Results for ' targeted non-proliferation sanctions'

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  1.  12
    International governance of advancing artificial intelligence.Nicholas Emery-Xu, Richard Jordan & Robert Trager - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-26.
    New technologies with military applications may demand new modes of governance. In this article, we develop a taxonomy of technology governance forms, outline their strengths, and red-team their weaknesses. In particular, we consider the challenges and opportunities posed by advancing artificial intelligence, which is likely to have substantial dual-use properties. We conclude that subnational governance, though prevalent and mitigating some risks, is insufficient when the individual rewards from societally harmful actions outweigh normative sanctions, as is likely to be the (...)
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    Standing at the Intersections: Navigating Life as a Black Intersex Man.Sean Saifa Wall - 2015 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 5 (2):117-119.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Standing at the Intersections: Navigating Life as a Black Intersex ManSean Saifa WallAs I sit down to write this narrative, my mind is reflecting on the past year. This year has seen numerous protests against state–sanctioned violence with the declaration that “Black Lives Matter”. As a Black intersex man, I have witnessed the impact of state–sanctioned violence on my family and my community, both from the police state and (...)
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    Buses and Breaking Point: Freedom of Expression and the ‘Brexit’ Campaign.Andrew Reid - 2019 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (3):623-637.
    In the aftermath of the ‘Brexit’ referendum two pieces of campaign material used by the successful Leave campaign proved controversial: a slogan on the side of a bus fallaciously implying that leaving the EU would necessarily free up £350 million a week for the NHS; and a poster stating that Britain was at “Breaking Point” – purportedly due to an influx of migrants – that was redolent of Nazi propaganda. This paper analyses and develops some criticisms that were levelled at (...)
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    Introduction.Joy Gordon - 2019 - Ethics and International Affairs 33 (3):275-277.
    It is hard to imagine a threat to international security or a tension within U.S. foreign policy that does not involve the imposition of economic sanctions. The United Nations Security Council has fourteen sanctions regimes currently in place, and all member states of the United Nations are obligated to participate in their enforcement. The United States has some thirty sanctions programs, which target a range of countries, companies, organizations, and individuals, and many of these are autonomous (...) that are independent of the measures required by the United Nations. Australia, Canada, the European Union, Japan, South Korea, and others also have autonomous sanctions regimes, spanning a broad range of contexts and purpose. Most well-known are those concerning weapons proliferation, terrorism, and human rights violations; but sanctions are also imposed in such contexts as money laundering, corruption, and drug trafficking. States may also impose sanctions as a means to achieve foreign policy goals: to pressure a foreign state to bend to the sanctioner's will, to punish those who represent a threat to the sanctioner's economic or political interests, or to seek the end of a political regime toward which the sanctioner is hostile, to give but a few examples. (shrink)
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  5. Drone Warfare and Just War Theory.Harry van der Linden - 2015 - In Marjorie Cohn, Drones and Targeted Killing. Northampton, Mass.: Olive Branch Press, Interlink Books. pp. 169-194.
    This book chapter addresses two questions. First, can targeted killing by drones in non-battlefield zones be justified on basis of just war theory? Second, will the proliferation and expansion of combat drones in warfare, including the introduction of autonomous drones, be an obstacle to initiating or executing wars in a just manner in the future? The first question is answered by applying traditional jus ad bellum and jus in bello principles to the American targeted killing campaign in (...)
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    MitomiRs, ChloromiRs and Modelling of the microRNA Inhibition.J. Demongeot, H. Hazgui, S. Bandiera, O. Cohen & A. Henrion-Caude - 2013 - Acta Biotheoretica 61 (3):367-383.
    MicroRNAs are non-coding parts of nuclear and mitochondrial genomes, preventing the weakest part of the genetic regulatory networks from being expressed and preventing the appearance of a too many attractors in these networks. They have also a great influence on the chromatin clock, which ensures the updating of the genetic regulatory networks. The post-transcriptional inhibitory activity by the microRNAs, which is partly unspecific, is due firstly to their possibly direct negative action during translation by hybridizing tRNAs, especially those inside the (...)
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    About Security, Democratic Consolidation and Good Governance. Romania within European Context. Book Review for the volume Despre securitate, consolidare democratica si buna guvernare: Romania in context regional, author Ciprian Iftimoaei, Lumen Media Publishing, Iasi, Romania.George Poede - 2015 - Postmodern Openings 6 (2):121-124.
    More than a decade has passed since the tragic events that took place in America in the dramatic day of September 9th 2001. For the first time since the end of the second World War, the United States were being attacked on their own territory, without prior notice, by a non-state military force which was globally organised, for religious and ideological reasons. The terrorist attacks planned and executed by the terrorist organisation Al-Qaeda on American military and civilian targets have reconfigured (...)
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  8. Why Take Painkillers?David Bain - 2019 - Noûs 53 (2):462-490.
    Accounts of the nature of unpleasant pain have proliferated over the past decade, but there has been little systematic investigation of which of them can accommodate its badness. This paper is such a study. In its sights are two targets: those who deny the non-instrumental disvalue of pain's unpleasantness; and those who allow it but deny that it can be accommodated by the view—advanced by me and others—that unpleasant pains are interoceptive experiences with evaluative content. Against the former, I argue (...)
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    The United Nations’ Reso Lution 2325 “Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction” and Its Role in Preventing Terrestrial-Based WMD Utilization Toward Orbiting Space Objects.Stefani Stojchevska - 2020 - Seeu Review 15 (2):136-142.
    The 2016 United Nations’ Resolution 2325 “Non-proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction” manifests one of the greatest challenges for humankind in relation to preventing a global catastrophe, where it reaffirms that the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, as well as their means of delivery, constitutes a threat to international peace and security. However, regarding the continuous technological developments of terrestrial-based WMD aimed at orbiting space objects in near-Earth orbit, it is crucial to analyze whether, and if (...)
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    Perspectives on de se immunity.Víctor M. Verdejo - 2021 - Synthese 198 (10):10089-10107.
    Concept-individuating reference rules offer a well-known route for the explanation of immunity to error through misidentification in judgments involving first person or de se thought. However, the ‘outright’ version of this account—one that sanctions a one-to-one correspondence between the reference-fixing rule and immunity—cannot do justice to the unassailable ground-relativity of the target phenomenon. In this paper, I outline a version of the reference-rule account that circumvents this problem. I state a reference rule for the de se concept that makes (...)
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  11. Water has a microstructural essence after all.Genoveva Martí & Carl Hoefer - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 9 (1):1-15.
    In recent years attacks on the Kripke-Putnam approach to natural kinds and natural kind terms have proliferated. In a recent paper, Häggqvist and Wikforss (The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 1–23, 2017) attack the once-dominant essentialist account of natural kinds. Häggqvist & Wikforss also suggest that it is time to return to some sort of cluster-based descriptivist semantics for natural kind terms, thus targeting both the metaphysical and semantic tenets that underpin the Kripke-Putnam approach. In our paper we (...)
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    China's Case Against the Nuclear Non‐proliferation Treaty: rationality and morality.Geoffrey Hunt - 2008 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 3 (2):183-199.
    China, India, Brazil and other major Third World nations have long refused to sign the Nuclear Non‐proliferation Treaty. This position might at first sight appear to be without any question morally unjustified and even irrational. Yet their claim that the treaty is ‘discriminatory’ merits the serious attention which it has not received. Only if certain aspects of this claim are accepted by the nuclear weapons signatories does a moral and rational onus to sign become unquestionable.
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  13. The proportionality of unilateral 'targeted' sanctions whose interests should count?Alexandra Hofer - 2021 - In Ulf Linderfalk & Eduardo Gill-Pedro, Revisiting proportionality in international and European law: interests and interest- holders. Leiden, The Netherlands: Koninklijke Brill NV.
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    Just War Theory and the Last of Last Resort.Eamon Aloyo - 2015 - Ethics and International Affairs 29 (2):187-201.
    The last resort criterion has a hallowed place in the just war theory tradition. Many leading just war theory scholars accept it as ajus ad bellumrequirement and some powerful politicians reference it. While there are several versions of last resort, many take it to mean that peaceful options that have a reasonable chance of achieving a just cause must be exhausted before the use of force is permissible. Its justification is straightforward and commonsensical: war is terrible, inevitably results in the (...)
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    Institutional Theory and Evolution of ‘A Legitimate’ Compliance Culture: The Case of the UK Financial Service Sector.Wendy Mason Burdon & Mohamed Karim Sorour - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 162 (1):47-80.
    Over the last decade, scandals within the UK Financial Service sector have impacted their legitimacy and raised questions whether a compliance culture exists or not. Several institutional changes at the regulatory and normative levels have targeted stakeholders’ concerns regarding compliance culture and led to changes in the legitimation process. This paper attempts to address a gap in the literature by asking the following question: How is the UK financial institutions’ compliance culture shaped by the institutional environment and changing legitimacy (...)
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    Moderating Synthetic Content: the Challenge of Generative AI.Sarah A. Fisher, Jeffrey W. Howard & Beatriz Kira - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (4):1-20.
    Artificially generated content threatens to seriously disrupt the public sphere. Generative AI massively facilitates the production of convincing portrayals of fabricated events. We have already begun to witness the spread of synthetic misinformation, political propaganda, and non-consensual intimate deepfakes. Malicious uses of the new technologies can only be expected to proliferate over time. In the face of this threat, social media platforms must surely act. But how? While it is tempting to think they need new sui generis policies targeting synthetic (...)
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    The Moral Dilemmas of Fighting Terrorism and Guerrilla Groups.Jean-François Caron - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    The Moral Dilemmas of Fighting Terrorism and Guerrilla Groups discusses the most important ethical dilemmas associated with the fight against terrorist organizations and guerilla groups by providing readers with a rigorous, yet accessible analysis of how these forms of violence can be justified and how they ought to be fought by entities targeted by groups resorting to these strategies. It will be valuable to anyone interested in understanding the main ethical questions associated with these forms of political violence and (...)
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    Bordering and status-harms.Désirée Lim - 2024 - Ethics and Global Politics 17 (2):51-67.
    This paper examines how everyday practices of ‘bordering’, as conceived by Yuval- Davis, Wemyss, and Cassidy (2019) as the ongoing proliferation of border sites where migrants are assessed to be fit for inclusion or exclusion, may violate moral respect by subjecting migrants to a wide array of discriminatory treatment, leading to what I call ‘status-harms’. Section II begins by providing an overview of bordering and the various forms it has taken, such as internal immigration checkpoints or even online visa (...)
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    Cell growth and the cell cycle: New insights about persistent questions.Jan Inge Øvrebø, Yiqin Ma & Bruce A. Edgar - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (11):2200150.
    Before a cell divides into two daughter cells, it typically doubles not only its DNA, but also its mass. Numerous studies in cells ranging from yeast to mammals have shown that cellular growth, stimulated by nutrients and/or growth factor signaling, is a prerequisite for cell cycle progression in most types of cells. The textbook view of growth‐regulated cell cycles is that growth signaling activates the transcription of G1 Cyclin genes to induce cell proliferation, and also stimulates anabolic metabolism and (...)
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    Distinctions between c‐Rel and other NF‐κB proteins in immunity and disease.Hsiou-Chi Liou & Constance Y. Hsia - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (8):767-780.
    Abstractc‐Rel is a proto‐oncogene first identified as the cellular counterpart of the v‐Rel oncogene derived from the avian reticuloendotheliosis retrovirus (REV‐T). It was subsequently discovered that c‐Rel belongs to the NF‐κB/Rel transcription factor family whose members share a common DNA recognition motif and similar signaling pathways. Despite the similarities, however, each NF‐κB/Rel member possesses unique properties with regard to tissue expression pattern, response to receptor signals and target gene specificity. These differences are fairly evident from the non‐redundant phenotypes exhibited by (...)
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    The theoretical basis of cancer‐stem‐cell‐based therapeutics of cancer: can it be put into practice?Isidro Sánchez-García, Carolina Vicente-Dueñas & César Cobaleda - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (12):1269-1280.
    In spite of the advances in our knowledge of cancer biology, most cancers remain not curable with present therapies. Current treatments consider cancer as resulting from uncontrolled proliferation and are non‐specific. Although they can reduce tumour burden, relapse occurs in most cases. This was long attributed to incomplete tumour elimination, but recent developments indicate that different types of cells contribute to the tumour structure, and that the tumour's cellular organization would be analogous to that of a normal tissue, with (...)
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  22. The Carter Administration and its Non-Proliferation Policies: the Road to INFCE.Antonio Tiseo - 2011 - Humana Mente 4 (16).
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  23. VCE International Politics: Nuclear Weapons, Global Disarmament and the 'Grand Bargain' - the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty into the Twenty-first Century.Michael Keks - 2011 - Ethos: Social Education Victoria 19 (1):25.
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    Between Revisionism and Status Quo: China in International Regimes. China's behaviour in the global trade, non-proliferation and environmental regimes.Katherine Combes - 2011 - Polis (Misc) 6:2012.
  25. Economic Sanctions, Morality and Escalation of Demands on Yugoslavia.Jovan Babić & Aleksandar Jokic - 2002 - International Peackeeping (No. 4):119-127.
    Economic sanctions are envisaged as a sort of punishment, based on what should be an institutional decision not unlike a court ruling. Hence, the conditions for their lifting should be clearly stated and once those are met sanctions should be lifted. But this is generally not what happens, and perhaps is precluded by the very nature of international sanctioning. Sanctions clearly have political, economic, military and strategic consequences, but the question raised here is whether sanctions can (...)
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  26. Who is targeted by the council's sanctions? The UN Security Council and the principle of proportionality.Daniëlla Dam-de Jong - 2021 - In Ulf Linderfalk & Eduardo Gill-Pedro, Revisiting proportionality in international and European law: interests and interest- holders. Leiden, The Netherlands: Koninklijke Brill NV.
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  27. Sanctioning.Lucas Miotto - 2018 - Jurisprudence 9 (2):236-250.
    Up until recently, most legal philosophers have argued that an action is a token of sanctioning if, and only if, (i) its performance brings about unwelcome consequences to the targets, and (ii) it is performed as a response to the breach of a duty. In this paper I take issue with this account. I first add some qualifications to it in order to present it in its most plausible form. After doing this, I advance a series of hypothetical cases which (...)
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    Non‐random mutation: The evolution of targeted hypermutation and hypomutation.Iñigo Martincorena & Nicholas M. Luscombe - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (2):123-130.
    A widely accepted tenet of evolutionary biology is that spontaneous mutations occur randomly with regard to their fitness effect. However, since the mutation rate varies along a genome and this variation can be subject to selection, organisms might evolve lower mutation rates at loci where mutations are most deleterious or increased rates where mutations are most needed. In fact, mechanisms of targeted hypermutation are known in organisms ranging from bacteria to humans. Here we review the main forces driving the (...)
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    Economic Sanctions and Just War Theory.Constanza Guajardo, Fernando Arancibia & Alejandra Marinovic - 2024 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 38 (1):141-154.
    In this paper we distinguish, from other sanctions, specific targeted sanctions—namely those imposed on particular individuals and sanctions on goods that facilitate the violation of human rights. We ask if these sanctions satisfy the three of the principles of Just War Theory (JWT): chance of success, proportionality and discrimination. We argue that while there is not enough empirical evidence to make a claim about specific targeted sanctions and chance of success, these sanctions (...)
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    Smart Sanctions Revisited.Joy Gordon - 2011 - Ethics and International Affairs 25 (3):315-335.
    There are considerable difficulties with targeted sanctions. Some of these difficulties may be resolved as these measures continue to be refined. Others are rooted in fundamental conflicts between competing interests or intractable logistical challenges.
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    Halting Proliferation of Long-Range Ballistic Missiles.J. Richard Shanebrook - 2003 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 23 (3):180-184.
    This article presents a plan of action to begin the process of halting proliferation of long-range ballistic missiles. These missiles are deemed particularly dangerous due to their ability to deliver weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, biological, and chemical warheads) over intercontinental distances. Two treaties are proposed to help control the proliferation of these missiles. They are a Ballistic Missile Non-Proliferation Treaty and a Test Ban Treaty for Long-Range Ballistic Missiles. Provision is made for peaceful launches of satellites (...)
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    The United States and the UN's Targeted Sanctions of Suspected Terrorists: What Role for Human Rights?Us Global Engagement, Carnegie New Leaders & B. Point - 2010 - Ethics and International Affairs 24 (2).
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    Representing Non-actual Targets?Philippe Verreault-Julien - 2022 - Philosophy of Science 89 (5):918-927.
    Models typically have actual, existing targets. However, some models are viewed as having non-actual targets. I argue that this interpretation comes at various costs and propose an alternative that fares better along two dimensions: (1) agreement with practice and (2) ontological and epistemological parsimony. My proposal is that many of these models actually have actual targets.
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    A New Way to Treat Brain Tumors: Targeting Proteins Coded by Microcephaly Genes?Patrick Y. Lang & Timothy R. Gershon - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (5):1700243.
    New targets for brain tumor therapies may be identified by mutations that cause hereditary microcephaly. Brain growth depends on the repeated proliferation of stem and progenitor cells. Microcephaly syndromes result from mutations that specifically impair the ability of brain progenitor or stem cells to proliferate, by inducing either premature differentiation or apoptosis. Brain tumors that derive from brain progenitor or stem cells may share many of the specific requirements of their cells of origin. These tumors may therefore be susceptible (...)
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    Sanction d'un expert national pour non respect du contradictoire.B. P. - 2000 - Médecine et Droit 2000 (43):23-23.
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    Group sanctions without social norms?B. Thierry - 2000 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 7 (1-2):1-2.
    High propensities to form coalitions and to negotiate and prevent conflict escalation may be found in monkeys as in great apes. However, there is no evidence that non-human primate communities intend to suppress individual power that grows too strong. Qualifying as protomoral those abilities needed to keep low the dominance gradient is not useful. When communication about social norms appeared in some hominids, it would not have been limited to sanctions against domination.
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    Economic Sanctions on Iraq: Tool for Peace, or Travesty?Sheila Zurbrigg - 2007 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 4 (2).
    Despite triggering one of the largest civilian death tolls in modern history, the policy and human consequences of economic sanctions on Iraq between 1990-2003 remain largely unexamined. This lack of scrutiny mirrors the euphemism and mis-information surrounding the embargo itself and the Oil-for-Food program ostensibly adopted to protect Iraq's civilian population. But it also reflects incomprehension among Western publics - long removed from the realities of hunger and economic destitution - of the intimate link between economic conditions and mortality. (...)
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  38. Unilateral Economic Sanctions, International Law, and Human Rights.Idriss Jazairy - 2019 - Ethics and International Affairs 33 (3):291-302.
    As part of the roundtable “Economic Sanctions and Their Consequences,” this essay examines unilateral coercive measures. These types of sanctions are applied outside the scope of Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, and were developed and refined in the West in the context of the Cold War. Yet the eventual collapse of the Berlin Wall did not herald the demise of unilateral sanctions; much to the contrary. While there are no incontrovertible data on the extent of (...)
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    Rules, Sanctions and Rewards in Secondary Schools.F. Merrett, J. Wilkins, S. Houghton & K. Wheldall - 1988 - Educational Studies 14 (2):139-149.
    All 24 secondary schools in a West Midlands local education authority were visited and a structured interview was conducted with the head or another senior teacher. An interview schedule was used to record details concerning the rule structure which had been established to control the conduct of the pupils. Information was also gathered about the sanctions and rewards used to maintain this behaviour and from most schools copies of the rules were available. It was found that almost all schools (...)
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  40. Sanction and obligation in Hart's theory of law.Danny Priel - 2008 - Ratio Juris 21 (3):404-411.
    Abstract. The paper begins by challenging Hart's argument aimed to show that sanctions are not part of the concept of law. It shows that in the "minimal" legal system as understood by Hart, sanctions may be required for keeping the legal system efficacious. I then draw a methodological conclusion from this argument, which challenges the view of Hart (and his followers) that legal philosophy should aim at discovering some general, politically neutral, conceptual truths about law. Instead, the aim (...)
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    Targeting cancer's weaknesses (not its strengths): Therapeutic strategies suggested by the atavistic model.Charles H. Lineweaver, Paul C. W. Davies & Mark D. Vincent - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (9):827-835.
    In the atavistic model of cancer progression, tumor cell dedifferentiation is interpreted as a reversion to phylogenetically earlier capabilities. The more recently evolved capabilities are compromised first during cancer progression. This suggests a therapeutic strategy for targeting cancer: design challenges to cancer that can only be met by the recently evolved capabilities no longer functional in cancer cells. We describe several examples of this target‐the‐weakness strategy. Our most detailed example involves the immune system. The absence of adaptive immunity in immunosuppressed (...)
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    Preschoolers value those who sanction non-cooperators.Amrisha Vaish, Esther Herrmann, Christiane Markmann & Michael Tomasello - 2016 - Cognition 153:43-51.
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    Too Many False Targets for MicroRNAs: Challenges and Pitfalls in Prediction of miRNA Targets and Their Gene Ontology in Model and Non‐model Organisms.Arie Fridrich, Yael Hazan & Yehu Moran - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (4):1800169.
    Short (“seed”) or extended base pairing between microRNAs (miRNAs) and their target RNAs enables post‐transcriptional silencing in many organisms. These interactions allow the computational prediction of potential targets. In model organisms, predicted targets are frequently validated experimentally; hence meaningful miRNA‐regulated processes are reported. However, in non‐models, these reports mostly rely on computational prediction alone. Many times, further bioinformatic analyses such as Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment are based on these in silico projections. Here such approaches are reviewed, their caveats are highlighted (...)
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    Target-Related Alpha Attenuation in a Brain-Computer Interface Rapid Serial Visual Presentation Calibration.Daniel Klee, Tab Memmott, Niklas Smedemark-Margulies, Basak Celik, Deniz Erdogmus & Barry S. Oken - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    This study evaluated the feasibility of using occipitoparietal alpha activity to drive target/non-target classification in a brain-computer interface for communication. EEG data were collected from 12 participants who completed BCI Rapid Serial Visual Presentation calibrations at two different presentation rates: 1 and 4 Hz. Attention-related changes in posterior alpha activity were compared to two event-related potentials : N200 and P300. Machine learning approaches evaluated target/non-target classification accuracy using alpha activity. Results indicated significant alpha attenuation following target letters at both 1 (...)
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    In Defense of Smart Sanctions: A Response to Joy Gordon.George A. Lopez - 2012 - Ethics and International Affairs 26 (1):135-146.
    In her recent article in this journal, Joy Gordon provides an astute history and critique of the evolution and application of smart sanctions within the United Nations system since the mid-1990s. Her analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the discrete types of smart sanctions is part of a growing discussion among both academics and practitioners about the future and the utility of these measures. As always, her continued skepticism about the effectiveness and ethical dimensions of economic (...) deserves serious consideration and evaluation. In particular, Gordon raises three central concerns: (1) smart sanctions are no more successful than traditional trade sanctions; (2) each type of targeted mechanism has serious flaws; and (3) targeted sanctions did not end the humanitarian damage or the related ethical dilemmas that are embedded into sanctions design and implementation. (shrink)
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    United States Economic Statecraft for Survival, 1933–1991: Of Sanctions and Strategic Embargoes, Alan P. Dobson , 384 pp., $95 cloth. - Sanctions and the Search for Security: Challenges to UN Action, David Cortright and George A. Lopez, with Linda Gerber , 249 pp., $49.95 cloth, $18.95 paper. - Smart Sanctions: Targeting Economic Statecraft, David Cortright and George A. Lopez, eds. , 276 pp., $72 cloth, $27.95 paper. - United States Economic Sanctions: Theory and Practice, Michael P. Malloy , 738 pp., $212 cloth. - Economic Warfare: Sanctions, Embargo Busting, and Their Human Cost, R. T. Naylor, , 480 pp., $55 cloth, $24.95 paper. - Sanctions Beyond Borders: Multinational Corporations and U.S. Economic Statecraft, Kenneth A. Rodman , 272 pp., $75 cloth, $26.95 paper. [REVIEW]Joy Gordon - 2002 - Ethics and International Affairs 16 (2):177-181.
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    Frege, the proliferation of force, and non-cognitivism.S. L. Hurley - 1984 - Mind 93 (372):570-576.
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    No alternative to proliferation.Daniele Oriti - unknown
    We reflect on the nature, role and limits of non-empirical theory assessment in fundamental physics, focusing in particular on quantum gravity. We argue for the usefulness and, to some extent, necessity of non-empirical theory assessment, but also examine critically its dangers. We conclude that the principle of proliferation of theories is not only at the very root of theory assessment but all the more necessary when experimental tests are scarce, and also that, in the same situation, it represents the (...)
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    Censure and Sanctions.Andrew Von Hirsch - 1996 - Oxford University Press UK.
    A number of jurisdictions, including England and Wales after their adoption of the 1991 Criminal Justice Act, require that sentences be `proportionate' to the severity of the crime. This book, written by the leading architect of `just deserts' sentencing theory, discusses how sentences may be scaled proportionately to the gravity of the crime. Topics dealt with include how the idea of a penal censure justifies proportionate sentences; how a penalty scale should be `anchored' to reduce overall punishment levels; how non-custodial (...)
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    The emotion of sound target modulates the auditory gaze cueing effect.Xinghe Feng, Xinmeng Shi & Zhonghua Hu - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (8):1271-1284.
    The auditory gaze cueing effect (auditory-GCE) is a faster response to auditory targets at an eye-gaze cue location than at a non-cue location. Previous research has found that auditory-GCE can be influenced by the integration of both gaze direction and emotion conveyed through facial expressions. However, it is unclear whether the emotional information of auditory targets can be cross-modally integrated with gaze direction to affect auditory-GCE. Here, we set neutral faces with different gaze directions as cues and three emotional sounds (...)
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