Results for ' living contradiction'

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  1.  31
    Living theory or living contradiction?Mike Newby - 1994 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 28 (1):119–126.
    Mike Newby; Living Theory or Living Contradiction?, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 28, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 119–126,
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    Living educational theories and living contradictions: A response to Mike Newby.Jack Whitehead - 1996 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 30 (3):457–461.
    Jack Whitehead; Living Educational Theories and Living Contradictions: a response to Mike Newby, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 30, Issue 3, 30 May.
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  3. Living the contradictions : wives, husbands and children in Hegel's elements of the Philosophy of right.Kimberly Hutchings - 2017 - In David James, Hegel's `Elements of the Philosophy of Right': A Critical Guide. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
  4. Living with contradictions: controversies in feminist social ethics.Alison M. Jaggar (ed.) - 1994 - Boulder: Westview Press.
  5. Living with contradictions: critical practices in the age of supply-side aesthetics.Abigail Solomon-Godeau - 1999 - In Jessica Evans & Stuart Hall, Visual culture: the reader. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications in association with the Open University. pp. 224--243.
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    Living With Contradictions. [REVIEW]Linda Damico - 1994 - Radical Philosophy Review of Books 10 (10):40-43.
  7.  24
    The craft of acting as a pedagogical model for living a flourishing life in a world of tensions and contradictions.Katja Frimberger - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (1):74-85.
    In this paper, I explore German playwright Bertolt Brecht’s conception of the art of acting, and his views on the new actor’s conduct towards their craft, as a pedagogical model for Brechts’ broader view on how we should live our lives. Drawing on his key writings – most importantly, his famous street scene essay – I will show that Brecht’s conception of the theory-practice connection in his approach to actor training/acting bears some deeper insight into Brecht’s conception of the art (...)
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    The Inner Contradiction in Zhu Xi's Thoughts——An Analysis of the Possibility of a Metamorphosis from Zhu Zi's Philosophy to Yangming's Philosophy.Lin Dan - 2008 - Modern Philosophy 6:016.
    Zhu had originally thought throughout the domain for life, for the "metaphysical" and "physical" between the living environment of the deep feelings. However, Zhu could not resist the idea in the history of the final ready-made common tendency, eventually leading to and thought, metaphysical and physical fragmentation. Wang Yangming thought of a great significance is to overcome this inherent Zhu thought the inconsistency. Zhu Xi's thinking is deeply concerned with the life horizon between the "metaphysical" sphere and the "physical" (...)
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  9. Heraclitus, Change and Objective Contradictions in Aristotle’s Metaphysics Γ.Celso Vieira - 2022 - Rhizomata 10 (2):183-214.
    In Metaphysics Γ, Aristotle argues against those who seem to accept contradictions. He distinguishes between the Sophists, who deny the principle of non-contradiction through arguments, and the Natural Philosophers, whose physical investigations lead to the acceptance of objective contradictions. Heraclitus’ name appears throughout the discussion. Usually, he is associated with the discussion against the Sophists. In this paper, I explore how the discussion with the Natural Philosophers may illuminate both the interpretation of Heraclitus by Aristotle and Heraclitus’ own worldview. (...)
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    Contradictions in perceiving corruption by Russia’s population and its presentation in the official discourse.Alexander Pavroz - 2021 - Sotsium I Vlast 1:7-21.
    Introduction. The problem of corruption continues to be relevant in Russia. More research is needed to effectively combat corruption. Studying corruption in the context of general issues of contemporary Russian politics is particularly relevant in this regard. Purpose. The article is aimed at disclosing contradictions associated with perceiving corruption by the population of Russia and its representation in the official discourse. Methods. The author uses the following methods: analysis of statistical data, analysis of the results of public opinion polls, and (...)
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    Living Slow and Being Moral.Nan Zhu, Skyler T. Hawk & Lei Chang - 2018 - Human Nature 29 (2):186-209.
    Drawing from the dual process model of morality and life history theory, the present research examined the role of cognitive and emotional processes as bridges between basic environmental challenges and other-centered moral orientation. In two survey studies, cognitive and emotional processes represented by future-oriented planning and emotional attachment, respectively, or by perspective taking and empathic concern, respectively, positively predicted other-centeredness in prosocial moral reasoning and moral judgment dilemmas based on rationality or intuition. Cognitive processes were more closely related to rational (...)
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    Living in several languages: Language, gender and identities.Charlotte Burck - 2011 - European Journal of Women's Studies 18 (4):361-378.
    Living in several languages encompasses experiencing and constructing oneself differently in each language. The research study on which this article is based takes an intersectional approach to explore insider accounts of the place of language speaking in individuals’ constructions of self, family relationships and the wider context. Twenty-four research interviews and five published autobiographies were analysed using grounded theory, narrative and discursive analysis. A major finding was that learning a new language inducted individuals into somewhat ‘stereotyped’ gendered discourses and (...)
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    Change, contradiction, and overconfidence: Chinese philosophy and cognitive peculiarities of asians.Bongrae Seok - 2007 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 6 (3):221-237.
    This article discusses philosophical influence, especially the influence made by Confucianism and Daoism, on the way Asian people see and understand the world. Recently, Richard Nisbett drew a connection between Chinese philosophy (Confucianism and Daoism) and the cognitive profiles of the people who live in Asian countries where Confucianism and Daoism are strong social and cultural traditions. He argues that there is a peculiar way that Asians think and perceive things and this cognitive pattern is influenced by a group of (...)
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    Researching lived experience in health care: Significance for care ethics.Bernadette Dierckx de Casterlé, Sofie Tl Verhaeghe, Marijke C. Kars, Annemarie Coolbrandt, Marleen Stevens, Maaike Stubbe, Nathalie Deweirdt, Jeroen Vincke & Maria Grypdonck - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (2):232-242.
    The aim of this article is to demonstrate the usefulness of qualitative research for studying the ethics of care, bringing to light the lived experience of health care recipients, together with the importance of methods that allow reconstruction of the processes underlying this lived experience. Lived experiences of families being approached for organ donation, parents facing the imminent death of their child and patients being treated using stem cell transplantation are used to illustrate how ethical principles are differentiated, modified or (...)
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    Researching lived experience in health care: Significance for care ethics.Bernadette Dierckx de Casterlé, Sofie T. L. Verhaeghe, Marijke C. Kars, Annemarie Coolbrandt, Marleen Stevens, Maaike Stubbe, Nathalie Deweirdt, Jeroen Vincke & Maria Grypdonck - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (2):232-242.
    The aim of this article is to demonstrate the usefulness of qualitative research for studying the ethics of care, bringing to light the lived experience of health care recipients, together with the importance of methods that allow reconstruction of the processes underlying this lived experience. Lived experiences of families being approached for organ donation, parents facing the imminent death of their child and patients being treated using stem cell transplantation are used to illustrate how ethical principles are differentiated, modified or (...)
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  16.  10
    Where is the primary contradiction?Paulo Rocha - 2020 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 21 (2):06-28.
    This article reflects on the idea that there is an omnipresent primary contradiction lurking at the bottom of every activity in capitalism. In doing so, it articulates the relationship between Marxism and Activity Theory. Whilst Marx’s ideas suggest that a trademark of capitalist social formations is the way surplus is pumped out from living labour, Activity Theory posits that the dual nature of commodities is the fundamental contradiction existent among all activities. The article argues that such distinction (...)
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    A Living Life, A Living Death: Bessie Head’s Writing as a Survival Strategy. [REVIEW]Sue Atkinson - 2011 - Journal of Medical Humanities 32 (4):269-278.
    This paper explores Bessie Head’s writing as a survival strategy through which she transformed her lived experience into imaginative literature, giving meaning and purpose to a life under permanent threat from the dominant group first in South Africa and later in Botswana. This threat included the destructive effect of the many fixed labels imposed upon her including: a ‘Coloured’ woman, the daughter of a woman designated mad, an exile, a psychotic, a tragic black woman, and a Third World woman writer. (...)
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  18. Do Real Contradictions Belong to Heraclitus’ Conception of Change? The Anti-cognate Internal Object Gives a Sign.Celso Vieira - 2024 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 26 (2):184-206.
    Heraclitus uses paradoxical language to present the relationship between opposites in his worldview. This mode of expression has generated much controversy. Some take the paradoxes as evidence of a contradictory identity of opposites (Barnes), while others propose a dynamic union through transformation without identity that avoids the contradiction (Graham). By examining B88 and B62, I seek to identify the stronger and weaker points of such readings. The contradictory identity reading thwarts the transformation between opposites. The dynamic reading offers a (...)
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    Hume's ‘Manifest Contradictions’.P. J. E. Kail - 2016 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 78:147-160.
    This paper examines Hume’s ‘Title Principle’ and its role in a response to one of the ‘manifest contradictions’ he identifies in the conclusion to Book I of A Treatise on Human Nature. This ‘contradiction’ is a tension between two ‘equally natural and necessary’ principles of the imagination, our causal inferences and our propensity to believe in the continued and distinct existence of objects. The problem is that the consistent application of causal reason undercuts any grounds with have for the (...)
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  20.  64
    Confess Your Contradictions: Schelling, Royce, and the Art of Atonement.Mathew A. Foust - 2012 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 26 (3):516-530.
    Two of Josiah Royce's lectures in Lectures on Modern Idealism concern the work of F. W. J. Schelling, the "poetic seer of splendid metaphysical visions" whom Royce considered "the prince of the romanticists."1 These lectures are titled "The Dialectical Method in Schelling" and "Schelling's Transcendental Idealism." In the former, Royce remarks that "there are two simple ways to avoid all dialectical complications. One is an easy way, viz., not to think at all. The other is a prudent way, viz., not (...)
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  21.  51
    "Master" versus "servant": Contradictions in drama and theatre education.Shifra Schonmann - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (4):31-39.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Master" versus "Servant":Contradictions in Drama and Theatre EducationShifra Schonmann (bio)Mr Jourdain: You mean to say that when I say "Nicole, fetch me my slippers" or "Give me my night-cap" that's prose?Philosopher: Certainly, sir.Mr Jourdain: Well, my goodness! Here I've been talking prose for the last forty years and never known it, and mighty grateful I am to you for telling me!—Molière, Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme1My basic claim is that our (...)
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  22.  44
    Aesthetic Conflict and Contradiction: The Sublime in Kant and Kierkegaard.Samuel Cuff Snow - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    The central claim of this comparative study of Kant and Kierkegaard is that the aesthetic experience of the sublime is both autonomous and formative for extra-aesthetic ends. Aesthetic autonomy is thus inseparable from aesthetic heteronomy. In Part I, through an examination of Kant’s Critique of Judgement and his essays on the French Revolution, the Kantian sublime is shown to conflict with our existing cognitive, moral and political frames of meaning, at the same time that the engagement of the aesthetic judge (...)
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    (1 other version)The Lived Experience of Hate Crime.Kim Mcguire & Michael Salter - unknown
    This book approaches the topic of the subjective, lived experience of hate crime from the perspective of Husserlian phenomenology. It provides an experientially well-grounded account of how and what is experienced as a hate crime, and what this reveals about ourselves as the continually reconstituted “subject” of such experiences. The book shows how qualitative social science methods can be better grounded in philosophically informed theory and methodological practices to add greater depth and explanatory power to experiential approaches to social sciences (...)
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    Emergence, drop-back and reductionism in living systems theory.Kenneth D. Bailey - 2005 - Axiomathes 15 (1):29-45.
    Millers Living Systems Theory (LST) is known to be very comprehensive. It comprises eight nested hierarchical levels. It also includes twenty critical subsystems. While Millers approach has been analyzed and applied in great detail, some problematic features remain, requiring further explication. One of these is the relationship between reduction and emergence in LST. There are at least four relevant possibilities. One is that LST exhibits neither clear reductionism nor emergence, but is essentially neutral in this regard. Another is that (...)
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  25. Always Choose to Live or Choose to Always Live?Daniel Coren - 2018 - Southwest Philosophy Review 34 (2):89-104.
    Bernard Williams (1973) famously argued that if given the choice to relinquish our mortality we should refuse. We should not choose to always live. His piece provoked an entire literature on the desirability of immortality. Intending to contradict Williams, Thomas Nagel claimed that if given the choice between living for a week and dying in five minutes he would always choose to live. I argue that (1) Nagel’s iterating scenario is closer to the original Makropulos case (Čapek’s) that inspired (...)
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  26. The escalator of reason excerpted from how are we to live?, New York, 1995, pp. 226-235.Peter Singer - manuscript
    Reason's capacity to take us where we did not expect to go could also lead to a curious diversion from what one might expect to be the straight line of evolution. We have evolved a capacity to reason because it helps us to survive and reproduce. But if reason is an escalator, then although the first part of the journey may help us to survive and reproduce, we may go further than we needed to go for this purpose alone. We (...)
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  27. A Live Language: Concreteness, Openness, Ambivalence.Hili Razinsky - 2015 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 15 (1):51-65.
    Wittgenstein has shown that that life, in the sense that applies in the first place to human beings, is inherently linguistic. In this paper, I ask what is involved in language, given that it is thus essential to life, answering that language – or concepts – must be both alive and the ground for life. This is explicated by a Wittgensteinian series of entailments of features. According to the first feature, concepts are not intentional engagements. The second feature brings life (...)
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  28.  13
    American Paradise: Hidden Ironies, Contradictions, Illusions, and Delusions, Paradoxes, Dilemmas, and Absurdities in American Life.Jon Huer - 2010 - Upa.
    The way we live, work, and die-alone and with other Americans-have so many hidden layers that we might as well say that there are two Americas: one we think we know and the other virtually unknown to us. Huer discusses this alien part of America in American Paradise.
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  29. The Logical and Philosophical Foundations for the Possibility of True Contradictions.Ben Martin - 2014 - Dissertation, University College London
    The view that contradictions cannot be true has been part of accepted philosophical theory since at least the time of Aristotle. In this regard, it is almost unique in the history of philosophy. Only in the last forty years has the view been systematically challenged with the advent of dialetheism. Since Graham Priest introduced dialetheism as a solution to certain self-referential paradoxes, the possibility of true contradictions has been a live issue in the philosophy of logic. Yet, despite the arguments (...)
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  30.  18
    On the Difficulty of Living Together: Memory, Politics, and History.Manuel Cruz - 2016 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    In On the Difficulty of Living Together, Manuel Cruz launches a nuanced study of memory and forgetting, defining their forms and uses, political meanings, and social and historical implications. Memory is not an intrinsically positive phenomenon, he argues, but an impressionable and malleable one, used to advance a variety of agendas. Cruz focuses on five memory models: that which is inherently valuable, that which legitimizes the present, that which supports retributive justice, that which is essential to mourning, and that (...)
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    Lessons to Live (1): Posthumous Fragments, for Jacques Derrida.Zsuzsa Baross - 2008 - Derrida Today 1 (2):247-265.
    Written as a last, long posthumous letter to Jacques Derrida, the essay turns to the philosopher's last and, for the living, most important lesson – on ‘learning to live.’ In particular, it addresses – as constitutive of his unique ‘heterodidactics’ – two discrete communications on the subject. The first, in Spectres de Marx (1993), declares the lesson to be at once impossible and necessary, that is, ‘ethics itself’; in the second, the last interview ‘Je suis en guerre contre moi-même’ (...)
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  32.  18
    Love in the Middle East: The contradictions of romance in the Facebook World.Cambria Naslund, Paolo Gardinali, Janet Afary & Roger Friedland - 2016 - Critical Research on Religion 4 (3):229-258.
    Romantic love is a social fact in the Muslim world. It is also a gender politics impinging on religious and patriarchal understandings of female modesty and agency. This paper analyzes the rise of love as a basis of mate selection in a number of Muslim-majority countries: Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Pakistan, Palestine, Tunisia, and Turkey where we have conducted Web-based anonymous surveys of Facebook users. Young people increasingly want love in their married lives, but they and the communities in which they (...)
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    The Line Through the Heart: Natural Law as Fact, Theory, and Sign of Contradiction.J. Budziszewski - 2009 - Wilmington, DE: Intercollegiate Studies Institute.
    The suicidal proclivity of our time, writes the acclaimed philosopher J. Budziszewski, is to deny the obvious. Our hearts are riddled with desires that oppose their deepest longings, because we demand to have happiness on terms that make happiness impossible. Why? And what can we do about it? Budziszewski addresses these vital questions in his brilliantly persuasive new book, _The Line Through the Heart_. The answers can be discovered in an exploration of natural law—a venture that, with Budziszewski as our (...)
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  34.  11
    " Politics Is a Living Thing.Gail Weiss - 2005 - In Sally J. Scholz & Shannon M. Mussett, The Contradictions of Freedom: Philosophical Essays on Simone de Beauvoir's the Mandarins. State University of New York Press. pp. 119.
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    Pedagogies of Hauntology in History Education: Learning to Live with the Ghosts of Disappeared Victims of War and Dictatorship.Michalinos Zembylas - 2013 - Educational Theory 63 (1):69-86.
    Michalinos Zembylas examines how history education can be reconceived in terms of Jacques Derrida's notion of “hauntology,” that is, as an ongoing conversation with the “ghost” — in the case of this essay, the ghosts of disappeared victims of war and dictatorship. Here, Zembylas uses hauntology as both metaphor and pedagogical methodology for deconstructing the orthodoxies of academic history thinking and learning about “the disappeared.” As metaphor, hauntology evokes the figure of the ghost in order both to trouble the hegemonic (...)
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  36. Ghosts in the Machine: Do the Dead Live on in Facebook?Patrick Stokes - 2012 - Philosophy and Technology 25 (3):363-379.
    Abstract Of the many ways in which identity is constructed and performed online, few are as strongly ‘anchored’ to existing offline relationships as in online social networks like Facebook and Myspace. These networks utilise profiles that extend our practical, psychological and even corporeal identity in ways that give them considerable phenomenal presence in the lives of spatially distant people. This raises interesting questions about the persistence of identity when these online profiles survive the deaths of the users behind them, via (...)
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  37.  22
    Note sulla nozione di “dialettica” in Lenin.Matteo Giangrande - 2017 - Materialismo Storico 3 (2):249-279.
    In Lenin’s works, Dialectics means a) scientific method and b) historical process. Diverging from the metaphysical method and from the reactionary doctrinarianism of non-dialectical Socialists, Marxist materialist Dialectics is a critical and historical-concrete analysis of the living contradictions animating conflicts between social classes: an omnilateral reason, opposed to the eclectic unilaterality of formal logic. Dialectics as Marxist theory of knowledge identifies the causes of historical process in the conflicting unity of elements contradicting each others. Social evolution is not a (...)
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  38. Living Anarchism: José Peirats and the Spanish Anarcho-Syndicalist Movement by Chris Ealham, and: Goals and Means: Anarchism, Syndicalism, and Internationalism in the Origins of the Federacion Anarquista Iberica by Jason Garne. [REVIEW]Pedro García-Guirao - 2018 - Journal for the Study of Radicalism 12 (2):188-192.
    Chris Ealham's book reveals a fascinating dialogue between a prominent individual figure (José Peirats, 1908–1989) and the anonymous masses in the history of Spanish anarcho-syndicalism, and vice versa. Peirats would hardly be known without Spanish anarcho-syndicalism, while Spanish anarcho-syndicalism would have been less relevant if José Peirats had not been included in its ranks. -/- What is remarkable is that, despite Ealham's honest confession of his sympathy for some of the working-class movements in general and for anarcho-syndicalism in particular (3), (...)
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    Ethnographies of moral reasoning: living paradoxes of a global age.Karen Sykes (ed.) - 2009 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    These astute essays describe the way ordinary people value human relationships and reason through the commonplace contradictions of their local way of life in a global age, rather than measure the actions of their subjects as evidence of either universal rationality or shared cultural beliefs. Each contributor conveys the ways in which people challenge the ascribed moral standards of custom, religious belief, bureaucratic policies through passionate words such as anecdotes, joke, rumors, and gossip. By evaluating moral reasoning at a local (...)
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    Hegel's Value: Justice as the Living Good by Dean Moyar (review).Thimo Heisenberg - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (2):327-328.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Hegel's Value: Justice as the Living Good by Dean MoyarThimo HeisenbergDean Moyar. Hegel's Value: Justice as the Living Good. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. Pp. 384. Hardback, $110.00.Hegel's Philosophy of Right is one of those texts that make it easy to miss the forest for the trees. On the argumentative journey from private property and punishment, via the "emptiness" of Kant's moral law to Hegel's vision (...)
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    Living on Rails: Freedom, Constraint, and Political Judgment in Beauvoir's 'Moral'Essays and The Mandarins.Sonia Kruks - 2005 - In Sally J. Scholz & Shannon M. Mussett, The Contradictions of Freedom: Philosophical Essays on Simone de Beauvoir's the Mandarins. State University of New York Press. pp. 67--86.
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  42. Sokratesowa obrona filozofii. O ospałych i zmęczonych filozofach oraz rozkosznej, żywej i spontanicznej filozofii (Socrates’ defence of philosophy. About the sluggish and tired philosophers and the pleasurable, lively and spontaneous philosophy).Bartłomiej Skowron - 2014 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 9 (special):33-46.
    Philosophers have no time. They are tired with philosophising. They doze off or even die of fatigue over yet another review, opinion, article, translation of works of an English-speaking philosophical genius, publishing and editing of a book. They are exhausted by the obligatory teaching, bored with listening to conference papers, depressed by defences of post-doctoral theses, hopeless against plagiarism, out-of-breath chasing credits, worn out by English articles, crumpled and ill-treated by institutions, tired with maintaining and co-creating them, jaded by the (...)
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    Exploring the Decision-Making Process of People Living with HIV Enrolled in Antiretroviral Clinical Trials: A Qualitative Study of Decisions Guided by Trust and Emotions.Maria Feijoo-Cid, Antonia Arreciado Marañón, Ariadna Huertas, Amado Rivero-Santana, Carina Cesar, Valeria Fink, María Isabel Fernández-Cano & Omar Sued - 2023 - Health Care Analysis 31 (3):135-155.
    The informed consent is an ethical and legal requirement for potential participants to enroll in a study. There is ample of evidence that understanding consent information and enrollment is challenging for participants in clinical trials. On the other hand, the reasoning process behind decision-making in HIV clinical trials remains mostly unexplored. This study aims to examine the decision-making process of people living with HIV currently participating in antiretroviral clinical trials and their understanding of informed consent. We conducted a qualitative (...)
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    (1 other version)Research Ethics and the Moral Enterprise of Ethnography: Conjunctions and Contradictions.Sara Ashencaen Crabtree - 2012 - Ethics and Social Welfare (4):1-20.
    This paper explores the perceptions and experiences of four doctoral researchers to examine how research ethics committee (REC) processes have shaped and influenced specific health-based ethnographic studies. This paper considers how a universal tightening of ethical REC scrutiny at university level, as well as those governing the health and social care sector in the United Kingdom, impacts upon social research involving the inclusion of participants from certain groups. Increased restrictions in ethics scrutiny is justified as protecting vulnerable people from intrusive (...)
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    “A simple post-growth life”: The Green Camp Gallery Project as Lived Ecotopia in Urban South Africa.Antje Daniel - 2022 - Utopian Studies 33 (2):274-290.
    ABSTRACT Utopias in Africa is an emerging academic field. While we are witnessing an increasing number of fictional and ideological utopias, little attention is paid to lived utopias. The Green Camp Gallery Project is such a lived utopia, which predominantly strives for realizing desired future imaginations in daily practices. Localized in the urban context of Durban, in a derelict house in the industrial area, the Green Camp strives for a “simple post-growth life,” which is closely related to nature and the (...)
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    The art of the semi-living: ethics of care and the bioart of Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr.Jennifer Burwell - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-11.
    Bioartists Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr define many of their tissue-based artworks as semi-living, and use an ethical framework to contextualize their care for these semi-living creations, claiming that their work inspires reflection on our responsibilities toward the continuum of life. There are ways in which Catts and Zurr’s relation to the semi-living does meet the standards of an ethics of care, as defined in particular by political scientist Joan Tronto, but only within certain constraints—namely, the performative (...)
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    Reflections on a new Perspective of the Evolution of Living Organisms.Jules Duchesne - 1978 - Dialectica 32 (2):155-163.
    SummaryThe meaning of prebiotic evolution is first considered and analysed. The conclusion reached is that the phenomenon is both universal and predetermined, bringing interstellar molecules to the stage of proteins and DNA.Two important properties of living beings, evolution and senescence, are also discussed in depth from a new viewpoint.From this, dialectically, it is suggested that the first of the two phenomena corresponds to a progressive increase in the molecular weight of DNA, whereas the second is dependent on a decrease (...)
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    Home and Exile – Dancing in the Mess of Contradictions.Laura Hellsten - 2022 - Open Philosophy 5 (1):474-489.
    This is a meta-reflection on the methodological and epistemological challenges of doing ethnographic theology in a context outside the church or religious communities. Particularly, it argues that in a multi- or inter-disciplinary setting theologians are placed in a precarious position when it comes to use of language, theories and concepts if they want to speak simultaneously to the people they encounter in the field and to their “own” scientific community. The article asks how a researcher can do theology in a (...)
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  49. (1 other version)Time travel and changing the past: (Or how to kill yourself and live to tell the tale).G. C. Goddu - 2003 - Ratio 16 (1):16–32.
    According to the prevailing sentiment, changing the past is logically impossible. The prevailing sentiment is wrong. In this paper, I argue that the claim that changing the past entails a contradiction ultimately rests upon an empirical assumption, and so the conclusion that changing the past is logically impossible is to be resisted. I then present and discuss a model of time which drops the empirical assumption and coherently models changing the past. Finally, I defend the model, and changing the (...)
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    Imagine the World you Want to Live in: A Study on Developmental Change in Doctor-Patient Interaction.Ritva Engeström - 1999 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 1 (1):33-50.
    The article focuses on talk and cognition in terms of action. It outlines methodological alternatives for approaches addressing meaning construction and the accounts people give of their actions. There are studies, rooted especially in phenomenology and ethnomethodology, that manifest the idea of intersubjective reality seen as achievements of situated actions. In this framework, conversation and communication are seen per se as significant forms of social action. Instead of intersubjective reality, often brought about with an inductive research method, the article argues (...)
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