Results for 'instrumental behavior'

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  1.  32
    Extinction of instrumental behavior as a function of frustration at various distances from the goal.Harvey M. Adelman & Gerald Rosenbaum - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 47 (6):429.
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    Punishment of appetitively reinforced instrumental behavior: Factors affecting response persistence.Dennis G. Dyck, Roger L. Mellgren & Jack R. Nation - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 102 (1):125.
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    Neuropsychological interpretation of the effects of drive and incentive-motivation on general activity and instrumental behavior.Dalbir Bindra - 1968 - Psychological Review 75 (1):1-22.
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    Effects of complex transformations of feedback upon simple instrumental behavior.Clyde E. Noble & Irvin G. Broussard - 1955 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 50 (6):381.
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    "Classical" versus "instrumental" exposure to sucrose rewards and later instrumental behavior following a shift in incentive value.James R. Ison & David H. Glass - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 79 (3p1):582.
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    Instrumental and competing behavior as a function of trials and reward magnitude.A. C. Pereboom & B. M. Crawford - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 56 (1):82.
  7.  14
    Observational Behavior Assessment for Psychological Competencies in Police Officers: A Proposed Methodology for Instrument Development.Matthijs Koedijk, Peter G. Renden, Raôul R. D. Oudejans, Lisanne Kleygrewe & R. I. Vana Hutter - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This paper proposes and showcases a methodology to develop an observational behavior assessment instrument to assess psychological competencies of police officers. We outline a step-by-step methodology for police organizations to measure and evaluate behavior in a meaningful way to assess these competencies. We illustrate the proposed methodology with a practical example. We posit that direct behavioral observation can be key in measuring the expression of psychological competence in practice, and that psychological competence in practice is what police organizations (...)
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    An evaluation of instruments measuring behavioural aspects of the nurse–patient relationship.Rebecca Feo, Sheela Kumaran, Tiffany Conroy, Louise Heuzenroeder & Alison Kitson - 2022 - Nursing Inquiry 29 (2):e12425.
    The Fundamentals of Care Framework is an evidence‐based, theory‐informed framework that conceptualises high‐quality fundamental care. The Framework places the nurse–patient relationship at the centre of care provision and outlines the nurse behaviours required for relationship development. Numerous instruments exist to measure behavioural aspects of the nurse–patient relationship; however, the literature offers little guidance on which instruments are psychometrically sound and best measure the core relationship elements of the Fundamentals of Care Framework. This study evaluated the quality of nurse–patient relationship instruments (...)
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    Instrumental licking behavior as a function of schedule, volume, and concentration of a saccharine reinforcer.Stewart H. Hulse, Harry L. Snyder & W. Edward Bacon - 1960 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 60 (6):359.
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    Instrumental effects of agonistic behavior.Holger Ursin & Grete Myhre - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (2):338-338.
  11. Corporate Ethical Codes: Effective Instruments For Influencing Behavior.Betsy Stevens - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (4):601-609.
    This paper reviews studies of corporate ethical codes published since 2000 and concludes that codes be can effective instruments for shaping ethical behavior and guiding employee decision-making. Culture and effective communication are key components to a code’s success. If codes are embedded in the culture and embraced by the leaders, they are likely to be successful. Communicating the code’s precepts in an effective way is crucial to its success. Discussion between employees and management is a key component of successful (...)
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  12. Rational behaviour: A review of the requirements of instrumental rationality. [REVIEW]Ahmed Jamal Anwar - 2006 - Philosophy and Progress 39:11.
  13.  92
    Using the PET Assessment Instrument to Help Students Identify Factors that Could Impede Moral Behavior.Debra R. Comer & Gina Vega - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 77 (2):129-145.
    We present an instrument developed to explain to students the concept of the personal ethical threshold (PET). The PET represents an individual’s susceptibility to situational pressure in his or her organization that makes moral behavior more personally difficult. Further, the PET varies according to the moral intensity of the issue at hand, such that individuals are less vulnerable to situational pressure for issues of high moral intensity, i.e., those with greater consequences for others. A higher PET reflects an individual’s (...)
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  14. Drugs as instruments: A new framework for non-addictive psychoactive drug use.Christian P. Müller & Gunter Schumann - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (6):293-310.
    Most people who are regular consumers of psychoactive drugs are not drug addicts, nor will they ever become addicts. In neurobiological theories, non-addictive drug consumption is acknowledged only as a “necessary” prerequisite for addiction, but not as a stable and widespread behavior in its own right. This target article proposes a new neurobiological framework theory for non-addictive psychoactive drug consumption, introducing the concept of “drug instrumentalization.” Psychoactive drugs are consumed for their effects on mental states. Humans are able to (...)
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    A delay of reinforcement gradient and correlated reinforcement in the instrumental conditioning of conversational behavior.Robert F. Weiss, Jenny L. Boyer, James T. Colwick & Dennis J. Moran - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 90 (1):33.
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    Open-field behavior, emotionality during fear conditioning, and fear-motivated instrumental performance.Ronald Ley - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (6):598-600.
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    Commentary: Observational Behavior Assessment for Psychological Competencies in Police Officers: A Proposed Methodology for Instrument Development.Mario S. Staller & Swen Koerner - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    The microscopic analysis of behavior: Toward a synthesis of instrumental, perceptual, and cognitive ideas.Stephen Grossberg - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (4):594-595.
  19.  57
    Incentive value of success and instrumental approach behavior.David Birch - 1964 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 68 (2):131.
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    Reconsidering Instrumental Corporate Social Responsibility through the Mafia Metaphor.Jean-Pascal Gond, Guido Palazzo & Kunal Basu - 2009 - Business Ethics Quarterly 19 (1):57-85.
    ABSTRACT:The purpose of this paper is to critically evaluate the instrumental perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in practice and theory by relying on sociological analyses of a well known organization: the Italian Mafia. Legal businesses might share features of the Mafia, such as the propensity to exploit a governance vacuum in society, a strong organizational identity that demarcates the inside from the outside, and an extreme profit motive. Instrumental CSR practices have the power to accelerate a firm's (...)
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  21.  31
    Predicting instrumental performance from the independent rates of contingent responses in a choice situation.Aaron J. Brownstein - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (1):29.
  22.  7
    Instrumentalization of the athlete: interpreting Dokic and Agassi via Kafka’s Metamorphosis.Irena Martínková, John Quay & Jim Parry - forthcoming - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-19.
    This article discusses one kind of athlete instrumentalization by reinterpreting Kafka’s novella Metamorphosis, in which the main character, Gregor Samsa, may be seen as a victim of family exploitation. We suggest that this story can be taken as a metaphor in the context of sport—of a ‘tennis mom’ or a ‘football dad’, who comes to see their child in instrumental terms. In a highly competitive sporting environment, instrumentalization has a direct impact on the young athlete, whose sporting encounter is (...)
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  23. Instrumental Rationality Without Separability.Johanna Thoma - 2018 - Erkenntnis 85 (5):1219-1240.
    This paper argues that instrumental rationality is more permissive than expected utility theory. The most compelling instrumentalist argument in favour of separability, its core requirement, is that agents with non-separable preferences end up badly off by their own lights in some dynamic choice problems. I argue that once we focus on the question of whether agents’ attitudes to uncertain prospects help define their ends in their own right, or instead only assign instrumental value in virtue of the outcomes (...)
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    Measuring processes in quantum mechanics. II. The classical behavior of measuring instruments.K. Kraus - 1985 - Foundations of Physics 15 (6):717-730.
    A quantum mechanical model of a counter monitoring the decay of an unstable microsystem is constructed. Detailed investigation of the time evolution of this model shows that the counter behaves essentially classically; i.e., its discharges may be considered as objective, observer-independent events. The possible relevance of this result for the physical interpretation of quantum mechanics is discussed.
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    Executives’ Behaviour and Innovation in Corporate Governance: The Case of Internet Voting at Shareholders’ General Meetings in French Listed Companies.Walid Cheffi & Sonia Abdennadher - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (3):775-798.
    The paper analyses the behaviour of French corporate executives towards the adoption of Internet voting at shareholders’ general meetings. The research extends the studies of legitimation strategies and institutional theory to a new topic and a new instrument of corporate governance. Taking a qualitative approach, the paper examines the particular case of a technology that is adopted by a company for the benefit of its shareholders. It contributes theoretically by showing how executives respond to institutional pressures when responding could affect (...)
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  26.  13
    Is there a need to distinguish instrumental copying behavior from traditions?Thomas R. Zentall - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e274.
    The authors make a distinction between instrumental copying behavior in which there is a clear reward for the copying behavior and social copying (traditions) in which the rewards for copying are less clear. However, I see no reason to distinguish between the two. We are social animals, for whom copying traditions have important rewards, those of affiliation.
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    Instrumentalizing Failure: Edison's Invention of the Carbon Microphone.Ian Wills - 2007 - Annals of Science 64 (3):383-409.
    Summary For Thomas Edison, experiencing a failure did not mean that he had failed. Through an examination of the process that led to his invention of the carbon microphone, I argue that his positive approach to failure contributed both to his success as an inventor and to the functional success of his inventions. Edison's laboratory notebooks and legal testimony reveal that his seemingly erratic approach and reliance on trial and error methods in fact had a consistent direction and a rational (...)
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  28. The Superintelligent Will: Motivation and Instrumental Rationality in Advanced Artificial Agents. [REVIEW]Nick Bostrom - 2012 - Minds and Machines 22 (2):71-85.
    This paper discusses the relation between intelligence and motivation in artificial agents, developing and briefly arguing for two theses. The first, the orthogonality thesis, holds (with some caveats) that intelligence and final goals (purposes) are orthogonal axes along which possible artificial intellects can freely vary—more or less any level of intelligence could be combined with more or less any final goal. The second, the instrumental convergence thesis, holds that as long as they possess a sufficient level of intelligence, agents (...)
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  29.  92
    Strategies and Instruments for Organising CSR by Small and Large Businesses in the Netherlands.Johan Graafland, Bert van de Ven & Nelleke Stoffele - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 47 (1):45-60.
    This paper analyses the use of strategies and instruments for organising ethics by small and large business in the Netherlands. We find that large firms mostly prefer an integrity strategy to foster ethical behaviour in the organisation, whereas small enterprises prefer a dialogue strategy. Both large and small firms make least use of a compliance strategy that focuses on controlling and sanctioning the ethical behaviour of workers. The size of the business is found to have a positive impact on the (...)
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  30. Looking at consumer behavior in a moral perspective.Johannes Brinkmann - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 51 (2):129-141.
    The paper suggests that consumers and their behaviors deserve more attention in our field. After a few website references and after a brief literature review of recent business ethics and consumer behavior literature conceptual frameworks are suggested. As an open end, the paper contains some empirical references, related to consumer honesty, tax loyalty and to motives for buying organic food, and suggests the development of a consumer morality measurement instrument.
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    The effects of induced positive and negative affect on Pavlovian-instrumental interactions.Isla Weber, Sam Zorowitz, Yael Niv & Daniel Bennett - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (7):1343-1360.
    Across species, animals have an intrinsic drive to approach appetitive stimuli and to withdraw from aversive stimuli. In affective science, influential theories of emotion link positive affect with strengthened behavioural approach and negative affect with avoidance. Based on these theories, we predicted that individuals’ positive and negative affect levels should particularly influence their behaviour when innate Pavlovian approach/avoidance tendencies conflict with learned instrumental behaviours. Here, across two experiments – exploratory Experiment 1 (N = 91) and a preregistered confirmatory Experiment (...)
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  32. Hume's non-instrumental and non-propositional decision theory.Robert Sugden - 2006 - Economics and Philosophy 22 (3):365-391.
    Hume is often read as proposing an instrumental theory of decision, in which an agent's choices are rational if they maximally satisfy her desires, given her beliefs. In fact, Hume denies that rationality can be attributed to actions. I argue that this is not a gap needing to be filled. Hume's theory provides a coherent and self-contained understanding of action, compatible with current developments in experimental psychology and behavioural economics. On Hume's account, desires are primitive psychological motivations which do (...)
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  33.  8
    Instrument driven theory.W. W. Tryon - 1996 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 17 (1):21-30.
    Instruments are mainly used to provide data for testing theoretical predictions. However, sometimes instrument development sets the occasion for profound theoretical changes which are totally unanticipated. This article presents examples of instrument driven theory derived from biology and physics as well as discussing implications for psychology. The role of theory in the design of instruments is considered.
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    The Influence of Business School’s Ethical Climate on Students’ Unethical Behavior.Thomas A. Birtch & Flora F. T. Chiang - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 123 (2):283-294.
    Business schools play an instrumental role in laying the foundations for ethical behavior and socially responsible actions in the business community. Drawing on social learning and identity theories and using data collected from undergraduate business students, we found that ethical climate was a significant predictor of unethical behavior, such that students with positive perceptions about their business school’s ethical climate were more likely to refrain from unethical behaviors. Moreover, we found that high moral and institutional identities strengthened (...)
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    Profiling nursing students’ dishonest behaviour: Classroom versus clinical settings.Robert Lovrić & Boštjan Žvanut - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (6):1353-1371.
    Background While academic dishonesty among nursing students is becoming a global problem, the instruments used in studies on this topic are heterogeneous and, in many cases, not even validated. This makes it difficult or impossible to compare the findings on a global scale. Objectives To investigate the profile of Croatian nursing students’ dishonest behaviour in classroom and clinical settings and to examine the relationship between the incidence of dishonest behaviour in both settings. Research design A quantitative cross-sectional study using a (...)
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  36. Distinctions in descriptive and instrumental stakeholder theory: A challenge for empirical research.Niklas Egels-Zandén & Joakim Sandberg - 2009 - Business Ethics: A European Review 19 (1):35-49.
    Stakeholder theory is one of the most influential theories in business ethics. It is perhaps not surprising that a theory as popular as stakeholder theory should be used in different ways, but when the disparity between different uses becomes too great, it is questionable whether all the ‘stakeholder research’ refers to the same underlying theory. This paper starts to clarify this definitional confusion by distinguishing between three different ways in which different lines of stakeholder research are connected with descriptive and (...)
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    The caring concept, its behaviours and obstacles: perceptions from a qualitative study of undergraduate nursing students.Beata Dobrowolska & Alvisa Palese - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 23 (4):305-314.
    Developing caring competences is considered to be one of the most important aims of undergraduate nursing education and the role of clinical placement is recognised as special in this regard. Students' reflection on caring, their experience and obstacles in being caring is recommended as a key strategy in the process of teaching and studying the nursing discipline. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe the concept of caring, its manifestations and possible obstacles while caring, as perceived by first‐year (...)
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    Latent profiles of ethical climate and nurses’ service behavior.Na Zhang, Dingxin Xu, Xing Bu & Zhen Xu - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (4):626-641.
    Background Hospital ethical climate has important implications for clinical nurses’ service behavior; however, the relationships are complicated by the fact that five types of ethical climate (caring, law and code, rules, instrumental, and independence) can be combined differently according to their level and shape differences. Recent developments in person-centered methods (e.g., latent profile analysis (LPA)) have helped to address these complexities. Aim From a person-centered perspective, this study explored the distinct profiles of hospital ethical climate and then examined (...)
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    Methodological Issues in the Design of Online Surveys for Measuring Unethical Work Behavior: Recommendations on the Basis of a Split-Ballot Experiment.Kristel Wouters, Jeroen Maesschalck, Carel Fw Peeters & Marijke Roosen - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 120 (2):275-289.
    In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in unethical work behavior. Several types of survey instruments to collect information about unethical work behavior are available. Nevertheless, to date little attention has been paid to design issues of those surveys. There are, however, several important problems that may influence reliability and validity of questionnaire data on the topic, such as social desirability bias. This paper addresses two important issues in the design of online surveys on unethical work (...)
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  40. The Instrumental Functions of Cultural Studies and Policies in Contemporary Nigerian Society.Emmanuel Orok Duke - 2018 - International Journal of Culture and History 4 (4).
    —Cultural studies remains one of the fields of research in the humanities that contributes to the development of the society by aiding the formulation of cultural policies towards the re-engineering of a nation’s social behavior. A functioning state benefits a lot from cultural products of cultural studies. Thus for any state, like Nigeria, to reap from cultural studies and policies, its basic democratic institutions should be strong and effective. The theoretical framework for this research is symbolic interactionism proposed by (...)
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  41. Impact of Emotional Intelligence, Ethical Climate, and Behavior of Peers on Ethical Behavior of Nurses.Satish P. Deshpande & Jacob Joseph - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (3):403-410.
    This study examines factors impacting ethical behavior of 103 hospital nurses. The level of emotional intelligence and ethical behavior of peers had a significant impact on ethical behavior of nurses. Independence climate had a significant impact on ethical behavior of nurses. Other ethical climate types such as professional, caring, rules, instrumental, and efficiency did not impact ethical behavior of respondents. Implications of this study for researchers and practitioners are discussed.
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    Beyond an Instrumental View of Violence: On Sartre’s Discussion of Violence in Notebooks for an Ethics.Ciprian Jeler - 2020 - Human Studies 43 (2):237-255.
    This paper argues that Jean-Paul Sartre’s discussion of violence from his Notebooks for an ethics constitutes an attempt to go beyond an instrumental view of violence. An “instrumental view of violence” essentially assumes that violent behavior is a form of pragmatic behavior whose distinguishing feature consists in the kind of means one employs for reaching one’s goals (violent behavior resorting to means that are harmful for others, whereas non-violent behavior does not). For his part, (...)
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  43. Ethical Leader Behavior and Big Five Factors of Personality.Karianne Kalshoven, Deanne N. Den Hartog & Annebel H. B. De Hoogh - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 100 (2):349 - 366.
    Most research on ethical leadership to date investigates the consequences of ethical leadership rather than its antecedents. Here, we aim to contribute to this field by studying leader personality as a potential antecedent of ethical leader behavior. In two multisource studies, we investigated the relationships between personality traits and ethical leader behavior. Leader personality was measured through self-ratings using the five-factor personality framework. Two subordinates rated their leaders' ethical behavior. Study 1 used a unidimensional Ethical Leadership Scale (...)
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    Personal Values and Ethical Behavior in Accounting Students.Grace Mubako, Kallol Bagchi, Godwin Udo & Marjorie Marinovic - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (1):161-176.
    This study develops and tests an integrated model that explains how Schwartz’s higher order personal values of Openness to Change, Conservation, Self-Transcendence and Self-Enhancement influence the ethical behavior of accountants. The study further explores the influence of ethics training, gender and religiosity on ethical behavior. A survey instrument was administered to 252 accounting students and the findings reveal that some of the higher order personal values are significant in explaining the ethical behavior of accounting students. The findings (...)
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  45.  27
    Performance in instrumental conditioning as a joint function of time of deprivation and sucrose concentration.John R. Stabler - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (3):248.
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    The CN-12: A Brief, Multidimensional Connection With Nature Instrument.Melissa Anne Hatty, Liam David Graham Smith, Denise Goodwin & Felix Tinoziva Mavondo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:547374.
    In recent decades, there has been increasing interest in (re)connecting people with nature to foster sustainability outcomes. There is a growing body of evidence suggesting a relationship between connection with nature and pro-environmental behaviors. Connection with nature has often been conceptualized as a unidimensional construct, and although recent evidence suggests that it is multidimensional, there is ongoing debate regarding the dimensions that make up connection with nature. Existing multidimensional connection with nature instruments capture similar dimensions, yet they are lengthy and (...)
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    Purposiveness of Human Behavior. Integrating Behaviorist and Cognitivist Processes/Models.Cristiano Castelfranchi - 2022 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 22 (66):401-414.
    We try not just to reconcile but to “integrate” Cognitivism and Behaviorism by a theory of different forms of purposiveness in behavior and mind. This also implies a criticism of the Dual System theory and a claim on the strong interaction and integration of Sist1 (automatic) and Sist2 (deliberative), based on reasons, preferences, and decisions. We present a theory of different kinds of teleology. Mere “functions” of the behavior: finalism not represented in the mind of the agent, not (...)
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    A single instrument: Engineering and engineering technology students demonstrating competence in ethics and professional standards.Charles R. Feldhaus, Robert M. Wolter, Stephen P. Hundley & Tim Diemer - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (2):291-311.
    This paper details efforts by the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis to create a single instrument for honors science, technology, engineering and mathematics students wishing to demonstrate competence in the IUPUI Principles of Undergraduate Learning and Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology Engineering Accreditation Criterion and Technology Accreditation Criterion 2, a through k. Honors courses in Human Behavior, Ethical Decision-Making, Applied Leadership, International Issues and Leadership Theories and Processes were created along with (...)
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    Normativity in Chimpanzees’ Tool Behavior.Laura Danón - forthcoming - Topoi:1-10.
    In this paper, I will argue that chimpanzees deploy some normative sensitivity when they select (i) materials they will use to manufacture tools and (ii) objects to be used as tools. To defend this claim, I will examine some empirical evidence showing chimpanzees’ remarkable abilities to select adequate tools and materials for the task at hand, as well as reports on how they acquired these abilities, both in their infancy and as naive adults. Based on this evidence, I will argue (...)
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    Prosocial Behavior in Preschoolers: Effects of Early Socialization Experiences With Peers.Nicoletta Salerni & Claudia Caprin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Over the last decades, many studies had focused on the psychological outcomes of children who have received early socialization outside of the family context, highlighting that the daycare experience can both positively and negatively influence the child’s social-emotional development. Despite the number of studies conducted, there is a lack of observational research on this topic. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the early daycare experience can influence the prosocial behaviors that children exhibit during free-play social interactions with (...)
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