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100 entries most recently downloaded from the archive "SHAREOK repository"

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  1. Methodus Poetico-Philosophicus.Steven Chase McCumber - unknown
    A plausible interpretation of Wittgenstein’s claim that philosophers should be poets can be constructed by drawing together: (1) his conception of the goal of philosophy as the ethical and existential transformation or transvaluation of both the philosopher and the philosophical interlocutor via creative and engagement-inspiring methodological means. (2) His arguments against privacy in language or knowledge of experience and (3) his explication of forms of life and ‘anthropological’ philosophy. The resultant interpretation has radical implications for philosophical methodology and enables the (...)
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  2. Leaving the Mess: Epistemology and Ethics in Media Literacy Instruction.Kimberly Cannon & Chris Rosser - unknown
    “Authority is constructed and contextual.” Thus spake the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy (2016), an assertion that rightly guides information and media literacy instructors as we form and inform students, empowering them to navigate an ecosystem rife with mis- and disinformation. Yet as danah boyd famously argues in her 2018 SXSW EDU keynote, how we teach media literacy can become an “assertion of authority over epistemology” that undermines skills we intend to sharpen by not recognizing and valuing fundamental differences among (...)
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  3. "On Steady Advance..." An Investigation Into The Rhetorical Intent of The Testament of Freedom by Randall Thompson.John Mark Ousley - unknown
    This document will investigate the events and circumstances that shaped the music and message of Randall Thompson’s The Testament of Freedom. Evidence uncovered in this investigation will provide a more complete historical record regarding the intended message, or rhetorical intent of the work for future conductors, performers, and audiences. The Testament of Freedom was composed in honor of the two-hundredth anniversary of the birth of Thomas Jefferson, the Father of the University of Virginia. It was commissioned by the University of (...)
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  4. Heraclitus the priority monist: A study in ancient metaphysics.Melle van Duijn - 2023 - Dissertation, Oklahoma State University
    Heraclitus is famous for claiming that “all things are one,” (ἓν πάντα εἶναι). But what does this mean? In this thesis, I offer a novel, ground-theoretic model for unity in Heraclitus: Cosmic unity through priority monism. I will argue that all things are one through their shared metaphysical ground in the cosmos. My approach is novel in that it diverges from the standard translation of “ἓν πάντα εἶναι” as a means of explaining the unity of conceptual entities. The Greek is (...)
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  5. Auditory and Musical Experience: Perception, Emotion and Expression.Babak M. Khoshroo - 2023 - Dissertation, University of Oklahoma
    In this dissertation, I address two questions about auditory and musical experience: (1) How can music (a set of organized sounds) be heard as expressive of emotions such as sadness or happiness? (2) How are sounds (not limited to musical sounds) and their sources related to each other? Regarding the first question, my focus is on the experience of musical expression: what it is like to experience music as cheerful or anxious, for example. I argue that our so experiencing music (...)
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  6. Literary Studies and Well-Being Structures of Experience in the Worldly Work of Literature and Healthcare.Ronald Schleifer - 2022 - Bloomsbury.
    The literary arts represent and provoke experiences of understanding and emotion, and this open access study examines how the practical pursuit of well-being in healthcare reveals purposes at the core of our engagements with and understanding of literature itself. During the past twenty years, much admirable work in the “health humanities” has focused upon what studies of literature contribute to the understandings and the practical work—the “worldly work”—of healthcare. Such a project aims at developing healthcare practitioners who bring greater care (...)
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  7. Forgiveness, Revenge, and the Shape of a Life.Mark Taylor - 2023 - Dissertation, University of Oklahoma
    Dissertation Summary—Mark Taylor My dissertation explores forgiveness and revenge within a narrative conception of human lives. In Chapter One, I lay out an account of human life stories and argue for its advantages in understanding the value of redemption. In particular, I suggest that the goods we care about in our lives depend on their integration into the way we see ourselves as persons who exist through time. Forgiveness and revenge can recontextualize moments from our past and infuse them with (...)
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  8. An Epistemology for Listening Across Religious, Cultural, and Political Divides.David Vishanoff - 2022 - In Gregory Peterson (ed.), Engaging Populism: Democracy and the Intellectual Virtues. Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The rhetoric of cultural populism exploits and exacerbates the natural tendency for human communities to define their own identities by contrasting themselves with imagined Others. This heightens the already formidable epistemic challenge of understanding such Others. This chapter proposes an epistemology of intergroup understanding that is relational, recursive, eschatological, and sacrificial. It argues that coming to understand Others across group boundaries requires an ongoing process of listening and a willingness to sacrifice aspects of one’s own identity that prove to be (...)
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  9. Faith development, dogmatism, gender, and the management of marital differences.William James Buker - 2013 - Dissertation, Oklahoma State University
  10. Protecting Artists’ Moral Rights in the U.S. Legal Context.Jeremy Fried - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Oklahoma
    The three chapters of this dissertation work together and build on each other to make an argument for stronger uniform artists’ moral rights protections in the United States legal system. The current system provides inconsistent protection in a narrow subset of instances and fails to adequately protect moral rights. Many artists lack protections either due to the type of work they produce or due to lack of stature and bargaining power. I argue that by adopting an intimacy-based motivation for protecting (...)
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  11. Mixed methods in social scientific research.Kyle James McNew - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Central Oklahoma
    The following paper maintains that a mixed methods approach produces explanations more likely to reveal causation while maintaining generalizability. In this paper, I attempt to illustrate that both methodologies and the explanations produced by each are essential to sociology. The quantitative methods employed by holists tend to produce generalizable explanations. The qualitative methods employed by individualists tend to produce explanations that reveal causation. Methodological holists are correct that explanations need to be generalizable, but the need for generalizability does not render (...)
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  12. Fat Justice: Mitigating Anti-Fat Bias Through Responsible Aesthetic Agency.Cheryl Frazier - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Oklahoma
    In my dissertation I develop a series of guidelines for responsibly and respectfully navigating varying facets of aesthetic activity involving fat communities. I argue that fat people's engagement with the aesthetic can be used to foster community, resist anti-fat bias, and move towards fat justice. Moreover, I argue that considering representations and treatment of fat people in the production of art must be done carefully in order to avoid perpetuating negative stereotypes and anti-fat bias. My project aims to improve the (...)
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  13. Being undone by each other: An ecofeminist ontological offering for peace education in the Anthropocene.Amanda Kingston - 2022 - Dissertation, Oklahoma State University
    In the challenges of the Anthropocene, peace education has yet to fully address and analyze the linked violences of gender and the earth. This thesis will explore those shortcomings, as well as make an ecofeminist ontological offering that extends peace education to address these issues. An ecofeminist offering includes a critique of capitalist patriarchy and colonial structures that subjugate women and the earth along various intersections, linking sociological and ecological destruction; posits an interconnected world of humans and non-humans; and presses (...)
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  14. Elements and Sprites: The Cohesive Philosophy of Love in Donne’s Romantic and Devotional Poetry.Sarah Chambers - unknown
    Critical approaches to John Donne’s poetry share a general perspective that alleges a dichotomy between the representation of love in his romantic and devotional works. Starting from a position that acknowledges the metaphysical composition of human beings as constituted by equally important body and soul as central to the ontology that informs Donne’s work, I posit that the connection between body and soul is fundamental to Donne’s vision of love—a philosophy of love that can be traced across the corpus of (...)
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  15. False Idols: The Perils of 'Democratizing' Financial Markets.Violet Victoria - 2021 - Dissertation, University of Oklahoma
    US stock markets have created the greatest wealth in human history. This wealth, however, has not been shared or distributed equally. I seek to understand the way in which income disparities work to undermine mechanisms within the market itself. This Thesis addresses a proposed means for making wealth creation more equitable - so-called ‘democratization’ of the stock markets. I argue that one iteration of the approach, exemplified by the retail trading firm Robinhood, does not fulfill this equity ideal. Robinhood makes (...)
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  16. Valuism: A New Theory of Knowledge.Raymond Stewart - 2021 - Dissertation, University of Oklahoma
    Since Plato, epistemologists have tried to explain why knowledge is more valuable than mere true belief. Traditionally, they have tried to answer this by defining knowledge as true belief plus some additional properties and then tried to explain why these properties are valuable. This dissertation flips this approach on its head. Rather than attempt to explain the value of knowledge in terms of the components that make belief into knowledge, I argue that value itself is what transforms belief into knowledge. (...)
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  17. New Directions in Religious Experience.Kevin Nordby - 2020 - Dissertation, University of Oklahoma
    Chapter One An Argument Concerning the Epistemic Status of Religious Experience I endeavor to show that the skeptic, even on her own terms, will never succeed in ruling out all beliefs based on religious experience by claiming they are unjustified. There is a sort of religious belief based on religious experience that, to my knowledge, skeptical thinkers have not yet considered. The expression of this sort of religious belief bears certain resemblances to natural expressions and avowals of self-knowledge as understood (...)
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  18. Essays on the Interpretation of Decision Theory.Ziming Song - 2019 - Dissertation, University of Oklahoma
    Decision theory aims at explaining and predicting rational choice behavior. But ample empirical evidence suggests that descriptively, people’s actual choices do not conform to its predictions in various ways. Some of the counter-evidence, such as anomaly cases proposed by Amartya Sen, challenges even the normative adequacy of decision theory. My dissertation defends it as a normative theory while also offering a novel explanation of why it fails descriptively. Contrary to the Sen-style critique, I argue that decision theory is unimpeachable as (...)
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  19. Character and Moral Judgment: Designing Right and Wrong.Seth Robertson - 2019 - Dissertation, University of Oklahoma
    I argue that an adequate theory of rightness should meet two distinct conditions: a “Consequences Condition” according to which the rightness or wrongness of some, but not all acts should be determined conclusively by the act’s outcomes on welfare, and a “Character Condition” according to which the rightness or wrongness of some, but not all acts should be influenced partially by aspects of the moral character of the person who committed the act. The combination of these two conditions is interesting (...)
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  20. Realism, Natural Kinds, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.David Spindle - 2017 - Dissertation, University of Oklahoma
    Realism about mental disorders is a perennial area of dispute, but the controversy burns especially intensely for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. In this dissertation, I clarify what is at issue in these debates, surveying how realists have typically argued for mental disorder realism: the definitional debate about health and illness. I argue that the realist need not be committed to the terms of the definitional debate and recommend that a better approach is to show that mental disorders are natural kinds. (...)
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  21. Ecophilosophy of J.R.R. Tolkien: Rural, Urban, and Wilderness Roads to Conscientious Living and Environmental Guardianship.William Graham Korver - 2019 - Dissertation, Oklahoma State University
    A core message of J.R.R. Tolkien's canon concerning the human and non-human global community appears in The Lord of the Rings when Gandalf addresses the Captains of the West, as they prepare their plans to march on the Black Gate of Sauron the ecosadist. Within this quotation, Gandalf urges the Captains to, whenever possible, weed what, whom, when, and where they can. Throughout the various Ages of Middle-earth, Tolkien exhorts his characters to weed and remove "the evil" within their bodies, (...)
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  22. Against the Proposed New UNP Project Plan.Stephen Ellis - manuscript
    There are basically three things wrong with the UNP TIF: 1) It has failed to deliver on the high-end, regional-draw retail which it promised. 2) It diverts tax income from higher priority uses. 3) Expenditures in the TIF create a competitive disadvantage for non-TIF areas of Norman. The proposed new project plan for the UNP TIF only partly addresses the tax diversion issue; it exacerbates the other problems. All of this has distributive justice implication.
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  23. Intellectual Virtues and Reasonable Disagreement.Jewelle Bickel - 2019 - Dissertation, The University of Oklahoma
    The contemporary problem of disagreement has two prominent solutions. The Conciliationists think that after discovering a case of disagreement one should be less certain of one’s original position. Those who favor Conciliatory views tend to think that disagreement is epistemically significant because it causes problems for one’s rationality. The Steadfasters, on the other hand, think that one should maintain one’s belief in the face of a disagreement; thus, disagreement appears a less epistemically significant problem to them. But neither of these (...)
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  24. Night Song for tenor and orchestra.Jacob Frost - unknown
    Night Song for tenor and orchestra is a setting of the poem “Night Song” from Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche, translated into English by R.J. Hollingdale. The piece is 24 minutes in length, and is scored for lyric tenor and orchestra, with instrumentation as follows: 3-3-3-3; 4-3-2-1; Timp., 3Perc., Pno., Cel., Harp, Str. In Nietzsche's text, the speaker is the philosopher-prophet Zarathustra, who serves as Nietzsche's mouthpiece for the doctrines of the Übermensch and the Will to Power. Driven by (...)
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  25. Parodies and the Role of Medieval Ethical Concepts in the Ontological Argument.Sammuel Robert Byer - unknown
    In this dissertation, I examine historical and contemporary versions of the ontological argument for God’s existence and objections to it, focusing on versions of the argument that contain Linkage Premises. I argue that the most plausible kind of objection to these and other ontological arguments is a version of the parody-style counterargument found in contemporary literature. If this counterargument succeeds, it results in a reductio ad absurdum of the ontological argument. I then examine the relationship between being and goodness found (...)
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  26. Normativity, Human Nature and Practical Reason: A New Approach to an Old Problem.Max G. Parish - 2017 - Dissertation, University of Oklahoma
    Neo-Aristotelian ethical naturalism claims ethical goodness is a kind of human natural goodness, where natural goodness is a function of human nature. Call this the core thesis. The normativity objection claims the core thesis fails because ethical goodness is normative and natural goodness is not. In this study I aim to cast new light on this objection and propose a new strategy of response. My argument divides into two main moves. In the first, I side with critics in arguing that (...)
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  27. A cross-cultural analysis of shame in moral education between south korea and the united states.Sula You - unknown
    Although there have been various issues involving shame in the educational scene, little research in the field of philosophy of education has seriously investigated this topic. In my dissertation, a comparative philosophical study is conducted in an attempt to develop a better understanding of shame in moral education. This study explores when shame is morally appropriate and how shame is relevant to moral education, either positively or negatively, through historical and multidisciplinary reviews on the concept of shame and cross-cultural analysis (...)
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  28. The educational value of craftsmanship: Taking account of the deep structure of western thought and its influence upon education in design.Thomas Cline - unknown
    Criticisms of design education suggest that educational practices have failed to produce competent designers and, concurrently, failed to allow for participation in culture. These criticisms manifest themselves in questions of design methodology and in issues of race, class, and gender equity in both educational and professional practices; however, they have not engaged design education from the standpoint of educational philosophy. This dissertation begins a philosophical inquiry of those criticisms of design education by critically constructing a history and philosophy of design (...)
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  29. Darwin and the Human Future: New Order out of Chaos.Loye David - unknown
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  30. (5 other versions)The Self, Motivation & Virtue Project e-Newsletter 06.Project Smv - unknown
    This is the quarterly electronic publication of the Self, Motivation & Virtue Project. It features a lead article, autobiographical sketches of SMV Project research team members, publication announcements, and updates about the SMV Project leadership team. The SMV Project is made possible by a generous grant from the Templeton Religion Trust and by support from The University of Oklahoma.
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  31. The Trial of Galileo.Magruder Kerry - unknown
    The story of Galileo’s trial in 1633 intertwines two crucial earlier episodes: 1. Galileo’s encounter with the Inquisition in 1616; and 2. Publication of Galileo’s Dialogue on the Two Chief Systems of the World in 1632. Learn more about it in this learning leaflet.
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  32. Essays on Discourse by and about the Divine.Stephanie Nicole Nordby - unknown
    Chapter One Divine Predication, Direct Reference, and the Attributes of Classical Theism The Church’s affirmation of statements predicating certain positive attributes to God is central to Christian doctrine. However, important biblical and doctrinal predications include ascriptions of emotion, mental states and even movement to God. It is contested whether divine predications should understood metaphorically, analogically, or univocally. The situation is further complicated when one takes into account divine attributes such as impassibility, immutability, and aseity. If classical theists are right in (...)
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  33. The Dignity of Persons and the Value of Uniqueness.Zagzebski Linda - unknown
    Presidential Address delivered at the one hundred thirteenth Central Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association in Chicago, IL, on March 4, 2016.
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  34. Boldly Explore.Camille Flammarion & Susanna Magruder - unknown
    Although many attribute this iconic image to the Middle Ages, it first appeared in a 19th century work of meteorology. So it's fitting that this book will open a Galileo's World exhibit at the National Weather Center on Copernicus and Meteorology. Ever wish there were a colorized version available in a suitable resolution which educators and anyone could freely use? This is why Susanna J. Magruder created the colorized version of Flammarion's woodcut shown above, which she is distributing with a (...)
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  35. The Bible and Science: Calvin, Newton & Other Writers.Kerry Magruder - unknown
    Quotations from various important Christian interpreters about the relationship between the Bible and Science. Aimed at helping learners differentiate between four key frameworks of relating the Bible and Science.
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  36. Using Young Adult Literature as the Cornerstone of Literacy: Pairing Young Adult Novels with the Classics.Kerry Friesen - unknown
    English classes are still relying on novels taught consistently since the eighties if not earlier. Though our students have changed drastically since that time, our teaching methods and texts have not. And now, only 20% of students are reading what is assigned to them. It’s time to shift our curriculum to something more current and to find the book students will want to read. That solution is young adult literature. Thematically, there is nothing the classics teach that young adult literature (...)
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  37. (5 other versions)The Self, Motivation & Virtue Project e-Newsletter 05.Smv Project - unknown
    This is the quarterly electronic publication of the Self, Motivation & Virtue Project. It features a lead article, autobiographical sketches of SMV Project research team members, publication announcements, and updates about the SMV Project leadership team.
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  38. From 'ordinary' virtue to Aristotelian virtue.Nancy Snow - unknown
    In two earlier papers, I began to explore how “ordinary people” acquire virtue. By “ordinary people,” I mean people, not specifically or directly concerned with becoming virtuous, who have goals or aims the pursuit of which requires them to develop virtue. E.g., parents acquire patience and generosity in the course of pursuing their goal to be good parents; those concerned with being peacemakers acquire tact and diplomacy in the pursuit of that goal, and so on. These virtues can be viewed (...)
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  39. Augustine: The Bible and Science.Kerry Magruder - unknown
    Saint Augustine discussed the relationship between religion and science in the 5th century. Such views became highlight influential throughout the history of science for those interested in explaining the relationship between religion and science. This learning leaflet provides a brief introduction to Augustine's views. Also included is a handout with quotations from Augustine, Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Isaac Newton regarding the relationship between religion and science.
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  40. An Illustrated Introduction to the Infosphere.Betsy Van der Veer Martens - 2015 - Library Trends 63 (3):317-361.
    This introduction to Luciano Floridi’s philosophy of information provides a short overview of Floridi’s work and its reception by the library and information studies community, brief definitions of some important PI concepts, and illustrations of Floridi’s three suggested applications of PI to library and information studies. It suggests that LIS may just be as important to PI as PI is to LIS in terms of deepening our mutual understanding of information ontologies, the dynamics of informational domains, and the variety of (...)
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  41. Celebrating Mediocrity?: How Schools Shortchange Gifted Students.Lawrence Baines & Gregory Kent Stanley - unknown
    The version of this article that is archived here is the author's post-print.
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  42. Can there be a virtue ethics of institutions?Sean Cordell - unknown
    This is an unpublished conference paper for the 3rd Annual Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues conference at Oriel College, Oxford University, Thursday 8th – Saturday 10th January 2015. These papers are works in progress and should not be cited without author’s prior permission.
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  43. The Beacon Project: Jump-starting a Field of the Morally Exceptional.William Fleeson - unknown
    This article was originally published in the Self, Motivation & Virtue Project’s e-Newsletter, July 2015.
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  44. Can Virtue Be Measured?Jennnifer Wright - unknown
    This is a conference papers for the ‘Can Virtue Be Measured?, held by the Jubilee Centre for Character and Values at Oriel College, Thursday 9th – Saturday 11th January 2014. These papers are works in progress and should not be cited without author’s prior permission.
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  45. Virtue Intelligence.Nancy Snow - unknown
    The provocative title of this conference is, “Can Virtue Be Measured?” My answer to this question is, “Yes, it can,” and I hasten to add, “It should be.” I began thinking about whether and how to measure virtue when Jennifer Cole Wright, a psychologist from the College of Charleston, and I were approached to write a popular book on measuring virtue. Alas, that project didn’t get anywhere, but I hope that our thinking about this issue might yet bear fruit. Central (...)
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  46. Can the love of learning be taught?Rodney Nillsen - unknown
    This paper is an expanded version of a talk given at a Generic Skills Workshop at the University of Wollongong, and was intended for academic staff from any discipline and general staff with an interest in teaching. The issues considered in the paper include the capacity of all to learn, the distinction between learning as understanding and learning as information, the interaction between the communication and content of ideas, the tension between perception and content in communication between persons, and the (...)
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  47. (5 other versions)The Self, Motivation & Virtue Project e-Newsletter 04.Smv Project - unknown
    This is the quarterly electronic publication of the Self, Motivation & Virtue Project. It features a lead article, autobiographical sketches of SMV Project research team members, publication announcements, and updates about the SMV Project leadership team.
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  48. (5 other versions)The Self, Motivation & Virtue Project e-Newsletter 01.Smv Project - unknown
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  49. (5 other versions)The Self, Motivation & Virtue Project e-Newsletter 02.Smv Project - unknown
    This is the quarterly electronic publication of the Self, Motivation & Virtue Project. It features a lead article, autobiographical sketches of SMV Project research team members, publication announcements, and updates about the SMV Project leadership team.
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  50. (5 other versions)The Self, Motivation & Virtue Project e-Newsletter 03.Smv Project - unknown
    This is the quarterly electronic publication of the Self, Motivation & Virtue Project. It features a lead article, autobiographical sketches of SMV Project research team members, publication announcements, and updates about the SMV Project leadership team.
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  51. Theatrical Intervention as a Pathway to Moral Virtue Development.Lijuan Wang, Deborah Mower & Margaret Garvey - unknown
    Moral virtue development is grounded in social relationships that foster the socioemotional intelligence underlying moral virtue. Recent research shows a decrease in socioemotional intelligence with implications for moral virtue development. This project is a feasibility study of a theatrical intervention with parent-child dyads to increase socioemotional intelligence and proto-virtuous character by improving parent-child mutual responsiveness. Our theatrical approach combines direct development of mutual responsiveness and practice of moral virtue scripts, providing a powerful and seamless integration of philosophy, theatre art and (...)
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  52. Selfless Agents.Monima Chadha & Judson Brewer - unknown
    This presentation was delivered at the Self, Motivation & Virtue Project's 2015 Interdisciplinary Moral Forum, held at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
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  53. The Transformation of the Self: Competing Moral Repertoires in Contemporary Java.Christopher Candland & Siti Nurjanah - unknown
    Character and virtue are changing rapidly in Indonesia, home to the world’s largest Muslim population. The long-praised preference for communal harmony over individual advancement is under great stress. The dominant force behind this is thought to be secular consumerism. Our project aims to assess the impact of commercialization and modern Islamic religious education on the Javanese preference for communal harmony. An extensive survey of Javanese parents and their children and close ethnographic studies of individuals will provide insights into the changing (...)
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  54. Virtues as Properly Motivated, Self-Integrated Traits.Blaine Fowers, Bradford Cokelet & Jean-Philippe Laurenceau - unknown
    Contemporary empirical research on virtues has been promising, but limited in depth and value by investigators’ reliance on global self-report questionnaires obtained at a single time-point. These questionnaires require respondents to summarize their trait features in very broad state-ments or focus narrowly on specific behaviors. Properly understood, virtues are partly constitut-ed by appropriate motivations in response to the real-world environment and integrated with the actor’s self—features that are not accessible using the predominant research methods. Our central aim is to deepen (...)
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  55. The Co-Construction of Virtue: Epigenetics, Development, and Culture.Darcia Narvaez - unknown
    Chapter from the book "Cultivating Virtue: Perspectives from Philosophy, Theology, and Psychology." Ed. Nancy E. Snow. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.
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  56. "Jihad": What's Happening with this Virtue?Mirra Milla, Subhan El Hafiz, Izza Rohman & Rizki Edison - unknown
    "Jihad" for Muslim is a virtue, it’s learned from generation to generation. But nowadays we can see that this virtue has had different interpretations in society, from peaceful to terrorism. This research will be conducted in Indonesia, the place that is known as one of the biggest Islamic communities in the world. The primary research questions are how jihad as a virtue have been shared as an idea in society, and how motivation to implement this virtue can be very different (...)
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  57. Understanding the Virtue-Relevant Self Through Courage.Cynthia Pury, Charles Starkey & Emily Sullivan - unknown
    To what extent do differences in who we are predict differences in courage? We propose to de-velop a measure of the virtue-relevant self, which is composed of self-conception, social roles, virtue-relevant values, and personality traits. We will then conduct three studies using this meas-ure to determine the extent to which these various components of the virtue-relevant self pre-dict the types of acts people consider courageous as well as the willingness of people to engage in courageous acts themselves. We believe that (...)
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  58. 2015 Interdisciplinary Moral Forum Program.Motivation & Virtue Project The Self - unknown
    Program for the Self, Motivation & Virtue Project's 2015 Interdisciplinary Moral Forum, held on March 12-14, 2015. The Interdisciplinary Moral Forum brought together 57 moral self researchers from around the world and from multiple disciplines. It was held at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Participants included two members from each semi-finalist research team, members of the Core Project Team, and other interested members of the Marquette and Milwaukee academic communities.
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  59. Eudaimonic Growth: How Virtues and Motives Shape the Narrative Self and Its Development within a Social Ecology.Jack Bauer & Peggy DesAutels - unknown
    This transdisciplinary study will examine how the narration of self, motivation, and eudaimonic virtues like wisdom and compassion develop within a social ecology of family master narratives and social institutions that either foster or constrain the development of such virtues. Drawing from a larger, longitudinal study of character development and life stories in adulthood, we will interview individuals and their families about virtue-relevant events in life, such as conflicts of belief, virtue-focused projects and activities, and self- and family-defining memories. Narratives (...)
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  60. Who Am I? Investigating the Moral Self.Jesse Prinz, Javier Gomez-Lavin, Shaun Nichols & Nina Stohminger - unknown
    This presentation was delivered at the Self, Motivation & Virtue Project's 2015 Interdisciplinary Moral Forum, held at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
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  61. Existential Feelings in Virtue: A Philosophical-Psychological Investigation.Daniel Sullivan & Stephan Achim - unknown
    This presentation was delivered at the Self, Motivation & Virtue Project's 2015 Interdisciplinary Moral Forum, held at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
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  62. Investigating Implicit Aspects of Virtue: Understanding Humility Among Moral Exemplars.James Van Slyke & Mark Graves - unknown
    Our research project will investigate the virtue of humility among real world humanitarian exemplars, such as holocaust rescuers and hospice workers. We will use computer technology to analyze interviews with these types of populations to understand the different factors involved in the virtue of humility. Following the work of Aristotle, we believe this virtue is formed as a kind of habit that becomes a natural extension of one’s character. We aim to operationalize and empirically evaluate aspects of the virtue of (...)
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  63. The Virtue of Self-Distancing.Warren Herold, Ethan Kross & Walter Sowden - unknown
    This presentation was delivered at the Self, Motivation & Virtue Project's 2015 Interdisciplinary Moral Forum, held at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
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  64. Self and Desire as Seeds of Virtue.Paul Condon, John Dunne, Christine Wilson-Mendenhall, Wendy Hasenkamp, Karen Quigley & Lisa Barrett - unknown
    According to Buddhist philosophies, recognizing the self as impermanent, changing, and interdependent is at the root of virtue. With this realization, desires shift away from inward self-cherishing and toward outward self-transcending. This altruistic outlook underlies virtuous action and flourishing. Our primary research question asks: 1) to what extent do people experience self-transcending and self-cherishing desires in everyday life, and 2) to what extent do these different desires predict behaviors and body physiology that underlie virtue and well-being. As highlighted by the (...)
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  65. The Neuroscience of Habituated Motivation.Alberto Masala, Daniel Andler & Jean Denizeau - unknown
    This presentation was delivered at the Self, Motivation & Virtue Project's 2015 Interdisciplinary Moral Forum, held at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
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  66. The Motivation to Love: Overcoming Spiritual Violence and Sacramental Shame in Christian Churches.Dawne Moon & Theresa Tobin - unknown
    This presentation was delivered at the Self, Motivation & Virtue Project's 2015 Interdisciplinary Moral Forum, held at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
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  67. Pythagorean Solids: Five Regular Solids.Kerry Magruder - unknown
    Throughout history the regular solids were a point of intrigue by astronomers, mathematicians, artists, and philosophers. The Pythagoreans proved that there are only five regular solids: the cube, triangle, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron. This OER offers high-quality images from books published in the 16th and 17th centuries which feature the five regular solids.
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  68. Far From Value-Free: How a Value-Centered Scientific Pluralism Bolsters the Cognitive Credentials of Science.Andrew Chau - unknown
    The value-free ideal for science prohibits noncognitive values from influencing the practice of science. After all, a scientist should not reject an empirical theory on religious grounds. But while motivated by reasonable concerns, VFI overlooks legitimate roles for noncognitive values in science. Contra VFI, Hugh Lacey explains that noncognitive values can promote scientific aims by grounding new methodologies that may lead to novel theories and extend to new domains. Yet, Lacey agrees with one aspect of VFI: noncognitive values should not (...)
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  69. Carceral Christianization as a Religious Problem of Generations: Theorizing Cultural Miseducation from a Gender-Sensitive Study of Oral Life Histories.Robin Stroud - unknown
    Religion is one of the most influential agents of moral education in both private and public domains, and its educational values and practices vary profoundly from one tradition to another. With that recognition, this empirical-conceptual and “gender-sensitive” qualitative inquiry into the “dark side of Christianity” utilizes narratives from fourteen oral life histories alongside other textual and cultural data to formulate an original pedagogical theory for religious miseducation. I have named this theory Carceral Christianization and have bestowed the identity of Carceralites (...)
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  70. Understanding Religion and Spirituality.Erika A. Brown - unknown
    The past several decades have witnessed a trend of esteeming empiricism to the point of vilifying philosophical knowledge, which has resulted in conceptualizations of religion and spirituality that are increasingly polarized, incomplete, and theologically and philosophically bankrupt. A related effect of discrediting and discarding philosophical knowledge has been the recent emergence of the claim of being spiritual but not religious. The overarching aim of the current study was to evaluate the validity of this claim within the context of the anthropology (...)
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  71. Disagreement And Skepticism: A Grecoian Response To The Skeptical Threat Of Epistemic Superior Disagreement.Gary Osmundsen - unknown
    ABSTRACT: This dissertation is a response to the skeptical threats and challenges leveled by disagreement. Any plausible response to skepticism should explain what knowledge is and explain why the skeptic’s assumptions about what’s required for knowledge are false. In this dissertation I assume a virtue theoretic account of knowledge, which is a species of an externalist theory of knowledge. I defend this account of knowledge in the face of two problems I argue any externalist must address. The first problem is (...)
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  72. Influence of Teachers' Philosophy and Practice on Preschoolers' Print Development.Shannon E. White - unknown
    The purpose of this study was to examine the relation between Teachers' Stated Philosophy about how children learn and should be taught, Teachers' Developmentally Appropriate Literacy Practice, and Children's Print Concepts. Teachers' DALP consists of the classrooms' Physical Environment, Social Environment, and Active Learning Program. Both mediating and moderating models were tested. The sample consisted of 455 preschool children that came from 115 preschool classrooms. Multiple regression analysis was conducted on the variables to determine which model provided the most explanatory (...)
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  73. Mosaic Metaphor of Organizations.Joanne Wilsey - unknown
    The metaphor, mosaic, is presented as an aid to organizational leaders by providing an immediate mental image and framework for grasping the complexity of organizational change and diversity. This dissertation describes, explores, and analyzes the machine, organism, and mosaic metaphors of organizations in relation to the environment and diversity, organizational structure, management and leadership theory, and emotion, motivation, power, and relationships. Organizations have evolved from traditional hierarchies and transactional leadership represented by the machine metaphor to matrix structures and participative leadership (...)
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  74. Development and Construct Validation of the Epistemological Beliefs Survey for Mathematics.Denna L. Wheeler - unknown
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  75. Teaching Style Preferences and Educational Philosophy of Teacher Education Faculty at a State University.Cindi Hill Fries - unknown
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  76. Modified Discipline-specific Epistemological Beliefs Scale - Lay Medical Knowledge: Development and Validation.Danny William Stout - unknown
    Scope and Method of Study: The purpose of the study was to modify an existing measure of epistemological beliefs about medical knowledge specific to the layperson and further to investigate the relationship of this epistemological beliefs with other health related constructs, health locus of control and perceived involvement in care. To achieve these purposes, item analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and exploratory factor analysis were conducted to explore the structure of the Modified Domain-Specific Epistemological Beliefs Scale - Lay Medical Knowledge. Psychometric (...)
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  77. Perceptions of Islamic educators about the conflict between conservative and secular Muslims regarding Islamic education and the teaching of science, philosophy, and mythical stories to Muslim students.Yacob Mohammad Ali - unknown
    Analysis showed convergent and divergent views about Islamic education. Many perceived a conflict between Islamic Secularism and Conservatism in education and were pessimistic about a compromise between the two groups. Almost all of the participants perceived a harmony between science and Islam including astronomy. However, as related to the teaching of Darwin's theory of evolution, philosophy and mythical stories, supporting, opposing, and ambivalent views were expressed.
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  78. Self-knowledge and moral virtue.Kathleen A. Poorman Dougherty - unknown
    The claim that virtue requires self-knowledge may seem banal, but it has been challenged by recent claims that certain virtues, such as modesty, require ignorance of self and that self-deceived persons are both happier and nicer. My argument is grounded in a broadly Aristotelian conception of virtue, where full moral virtue includes both the virtues of character, such as temperance, generosity, and courage, and the intellectual virtue of practical wisdom. I argue that self-knowledge is necessary for practical wisdom and practical (...)
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  79. Foundations of Afrocentric thought and practice and its implications as an alternative educational philosophy for African American individual and community empowerment.Raushan Paul Ashanti-Alexander - unknown
    Afrocentricism stems from a total attempt by African Americans to define themselves based on their own value system and their interpretation of reality in which they find themselves without Eurocentric interference, domination or control. As an educational model, Afrocentricism is suggested as a means to solve the social, cultural educational and economic malaise that is presently afflicting the American community. The validity of the Afrocentric paradigm is supported by archeological, anthropological, historical, and educational data gathered by scholars intent upon providing (...)
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  80. The philosophical and satirical context of the "Suenos" of Quevedo.Jonathan R. Ellis - unknown
    Quevedo brings together a number of philosophical traditions in the Suenos. One chapter of the thesis examines Quevedo's use of Epicurean dream theory as well as the larger ramifications of the dream setting for the satires. Another chapter analyzes the exact nature of Quevedo's sceptical views and their classical sources with emphasis on the content of El mundo por de dentro. Included is a discussion of the moral philosophy presented in the Suenos, deriving primarily from Stoic sources. In each case, (...)
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  81. Emergent mathematics in a grade-two classroom: A search for complex relationships.Noel Geoghegan - unknown
    In light of the organically interconnected relationships of learning mathematics, a theoretical heuristic was developed to exemplify the implications of the findings of the study. Called SEARCH, the heuristic highlighted learning mathematics as a synergistic relationship constituted by an interconnectedness among social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development, each of which requires a balanced consideration in order to pursue the epistemological, ontological, and methodological paradigmatic frameworks embedded in current mathematics reform agendas. SEARCH is an acronym that stands for Social Emancipation, Active (...)
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  82. Negotiating the relationship between religion and public education: Conceptualizing a prophetic pragmatic teacher from Toni Morrison's "Beloved".Jeffrey Ayala Milligan - unknown
    This inquiry participates in continuing philosophical debates over the appropriate relationship between religion and public education and the conceptual consequences of any such relationship for teachers. Identifying problems inherent in RRPE, it proposes criteria for any attempt to renegotiate RRPE and thus reconceptualize teacher: i.e., affirmation of diversity, social authorization, moral-ethical idealism, non-'realist' ontology, love ethic, and meaningfulness. These criteria ground a critique of three paradigmatic conceptions of teacher--as prophet, as technician, as common sense pragmatist--here found inadequate for an historical (...)
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  83. Are we speaking the same language: Exploring meaning construction in a first-year composition classroom.Patty Marcia Reed - unknown
    Data revealed that disjunctions occurred between the teacher's intentions for making the assignments and the students interpretations of the assignments on some level with all three essays. Data analysis also indicated that the written texts which the students produced were shaped by sociocultural influences, personal and educational influences, intertextual influences, and motivational influences.
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  84. An analysis of the term "experience" in ordinary language and in the more precise arena of adult education literature.Parma L. Hanan - unknown
    An analysis of the concept "experience" is conducted, both in ordinary language and in adult education literature, for the purpose of adding clarity to what is meant or intended by the use of the term "experience.".
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  85. (1 other version)Scientific virtues.Doren A. Recker - unknown
    Chapter I describes diachronic realism and shows why it is a version of what is called 'metaphysical realism'. Consequently, I argue that recent claims that 'metaphysical realism' is incoherent are unfounded. Chapter II argues that certain anti-realist positions involve an insufficient treatment of 'meaning' and 'reference' for theoretical terms. I review much of the current work on theories of reference and show that these incommensurability positions are bankrupt given either of the two most promising theories of reference. Chapter III argues (...)
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  86. John Dewey and Lawrence Kohlberg : contrasting concepts of moral development.Michael Shannon Lawson - unknown
    Since Kohlberg's concept of moral development differs significantly from Dewey's, this paper recommends that Kohlberg's educational programs be withheld from classrooms or clearly explained to parents who may not adhere to Kohlberg's unique philosophy.
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  87. The Addis Ababa Conference.Gashaw Weyneshet Lake - unknown
    Although the Conference was not an original idea, it was the first occasion in Africa which dealt with educational programs, progress, needs, and problems of middle Africa as a whole. It was recognized as the first effort to locate and examine the problems of African education on a continental basis, to identify those problems, and to devise ways and means of dealing with them.
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  88. Roscoe Dunjee on education.Worth J. Hadley - unknown
    Oklahoma has a rich and varied history, with roots in many cultures. Although much has been written on the early history of Oklahoma, there has been very little effort to identify and describe the contributions of Black leaders in the field of education. This study was conceived as an effort to document and describe Roscoe Dunjee's contributions to Oklahoma education. He was editor and founder of the Black Dispatch newspaper of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Although many aspects of his life are (...)
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  89. Implications of selective brain research for the philosophy of education.Joyce Mcdonnold - unknown
    New technology and techniques in research have enabled the neuroscientist to make some major advances in understanding the nature and operation of the brain. These new findings could have far-reaching effects upon many other areas of life, especially education. This dissertation is an inquiry into some of the neuroscientific research that could have a significant effect upon the philosophy and practice of education in general and the inclusion of the arts in education in particular. It supports the idea of a (...)
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  90. Temporal orientation.Brinda Kaye White - 1978 - Dissertation, University of Oklahoma
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  91. A critical study of Mencius' philosophy of human nature, with special reference to Kant and Confucius.Pơi̜r-ho Hwang - unknown
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  92. The educational philosophy of Martin Luther King, Jr.Clyde Muse - unknown
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  93. Some philosophical implications of psi phenomena.James Wayne Stacy - unknown
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  94. Truth and certainty in history.George M. Cornecelli - unknown
  95. A study of the curriculums in the social, historical, and philosophical foundations of education in American higher education.Gary Michael Hale - unknown
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  96. The educational thought of the presidents and chancellors of Oklahoma City University.Connie Mack Mccoy - unknown
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