Results for 'sexual goods'

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  1.  22
    The status of the sexual good as a direction for moral theology.John S. Grabowski - 1994 - Heythrop Journal 35 (1):15–34.
  2.  13
    Sexuality and Class Struggle.J. Balzer & T. Good - 1971 - Télos 1971 (7):145-149.
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    Humanism Betrayed: Theory, Ideology, and Culture in the Contemporary University.Graham Good - 2001 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Political correctness in Canada: the McEwen report on the political science department at UBC -- The new sectarianism: gender, race, sexual orientation -- Theory 1: Marx, Freud, Nietzsche -- Theory 2: Constructionism, ideology, textuality -- Presentism: postmodernism, poststructuralism, postcolonialism -- The carceral vision: Geertz, Greenblatt, Foucault, and culture as constraint -- The liberal humanist vision: Northrup Frye and culture as freedom -- Conclusion: the hegemony of theory and the managerial university.
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    A Good Practice: The Role of Women's Studies in the Coalition of Feminists and the State against Physical and Sexual Violence.Marianne Gru™Nell - 1999 - European Journal of Women's Studies 6 (3):341-358.
    Since 1991 government has harnessed mass media resources to tackle the problem of physical and sexual abuse, aiming its media messages specifically at men as potential perpetrators. This article examines the ways this new state responsibility has taken shape. The central theme here is the role played by women's studies as intermediary between feminist action and government policy. It looks at how physical and sexual abuse became part of the parliamentary political agenda and how a political and policy (...)
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    Women Who Know Their Place.Ariane Burke, Anne Kandler & David Good - 2012 - Human Nature 23 (2):133-148.
    Differences between men and women in the performance of tests designed to measure spatial abilities are explained by evolutionary psychologists in terms of adaptive design. The Hunter-Gatherer Theory of Spatial Ability suggests that the adoption of a hunter-gatherer lifestyle (assuming a sexual division of labor) created differential selective pressure on the development of spatial skills in men and women and, therefore, cognitive differences between the sexes. Here, we examine a basic spatial skill—wayfinding (the ability to plan routes and navigate (...)
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    “Was It Good for You?”: Recasting Catholic Sexual Ethics in Light of Women’s Sexual Pain Disorders.Elizabeth L. Antus - 2018 - Journal of Religious Ethics 46 (4):611-634.
    Over the past one hundred years, Catholic sexual ethics has become more hospitable to sexual bonding as a good that is distinct from procreation. However, our increasing knowledge of women’s sexual pain disorders highlights ongoing problems with official Catholic sexual ethics. This essay argues that the Catholic Church still reproduces gendered social scripts that unwittingly encourage heterosexual women to ignore their sexual pain and continue to engage desperately in intercourse, out of an exacerbated concern to (...)
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  7. Sexual Perversion and the Good.Joseph Kupfer - 1978 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 59 (1):70.
  8. Good Sex: Perspectives on Sexual Ethics.David Archard & Raymond A. Belliotti - 1995 - Philosophical Quarterly 45 (180):407.
  9.  7
    ‘In Nature's Good Old College’: Sexual Politics and the Long Shadow of Hegel.Adrian Daub - 2022 - Hegel Bulletin 43 (3):395-417.
    Although his positions on gender were neither particularly radical nor particularly representative of his age, Hegel proved counterintuitively central to early German philosophers elaborating openly feminist positions. The Young Hegelians' critique of religion offered a readymade way to critique traditional modes of grounding and vindicating gender roles. But it also, especially among more materialist thinkers like Ludwig Feuerbach, tended to rely on supposedly “natural” bases for gender inequality. This article traces a line of women thinkers beginning in Hegel's age, stretching (...)
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  10. Sexual Exclusion.Alida Liberman - 2022 - In David Boonin (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Sexual Ethics. London: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 453-475.
    This chapter delineates several distinct (and often problematically conflated) kinds of sexual exclusion: (1) lack of access to sexual gratification or pleasure, (2) lack of access to partnered sex, and (3) lack of social/psychological validation that comes from being seen as a sexual being. Liberman offers proposals about what our collective responses to these harms should be while weighing in on debates about whether there are rights to various kinds of sexual goods. She concludes that (...)
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  11. The politics of the “good” in good sexuality education.D. Boyd & A. McKay - forthcoming - Philosophy of Education.
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    The Sexual Ethics of HPV Vaccination for Boys.Jeroen Luyten, Bart Engelen & Philippe Beutels - 2014 - HEC Forum 26 (1):27-42.
    Human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. It is a leading cause of cervical cancer in women but the virus is increasingly being linked to several other cancers in men and women alike. Since the introduction of safe and effective but also expensive vaccines, many developed countries have implemented selective vaccination programs for girls. Some however argue that these programs should be expanded to include boys, since (1) HPV constitutes non-negligible health risks for boys as (...)
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    Book Review: Damaged Goods? Women Living with Incurable Sexually Transmitted Diseases. By Adina Nack. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2008, 249 pp., $19.75. [REVIEW]Naomi Alston - 2009 - Gender and Society 23 (4):571-573.
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    Sexual Exclusion and the Right to Sex.Raja Halwani - forthcoming - Theoria.
    Philosophers have recently expressed interest in the question as to whether there is a right to sex, a right whose justification is motivated by the existence of sexually excluded people—people who suffer from involuntary long-term sexual deprivation (owing, say, to a chronic medical condition). This paper, after offering preliminary remarks about what a right to sex and its objects might be and who might have this right, surveys seven justifications for the right: linkage arguments, need, well-being, a minimally decent (...)
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    Sexual selection and physical attractiveness.Steven W. Gangestad - 1993 - Human Nature 4 (3):205-235.
    Sexual selection processes have received much attention in recent years, attention reflected in interest in human mate preferences. Among these mate preferences are preferences for physical attractiveness. Preferences in and of themselves, however, do not fully explain the nature of the relationships that individuals attain. A tacit negotiation process underlies relationship formation and maintenance. The notion that preferences for physical attractiveness evolved under parasite-driven “good genes” sexual selection leads to predictions about the nature of trade-offs that individuals make (...)
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  16. Morality undermined by sexual notions of the importance of a good reputation.Mary Wollstonecraft - 1992 - In Elizabeth Frazer, Jennifer Hornsby & Sabina Lovibond (eds.), Ethics: a feminist reader. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell. pp. 23--34.
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  17. Sexual Orientation and Choice.Saray Ayala - 2017 - Journal of Social Ontology 3 (2):249-265.
    Is there a choice in sexual orientation? [Wilkerson, William S. : “Is It a Choice? Sexual Orientation as Interpretation”. In: Journal of Social Philosophy 40. No. 1, p. 97–116] argues that sexual desires require interpretation in order to be fully constituted, and therefore sexual orientation is at least partially constituted by choice. [Díaz-León, Esa : “Sexual Orientation as Interpretation? Sexual Desires, Concepts, and Choice”; In: Journal of Social Ontology] critically assesses Wilkerson’s argument, concluding that (...)
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  18. Sexual Orientation as Interpretation? Sexual Desires, Concepts, and Choice.Esa Díaz-León - 2017 - Journal of Social Ontology 3 (2):231-248.
    Are sexual orientations freely chosen? The idea that someone’s sexual orientation is not a choice is very influential in the mainstream LGBT political movement. But do we have good reasons to believe it is not a choice? Going against the orthodoxy, William Wilkerson has recently argued that sexual orientation is partly constituted by our interpretations of our own sexual desires, and we choose these interpretations, so sexual orientation is partly constituted by choice. In this paper (...)
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    Sexual Identity, Gender, and Human Fulfillment: Analyzing the “Middle Way” Between Liberal and Traditionalist Approaches.Melissa Moschella - 2019 - Christian Bioethics 25 (2):192-215.
    In this essay, I outline fundamental anthropological and moral principles related to human sexuality and gender identity and then apply these principles to analyze and evaluate the views of several authors who attempt to carve out a “middle way” between liberal and traditionalist approaches to these issues. In doing so, I engage especially with the claim that gender dysphoria, rather than being a psychological issue, is a type of biological intersex condition in which one’s “brain sex” is out of line (...)
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  20.  9
    Good citizens: creating enlightened society.Nhá̂t Hạnh - 2012 - Berkeley, California: Parallax Press.
    In Good Citizens: Creating Enlightened Society, Thich Nhat Hanh lays out the foundation for an international solidarity movement based on a shared sense of compassion, mindful consumption, and right action. Following these principles, he believes, is the path to world peace. The book is based on our increased global interconnectedness and subsequent need for harmonious communication and a shared ethic to make our increasingly globalized world a more peaceful place. The book will be appreciated by people of all faiths and (...)
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  21.  20
    Liberating Sexuality: Justice Between the Sheets by Miguel A. De La Torre.Simeiqi He - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (2):191-193.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Liberating Sexuality: Justice Between the Sheets by Miguel A. De La TorreSimeiqi HeLiberating Sexuality: Justice Between the Sheets Miguel A. De La Torre SAINT LOUIS: CHALICE PRESS, 2016. 232 pp. $27.99What lies at the heart of Miguel De La Torre's provocative and refreshing collection of essays Liberating Sexuality is his lifelong commitment to a justice-based society. He is deeply concerned with "how oppressive social structures, [End Page 191] (...)
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  22.  20
    History, ecology, and the denial of death: A re-reading of conservation, sexual personae, and the good society.Max Oelschlaeger - 1993 - Journal of Social Philosophy 24 (3):19-39.
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  23. The Ethics of Virtual Sexual Assault.John Danaher - 2021 - In Carissa Véliz (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Digital Ethics. Oxford University Press.
    This chapter addresses the growing problem of unwanted sexual interactions in virtual environments. It reviews the available evidence regarding the prevalence and severity of this problem. It then argues that due to the potential harms of such interactions, as well as their nonconsensual nature, there is a good prima facie argument for viewing them as serious moral wrongs. Does this prima facie argument hold up to scrutiny? After considering three major objections – the ‘it’s not real’ objection; the ‘it’s (...)
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  24. Sexual Gifts and Sexual Duties.Alan Soble - 2022 - In Raja Halwani, Jacob M. Held, Natasha McKeever & Alan G. Soble (eds.), The Philosophy of Sex: Contemporary Readings, 8th edition. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 539-556.
    Relying on a sexual encounter that he had once while in graduate school, Soble explores in this essay two important and under-explored ideas in sexual ethics. The first is whether there are sexual duties to others (including, even especially, to strangers), and what the source of such duties might be. He provides good reasons, rooted in both religious and secular thought, for believing that such duties exist. The second is whether there are supererogatory sexual actions—sexual (...)
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  25.  30
    Sexual selection and religion: Can the evolution of religion be explained in terms of mating strategies?James A. Van Slyke & Konrad Szocik - 2020 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 42 (1):123-141.
    This article considers the application of sexual selection theory to the study of religion by discussing the basic concepts and theories in sexual selection and then outlines possibilities of its application to the study of the evolution of religion. The first section outlines basic principles in the sexual selection account, including the evolution of human mating strategies based on dimorphism, gender differences in human mating strategies, and the role of different cultural activities in mating dynamics. Such an (...)
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  26.  36
    Good genes and parental care in human evolution.Frank Marlowe - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (4):611-612.
    Prior to agriculture, human societies were small, with little variation for good genes sexual selection (GGSS) to work on. Across cultures, variation in paternal care makes the benefits of GGSS highly variable. Despite these caveats, female preferences for traits like male body symmetry suggest one reason for female short-term mating is gene shopping.
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  27.  49
    Sexual Ethics and Communal Judgments: On the Pluralism of Virtues, Values, and Practices.B. Andrew Lustig - 1998 - Christian Bioethics 4 (1):3-13.
    Different judgments by Christian communities on issues in sexual ethics involve different weightings of various sources of moral authority, different understandings of the normativity of the natural, and different assessments of the scope of freedom to be exercised in relation to the goods of marriage. These fundamental differences of interpretation can be exemplified by the ongoing Roman Catholic discussion of the legitimacy of voluntary sterilization in certain “hard cases.” The contributors to this issue of Christian Bioethics, in their (...)
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  28.  36
    The imaginary inclusion of the assimilable Good Homosexual: the British new right's representations of sexuality and race.Anna Marie Smith - 1994 - Diacritics 24 (2/3):58-70.
  29.  47
    Human Sexuality in the History of Redemption.Paul Ramsey - 1988 - Journal of Religious Ethics 16 (1):56 - 86.
    If Augustine's view of human sexuality is to be understood properly, it must be represented across the history of creation, fall and redemption. His notion of sexuality prior to the fall, although defective in its understanding of personal bodily presence, does integrate sexuality into the essentially human. His account of fallen sexuality expresses not a body-soul dualism but a disordering of the self which finds a partial and redemptive remedy in the "goods of marriage." His treatment of sexuality in (...)
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  30. The Moral Status of Sexual Fantasies.Stephen Kershnar - 2005 - Public Affairs Quarterly 19 (4):301-315.
    Sexual fantasy is a non-perceptual thought that is sexually arousing. It has several paradigmatic features. The structure of a fantasy involves an agent taking pleasure in an object that is often a visual depiction of an event. The fantasy is under the agent’s control and has a semantic content. Since mere sexual fantasizing about someone respects the individual who are depicted in the fantasy, the rightness of a sexual fantasy depends on whether consequentialism is true and, if (...)
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  31.  10
    (Female hetero)Sexualities in transition: train stations as gateways.Sabin Bieri & Natalia Gerodetti - 2006 - Feminist Theory 7 (1):69-87.
    This article explores how sexualities and space are constitutive of each other in that sexualities are enacted and encoded in and across different scales and sites. In particular, this article aims to investigate how space and heteronormativity interact to complicate once more distinctions between spatial categories such as public/private and, more importantly, urban/rural through the gateways of the train station around the turn of the 20th century. Against the background of urbanization, changes in transport and the particular dangers that were (...)
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  32. A Defence of Sexual Inclusion.John Danaher - 2020 - Social Theory and Practice 46 (3):467-496.
    This article argues that access to meaningful sexual experience should be included within the set of the goods that are subject to principles of distributive justice. It argues that some people are currently unjustly excluded from meaningful sexual experience and it is not implausible to suggest that they might thereby have certain claim rights to sexual inclusion. This does not entail that anyone has a right to sex with another person, but it does entail that duties (...)
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  33.  73
    Robots and sexual ethics.Brian D. Earp & Katarzyna Grunt-Mejer - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (1):1-2.
    Much of modern ethics is built around the idea that we should respect one another’s autonomy. Here, “we” are typically imagined to be adult human beings of sound mind, where the soundness of our mind is measured against what we take to be the typical mental capacities of a neurodevelopmentally “normal” person—perhaps in their mid-thirties or forties. When deciding about what constitutes ethical sex, for example, our dominant models hold that ethical sex is whatever is consented to, while a lack (...)
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  34. Sexual Temperance and Intemperance.Raja Halwani - 2006 - In Sex and Ethics: Essays in Sexuality, Virtue, and the Good Life. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 122-133.
    Explores what Aristotelian sexual temperance and intemperance are.
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    De-securitization, sexual violence, and the politics of silence.Sabine Hirschauer - 2020 - European Journal of Women's Studies 27 (3):219-234.
    Drawing on the author’s archival research in Germany and the US, empirical data about US-allied troop sexual violence during post-World War II occupied Germany suggests a complex interplay between gender, security, silence production, and state identity. Through a feminist security studies lens, this article theorizes about an unexplored, obscured form of de-securitization: the unmaking of a security issue or referent object as active silence. De-securitization as silence provides a unique insight into silence production, gender’s normativity, and security. To move (...)
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  36. Raja Halwani ed., Sex and Ethics: Essays on Sexuality, Virtue, and the Good Life.Neera K. Badhwar (ed.) - 2007 - Palgrave MacMillan.
    Drawing on Aristotle’s conception of the vices and virtues related to bodily pleasures, I argue that temperance and carnal wisdom, understood as practical wisdom about the conditions of bodily flourishing, are necessary for “mutual visibility” (full mutual perceptiveness and responsiveness in sex), as well as for treating ourselves and others as ends. Intemperance, “insensibility”, and carnal foolishness block mutual visibility by devaluing sensuous pleasures. Intemperance does this through objectification, insensibility through “disembodiment.” Since Aristotle has little to say about sex as (...)
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  37.  49
    Recovery from Sexual Violence and Socially Mediated Dimensions of God’s Grace: Implications for Christian Communities.Jennifer Beste - 2005 - Studies in Christian Ethics 18 (2):89-112.
    How are Christians to understand God’s grace for individuals in the midst of severe trauma, particularly in light of a global epidemic of sexual violence against so many women and children? How does the call to witness to the good news of Christ’s love translate into specific obligations that respond to the needs of sexual abuse survivors? The purpose of this article is to explore these questions in the context of Karl Rahner’s theology of grace. When seeking to (...)
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  38.  24
    Review of Bishop Geoffrey Robinson, For Christ’s Sake: End Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church … for Good: Melbourne: Garratt Publishing, 2013, ISBN: 9781922152602, pb, 164pp. [REVIEW]Patrick FitzGerald Hutchings - 2014 - Sophia 53 (1):151-157.
    Christ’s name is often taken in vain, but not in this book title. It is at once a prayer and a cry of anguish. Robinson was deputed to deal with the whole abuse problem in the Archdiocese of Sydney and knows horrid things at first hand: abuse and clerical cover-ups, both.Bishop Robinson’s book is practical—if perhaps at the time of publication unduly sanguine. He calls, in chapter 13 for ‘A New Council for a New Church’ to enable to get the (...)
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  39.  55
    Determinants of female sexual orgasms.Osmo Kontula & Anneli Miettinen - 2016 - Socioaffective Neuroscience and Psychology 6.
    BackgroundThe pursuit of sexual pleasure is a key motivating factor in sexual activity. Many things can stand in the way of sexual orgasms and enjoyment, particularly among women. These are essential issues of sexual well-being and gender equality.ObjectiveThis study presents long-term trends and determinants of female orgasms in Finland. The aim is to analyze the roles of factors such as the personal importance of orgasms, sexual desire, masturbation, clitoral and vaginal stimulation, sexual self-esteem, communication (...)
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  40. Sex and Sexual Orientation, Gender and Sexual Preference.Raja Halwani - 2023 - Journal of Controversial Ideas 3 (2):doi: 10.35995/jci03020003.
    On what we can call the “folk” conception of sexual orientation, sexual orientation is understood as sex-based attraction, that is, as (partly) attraction on the basis of the perceived sex of the person to whom one is attracted. However, in recent discussions, philosophers have either added gender to sex as the basis of sexual orientation, or have altogether replaced sex with gender. Moreover, this addition or replacement has gone—mostly—unargued for. This paper argues that a sex-based conception of (...)
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  41.  23
    The Affective Neuroscience of Sexuality: Development of a LUST Scale.Jürgen Fuchshuber, Emanuel Jauk, Michaela Hiebler-Ragger & Human Friedrich Unterrainer - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:853706.
    BackgroundIn recent years, there have been many studies using the Affective Neuroscience Personality Scales (ANPS) to investigate individual differences in primary emotion traits. However, in contrast to other primary emotion traits proposed by Jaak Panksepp and colleagues, there is a considerable lack of research on the LUST (L) dimension – defined as an individual’s capacity to attain sexual desire and satisfaction – a circumstance mainly caused by its exclusion from the ANPS. Therefore, this study aims to take a first (...)
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  42.  61
    Consequences of Beauty: Effects of Rater Sex and Sexual Orientation on the Visual Exploration and Evaluation of Attractiveness in Real World Scenes.Aleksandra Mitrovic, Pablo P. L. Tinio & Helmut Leder - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:183987.
    One of the key behavioral effects of attractiveness is increased visual attention to attractive people. This effect is often explained in terms of evolutionary adaptations, such as attractiveness being an indicator of good health. Other factors could influence this effect. In the present study, we explored the modulating role of sexual orientation on the effects of attractiveness on exploratory visual behavior. Heterosexual and homosexual men and women viewed natural-looking scenes that depicted either two women or two men who varied (...)
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  43.  56
    Teaching good sex: The limits of consent and the role of the virtues.David Archard - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 56 (5):645-653.
    I offer an account of sexual ethics, and thus of an education in sexual morality, that tries to make some sense of how a view of consent as central to those ethics might be combined with an education in certain virtues. I do so by exploring what some see as the shortcomings of a standard of consent, namely, how it can deal with instances of prima facie bad sex. I consider and reject various attempts to show that consensuality (...)
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  44.  50
    Sexual Ethics in a Secular Age: Is There Still a Virtue of Chastity?Eric J. Silverman - 2021 - Routledge.
    This collection features essays from top experts in ethics and philosophy of love that offer varying perspectives on the value of a contemporary secular virtue of chastity. The virtue of chastity has traditionally been portrayed as an excellent personal disposition concerning the ideal ordering of sexual desire such that the person desires that which is actually good for both the self and others affected by his or her sexual desires and actions. Yet, for roughly the past half century (...)
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    Good men’s women.Annette Baier - 1979 - Hume Studies 5 (1):1-19.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:GOOD MEN'S WOMEN: HUME ON CHASTITY AND TRUST At the very heart of Hume's philosophy in the Treatise, namely between his discussion of the artificial and the natural virtues, he places a short chapter entitled "Of Chastity and Modesty." Its central position is appropriate, since these supposed virtues present something of a test case for Hume's account of the relation between nature and artifice, and, more generally, beyond his (...)
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  46. The Good, the Bad, and the Harmful: From Restricted to Standard Uses of Slurs.Justina Berškytė - 2024 - In Mihaela Popa-Wyatt (ed.), Harmful Speech and Contestation. Palgrave Macmillan Cham. pp. 13-35.
    Slurs derogate individuals based on their belonging to some demographic group, for example, race, sexuality, class, and so on. This chapter observes ‘reclaimed’, ‘restricted’, and ‘standard’ uses of slurs and proposes a semantic account which accommodates each type of slurring. The view proposed—Expressive-Property Contextualism—explains the similarities and differences between a wide array of slurs and demonstrates that the mechanism by which slurs derogate is virtually the same in all uses.
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  47. Sex and Ethics: Essays in Sexuality, Virtue, and the Good Life.Raja Halwani (ed.) - 2006 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
  48.  83
    Body, Sex, and Pleasure: Reconstructing Christian Sexual Ethics.Christine E. Gudorf - 1994 - Pilgrim Press.
    Perhaps no other single moral issue today is as hotly contested, or as divisive, as sexuality. Offering a bold and hopeful vision of how Christians - and all people of goodwill - can view this explosive topic, ethicist Christine Gudorf proposes nothing less than a sweeping challenge to traditional Christian teaching on sexual roles, activities, and relationships. Deftly drawing on Scripture, natural law, historical and contemporary Catholic and Protestant theology, the social sciences, and, significantly, the lived experiences of today's (...)
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  49.  95
    Good Sex on Kantian Grounds, or A Reply to Alan Soble.Joshua Schulz - 2007 - Essays in Philosophy 8 (2):301-317.
    Immanuel Kant offers definitions of “sexual desire” and “sexual use” in the Metaphysics of Morals that occasion an inconsistency within his moral system, for they entail that sexual desire, as a natural inclination that is conditionally good, is also categorically objectifying, and thus per se immoral according to the second formulation of the Categorical Imperative. Following Alan Soble, various attempts to resolve the inconsistency are here criticized before more suitable, and suitably Kantian, definitions of these terms are (...)
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    Particular Good and Personalistic Morals.Louis Janssens - 1999 - Ethical Perspectives 6 (1):55-59.
    In the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Vatican II devoted a chapter to “Fostering the Nobility of Marriage and the Family” . We read in the text, as it was brought to a vote in the general session of 16 November 1965 and approved by the overwhelming majority of the council fathers, that spouses must determine the moral character of their activity according to “objective criteria based upon the dignity of the human person” . Among the (...)
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