Results for ' Placcius, Vincent'

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  1.  47
    Peirce's Approach to the Self: A Semiotic Perspective on Human Subjectivity.Vincent Michael Colapietro - 1988 - State University of New York Press.
    Based on a careful study of his unpublished manuscripts as well as his published work, this book explores Peirce's general theory of signs and the way in which Peirce himself used this theory to understand subjectivity.
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    On uniform definability of types over finite sets.Vincent Guingona - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (2):499-514.
    In this paper, using definability of types over indiscernible sequences as a template, we study a property of formulas and theories called "uniform definability of types over finite sets" (UDTFS). We explore UDTFS and show how it relates to well-known properties in model theory. We recall that stable theories and weakly o-minimal theories have UDTFS and UDTFS implies dependence. We then show that all dp-minimal theories have UDTFS.
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  3. What Is Innovation?Vincent Blok - 2021 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 25 (1):72-96.
    In this article, I reflect on the nature of innovation to lay the groundwork for a philosophy of innovation. First, I contrast the contemporary techno-economic paradigm of innovation with the work of Joseph Schumpeter. It becomes clear that Schumpeter’s work provides good reasons to question the techno-economic paradigm of innovation. Second, I contrast ‘innovation’ with ‘technology’ and identify five differences between the two concepts. Third, I reflect on the process-outcome dimension and the ontic-ontological dimension of innovation to develop four characteristics (...)
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  4. Anatomical and functional modularity in cognitive science: Shifting the focus.Vincent Bergeron - 2007 - Philosophical Psychology 20 (2):175 – 195.
    Much of cognitive science is committed to the modular approach to the study of cognition. The core of this approach consists of a pair of assumptions - the anatomical and the functional modularity assumptions - which motivate two kinds of inference: the anatomical and the functional modularity inferences. The legitimacy of both of these inferences has been strongly challenged, a situation that has had surprisingly little impact on most theorizing in the field. Following the introduction of an important, yet rarely (...)
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    Predicting Proportionality: The Case for Algorithmic Sentencing.Vincent Chiao - 2018 - Criminal Justice Ethics 37 (3):238-261.
    A basic principle in sentencing offenders is proportionality. However, proportionality judgments are often left to the discretion of the judge, raising familiar concerns of arbitrariness and bias. This paper considers the case for systematizing judgments of proportionality in sentencing by means of an algorithm. The aim of such an algorithm would be to predict what a judge in that jurisdiction would regard as a proportionate sentence in a particular case. A predictive algorithm of this kind would not necessarily undermine justice (...)
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    Environmental and social performance.Vincent diNorcia - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (7):773-784.
    If an organization cares for nature, this paper contends, it will act so as not to harm the ecosystems it affects, or when it cannot so act at the moment it will commit itself to such action over time. For an organization's commitment to ecologically beneficent performance to be credible, one requires an action plan with specified targets determining the best ecologically beneficent pollution abatement and ecosystem improvement approaches in a situation. To this end the 4 Direct Environmental Performance Measures (...)
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  7. New Waves in Epistemology.Vincent Hendricks (ed.) - 2007 - Aldershot, England and Burlington, VT, USA: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book provides a valuable look at the work of up and coming epistemologists. The topics covered range from the central issues of mainstream epistemology to the more formal issues in epistemic logic and confirmation theory. This book should be read by anyone interested in seeing where epistemology is currently focused and where it is heading. - Stewart Cohen , Arizona State University..
  8. The Gospel and the Law in Galatia: Paul's Response to Jewish-Christian Separatism and the Threat of Galatian Apostasy.Vincent M. Smiles - 1998
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    Philosophy, politics, and citizenship: the life and thought of the British idealists.Andrew Vincent - 1984 - Oxford [Oxfordshire]: Blackwell. Edited by Raymond Plant.
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    Note sur les entrepreneurs en complots.Véronique Campion-Vincent - 2016 - Diogène n° 249-250 (1):99-106.
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    National past, socialist future.Vincent Geoghegan - 1994 - History of European Ideas 19 (1-3):293-299.
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    Husserl critique de I’éthique de Hobbes.Vincent Gérard - 2007 - Études Phénoménologiques 23 (45-48):89-122.
  13.  21
    Delos and the canonical plan of the Etruscan-Roman house.Vincent Jolivet - 2020 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 144.
    Le plan canonique rigoureusement normé de la domus étrusco-romaine, attesté dans la plus grande partie de l’Italie, pour l’essentiel, du vie au ier siècle av. J.‑C., a connu un succès très limité en dehors de la péninsule, où de fortes traditions autochtones, grecques ou puniques, semblent en avoir entravé le développement. Le cas de Délos présente un intérêt particulier à cet égard, compte tenu de l’importance de la composante italique de sa population. L’étude des maisons d’habitation du site, ici envisagée (...)
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    Emil Cioran : la déchirure d'exister ou les affres de l'insoluble.Vincent Piednoir - 2006 - Horizons Philosophiques 16 (2):119-141.
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  15. “The First Amendment and the Claim that Muslim Emigrants Be Denied Entrance into the United States,”.Vincent Samar - 2016 - Emory International Law Review 30:2092-2104.
    Terrorist attacks throughout the world and particularly within the United States have given rise to a new chapter in the ongoing debate over liberty versus security. The most recent manifestation of this dispute focuses on whether Muslim refugees can be denied entry as a class into the United States, based on their religion alone, for fear they might be harboring potential terrorists. This Essay shows that such a policy cannot be justified under the First Amendment Establishment Clause, as well the (...)
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  16. The monotonicity of essence.William Vincent - forthcoming - Philosophical Studies:1-15.
    Kit Fine’s logic of essence and his reduction of modality crucially rely on a principle called the ‘monotonicity of essence’. This principle says that for all pluralities, xx and yy, if some xx belong to some yy, then if it is essential to xx that p, it is also essential to yy that p. I argue that on the constitutive notion of essence, this principle is false. In particular, I show that this principle is false because it says that some (...)
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  17. Life - Mechanistic or Teleological?Vincent Leo Burns - 1942 - Philosophical Review 51:94.
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    Qu'est-ce que la philosophie indienne?Vincent Eltschinger - 2023 - [Paris]: Gallimard. Edited by Isabelle Ratié.
  19.  9
    Possibilité et impossibilité de la philosophie chez Richard Rorty.Vincent Renault - 2022 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 72 (2):67-77.
    Pensant la philosophie selon son déroulement dans le temps, Rorty suggère que le projet qui l’a soutenue au cours de plusieurs siècles, fonder la connaissance sur des principes sûrs, s’est avéré inachevable parce que circulaire. Est-ce donc que la philosophie serait finalement impossible? Non, parce qu’alors une nouvelle démarche philosophique émerge, consistant à « soutenir la conversation », c’est-à-dire à empêcher que la libre recherche du meilleur discours sur le monde ou sur la conduite ne soit entravée par des prétentions (...)
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    Whitehead and Chinese Philosophy: The Ontological Principle and Huayan Buddhism’s Concept of shi.Vincent Shen - 2008 - In Michel Weber and Will Desmond (ed.), Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought. De Gruyter. pp. 613-627.
  21.  21
    Lottocracy and class‐specific political institutions: A plebeian constitutionalist defense.Vincent Harting - forthcoming - Journal of Social Philosophy.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  22.  42
    Personalized A-Theory of Time and Perspective.Vincent Conitzer - 2020 - Dialectica 74 (1):3-31.
    A-theorists and B-theorists debate whether the "Now" is metaphysically distinguished from other time slices. Analogously, one may ask whether the "I" is metaphysically distinguished from other perspectives. Few philosophers would answer the second question in the affirmative. An exception is Caspar Hare, who has devoted two papers and a book to arguing for such a positive answer. In this paper, I argue that those who answer the first question in the affirmative---A-theorists---should also answer the second question in the affirmative. This (...)
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  23. Grandson, a modern interpretation of ideas.Vincent Shen - 1997 - Philosophy and Culture 24 (11):1104-1109.
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  24. Introduction: Brain, Emotions and Will.Vincent Shen - 2005 - Philosophy and Culture 32 (10):1-3.
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    Dr. Charles Morris and Semiotic.Vincent Edward Smith - 1948 - Modern Schoolman 25 (2):140-143.
  26. Earth and the ontology of planets.Vincent Blok - 2024 - In Mirko Daniel Garasic & Marcello Di Paola (eds.), The philosophy of outer space: explorations, controversies, speculations. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. pp. 41-55.
    what is the ontology of planets?Our access point to this question is the ontology of planet Earth. Although the presence of life marks planet Earth as special among other planets, Earth shares a basic commonality with them – namely, its material existence. We take this commonality as a point of departure for our reflections on the ontology of both planet Earth and other planets. In this chapter, we ask for the ontology of this materiality of planets. We consult the ontology (...)
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  27. Quantum mechanical evolution of relativistic particles.Philippe Droz-Vincent - 1995 - Foundations of Physics 25 (1):67-90.
    This is a tentative theory of quantum measurement performed on particles with unspecified mass. For such a particle, the center of the wave packet undergoes a classical motion which is a precious guide to our approach. The framework is manifestly covariant and a priori nonlocal. It allows for describing an irreversible process which lasts during a nonvanishing lapse of time. The possibility to measure a dynamical variable in an arbitrary slate is discussed. Our picture is most satisfactory if we focus (...)
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  28. Ethics in information technology and software use.Vincent J. Calluzzo & Charles J. Cante - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 51 (3):301-312.
    The emerging concern about software piracy and illegal or unauthorized use of information technology and software has been evident in the media and open literature for the last few years. In the course of conducting their academic assignments, the authors began to compare observations from classroom experiences related to ethics in the use of software and information technology and systems. Qualitatively and anecdotally, it appeared that many if not most, students had misconceptions about what represented ethical and unethical behaviors in (...)
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  29. Mesure et causalite dans la'quarta via'.Vincent de Couesnongle - 1958 - Revue Thomiste 58:55-75.
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    Ce n'est point ici le pays de la vérité: la question de Pilate: introduction à la philosophie de la religion.Vincent Delecroix - 2015 - Paris: Le Félin.
    La philosophie de la religion n'est pas une discipline parmi d'autres. Sa courte histoire d'à peine trois siècles témoigne des états de la raison moderne et plus généralement de la modernité elle-même, si celle-ci peut se définir par les relations de la pensée à ses enracinements religieux, par les rapports de la raison à la croyance et à l'institution religieuse. Produit des Lumières, mais tout autant première réaction inquiète, romantique ou rétrograde, au projet d'une émancipation radicale par rapport au religieux (...)
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    Le philosophe en personne.Vincent Delecroix - 2009 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 89 (2):151.
    La « nouvelle pensée », telle que la conçoit Rosenzweig, semble liée au fait que le discours philosophique ferait enfin droit non seulement au sujet singulier, mais aussi à la personne même du philosophe. On ne décèle pourtant pas la trace d’une première personne dans L’Étoile de la Rédemption. En concentrant notre attention sur les premières lignes de L’Étoile de la Rédemption, on se propose d’examiner le sens et la forme originale donnés par Rosenzweig à l’idée d’une philosophie en première (...)
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    Aviation Security and the TSA's Behavior Detection: Why Effective Academic and Practitioner Dialogue Is Vital.Vincent Denault & Louise M. Jupe - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Que peut-on demander à la philosophie morale ?Vincent Descombes - 2001 - Cités 5 (1):13.
    Schopenhauer disait : « Prêcher la morale est facile, fonder la morale est difficile » 1. Wittgenstein a repris cette opposition du discours moral et de la philosophie, mais il l’a présentée ainsi : « Prêcher la morale est difficile, fonder la morale est impossible » 2...
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    Y a-t-il un esprit objectif?Vincent Descombes - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
    On peut comprendre l'idée hégélienne d'un esprit objectif comme celle d'une conception sociologique du langage et de l'esprit. Elle consiste à fonder le fait de la vie mentale sur la participation à des pratiques communes gouvernées par des règles sociales et par des institutions. Taylor, lorsqu'il montre comment la communication suppose des significations communes, propose une philosophie de l'esprit objectif. Une telle philosophie semble incompatible avec une autre idée défendue par Taylor: la définition herméneutique de l'homme comme l'animal qui s'interprète (...)
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    L’épochè de la parole (la parole soustraite de Heidegger).Vincent Houillon - 2011 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 19:141-155.
    « … ne rendre à l’aventure que des sons vagues et profonds, devenir un arbre que le vent étreint et berce, c’est un but vers lequel on peut s’efforcer ; par le plus humain des moyens qui est le langage ; être sorti de l’humanité et préférer des sons de feuilles, de gong, d’avalanches, sortir de l’humanité et la surplomber, la couvrir de son ombre, la couvrir de son bruit, l’enfouir sous son feuillage, cela est digne d’efforts », Pierre Michon, (...)
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    An Economic Survey of Ancient Rome, V: Rome and Italy of the Empire.Vincent M. Scramuzza & Tenney Frank - 1941 - American Journal of Philology 62 (2):230.
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  37. The Principle of Determination.Vincent Descombes - 1991 - Thesis Eleven 29 (1):47-62.
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    « Faire son métier d’homme ». L’engagement d’Albert Camus.Vincent Duclert - 2021 - Cités 85 (1):101-106.
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  39. The speculative reconsidered.Vincent Michael Colapietro - 2000 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 14 (1):7-16.
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    Simondon and Quantum Mechanics.Vincent Bontems & Christian De Ronde - 2019 - Philosophy Today 63 (3):611-624.
    In this paper, we propose a Simondonian interpretation of quantum mechanics taking as a standpoint his “preindividual hypothesis” in order to consider the problem of contextuality. We will examine whether the epistemological obstacle produced by the notion of entity can be bypassed by specifying, according to Simondon and the Kochen-Specker Theorem, the mode of existence of quantum potentialities.
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  41. Major Questions Doctrine: Real of Fantasy?Vincent Samar - 2024 - Capital University Law Review 52 (1):1-40.
    In this article I review the Supreme Court’s current use of its major questions doctrine to see if the justifications commonly offered for its existence can explain its current use. In the process of doing so, I examine what the doctrine is about, how it came into existence and how the Court has applied it, especially in context to two recent cases, West Virginia v. EPA and Biden v. Nebraska. As both of these cases implicate the regulatory state, I place (...)
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    The Relevance of Cartesianism.Vincent Carraud - 1987 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture Series 21:69-81.
    A philosophy need not be afraid of being out-of-date. Any true philosophy, untimely as soon as it is published, necessarily remains so, thus necessarily remains relevant. This is the case of Descartes' philosophy. But in the case of Cartesianism, there is more to it: Descartes' philosophy goes in quest of the decisive, the principle, the very first Beginning. And the philosophy in quest of the Beginning is, indeed, a radical and original philosophy: what keeps its interest to Descartes' project and, (...)
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  43. Toward a Pragmatist Acknowledgment of the Freudian Unconscious: Para um Reconhecimento Pragmatico do Inconsciente Freudiano.Vincent Colapietro - 2008 - Cognitio 9 (2).
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  44. Le concept de tradition Selon Ricœur: Perspectives herméneutiques et pragmatiques.Gilbert Vincent - 2006 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 86 (1):111-143.
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  45. Responsible Innovation in industry and the importance of customer orientation: introduction to the special issue.Vincent Blok, V. Scholten & T. B. Long - 2018 - International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 4 (21).
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    Social Choice Should Guide AI Alignment in Dealing with Diverse Human Feedback.Vincent Conitzer, Rachel Freedman, Jobst Heitzig, Wesley H. Holliday, Bob M. Jacobs, Nathan Lambert, Milan Mosse, Eric Pacuit, Stuart Russell, Hailey Schoelkopf, Emanuel Tewolde & William S. Zwicker - forthcoming - Proceedings of the Forty-First International Conference on Machine Learning.
    Foundation models such as GPT-4 are fine-tuned to avoid unsafe or otherwise problematic behavior, such as helping to commit crimes or producing racist text. One approach to fine-tuning, called reinforcement learning from human feedback, learns from humans' expressed preferences over multiple outputs. Another approach is constitutional AI, in which the input from humans is a list of high-level principles. But how do we deal with potentially diverging input from humans? How can we aggregate the input into consistent data about "collective" (...)
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    Environmental and social performance.Vincent Norcia - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (7):773 - 784.
    If an organization cares for nature, this paper contends, it will act so as not to harm the ecosystems it affects, or when it cannot so act at the moment it will commit itself to such action over time. For an organization's commitment to ecologically beneficent performance to be credible, one requires an action plan with specified targets determining the best ecologically beneficent pollution abatement and ecosystem improvement approaches in a situation. To this end the 4 Direct Environmental Performance Measures (...)
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  48. Historical studies-the topicality of historical philosophy of science.Vincent Bontems - 2006 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 59 (1):139-150.
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    Some Thoughts on Intercultural Philosophy and Chinese Philosophy.Vincent Shen - 2003 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 30 (3-4):357-372.
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    Qualities, Qualisigns, and the Shifting Boundary Between Immediacy and Mediation.Vincent Colapietro - 2013 - Semiotics:1-13.
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