Results for 'sociology of migration '

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  1.  95
    The Ethics of Migration: An Introduction.Adam Hosein - 2019 - Routledge.
    "In The Ethics of Migration: An Introduction Adam Hosein systematically and comprehensively examines the ethical issues surrounding the concept of immigration. The book addresses important questions such as: - Can states claim a right to control their borders and if so to what extent? - Is detention ever a justifiable means of border enforcement? - Which criteria may states use to determine who should be admitted into their territory and how do these criteria interact with existing hierarchies of race (...)
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  2. Sociological interpretations of data on the aggregate capital of regional population (work experience abroad, relation to labour migration, factors of life success).Vladimir Menshikov, Eduards Vanags & Olga Volkova - 2014 - Filosofija. Sociologija 24 (4).
    In the present article, the authors continue their sociological interpretations of theempiric data obtained in the research project “Aggregate Capital, Its Structure andRelation to Labour Migration” (2012). The following hypothesis has been proved: ahigher predisposition for the labour migration is more typical for economically activeregion’s inhabitants with fairly high amounts of some indicators of the aggregatecapital, especially physical capital, but with a comparatively lower amount of culturalcapital, which could transform into human capital and further into economic capital inLatgale (...)
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    Problematization of Migration in the “Texts of Power” As a Discursive Basis of Regional Migration Policy (on the Example of Krasnoyarsk).Dmitriy Timoshkin, Nastasia Zborovitskaia, Regina Husnullina, Yana Samoryadova & Olesya Redko - 2024 - Sociology of Power 36 (1):118-145.
    The article presents the results of an analysis of perceptions of migrants in press releases and regulatory documents of law enforcement and civil government agencies. We considered these texts within the framework of a "soft" constructionist approach, as a tool for problematizing the social process and one of the key ways of producing the discourse of power. The purpose of the study was to use a combination of quantitative content analysis and discourse analysis to identify the "equivalence chains" that give (...)
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  4. Hosna as Bride of Desire and Revolutionary Par Excellence in Tayib Salih’s The Season of Migration to the North.Ali Salami & Mohsen Maleki - 2016 - ACTA PHILOLOGICA 49.
    Most readings of Tayib Salih’s Season of Migration to the North have focused on Mustafa Saeed and the nameless narrator, both male characters, and they have largely avoided a politically radical reading of the novel. This article attempts to present the female character, Hosna, as the revolutionary par excellence, following Lacan and Slavoj Žižek’s reading of Antigone. Th rough Žižek’s distinction between the act and action, this article argues that Hosna’s deed at the end of the novel, murder and (...)
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  5. The migration of the 'culture' concept from anthropology to sociology at the fin de siècle.John H. Zammito - 2010 - In Olaf Zenker & Karsten Kumoll (eds.), Beyond Writing Culture: Current Intersections of Epistemologies and Representational Practices. Berghahn Books.
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    A Sociology of Possibilities.George K. Danns - 2023 - CLR James Journal 29 (1):85-90.
    Caribbean sociology accords with the Du Boisan paradigm of sociology as a science. Caribbean sociology originated as an undifferentiated discipline. It is a panoply of social thought integrated with history, political science, anthropology, psychology, and philosophy. Sociology has never been a discipline sufficient unto itself. To speak of Caribbean sociology is to introduce space and place, territory, and identity as parameters of a social scientific discipline that is yet to adhere to its own boundaries or (...)
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    A Sociological Approach to the Phenomenon of Forced-Mass Migration: The Case of Syrian Asylum Seekers in Turkey.Mehmet Cem ŞAHİN & Salih AYDEMİR - 2018 - Dini Araştırmalar 21 (53 (15-06-2018)):121-148.
    Migration is a process that brings about numerous problems regardless if it is forced and mass or voluntarily and individual. It is not simply a move from one place to another, but it starts in the mind of immigrant and continues with the move to a new place. It alters the social and cultural sets and relocates the immigrant into a peculiar web of connection. It is a process that requires adaptation, change and transformation about the issues from health (...)
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  8. Four models of human migration: An exercise in mathematical sociology.Mario Bunge - 1969 - Archiv für Rechts-Und Sozialphilosophie 55:451-62.
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    Migration and the critique of ‘state thought’: Abdelmalek Sayad as a political theorist.Benjamin Boudou - 2021 - European Journal of Political Theory (3):399-424.
    This article argues for reading the Algerian-French sociologist Abdelmalek Sayad (1933–1998) as a political theorist of migration. Various contributions have recently called to move away from the court-like assessment of claims by host states and foreigners and to engage more frankly with empirical work more attentive to concrete experiences and power relations. I contend that Sayad’s sociological work constitutes a substantial empirical and normative resource for ethical and political theory of migration, pointing to the persistence of ‘state thought’ (...)
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    Migration and the Education of Young People 0–19: An Introductory Guide.Mabel Ann Brown (ed.) - 2015 - Routledge.
    _Migration and the Education of Young People 0_–_19_ investigates migration from a number of perspectives to consider the changing dynamics of society within different countries. Examining the data associated with global migration by focusing on case studies from a wide range of countries, it provides detailed and balanced coverage of this politically sensitive topic to explore the educational needs of migrant young people, the impact of large-scale migration to and from countries and the policy challenges that individual (...)
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  11.  26
    The Routledge handbook in the history and sociology of ideas.Stefanos Geroulanos & Gisèle Sapiro (eds.) - 2024 - New York: Routledge.
    The Routledge Handbook in the History and Sociology of Ideas establishes a new and comprehensive way of working in the history and sociology of ideas, in order to obviate several longstanding gaps that have prevented a fruitful interdisciplinary and international dialogues. Pushing global intellectual history forward, it uses methodological innovations in the history of concepts, gender history, imperial history, and history of normativity, many of which have emerged out of intellectual history in recent years, and it especially foregrounds (...)
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  12.  64
    Why do Scientists Migrate? A Diffusion Model.Dietmar Braun - 2012 - Minerva 50 (4):471-491.
    This article improves our understanding of the reasons underlying the intellectual migration of scientists from existing cognitive domains to nascent scientific fields. To that purpose we present, first, a number of findings from the sociology of science that give different insights about scientific migration. We then attempt to bring some of these insights together under the conceptual roof of an actor-based approach linking expected utility and diffusion theory. Intellectual migration is seen as the choice of scientists (...)
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  13.  38
    Transnational Migration and the Emergence of the European Border Regime: An Ethnographic Analysis.Serhat Karakayali & Vassilis Tsianos - 2010 - European Journal of Social Theory 13 (3):373-387.
    Most critical discussions of European immigration policies are centered around the concept of Fortress Europe and understand the concept of the border as a way of sealing off unwanted immigration movements. However, ethnographic studies such as our own multi-sited field research in South-east Europe clearly show that borders are daily being crossed by migrants. These findings point to the shortcomings of the Fortress metaphor. By bringing to the fore the agency of migrants in the conceptualization of borders, we propose to (...)
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    Editorial Note: Migrations and Ict. Short Overview.Dana Diminescu - 2017 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:9-12.
    In this introduction, I have taken note of a whole synergy which become established between migrants, given facts, software, devices, territories, that shows evidence of the emergence of a new type of ecological action, a human and non-human assemblage in the migrants life, that cannot be any more interpreted inside the modern political and ideological forms, nor as the result of a technological determinism.
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  15. Phenomenological Sociology and Standpoint Theory: On the Critical Use of Alfred Schutz’s American Writings in the Feminist Sociologies of Dorothy E. Smith and Patricia Hill Collins.Hanne Jacobs - 2025 - In Sander Verhaegh (ed.), American Philosophy and the Intellectual Migration: Pragmatism, Logical Empiricism, Phenomenology, Critical Theory. Berlin: De Gruyter.
    This chapter provides a historical reconstruction of how Alfred Schutz’s American writings were critically engaged by the feminist sociologists Dorothy E. Smith and Patricia Hill Collins. Schutz’s articulation of a phenomenological sociology in relation to, among others, the sociology of Talcott Parsons and the philosophies of science of Ernest Nagel and Carl G. Hempel proved fruitful to Smith in the development of her feminist standpoint theory in her 1987 The Everyday World as Problematic: A Feminist Sociology. Collins (...)
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  16. Migration Potential of Students and Development of Human Capital.Anna Shutaleva, Nikita Martyushev, Alexey Starostin, Ali Salgiriev, Olga Vlasova, Anna Grinek, Zhanna Nikonova & Irina Savchenko - 2022 - Education Science 12 (5):324.
    Studying student migration trends is a significant task in studying human capital development as one of the leading factors in sustainable socio-economic development. The migration potential of students impacts the opportunities and prospects for sustainable development. The study of factors influencing the migration behavior of students acquires special significance in this article. The interpersonal competencies of the population impact its migration potential. Migration processes impact the differentiation of regions in terms of human capital. This article (...)
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  17.  9
    Sociology and Fascism in the Interwar Period: The Myth and its Frame.Stephen Turner - 1992 - In Dirk Kasler & Stephen Turner (eds.), Sociology Responds to Fascism. Routledge.
    There is a well-entrenched belief that sociology is intrinsically an ‘oppositional science’. The idea that distortions of sociological truth may aid reaction but genuine science is a handmaiden to progress has deep roots in the sociological tradition itself. One variant on this theme is the theme of betrayal: that true sociology has been suppressed by the bourgeoisie or by academic servants of power in favour of false, ‘legitimating’ sociology. Among the bases of the idea of sociology’s (...)
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  18.  43
    Displacement, Asylum, Migration: The Oxford Amnesty Lectures 2004.Kate E. Tunstall (ed.) - 2006 - Oxford University Press.
    This volume is based on the 2004 series of the Oxford Amnesty Lectures, one of the world's leading name lecture series. In it major figures in philosophy, political science, law, psychoanalysis, sociology, and literature address the challenges that displacement, asylum, and migration pose to our notions of human rights.
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    Mobility and Migration of Spanish Mathematicians during the Years around the Spanish Civil War and World War II.José M. Pacheco - 2014 - Science in Context 27 (1):109-141.
    ArgumentThis paper considers some aspects of the reception and development of contemporary mathematics in Spain during the first half of the twentieth century, more specifically between 1910 and 1950. It analyzes the possible influence of scientists’ mobility in the adoption of newer views or theories. A short overview of key points of the social and scientific background in nineteenth-century Spain locates the expounded facts in an appropriate context. Three leading threads are followed. First is the consideration of the mobility of (...)
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  20.  20
    What is the force of forced migration? Diagnosis and critique of a conceptual relativization.Danilo Mandić - 2022 - Theory and Society 51 (1):61-90.
    Theorizing of forced migration and refugees has been paralyzed by excessive reliance on migration theory. This article suggests the need to transfer conceptualizations of forced migration to sociological theories of violence. To that end, a preliminary step is argued to be indispensable: the affirmation of the force factor as a vital concept for meaningful theorization of refugee phenomena. Conceptual and empirical reasons are offered to resurrect the force factor’s centrality. First, I suggest the need to resolve the (...)
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  21.  9
    Migration and Race in Europe: The Trans-Atlantic Metastases of a Post-Colonial Cancer.Nicholas De Genova - 2010 - European Journal of Social Theory 13 (3):405-419.
    This article examines dominant socio-political questions regarding migration, ‘multiculturalism’, and ‘integration’, as a politics of citizenship (and race) in contemporary (post-colonial) Europe. The argument unfolds through a critique of the nationalist complacencies and racial complicities in Jürgen Habermas’s remarks on ‘multiculturalism’ during the 1990s. With recourse to ‘underclass’ discourse, Habermas’s reflections were themselves a trans-Atlantic metastasis of a distinctly US ‘American’ hegemonic sociological commonsense with regard to, but actively disregarding, the fact of white supremacy. Habermas’s thoughts are critically situated (...)
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  22.  81
    Migration and demos in the democratic firm: an extension of the firm-state analogy.Patrick J. L. Cockburn & Jonathan Preminger - 2023 - Political Theory 51 (3):557-580.
    Debates around the state-firm analogy as a route to justifying workplace democracy tend towards a static view of both state and firm, and position workplace democracy as the objective. We contend, however, that states and firms are connected to one another in ways that should alter the terms of the debate, and that the achievement of workplace democracy raises a new set of political issues about the demos in the democratic firm and ‘worker migration’ at the boundaries of the (...)
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  23. Intellectual migration(s).Elsie Cohen & Anne Schult - 2024 - In Stefanos Geroulanos & Gisèle Sapiro (eds.), The Routledge handbook in the history and sociology of ideas. New York: Routledge.
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  24.  48
    Cell sociology: A way of reconsidering the current concepts of morphogenesis.Rosine Chandebois - 1976 - Acta Biotheoretica 25 (2):71-102.
    Research in the field of planarian regeneration on the one hand, and a general survey of embryology on the other, throw doubt upon the reality of supra-cellular controls, which are still at the basis of all modern concepts of morphogenesis. The necessity of referring to such controls, which have never been convincingly demonstrated, is probably due to the fact that two aspects of cell behaviour have been underestimated: 1) the capacity of cells to change their individualities for a time independently (...)
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  25.  53
    Structuring migration: The case of Polish income-seeking travelers to the West. [REVIEW]Ewa Morawska - 2001 - Theory and Society 30 (1):47-80.
  26.  8
    Feminist Perspectives on Sociology.Barbara Littlewood - 2004 - Routledge.
    The Feminist Perspectives Series seeks to provide concise, accessible and engaging introductions to key feminist topics and debates. The texts in the series are designed to be used on a wide range of courses touching feminist issues and are written by experienced teachers who are also well known in their respective fields. Each book in the series includes the most up-to-date statistics, research data, key sources and suggestions for further reading. _Feminist Perspectives on Sociology _examines how sociology has (...)
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  27. Durkheim's sociology of moral facts.Sociology of Moral Durkheim’S. - 1993 - In Stephen P. Turner (ed.), Emile Durkheim: sociologist and moralist. New York: Routledge.
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  28.  19
    Methodological nationalism and beyond: nation-state building, migration and the social sciences.Andreas Wimmer & Nina Glick Schiller - 2021 - Sociology of Power 33 (2):184-231.
  29.  38
    Neither superorganisms nor mere species aggregates: Charles Elton’s sociological analogies and his moderate holism about ecological communities.Antoine C. Dussault - 2020 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 42 (2):1-27.
    This paper analyzes community ecologist Charles Elton’s ideas on animal communities, and situates them with respect to the classical opposition between organicist–holistic and individualistic–reductionist ecological views drawn by many historians of ecology. It is argued that Elton espoused a moderate ecological holism, which drew a middle way between the stricter ecological holism advocated by organicist ecologists and the merely aggregationist views advocated by some of their opponents. It is also argued that Elton’s moderate ecological holism resonated with his preference for (...)
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  30. Against the sociology of art.Aesthetic Versus Sociological & Explanations of Art Activities - 2002 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 32 (2):206-218.
  31.  5
    The Affective Agency of Public Space: Social Inclusion and Community Cohesion.Asma Mehan - 2024 - Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter Brill.
    The Affective Agency of Public Space explores the pivotal role that public spaces play in fostering social inclusion and community cohesion within various settings, including Europe and the United States. This scholarly work underscores the critical importance of developing inclusive public zones that enhance urban life and promote integration and interaction among diverse community groups. It also confronts and debunks common myths about ‘different people,’ actively addressing misconceptions while promoting the recognition of diverse identities and voices. Through a comparative lens, (...)
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  32. High Court Judgments.Migration Act - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Religion in the Twenty-First-Century World Society.Roberto Cipriani - 2012 - World Futures 68 (4-5):367 - 379.
    This article presents the main theoretical approaches to the religious phenomenon: functionalism, constructivism, civil religion, invisible religion, diffused religion, rational choice, vicarious religion, and so on. It is difficult to accumulate empirical data that in general are considered too weak. The state of the art of sociology of religion seems promising because of the presence of new generations of sociologists who are deeply involved in their work. For the future a specific theory on migration mobility is necessary. Another (...)
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  34.  7
    Cosmopolitanism, religion and the public sphere.Maria Rovisco & Sebastian C. H. Kim (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    Although emerging scholarship in the social sciences suggests that religion can be a potential catalyst of cosmopolitanism and global citizenship, few attempts have been made to bring to the fore new theoretical positions and empirical analyses of how cosmopolitanism -- as a philosophical notion, a practice and identity outlook -- can also shape and inform concrete religious affiliations. Key questions concerning the significance of cosmopolitan ideas and practices - in relation to particular religious experiences and discourses -- remain to be (...)
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    Les diasporas ou l'expérience de l'unité dans la diversité.Chantai Bordes-Benayoun - 2008 - Hermes 51:189.
    Le paradigme des diasporas peut-il répondre à la nécessité de prendre en compte les changements opérés dans le champ des migrations humaines? Elles s'inscrivent au coeur d'une dialectique entre la dispersion des migrants au sein de sociétés pluralistes et le maintien de liens concrets et spirituels avec les sociétés d'origine. Les sciences sociales ont privilégié longtemps le paradigme de la diversité. De même, l'opposition de l'option multiculturaliste à la « sociologie de l'intégration » a enfermé les débats dans une fausse (...)
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    High court.P. N. S. Migration-Citizenship-Whether - 2005 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
    "Case notes." Ethos: Official Publication of the Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory, (198), pp. 35–36.
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    Religious Pluralism: Framing Religious Diversity in the Contemporary World.Giuseppe Giordan & Enzo Pace (eds.) - 2014 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume illustrates both theoretically and empirically the differences between religious diversity and religious pluralism. It highlights how the factual situation of cultural and religious diversity may lead to individual, social and political choices of organized and recognized pluralism. In the process, both individual and collective identities are redefined, incessantly moving along the continuum that ranges from exclusion to inclusion. The book starts by first detailing general issues related to religious pluralism. It makes the case for keeping the empirical, the (...)
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  38. Inhalt: Werner Gephart.Oder: Warum Daniel Witte: Recht Als Kultur, I. Allgemeine, Property its Contemporary Narratives of Legal History Gerhard Dilcher: Historische Sozialwissenschaft als Mittel zur Bewaltigung der ModerneMax Weber und Otto von Gierke im Vergleich Sam Whimster: Max Weber'S. "Roman Agrarian Society": Jurisprudence & His Search for "Universalism" Marta Bucholc: Max Weber'S. Sociology of Law in Poland: A. Case of A. Missing Perspective Dieter Engels: Max Weber Und Die Entwicklung des Parlamentarischen Minderheitsrechts I. V. Das Recht Und Die Gesellsc Civilization Philipp Stoellger: Max Weber Und Das Recht des Protestantismus Spuren des Protestantismus in Webers Rechtssoziologie I. I. I. Rezeptions- Und Wirkungsgeschichte Hubert Treiber: Zur Abhangigkeit des Rechtsbegriffs Vom Erkenntnisinteresse Uta Gerhardt: Unvermerkte Nahe Zur Rechtssoziologie Talcott Parsons' Und Max Webers Masahiro Noguchi: A. Weberian Approach to Japanese Legal Culture Without the "Sociology of Law": Takeyoshi Kawashima - 2017 - In Werner Gephart & Daniel Witte (eds.), Recht als Kultur?: Beiträge zu Max Webers Soziologie des Rechts. Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klosterman.
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  39. Douglas D. heckathorn.Sociological Rational Choice - 2001 - In Barry Smart & George Ritzer (eds.), Handbook of social theory. Thousands Oaks, Calif.: SAGE.
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    Transition from cultural diversity to multiculturalism: perspectives from offshore industry in India.Sreelekha Mishra, Balaganapathi Devarakonda & Bharat Kumar - 2015 - AI and Society 30 (2):283-289.
    Globalization is not just an economic phenomenon as economic transactions cannot take place without parallel flows of ideas, cultural products and people. The traditional notion of immigrants, i.e. those who leave one country to settle into another while leaving behind their past, is inextricably linked to the other flows that constitute globalization. The traditional notions of immigrants, i.e. movements back and forth between sending and receiving countries have historically been a fact of life for many immigrant groups. However, what is (...)
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    Southern lights: Metropolitan imaginaries in Latin America.Jeremy Smith - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 166 (1):118-135.
    This essay aims to examine metropolitan cities of Latin America with two aspects of the literature in anthropology, history, and sociology in mind. First, the essay addresses an imbalanced focus on cities in the USA and Canada by sketching the significance of migration, creation, and urban development in four major metropolises of Latin America. Second, in place of a framework of urban imaginaries, which has dominated the sociology of Latin American cities in recent years, I argue for (...)
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    Processing Alterity, Enacting Europe: Migrant Registration and Identification as Co-construction of Individuals and Polities.Annalisa Pelizza - 2020 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 45 (2):262-288.
    This article introduces the concept of “alterity processing” to account for the simultaneous enactment of individual “Others” and emergent European orders in the context of migration management. Alterity processing refers to the data infrastructures, knowledge practices, and bureaucratic procedures through which populations unknown to European actors are translated into “European-legible” identities. By drawing on fieldwork conducted in Italy and the Hellenic Republic from 2017 to 2018, this article argues that different registration and identification procedures compete to legitimize different chains (...)
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    Wissenschaftstheorie in Österreich seit den 1990er Jahren im internationalen Vergleich: Eine Bestandsaufnahme. [REVIEW]Friedrich Stadler - 2012 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 43 (1):137-185.
    Based on two previous reports (1970 and 1993), the development of philosophy of science in Austria (covering the history and sociology of the sciences) since 1991 is described and analyzed with regard to its manifestation and institutionalization at the universities (mostly placed at the departments of philosophy in Graz, Innsbruck, Klagenfurt, Linz, Salzburg, and Vienna). Some extra-university societies and institutes are included as well as related journals and book series in this research field, which has changed significantly within the (...)
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    José Ingenieros: yesterday and today, critical readings.Maximiliano E. Korstanje - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Maximiliano Korstanje presents an overview and analysis of the work of the Argentinian Sociologist and physician, José Ingenieros (1877-1925). In fact, José Ingenieros was a seminal scholar who contributed directly to the formation of sociology in Latin America. Born in Palermo, Italy Ingenieros grew up in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He trained in medicine, psychiatry, sociology and philosophy, he devoted much of his life to addressing societal challenges such as mass migration, imperialism, marginality, criminality and social identity. Korstanje (...)
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    The sociology of Karl Mannheim: with a bibliographical guide to the sociology of knowledge, ideological analysis, and social planning.Gunter W. Remmling - 1975 - London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
    The significance and development of Mannheim's sociology Ancient data such as the Code of Hammurabi, the Old Testament, the Confucian Classics, ...
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    The sociology of intellectual life: the career of the mind in and around the academy.Steve Fuller - 2009 - London: SAGE.
    The Sociology of Intellectual Life outlines a social theory of knowledge for the 21st century. Steve Fuller deals directly with a world in which it is no longer taken for granted that universities and academics are the best places and people to embody the life of the mind. While Fuller defends academic privilege, he takes very seriously the historic divergences between academics and intellectuals, attending especially to the different features of knowledge production that they value."--BOOK JACKET.
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  47. SOCIAL VERIFICATION – HUMAN DIMENSONS OF THEORETICAL SCIENCE AND HIGH-TECH (CASUS BIOETHICS). Part One.Valentin Cheshko & Yulia Kosova - 2011 - Practical Philosophy 1:94-100.
    The new phase of science evolution is characterized by totality of subject and object of cognition and technology (high-hume). As a result, forming of network structure in a disciplinary matrix modern are «human dimensional» natural sciences and two paradigmal «nuclei» (attraktors). As a result, the complication of structure of disciplinary matrix and forming a few paradigm nuclei in modern «human dimensional» natural sciences are observed. In the process of social verification integration of scientific theories into the existent system of mental (...)
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    The sociology of philosophies: a global theory of intellectual change.Randall Collins - 1998 - Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
    Through network diagrams and sustained narrative, sociologist Randall Collins traces the development of philosophical thought from ancient Greece to modern ...
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    Abriendo la historia, abriendo la enseñanza. Una aproximación al proyecto OpenLIVES/ Open history, open teaching. An approach to the project OpenLIVES.Pedro García-Guirao & Katherine Borthwick - 2012 - Caracteres. Estudios Culturales y Críticos de la Esfera Digital 1 (2):159-165.
    El proyecto OpenLIVES (Learning Insights from the Voices of Émigrés) se encargará de digitalizar y publicar materiales de todo tipo que documenten las experiencias de los emigrantes españoles, sobre todo por tierras francesas, alemanas e inglesas durante un período de tiempo que abarca las décadas de los 50, 60 y 70, y su posterior retorno a España; toda la información recogida será reutilizada en forma de recursos educativos en abierto. Estas fuentes primarias sobre el tema de la migración, obtenidas a (...)
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    The new phase of science evolution is characterized by totality of subject and object of cognition and technology (high-hume). As a result, forming of network structure in a disciplinary matrix modern are «human dimensional» natural sciences and two paradigmal «nuclei» (attraktors). As a result, the complication of structure of disciplinary matrix and forming a few paradigm nuclei in modern «human dimensional» natural sciences are observed. In the process of social verification integration of scientific theories into the existent system of mental (...)
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