Results for 'historical sciences'

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  1.  36
    Historical science in the context of changing paradigms of social and cultural knowledge.I. V. Frolova & M. A. Elinson - 2015 - Liberal Arts in Russia 4 (5):381.
    History, as a science, has been developing in the context of a concrete epoch of scientific paradigms and types of scientific rationality. The period of constitutionalization of social and humanitarian knowledge and history refers to the middle of the 20th century, to the epoch of a triumphal approach of positivism. The formation of a ‘classical‘ historical science was connected with the fact, that history was not considered to be an art any more. It was proclaimed, that history should be (...)
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    Historical Science, Over- and Underdetermined: A Study of Darwin’s Inference of Origins.Aviezer Tucker - 2011 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 62 (4):805-829.
    The epistemology of the historical sciences has been debated recently. Cleland argued that the effects of the past overdetermine it. Turner argued that the past is underdetermined by its effects because of the decay of information from the past. I argue that the extent of over- and underdetermination cannot be approximated by philosophical inquiry. It is an empirical question that each historical science attempts to answer. Philosophers should examine how paradigmatic cases of historical science handled underdetermination (...)
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  3. Historical science, experimental science, and the scientific method.Carol Cleland - 2001
    Many scientists believe that there is a uniform, interdisciplinary method for the prac- tice of good science. The paradigmatic examples, however, are drawn from classical ex- perimental science. Insofar as historical hypotheses cannot be tested in controlled labo- ratory settings, historical research is sometimes said to be inferior to experimental research. Using examples from diverse historical disciplines, this paper demonstrates that such claims are misguided. First, the reputed superiority of experimental research is based upon accounts of scientific (...)
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    Historical science and the visual turn: features of perception.В. Г Корж - 2023 - Siberian Journal of Philosophy 21 (2):26-35.
    The paper analyzes a complex of methodological problems associated with the visual turn in modern historical science, as well as the peculiarities of the perception of the historical past and the organization of history teaching in modern culture and in the system of historical education. The analysis evaluates the prospects of already existing approaches in philosophy in the development of problems of the visual. The ideas of Maurice Merleau-Ponty on the phenomenology of perception, with his emphasis on (...)
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  5. Local Underdetermination in Historical Science.Derek Turner - 2005 - Philosophy of Science 72 (1):209-230.
    David Lewis defends the thesis of the asymmetry of overdetermination: later affairs are seldom overdetermined by earlier affairs, but earlier affairs are usually overdetermined by later affairs. Recently, Carol Cleland has argued that since the distinctive methodologies of historical science and experimental science exploit different aspects of this asymmetry, the methodology of historical science is just as good, epistemically speaking, as that of experimental science. This paper shows, first, that Cleland's epistemological conclusion does not follow from the thesis (...)
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    The Role of Historical Science in Methodological Actualism.Meghan D. Page - 2021 - Philosophy of Science 88 (3):461-482.
    This article examines the role of historical science in clarifying the causal structure of complex natural processes. I reject the pervasive view that historical science does not uncover natural regularities. To show why, I consider an important methodological distinction in geology between uniformitarianism and actualism; methodological actualism, the preferred method of geologists, often relies on historical reconstructions to test the stability of currently observed processes. I provide several case studies that illustrate this, including one that highlights how (...)
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    A problem in Schutz's theory of the historical sciences with an illustration from the women's liberation movement.Lester Embree - 2004 - Human Studies 27 (3):281-306.
    In the first part of this essay it is contended that Schutz''s project is best called the philosophical theory of the cultural sciences; in the last parts it is shown that he offers satisfactory rudiments of a theory of the historical sciences except where the differentia specifica of those sciences is concerned. The central part is devoted to women''s liberation as a case of contemporary history in relation to which Schutz''s thought about the historical (...) needs correction. (shrink)
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  8. Testing times: regularities in the historical sciences.Ben Jeffares - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 39 (4):469-475.
    The historical sciences, such as geology, evolutionary biology, and archaeology, appear to have no means to test hypotheses. However, on closer examination, reasoning in the historical sciences relies upon regularities, regularities that can be tested. I outline the role of regularities in the historical sciences, and in the process, blur the distinction between the historical sciences and the experimental sciences: all sciences deploy theories about the world in their investigations.
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    Making Prehistory: Historical Science and the Scientific Realism Debate.Derek D. Turner - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Scientists often make surprising claims about things that no one can observe. In physics, chemistry, and molecular biology, scientists can at least experiment on those unobservable entities, but what about researchers in fields such as paleobiology and geology who study prehistory, where no such experimentation is possible? Do scientists discover facts about the distant past or do they, in some sense, make prehistory? In this book Derek Turner argues that this problem has surprising and important consequences for the scientific realism (...)
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    Narrative in the Historical Sciences: A Working Interdisciplinary Bibliography.Robert J. O'Hara - 1998 - SSRN Electronic Journal 2542010.
    Models of scientific explanation derived from the physical sciences are often poorly suited to the historical sciences—to the fields William Whewell called the palaetiological sciences. A listing of 27 titles that explore the nature of narrative understanding across a range of scientific disciplines—from cosmology to paleontology to economics—attests to the importance of narrative epistemology in the sciences.
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    Evidential reasoning in historical sciences: applying Toulmin schemes to the case of Archezoa.Thomas Bonnin - 2019 - Biology and Philosophy 34 (2):30.
    This article is a study of the role and use of evidence in the evaluation of claims in the historical sciences. In order to do this, I develop a “snapshot” approach to Toulmin schemas. This framework is applied to the case of Archezoa, an initially supported then eventually rejected hypothesis in evolutionary biology. From this case study, I criticize Cleland’s “smoking gun” account of the methodology of the historical sciences. I argue that Toulmin schemas are conceptually (...)
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  12.  42
    Speculation in the Historical Sciences.Derek Turner - 2019 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 11.
    In Rock, Bone, and Ruin, Adrian Currie offers an account of how historically oriented researchers in paleontology, archaeology, and the geosciences make the most out of their epistemically unlucky circumstances. He argues that there are three things, in particular, that can help scientists gain traction in unlucky circumstances: methodological omnivory, epistemic scaffolding, and “empirically grounded speculation”. Together, these three aspects of the practice of historical science help explain its successes. I largely agree with Currie’s account of methodological omnivory and (...)
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  13. Epigraphy and the Historical Sciences.Bodel John - 2012
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  14. Epigraphy and the Historical Sciences.Rodà Isabel - 2012
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    Ecology as historical science.Bryson Brown - 2011 - In Kevin deLaplante, Bryson Brown & Kent A. Peacock, Philosophy of ecology. Waltham, MA: North-Holland. pp. 11--251.
  16. Epigraphy and the Historical Sciences.Chaniotis Angelos - 2012
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  17. Epigraphy and the Historical Sciences.Parker Robert - 2012
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  18. Epigraphy and the Historical Sciences.Petzl Georg - 2012
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    Literary Criticism and Historical Science: The Textuality of History in the Age of Goethe—and Beyond.Daniel Fulda - 2005 - In Peter Koslowski, The discovery of historicity in German idealism and historism. New York: Springer. pp. 112--133.
  20. Narratives, mechanisms and progress in historical science.Adrian Mitchell Currie - 2014 - Synthese 191 (6):1-21.
    Geologists, Paleontologists and other historical scientists are frequently concerned with narrative explanations targeting single cases. I show that two distinct explanatory strategies are employed in narratives, simple and complex. A simple narrative has minimal causal detail and is embedded in a regularity, whereas a complex narrative is more detailed and not embedded. The distinction is illustrated through two case studies: the ‘snowball earth’ explanation of Neoproterozoic glaciation and recent attempts to explain gigantism in Sauropods. This distinction is revelatory of (...)
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  21.  56
    (1 other version)Economics as a historical science.Herbert Simon - 1998 - Theoria 13 (2):241-260.
    As science deals with invariants and history with dated events, the phrase “historical science” might be thought to be an oxymoron. However, the prevalence in the natural sciences and economics of differential equations filled with time derivatives should persuade us of the legitimacy of joining history with science. The combination can, in fact, take several forms. This paper examines some of the ways inwhich history and economics can be fashioned into economic history, and the reasons why they need (...)
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  22.  64
    Historical science as linguistic figuration.Richard Harvey Brown - 1985 - Theory and Society 14 (5):677-703.
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    The behavioral sciences are historical sciences of emergent complexity.Larry Arnhart - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (1):18-19.
    Unlike physics and chemistry, the behavioral sciences are historical sciences that explain the fuzzy complexity of social life through historical narratives. Unifying the behavioral sciences through evolutionary game theory would require a nested hierarchy of three kinds of historical narratives: natural history, cultural history, and biographical history. (Published Online April 27 2007).
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  24. Methodological and epistemic differences between historical science and experimental science.Carol E. Cleland - 2002 - Philosophy of Science 69 (3):447-451.
    Experimental research is commonly held up as the paradigm of "good" science. Although experiment plays many roles in science, its classical role is testing hypotheses in controlled laboratory settings. Historical science is sometimes held to be inferior on the grounds that its hypothesis cannot be tested by controlled laboratory experiments. Using contemporary examples from diverse scientific disciplines, this paper explores differences in practice between historical and experimental research vis-à-vis the testing of hypotheses. It rejects the claim that (...) research is epistemically inferior. For as I argue, scientists engage in two very different patterns of evidential reasoning and, although there is overlap, one pattern predominates in historical research and the other pattern predominates in classical experimental research. I show that these different patterns of reasoning are grounded in an objective and remarkably pervasive time asymmetry of nature. (shrink)
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  25. Guessing the future of the past: Derek Turner, Making Prehistory: Historical Science and the Realism Debate. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2007.Ben Jeffares - 2010 - Biology and Philosophy 25 (1):125-142.
    I review the book “Making Prehistory: Historical Science and the Scientific Realism Debate” by Derek Turner. Turner suggests that philosophers should take seriously the historical sciences such as geology when considering philosophy of science issues. To that end, he explores the scientific realism debate with the historical sciences in mind. His conclusion is a view allied to that of Arthur Fine: a view Turner calls the natural historical attitude. While I find Turner’s motivations good, (...)
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  26.  49
    Mapping the space of time: temporal representation in the historical sciences.Robert J. O'Hara - 1996 - Memoirs of the California Academy of Sciences 20: 7–17.
    William Whewell (1794–1866), polymathic Victorian scientist, philosopher, historian, and educator, was one of the great neologists of the nineteenth century. Although Whewell's name is little remembered today except by professional historians and philosophers of science, researchers in many scientific fields work each day in a world that Whewell named. "Miocene" and "Pliocene," "uniformitarian" and "catastrophist," "anode" and "cathode," even the word "scientist" itself—all of these were Whewell coinages. Whewell is particularly important to students of the historical sciences for (...)
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  27. Collingwood and anthropology as a historical science.D. Boucher - 2002 - History of Political Thought 23 (2):303-332.
    This paper explores R.G. Collingwood's argument that a new type of archaeology, taking fairy tales as its subject matter, is capable of expanding our historical knowledge of cultural practices. I suggest that it is interesting from the point of view of current discussions about cosmopolitanism and communitarianism and also for understanding past practices, such as magic, without having to attribute failure of reasoning or a breakdown in mentality to the participants, as Le Roy Ladurie does. Collingwood maintains that the (...)
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  28. Reductionism in a historical science.Alex Rosenberg - 2001 - Philosophy of Science 68 (2):135-163.
    Reductionism is a metaphysical thesis, a claim about explanations, and a research program. The metaphysical thesis reductionists advance (and antireductionists accept) is that all facts, including all biological facts, are fixed by the physical and chemical facts; there are no non-physical events, states, or processes, and so biological events, states and processes are “nothing but” physical ones. The research program can be framed as a methodological prescription which follows from the claim about explanations. Antireductionism does not dispute reductionism’s metaphysical claim, (...)
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  29. Hot-Blooded Gluttons: Dependency, Coherence, and Method in the Historical Sciences.Adrian Currie - 2017 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 68 (4):929-952.
    Our epistemic access to the past is infamously patchy: historical information degrades and disappears and bygone eras are often beyond the reach of repeatable experiments. However, historical scientists have been remarkably successful at uncovering and explaining the past. I argue that part of this success is explained by the exploitation of dependencies between historical events, entities, and processes. For instance, if sauropod dinosaurs were hot blooded, they must have been gluttons; the high-energy demands of endothermy restrict sauropod (...)
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  30. Testing Times: Confirmation in the Historical Sciences.Ben Jeffares - 2008 - Dissertation, Australian National University
    In this thesis, I argue that a good historical science will have the following characteristics: Firstly, it will seek to construct causal histories of the past. Secondly, the construction of these causal histories will utilise well-tested regularities of science. Additionally, well-tested regularities will secure the link between observations of physical traces and the causal events of interest. However, the historical sciences cannot use these regularities in a straightforward manner. The regularities must accommodate the idiosyncrasies of the past, (...)
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    Sketching a Theology based on Historical Science.Robert W. P. Luk - 2022 - Science and Philosophy 10 (1):21-44.
    St. Thomas Aquinas envisaged theology to be a kind of scientia which was considered as a kind of first cause science. However, science of that time is different from “modern” science. Recently, a theory of scientific study is developed, which outlines science by a theory and some models similar to knowledge in physics. According to this theory, sciences organize their knowledge consisting of theories, models and experiments interacting with physical situations. Perhaps, it is possible to organize knowledge of Christian (...)
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  32.  13
    History as a Real Process: Historical Science and Philosophy of History.Ю.И Семенов - 2016 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 47 (1):50-56.
    In this article author considers the problem of epistemology of historical knowledge. Author doesn't accept the neo-kantianism theory. He makes an attempt to differ the two forms of unitarization of scientific knowledge — theoretization and the principle of holism and, hence, the two forms of the theoretical consideration of history. The author insists that the Marxists approach seems to be the most relevant from this point of view. Thus, he defends the thesis that the idealistic concepts are much vulnerable (...)
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    Rock, Bone, and Ruin An Optimist's Guide to the Historical Sciences.Adrian Currie - 2018 - The MIT Press.
    An argument that we should be optimistic about the capacity of “methodologically omnivorous” geologists, paleontologists, and archaeologists to uncover truths about the deep past. -/- The “historical sciences”—geology, paleontology, and archaeology—have made extraordinary progress in advancing our understanding of the deep past. How has this been possible, given that the evidence they have to work with offers mere traces of the past? In Rock, Bone, and Ruin, Adrian Currie explains that these scientists are “methodological omnivores,” with a variety (...)
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    Interacting with the Past: Historical Sciences and Historical Games.David Černín - 2025 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 46 (2):121-144.
    Historical video games are uniquely tied to the scientific practices of professional historians, archaeologists, and many other experts. However, since video games are an interactive medium and the most common-sensical view of history is that the past is fixed, it is clear that, at least from a representationalist point of view, there is some unresolved tension. The article explores this predicament and draws heavily from contemporary historical non-representationalism – a position that shifts focus from the idea of representing (...)
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    Politics and Modernity: History of the Human Sciences Special Issue.Irving History of the Human Sciences, Robin Velody & Williams - 1993 - SAGE Publications.
    Politics and Modernity provides a critical review of the key interface of contemporary political theory and social theory about the questions of modernity and postmodernity. Review essays offer a broad-ranging assessment of the issues at stake in current debates. Among the works reviewed are those of William Connolly, Anthony Giddens, J[um]urgen Habermas, Alasdair MacIntyre, Richard Rorty, Charles Taylor and Roy Bhaskar. As well as reviewing the contemporary literature, the contributors assess the historical roots of current problems in the works (...)
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  36. The limits of concept formation in natural science: a logical introduction to the historical sciences.Heinrich Rickert - 1986 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Heinrich Rickert (1863-1936) was One of the leading neo-Kantian philosophers in Germany and a crucial figure in the discussions of the foundations of the social sciences in the first quarter of the twentieth century. His views were extremely influential, most significantly on Max Weber. The Limits of Concept Formation in Natural Science is Rickert's most important work, and it is here translated into English for the first time. It presents his systematic theory of knowledge and philosophy of science, and (...)
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    Geology as an historical science: Its perception within science and the education system.Jeff Dodick & Nir Orion - 2003 - Science & Education 12 (2):197-211.
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  38. The agenda for religion/science: Guest editorials K. Helmut Reich what needs to be done in order to bring the science-and-religion dialogue forward? Whose broad experience? How great the audience? From grand dreaming to problem solving.Three Historical Probes & Nicola Hoggard Creegan - forthcoming - Zygon.
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  39. Husserl and Historical Science.L. E. Shiner - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Overdetermination, underdetermination, and epistemic granularity in the historical sciences.Christophe Malaterre - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 14 (2):1-23.
    The optimism vs. pessimism debate about the historical sciences is often framed in terms of arguments about the relative importance of overdetermination vs. underdetermination of historical claims by available evidence. While the interplay between natural processes that create multiple traces of past events (thereby conducive of overdetermination) and processes that erase past information (whence underdetermination) cannot be ignored, I locate the root of the debate in the epistemic granularity, or intuitively the level of detail, that pervades any (...)
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  41. The philosophical problem of the objective historical sciences.Tim L. Widman - 1982 - In Joseph J. Pilotta, Interpersonal Communication: Essays in Phenomenology and Hermeneutics. University Press of America.
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    Historical Time and a New Conception of the Historical Sciences.Werner Leinfellner - 1973 - In Mario Bunge, The methodological unity of science. Boston,: Reidel. pp. 193--215.
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    Karl Popper and the Method of Causal Explanation in Historical Sciences.Jiří Stránský - 2020 - E-Logos 27 (1):30-37.
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  44. Narativno objašnjenje u istorijskim naukama (Narrative Explanation in Historical Sciences).Vladimir Marko - 1989 - In Zbornik radova Instituta za filozofiju i sociologiju. Novi Sad: Institut za folozofiju i sociologiju, Filozofski fakultet. pp. 47-61.
    The article discusses some aspects of the narrative explanation, and its nature and role in explaining the historical entities. The author defends possibility of formulating status of narrative explanation as scientific and adequate for all historical sciences, here defined as sciences concerned with the spatio-temporally restricted entities. lie suggests that uniqueness and particularity of historical objects are not in contradiction with the claims based on the classical model of explanation in the way of logical inferring. (...)
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    John Kenyon Davies – John Joseph Wilkes , Epigraphy and the Historical Sciences, Oxford – New York . 2012.Walter Ameling - 2016 - Klio 98 (2):796-799.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Klio Jahrgang: 98 Heft: 2 Seiten: 796-799.
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    The past vs. the tiny: historical science and the abductive arguments for realism.Derek D. Turner - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 35 (1):1-17.
    Scientific realism is fundamentally a view about unobservable things, events, processes, and so on, but things can be unobservable either because they are tiny or because they are past. The familiar abductive arguments for scientific realism lend more justification to scientific realism about the tiny than to realism about the past. This paper examines both the “basic” abductive arguments for realism advanced by philosophers such as Ian Hacking and Michael Devitt, as well as Richard Boyd’s version of the inference to (...)
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  47. Epistemological problems of a historical science.Richard Lewontin - 1996 - Neusis 5:17-32.
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  48. Epigraphy and the Historical Sciences.Scheid John - 2012
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  49. Epigraphy and the Historical Sciences.Feissel Denis - 2012
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  50. Epigraphy and the Historical Sciences.Ma John - 2012
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