Results for 'fundamental option'

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  1.  51
    Fundamental Option and/or Commitment to Ultimate End.Benedict M. Ashley - 1997 - Philosophy and Theology 10 (1):113-141.
    The Post-Vatican revision of moral theology aimed to reduce legalism and take better account of the subjective factors in moral decision. Karl Rahner contributed to this effort by his “formal existential ethics” which featured a replacement of the classical “ultimate end” by the concept of the “fundamental ultimate option” as an exercise of transcendental freedom through concrete categorical acts. Diverse interpretations of this principle resulted in the system of “proportionalism” and the thesis of a category of “serious” sins (...)
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    Rahner’s Fundamental Option and Virtue Ethics.Brian F. Linnane - 2003 - Philosophy and Theology 15 (1):229-254.
    Jean Porter, a noted moral theologian, has argued that Karl Rahner’s influential theory of the fundamental option is of little practical use in actually attempting to live a holy and virtuous life. Thomas Aquinas’ account of the infused virtue of charity, she claims, offers a richer account of the Christian moral life and so is of greater practical use. This essay challenges this assertion by placing Rahner’s notion of fundamental option into dialogue with Thomistic caritas. It (...)
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    Germain Grisez on Karl Rahner’s Theory of Fundamental Option.David Coffey - 1997 - Philosophy and Theology 10 (1):227-254.
    This article seeks to explore the challeges raised by Germain Grisez to Karl Rahner’s theory of fundamental option. Dr. Grisez holds that Fr. Rahner misunderstood the Tridentine teaching on justification, and posited the inaccessability of fundamental option to reflection. After reviewing Dr. Grisez’ position and the Tridentine doctrine of justification, the article will explore Fr. Rahner’s writings on fundamental option, and form conclusions regarding the conversation between Karl Rahner and Germain Grisez.
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  4. Conscience and the fundamental option.Professor Osamu Takeuchi - 2024 - In Christopher P. Vogt & Kate Ward (eds.), Bothering to love: James F. Keenan's retrieval and reinvention of Catholic ethics. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books.
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    Germain Grisez on Karl Rahner’s Theory of Fundamental Option.Timothy P. Muldoon - 1997 - Philosophy and Theology 10 (1):227-254.
    This article seeks to explore the challeges raised by Germain Grisez to Karl Rahner’s theory of fundamental option. Dr. Grisez holds that Fr. Rahner misunderstood the Tridentine teaching on justification, and posited the inaccessability of fundamental option to reflection. After reviewing Dr. Grisez’ position and the Tridentine doctrine of justification, the article will explore Fr. Rahner’s writings on fundamental option, and form conclusions regarding the conversation between Karl Rahner and Germain Grisez.
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    Constructing options for health care reform in Hong Kong.Derrick K. S. Au - 1999 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 24 (6):607 – 623.
    The Harvard Report, published in April 1999 for public consultation in Hong Kong, proposed a fundamental restructuring in its health care delivery and financing systems. The Report claims to be evidence-based in its approach (Hsiao et al., 1999a). While 'evidence' has been widely collected by the consultancy team through surveys, consultations and focus groups, the recommendations put forth are not value-free. They carry clear ideological preferences. The value assumptions and ethical presuppositions underlying the report are discussed in this paper. (...)
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    Stock option repricing: Heads I win, tails you lose. [REVIEW]Avinash Arya & Huey-Lian Sun - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 50 (4):297-312.
    Recent scandals at Enron, WorldCom and Global Crossing have put the ethical spotlight on corporate malfeasance as never before. However, these are the situations in which management knew that they made the wrong choice. As professor Joseph Badaracco of Harvard Business School points out, the real ethical dilemmas arise when people must choose between right and right — where both choices can be justified, yet one must be chosen over the other. Whether or not to reprice stock options represents one (...)
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    The Fundamentality of Fundamental Powers.Joaquim Giannotti - 2021 - Acta Analytica 36 (4):589-613.
    Dispositional essentialism is the view that all or many fundamental properties are essentially dispositional, orpowers. The literature on the dispositional essence of powers is abundant. In contrast, the question of how to understand the fundamentality of fundamental powers has received scarce interest. Therefore, the fundamentality of powers stands in need of clarification. There are four main conceptions of the fundamental, namely as that which is (i)metaphysically independent; or (ii)belonging to a minimally complete basis; or (iii)perfectly natural; or (...)
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    The fundamental principle of practical reasoning.Ralph Wedgwood - 1998 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 6 (2):189 – 209.
    The fundamental principle of practical reasoning (if there is such a thing) must be a rule which we ought to follow in all our practical reasoning, and which cannot lead to irrational decisions. It must be a rule that it is possible for us to follow directly - that is, without having to follow any other rule of practical reasoning in order to do so. And it must be a basic principle, in the sense that the explanation of why (...)
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  10. Perform Your Best Option.Douglas W. Portmore - 2013 - Journal of Philosophy 110 (8):436-459.
    We ought to perform our best option—that is, the option that we have most reason, all things considered, to perform. This is perhaps the most fundamental and least controversial of all normative principles concerning action. Yet, it is not, I believe, well understood. For even setting aside questions about what our options are and what our reasons are, there are prior questions concerning how best to formulate the principle. In this paper, I address these questions. One of (...)
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    Social theory as practice: Metatheoretical options for social inquiry.Frank C. Richardson & John Chambers Christopher - 1993 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 13 (2):137-153.
    Suggests that acknowledging that social inquiry may be indelibly linked to ethical reflection raises difficult questions . There seem to be a few fundamental metatheoretical options available, each presuming some ontology of human existence and colored by at least a few basic moral or spiritual commitments. The options are briefly sketched, and their virtues and blind spots highlighted. The options include mainstream social science, "descriptivisms," liberal individualism, existential freedom, and contemporary hermeneutics. It is suggested that a hermeneutic view of (...)
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  12. Fundamental laws and the completeness of physics.David Spurrett - 1999 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 13 (3):261 – 274.
    The status of fundamental laws is an important issue when deciding between the three broad ontological options of fundamentalism (of which the thesis that physics is complete is typically a sub-type), emergentism, and disorder or promiscuous realism. Cartwright’s assault on fundamental laws which argues that such laws do not, and cannot, typically state the facts, and hence cannot be used to support belief in a fundamental ontological order, is discussed in this context. A case is made in (...)
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  13. What Are Our Options?Douglas W. Portmore - manuscript
    We ought to perform our best option—that is, the option that we have most reason, all things considered, to perform. This is perhaps the most fundamental and least controversial of all normative principles concerning action. Yet, it is not, I believe, well understood. For even setting aside questions about what our reasons are and about how best to formulate the principle, there is a question about how we should construe our options. This question is of the upmost (...)
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  14.  31
    Fundamental Tax Reform: Issues, Choices, and Implications.John W. Diamond & George R. Zodrow (eds.) - 2008 - MIT Press.
    Reform of the federal income tax system has become a perennial item on the domestic policy agenda of the United States, although there is considerable uncertainty over specifics. Indeed the recent report of the President's Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform recommended not one but two divergent policy directions. In Fundamental Tax Reform, top experts in tax policy discuss a wide range of issues raised by the prospect of significant tax reform, identifying the most critical questions and considering whether (...)
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  15.  86
    From Brute Luck to Option Luck? On Genetics, Justice, and Moral Responsibility in Reproduction.Y. Denier - 2010 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 35 (2):101-129.
    The structure of our ethical experience depends, crucially, on a fundamental distinction between what we are responsible for doing or deciding and what is given to us. As such, the boundary between chance and choice is the spine of our conventional morality, and any serious shift in that boundary is thoroughly dislocating. Against this background, I analyze the way in which techniques of prenatal genetic diagnosis (PGD) pose such a fundamental challenge to our conventional ideas of justice and (...)
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  16.  11
    Teorema de la opción fundamental: bases para su adecuada utilización en teología moral.Antonio Nello Figa - 1995 - Roma: Editrice Pontificia Università Gregoriana.
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  17. What is matter? The fundamental ontology of atomism and structural realism.Michael Esfeld, Dirk-André Deckert & Andrea Oldofredi - forthcoming - In B. Lower and A. Ijjas (ed.), A guide to the philosophy of Cosmology. Oxford University Press.
    We set out a fundamental ontology of atomism in terms of matter points. While being most parsimonious, this ontology is able to match both classical and quantum mechanics, and it remains a viable option for any future theory of cosmology that goes beyond current quantum physics. The matter points are structurally individuated: all there is to them are the spatial relations in which they stand; neither a commitment to intrinsic properties nor to an absolute space is required. The (...)
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  18.  18
    Exit versus voice – options for socially responsible investment in collective pension plans.Peter Dietsch - 2020 - Economics and Philosophy 36 (2):246-264.
    What do we owe participants in collective pension plans in terms of socially responsible investment (SRI)? This paper draws into question current conventional wisdom on SRI, which considers investor engagement a more effective strategy than divestment to change morally problematic corporate behaviour. More fundamentally, in light of reasonable disagreement about the objective of SRI, the paper argues that participants in collective pension plans are owed some kind of control over their investments. The final section considers four different institutional arrangements to (...)
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  19. The Fundamental Divisions in Ethics.Matthew Hammerton - 2025 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 68 (2):318-341.
    What are the fundamental divisions in ethics? Which divisions capture the most important and basic options in moral theorizing? In this article, I reject the ‘Textbook View’ which takes the tripartite division between consequentialism, deontology, and virtue ethics to be fundamental. Instead, I suggest that moral theories are fundamentally divided into three independent divisions, which I call the neutral/relative division, the normative priority division, and the maximizing division. I argue that this account of the fundamental divisions of (...)
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  20.  6
    La opción fundamental.Fidel Herráez - 1978 - Salamanca: Sígueme.
  21.  90
    (1 other version)Realist-Expressivism: A Neglected Option for Moral Realism.David Copp - 2001 - Social Philosophy and Policy 18 (2):1-43.
    Moral realismandantirealist-expressivismare of course incompatible positions. They disagree fundamentally about the nature of moral states of mind, the existence of moral states of affairs and properties, and the nature and role of moral discourse. The central realist view is that a person who has or expresses a moral thought is thereby in, or thereby expresses, acognitivestate of mind; she has or expresses abeliefthat represents a moral state of affairs in a way that might be accurate or inaccurate. The view of (...)
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  22.  11
    The Good Life: Options in Ethics.Burton F. Porter - 2009 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Intended for use in the introduction to ethics course, this text is designed to engage today's practical-minded student in more fundamental questions. The book ranges from ideals in living to contemporary moral problems, exploring and analyzing both areas in order to stimulate deeper reflection.
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  23. Catholicism, Modernism, and Modernity: The Concrete Logic, the Philosophy of Insufficiency, and the Option in Maurice Blondel's "la Pensee" and "L'etre Et les Etres".Gregory B. Sadler - 2002 - Dissertation, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
    Maurice Blondel's later works address the problem of the relationship between the Catholic Church and tradition and modernity. This dissertation situates Blondel's developed position between the analyses of modern philosophy and culture developed in the encyclicals Pascendi Dominicus Gregis and Fides et Ratio. Modernism in Catholic circles bears implications for philosophy in general, since modernism has its source in modern philosophy and the culture it gives rise to and reinforces. Three key concepts operating in Blondel's later works are the concrete (...)
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  24.  14
    Concept of the course "Fundamentals of Christian Ethics". Project.Редколегія Журналу - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 36 (36):348-357.
    The entry of Ukraine into a new period of formation of all spheres of social, economic, political, and spiritual development, when the statehood is restored, the multifaceted revival of the Ukrainian people, the problem of national, spiritual and moral and ethical education of student youth is activated. Spiritually - the moral crisis of Ukrainian society needs urgent return to spiritual sources. Ukraine has historically been a Christian state, and a return to Christian norms of morality and ethics will help it (...)
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  25.  38
    Content and Language Integrated Learning Methodology in Optional Humanities Courses for First-Year University Students: A Case Study.Oleg Tarnopolsky & Marina Kabanova - 2020 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 89:51-62.
    Publication date: 22 December 2020 Source: International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences Vol. 89 Author: Oleg Tarnopolsky, Marina Kabanova The article analyzes using Content and Language Integrated Learning for teaching one of the optional humanities disciplines to Ukrainian university students of different majors. The discipline discussed in the article as an example of using CLIL methodology is “The Fundamentals of Psychology and Pedagogy” and it is in the list of optional humanities subjects for the first-year students of Alfred Nobel (...)
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    Catering for Responsibility: Brute Luck, Option Luck, and the Neutrality Objection to Luck Egalitarianism.Greg Bognar - 2019 - Economics and Philosophy 35 (2):259-281.
    Abstract:The distinction between brute luck and option luck is fundamental for luck egalitarianism. Many luck egalitarians write as if it could be used to specify which outcomes people should be held responsible for. In this paper, I argue that the distinction can’t be used this way. In fact, luck egalitarians tend to rely instead on rough intuitive judgements about individual responsibility. This makes their view vulnerable to what’s known as theneutrality objection. I show that attempts to avoid this (...)
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  27.  3
    The fundamental divisions in ethics.Matthew Hammerton - 2025 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 68 (2):318-341.
    What are the fundamental divisions in ethics? Which divisions capture the most important and basic options in moral theorizing? In this article, I reject the ‘Textbook View’ which takes the tripartite division between consequentialism, deontology, and virtue ethics to be fundamental. Instead, I suggest that moral theories are fundamentally divided into three independent divisions, which I call the neutral/relative division, the normative priority division, and the maximizing division. I argue that this account of the fundamental divisions of (...)
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  28. (1 other version)Human Rights as Fundamental Conditions for a Good Life.S. Matthew Liao - 2015 - In The Right to Be Loved. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    What grounds human rights? How do we determine that something is a genuine human right? This chapter offers a new answer: human beings have human rights to the fundamental conditions for pursuing a good life. The fundamental conditions for pursuing a good life are certain goods, capacities, and options that human beings qua human beings need whatever else they qua individuals might need in order to pursue a characteristically good human life. This chapter explains how this Fundamental (...)
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  29.  24
    Bovine Tuberculosis and Badger Culling in England: An Animal Rights-Based Analysis of Policy Options.Steven P. McCulloch & Michael J. Reiss - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (4):535-550.
    Bovine tuberculosis is an important and controversial animal health policy issue in England, which impacts humans, cattle and badgers. The government policy of badger culling has led to widespread opposition, in part due to the conclusions of a large field trial recommending against culling, and in part because badgers are a cherished wildlife species. Animal rights theorists argue that sentient nonhumans should be accorded fundamental rights against killing and suffering. In bovine TB policy, however, pro-culling actors claim that badgers (...)
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  30.  15
    Conceptual Fundamentals of Global Anti-Carbon Fund.Ivan Gaidutskiy - 2014 - Creative and Knowledge Society 4 (2).
    Limited capability of the existing international environment funds in financing of sustainable low-carbon development is considered in this article. The reasons are given that those limitations are introduced to the funds’ statutory instruments, including newly established Green Climate Fund. It is proved in the article that optional participation of countries and companies in those funds, voluntary character of contributions, lack of income consistency doesn’t allow to fill the funds with sufficient resources necessary to finance anti-carbon measures. The scientific novelty of (...)
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  31. Political philosophy: the fundamentals.Thom Brooks - 2025 - Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
    Just about everyone sees freedom, or liberty, as having huge importance. After all, our freedoms are a foundation that political authority is built on. But if you ask what freedom is, there can be very different answers about how it is defined. So, what is freedom? When can we said to be free or unfree? Is freedom about having options or achieving goals? How, if at all, can we justify limits on freedom? This chapter discusses these questions. We will begin (...)
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    Presence and reality: An option to specify panpsychism ?Georg Franck - 2008 - Mind and Matter 6 (1):123-140.
    Panpsychism is the doctrine that mind is a fundamental feature of the world existing throughout the universe. One problem with panpsychism is that it is a purely theoretical concept so far. For progress towards an operationalization of the idea, this paper suggests to make use of an ontological difference involved in the mind-matter distinction. The mode in which mental phenomena exist is called presence. The mode in which matter and radiation exist is called reality Physical theory disregards presence in (...)
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  33. (1 other version)Fundamentals of Order Ethics: Law, Business Ethics and the Financial Crisis.Christoph Luetge - 2012 - Archiv für Rechts- Und Sozialphilosophie Beihefte 130:11-21.
    During the current financial crisis, the need for an alternative to a laissez-faire ethics of capitalism (the Milton Friedman view) becomes clear. I argue that we need an order ethics which employs economics as a key theoretical resource and which focuses on institutions for implementing moral norms. -/- I will point to some aspects of order ethics which highlight the importance of rules, e.g. global rules for the financial markets. In this regard, order ethics (“Ordnungsethik”) is the complement of the (...)
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  34.  40
    Between Realism and Relativism: Moral Certainty as a Third Option.Samuel Laves - 2020 - Philosophical Forum 51 (3):297-313.
    This paper is an attempt to lay out a meta‐ethical position that is inspired by the framework of Wittgenstein's later philosophy. To achieve this goal, this paper is divided into two parts. First, I explore recent attempts to tie Wittgenstein's epistemology in On Certainty to moral epistemology. I argue that there can be a meaningful parallel drawn between the epistemic certainties discussed in On Certainty and what I consider to be moral certainties. These moral certainties are unjustified fundamental moral (...)
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  35.  34
    Emergency research in children: options for ethical recruitment.J. Brierley & V. Larcher - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (7):429-432.
    The paucity of research data to guide current paediatric practice has led to children being termed therapeutic orphans. This difficulty is especially pertinent to research in emergency situations, such as acute resuscitation or critical care, where accepted ethical standards for overall research, have historically created practical difficulties for researchers. The welcome establishment of organisations to support UK paediatric research is helping to ensure safer and more effective medications for children, however as the balance between protection and access at the heart (...)
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  36. From indeterminacy in a fundamental theory to fundamental indeterminacy?Chanwoo Lee - forthcoming - Analytic Philosophy.
    In this paper, I examine a case for fundamental indeterminacy (FI) by Elizabeth Barnes and offer my counterarguments. Barnes' account of FI includes both the characterization of FI and why we need to accept it. I argue that her reasons for accepting FI can be challenged even when we accept her characterization of FI. Her main claim is that finding a fundamental proposition that our fundamental theory is indeterminate about (FPF) gives us a reason to accept FI (...)
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  37.  20
    "London" and the Fundamental Problem of Hermeneutics.Joel Weinsheimer - 1982 - Critical Inquiry 9 (2):303-322.
    In the preface to the Yale edition of Samuel Johnson’s poems, the editors remark that “for a modern reader who can recreate the situation in which [“London”] was written, it may still be exciting enough. But to one with less imaginative capacity or historical knowledge, its appeal lies in Johnson’s skillful handling of the couplet.”2 To assist us in re-creating the milieu of 1738, the editors supply the usual notes identifying various historical personages and events which are no longer in (...)
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    Actions as the Ties That Bind: Love, Praxis, and Community in the Thought of Gustavo Gutiérrez.Thomas A. Lewis - 2005 - Journal of Religious Ethics 33 (3):539 - 567.
    Gustavo Gutiérrez develops an account of human action or praxis that I--borrowing the language of Charles Taylor--label expressivist. Human action must be understood as expressing an underlying potential or impulse that only becomes real through expression in action. Gutiérrez's expressivism is fundamental to his view of the relationship between faith and love, his notion of three dimensions of liberation/salvation, and his understanding of the fundamental option as a yes or no in response to grace. Moreover, it supports (...)
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  39. Phenomenology of Fundamental Reality.Nino Kadić - 2022 - Dissertation, King's College London
    Panpsychism, the view that consciousness is present everywhere at the fundamental level of reality, has established itself as an increasingly popular option in the philosophy of mind. Situated between substance dualism and reductive physicalism, panpsychism aims to capture the intuitions behind both, integrating consciousness into the physical world without explaining it in terms of purely physical facts. In this thesis, I offer a defence of panpsychism. -/- First, I examine influential arguments against physicalism, such as Thomas Nagel’s (1974, (...)
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    La Fundierung selon Gian-Carlo Rota. Une option dynamique pour la phénoménologie.Albino Attilio Lanciani - 2017 - Revue de Synthèse 138 (1-4):177-194.
    Le concept de Fundierung est introduit dans la IIIe Recherche Logique de Husserl et, malgré sa fonctionnalité apparente, il n’est pratiquement plus utilisé dans la suite de son oeuvre. En revanche, ce concept manifeste une puissance latente que le travail de Gian-Carlo Rota permet d’exalter. Entre les mains du mathématicienphilosophe, la Fundierung devient l’un des piliers fondamentaux d’une logique phénoménologique encore in fieri. Une logique qui voudrait prendre ses distances tant avec la « logique philosophique » traditionnelle qu’avec la « (...)
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    When Is Sin Sin?Ralph J. Tapia - 1972 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 47 (2):211-224.
    Only a negative fundamental option, that is, the engagement of man's core awareness and freedom, can bring about the reality known as mortal sin.
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    From “What is” to “What Should Become” Conservation Biology? Reflections on the Discipline’s Ethical Fundaments.Zina Skandrani - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (3):541-548.
    In this essay, I build on the article by Soulé that established the foundation for the field of conservation biology. I analyze the presuppositions that have guided the discipline’s ethics in the 30 years since that article first appeared. I argue that conservation biology’s normative postulates introduced a paradigm shift that placed the diversity of the biota instead of the biota itself at the center of its ethics. I show that the ensuing priorities in the valuation of nature entail several (...)
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    Moral Language and the Language of Grace.Jean Porter - 1997 - Philosophy and Theology 10 (1):169-198.
    From the standpoint of the moral theologian, perhaps the most influential aspect of Karl Rahner’s theology is the thesis of the fundamental option, that is, the claim that the individual’s status before God is determined by a basic, freely chosen and prethematic orientation of openness towards, or rejection of God which takes place at the level of core or transcendental freedom. This paper argues that this notion of the fundamental option is problematic because it is not (...)
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    Rawls on Markets and Corporate Governance.Wayne Norman - 2015 - Business Ethics Quarterly 25 (1):29-64.
    ABSTRACT:Like most egalitarian political philosophers, John Rawls believes that a just society will rely on markets and business firms for much of its economic activity—despite acknowledging that market systems will tend to create very unequal distributions of goods, opportunities, power, and status. Rawls himself remains one of the few contemporary political philosophers to explore at any length the way an egalitarian theory of justice might deal with fundamental options in political economy. This article examines his arguments and conclusions on (...)
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    Creed, cult, code and business ethics.Thomas F. McMahon - 1986 - Journal of Business Ethics 5 (6):453 - 463.
    What does religion contribute to business ethics? Related to the practical, religion applies theological concepts to business situations; namely, vocation, stewardship, human dignity, co-creation, co-conservation, sharing in God's power, servant leadership, encounter with the Incarnation, sacramental sign and justice (divine and human). These concepts suggest the threefold component of religion: doctrine (creed), worship (cult) and values governing behavior (code). A principle taken from religious practice illustrates its unique contribution to business ethics. The principle of proportionality (or double effect) exemplifies code (...)
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    The Relevance of Karl Rahner’s View of Human Dignity for the Catholic Social Thought Tradition.Matthew Petrusek - 2015 - Philosophy and Theology 27 (2):513-538.
    This article examines and seeks to define Karl Rahner’s distinctive view of human dignity. Despite the relative infrequency of the words “dignity” or “image of God” in Rahner’s work, the inherent and realized worth of the individual holds a central place in his overall moral theology, especially as it appears in Foundations of Christian Faith. In particular, the article seeks to demonstrate that Rahner’s view of the vulnerability of human dignity serves as a synthetic moral principle unifying his conceptions of (...)
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    Kant's transcendental idealism, freedom and the divine mind1.Christopher J. Insole - 2011 - Modern Theology 27 (4):608-638.
    Without denying the importance of a range of independent epistemic and metaphysical considerations, I argue that there is an irreducibly theological dimension to the emergence of Kant's transcendental idealism. Creative tasks carried out by the divine mind in the pre‐critical works become assigned to the human noumenal mind, which is conceived of as the source of space, time and causation. Kant makes this shift in order to protect the possibility of transcendental freedom. I show that Kant has significant theological difficulties (...)
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    The Question of Grundentscheidung.Timothy E. O’Connell - 1997 - Philosophy and Theology 10 (1):143-168.
    John Paul II’s encyclical Veritatis Splendor lists several objections to the theological concept of fundamental option. This article summarizes that concept, primarily as presented by Josef Fuchs. It then locates the concept, as Fuchs did, in the overarching theological anthropology of Karl Rahner, which is discussed at length. The objections of the encyclical are then engaged. In some cases, it is shown, the encyclical misunderstands fundamental option. In other cases, its rejection of the idea seems to (...)
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    Oscar Romero (1917–1980): A model of pastoral leadership for church leaders in Africa.Valentine U. Iheanacho - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (2):8.
    Until 1977, Monsignor Romero was a traditional Catholic bishop trained in traditional Roman theology with a penchant for order and non-involvement in ‘politics’. He was also a product of the 1968 Medellin Conference which fashioned a pastoral model for the Latin American church: ‘A fundamental option for the poor’ on the thrust of the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965). This article seeks to present Oscar Romero within a historical context and proposes him as a servant–leader model for African church (...)
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  50.  53
    Politics Disavowed Remarks On the Status of Politics in the Philosophy of Descartes.Jean-Pierre Cavaillé - 1987 - Diogenes 35 (138):118-138.
    Only rarely does Descartes deal with specifically political questions, and then when he does so, it is only by denial, to justify his refusal to “become involved” in politics. All the texts show that this attitude of rejecting politics is not dictated primarily by prudence, the rule in this century of intolerance, but by a concern for philosophical consistency. This denial, as we will be attempting to establish, seems conditioned by fundamental options of Cartesian philosophy. For the moment we (...)
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