Results for 'Éric Conte'

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    (1 other version)Le Pacifique d’avant le contact : un espace de culture globale?Éric Conte - 2013 - Hermes 65:, [ p.].
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    Representing Our Existence.Aya Ogawara - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 12:55-61.
    In the film Conte d’hiver directed by Eric Rohmer in 1992, the heroine is passionately in love with her boyfriend who is missing. She has faith in his reappearance. According to Stanley Cavell, she has found her existence within her desire to see him again, irrelevant to the world’s existence. However, her faith materializes in her way of living every day. She wagers her real life on the encounter and thus situates her existence in the world’s existence. At the (...)
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    Reliability in Pragmatics.Eric S. McCready - 2014 - Oxford University Press.
    This book considers how observations about the past influence future behaviour, as expressed in language. Focusing on information gathered from speech and other evidence sources, the author offers a model of how judgements about reliability can be made, and how such judgements factor into how people treat information they acquire via those sources.
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    The Sound of Slurs: Bad Sounds for Bad Words.Eric Mandelbaum, Jennifer Ware & Steve Young - 2024 - In Shaun Nichols & Joshua Knobe (eds.), Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy, Volume 5. Oxford University Press.
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    The hierarchy of models in simulation.Eric Winsberg - 1999 - In L. Magnani, Nancy Nersessian & Paul Thagard (eds.), Model-Based Reasoning in Scientific Discovery. Kluwer/Plenum. pp. 255--269.
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    The literary Kierkegaard.Eric Ziolkowski - 2011 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    From Clouds to Corsair: Kierkegaard, Aristophanes, and Socrates -- The pure fool and the knight of faith: Wolfram's Parzival and the stages of existence -- From romantic aesthete to Christian analogue: Don Quixote's sallies in Kierkegaard's authorship -- Saying not quite "everything just as it is": Shakespeare on life's way -- "Sorrow's changeling": irony, humor, and laughter in Kierkegaard and Carlyle.
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    (1 other version)Plato.Eric Voegelin - 1957 - Columbia, Mo.: University of Missouri Press.
    Once again available in paperback, Plato is the first half of Eric Voegelin's Plato and Aristotle, the third volume of his five-volume Order and History, which ...
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    Attitude, inference, association: on the propositional structure of implicit bias.Eric Mandelbaum - 2016 - Noảtus 50 (3):629–58.
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  9. (1 other version)Logique de la philosophie.Eric Weil - 1952 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 142:138-140.
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    Celestial Spheres and Circles.Eric J. Aiton - 1981 - History of Science 19 (2):75-114.
  11. Twentieth-Century French Philosophy.Eric Matthews - 1999 - Philosophical Quarterly 49 (195):281-283.
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    Science, politics, and gnosticism: two essays.Eric Voegelin - 1968 - ;Lanham MD: National Book Newwok.. Edited by Eric Voegelin.
    Science, politics and gnosticism -- Ersatz religion.
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    Constituting Critique: Kant’s Writing as Critical Praxis.Eric J. Schwab (ed.) - 1994 - Duke University Press.
    Kant’s philosophy is often treated as a closed system, without reference to how it was written or how Kant arrived at its familiar form, the critique. In fact, the style of the critique seems so artless that readers think of it as an unfortunate by-product—a style of stylelessness. In _Constituting Critique_, Willi Goetschel shows how this apparent gracelessness was deliberately achieved by Kant through a series of writing experiments. By providing an account of the process that culminated in his three (...)
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    A test of risk vulnerability in the wider population.Philomena M. Bacon, Anna Conte & Peter G. Moffatt - 2020 - Theory and Decision 88 (1):37-50.
    Panel data from the German SOEP is used to test for risk vulnerability in the wider population. Two different survey responses are analysed: the response to the question about willingness-to-take risk in general and the chosen investment in a hypothetical lottery. A convenient indicator of background risk is the VDAX index, an established measure of volatility in the German stock market. This is used as an explanatory variable in conjunction with HDAX, the stock market index, which proxies wealth. The impacts (...)
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    Visual Search for Circumscribed Interests in Autism Is Similar to That of Neurotypical Individuals.Benjamin M. Silver, Mary M. Conte, Jonathan D. Victor & Rebecca M. Jones - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Kantian Autonomy and the Moral Self.Eric Entrican Wilson - 2008 - Review of Metaphysics 62 (2):355-381.
    This essay examines the connection between the concept of autonomy and the concept of an ideal, moral self in Kant’s practical philosophy. Its central thesis is that self-legislation does not rest on the capacity to exempt oneself from nature’s causal network. Instead, it rests on the practical capacity for identification with what Kant calls an individual’s “moral personality.” A person’s ability to identify with this morally ideal version of himself gives shape to his will, enabling him to decide how to (...)
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    Performing the ethico-aesthetic paradigm.Eric Alliez & Brian Massumi - unknown
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    Front Matter.Éric Brian - 2007 - Revue de Synthèse 128 (1-2):1-3.
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    (1 other version)La formation de l'idée de race.Éric Voegelin - 2008 - Cités 36 (4):135-.
  20.  13
    A declaration of duties toward humankind: a critical companion to Simone Weil's The Need for Roots.Eric O. Springsted & Ronald K. L. Collins (eds.) - 2023 - Durham, North Carolina: Carolina Academic Press, LLC.
    This book is a readers' companion to Simone Weil's The Need for Roots. It includes comprehensive and illuminating essays from recognized Weil scholars from the United States, Canada, England, France, and Germany, addressing the most pressing historical and contemporary aspects of Weil's thought and striking proposals. These include her substituting obligations for rights as the moral basis of society, her critique of our uprootedness and her proposals for rootedness, her critique of our dangerous understanding of greatness, the importance of work (...)
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    On modifications of Reichenbach's principle of common cause in light of Bell's theorem.Eric G. Cavalcanti & Raymond Lal - 2014 - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 47 (42):424018.
    Bellʼs 1964 theorem causes a severe problem for the notion that correlations require explanation, encapsulated in Reichenbachʼs principle of common cause. Despite being a hallmark of scientific thought, dropping the principle has been widely regarded as much less bitter medicine than the perceived alternative—dropping relativistic causality. Recently, however, some authors have proposed that modified forms of Reichenbachʼs principle could be maintained even with relativistic causality. Here we break down Reichenbachʼs principle into two independent assumptions—the principle of common cause proper and (...)
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    Heidegger and Carnap: Disagreeing about nothing?Eric S. Nelson - 2013 - In Francois Raffoul & Eric S. Nelson (eds.), The Bloomsbury Companion to Heidegger. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 2--151.
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    In carne e cera: estetica e fenomenologia dell'iperrealismo.Pietro Conte - 2014 - Macerata: Quodlibet.
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  24. Temas em Filosofia Contemporânea.Jaimir Conte & Cezar Mortari - 2014 - Florianópolis, SC, Brasil: NEL/UFSC.
    Sumário: 1. O conceito de revolução, Amélia de Jesus Oliveira; 2. Mudanças de concepção de mundo, Artur Bezzi Günther; 3. Habilidade e causalidade: uma proposta confiabilista para casos típicos de conhecimento, Breno Ricardo Guimarães Santos; 4. El realismo interno de Putnam y sus implicaciones en la filosofía de la ciencia y para el realismo científico, Marcos Antonio da Silva; 5.O papel da observação na atividade científica segundo Peirce, Max Rogério Vicentini; 6.Fact and Value entanglement: a collapse of objective reality?, Oswaldo (...)
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    (1 other version)La BD "Espace protégé" visant à la prévention des abus sexuels en milieu scolaire.Eric Dacheux - 2009 - Hermes 54.
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    Independence property and hyperbolic groups.Eric Jaligot, Alexey Muranov & Azadeh Neman - 2008 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 14 (1):88 - 98.
    In continuation of [JOH04, OH07], we prove that existentially closed CSA-groups have the independence property. This is done by showing that there exist words having the independence property relative to the class of torsion-free hyperbolic groups.
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    Campbell's Refutation of Egoism.Eric Mack - 1974 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 3 (4):659 - 663.
    In “A Short Refutation of Ethical Egoism,” Richmond Campbell purports to refute “the view that everyone ought to do what benefits him the most in a given situation.” This is the theory which is “sometimes called impersonal ethical egoism ” [249). Campbell takes the following proposition as fundamental to his refutation of IEE.I. If an agent ought to do something in a given situation and another agent ought to do something in the same situation, then it is not logically impossible (...)
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  28. HEGEL et l’État (Inédit).Eric Weil - 2003 - le Cahier Philosophique D’Afrique. Revue Internationale de Philosophie 1 (1):147-155.
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  29. Autonomy and the Legislation of Laws in the Prolegomena (1783).Eric Watkins - 2018 - In Stefano Bacin & Oliver Sensen (eds.), The Emergence of Autonomy in Kant’s Moral Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 122-140.
    This paper attempts to shed light on Kant’s notion of autonomy in his moral philosophy by considering the extent to which he presents a similar doctrine in his theoretical philosophy, where he strikingly claims (e.g., in the Prolegomena) that the understanding prescribes laws to nature. It argues that even though there are important points of difference between the cases of theoretical legislation of the laws of nature and autonomy in moral philosophy, their extensive parallels make a strong, even if not (...)
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    Capital Times: Tales From the Conquest of Time.Eric Alliez - 1996 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Offers a history of the philosophy of time and a comparison of the ways of conceiving the temporal, concentrating on European philosophy and its impact the connection between time and money in Western civilization.
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  31. Kant's Transcendental Idealism and the Categories.Eric Watkins - 2002 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 19 (2):191 - 215.
  32.  76
    From Adam Smith to darwin; some neglected evidence.Eric Schliesser - unknown
    In this paper I call attention to Adam Smith’s “Considerations Concerning the First Formation of Languages” in order to facilitate understanding Adam Smith from a Darwinian perspective. By ‘Darwinian’ I mean a position that explains differential selection over time through natural mechanisms. First, I argue that right near the start of Wealth of Nations Smith signals that human nature has probably evolved over a very long amount of time. Second, I connect this evidence with an infamous passage on infanticide in (...)
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    L’épreuve de l’autre. — Testing the other.Eric Landowski - 2006 - Sign Systems Studies 34 (2):317-336.
    Testing the other. It is nowadays a commonplace of academic discourse on social sciences, especially when it comes to such disciplines as anthropology and semiotics, to oppose the old (and old-fashioned) methods of the “structuralists” to post-modern and post-structural epistemological attitudes. Structuralism, it is said, was based on the idea that it is possible to apprehend the meaning of cultural productions from an exterior and therefore objective standpoint, just by making explicit their immanent principles of organization. Today, on the contrary, (...)
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    The phenomenon of suffering and its relationship to pain.Eric J. Cassell - 2001 - In S. Kay Toombs (ed.), Handbook of Phenomenology and Medicine. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 371--390.
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    Preserving the distinction between nature and artifact.Eric Katz - 2011 - In Gregory E. Kaebnick (ed.), The ideal of nature: debates about biotechnology and the environment. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 71.
  36. Irrationality, charity, and ambivalence.Eric Wiland - 2020 - In Berit Brogaard & Dimitria Electra Gatzia (eds.), The Philosophy and Psychology of Ambivalence: Being of Two Minds. New York: Routledge.
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  37. Dementia and the identity of the person.Eric Matthews - 2005 - In Julian C. Hughes, Stephen J. Louw & Steven R. Sabat (eds.), Dementia: Mind, Meaning, and the Person. Oxford University Press.
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    A Preliminary Report: The Hippocampus and Surrounding Temporal Cortex of Patients With Schizophrenia Have Impaired Blood-Brain Barrier.Eric L. Goldwaser, Randel L. Swanson, Edgardo J. Arroyo, Venkat Venkataraman, Mary C. Kosciuk, Robert G. Nagele, L. Elliot Hong & Nimish K. Acharya - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Though hippocampal volume reduction is a pathological hallmark of schizophrenia, the molecular pathway responsible for this degeneration remains unknown. Recent reports have suggested the potential role of impaired blood-brain barrier function in schizophrenia pathogenesis. However, direct evidence demonstrating an impaired BBB function is missing. In this preliminary study, we used immunohistochemistry and serum immunoglobulin G antibodies to investigate the state of BBB function in formalin-fixed postmortem samples from the hippocampus and surrounding temporal cortex of patients with schizophrenia and controls without (...)
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  39. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 84: 1993 Lectures and Memoirs.Griffiths Eric - 1994
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    Pollution Prevention Across the Technological Curriculum: an Interdisciplinary Case Approach.Eric Katz, Burt Kimmelman & Nancy Walters Coppola - 1994 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 14 (3):150-154.
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  41. The passage of time.Eric T. Olson - 2009 - In Robin Le Poidevin, Simons Peter, McGonigal Andrew & Ross P. Cameron (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Metaphysics. New York: Routledge.
    The prosaic content of these sayings is that events change from future to present and from present to past. Your next birthday is in the future, but with the passage of time it draws nearer and nearer until it is present. 24 hours later it will be in the past, and then lapse forever deeper into history. And things get older: even if they don’t wear out or lose their hair or change in any other way, their chronological age is (...)
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  42. How Google Works.Eric Schmidt & Jonathan Rosenberg - 2017
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    Attitudes or Cultural Knowledge?Eric Luis Uhlmann, T. Andrew Poehlman & Brian A. Nosek - 2012 - In Jon Hanson (ed.), Ideology, Psychology, and Law. Oup Usa.
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    Indiscernibles and Trope Transferability.Eric M. Peng - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 17:121-127.
    Assuming the position that takes properties to be tropes rather than universals and takes ordinary objects as bundles of tropes, the essay first argues that the Law of the Identity of Indiscernibles survives the challenge raised by Black's "two-sphere universe". It is because the Law of Indiscernibles becomes a trivialconsequence of the assumed trope ontology. The essay then considers four construals of the thesis of Uniqueness differing in strength. The construals are developed in terms of both the possibility that tropes (...)
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  45. (1 other version)Pain and suffering.Eric J. Cassell - 1995 - Encyclopedia of Bioethics 4:1897-1905.
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    Look, no hands!Eric M. Patterson & Janet Mann - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (4):235-236.
    Contrary to Vaesen's argument that humans are unique with respect to nine cognitive capacities essential for tool use, we suggest that although such cognitive processes contribute to variation in tool use, it does not follow that these capacities arenecessaryfor tool use, nor that tool use shaped cognition per se, given the available data in cognitive neuroscience and behavioral biology.
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  47. Department of Speech Communication University of Maine at Orono Orono, Maine 04469.Eric E. Peterson - forthcoming - Semiotics.
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  48. Critique of the Psycho-Physical Identity Theory. A refutation of scientific materialism and an establisment of mind-matter dualism by means of philosophy and scientific method.Eric P. Polten & John Eccles - 1973 - Studia Leibnitiana 7 (2):284-286.
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    Discours sur le metissage, identites metisses: en quete d'Ariel.Eric Prieto & Sylvie Kande - 2000 - Substance 29 (3):138.
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    Personalism and Persons: A Response to Gendreau and Haddox.Eric O. Springsted - 1992 - The Personalist Forum 8 (Supplement):119-121.
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