Results for ' institutional owner'

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  1.  32
    The Influence of Family Firms and Institutional Owners on Corporate Social Responsibility Performance.Frank C. Butler & Nai H. Lamb - 2018 - Business and Society 57 (7):1374-1406.
    Research on corporate social responsibility has traditionally focused on managerial discretion and stakeholders’ influence. This study extends current research by addressing the effect of family firms and institutional owners on CSR performance, namely, CSR strengths and concerns. Based on stewardship theory and the socioemotional wealth perspective, we propose that family firms are more likely to value CSR performance. Next, drawing from multiple agency theory, we predict that institutional owners, unlike family owners, will influence a firm’s CSR performance differently. (...)
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  2.  29
    Does an Asset Owner’s Institutional Setting Influence Its Decision to Sign the Principles for Responsible Investment?Andreas G. F. Hoepner, Arleta A. A. Majoch & Xiao Y. Zhou - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 168 (2):389-414.
    From a simple idea to unite asset owners in their quest for responsible investment at its launch in April 2006, the United Nations supported Principles for Responsible Investment have grown in just one decade into an initiative with more than 1500 fee-paying signatories. Jointly, the PRI’s signatories hold assets worth more than $80 trillion, making it one of the more prevalent not-for-profit organizations worldwide. Furthermore, the PRI’s ambitious mission to transform the financial system at large into a more sustainable one (...)
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    To Pay or Not to Pay? Business Owners’ Tax Morale: Testing a Neo-Institutional Framework in a Transition Environment.Tomasz Mickiewicz, Anna Rebmann & Arnis Sauka - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (1):75-93.
    In order to understand how the environment influences business owner/managers’ attitudes towards tax morale, we build a theoretical model based on a neo-institutionalist framework. Our model combines three complementary perspectives on institutions—normative, cultural–cognitive and regulatory–instrumental. This enables a broader understanding of factors that influence business owner–managers’ attitudes towards tax evasion. We test the resulting hypotheses using regression analysis on survey data on business owner/managers in Latvia—a transition country, which has undergone massive institutional changes since it was (...)
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    Institutional Context, Political-Value Orientation and Public Attitudes towards Climate Policies: A Qualitative Follow-Up Study of an Experiment.Marianne Aasen & Arild Vatn - 2021 - Environmental Values 30 (1):43-63.
    In this paper, we are interested in the effects of institutional context on public attitudes towards climate policies, where institutions are defined as the conventions, norms and formally sanctioned rules of any given society. Building on a 2014 survey experiment, we conducted thirty qualitative interviews with car-owners in Oslo, Norway, to investigate the ways in which institutional context and political-value orientation affect public attitudes towards emissions policies. One context (presented as a text treatment) highlighted individual rationality, emphasising the (...)
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  5. Institutional Environment, Managerial Attitudes and Environmental Sustainability Orientation of Small Firms.Banjo Roxas & Alan Coetzer - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 111 (4):461-476.
    This study examines the direct impact of three dimensions of the institutional environment on managerial attitudes toward the natural environment and the direct influence of the latter on the environmental sustainability orientation (ESO) of small firms. We contend that when the institutional environment is perceived by owner–managers as supportive of sound natural environment management practices, they are more likely to develop a positive attitude toward natural environment issues and concerns. Such owner–manager attitudes are likely to lead (...)
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    Sustainability-Related Identities and the Institutional Environment: The Case of New Zealand Owner–Managers of Small- and Medium-Sized Hospitality Businesses.Eva Kiefhaber, Kathryn Pavlovich & Katharina Spraul - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (1):37-51.
    While it is well known that SME owner–managers’ sustainability values and attitudes impact their company’s sustainability activities, they often face profit-driven institutional orders. In a qualitative study, we investigate which identities are critical for their engagement in sustainability and how these identities interrelate with their institutional environment. We applied a qualitative design with narratives from 29 owner–managers of hospitality businesses who belong to a New Zealand-based sustainability network. Our study revealed no single overarching sustainability identity; instead, (...)
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  7. The Institution of Property.David Schmidtz - 1994 - Social Philosophy and Policy 11 (2):42-62.
    The typical method of acquiring a property right involves transfer from a previous owner. But sooner or later, that chain of transfers traces back to the beginning. That is why we have a philosophical problem. How does a thing legitimately become a piece of property for the first time ? In this essay, I follow the custom of distinguishing between mere liberties and full-blooded rights. If I have the liberty of doing X , then it is permissible for me (...)
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    Institutional Entrepreneurship and CSR within Multinational SME’s.Dirk Johan de Jong & Frank Jan de Graaf - 2011 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 22:449-458.
    This paper develops propositions on the added value for SMEs of normatively based, employee-oriented corporate social responsibility (CSR). We suggest that not only motives but also the skills of the owner/manager as an institutional entrepreneur are critical in dealing with institutional variance. Also, the transfer of employee-oriented CSR can have positive results for SMEs that could imply that globalisation is not only a race to the bottom.
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    Can Institutional Investors Bias Real Estate Portfolio Appraisals? Evidence from the Market Downturn.Neil Crosby, Steven Devaney, Colin Lizieri & Patrick McAllister - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (3):651-667.
    This paper investigates the extent to which institutional investors may have influenced independent real estate appraisals during the financial crisis. A conceptual model of the determinants of client influence on real estate appraisals is proposed. It is suggested that the extent of clients’ ability and willingness to bias appraisal outputs is contingent upon market and regulatory environments, the salience of the appraisal to the client, financial incentives for the appraiser to respond to client pressure, organisational culture, the level of (...)
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  10.  43
    Linking owner–managers' personal sustainability behaviors and corporate practices in SMEs: The moderating roles of perceived advantages and environmental hostility.Sonia Chassé & Jean-Marie Courrent - 2018 - Business Ethics: A European Review 27 (2):127-143.
    Drawing on managerial discretion and conflicting institutional logics literature, this study investigates the relation between the personal sustainability behaviors of owner–managers and the corporate sustainability practices of SMEs. The research proposes a contingency model that assesses the moderating effects of perceived economic advantages and environmental hostility on this relationship. Based on linear hierarchical multiple regression analyses of a cross-sectoral sample of French SMEs, the results suggest a positive influence of the manager's PSB on the SME's CS practices that (...)
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  11.  25
    Digital Transformation and Corporate Social Performance: How Do Board Independence and Institutional Ownership Matter?Shuang Meng, Huiwen Su & Jiajie Yu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study addresses a gap in the literature on corporate governance and corporate social responsibility by investigating whether and how board independence and institutional ownership moderate the relationship between digital transformation and corporate social performance. We find that digital transformation increases CSP using a panel dataset of Chinese publicly listed firms between 2014 and 2018. Moreover, we show that this positive impact is more pronounced when firms have higher proportions of independent directors on the board and institutional owners. (...)
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  12.  32
    Small Business and Social Irresponsibility in Developing Countries: Working Conditions and “Evasion” Institutional Work.Chris Rees, Laura J. Spence & Vivek Soundararajan - 2018 - Business and Society 57 (7):1301-1336.
    Small businesses in developing countries, as part of global supply chains, are sometimes assumed to respond in a straightforward manner to institutional demands for improved working conditions. This article problematizes this perspective. Drawing upon extensive qualitative data from Tirupur’s knitwear export industry in India, we highlight owner-managers’ agency in avoiding or circumventing these demands. The small businesses here actively engage in irresponsible business practices and “evasion” institutional work to disrupt institutional demands in three ways: undermining assumptions (...)
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  13.  10
    Managers Vs. Owners: The Struggle for Corporate Control in American Democracy.Allen Kaufman, Lawrence Zacharias & Marvin Jay Karson - 1995 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Managers vs. Owners: The Struggle for Corporate Control in American Democracy deals with a subject of profound importance: understanding the place of the modern corporation in a democratic society. This latest volume in the acclaimed Ruffin Series in Business Ethics describes how the balance between corporate power and government regulation has changed with the interests of society as a whole. The first section examines the debates over the rules that individuals or organized groups would agree to follow in their interactions (...)
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  14.  72
    Neither Owners Nor Guardians: In Search of a Morally Appropriate Model for the Keeping of Companion Animals.Kyle Fruh & Wolodymyr Wirchnianski - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (1):55-66.
    The institution of owning pets has been subjected to compelling criticism on moral grounds. Yet advocates of a reformed, guardian/dependent model may yet face an abolitionist conclusion. We argue that treating companion animals as dependents entails an indefensible moral priority for them in the face of their guardians’ competing moral demands. An abolitionist dilemma arises as a result: if the property and reformed models fail, a morally acceptable characterization of the moral relationship between humans and their companion animals has yet (...)
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  15. Managerial Work in a Practice-Embodying Institution: The Role of Calling, The Virtue of Constancy. [REVIEW]Ron Beadle - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 113 (4):679-690.
    What can be learned from a small scale study of managerial work in a highly marginal and under-researched working community? This article uses the ‘goods–virtues–practices–institutions’ framework to examine the managerial work of owner–directors of traditional circuses. Inspired by MacIntyre’s arguments for the necessity of a narrative understanding of the virtues, interviews explored how British and Irish circus directors accounted for their working lives. A purposive sample was used to select subjects who had owned and managed traditional touring circuses for (...)
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  16.  24
    The wisdom of claiming ownership of human genomic data: A cautionary tale for research institutions.Donrich Thaldar - 2025 - Developing World Bioethics 25 (1):16-23.
    This article considers the practical question of how research institutions should best structure their legal relationship with the human genomic data that they generate. The analysis, based on South African law, is framed by the legal position that although a research institution that generates human genomic data is not automatically the owner thereof, it is well positioned to claim ownership of newly generated data instances. Given that the research institution exerts effort to generate the data, it can be argued (...)
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  17.  15
    The transformation of the art market: Law, norms, and institutions.Anja Shortland & Dan Klerman - 2022 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 23 (1):219-242.
    Over the last three decades, the art market has undergone a remarkable transformation. Before the 1990s, artworks were sold with hardly any concern about whether they had been stolen or looted, whereas now any reputable gallery or auction house checks the “provenance” of any substantial work before sale. This transformation reflects interlocking changes in law, norms, and institutions. New York’s and more broadly the United States’ assertion of jurisdiction and application of U.S. substantive law has destabilized title to stolen and (...)
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  18.  28
    Donors, authors, and owners: how is genomic citizen science addressing interests in research outputs?Christi J. Guerrini, Meaganne Lewellyn, Mary A. Majumder, Meredith Trejo, Isabel Canfield & Amy L. McGuire - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-13.
    Background Citizen science is increasingly prevalent in the biomedical sciences, including the field of human genomics. Genomic citizen science initiatives present new opportunities to engage individuals in scientific discovery, but they also are provoking new questions regarding who owns the outputs of the research, including intangible ideas and discoveries and tangible writings, tools, technologies, and products. The legal and ethical claims of participants to research outputs become stronger—and also more likely to conflict with those of institution-based researchers and other stakeholders—as (...)
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  19.  21
    The significance of deliberation for the legitimation of social institutions.Natalia Fialko - 2022 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 3:185-197.
    The concept of deliberation in the Ukrainian philosophical discourse is both underestimated and overestimated. Underestimated — as a self-sufficient category that is not reducible to another con- cept, even if it is the concept of consensus or the concept of democracy. Deliberation appears pri- marily as a careful weighing and selection of arguments when making an important decision. Collegiality may or may not be present here, as well as openness. Therefore, the concept of deliber- ation is somewhat overestimated as something (...)
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  20.  30
    Everyday-Life Business Deviance Among Chinese SME Owners.Junzhe Ji, Pavlos Dimitratos, Qingan Huang & Taoyong Su - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (4):1179-1194.
    Despite its prevalence in emerging economies, everyday-life business deviance and its antecedents have received surprisingly little research attention. Drawing on strain theory and the business-ethics literature, we develop a socio-psychological explanation for this deviance. Our analysis of 741 owners of Chinese small- and medium-sized enterprises suggests that materialism and trust in institutional justice affect EBD both directly and indirectly in a relationship mediated by the ethical standards of SME owners. These findings have important implications for researching deviant business behavior (...)
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  21.  49
    How Do European SME Owner–Managers Make Sense of 'Stakeholder Management'?: Insights from a Cross-National Study. [REVIEW]Hans-Jörg Schlierer, Andrea Werner, Silvana Signori, Elisabeth Garriga, Heidi Weltzien Hoivik, Annick Rossem & Yves Fassin - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (1):39-51.
    The vast majority of empirical research on stakeholder management has traditionally focused on multinational corporations. Only in recent years, scholars have begun to pay attention to the stakeholder management concept in relation to small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The few existing studies in this area, however, discuss SMEs as a context free category or remain focused on single country analysis. This cross-national empirical research investigates SME owner–managers’ perceptions of stakeholder management in six European countries. The comparative analysis is followed (...)
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  22.  40
    How do European SME owner-managers make sense of 'stakeholder management'? Insights from a cross-national study. [REVIEW]Hans-Joerg Schlierer, Andrea Werner, Silvana Signori, Elisabeth Garriga, Heidi von Weltzien Hoivik, Annick Van Rossem & Yves Fassin - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (1):39-51.
    The vast majority of empirical research on stakeholder management has traditionally focused on multinational corporations. Only in recent years, scholars have begun to pay attention to the stakeholder management concept in relation to small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The few existing studies in this area, however, discuss SMEs as a context free category or remain focused on single country analysis. This cross-national empirical research investigates SME owner-managers' perceptions of stakeholder management in six European countries. The comparative analysis is followed (...)
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  23.  20
    Žižekian Ideology and the ‘Sympathetic’ Slave-Owner: Ostensible Necessity of Slavery in Our Nig and Minnie’s Sacrifice.Teddy Duncan - 2021 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 15 (2).
    I will look at and discuss the ideological-subject position of the ‘sympathetic’ slave-owner by employing Žižek ’s specific conception of ideology across two varying slave-narratives. I attempt to uncover how this ideology operates within the social-material reality in the texts Our Nig and Minnie's Sacrifice and the ways that the authors employed tropes in depicting this particular archetypal figure in slave-narratives. These charachter's exhibit an ideology remarkably aligned with Žižek ’s: that a certain non-knowledge of the proper logic of (...)
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  24.  26
    Books and their owners in venice 1345-1480.Susan Connell - 1972 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 35 (1):163-186.
  25.  53
    Governance and Corporate Philanthropy.Barbara R. Bartkus, Sara A. Morris & Bruce Seifert - 2002 - Business and Society 41 (3):319-344.
    Although corporate decision makers may justify charitable contributions on strategic grounds, extremely large corporate philanthropic contributions may beperceived by shareholders as unnecessary. If stockholders attempt to limit corporate philanthropy, then governance mechanisms should put a cap on giving amounts. Using a matched-paired sample to control for industry and company size, theauthors compared big givers and small givers. The authors find that blockholders and institutional owners limit corporate philanthropy. This suggests that high levels of corporate philanthropy may be perceived as (...)
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  26.  37
    Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Tweets: Do Shareholders Care?Bouchra M’Zali, Jean-Yves Filbien & Marion Dupire - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (2):419-456.
    We study how messages on Twitter by large non-governmental organizations (NGOs), targeting companies from the S&P500, affect these companies’ stock prices. With a sample of 1,611 tweets between 2009 and 2017 by 18 large NGOs, we observe significant changes in the stock prices of the targeted firms. More specifically, NGO tweets stating a positive message about the environmental, social, or governance (ESG). Actions of the firm have a positive effect on stock prices, while negative tweets have a negative effect. Nevertheless, (...)
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  27.  86
    Effective Shareholder Engagement: The Factors that Contribute to Shareholder Salience.E. James & M. Gifford - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (S1):79 - 97.
    Institutional investors are increasingly becoming active owners through voting their shares and engaging in dialogue with investee companies to improve corporate environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) performance. This article applies a model of stakeholder salience to the shareholder context, analysing the attributes of power, legitimacy and urgency, to determine the factors that are likely to enhance shareholder salience. It is found that a strong business case and the values of the managers of investee companies are likely to be (...)
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  28.  3
    Marriage, Money, and Women’s Independence in the Modern Era.Eyja M. Brynjarsdóttir - 2024 - In Joseph J. Tinguely, The Palgrave Handbook of Philosophy and Money: Volume 2: Modern Thought. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 127-140.
    The institution of marriage has long been used as a tool for securing and transferring property and wealth. The role of women in this system has traditionally been secondary yet essential. In the modern era, several female philosophers questioned women’s role in this system. The English enlightenment philosopher Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797) was critical of women’s role in a system in which people were either owners of property or owned as property. Wollstonecraft emphasized the ability of women to be financially independent, (...)
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    Ethics in International Value Chain Networks: The Case of Telenor in Bangladesh.Andreas W. Falkenberg & Joyce Falkenberg - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (S3):355 - 369.
    What is the responsibility of multinational enterprises in international value chain networks in countries with inadequate institutions? In this article, we present an ethical framework that allows for evaluation of institutions at the macro, mezzo, and micro levels. This framework is used to analyze the case of Telenor in Bangladesh. Telenor is a telecommunications company based in Norway. It is the majority owner (62%) in Grameenphone in Bangladesh. The minority owner is Grameen Telecom, which is part of the (...)
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  30.  85
    A Quest for Harmony: The Role of Music in Robert Owen’s New Lanark Community.Lorna Davidson - 2010 - Utopian Studies 21 (2):232-251.
    ABSTRACT As owner of the New Lanark cotton-mills from 1800, Robert Owen carried out a social experiment designed to transform the lives of his community of millworkers, through improved living and working conditions, free medical care and education. He intended to demonstrate how his ideas, if universally adopted, could transform society in general. Central to this experiment was his innovative and enlightened system of education in the Institute for the Formation of Character. This article looks in particular at the (...)
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  31. ESG and Asset Manager Capitalism.Paul Forrester - manuscript
    This paper provides an examination of some problems caused by the concentration of influence in the capital markets of developed countries. In particular, I argue that large asset managers exercise quasi-political power that is not democratically legitimate. In section two, I will examine the economic driver behind the size and power of the big asset managers: the passive investing revolution. I will discuss several respects in which this revolution has fundamentally changed capital markets, most notably by making a large share (...)
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  32.  71
    Towards an understanding of ethical behaviour in small firms.S. Vyakarnam, Andrew R. Bailey, A. Myers & D. Burnett - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (15):1625-1636.
    Allthough small business accounts for over 90% of businesses in U.K. and indeed elsewhere, they remain the largely uncharted area of ethics. There has not been any research based on the perspective of small business owners, to define what echical delemmas they face and how, if at all, they resolve them. This paper explores ethics from the perspective of small business owner, using focus groups and reports on four clearly identifiable themes of ethical delemmas; entrepreneurial activity itself, conflicts of (...)
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  33.  15
    Property and Practical Reason.Adam J. MacLeod - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Property and Practical Reason makes a moral argument for common law property institutions and norms, and challenges the prevailing dichotomy between individual rights and state interests and its assumption that individual preferences and the good of communities must be in conflict. One can understand competing intuitions about private property rights by considering how private property enables owners and their collaborators to exercise practical reason consistent with the requirements of reason, and thereby to become practically reasonable agents of deliberation and choice (...)
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  34. Shareholder Wealth Maximization and Social Welfare: A Utilitarian Critique.Thomas M. Jones & Will Felps - 2013 - Business Ethics Quarterly 23 (2):207-238.
    ABSTRACT:Many scholars and managers endorse the idea that the primary purpose of the firm is to make money for its owners. This shareholder wealth maximization objective is justified on the grounds that it maximizes social welfare. In this article, the first of a two-part set, we argue that, although this shareholder primacy model may have been appropriate in an earlier era, it no longer is, given our current state of economic and social affairs. To make our case, we employ a (...)
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  35. An Empirical Study of Environmental Awareness and Practices in SMEs.David L. Gadenne, Jessica Kennedy & Catherine McKeiver - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 84 (1):45-63.
    With increasing awareness of environmental issues, there has been rising demand for environmental-friendly business practices. Prior research has shown that the implementation of environmental management practices is influenced by existing and potential stakeholder groups in the form of external pressures from legislators, environmental groups, financial institutions and suppliers, as well as internally by employees and owner/manager attitudes and knowledge. However, it has been reported that despite business owner/managers having strong “green” attitudes, the level of implementation of environmental-friendly practices (...)
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    Asymmetric Mutual Dependence between the State and Capitalists in China.Changdong Zhang - 2019 - Politics and Society 47 (2):149-176.
    China has for almost four decades been experiencing a market transition and an associated tax state transition, leading to the emergence of capitalists who increasingly control economic resources and serve as important sources of tax revenue. Some theories suggest that these changes should give capitalists political power. From the perspective of the taxation institution, using a mechanism-based case study, this article investigates whether China’s emerging capitalists have gained bargaining power with the party-state. Findings suggest that hidden bargaining, patron-clientelism, legislature co-optation, (...)
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    Проблема охорони довкілля та природоохоронні інституції галичини.Haydukevych Olena - 2017 - Схід 1 (147):46-52.
    The article highlights the issues of nature protection in Halychyna region that have been arising since ancient times till1939. Inthe 20-30s of the XXth century the solution of this problem was considered in the search of separate valuable objects of nature, their expropriation from the sphere of economic usage and complete protection. In the hard interwar period, the Polish government, scientists and some land owners were doing their best to protect nature. This intense activity had a significant public basis, as (...)
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    Letters of Charles Demuth.Bruce Kellner - 2000 - Temple University Press.
    Charles Demuth is widely recognized as one of the most significant American modernists. His precisionist cityscapes, exquisite flowers, and free-wheeling watercolors of vaudeville performers, homosexual bathhouses, and cabaret scenes hang in many of the country's most prestigious collections, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Columbus Museum of Art, the Amon Carter Museum in Fort Worth, the Art Institute of Chicago, and in Demuth's Lancaster, Pennsylvania, family residence, now home of the Demuth Foundation. At a (...)
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  39. Software piracy: Is it related to level of moral judgment?Jeanne M. Logsdon, Judith Kenner Thompson & Richard A. Reid - 1994 - Journal of Business Ethics 13 (11):849 - 857.
    The possible relationship between widespread unauthorized copying of microcomputer software (also known as software piracy) and level of moral judgment is examined through analysis of over 350 survey questionnaires that included the Defining Issues Test as a measure of moral development. It is hypothesized that the higher one''s level of moral judgment, the less likely that one will approve of or engage in unauthorized copying. Analysis of the data indicate a high level of tolerance toward unauthorized copying and limited support (...)
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    Small Business and the Environment in the UK and the Netherlands: Toward Stakeholder Cooperation.Robert Rutherfoord - 2000 - Business Ethics Quarterly 10 (4):945-965.
    In this paper, the approaches of a sample of small firms to environmental issues in the UK and the Netherlands are compared.The study makes a contribution by addressing the lack of research on small firms and the environment, as well as offering insights intothe influence that cultural. institutional, and political frameworks can have on small firm owner-managers' attitudes to external issues. The environment is considered here as an ethical issue, drawing on work on the environmental responsibility of business (...)
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    Resolving Ethical Dilemmas in a Tertiary Care Veterinary Specialty Hospital: Adaptation of the Human Clinical Consultation Committee Model.Philip M. Rosoff, Rachel Ruderman, Jeannine Moga, Bruce Keene, Christopher Adin, Callie Fogle, Heather Hopkinson & Charity Weyhrauch - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (2):7-10.
    Technological advances in veterinary medicine have produced considerable progress in the diagnosis and treatment of numerous diseases in animals. At the same time, veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and owners of animals face increasingly complex situations that raise questions about goals of care and correct or reasonable courses of action. These dilemmas are frequently controversial and can generate conflicts between clients and health care providers. In many ways they resemble the ethical challenges confronted by human medicine and that spawned the creation of (...)
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  42.  13
    Buddhist Business and Benevolence in Leh, Ladakh.Elizabeth Williams-Oerberg - 2021 - Journal of Human Values 27 (1):60-71.
    Due to a burgeoning tourism industry in the Indian Himalayan region of Ladakh, Buddhist monasteries now have lucrative means for generating income through tourism-related business and financial support from international sponsors and local business owners. Where previously Buddhist monasteries were dependent on the donations and labour of the lay community, currently, with the accumulation of surplus wealth, many Buddhist leaders of prominent monasteries have begun flipping this donor system around. Throughout this article, I look at how Buddhist monastic leaders have (...)
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    Gospodarz etyczny, gospodarz roztropny. Czy wolno okradać złodzieja?Przemysław Rotengruber - 2009 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 12 (2):177-185.
    Two parallel problems come under close scrutiny in my paper. First of them concerns the question whether victims of a (politically or economically) stronger thief are ethically entitled to steal their property in revenge? I argue that this kind of theft could be seen as a hidden form of protection because the symbolic relation between the first aggressor and his victim is extremely unequal. An ordinary man usually has no public means to oppose corporation or political institution. He has then (...)
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    Democracy and Economic Rights.Jan Narveson - 1992 - Social Philosophy and Policy 9 (1):29.
    We have long been accustomed to thinking of democracy as a major selling point of Western institutions. That a set of political institutions should be democratic is widely regarded as the sine qua non of their legitimacy. So widespread is this belief that even those whose institutions do not look very democratic to us nevertheless insist on proclaiming them to be such. Meanwhile, an adulatory attitude toward democracy has arisen in many quarters, and many theorists have taken up anew the (...)
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  45. The market, competition, and equality.Peter Dietsch - 2010 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 9 (2):213-244.
    How much inequality does market interaction generate? The answer to this question partly depends on the level of competition among economic agents. Yet, in their normative analysis of the market, theories of distributive justice focus on individual characteristics such as talents as determinants of income, and tend to ignore structural features such as competition. Economists, on the other hand, dispose of the conceptual tools to assess the distributive impact of competition, but their analysis is usually limited to allocative efficiency. Part (...)
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  46. Towards a Global Ruling Class? Globalization and the Transnational Capitalist Class.William I. Robinson & Jerry Harris - 2000 - Science and Society 64 (1):11-54.
    A transnational capitalist class has emerged as that segment of the world bourgeoisie that represents transnational capital, the owners of the leading worldwide means of production as embodied in the transnational corporations and private financial institutions. The spread of TNCs, the sharp increase in foreign direct investment, the proliferation of mergers and acquisitions across national borders, the rise of a global financial system, and the increased interlocking of positions within the global corporate structure, are some empirical indicators of the transnational (...)
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    Sustainable Entrepreneurship: The Role of Perceived Barriers and Risk.Roy Thurik, Peter Zwan & Brigitte Hoogendoorn - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (4):1133-1154.
    Entrepreneurs who start a business to serve both self-interests and collective interests by addressing unmet social and environmental needs are usually referred to as sustainable entrepreneurs. Compared with regular entrepreneurs, we argue that sustainable entrepreneurs face specific challenges when establishing their businesses owing to the discrepancy between the creation and appropriation of private value and social value. We hypothesize that when starting a business, sustainable entrepreneurs (1) feel more hampered by perceived barriers, such as the institutional environment and (2) (...)
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    Sustainable Entrepreneurship: The Role of Perceived Barriers and Risk.Brigitte Hoogendoorn, Peter van der Zwan & Roy Thurik - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (4):1133-1154.
    Entrepreneurs who start a business to serve both self-interests and collective interests by addressing unmet social and environmental needs are usually referred to as sustainable entrepreneurs. Compared with regular entrepreneurs, we argue that sustainable entrepreneurs face specific challenges when establishing their businesses owing to the discrepancy between the creation and appropriation of private value and social value. We hypothesize that when starting a business, sustainable entrepreneurs feel more hampered by perceived barriers, such as the institutional environment and have a (...)
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    The essential nature of sharing in science.Michael J. Zigmond - 2010 - Science and Engineering Ethics 16 (4):783-799.
    Advances in science are the combined result of the efforts of a great many scientists, and in many cases, their willingness to share the products of their research. These products include data sets, both small and large, and unique research resources not commercially available, such as cell lines and software programs. The sharing of these resources enhances both the scope and the depth of research, while making more efficient use of time and money. However, sharing is not without costs, many (...)
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    Not Biting the Hand that Feeds Them: Hegemonic Expediency in the Newsroom and the Karen Ryan/Health and Human Services Department Video News Release.Burton St John - 2008 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 23 (2):110-125.
    This study examines the use of a video news release in a specific story. Press coverage and editorial criticism in the case showed that journalists do not articulate sufficiently how the news owners' sway, through institutional controls, can lead to a hegemony of expedient action in the newsroom. Critical self-reflection by news workers will better enable journalists to ethically deliberate news choices that balance their responsibilities to owners, peers, and the public.
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