Results for 'organizational integrity'

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  1.  18
    Organisational integrity as an epistemic virtue.Marco Meyer - 2024 - In Muel Kaptein, Research Handbook on Organisation Integrity. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 377–392.
    Integrity is often conceived as a moral virtue that pertains to the coherence between one’s moral convictions and actions, as well as consistency in convictions over time. By contrast, I argue that integrity is primarily an epistemic virtue. To act with integrity, an individual or organisation must engage in responsible inquiry; that is, the collection, processing, sharing, and storage of information in ways that promote truth. Organisational structures such as division of labour and hierarchy present challenges to (...)
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    On the Notion of Organisational Integrity.Wim Vandekerckhove - 2010 - Philosophy of Management 9 (1):123-134.
    This paper submits that an intersubjective account of integrity is able to solve current confusion and cynicism provoked by organisations stating their integrity. First, I argue that regarding organisations as persons causes much of this confusion. Second, I assert that a useful account of integrity in an organisational context must place central importance on the notion of human interaction. With regard to this criterion I examine the meta-ethical assumptions of three accounts of integrity: objective, subjective and (...)
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    Toward organizational integrity measurement: Developing a theoretical model of organizational integrity.Madeleine J. Fuerst, Christoph Luetge, Raphael Max & Alexander Kriebitz - 2023 - Business and Society Review 128 (3):417-435.
    Organizational integrity is a key concept with and through which a company can assume its responsibility for ethical and societal issues. It is a basic premise for sustainable corporate success, as ethical risks ultimately become economic risks for a company. Recent research shows the potential of integrity‐based governance models to reduce corporate risks and to improve business performance. However, companies are not yet able to assess nor evaluate their level of organizational integrity in a sound (...)
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    Organizational Integrity: Organizational Ethics and Behavior Beyond leader's Individual integrity.Lijun Chen - 2005 - Modern Philosophy 4:016.
    As the market transactions in the economic activity is more the behavior of the organizational level, organizational integrity is compared to the individual integrity of the public on a broader and more general effects. Analysis of the integrity of this organization and the similarities and differences between individual integrity, honesty is the organization that the organization as a social environment moral actors, and consciously abide by the value of commercial operations and a series of (...)
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    The conception of organizational integrity: A derivation from the individual level using a virtue‐based approach.Madeleine J. Fuerst & Christoph Luetge - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (S1):25-33.
    This paper extends previous attempts at understanding the nature of organizational integrity and its increasingly important role for companies which, after all, bear a moral and societal responsibility. Interpretations of organizational integrity in business ethics literature incorporate aspects ranging from the behavior of managers and employees to corporate structures and incentive systems. We argue that virtue ethics builds an indispensable framework for understanding the origin of the concept of integrity and transfer these findings to an (...)
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  6. Perceived integrity of transformational leaders in organisational settings.Ken W. Parry & Sarah B. Proctor-Thomson - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 35 (2):75 - 96.
    The ethical nature of transformational leadership has been hotly debated. This debate is demonstrated in the range of descriptors that have been used to label transformational leaders including narcissistic, manipulative, and self-centred, but also ethical, just and effective. Therefore, the purpose of the present research was to address this issue directly by assessing the statistical relationship between perceived leader integrity and transformational leadership using the Perceived Leader Integrity Scale (PLIS) and the Multi-Factor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ). In a national (...)
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  7. Organizational integrity and moral climates.Norman E. Bowie - 2010 - In George G. Brenkert & Tom L. Beauchamp, The Oxford handbook of business ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  8. Improving organizational integrity through humanistic diversity management: the case of minority-majority relations in healthcare organizations and academic institutions.Helena Desivilya Syna, Amit Rottman & Michal Raz - 2012 - In Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch & Wolfgang Amann, Business integrity in practice: insights from international case studies. New York, N.Y.: Business Expert Press.
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  9. Building Organizational Integrity and Quality with the Four P's: Perspectives, Paradigms, Processes, and Principles'.J. Petrick - 1998 - In Marshall Schminke, Managerial ethics: moral management of people and processes. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Assocs.. pp. 115--132.
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    Diversity Management Efforts as an Ethical Responsibility: How Employees’ Perceptions of an Organizational Integration and Learning Approach to Diversity Affect Employee Behavior.Tanja Rabl, María del Carmen Triana, Seo-Young Byun & Laura Bosch - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 161 (3):531-550.
    This paper integrates the inclusion and organizational ethics literatures to examine the relationship between employees’ perceptions of an organizational integration and learning approach to diversity and two employee outcomes: organizational citizenship behavior toward the organization and interpersonal workplace deviance. Findings across two field studies from the USA and Germany show that employees’ perceptions of an organizational integration and learning approach to diversity are positively related to perceived organizational ethical virtue. Perceived organizational ethical virtue further (...)
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  11. Business ethics, strategy and organizational integrity : the importance of integrity for better performance.Jacob Dahl Rendtorff & Denmark - 2015 - In Daniel E. Palmer, Handbook of research on business ethics and corporate responsibilities. Hershey: Business Science Reference, An Imprint of IGI Global.
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    Integrated Management Cybernetics as a Foundation for Organizational Resilience.Pieter Buys - 2021 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:219-229.
    he 4th Industrial Revolution introduced a highly automated and connected business environment. Nevertheless, many organizations are reeling in the wake of the speed and severity of the COVID-19 pandemic's impact, catching many unawares, and placing their sustainability in question. Given the connectedness promulgated by the 4th Industrial Revolution, one might expect organizational resilience to be a given - only time will tell whether this was the case. This article considers the concept of cybernetics as contributing to systems-thinking, which may (...)
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    Impacts of accountability, integrity, and internal control on organisational value creation: evidence from Malaysian government linked companies.Jamaliah Said, Md Mahmudul Alam, Nurazwani Binti Mat Radzi & Mohamad Hafiz Rosli - 2020 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 14 (2):206.
    Credible and well-functioning governance is crucial for the value creation of firms. Recently, private sectors have undergone substantial changes by focusing on good governance as a tool to enhance value, reputation, and image. The primary features of firms with good governance include greater emphasis on accountability practices, proper implementation of a corporate integrity system, and sound internal controls in place to avoid risk and to ensure policy and procedures that are complied. Government linked companies (GLCs) as the backbone of (...)
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    Beyond Financial Incentives: Organizational Ethics and Organizational Integrity.Jerry Goodstein & Robert Potter - 1999 - HEC Forum 11 (4):293-305.
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  15. A consulting model that clarifies core values and promotes greater organizational integrity.William B. Mesa - 2012 - In Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch & Wolfgang Amann, Business integrity in practice: insights from international case studies. New York, N.Y.: Business Expert Press.
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    Organizational ethics in healthcare organizations: Proactively managing the ethical climate to ensure organizational integrity[REVIEW]Henry J. Silverman - 2000 - HEC Forum 12 (3):202-215.
  17.  70
    Organizational Reintegration and Trust Repair after an Integrity Violation: A Case Study.Nicole Gillespie, Graham Dietz & Steve Lockey - 2014 - Business Ethics Quarterly 24 (3):371-410.
    This paper presents a holistic, contextualised case study of reintegration and trust repair at a UK utilities firm in the wake of its fraud and data manipulation scandal. Drawing upon conceptual frameworks of reintegration and organizational trust repair, we analyze the decisions and actions taken by the company in its efforts to restore trust with its stakeholders. The analysis reveals seven themes on the merits of proposed approaches for reintegration after an integrity violation , and novel insights on (...)
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  18.  40
    An integrative conceptualization of organizational compassion and organizational justice: a sensemaking perspective.Khuram Shahzad & Alan R. Muller - 2016 - Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (2):144-158.
    Organizational scholars tend to view justice and compassion as incompatible. While both have important functions in organizational life, compassion's affective elements appear difficult to synthesize with the reasoning and impartiality that underlie the concept of justice. We draw on theoretical arguments from the sensemaking perspective to argue that we can integrate organizational compassion and organizational justice conceptually because both are inherently dynamic processes that rely on emotional and cognitive components, and both are shaped by the social (...)
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  19.  33
    Organizational levels of the cerebral cortex: An integrated model.Yves Burnod - 1991 - Acta Biotheoretica 39 (3-4):351-361.
    We propose a theoretical model of the cerebral cortex which is based on its cellular components and integrates its different levels of organization: (1) cells have general adaptive and memorization properties; (2) cortical columns are repetitive interneuronal circuits which determine an adaptive processing specific to the cerebral cortex; (3) cortical maps effect selective combinations which are very efficient to learn basic behaviourial adaptations such as invariant recognition of forms, visually-guided hand movements, or execution of structured motor programs; (4) the network (...)
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    Organizational polarities and contextual controls in integrated movement.John C. Fentress - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (4):604-605.
  21.  14
    Integrating engineering, cognitive and social approaches for a comprehensive modeling of organizational agents and their contexts.Marielba Zacarias, H. Sofia Pinto & José Tribolet - 2001 - In P. Bouquet V. Akman, Modeling and Using Context. Springer. pp. 517--530.
  22. Corporate Integrity: Rethinking Organizational Ethics and Leadership.Marvin T. Brown - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    What do corporations look like when they have integrity, and how can we move more companies in that direction? Corporate Integrity offers a timely, comprehensive framework- and practical business lessons - bringing together questions of organizational design, communication practices, working relationships, and leadership styles to answer this question. Marvin T. Brown explores the five key challenges facing modern businesses as they try to respond ethically to cultural, interpersonal, organizational, civic and environmental challenges. He demonstrates that if (...)
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  23.  35
    Integrating Principles of Care, Compassion and Justice in Organizations: Exploring Dynamic Nature of Organizational Justice.Khuram Shahzad, Hassan Sohaib Murad, Naveda Kitchlew & Shahid A. Zia - 2014 - Journal of Human Values 20 (2):167-181.
    This article aims to respond to the long-lived perceived incompatibility between care and compassion and justice in organizational literature. It is argued that principles of care and compassion and principles of justice are compatible with each other and can be integrated in organizations in such a way that both will supplement each other. Previous researches tend to view concepts of care and compassion and justice either as competing or inheriting some fundamental trade-offs. This article argues that the highlighted incompatibility (...)
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    An integrative model of organizational trust.R. C. Mayer, J. H. Davis & F. D. Schoorman - 1995 - Academy of Management Review 20.
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  25.  29
    Integrating Integrity: The Organizational Translation of Policies on Research Integrity.Lise Degn - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (6):3167-3182.
    Responsible conduct of research and research integrity has become a key concern in both research policy and public media resulting in a number of soft law documents, such as codes of conduct at national and supranational levels. This article zooms in on the institutions that are supposed to translate these overall policies and guidelines into workable and recognizable structures for researchers, that is, the mediating layer between the policy articulations and the individual researchers and research groups; a perspective which (...)
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  26.  53
    Beyond financial incentives: Organizational ethics and organizational integrity[REVIEW]Jerry Goodstein & RobertLyman Potter - 1999 - HEC Forum 11 (4):293-305.
  27.  34
    Executive integrity: the search for high human values in organizational life.Suresh Srivastva (ed.) - 1988 - San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
    Shows that executive integrity is not merely a moral trait but a dynamic process of making empathetic, responsible, and sound decisions. Describes key features of executive integrity including effective social interaction, open dialogue, and responsive leadershipand explains how integrity can be developed and practiced in today's organizations.
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    Managing Organizational Culture Integration Post-Acquisition: Lessons from PT 'X' in the Oil and Gas Sector.Syahrial Maulana, Popong Nurhayati, Ujang Sumarwan & Anggraini Sukmawati - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1611-1620.
    In the upstream oil and gas industry, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are often used to enhance access to limited resources and improve competitiveness in the global market. However, a major challenge arises in post-acquisition organizational cultural integration, which can impede the success of this process. At PT "X," the acquisition of PT "Y" and PT "Z" highlighted a cultural gap between a company oriented towards familial values and companies with more professional and structured cultures. Although numerous studies have addressed (...)
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    Integrating Ethics into Action Theory and Organizational Theory.Antonio Argandoña - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (3):435-446.
    A serious attempt to integrate ethics in management was done by Professor Juan Antonio Pérez López (1934–1996). His thought represents a break with current scholarly thinking on these subjects. The purpose of this article is to explain some of the most significant aspects of his theories, relating basically to his recourse to ethics as what defines the characteristic behavior of human beings, considered as individuals and as members of organizations. Pérez López used the anthropological conception underlying the ethics of Aristotle (...)
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    Individual and Organizational Predictors of the Ethicality of Graduate Students’ Responses to Research Integrity Issues.Philip J. Langlais & Blake J. Bent - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (4):897-921.
    The development of effective means to enhance research integrity by universities requires baseline measures of individual, programmatic, and institutional factors known to contribute to ethical decision making and behavior. In the present study, master’s thesis and Ph.D. students in the fields of biological, health and social sciences at a research extensive university completed a field appropriate measure of research ethical decision making and rated the seriousness of the research issue and importance for implementing the selection response. In addition they (...)
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    Organizational Wrongdoing within the Context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals: An Integrative Review.Irina Heim & Lilya Mergaliyeva - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-21.
    Addressing organizational wrongdoing (OW) is crucial for sustainable development. However, there seems to be a lack of structured analysis of this concept within the realm of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). This study aims to map the economic, business, and management literature on OW in relation to the SDGs using metadata extracted from 374 journal articles indexed in the Web of Science database for the period 2000–2023. This study highlights the need for a more systematic approach to (...)
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  32. Integrity and anticorruption actions in an organizational context.Peter Odrakiewicz - 2012 - In Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch & Wolfgang Amann, Business integrity in practice: insights from international case studies. New York, N.Y.: Business Expert Press.
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    Environmental Actions and Leadership Integrity: Unpacking Symbolic and Substantive Pro‐Environmental Behavior Impact on Organizational Perception.Asif Nawaz, Shuaib Ahmed Soomro & Qurat-ul-ain Talpur - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    This study applies signaling theory to investigate how an organization's environmental actions, in the form of symbolic (Sym) and substantive (Sub) pro-environmental behavior (PEB), impact the perceptions of organizational hypocrisy and perceived integrity of its leaders. The authors collected data from a sample of 211 employees working in various industries at three different points with a 1-month interval and used AMOS-SEM for data analysis. We found a positive relationship between Sym-PEB and organizational hypocrisy, while Sub-PEB was negatively (...)
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    Good organizational reasons for better medical records: The data work of clinical documentation integrity specialists.Claus Bossen & Kathleen H. Pine - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    Healthcare organizations and workers are under pressure to produce increasingly complete and accurate data for multiple data-intensive endeavors. However, little research has examined the emerging occupations arising to carry out the data work necessary to produce “improved” data sets, or the specific work activities of these emerging data occupations. We describe the work of Clinical Documentation Integrity Specialists, an emerging occupation that focuses on improving clinical documentation to produce more detailed and accurate administrative datasets crucial for evolving data-intensive forms (...)
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    Organizational decision-making, discourse, and power: integrating across contexts and scales.Ruth Wodak, Ian Clarke & Winston Kwon - 2009 - Discourse and Communication 3 (3):273-302.
    Research has downplayed the complex discursive processes and practices through which decisions are constructed and blurs the relationship between macro- and micro-levels. The article argues for a critical and ecologically valid approach that articulates how discursive practices are influenced by, and in turn shape, the organizational settings in which they occur. It makes a methodological contribution using decision-making episodes of a senior management team meeting of a multinational company to demonstrate the insights that can be obtained from embedding the (...)
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  36.  21
    Organizational Ethics and Moral Integrity in Secular Societies: The Ethics of Bureaucracies.S. J. Wildes - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This book explores an undeveloped area in postmodern thought: organizational ethics. Ethical debates and analyses usually focus on a particular act or action, an actor, and/or how a secular society should address any of those particular persons or events. In the Post Modern age, ethical decisions and policies are characterized by moral and cultural pluralism. However, there is a second factor that complicates ethical and policy decisions even further. This book argues that in the postmodern age ethical decisions often (...)
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    Organizational Citizenship Behaviors of Directors: An Integrated Framework of Director Role-Identity and Boardroom Structure.Toru Yoshikawa & Helen Wei Hu - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 143 (1):99-109.
    While directors’ task boundaries are usually ambiguous, some of their activities or behaviors clearly constitute their formal duties, whereas others are usually perceived as organizational citizenship behavior. Applying identity theory, we present a theoretical model that demonstrates one of the key drivers for directors to engage in OCB with a focus on their role identity. We argue that an individual director’s role identity is one of the key factors that motivate directors to engage in OCB. Furthermore, we propose that (...)
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    An Integrational Framework of Organizational Moral Development, Legitimacy, and Corporate Responsibility: A Longitudinal, Intersectoral Analysis of Citizenship Reports.Gabriella Lewis, Sergio Palacios & Marcus A. Valenzuela - 2016 - Business and Society Review 121 (4):593-623.
    In this article, we outline a unique conceptual framework connecting legitimacy types (Suchman, 1995), theories of corporate responsibility (Brummer, 1991), and levels of organizational moral development based on Kohlberg's (1971) moral development stages. In addition, based on Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) categories, we found empirical support for our framework, by content analyzing Fortune 500 corporate citizenship reports from four different industries (i.e., chemicals, motor vehicle/auto parts, pharmaceutical, and utilities), at three data points (i.e., 2002, 2007, and 2012). Our analysis (...)
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    Leader and Organizational Behavioral Integrity and Follower Behavioral Outcomes: The Role of Identification Processes.Ziya Ete, Olga Epitropaki, Qin Zhou & Les Graham - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 176 (4):741-760.
    This paper investigates the concept of behavioral integrity from three important foci in organizational settings: i.e., leader, organization, and follower. Drawing from theories of behavioral integrity, social learning, and social identity, we examine the effects of leader and organizational behavioral integrity on follower behavioral integrity and organizational citizenship behavior via follower identification with leader and with organization, respectively. To test our hypotheses, we used data from three studies. Studies 1 and 2 were online (...)
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  40.  57
    Stewardship and integrity in health care: A role for organizational ethics. [REVIEW]Gerard Magill & Lawrence Prybil - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 50 (3):225-238.
    Media reporting of recent business scandals, ranging from systemic accounting fraud to individual executive greed, has shed new light on the urgent need for organizational ethics in corporate America. The essay argues that organizational ethics can foster virtuous organizations by developing their sense of stewardship and integrity. This approach can inspire the ethical decision-making processes and standards of conduct for personnel throughout the organization. Another crucial role for organizational ethics is to regain lost trust and to (...)
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    The Influence of Supervisory Behavioral Integrity on Intent to Comply with Organizational Ethical Standards and Organizational Commitment.Janie Harden Fritz, Naomi Bell O’Neil, Ann Marie Popp, Cory Williams & Ronald C. Arnett - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 114 (2):251-263.
    We examined cynicism as a mediator of the influence of managers’ mission-congruent communication and behavior about ethical standards (a form of supervisory behavioral integrity) on employee attitudes and intended behavior. Results indicated that cynicism partially mediates the relationship between supervisory behavioral integrity and organizational commitment, but not the relationship between supervisory behavioral integrity and intent to comply with organizational expectations for employee conduct.
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  42. Organizational alignments, schisms, and high-integrity managerial behavior.Samuel A. Culbert & John J. McDonough - 1988 - In Suresh Srivastva, Executive integrity: the search for high human values in organizational life. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. pp. 223--242.
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    Organizational ethics and institutional integrity.Ana Smith Iltis - 2001 - HEC Forum 13 (4):317-328.
  44.  9
    The Relationship between IT Integration, Organizational Culture, and Supply Chain Performance.Sahil Suri, Nagraj Patil, Prakhar Goyal, Amita Garg, Lovish Dhingra, Mukul Pandey & Dr Anand Kopare - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:904-912.
    IT integration plays an important role in boosting supply chain performance (SCP) in today’s dynamic organizational environment. It becomes easier for real-time data sharing, collaboration, and communication among supply chain participants. However, the prevailing organizational culture has a considerable impact on how effective IT integration exists, as it can either help or hinder the adoption and exploitation of IT integration. The relationship between SCP, organizational culture, and IT integration is examined in this study. Measurement model assurance and (...)
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  45. Police organizational culture and policemen's integrity.J. Kampanakis - 2000 - In Milan Pagon, Policing in Central and Eastern Europe: ethics, integrity, and human rights. Ljubljana: College of Police and Security Studies. pp. 497--506.
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    (1 other version)Corrigendum: Organizational Behavior in Green Supply Chain Integration: Nexus Between Information Technology Capability, Green Innovation, and Organizational Performance.Adnan Abbas, Xiaoguang Luo, Muhammad Umair Wattoo & Rui Hu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Corporate Social Responsibility and Organizational Psychology: An Integrative Review.Ante Glavas - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Deconstruction, Choice, Reconstruction, and Integration: Insights from Ignatius of Loyola’s Conversion Process on the Professional Formation of Organizational Leaders.Michael R. Carey & Dung Q. Tran - 2023 - Humanistic Management Journal 8 (2):181-190.
    This article, the first of a two-part series, examines how Saint Ignatius of Loyola’s (1548/ 1991 ) nearly 500 year-old approach to the transformation of others in their leadership journeys is still being actualized, with applications to transformations in workplaces and the graduate education of business leaders, by drawing upon both the handbook Ignatius wrote to guide his work—called the _Spiritual Exercises_—and upon the account of his own transformation experience captured in his _Autobiography_. Our exploratory prelude to practice is guided (...)
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    Unveiling the paradox of organizational justice: an integrative categorization bridging economic and deontic perspectives.Oussama R.′Biaa & Julie Dextras-Gauthier - forthcoming - Philosophy of Management:1-22.
    This research aims to explore the common theoretical perspectives in organizational justice. The need for such research arises from the lack of literature that comprehensively understands and highlights the theoretical distinctions between two approaches: one that views organizational justice as an explanatory factor for the economic value of firms, suggesting that fair practices lead to better performance and profitability, and a second approach that emphasizes the virtuous and deontic dimensions of justice, valuing ethical considerations and moral principles regardless (...)
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    Individual and Organizational Rule-Breaking: Test of an Integrated Multilevel Model.Reha Karadag & Janet P. Near - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-18.
    Why do employees break organizational rules and why are organizations unable to prevent this? Past studies have suggested three predictors of rule-breaking: _predisposition_ due to normalization of rule-breaking; _pressure_ due to competitive and performance strain; and _opportunity_ to break the rules due to job characteristics associated with the assigned role and the time at work (e.g., Baucus, 1994). We used a purposive sample of 14,472 observations from 5,735 individuals nested in 199 organizations, to investigate these predictors in a sports (...)
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