Results for ' E. Gullon'

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  1. A lifespan perspective on human aggression and animal abuse.E. Gullone - 2009 - In Andrew Linzey (ed.), The link between animal abuse and human violence. Portland, Ore.: Sussex Academic Press. pp. 38--60.
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    Modularity, and the Psychoevolutionary Theory of Emotion.P. E. Griffiths - 1990 - Biology and Philosophy 5 (2):175.
    It is unreasonable to assume that our pre-scientific emotion vocabulary embodies all and only those distinctions required for a scientific psychology of emotion. The psychoevolutionary approach to emotion yields an alternative classification of certain emotion phenomena. The new categories are based on a set of evolved adaptive responses, or affect-programs, which are found in all cultures. The triggering of these responses involves a modular system of stimulus appraisal, whose evoluations may conflict with those of higher-level cognitive processes. Whilst the structure (...)
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    Should mentalistic concepts be defended or assumed?E. W. Menzel & Garcia K. Johnson - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (4):586-587.
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    The primacy of the body, not the primacy of perception.E. T. Gendlin - 1992 - Man and World 25 (3-4):341-353.
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    The One Necessary Condition for a Successful Business Ethics Course.E. R. Klein - 1998 - Business Ethics Quarterly 8 (3):561-574.
    The responses to the questions of why? when?, how?, where?, and in what ways? business ethics should be taught in the BusinessEthics classroom inundate the scholarly literature. Yet, to date, despite some very interesting ideas, with respect to the answers givento the above question, not only has nothing even close to consensus been reached, but this particular area of pedagogy is instagnation—authors still challenge both the very idea of teaching business ethics as well as the practical value of such courses (...)
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    A Historical Commentary on Polybius.E. T. Salmon & F. W. Walbank - 1958 - American Journal of Philology 79 (2):191.
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    Are the natural numbers individuals or sorts?E. J. Lowe - 1993 - Analysis 53 (3):142-146.
    E. J. Lowe; Are the natural numbers individuals or sorts?, Analysis, Volume 53, Issue 3, 1 July 1993, Pages 142–146,
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  8. Contract Remedies and Inalienable Rights*: RANDY E. BARNETT.Randy E. Barnett - 1986 - Social Philosophy and Policy 4 (1):179-202.
    I. Introduction Two kinds of remedies have traditionally been employed for breach of contract: legal relief and equitable relief. Legal relief normally takes the form of money damages. Equitable relief normally consists either of specific performance or an injunction – that is, the party in breach may be ordered to perform an act or to refrain from performing an act. In this article I will use a “consent theory of contract” to assess the choice between money damages and specific performance. (...)
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    Schooling and the new psychophysics.E. C. Poulton - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (2):201-203.
  10. “Political disobedience and the climate emergency”.William E. Scheuerman - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (6):791-812.
    Climate activists have recently engaged in widely publicized acts of politically motivated lawbreaking. This article identifies and critically analyzes two seemingly overlapping but in fact divergi...
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  11. Social Psychology: Handbook of Basic Principles.E. E. Higgins & A. Kruglanski (eds.) - 1996 - Guilford.
  12. Ama's e-force enters patient privacy debate.Gregory E. Kaebnick - 2001 - Hastings Center Report 31 (2):6.
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    The Logic of Medical Diagnosis: Generating and Selecting Hypotheses.Donald E. Stanley - 2019 - Topoi 38 (2):437-446.
    Clinical diagnostic medicine is an experimental science based on observation, hypothesis making, and testing. It is an use dynamic process that involves observation and summary, diagnostic conjectures, testing, review, observation and summary, new or revised conjectures, i.e. it is an iterative process. It can then be said that diagnostic hypotheses are also ‘observation-laden’. My aim is to enlarge on the strategies of medical diagnosis as these are meshed in training and clinical experience—that is, to describe the patterns of reasoning used (...)
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    The new phenomenology of carrying forward.E. T. Gendlin - 2004 - Continental Philosophy Review 37 (1):127-151.
  15.  50
    Damaging events: The perceived need for forgiveness.E. D. Scobie & G. E. W. Scobie - 1998 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 28 (4):373–402.
    Four models of forgiveness are identified; the health model, the philosophical model, the Christian model and the prosocial model. All define the term ‘forgiveness’ in a way which is consistent with their particular perspective. The authors offer a definition of forgiveness and propose an integrated model of forgiveness which seeks to incorporate contributions from all four areas, but is not biased towards any one model. Four levels of transgression are identified and categorized according to the degree of perceived damage. Apology-automatic (...)
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  16. Psychosemantics and the rich/thin debate.E. J. Green - 2017 - Philosophical Perspectives 31 (1):153-186.
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    The influence of Alasdair MacIntyre’s “After Virtue” book on business ethics studies: A citation concept analysis.Ali E. Akgün, Halit Keskin & Selahaddin Samil Fidan - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 31 (2):453-473.
    Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, Volume 31, Issue 2, Page 453-473, April 2022.
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  18. Happiness and Human Flourishing in Kant's Ethics: THOMAS E. HILL, JR.Thomas E. Hill - 1999 - Social Philosophy and Policy 16 (1):143-175.
    Ancient moral philosophers, especially Aristotle and his followers, typically shared the assumption that ethics is primarily concerned with how to achieve the final end for human beings, a life of “happiness” or “human flourishing.” This final end was not a subjective condition, such as contentment or the satisfaction of our preferences, but a life that could be objectively determined to be appropriate to our nature as human beings. Character traits were treated as moral virtues because they contributed well toward this (...)
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    Reasonable Self-Interest*: THOMAS E. HILL, JR.Thomas E. Hill - 1997 - Social Philosophy and Policy 14 (1):52-85.
    Philosophers have debated for millennia about whether moral requirements are always rational to follow. The background for these debates is often what I shall call “the self-interest model.” The guiding assumption here is that the basic demand of reason, to each person, is that one must, above all, advance one's self-interest. Alternatively, debate may be framed by a related, but significantly different, assumption: the idea that the basic rational requirement is to develop and pursue a set of personal ends in (...)
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  20. The Problem of the Empirical Basis: E. G. Zahars.E. G. Zahar - 1995 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 39:45-74.
    In this paper I shall venture into an area with which I am not very familiar and in which I feel far from confident; namely into phenomenology. My main motive is not to get away from standard, boring, methodological questions like those of induction and demarcation; but the conviction that a phenomenological account of the empirical basis forms a necessary complement to Popper's falsificationism. According to the latter, a scientific theory is a synthetic and universal, hence unverifiable proposition. In fact, (...)
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    Futility in medical decisions: The word and the concept.M. D. E. D. Pellegrino - 2005 - HEC Forum 17 (4):308-318.
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    Representation and Misrepresentation.E. H. Gombrich - 1984 - Critical Inquiry 11 (2):195.
    It is a thankless task to have to reply to Professor Murray Krieger’s “Retrospective.” Qui s’excuse, s’accuse, and since I cannot ask my readers to embark on their own retrospective of my writings and test them for consistency, I have little chance of restoring my reputation in their eyes. Hence I would have been happier to leave Professor Krieger to his agonizing, if he did not present himself the “spokesman” for a significant body of theorists who appear to have acclaimed (...)
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    (1 other version)Editors' statement on the responsible use of generative artificial intelligence technologies in scholarly journal publishing.Gregory E. Kaebnick, David Christopher Magnus, Audiey Kao, Mohammad Hosseini, David Resnik, Veljko Dubljević, Christy Rentmeester & Bert Gordijn - 2023 - Bioethics 37 (9):825-828.
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    Personality disorder and competence to refuse treatment.E. Winburn & R. Mullen - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (10):715-716.
    The traditional view that having a personality disorder, unlike other mental disorders, is not usually reason enough to consider a person incompetent to make healthcare decisions is challenged. The example of a case in which a woman was treated for a physical disorder without her consent illustrates that personality disorder can render a person incompetent to refuse essential treatment, particularly because it can affect the doctor–patient relationship within which consent is given.
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  25. Climate Science Denial as Willful Hermeneutical Ignorance.Sharon E. Mason - 2020 - Social Epistemology 34 (5):469-477.
    Climate science denial results from ignorance and perpetuates ignorance about scientific facts and methods of inquiry. In this paper, I explore climate science denial as a type of active ignorance...
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    Folk, Functional and Neurochemical Aspects of Mood.P. E. Griffiths - 1989 - Philosophical Psychology 2 (1):17.
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  27. Against disjunctivism.E. J. Lowe - 2008 - In Adrian Haddock & Fiona Macpherson (eds.), Disjunctivism: perception, action, knowledge. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 95--111.
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    Comment: Do Emotions Influence Action? – Of Course, They Are Hypo-Phenomena of Motivation.Guido H. E. Gendolla - 2017 - Emotion Review 9 (4):348-350.
    The target articles in this special section shed new light on the old question whether and how emotions influence action. However, what is missing is a straightforward motivational analysis—considering what we have learned from the science of explaining the “why” and “how” of behavior. I posit that emotions can influence the motivation process and thus action by fulfilling at least three functions: First, being grounded in needs, experienced emotions can function as strong need-like motivational states. Second, anticipated emotions can function (...)
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    The Degeneration of the Cognitive Theory of Emotions.P. E. Griffiths - 1989 - Philosophical Psychology 2 (3):297.
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    Some Points in the Philosophy of Physics: Time, Evolution and Creation.E. A. Milne - 1934 - Philosophy 9 (33):19 - 38.
    When I agreed to lecture to-night I stipulated that I might be allowed to interpret the subject announced so as to let my treatment relate less to the subject in general than to some particular aspects which happen to have been interesting me lately. Professor Whitehead, Sir Arthur Eddington, and Sir James Jeans have given to the world brilliant accounts of the present position of physics in relation to mathematics and philosophy. What I have to say bears to their writings, (...)
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  31. Jesus and Judaism.E. P. Sanders - 1985
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    Left‐Corner Parsing With Distributed Associative Memory Produces Surprisal and Locality Effects.Nathan E. Rasmussen & William Schuler - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (S4):1009-1042.
    This article describes a left-corner parser implemented within a cognitively and neurologically motivated distributed model of memory. This parser's approach to syntactic ambiguity points toward a tidy account both of surprisal effects and of locality effects, such as the parsing breakdowns caused by center embedding. The model provides an algorithmic-level account of these breakdowns: The structure of the parser's memory and the nature of incremental parsing produce a smooth degradation of processing accuracy for longer center embeddings, and a steeper degradation (...)
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  33. A Public Ownership Resolution of the Tragedy of the Commons*: JOHN E. ROEMER.John E. Roemer - 1989 - Social Philosophy and Policy 6 (2):74-92.
    Imagine a society of fisherfolk, who, in the state of nature, fish on a lake of finite size. Fishing on the lake is characterized by decreasing returns to scale in labor, because the lake's finite size imply that each successive hour of fishing labor is less effective than the previous one, as the remaining fish become less dense in the lake. In the state of nature, the lake is commonly owned: each fishes as much as he pleases, and, we might (...)
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    L'art de la deformation historique dans les Commentaires de Cesar.E. T. Salmon & Michel Rambaud - 1955 - American Journal of Philology 76 (2):201.
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    (1 other version)Positive information facilitates response inhibition in older adults only when emotion is task-relevant.Samantha E. Williams, Eric J. Lenze & Jill D. Waring - 2020 - Tandf: Cognition and Emotion 34 (8):1632-1645.
    Volume 34, Issue 8, December 2020, Page 1632-1645.
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  36. The Forms of Power: From Domination to Transformation.Thomas E. Wartenberg - 1990 - Philadelphia, PA, USA: Temple University Press.
    Examining the ways in which philosophers from Plato onwards have used the concept of power, this work develops a field theory of power that rejects many of the reigning assumptions made about power. Incorporating the insights of feminist theorists, it argues that power has a positive as well as a negative role to play in social relations.
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    Developing Concepts of Authenticity: Insights From Parents’ and Children's Conversations About Historical Significance.Shaylene E. Nancekivell, Sarah Stilwell & Susan A. Gelman - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (10):e70000.
    The present study investigated children's understanding that an object's history may increase its significance, an appreciation that underpins the concept of historical authenticity (i.e., the idea that an item's history determines its true identity, beyond its functional or material qualities, leading people to value real items over copies or fakes). We examined the development of historical significance through the lens of parent–child conversations, and children's performance on an authenticity assessment. The final sample was American, 79.2% monoracial White, and mid-high socio-economic (...)
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  38. Moral Construction as a Task: Sources and Limits.Thomas E. Hill - 2008 - Social Philosophy and Policy 25 (1):214-236.
    This essay first distinguishes different questions regarding moral objectivity and relativism and then sketches a broadly Kantian position on two of these questions. First, how, if at all, can we derive, justify, or support specific moral principles and judgments from more basic moral standards and values? Second, how, if at all, can the basic standards such as my broadly Kantian perspective, be defended? Regarding the first question, the broadly Kantian position is that from ideas in Kant's later formulations of the (...)
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    Genetic Essentialism and Social Warranting.Colin M. E. Halverson - 2022 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 65 (3):396-414.
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    Estado de derecho, teoría del derecho e interpretación jurídica.Eduardo E. Magoja, Luciano D. Laise & Juan Cianciardo (eds.) - 2022 - Ciudad de Buenos Aires: Abaco.
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    L’extraterrestre, le scientifique et l’autrice de science-fiction.T. E., Roland Lehoucq & Émilie Querbalec - 2024 - Multitudes 94 (1):207-212.
    « Mais pourquoi diable les humains, sur leur petite planète bleue, s’intéressent-ils à ce point à moi, qui ne suis qu’un extraterrestre? » : telle est la question que pose un E. T. parmi tant d’autres, depuis l’espace intersidéral, à une autrice de science-fiction qui a transformé ce genre littéraire qu’est le space opéra et à un astrophysicien qui est aussi le président du plus grand festival de sciences et de science-fiction en France : les Utopiales à Nantes.
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    A minor or a major predicament of physical theory? (Charge and action polarity and their order properties).E. J. Post - 1977 - Foundations of Physics 7 (3-4):255-277.
    The questions of observational error and ambiguity of interpretation that have been raised in connection with the reported observation of a magnetic monopole have precipitated a situation calling for some further insight into the pairing principles of nature. A basic distinction relates to whether or not a pair is “ordered” (e.g., sexual pair) or without a priori order (e.g., mirror pair). It is shown that the polarity of electric charge is to be regarded as an example of pairing without an (...)
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    Soil carbon transformations.Emily E. Austin - 2018 - Zygon 53 (2):507-514.
    Climate change is a wicked problem with causes and consequences overlapping with other wicked problems and no single solution (Hulme 2015). For example, the frequent droughts associated with climate change exacerbate another major problem facing humanity as we enter the Anthropocene: how to produce adequate food to feed a growing population without increasing pollution or “more food with low pollution (MoFoLoPo)” (Davidson et al. 2015). Soils represent an intersection of these two wicked problems, because they are integral to food production (...)
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    On the relationship between resistivity and thermo-e.m.f.D. Smart & E. Smart - 1963 - Philosophical Magazine 8 (88):643-650.
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    The Place-Names of Roman Britain.E. M. Wightman, A. L. F. Rivet & Colin Smith - 1984 - American Journal of Philology 105 (2):232.
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  46. Ueber das Princip Der Vergleichung in der Physik.E. Mach - 1895 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 39:306-308.
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    Automatic for the People? Cybernetics and Left‐Accelerationism.Michael E. Gardiner - 2020 - Constellations 29 (2):131-145.
    Constellations, Volume 29, Issue 2, Page 131-145, June 2022.
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  48. The Property Objection and the Principle of Identity.Stuart E. Rosenbaum - 1977 - Philosophical Studies 32 (2):155-164.
    James cornman and r routley and v macrae have argued that the principle of identity (alias leibniz's law) is inconsistent with certain plausible and widely accepted identity statements; e.G., "the temperature of a gas is identical with the mean kinetic energy of the molecules of the gas." they argue on this ground that the principle of identity should be modified to remove this appearance of inconsistency. The requisite modification however, Removes whatever "metaphysical teeth" the unmodified version might have had. I (...)
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    Notes on the Oresteia.E. R. Dodds - 1953 - Classical Quarterly 3 (1-2):11-.
    This line has been thought corrupt by most editors, though there is no agreement on the remedy. The Herald is plainly asking why the people at home are despondent: picks up the Chorus's phrase . But as Wilamowitz says, ‘ de populo aut senatu Argivorum accipi non potest’: it can only mean the army at Troy, as in lines 538 and 545. The usual inference is that arparw is corrupt.
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    Infrared Cancellation and Measurement.Michael E. Miller - 2021 - Philosophy of Science 88 (5):1125-1136.
    Quantum field theories containing massless particles are divergent not just in the ultraviolet but also in the infrared. Infrared divergences are typically regarded as less conceptually problematic than ultraviolet divergences because there is a cancellation mechanism that renders measurable physical observables such as decay rates and cross-sections infrared finite. In this article, I scrutinize the restriction to measurable physical observables that is required to arrive at infrared finite results. I argue that the restriction does not necessitate a retreat to operationalism (...)
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