Results for 'Arnis Sauka'

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  1.  35
    To Pay or Not to Pay? Business Owners’ Tax Morale: Testing a Neo-Institutional Framework in a Transition Environment.Tomasz Mickiewicz, Anna Rebmann & Arnis Sauka - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (1):75-93.
    In order to understand how the environment influences business owner/managers’ attitudes towards tax morale, we build a theoretical model based on a neo-institutionalist framework. Our model combines three complementary perspectives on institutions—normative, cultural–cognitive and regulatory–instrumental. This enables a broader understanding of factors that influence business owner–managers’ attitudes towards tax evasion. We test the resulting hypotheses using regression analysis on survey data on business owner/managers in Latvia—a transition country, which has undergone massive institutional changes since it was part of the Soviet (...)
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    The role of priming in conjunctive visual search.Árni Kristjánsson, DeLiang Wang & Ken Nakayama - 2002 - Cognition 85 (1):37-52.
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    « La toute-puissance de la barbe » Jenny P. d’Héricourt et les novateurs modernes.Caroline Arni - 2001 - Clio 13:145-154.
    Quand en 1856 Jenny P. d’Héricourt (1809-1875), sage-femme, féministe et philosophe, critiqua Pierre-Joseph Proudhon pour sa théorie sur l’infériorité féminine, celui-ci refusa tout discussion, invoquant son infériorité intellectuelle naturelle. Néanmoins d’Héricourt continua de publier de ferventes critiques des théories des philosophes sociaux de son époque sur l’inégalité des sexes. L’article veut d’une part éclairer la notion d’intellectuelle et les conditions nécessaires pour agir comme telle. D’autre part, il questionne les limites d’une existence intellectuelle féminine telles qu’elles se présentent non seulement (...)
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    Leuven/Louvain-la-Neuve: “Soul and Mind: Ancient and Medieval Perspectives on the De anima”.Arnis Rītups - 2007 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 49:271-304.
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    Music and embodied cognition: listening, moving, feeling, and thinking.Arnie Cox - 2016 - Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
    Mimetic comprehension -- Mimetic comprehension of music -- Metaphor and related means of reasoning -- Pitch height -- Temporal motion and musical motion -- Perspectives on musical motion -- Music and the external senses -- Musical affect -- Applications -- Review and implications.
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    The Inverse Invisible Hand and Heuristics in Managerial Decision-Making.Arnis Vilks - 2018 - Philosophy of Management 17 (2):137-147.
    The paper points out that Adam Smith’s famous argument about the “invisible hand” (IH) of markets can be inverted. While the IH argument suggests that the baker and butcher do what is in their costumers’ interests not because they care for their costumers, but out of their own self-interest, one can also defend the converse claim: if one cares for other people and finds a way to satisfy their needs, one can expect that those others will be willing to pay (...)
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    Glíman við Guð.Árni Bergmann - 2008 - Reykjavík: Bjartur.
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    Âme et intellect. Perspectives anciennes et médiévales sur leDe anima.Arnis Rītups - 2008 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 106 (2):415-451.
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    No arousal-biased competition in focused visuospatial attention.Árni Gunnar Ásgeirsson & Sander Nieuwenhuis - 2017 - Cognition 168 (C):191-204.
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    How functional are functional viewing fields?Árni Kristjánsson, Andrey Chetverikov & Manje Brinkhuis - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    A Partition Theorem for a Randomly Selected Large Population.Arni S. R. Srinivasa Rao - 2021 - Acta Biotheoretica 70 (1):1-11.
    A theorem on the partitioning of a randomly selected large population into stationary and non-stationary components by using a property of the stationary population identity is stated and proved. The methods of partitioning demonstrated are original and these are helpful in real-world situations where age-wise data is available. Applications of this theorem for practical purposes are summarized at the end.
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    Das Verhältnis von Moral und Rationalät: Eine Auseinandersetzung mit David Gauthiers.Jean-Louis Arni - 1989 - Analyse & Kritik 11 (2):154-178.
    The relation between morality and rationality (in the sense of rational choice and rational behaviour) is a prominent theme in (the tradition of) moral philosophy. D. Gauthier’s account of this relation is an extraordinarily impressive one. He attempts to demonstrate a general coincidence (at different levels) between rationality and morality. His approach is discussed in what follows, and it will be shown that most of his ‘coincidence claims’ are exaggerated.
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    Knowledge of childhood: materiality, text, and the history of science – an interdisciplinary round table discussion.Felix Rietmann, Mareike Schildmann, Caroline Arni, Daniel Thomas Cook, Davide Giuriato, Novina Göhlsdorf & Wangui Muigai - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Science 50 (1):111-141.
    This round table discussion takes the diversity of discourse and practice shaping modern knowledge about childhood as an opportunity to engage with recent historiographical approaches in the history of science. It draws attention to symmetries and references among scientific, material, literary and artistic cultures and their respective forms of knowledge. The five participating scholars come from various fields in the humanities and social sciences and allude to historiographical and methodological questions through a range of examples. Topics include the emergence of (...)
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    In the shadow of the tree: The diagrammatics of relatedness in genealogy, anthropology, and genetics as epistemic, cultural, and political practice.Marianne Sommer, Caroline Arni, Staffan Müller-Wille & Simon Teuscher - 2024 - History of the Human Sciences 37 (3-4):3-15.
    The preferred tool for conceptualizing, determining, and claiming relations of kinship, ancestry, and descent among humans are diagrams. For this reason, and at the same time to avoid a reduction to biology as transported by terms such as kinship, ancestry, and descent, we introduce the expression diagrammatics of relatedness. We seek to understand the enormous influence that especially tree diagrams have had as a way to express and engage with human relatedness, but hold that this success can only be adequately (...)
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    How does color distribution learning affect goal-directed visuomotor behavior?Léa Entzmann, Árni Gunnar Ásgeirsson & Árni Kristjánsson - 2025 - Cognition 254 (C):106002.
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    The selection balance: Contrasting value, proximity and priming in a multitarget foraging task.Jérôme Tagu & Árni Kristjánsson - 2022 - Cognition 218 (C):104935.
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  17. A lack of meaning?Anne Sauka - 2020 - Approaching Religion 10 (2):125 - 140.
    This article explores the ‘lack of meaning’ in contemporary society as a consequence of Western dualist thought paradigms and ontologies, via Gilles Deleuze’s concept of ‘reactive nihilism’ following the colloquial murder of God. The article then explores processual and new materialist approaches in the understanding of the lived and carnal self, arguing for immanent and senseful materiality as an ethical platform for religious, environmental, and societal solidarity for tomorrow. For the theoretical justification of the processual approach in understanding the enfleshed (...)
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  18. The Nature of Our Becoming: Genealogical Perspectives.Anne Sauka - 2020 - Genealogy + Critique 6 (1):1-30.
    In the light of Philipp Sarasin's work in Darwin und Foucault: Genealogie und Geschichte im Zeitalter der Biologie, the article delineates a genealogically articulated naturally produced culture and a cultured nature and discusses the genealogical implications of a carnal, becoming self in a world that could rightly be justified "as an aesthetical phenomenon." The article demonstrates the historicity and processual materiality as a conceptual platform for a combination of the notions of experienced carnality and a socially constructed body, demonstrating such (...)
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  19. Selfhood in Question: The Ontogenealogies of Bear Encounters.Anne Sauka - 2022 - Open Philosophy 5 (1):532-550.
    Recent years have witnessed an increase in bear sightings in Latvia, causing a change of tone in the country’s media outlets, regarding the return of “wild” animals. The unease around bear reappearance leads me to investigate the affective side of relations with beings that show strength and resilience in more-than-human encounters in human-inhabited spaces. These relations are characterized by the contrasting human feelings of alienation vis-à-vis their environments today and a false sense of security, resulting in disbelief to encounter beings (...)
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  20. Beyond the Skin Line: Tuning into the Body-Environment. A Venture into the Before of Conceptualizations.Anne Sauka - 2022 - Polish Journal of Aesthetics 64 (1):161-181.
    The article explores embodied critical thinking (ECT) for engaging with the enfleshed and trans-corporeal self on an affectual and experiential level. By discussing three exemplifying affectual instances that expose the experiential level of processuality, emergence, and intercarnality, the article shows the methodological use of ECT as a fruitful approach to developing embodied ontologies and a toolkit for the experiential reflection of one's en-fleshment, as tuning into the body-environment.
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    Fusion: absolute standards in a world of relativity: science, the arts & contemporary life in the light of Torah.Herman Branover, Arnie Gotfryd & Shalom Lipskar (eds.) - 1989 - New York: B'Or Hatorah Publications.
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    Effect of constraint on schedule-induced drinking.J. D. Keehn & Arnie Mayers - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (2):112-114.
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    Philosophical Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis.Martin Kelly & Arnis Vilks - 2012 - Philosophy of Management 11 (1):1-4.
  24. Becoming Self: A Legion of Life in a Culture of Alienation.Anne Sauka - 2022 - In Kitija Mirončuka, Normality and Exceptionality in Philosophical Perspective [Normalitāte un ārkārtējība filosofiskā skatījumā]. LU Akadēmiskais apgāds. pp. 25-46.
    This research explores the carnal, experienced self as processual and becoming, situating life as zoe (as per Braidotti) in the context of the Western culture, characterized by alienation (Fromm, Foucault). The study first addresses the ontological disposition of the carnal self and then turns to the concepts of life and death (Freud, Fromm), to explicate the tie between materiality and discourse conditions. Erich Fromm’s classical distinction of having and being is restated as a distinction of having and becoming, which are (...)
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  25. A Bite of the Forbidden Fruit: The Abject of Food and Affirmative Environmental Ethics.Anne Sauka - 2022 - Open Philosophy 5 (1):281-295.
    This article explores the negative framing of environmental concern in the context of food procurement and consumption, through the lens of the myth of Eden considering the ontological and genealogical aspects of the experienced exile from nature. The article first considers the theoretical context of the negative framing of food ethics. Demonstrating the consequences of the experience of food as abject, the article then goes on to discuss the exile from Eden as an explanatory myth for the perceptual inbetweenness of (...)
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  26. Embodied Critical Thinking and Environmental Embeddedness: The Sensed Knots of Knowledge.Anne Sauka - 2024 - In Donata Schoeller, Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir & Greg Walkerden, Practicing Embodied Thinking in Research and Learning. Routledge. pp. 175-190.
    While many scholars join in the call for an experiential shift in thinking and living, it is not always clear how it could be done. Recent environmental philosophy has illuminated the significance of re-animating human–environment relations on an experiential level for endeavouring a new (or renewed) ethical, experiential, and, indeed, existential stance of the human as part of the environed embodiment. In relation to this call, I explore embodied critical thinking (ECT) as a tool for recognising, revitalising, and reflecting embodied, (...)
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  27. Life in Process: The Lived-Body Ethics for Future.Anne Sauka - 2020 - Reliģiski-Filozofiski Raksti:154-183.
    The article explores the concept of ‘life’ via processual ontology, contrasting the approaches of substance and processual ontologies, and investigates the link between ontological assumptions and sociopolitical discourses, stating that the predominant substance ontologies also promote an objectifying and anthropocentric framework in sociopolitical discourses and ethical approaches. Arguing for a necessary shift in the ontological conceptualization of life to enable environmentally-minded ethics for the future, the article explores the tie between the sociopolitical discourses embedded in a worldview that is grounded (...)
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  28. Shopping for Meaning: Tracing the Ontologies of Food Consumption in Latvia.Anne Sauka - 2022 - Letonica 44 (1):169-190.
    Researchers of different calibres from phenomenology to posthumanism and beyond have outlined the processuality of the body and the environment (Alaimo 2010; Gendlin 2017), stressing the importance of changing the ontological presuppositions of the body-environment bond (Schoeller and Duanetz 2018: 131), since the existing models facilitate the alienation and intangibility of the environment, thus, leading to reduced societal awareness of the importance of environmental issues (Neimanis, Åsberg, Hedrén 2015: 73–74). In this article, I argue that in questions relating to food, (...)
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  29. Breaching the Dialectic with Situated Knowledges: The Case of Postsocialist Naturecultures.Anne Sauka - 2023 - Polish Journal of Aesthetics 68 (1):35-56.
    The article analyzes the significance of situated knowledges for going beyond dominating conceptual dichotomies that a) establish status quo dialectics, b) proliferate homogenization of the Global Northern experienced materialities, and c) conceal and suppress alternate affectual body-environment experiences and materializations. With the example of postsocialist ontogenealogies, the article analyzes the potential blind spots when failing to consider both sides of a status quo dialectic in their interconnectedness. To conclude, the article suggests the potential of situated knowledges as a vehicle for (...)
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    Building ensemble representations: How the shape of preceding distractor distributions affects visual search.Andrey Chetverikov, Gianluca Campana & Árni Kristjánsson - 2016 - Cognition 153 (C):196-210.
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    Feature distribution learning by passive exposure.David Pascucci, Gizay Ceylan & Árni Kristjánsson - 2022 - Cognition 227 (C):105211.
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  32. Experiencing Elemental Embodiment: (Re) visiting Latvian Folklore on Life and Nature.Anne Sauka - 2024 - In Lenart Škof, S. Sashinungla & Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir, Elemental-Embodied Thinking for a New Era. Springer. pp. 49-72.
    Latest research in environmental humanities often presumes the necessity of some kind of an ontological “shift” in thinking and living, while the question of the possibility of such a shift on an experiential level, is still to be answered. In this article, I am (re) visiting Latvian folk epistemologies as a sample case of alternate yet already “present” ontogenealogies that could be applied for reinventing ways to experience environed embodiment. While it is not possible, or desirable to recapture the past, (...)
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    Ontogenealogies of Body-Environments: Perspectives for an Experiential Ontological Shift.Anne Sauka - 2023 - In Ruth Edith Hagengruber, Women Philosophers on Economics, Technology, Environment, and Gender History: Shaping the Future, Rethinking the Past. De Gruyter. pp. 81-96.
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    Probabilistic rejection templates in visual working memory.Andrey Chetverikov, Gianluca Campana & Árni Kristjánsson - 2020 - Cognition 196 (C):104075.
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    Diaspora of Religious Treasures in Sundanese Society.Masmedia Pinem, Zaenudin, Dede Burahnudin, Rosidin, Arnis Rachmadhani, Roch Aris Hidayat & Wahab - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:637-650.
    The Sundanese ethnic diaspora to Southeast Sulawesi, especially Sindangkasih Village, South Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi creates the potential for social interaction between the two different cultures. This interaction can produce harmony or conflict, while in certain aspects, it may create a new culture that is interesting to preserve. This research aims to identify, group, and analyze the forms of diaspora religious cultural treasures from the diaspora community. We recorded and mapped the potential diaspora of Sundanese religious cultural treasures in Sindangkasih Village, (...)
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    Blaming the victims of your own mistakes: How visual search accuracy influences evaluation of stimuli.Andrey Chetverikov, Ómar I. Jóhannesson & Árni Kristjánsson - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (6):1091-1106.
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    29 Short-Term Memory for the Rapid Deployment of Visual Attention.Ken Nakayama, Vera Maljkovic & Arni Kristjansson - 2004 - In Michael S. Gazzaniga, The Cognitive Neurosciences III. MIT Press. pp. 397.
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    Dynamics of visual attention revealed in foraging tasks.Tómas Kristjánsson, Ian M. Thornton, Andrey Chetverikov & Árni Kristjánsson - 2020 - Cognition 194 (C):104032.
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    What kind of empirical evidence is needed for probabilistic mental representations? An example from visual perception.Ömer Dağlar Tanrıkulu, Andrey Chetverikov, Sabrina Hansmann-Roth & Árni Kristjánsson - 2021 - Cognition 217 (C):104903.
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    Specific problems in visual cognition of dyslexic readers: Face discrimination deficits predict dyslexia over and above discrimination of scrambled faces and novel objects.Heida Maria Sigurdardottir, Liv Elisabet Fridriksdottir, Sigridur Gudjonsdottir & Árni Kristjánsson - 2018 - Cognition 175 (C):157-168.
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    Caroline Arni, Pränatale Zeiten. Das Ungeborene und die Humanwissenschaften (1800-1950).Lucia Aschauer - 2020 - Clio 52.
    Dans son dernier livre intitulé Pränatale Zeiten (Les temps prénataux), Caroline Arni s’attèle à défaire toutes les évidences sur les prémices de l’existence humaine. Comment, s’interroge l’historienne, les médecins, physiologues et psychologues du xixe siècle ont-ils appréhendé cette phase aux aurores de la vie, qu’ils qualifient de « prénatale » et qui semble façonner la destinée de tout individu? À l’aide du terme « das Ungeborene » (le « non-né » ou « à naître »), une notion volontaireme...
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    In Memoriam: Arnis Vīksna.Artis Ērglis & Maija Pozemkovska - 2018 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae Scientiarum 6 (2):175-177.
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    L’imprévisibilité de la science : un argument pour la liberté de recherche? La découverte des ARNi comme étude de cas.Baptiste Bedessem - 2018 - Lato Sensu: Revue de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences 5 (1):37-43.
    Le caractère imprévisible du développement et des résultats de la science est souvent invoqué pour défendre la valeur épistémique d’une recherche libre, désintéressée, guidée par la seule curiosité, contre sa finalisation par des objectifs pratiques. Notre travail a pour vocation de poser les jalons d’une analyse critique rigoureuse de cet « argument d’imprévisibilité ». Pour ce faire, nous proposons de considérer une étude de cas : la découverte du phénomène d’interférence à ARN. Nous montrons que l’utilisation régulière de cet épisode (...)
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  44. E. Grube von Arni Justice to the Maimed Soldier. Nursing, Medical Care and Welfare for Sick and Wounded Soldiers and their Families during the English Civil Wars and Interregnum, 1642-1660. [REVIEW]B. Donagan - 2003 - Early Science and Medicine 8 (1):74-75.
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  45. Continuous Replay: The Photographs of Arnie Zane.Bill T. Jones - 1999 - MIT Press.
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    Ancestors and Anxiety: Daoism and the Birth of Rebirth in China. By Stephen R. Bokenkamp. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007. Pp. xi+ 220. Hard-cover $49.95,£ 32.50. Arnis Self-Defense: Stick, Blade, and Empty-Hand Combat Techniques of the Philip-pines. By José G. Paman. Berkeley: Blue Snake Books, 2007. Pp. xv+ 178. [REVIEW]Purushottama Bilimoria, Joseph Prabhu & Renuka Sharma Burlington - 2008 - Philosophy East and West 58 (2):297-299.
  47. Chapter 1 a formal language with non-distributive plurals: Preliminary considerations.Thomas McKay - unknown
    (1) Arnie, Bob and Carlos are shipmates.1 This is something true of the three of them together. We cannot say Arnie is a shipmate except perhaps as elliptical for something that connects Arnie to others. (Arnie is a..
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    Reply to Vilks.Giacomo Bonanno - 1994 - Economics and Philosophy 10 (1):115.
    In his note Arnis Vilks raises two criticisms concerning my paper "The Logic of Rational Play in Extensive Games". The author gives two examples: one to show that my logic "is inconsistent.
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  49. Deleuze and Deep Ecology.Alistair Welchman - 2008 - In Bernd Herzogenrath, An (Un)easy Alliance: Thinking the Environment with Deleuze/Guattari. pp. 116-138.
    I argue that 'deep' ecology (as exemplified by the work of Arnie Naess) involves three inter-related commitments: (1) to an ethics of nature or axiological anti-humanism in which natural entities, processes or systems can possess intrinsic value independently of human beings; (2) a metaphysical naturalism or anti-humanism in which human beings are themselves conceptualized as natural products; (3) a transformative aspect. Although (3) is sometimes cast in personal or psychological terms, I think the idea can be given a properly philosophical (...)
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    P-points, MAD families and Cardinal Invariants.Osvaldo Guzmán González - 2022 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 28 (2):258-260.
    The main topics of this thesis are cardinal invariants, P -points and MAD families. Cardinal invariants of the continuum are cardinal numbers that are bigger than $\aleph _{0}$ and smaller or equal than $\mathfrak {c}.$ Of course, they are only interesting when they have some combinatorial or topological definition. An almost disjoint family is a family of infinite subsets of $\omega $ such that the intersection of any two of its elements is finite. A MAD family is a maximal almost (...)
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