Results for ' transformative praxis'

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  1.  27
    Critical thinking for transformative praxis in teacher education: Music, media and information literacy, and social studies in the United States.Richard Miller, Katrina Liu, Christopher B. Crowley & Min Yu - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (8):801-814.
    The notion and practice of critical thinking (CT) has moved from its speculative formation by John Dewey to a standard element in teacher education curricula and standards. In the process, CT has narrowed its focus to the analysis and articulation of logical thought, and lost transformative value. In this paper, we examine the conception and implementation of CT in three teacher education domains primarily in the United States–music, media and information literacy, and social studies–asking how CT has deformed education (...)
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  2. (1 other version)Interreligious Learning and Teaching: A Christian Rationale for a Transformative Praxis.[author unknown] - 2014
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    One step back, two steps forward: Neo-Kantianism and Lukács’s transformative praxis.Robert P. Jackson - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 157 (1):133-141.
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    Transformational diaconia as educative praxis in care within the present poverty-stricken South African context.Smith F. K. Tettey & Malan Nel - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (2):11.
    This article explores how ministerial and leadership formation could be enabled to adopt transformational diaconia in addressing poverty in South Africa, engaging in ways in which pastoral care and leadership formation can respond to the addressing of poverty. The fact that transformation aims at changing the worldviews, paradigms and approaches to life and problem solving informs the author’s concept of transformational diaconia, which was proposed as an aspect of spiritual leadership capital (SLC), defined as, ‘The inner virtues afforded individuals by (...)
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    Praxis and Revolution: A Theory of Social Transformation.Eva von Redecker - 2021 - Columbia University Press.
    The concept of revolution marks the ultimate horizon of modern politics. It is instantiated by sites of both hope and horror. Within progressive thought, “revolution” often perpetuates entrenched philosophical problems: a teleological philosophy of history, economic reductionism, and normative paternalism. At a time of resurgent uprisings, how can revolution be reconceptualized to grasp the dynamics of social transformation and disentangle revolutionary practice from authoritarian usurpation? Eva von Redecker reconsiders critical theory’s understanding of radical change in order to offer a bold (...)
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    Praxis and revolution: A theory of social transformation.Kevin Duong - 2023 - Contemporary Political Theory 22 (4):157-160.
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    Transformational Theology Praxis in the Wesleyan Tradition.Bishop Nicholas Mutwiri & Mary Kinoti - 2022 - Open Journal of Philosophy 12 (3):424-432.
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  8. Praxis in progress : on the transformations of Kosík's thought.Francesco Tava - 2021 - In Joseph Grim Feinberg, Ivan Landa & Jan Mervart, Karel Kosík and the Dialectics of the concrete. Boston: Brill.
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    The Praxis of the Filial Piety and the Problem of its Modern Transformation. 전석환 & 이상임 - 2007 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 27 (27):111-137.
    ‘효’의 관념은 동아시아 세계에 매우 친숙하다. 그것은 동아시아인들의 내재적 심층의식으로 자리잡고 내면적 도덕의 한 축을 이루고 외재적 규범의 주요 요소를 만들었다. 이러한 까닭에 ‘효’에 대한 개념적 이해는 ‘실천’이라는 매개를 통해서만이 가능하다. 그러나 ‘효 실천’은 그 역사적 전개 안에서 때로는 형식주의로 빠지거나, 혹은 정치적 이데올로기로 오용되었다. 그러한 부정적 영향은 오늘날까지 그 흔적을 한국사회 곳곳에 남겨 놓고 있다. 특히 독재정치 권력에 부재했던 혹은 미비한 정당성 창출을 위해 ‘효 실천’을 악용했던 사례는 효 그 자체의 사회적 기능과 효과를 지극히 확대하거나 축소하는 결과로 나타났다. 그런 (...)
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    The Use of Praxis in the Classroom to Facilitate Student Transformation.Kent Walker, Bruno Dyck, Zhou Zhang & Frederick Starke - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (1):199-216.
    Critical management education typically assumes that management courses that emphasize critical reflection—that is, courses that critique problematic systems and structures, and ask students to dialogue about and actively reflect upon these critiques—will foster student transformation. In contrast, critical theory typically suggests that transformation requires praxis, that is, critical reflection plus practical action where students enact their new knowledge in their everyday lives. We empirically test these assumptions by measuring student transformation in management classes that emphasize critical reflection and in (...)
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  11.  22
    Transforming Communities through Academic Activism: An Emancipatory, Praxis-led Approach.Isobel Hawthorne-Steele, Rosemary Moreland & Eilish Rooney - 2016 - Studies in Social Justice 9 (2):197-214.
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    The Groundlessness of Praxis in Wittgenstein’s On Certainty: Philosophy as a Transformation of Attitude.Lucilla Guidi - 2019 - Philosophy Study 9 (9).
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    Nirodha, yoga praxis and the transformation of the mind.Ian Whicher - 1997 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 25 (1):1-67.
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    Back to praxis—On reviving the commitment to the transformation of educational reality in practice.Boaz Tsabar - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (14):1527-1528.
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    AFHVS 2021 Presidential Address: critical praxis and the social imaginary for food systems transformation.Kim L. Niewolny - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (1):1-4.
    In this 2021 AFHVS Presidential Address, Kim Niewolny provides a brief foray into the onto-epistemic framing of critical praxis for sustainable food systems transformation. Niewolny proposes we engage in the creative entanglement of critical praxis and the social imaginary to “unthink” the orthodoxies that govern our ideas of the possible. She offers several possibilities as pathways toward a food system that embodies health equity, ecological justice, land sovereignty, and human rights, including: agroecological research and movement building; food, farm, (...)
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    An introduction to György Márkus’s aesthetics: Transformation from praxis aesthetics to theory of aesthetic modernity.Fu Qilin - 2023 - Thesis Eleven 178 (1):47-65.
    György Márkus, as a leading member of the Budapest School led by György Lukács in Hungary, is closely concerned with aesthetics. His final unfinished writings in political exile in Sydney were focused on the question of modern cultural autonomy. From the 1960s to the new century, from Budapest to Sydney in Australia, he established a new form of Neo-Marxist aesthetics on the basis of critical theory drawn from Lukács to the Frankfurt School. His aesthetics includes three dimensions: an aesthetics of (...)
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    Conceptualising praxis, agency and learning: A postabyssal exploration to strengthen the struggle over alternative futures.Nick Hopwood - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (10):956-966.
    Educational researchers are increasingly striving on the edge of possibility to re-imagine and realise the future. Activist scholarship requires appropriate philosophical and theoretical bases, what Stetsenko refers to as ‘dangerous’ – useful in the struggle for a better world. How might praxis, agency and learning be charged with transgressive spirit? This paper considers the Theory of Practice Architectures and Transformative Activist Stance, established frameworks that dangerously address praxis, agency and learning. Adopting a postabyssal approach, contributions from the (...)
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    Africae Munus and the Challenges of a Transformative Missional Theological Praxis in Africa’s Social Context.Stan Chu Ilo - 2014 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 31 (2):116-131.
    This article takes the theme of Pope Benedict’s Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation, Africae Munus, on reconciliation, justice and peace in Africa as its starting point. It analyses how the commitments of African Christians at the Second African Synod can be realized through a transformative missional theological praxis. This theological approach is proposed as a deeper concern on how to bring about the fruits of the eschatological harvest of God’s kingdom to bear on the present complex African social context. This (...)
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    (1 other version)Praxis as the unfolding of poiesis: Renewing the normativity of labor for critical theory.Ben Suriano - forthcoming - Sage Journals.
    Philosophy & Social Criticism, Ahead of Print. If critical theory is to challenge capitalism’s corrosive commodification of labor and nature, then it should renew a sense of labor as a real bodily power with an internal telos, along the lines of an Aristotelian normativity of praxis. Recent thought however either rejects normativity altogether, or pits normative praxis against labor uncritically reduced to its commodification. Habermas’s work provides an exemplary case of the latter. While he rightly found the ‘production (...)
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  20.  15
    Addressing Whiteness in Bioethics Curricula as Praxis for Transformation.Leslie E. Wolf & Aubrey DeVeny Incorvaia - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (3):36-38.
    In “Meeting the Moment: Bioethics in the Time of Black Lives Matter,” Camisha Russell calls for transforming “bioethics-as-usual” with help from “outsiders”. Prior scholars agree...
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  21.  43
    Erkenntnis durch Kunst: Theorie und Praxis der ästhetischen Transformation.Ursula Brandstätter - 2013 - Wien: Böhlau.
    Kann Kunst Erkenntnisse ermöglichen? Was unterscheidet ästhetische Erkenntnis von wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis? Die Frage nach dem Erkenntnischarakter von Kunst stellt nicht nur ein zentrales Thema des Ästhetik-Diskurses dar, sondern sie spielt - weit darüber hinaus - in aktuellen gesellschafts- und bildungspolitischen Diskussionen eine wichtige Rolle. Das Anliegen dieses Buches besteht zunächst darin, in den aktuellen Stand der erkenntnistheoretischen und ästhetischen Diskussion einzuführen. Die darauf aufbauende Analyse konkreter Beispiele aus unterschiedlichen Kunstsparten dient der Entwicklung einer Theorie ästhetischer Transformation. Diese zeigt, wie unter (...)
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    Phenomenology of Chicana Experience and Identity: Communication and Transformation in Praxis.Jacqueline M. Martinez - 2000 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Using narrative descriptions of the author's own lived-experience of her ethnic heritage, Martinez offers a systematic interrogation of the social and cultural norms by which certain aspects of her Mexican-American cultural heritage are both retained and lost over generations of assimilation. Combining semiotic and existential phenomenology with Chicana feminism, the author charts new terrain where anti-racist, anti-sexist, and anti-homophobic work may be pursued.
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    A Praxis of Facticity for Critical Phenomenology.Jennifer Gaffney - 2023 - Puncta 6 (2):41-60.
    This paper critically engages the method that guides critical phenomenology’s approach to political praxis. While many in this field have emphasized the need to clarify critical phenomenology’s method of social critique, less attention has been given to how critical phenomenology establishes a distinct and rigorously phenomenological method of praxis. The aim of this paper is to enrich the calls to action in critical phenomenology by inquiring into the conditions under which transformative political praxis becomes possible. To (...)
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    Praxis and Practice: Ways of Distinguishing.Ирина Янушевна Мацевич-Духан - 2021 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 64 (3):50-79.
    The article exposes diverse historical-philosophical meanings of the concepts of praxis and practice. Using the works of Aristotle, I. Kant, G.W.F. Hegel, K. Marx, H. Lotze, and H. Arendt, the author demonstrates the main ways of distinguishing between these two notions. The article clarifies meanings of praxis and prudence in Aristotle’s philosophy. The crucial transformation of the sense of practice in classical German philosophy, its further neo-Kantian and neo-Hegelian interpretations are also considered. The author reveals a range of (...)
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    Transforming Africa: Some missiological perspectives from the Belhar Confession.Johannes J. Knoetze - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):7.
    In the strategic document of the African Union approved in 2013 and spanning over 50 years, known as Agenda 2063, we find a blueprint for transforming Africa into a global powerhouse of the future. Many of the themes mentioned in Agenda 2063 are also mentioned in the New Testament, such as slavery, unity, poverty, women, children, discrimination and diversity. It is therefore clear that Christianity has something to contribute to Agenda 2063. Another word used throughout the Agenda 2063 document is (...)
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    Living the dystopian-utopian tension as praxis: Transformative dreaming with/in/for education and educational research.Tricia M. Kress & Robert Lake - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (9):931-936.
    Volume 52, Issue 9, August 2020, Page 931-936.
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  27. Revolutionary praxis and the future of philosophy.Andrew Cooper - 2009 - Emergent Australasian Philosophers 2 (1).
    The modern world is characterised by the juxtaposing forces of hope in unlimited expansion on the one hand, and scepticism at the state of the world on the other. Society is in many ways in a state of distrust, uncertain of how to exist in an inherited world of opportunity and turmoil, optimism and confusion. As the rationality of the economy and its ability to fairly distribute resources is being called into question in current times, technological development in the service (...)
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    Human praxis-oriented literary appreciation in the educational context of a medical university.Yunexis Teresa Nobalbo Aguilera, Sonia Reina Socarrás Sánchez & Isis Angélica Pernas Álvarez - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (1):66-85.
    La lectura de obras literarias constituye una herramienta para contribuir al desarrollo cognoscitivo, valorativo y empático del estudiante, así como a la aprehensión y transformación de la realidad. Por lo que el objetivo consistió en valorar la importancia de los talleres de apreciación literaria como contribución a la praxis humana en la Educación Médica mediante el criterio de especialistas. Reading literary works is a tool to contribute to students' cognitive, assessable and empathetic development as well as to capture and (...)
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  29. Praxis and the Possible: Thoughts on the Writings of Maxine Greene and Paulo Freire.Randall Everett Allsup - 2003 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 11 (2):157-169.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy of Music Education Review 11.2 (2003) 157-169 [Access article in PDF] Praxis and the PossibleThoughts on the Writings of Maxine Greene and Paulo Freire Randall Everett Allsup Columbia University Authors in a recent edition of the Philosophy of Music Education Review have assayed various understandings of praxis within the domain of music learning and teaching. 1 Leadened (perhaps) by history, this six-letter word sustains a multiplicity (...)
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    Race, memory and the apartheid archive: towards a transformative psychosocial praxis.Garth Stevens, Norman Duncan & Derek Hook (eds.) - 2013 - Johannesburg: Wits University Press.
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    Theology, Praxis, and Ethics in the Thought of Juan Luis Segundo, S.J.Joel Zimbelman - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (2):233-267.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THEOLOGY, PRAXIS, AND ETHICS IN THE THOUGHT OF JUAN LUIS SEGUNDO, S.J. JOEL ZIMBELMAN California State University, Chico Chico, California I. Introduction JESUS OF NAZARETH Yesterday and Today is Juan Luis Segundo's most recent contribution in an on-going effort to forge a distinctive post-conciliar catholic theology.1· This five-volume work establishes Segundo as one of the most prolific, methodologically sophisticated, and constructive Catholic theologians of this century. In these (...)
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    Towards a Transformational Political Concept of Love in Critical Education.Maija Lanas & Michalinos Zembylas - 2014 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 34 (1):31-44.
    This paper makes a case for love as a powerful force for ‘transforming power’ in our educational institutions and everyday lives, and proposes that ‘revolutionary love’ serves as a moral and strategic compass for concrete individual and collective actions in critical education. The paper begins by reviewing current conceptualizations of love in critical education and identifies the potential for further theorization of the concept of love. It continues by theorizing love as a transformational political concept, focusing on six different perspectives (...)
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  33. Empathy, as affective ethical technology and transformative political praxis.Elisabeth Kirtsoglou & Dimitrios Theodossopoulos - 2018 - In Bruce Kapferer & Marina Gold, Moral anthropology: a critique. New York: Berghahn.
  34.  16
    The Transformative Power of Community Engaged Teaching.A. Todd Franklin - 2022 - In Lee C. McIntyre, Nancy Arden McHugh & Ian Olasov, A companion to public philosophy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 303–310.
    One way of conceptualizing community engaged teaching is as a mode of teaching that directly foregrounds engaging communities who are experiencing particular social realities that are theorized and discussed in classroom settings. Tracing the trajectory of community engaged teaching from the pedagogical paradigm of civil rights era Freedom Schools to contemporary manifestations of their legacy, the author offers two narrative accounts. The first is an account of the emergence of Freedom Schools as quintessential examples of community engaged teaching that exemplify (...)
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    Transforming Desolation into Consolation: the meaning of being in situations of ethical difficulty in intensive care.Anna Söderberg, Fredricka Gilje & Astrid Norberg - 1999 - Nursing Ethics 6 (5):357-373.
    The purpose of this phenomenological-hermeneutic study was to illuminate the meaning of being in ethically difficult care situations. The participants were 20 enrolled nurses employed in six intensive care units in Sweden. The results reveal a complex human process manifested in relation to one’s inner self and the other person, which transforms desolation into consolation through becoming present to the suffering other when perceiving fragility rather than tragedy. The main point of significance here is for all health professionals to create (...)
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    Theoria, praxis, and the contemplative life after Plato and Aristotle.Thomas Bénatouïl & Mauro Bonazzi (eds.) - 2012 - Boston: Brill.
    This volume deals with the appropriations, criticism and transformation of Plato’s and Aristotle’s positions about theory, practice and the contemplative life, including their epistemological and metaphysical foundations, from ...
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    Humanistic Marxism and the Transformation of Reason.Kevin M. Brien - 2006 - Dialogue and Universalism 16 (5-6):39-58.
    This paper will open with a focus on alienated and unfree activity as it is presented by Marx in his famous Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844. My concern will be to bring out the most central dimensions of his view of such activity including: the alienated relation in such activity to other people, to one’s own activity, to the products of one’s activity, to the natural world, etc. Moreover, I will be especially concerned to bring out the mode of (...)
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    (1 other version)Dialética e práxis no pensamento de Jean-Paul Sartre (Uma leitura da Crítica da razão dialética).Arno Münster - 2006 - Doispontos 3 (2).
    The article discusses Sartre’s the o retical conversion towards Marxism and historical ma t e r ialism. It emphasizes, however, that this conversion has ne v e r implied abandoning certain existentialist conc e p t s. In the Critique of dialectical reason Sartre aimed at defining a new dialectics, in which the subjective and ex i stential dimension is part of the process of economic, political and social transformation.
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    Transforming Neuroscience into a Totalizing Meta-Narrative.Leandro Gaitán & Luis Echarte - 2016 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 20 (1):16-33.
    The present work is developed within the frame of so-called critical neuroscience. The aim of this article is to explain the transition from a kind of neuroscience understood as a strict scientific discipline, possessing a methodology and a specific praxis, to a kind of neuroscience that has been transformed into a meta-narrative with totalizing claims. In particular, we identify and examine eleven catalysts for such a transition: 1) a lack of communication between scientists and journalists; 2) the abuse of (...)
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  40. Social Work as Revolutionary Praxis? The contribution to critical practice of Cornelius Castoriadis’s political philosophy.Phillip Ablett & Christine Morley - 2019 - Critical and Radical Social Work 7 (3): 333-348.
    Social work is a contested tradition, torn between the demands of social governance and autonomy. Today, this struggle is reflected in the division between the dominant, neoliberal agenda of service provision and the resistance offered by various critical perspectives employed by disparate groups of practitioners serving diverse communities. Critical social work challenges oppressive conditions and discourses, in addition to addressing their consequences in individuals’ lives. However, very few recent critical theorists informing critical social work have advocated revolution. A challenging exception (...)
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    Theorizing Transformative Revolutionary Action.Make Fitts - 2011 - CLR James Journal 17 (1):112-132.
    bell hooks is one of the seminal feminist theoreticians whose body of work not only provides discursive understandings of intersectional modes of oppression, but also a conceptual roadmap for creating the material conditions that lead to social transformation. In this essay, I posit the formulation of a theory of transformative revolutionary action that comes out of hoolis' ruminations on the following concepts: marginality as a position and place of resistance, killing rage, revolutionary interdependency and the politics of sisterhood, and (...)
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    Critique and Praxis.Bernard E. Harcourt - 2019 - Columbia University Press.
    Critical philosophy has always challenged the division between theory and practice. At its best, it aims to turn contemplation into emancipation, seeking to transform society in pursuit of equality, autonomy, and human flourishing. Yet today’s critical theory often seems to engage only in critique. These times of crisis demand more. Bernard E. Harcourt challenges us to move beyond decades of philosophical detours and to harness critical thought to the need for action. In a time of increasing awareness of economic and (...)
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    Praxis through Multiplicitous Agency.Jyothis James - 2023 - Journal of World Philosophies 7 (2).
    Andrea Pitts’ Anzaldúan reading of multiplicitous agency critically weaves together Latinx, Latina feminist, Black, Indigenous, queer and trans, and disability theorizing alongside Anzaldúan scholarship to demonstrate how pluralistic communities come together for positive social transformation. In this process, they provide a powerful scholarly resource to Anzaldúan scholarship. Ultimately, Pitts invites us to break away from modes of being that fall into individualism, insularities, binaries, isolation, and even imperialism to imagine instead “new geographies of selves” (32). This revision involves developing an (...)
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    Activist Engineering: Changing Engineering Practice By Deploying Praxis.Darshan M. A. Karwat, Walter E. Eagle, Margaret S. Wooldridge & Thomas E. Princen - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (1):227-239.
    In this paper, we reflect on current notions of engineering practice by examining some of the motives for engineered solutions to the problem of climate change. We draw on fields such as science and technology studies, the philosophy of technology, and environmental ethics to highlight how dominant notions of apoliticism and ahistoricity are ingrained in contemporary engineering practice. We argue that a solely technological response to climate change does not question the social, political, and cultural tenet of infinite material growth, (...)
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    Troubling practices of control: re‐visiting H annah A rendt's ideas of human action as praxis of the unpredictable.Helen Kohlen - 2015 - Nursing Philosophy 16 (3):161-166.
    In this article, Hannah Arendt's concept of action will be used to problematize current transformations of the health care sector and examine some responses by ethicists in light of those transformations. The sphere of human interaction that should typify health care work is identified as an action of unpredictable praxis in contrast to controllable procedures and techniques which increasingly take place in the health care sector.
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    A modo de praxis filosófica. La solidaridad entre el hacernos las paces y la creatividad como preámbulo de las paces creativas.Sonia París - 2021 - Araucaria 23 (48).
    Creativity is an essential piece to make peace. So much so that this text highlights the importance of motivating to be able to take the risk in that what refers to the peacebuilding and the peaceful conflict transformation. With this objective, this paper mentions a pedagogical turn, which has to tend towards a creative education in creativity and facilitate, at the same time, the cultivation of those peaceful competences, which are favourable to the establishment of creative peace from both simple (...)
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    Visualising Lost Theatres: Virtual Praxis and the Recovery of Performance Spaces.Joanne Tompkins, Julie Holledge & Jonathan Bollen - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    This pioneering study harnesses virtual reality to uncover the history of five venues that have been 'lost' to us: London's 1590s Rose Theatre; Bergen's mid-nineteenth-century Komediehuset; Adelaide's Queen's Theatre of 1841; circus tents hosting Cantonese opera performances in Australia's goldfields in the 1850s; and the Stardust showroom in 1950s Las Vegas. Shaping some of the most enduring genres of world theatre and cultural production, each venue marks a significant cultural transformation, charted here through detailed discussion of theatrical praxis and (...)
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  48. Transforming mysticism: Adorning pathways to self-transcendence.Gordon Rixon - 2004 - Gregorianum 85 (4):719-734.
    The article develops an Ignatian perspective, from within which it then interprets and amplifies Bernard Lonergan's intellectual project. Exploiting recent analyses of medieval memorial culture and the rhetorical dynamicsof monastic spiritual practice, the article highlights the performative quality of key Ignatian texts, paying particular attention to the categories of ornamentation and ordering . Appreciating the vantage afforded by heightened self-presence, reflexive knowledge and intentional praxis, the article then explores Lonergan's project, employing the rubric of ornamentation and ordering to investigate (...)
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    Global citizenship education and peace education: Toward a postcritical praxis.Kevin Kester - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (1):45-56.
    This paper argues for a postcritical praxis in global citizenship education (GCE) and peace education (PE). The paper begins by critiquing the interlocking fields of GCE and PE as problematically framed around the three key pillars of liberal peace. Then, drawing on postabyssal thinking the paper illustrates that the Western-centricity of liberal peacebuilding is not only colonialist/imperialist but that it is an erasure of the other. The paper argues that in light of this realization epistemological pluralism as a (...) response is wanting. Instead new responses must focus on other ontological possibilities grounded in a postcritical response to postabyssal thought. Before concluding, the paper offers some pedagogic possibilities integrating the ontological for a new postcritical GCE and PE. (shrink)
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    Praxis and Democratic Socialism. [REVIEW]Lucius Outlaw - 1985 - Review of Metaphysics 39 (1):144-146.
    One of the more historically significant developments among efforts to achieve socialism in various places in the world is the Yugoslav case of "self-managing" socialism. This effort at revolutionary social transformation had before it the model of Stalinist Russia and the latter's claim, subsequently backed by force, that it was both the paradigm and the keeper-of-the-definition of Marxian socialism and communism, and of revolutionary practices guided by Marxian theory. But the Yugoslav revolutionaries rejected both this claim and the model in (...)
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