svarbu ne tai, ankstyvas ar vėlyvas, spontaniškas ar muziejuje susiformavęs yra tapytojo regėjimas, kiekvienu atveju jo regėjimas mokosi tik žiūrėdamas.“Straipsnyje analizuojama kūrybos psichologijos ir fenomenologijos samprata Vosyliaus Sezemano estetikoje. Tyrimas atskleidžia, kaip estetikos bendrųjų problemų svarstymas yra susijęs su kūrybos ir kultūros filosofija. Estetika turi analizuoti ne tik estetinio objekto suvokimo aktus, bet ir tai, kaip estetinis objektas yra kuriamas. Straipsnyje aptariama: kaip Sezemano (...)
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    Роль скептичної очевидності в Першій і Другій «Медитаціях». Стаття друга. Certitudo.Олег Хома - 2017 - Sententiae 36 (2):18-29.
    The author argues that according to Sextus Empiricus, the "sensual" nature of the phenomenon is a metaphorical notion, since it is indistinguishably extended both to sensuality and thinking; the phenomenon manifest itself with irresistible force of impact, through a wide range of passive states of mind; the impact of phenomena is always mediated by our ego, because all skeptic expressions are strongly correlated with the first person singular. The article proves that Descartes could not refute the “excess” of skeptical doubt (...)
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    Chelovek i ego obshchestvennoe prednaznachenie v uchenii S.N. Bulgakova.Li︠u︡dmila Mikhaĭlovna Abdulova - 2009 - Moskva: MIRBIS.
    Книга рассчитана на тех, кто по своей специальности занимается социальной философией и в дальнейшем углубят свои знания в этом вопросе, а также для широкого круга читателей.
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  9. Próba aksjomatycznego ujęcia jaźni.Eugeniusz Żabski - 2011 - Filozofia Nauki 19 (3).
    Psychologists use identity’s and Ego’s conceptions. The first conception is not clear, the second one from logical point of view is not correct. The aim of this article is to provide the definition of these two conceptions.
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    Heidegger: la destrucción fenomeno lógica del «ego» cartesiano y el tránsito hacia el «Dasein».Jesús Adrián Escudero - 2016 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 1:173.
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  11. La pretenciosa educación en el Colegio Militar Leoncio Prado de La ciudad y los perros (1963).Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2019 - Monteagudo. Revista de Literatura Española, Hispanoamericana, Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada 3 (24):241-246.
    En la novela La ciudad y los perros (1963), del escritor peruano Mario Vargas Llosa, se muestra el desbalance que se genera en los cadetes del Colegio Militar Leoncio Prado que se dedican a estudiar enfáticamente (como ocurre con el caso del Esclavo): conduce a la envidia de quienes dominan poco alguna materia, además de que los maestros no apoyan su educación. Un acontecimiento similar es cuando se origina lo opuesto: no se proyecta un buen porvenir en quien no estudia (...)
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    Rereading Mulla Sadra's Personality Theory from the Perspective of Allport's Trait Personality Theory.Maryam Ahmadi, Sahar Kavandi, Mohsen Jahed & Javad Salehi - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations 17 (44):21-44.
    Anthropology in psychology under the title of "personality theories" has been able to be effective in the field of behavioral studies and interpersonal relationships. The need to explain and analyze the true nature of man in the field of "being" - contrary to psychological personality theories that generally identify human nature in the field of "appearance" - caused this article based on Sadra's anthropological opinions and view According to Allport's trait theory, which is one of the pioneers of the trait (...)
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    Concordance to Descartes' "Meditationes de Prima Philosophia" (review).Tuomo Aho & Mikko Yrjönsuuri - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (1):135-136.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Concordance to Descartes’ “Meditationes de Prima Philosophia.” by Katsuzo Murakami, Meguru Sasaki, Tetsuichi NishimuraTuomo Aho and Mikko YrjönsuuriKatsuzo Murakami, Meguru Sasaki, and Tetsuichi Nishimura. Concordance to Descartes’ “Meditationes de Prima Philosophia.” Hildesheim: Olms-Weidmann, 1995. Pp. v + 355. Cloth, DM 198.00.This is a product from the Descartes database of Tokyo University scholars. It gives an account of the occurrences and contexts of words in the Meditationes (the main (...)
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    (2 other versions)haw's The Ego and Its Place in the World. [REVIEW]H. Austin Aikins - 1915 - Journal of Philosophy 12 (6):164.
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  15. From Neo-Kantianism to Phenomenology. Emil Lask’s Revision of Transcendental Philosophy: Objectivism, Reduction, Motivation.Bernardo Ainbinder - 2015 - Studia Phaenomenologica 15:433-456.
    Recently, Emil Lask’s work has been the object of renewed interest. As it has been noted, Lask’s work is much closer to phenomenology than that of his fellow Neo-Kantians. Many recent contributions to current discussions on this topic have compared his account of logic to Husserl’s. Less attention has been paid to Lask’s original metaphilosophical insights. In this paper, I explore Lask’s conception of transcendental philosophy to show how it led him to a phenomenological conversion. Lask found in Husserl’s Logical (...)
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    Will the Woman Philosopher Manage to Think?Ankica Čakardić - 2022 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 42 (3):461-475.
    In this paper, implicitly starting from the neuralgic epistemological point caused by Kostas Axelos’ question to Gordana Bosanac: “Will a woman manage to think?”, we will analyse The Second Sex (Le Deuxième sexe, 1949) by Simone de Beauvoir, to deliberately dissolve the irony of Axelos’s question by reading and talking to the text of one of the most important woman philosophers in the history of philosophy. We will interpret The Second Sex as a report on the phenomenology of the relationship (...)
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    Temporal Gestures in Different Temporal Perspectives.Emir Akbuğa & Tilbe Göksun - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (3):e13425.
    Temporal perspectives allow us to place ourselves and temporal events on a timeline, making it easier to conceptualize time. This study investigates how we take different temporal perspectives in our temporal gestures. We asked participants (n = 36) to retell temporal scenarios written in the Moving‐Ego, Moving‐Time, and Time‐Reference‐Point perspectives in spontaneous and encouraged gesture conditions. Participants took temporal perspectives mostly in similar ways regardless of the gesture condition. Perspective comparisons showed that temporal gestures of our participants resonated better with (...)
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  18. Chelovecheskoe znanie i ego kompʹi︠u︡ternyĭ obraz.I. I︠U︡ Alekseeva - 1993 - Moskva: Rossiĭskai︠a︡ akademii︠a︡ nauk, In-t filosofii.
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  19. Learning Computer Networks Using Intelligent Tutoring System.Mones M. Al-Hanjori, Mohammed Z. Shaath & Samy S. Abu Naser - 2017 - International Journal of Advanced Research and Development 2 (1).
    Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) has a wide influence on the exchange rate, education, health, training, and educational programs. In this paper we describe an intelligent tutoring system that helps student study computer networks. The current ITS provides intelligent presentation of educational content appropriate for students, such as the degree of knowledge, the desired level of detail, assessment, student level, and familiarity with the subject. Our Intelligent tutoring system was developed using ITSB authoring tool for building ITS. A preliminary evaluation of (...)
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    Mahatma Gandhi’s Philosophy of Nonviolence and Truth.Douglas Allen - 2019 - The Acorn 19 (1):5-18.
    In commemoration of the 150th birthday of M. K. ‘Mahatma’ Gandhi, Douglas Allen, author of Gandhi After 9/11, presents an overview of Gandhi’s philosophy focused on two key values or concepts: Truth (Satya) and Nonviolence (Ahimsa). The presentation is offered as an alternative to non-Gandhians, anti-Gandhians, or reactionary Gandhians who often over-idealized the man and his philosophy. With respect to Ahimsa or Nonviolence, it may be easy to see how the value works against overt, physical violence. However, for Gandhi such (...)
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    Why good people make bad choices: how you can develop peace of mind through integrity.Charles Lawrence Allen - 2007 - Ann Arbor, MI: Loving Healing Press.
    The agenda -- The instinctual management of feeling -- The instinctual management of life -- Behind the scenes of choice -- Anger -- Going beyond ego -- Belief system components -- Conscious values -- Conscious morals -- Conscious expectations and self-image -- The conscious management of feelings -- Managing 'mad' -- Managing 'sad' -- Managing 'bad' -- Managing 'fear' -- Managing 'glad' -- Integrity : one choice at a time -- Nature meets nurture : the peace of mind perspective is (...)
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    Consciência de Imagem e Fantasia. Ego de observação e ego de devaneio.Pedro M. S. Alves - 2008 - Phainomenon 16-17 (1):157-176.
    I intend to understand from a phenomenological point of view the relationship between figurative consciousnesses (Bildbewusstsein) and other non-original presentations (Vergegenwiirtigungen) such as expectations, recollections or fantasies. I centre my analyses in the difference between figurative consciousness, on the one hand, and a modality of fantasy I cal! “daydream consciousness”, on the other. I stress that figurative consciousness implies apure observational ego, whereas day-dream consciousness is a free construction of the ego’s own personal story. The freedom of”day dream consciousness” has, (...)
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    La muerte en el materialismo filosófico de Gustavo Bueno.David Alvargonzález - 2020 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 12 (1):161-187.
    Tras una breve introducción al materialismo filosófico de Gustavo Bueno y a su antropología, se expone su teoría acerca de la diferencia entre individuo humano y persona, y se distingue entre la muerte del individuo humano biológico y el fallecimiento de la persona humana. Se pasa, entonces, a presentar la diferencia entra las normas éticas, morales y políticas, con el objeto de discutir el significado de una muerte buena y un buen fallecimiento desde cada uno de esos tres sistemas axiológicos. (...)
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    Observing a Phenomenological Approach.Pedro M. S. Alves - 2012 - Phainomenon 25 (1):175-184.
    I sketch an analysis of observing as a particular attitude one can take regarding the surrounding world. I stress some particular features of observation, like the cancelling of the vital engagement. in the world, and the delight that pure observation involves. Then I move to a description of figurative consciousness and its image-world. In the final part, 1 try to show how watching movies displays a new type of observation, based on the empathic connection with the characters, the emergence of (...)
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  25. Nietzsche’s Thirst For India.S. M. Amadae - 2004 - Idealistic Studies 34 (3):239-262.
    This essay represents a novel contribution to Nietzschean studies by combining an assessment of Friedrich Nietzsche’s challenging uses of “truth” and the “eternal return” with his insights drawn from Indian philosophies. Specifically, drawing on Martin Heidegger’s Nietzsche, I argue that Nietzsche’s critique of a static philosophy of being underpinning conceptual truth is best understood in line with the Theravada Buddhist critique of “self ” and “ego” as transitory. In conclusion, I find that Nietzsche’s “eternal return” can be understood as a (...)
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    Nada: Eones, conciencias e ignorancias.Bergua Amores & José Ángel - 2021 - Zaragoza, España: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza.
    Nada propone una interpretación de las diferentes conciencias (arcaica, mágica, mítica, mental e integral) que han ocupado los distintos eones que ha atravesado nuestra especie (urobórico, tifónico, matriarcal, patriarcal y fratriarcal), partiendo de que en todas ellas se ensayan diversos tratos con la nada o lo indeterminado. Se sugiere que, en cada eón, la respectiva conciencia pasa por una fase de ignorancia negativa (no sabe que no sabe), otra de ignorancia positiva (sabe que no sabe), un momento de impasse en (...)
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    Superiority conceit in Buddhist traditions: a historical perspective.Bhikkhu Analayo - 2021 - Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications.
    In this thoroughly researched but accessibly written book, the respected scholar-monk Bhikkhu Anālayo explores-and sharply criticizes-four examples of what he terms "superiority conceit" in Buddhism: the androcentric idea that women are not suitable for monastic roles and less capable of becoming advanced bodhisattvas the Mahayana notion that those who don't aspire to become bodhisattvas are inferior practitioners the Theravada belief that theirs is the truest, most original expression of the Buddha's teaching the Secular Buddhist opinion that Buddhism is best practiced (...)
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    „Nichts“ ir „Il y a“ problema kaip asmens tapatumo koreliatyvumas.Luc Anckaert - 2017 - Žmogus ir Žodis 19 (4).
    Dialogo filosofijos mąstytojų Rosenzweig‘o ir Levino darbų esmė – mirties bedugnės ir asmens tapatumo santykis. Rosenzweig‘as niekį laiko galutiniu kantiškojo mąstymo tašku. Mirtis, kaip egzistencinis niekio patyrimas, buvo laikoma kiekvieno žmogaus realybe sudėtingu amžių sandūros laikotarpiu. Rosenzweig‘ui niekis buvo atspirties taškas, permąstant ir siekiant išsaugoti asmens tapatumą. Asmens tapatumas apsaugo nuo niekio, tačiau jis taip pat yra atviras pokyčiams. Savo ankstyvuosiuose tekstuose Levinas daro panašias prielaidas, laikydamas Buvimą asmens tapatumo pradžia. Levinas plėtojo dialektinę fenomenologiją pradėdamas nuo mirties. Asmens tapatumas traktuojamas (...)
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  29. Poznavaemostʹ mira i ego zakonomernosteĭ.Ivan Dmitrievich Andreev - 1953
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    The Role of the Third in the Genesis of a We-perspective.Lucia Angelino - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 29 (2):185-203.
    According to a recent and prominent view, a ‘we-perspective’ arises out of a dyadic I-you relation involving a special form of reciprocity in which I relate to another as a you – as somebody who is also attending and addressing me. As important as this argument might be, one obvious limitation lies in that it typically applies to dyadic forms of ‘we’ which are bound to the here and now of face-to-face interactions between ‘ad hoc pairs of individuals’. Drawing inspiration (...)
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  31. Sartre, Kant, and the spontaneity of mind.Dimitris Apostolopoulos - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (2):413-431.
    I argue that Sartre's Transcendence of the Ego draws on Kant's theory of spontaneity to articulate its metaphysical account of consciousness's mode of being, to defend its phenomenological description of the intentional structure of self‐consciousness, and to diagnose the errors that motivate views of consciousness qua person or substance. In addition to highlighting an overlooked dimension of Sartre's early relation to Kant, this interpretation offers a fresh account of how Sartre's argument for the primacy of pre‐personal consciousness works, and brings (...)
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    Transcendental Phenomenology. [REVIEW]Richard E. Aquila - 1991 - Review of Metaphysics 44 (4):856-857.
    This book, assembled in large part from previous papers and talks, consists of three chapters. The first offers distinctions between types of description and between descriptive and speculative procedures in philosophy, and then a view as to the character of "philosophical facts." Then it turns to the charge that description is really interpretation. On account of the method of composition, the challenge is met in a somewhat disjointed manner. With emphasis on the question of historical and moral relativism, Mohanty returns (...)
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  33. The metaphysics of the 1st-person (ego-sum-QUI-sum). 1.C. Arata - 1989 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 81 (2):181-200.
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    L’ ego et les deux abstractions de la Meditatio II.Dan Arbib - 2021 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 136 (1):51-74.
    Cet article entend questionner la validité de l’essence de l’ ego dégagée dans la Meditatio IIa, s’il est vrai que son rapport aux corps et à Dieu demeure alors encore indéterminé (§ 1). Il apparaît que les corps, loin d’être purement évacués de re, sont seulement suspendus par une abstraction de suspension (§ 2), tandis que le rapport à Dieu doit être pensé sur le mode de l’ abstractio mentis (§ 3). Il convient alors de nourrir le contraste entre ces (...)
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    La lucidité de l'éthique: études sur Levinas.Dan Arbib - 2014 - Paris: Hermann.
    Quel type de releve pour la metaphysique l'ethique envisagee comme - philosophie premiere - propose-t-elle? La phenomenologie peut-elle ressaisir le fondement de tout phenomene, obeir a une demarche encore transcendantale tout en destituant l'ego de sa principialite sans cesse reconduite depuis Descartes? La requalification des categories theologiques imposee par la distance de l'autrement qu'etre peut-elle laisser inchange le nom meme de Dieu auquel elle nous ordonne comme a notre definitive tache? Ces questions, Levinas aura contribue a les formaliser et a (...)
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  36. Loren Samons II, What's Wrong with Democracy? From Athenian Practice to American Worship (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004), 327 pp. [REVIEW]David Armitage - 2009 - Common Knowledge 15 (3).
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    Egocracy: Marx, Freud and Lacan.Sonia Arribas & Howard Rouse - 2011 - Diaphanes.
    This book tries to bring together the work of Marx, Freud and Lacan. It does this not by enumerating what might stereotypically be considered to be the central theses of these authors and then proceeding to combine them – a method that is inevitably doomed to failure – but instead by confronting each one of their oeuvres with what might best be described as its extimate core. The work of Marx is confronted with a problematic that implicitly, and at times (...)
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    El pensar del evento y la transformación de la hermenéutica en Heidegger. De la destrucción fenomenológica a la destrucción poiética.Sophie-jan Arrien - 2023 - Studia Heideggeriana 12:9-21.
    En este artículo, examino la transformación del gesto hermenéutico de Heidegger respecto a los grandes textos de la filosofía occidental. Defiendo que, entre 1920 y 1939, Heidegger pasa de un trabajo de «destrucción fenomenológica», donde la interpretación se mide a partir de la experiencia de fenómenos positivos (la historia, el sí-mismo, la fe, la existencia) a un trabajo de «destrucción poiética», dirigido hacia una historia «por venir», ligada a una «experiencia originaria» de la cual tan solo el poeta (Hölderlin) y (...)
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    Inteligencia y planificación en el Ejército. Una aproximación prospectiva.Antonio Arregui Asta - 2000 - Arbor 165 (651):445-474.
    La Planificación en los Ejércitos abarca múltiples facetas, desde la determinación de su entidad, composición y misiones, al establecimiento de los posibles escenarios de intervención. En esta planificación han de tenerse en cuenta no sólo datos conocidos o predeterminados, sino también factores inciertos referidos especialmente a los riesgos o amenazas que presumiblemente tendrán que afrontar o evitar En este artículo se consideran los parámetros conocidos y se pasa a analizar qué es, cómo se elabora y qué productos puede proporcionar la (...)
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    Fenomenologija i Evropa.Zoran Arsović - 2008 - Banja Luka: Filozofsko društvo RS.
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    Das primat Des prozesses: XX Fragmente über radikale verkörperung und ihre erschließung durch eine bildschaffende strategie.Alex Arteaga - 2012 - In Markus Rath & Ulrike Feist (eds.), Et in Imagine Ego: Facetten von Bildakt Und Verkörperung : Festgabe Für Horst Bredekamp. Akademie Verlag. pp. 255-274.
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  42. Fenomenologija in marksizem.Vladimir Arzenšek - 1969 - Maribor: Založba Obzorja.
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  43. Mirovozzrenie i uslovii︠a︡ ego formirovanii︠a︡.M. G. Ashmanis - 1977 - Riga: Zinatne.
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    Vidimoe i modusy ego prezentat︠s︡ii v iskusstve: monografii︠a︡.G. V. Avdoshin - 2013 - Kazanʹ: Kazanskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ ėnergeticheskiĭ universitet.
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    Problem filsafat moderen dan dekonstruksi.Tommy F. Awuy - 1993 - [Jakarta]: Lembaga Studi Filsafat.
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    Vater des Substanzdualismus? Eine kontextuelle Analyse von Descartes’ Thesen zum Geist-Materie-Verhältnis.Florian Baab - 2016 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 123 (2):352-379.
    The fact that Descartes describes mind and body as two fundamentally different entities has mostly led to the view that he has to be seen not only as the father of modern Philosophy, but also as the father of substance dualism. Against this commonsense view, I will argue that Descartes’ dualism does not primarily aim to prove an ontological, but a transcendental distinction between mind and body as a constitutional fact of human existence. As a consequence, Descartes’ dualism has to (...)
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    Reflections on Private Property as Ego and War.Paul Babie - 2017 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 30 (4):563-591.
    This article offers three reflections on the nature of the metaphysical ‘wall’ erected between the ‘Included’ and the ‘Excluded/Other’ by the concept of private property and its implementation in a state’s legal apparatus. The first reflection explores the reality of the concept of private property, using Louis Althusser’s conception of ideology, in order to demonstrate that the liberal conception of private property masks power operating on two levels: the formal, repressive state apparatus, and the deeper, the personal, the real, the (...)
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  48. Zakon iskli︠u︡chennogo tretʹego.M. S. Babai︠a︡nt︠s︡ - 1962 - Moskva: Vysshai︠a︡ shkola.
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    The poetics of reverie.Gaston Bachelard - 1969 - New York,: Orion Press.
    In Poetics of Reverie he considers the absolute origins of that imagery: language, sexuality, childhood, the Cartesian ego, and the universe.
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    Técnicas de reproducción asistida para todas las mujeres e igualdad. ¿Cuestión de derecho o de justicia? Análisis del contexto francés.Maroun Badr - 2022 - Medicina y Ética 33 (4):1083-1128.
    La nueva ley de bioética en Francia, propuesta en 2019 y aprobada por la Asamblea Nacional el 29 de junio de 2021, introduce en su artículo primero, relativo a las Tecnologías de Reproducción Artificial (ART por sus siglas en inglés), modificaciones al artículo L. 2141-2 y L. 2141-3 de la ley número 2011-814 de 7 de julio de 2011 relativa a la bioética. Abre así el camino a “cualquier pareja formada por un hombre o una mujer o por dos mujeres (...)
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