Results for 'small states'

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  1.  4
    Small States and the Development of Their External Security and Defense Policy From the Aspect of Security Management.Leta Bargjieva Miovska - 2024 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 77 (1):457-486.
    Foreign security and defense policy is an interdependent component of securitymanagement. According to the neo-classical definition of security management in thefield of external security-defense policy, it includes a series of practices, strategies andprinciples aimed at protecting assets, information and resources from various threatsand risks through the development of civil and military skills. From the perspective ofthe realist theory, the nature of the international structure is defined by its organizingprinciple, that is, the balance and distribution of power between states and (...)
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    Small‐State Nostalgia? The Currency Union, Germany, and Europe: A Reply to Jürgen Habermas.Wolfgang Streeck - 2014 - Constellations 21 (2):213-221.
  3.  42
    How to Defend a Small State?—Han Fei Zi, Plato, and Mencius.Tongdong Bai - 2021 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20 (2):231-244.
    How to defend a small state is an important issue in politics and military affairs. Three important philosophical texts, the Han Fei Zi 韓非子, Plato’s Republic, and the Mencius, discuss this issue. In this article, I will analyze the three accounts offered in these texts, and compare and contrast them. We will see that the Han Fei Zi, a text in the “realist” tradition, offers a typically realist yet rather interesting account of how to save a small state (...)
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  4. Practical Knowledge and the Structure of Action.Will Small - 2012 - In Günter Abel & James Conant (eds.), Rethinking Epistemology, Volume 2. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter. pp. 133-227.
    I argue that there is a cognition condition on intention and intentional action. If an agent is doing A intentionally, she has knowledge in intention that he is doing A. If an agent intends to do A, she has knowledge in intention that she is going to do A. In both cases, the agent has knowledge of eventual success, in this sense: she knows that it will be no accident if she ends up having done A. In both cases, the (...)
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    Small state, big revolution: geography and the revolution in Laos. [REVIEW]Anoulak Kittikhoun - 2009 - Theory and Society 38 (1):25-55.
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    The place of the small state in the political and cultural history of ancient Mesopotania.T. Fish - 1944 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 28 (1):83-98.
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    Giovanni Maria Lampredi and the neutrality of small states in eighteenth-century Europe.Giulio Talini - 2023 - Intellectual History Review 33 (2):227-248.
    In 1788, the Tuscan intellectual Giovanni Maria Lampredi (1731–1793) published in Florence his most famous treatise, Del commercio dei popoli neutrali in tempo di guerra, conceived as a reply to his well-known opponent, Ferdinando Galiani. Since then, many scholars have claimed that Lampredi’s reflection upon neutral trade remains one of the most objective academic contributions on the subject. Furthermore, these interpretations have generally analysed Lampredi’s Del commercio without taking into account the context of the work or the author’s real political (...)
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  8.  44
    Business ethics and commercial morality in western australia.Michael W. Small - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (4):279 - 285.
    Recent events in Western Australia culminating in the Royal Commission into Commercial Activities of Government and Other Matters 1992, and the subsequent publication of the Report, highlighted the fact that the commercial activities of the State Government in Western Australia had been in disarray for some time. However, in spite of some early interest in the outcomes of the Report, the general reaction by the public was largely one of disinterest. This paper traces some of the events which took place (...)
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    Nietzsche and Cosmology.Robin Small - 2006-01-01 - In Keith Ansell Pearson (ed.), A Companion to Nietzsche. Blackwell. pp. 189–207.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Time, Space, and Finitude From a Final State to Eternal Recurrence Possibility and Time A Dionysian World.
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    The significance of sociology for ethics.Albion W. Small - 1902 - [n.p.]: Forgotten Books.
    Excerpt from The Significance of Sociology for Ethics We must borrow further psychological commonplaces in order to establish a point of departure for our sociological argument. A. The judgment of good and bad is involuntary. The standard of good and bad is derived. This is the extent of the basis in fact for the intuitional philosophy. The act of judging a thing or an act good or bad is beyond Our control. So far as we know, the genus homo sapiens (...)
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  11.  20
    Constructing Sexual Harm: Prosecutorial Narratives of Children, Abuse, and the Disruption of Heterosexuality.Jamie L. Small - 2019 - Gender and Society 33 (4):560-582.
    Sociologists have identified many factors that mitigate the progressive effects of the legal mobilization to end sexual violence. Within this body of research, however, there is little interrogation about the social construction of sexual harm. I use the case of child sexual abuse to investigate how prosecutors make sense of sexual harm. Data are qualitative interviews with 43 prosecutors. Findings reveal that prosecutors use a framework of sexual identity to construct sexual injury on the child’s body. The perceived harm centers (...)
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    Polis: Escalar de la deliberación mediante el mapeo de espacios de opinión de alta dimensión.Christopher Small, Michael Bjorkegren, Timo Erkkilä, Lynette Shaw & Colin Megill - 2021 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 26 (2).
    Deliberative and participatory approaches to democracy seek to directly include citizens in decision-making and agenda-setting processes. These methods date back to the very foundations of democracy in Athens, where regular citizens shared the burden of governance and deliberated every major issue. However, thinkers at the time rightly believed that these methods could not function beyond the scale of the city-state, or polis. Representative democracy as an innovation improved on the scalability of collective decision making, but in doing so, sacrificed the (...)
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  13.  62
    Attitudes towards business ethics held by western australian students: A comparative study. [REVIEW]Michael W. Small - 1992 - Journal of Business Ethics 11 (10):745 - 752.
    This paper is based on the findings of research into the attitudes towards business ethics of a group of business students in Western Australia. The questionnaire upon which the research was based was originally used by Preble and Reichel (1988) in an investigation they undertook into the attitudes towards business ethics held by two similar groups of United States and Israeli business students. The specific purpose of the current investigation was to administer the same questionnaire with one minor modification (...)
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  14.  13
    Western European small states in international regimes.Sören Z. von Dosenrode - 1994 - History of European Ideas 19 (1-3):245-252.
  15.  21
    A Dynamic Interpretation of Nietzsche’s “The Greatest Weight”.Robin Small - 2020 - Nietzsche Studien 49 (1):97-124.
    GS 341 is one of the most familiar of Nietzsche’s writings. This article proposes a new reading that stands in contrast with most English-language Nietzsche scholarship. The text presents a communication and its reception. A ‘demon’ makes an announcement, and a hearer responds in one way or another. But there is also another narrative altogether, whose conceptual vocabulary comes from a dynamic world-view. In this an interaction of forces leads to a new situation. If the hearer is not crushed by (...)
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  16.  8
    What I am.Walter W.[ass Small - 1906 - New York and Washington,: The Neale publishing company.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  17.  33
    Ethics in business and administration: An international and historical perspective. [REVIEW]Michael W. Small - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (4):293 - 300.
    This is a study of ethical and moral behavior, or perhaps unethical behavior, in two different societies. One society, contemporary Australia and in particular the state of Western Australia, is currently undergoing an exhaustive Royal Commission into the shenanigans of a number of well-known business men and former leading politicians who seem to have been playing fast and loose with large amounts of other peoples' money. While this was initially the major focus of the paper, a secondary focus developed based (...)
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  18.  56
    The evolution of female sexuality and mate selection in humans.Meredith F. Small - 1992 - Human Nature 3 (2):133-156.
    Understanding female sexuality and mate choice is central to evolutionary scenarios of human social systems. Studies of female sexuality conducted by sex researchers in the United States since 1938 indicate that human females in general are concerned with their sexual well-being and are capable of sexual response parallel to that of males. Across cultures in general and in western societies in particular, females engage in extramarital affairs regularly, regardless of punishment by males or social disapproval. Families are usually concerned (...)
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  19. 'Neither Masters nor Slaves': Small States and Empire in the Long Eighteenth Century.Richard Whatmore - 2009 - In Duncan Kelly (ed.), Lineages of Empire: The Historical Roots of British Imperial Thought. OUP/British Academy. pp. 53.
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  20.  24
    Dignity, discrimination, and context: New directions in South African and Canadian human rights law. [REVIEW]Joan Small & Evadné Grant - 2005 - Human Rights Review 6 (2):25-63.
    The current approaches to equality law in South Africa and Canada place these jurisdictions at the forefront of serious and comprehensive judicial at tempts to give effect to substantive equality. These attempts to overcome formalism are processes, judicially acknowledged as such, and as yet far from complete. At the conceptual center of the development of substantive equality is the legal realization of human dignity: not an abstract, individualistic notion, but a concept about the relation between the individual and state, and (...)
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  21.  40
    Business ethics and commercial morality: Report of the Royal commission into commercial activities. [REVIEW]Michael W. Small - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (8):613 - 628.
    This section is focused on some areas of concern which were identified in The Report of the Royal Commission into Commercial Activities of Government and Other Matters (1990–1992). In the Report a number of situations were examined in which some individuals acted without recourse to any ethical guidelines. Most of the people mentioned in the Report held responsible positions in either Government or the private sector, and all were very well known in the community. The Report of the Royal Commission (...)
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  22. Human tissue : a story from a small state.Margaret Brazier & Sheila McLean - 2018 - In Alastair V. Campbell, Voo Teck Chuan, Richard Huxtable & N. S. Peart (eds.), Healthcare ethics, law and professionalism: essays on the works of Alastair V. Campbell. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  23.  23
    From Patronage to Profiteering? New Zealand's educational relationship with the small states of Oceania.Eve Coxon - 2002 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 34 (1):57-75.
  24.  64
    Treating Addictions: Harm Reduction in Clinical Care and Prevention.Ernest Drucker, Kenneth Anderson, Robert Haemmig, Robert Heimer, Dan Small, Alex Walley, Evan Wood & Ingrid van Beek - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (2):239-249.
    This paper examines the role of clinical practitioners and clinical researchers internationally in establishing the utility of harm-reduction approaches to substance use. It thus illustrates the potential for clinicians to play a pivotal role in health promoting structural interventions based on harm-reduction goals and public health models. Popular media images of drug use as uniformly damaging, and abstinence as the only acceptable goal of treatment, threaten to distort clinical care away from a basis in evidence, which shows that some ways (...)
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  25.  33
    Introduction: Perspectives on Cold War Science in Small European States.Matthias Heymann & Janet Martin-Nielsen - 2013 - Centaurus 55 (3):221-242.
    With this introduction we aim to illuminate Western Europe's place on the map of Cold War science and, specifically, to draw attention to the differences in and the diversity of Western European Cold War science in comparison to the United States. By discussing narratives of Cold War science in small states and asking how they fit into the European condition, we suggest that the fact of being a small state affects the conditions for and the scope (...)
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  26.  42
    Treating Addictions: Harm Reduction in Clinical Care and Prevention.Ingrid Beek, Evan Wood, Alex Walley, Dan Small, Robert Heimer, Robert Haemmig, Kenneth Anderson & Ernest Drucker - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (2):239-249.
    This paper examines the role of clinical practitioners and clinical researchers internationally in establishing the utility of harm-reduction approaches to substance use. It thus illustrates the potential for clinicians to play a pivotal role in health promoting structural interventions based on harm-reduction goals and public health models. Popular media images of drug use as uniformly damaging, and abstinence as the only acceptable goal of treatment, threaten to distort clinical care away from a basis in evidence, which shows that some ways (...)
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  27. Does size matter? The state of the art in small business ethics.Laura J. Spence - 1999 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 8 (3):163–174.
    In this paper the exclusive focus on large firms in the field of business ethics is challenged. Some of the idiosyncrasies of small firms are explained, and links are made between these and potential ethical issues. A review of the existing literature on ethics in small firms demonstrates the lack of appropriate research, so that to date we can draw no firm conclusions in relation to ethics in the small firm. Recommendations are made as to the way (...)
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  28.  40
    E-Government Attempts in Small Island Developing States: The Rate of Corruption with Virtualization.Arif Sari - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (6):1673-1688.
    In recent years, many Small Island Developing State governments have worked to increase openness and transparency of their transactions as a means to enhance efficiency and reduce corruption in their economies. In order to achieve a cost-effective and efficient strategy to implement a transparent government, Information Communication Technologies offer an opportunity of virtualization by deploying e-government services to promote transparency, accountability and consistency in the public sector and to minimize corruption. This paper explores the potential impact of government virtualization (...)
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  29. Surprisingly small subcortical structures are needed for the state of waking consciousness, while cortical projection areas seem to provide perceptual contents of consciousness.Bernard J. Baars - 1995 - Consciousness and Cognition 4 (2):159-62.
  30.  15
    Barriers to women's small-business success in the united states.Joyce Robinson & Karyn A. Loscocco - 1991 - Gender and Society 5 (4):511-532.
    Although ever-increasing numbers of women in the United States have been choosing small-business ownership in an apparent attempt to escape their well-documented inequality in the labor market, in this country, small businesses owned by women tend to be less successful than those owned by men. This article brings together the scattered pieces of data available in order to shed light on women's inability to gain greater parity with men in the small-business arena in the United (...). Analysis suggests that U.S. women's influx into small capitalism results from their movement into expanding, but highly competitive, industrial niches that are relatively unattractive to men. The authors find that these woman-owned businesses are concentrated within traditionally female-typed fields with lower average business receipts than male-typed fields. Moreover, even within the same industrial subcategories, women owners achieve less economic success than men owners. Although some of the immediate barriers faced by U.S. women in the small-business arena-such as lack of access to capital and government contracts-differ from those that confront women employees, the underlying causes are similar. The authors' discussion suggests that women in the United States carry their labor market disadvantage with them to the small-business sphere, where it is compounded by new manifestations of the same institutional barriers. (shrink)
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    Decreased small-world functional network connectivity and clustering across resting state networks in schizophrenia: an fMRI classification tutorial.Ariana Anderson & Mark S. Cohen - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  32.  24
    Small probability space formulation of Bell's theorem.Tomasz Placek & Marton Gomori - unknown
    A small probability space representation of quantum mechanical probabilities is defined as a collection of Kolmogorovian probability spaces, each of which is associated with a context of a maximal set of compatible measurements, that portrays quantum probabilities as Kolmogorovian probabilities of classical events. Bell's theorem is stated and analyzed in terms of the small probability space formalism.
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    Density of states and extent of wave function: two crucial factors for small polaron hopping conductivity in 1D.M. Dimakogianni, C. Simserides & G. P. Triberis - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (20):2729-2748.
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    Underwater Self-determination: Sea-level Rise and Deterritorialized Small Island States.Jörgen Ödalen - 2014 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 17 (2):225-237.
    Global climate change is likely to become a major cause of future migration. Small Island States are particularly vulnerable since territorial destruction caused by sea level rise poses a threat to their entire existence. This raises important issues concerning state sovereignty and self-determination. Is it possible for a state to remain self-determining even if it lacks a stable population residing on a specific territory? It has been suggested that migrants from disappearing Small Island States could continue (...)
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  35. The "Green" Potential of Small Island States : A Comparative Study.Marina Povitkina - 2015 - In Karin Backstrand & Annica Kronsell (eds.), Rethinking the green state: environmental governance towards climate and sustainability transitions. New York: Routledge, is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business.
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    Writing the Large Letter Small: the Analogy of State and Individual at Republic V 462c-d.Vernon Provencal - 1997 - Apeiron 30 (2):73-88.
  37.  34
    Of `Small Men', Big Science and Bigger Business: The Second World War and Biomedical Research in the United States[REVIEW]Nicolas Rasmussen - 2002 - Minerva 40 (2):115-146.
    The Second World War is commonly said to have ushered in theera of `big science' in the United States. However, at least inpractically-oriented biomedical research, the American governmentadopted modes of sponsorship that were commonplace between scientistsand industry before the war. Furthermore, many life scientistsleading wartime projects were already familiar with industrialcollaboration. This essay argues that the new federal regimes introduced in the late 1940s and 1950s were more important than wartime experience in shaping the character of biomedical `big science' (...)
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  38.  13
    “A rather small genre”: Arabic Works Against Non-Muslim State Officials.Luke Yarbrough - 2016 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 93 (1):139-169.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Der Islam Jahrgang: 93 Heft: 1 Seiten: 139-169.
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    Risks and Benefits of Text-Message-Delivered and Small-Group-Delivered Sexual Health Interventions Among African American Women in the Midwestern United States.Michelle R. Broaddus, Lisa A. Marsch & Celia B. Fisher - 2015 - Ethics and Behavior 25 (2):146-168.
    Interventions to decrease acquisition and transmission of sexually transmitted diseases among African American women using text messages versus small-group delivery modalities pose distinct research risks and benefits. Determining the relative risk–benefit ratio of studies using these different modalities has relied on the expertise of investigators and their institutional review boards. In this study, African American women participated in focus groups and surveys to elicit and compare risks and benefits inherent in these two intervention delivery modalities, focusing on issues such (...)
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  40.  47
    Can small groups avoid the tragedy of the commons?Rogerio Scabim Morano, Edmilson Alves de Moraes & Rafael Ricardo Jacomossi - 2018 - AI and Society 33 (1):71-80.
    In this research, an agent-based simulation seeks to discuss the tragedy of the commons, collective intelligence and institutions developed by social groups. The concept of the tragedy of the commons states that you can always expect environmental degradation when many individuals freely exploit a scarce resource of common use. Hardin proposes two alternatives to deal with it: state or privatized administration. However, it is possible another alternative of self-coordination when the social groups are small. That is, the tragedy (...)
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  41.  83
    The State, Teachers and Citizenship Education in Singapore Schools.Jasmine B.-Y. Sim & Murray Print - 2009 - British Journal of Educational Studies 57 (4):380-399.
    States commonly employ education policy to build a strong sense of citizenship within young people and to create types of citizens appropriate to the country. In Singapore the government created a policy to build citizenship through both policy statements and social studies in the school curriculum. In the context of a tightly controlled state regulating schooling through a highly controlled educational system, the government expected teachers to obey these policy documents, political statements and the prescribed curriculum. What do teachers (...)
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  42.  15
    Small Groups: Key Readings.John M. Levine & Richard L. Moreland (eds.) - 2002 - Psychology Press.
    Research on small groups is highly diverse because investigators who study such groups vary in their disciplinary identifications, theoretical interests, and methodological preferences. The goal of this volume is to capture that diversity, and thereby convey the breadth and excitement of small group research by acquainting students with work on five fundamental aspects of groups. The volume also includes an introductory chapter by the editors which provides an overview of the history of and current state-of-the-art in the field. (...)
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  43. Curricular innovations in a small island state : developing intercultural competence in pursuit of holistic growth.Aruna Ankiah-Gangadeen & Pascal Nadal - 2021 - In Kehdinga George Fomunyam & Simon Bheki Khoza (eds.), Curriculum Theory, Curriculum Theorising, and the Theoriser: The African Theorising Perspective. Boston: Brill | Sense.
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  44. Addressing the Impacts of Climate Change in a Caribbean Small Island Developing State.Franziska Mannke - 2012 - In Walter Leal Filho Evangelos Manolas (ed.), English through Climate Change. Democritus University of Thrace. pp. 141.
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  45. Economics, conflicts and interculturality in a small island state: The case of Mauritius.Sheila S. Bunwaree - 2002 - Polis 9:1-19.
  46.  54
    Will Small Particles Exhibit Brownian Motion in the Quantum Vacuum?Gilad Gour & L. Sriramkumar - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (12):1917-1949.
    The Brownian motion of small particles interacting with a field at a finite temperature is a well-known and well-understood phenomenon. At zero temperature, even though the thermal fluctuations are absent, quantum fields still possess vacuum fluctuations. It is then interesting to ask whether a small particle that is interacting with a quantum field will exhibit Brownian motion when the quantum field is assumed to be in the vacuum state. In this paper, we study the cases of a (...) charge and an imperfect mirror interacting with a quantum scalar field in (1 + 1) dimensions. Treating the quantum field as a classical stochastic variable, we write down a Langevin equation for the particles. We show that the results we obtain from such an approach agree with the results obtained from the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. Unlike the finite temperature case, there exists no special frame of reference at zero temperature and hence it is essential that the particles do not break Lorentz invariance. We find that that the scalar charge breaks Lorentz invariance, whereas the imperfect mirror does not. We conclude that small particles such as the imperfect mirror will exhibit Brownian motion even in the quantum vacuum, but this effect can be so small that it may prove to be difficult to observe it experimentally. (shrink)
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    Against Small Interventions On Sliding Scale Grounds.Jordy Rocheleau - 2012 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 19 (2):26-38.
    The 2011 NATO intervention in Libya has been hailed as a successful humanitarian intervention, beginning the implementation of the United Nations' Responsibility to Protect. Yet when the intervention pursued a mission of regime change which was not necessary to halt an imminent catastrophe, it became dubious on the strict reading of just cause that has been influential in just war theory. However, a recent trend suggests that minor uses of force with small cost to benefit ratios can be justified (...)
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    Small-Sized Suppliers Entering Large Markets: An Ethical Initiative of the Caras do Brasil Program. [REVIEW]Maria Cecilia C. De Arruda & Luiza Granado - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 112 (4):685-696.
    The Pão de Açúcar Group was a pioneer in food retailing in Brazil and is now one of the largest Brazilian retailers. Working in a pulverized market characterized by small players, the Group produces US$ 20.4 billion in gross sales. It has become the largest employer in the country with 140,000 of employees working in over 1,800 stores, in 18 of the 25 states in Brazil, and covering a sales area of over 2,800,000 m2 (Grupo Pão de Açúcar, (...)
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    Teaching ‘small and helpless’ women how to live: Dialectical Behaviour Therapy in Sweden, ca 1995–2005.Åsa Jansson - 2018 - History of the Human Sciences 31 (4):131-157.
    In 1995, a Swedish pilot study of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) was launched to investigate its therapeutic efficacy and cost-effectiveness as treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) in suicidal women. In the same year, a sweeping reform of psychiatric care commenced, dramatically reducing the number of beds by the end of the decade. The psychiatry reform was presented as an important factor prompting the need for a community-based treatment for Borderline patients. This article suggests that the introduction of DBT in (...)
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    Stakeholder Salience for Small Businesses: A Social Proximity Perspective.Merja Lähdesmäki, Marjo Siltaoja & Laura J. Spence - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (2):373-385.
    This paper advances stakeholder salience theory from the viewpoint of small businesses. It is argued that the stakeholder salience process for small businesses is influenced by their local embeddedness, captured by the idea of social proximity, and characterised by multiple relationships that the owner-manager and stakeholders share beyond the business context. It is further stated that the ethics of care is a valuable ethical lens through which to understand social proximity in small businesses. The contribution of the (...)
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