Results for 'Adeola Esther Olutoki'

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  1.  44
    (1 other version)Making sense of corporate social responsibility in international business: Experiences from shell.Esther M. J. Schouten & Joop Remmé - 2006 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 15 (4):365–379.
    International business organizations are regularly addressed on their corporate social responsibility (CSR). As illustrated in this paper, it is not yet clear exactly what CSR means to organizations and how to deal with it. In this paper, the authors explore how a sensemaking approach helps to understand the business challenges of CSR within an organizational context. The theories of Karl Weick are applied to the experiences of CSR in Royal Dutch Shell. The authors argue that the key to CSR in (...)
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  2. The commentaries of the Sāṁkhya kārikā: a study.Esther Abraham Solomon - 1974 - Ahmedabad: Gujarat University.
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  3. Civilizing the living real.Esther Faye - 2013 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 18:129.
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  4. La justicia.Esther González - 2008 - Critica 58 (954):75.
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    The Politics of Sources Meets the Practices of the Librarian: An Interview with Esther Chen.Esther Chen, Lara Keuck & Kärin Nickelsen - 2022 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 45 (3):508-516.
    Abstract[I] want to single out one phenomenon that could be called the ‘politics of sources’. It points to the extent to which the histories that both scientists and historians can write are artifacts of the available sources. The Rockefeller Foundation not only opened its archives very early on for historical work but also invested a lot in making the archives readily available for historical exploration. During the 1980s, many young historians took advantage of this opportunity. Thus, in a relatively early (...)
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    Identity-relative paternalism fails to achieve its apparent goal.Esther Braun - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (6):413-414.
    In a recent article, Wilkinson puts forward the notion of identity-relative paternalism. According to Wilkinson’s final formulation of this principle, ‘[i]ndividuals should be prevented from doing to future selves (where there are weakened prudential unity relations between the current and future self) what it would be justified to prevent them from doing to others’.1 In medical ethics, it is usually assumed that hard paternalism, that is, acting against a competent person’s wishes for their own benefit, is not justified. According to (...)
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  7. Indian dialectics: methods of philosophical discussion.Esther Abraham Solomon - 1976 - Ahmedabad: B.J. Institute of Learning and Research.
  8. The dynamics of embodiment: A field theory of infant perseverative reaching.Esther Thelen, Gregor Schöner, Christian Scheier & Linda B. Smith - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (1):1-34.
    The overall goal of this target article is to demonstrate a mechanism for an embodied cognition. The particular vehicle is a much-studied, but still widely debated phenomenon seen in 7–12 month-old-infants. In Piaget's classic “A-not-B error,” infants who have successfully uncovered a toy at location “A” continue to reach to that location even after they watch the toy hidden in a nearby location “B.” Here, we question the traditional explanations of the error as an indicator of infants' concepts of objects (...)
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    Woman to woman: practical advice and classic stories on life's goals and aspirations.Esther Greenberg - 1996 - Brooklyn, N.Y.: Mesorah Publications. Edited by Aviva Rappaport.
    Rebbetzin Esther Greenberg was famous throughout Israel as a mentor to countless women, including some of the best-known teachers and counselors.
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    The Continuity of Metaphor: Evidence From Temporal Gestures.Esther Walker & Kensy Cooperrider - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (2):481-495.
    Reasoning about bedrock abstract concepts such as time, number, and valence relies on spatial metaphor and often on multiple spatial metaphors for a single concept. Previous research has documented, for instance, both future-in-front and future-to-right metaphors for time in English speakers. It is often assumed that these metaphors, which appear to have distinct experiential bases, remain distinct in online temporal reasoning. In two studies we demonstrate that, contra this assumption, people systematically combine these metaphors. Evidence for this combination was found (...)
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  11. Story, H/History, Historiality: Memoir as the Writing of Trauma.Esther Faye - 1998 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 8:98.
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  12. The New Woman, the Hysteric... and Freud.Esther Faye - 1996 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 7:85.
  13. Brain correlates of binding processes of emotion and memory.Esther Fujiwara & Markowitsch & J. Hans - 2006 - In Hubert D. Zimmer, Axel Mecklinger & Ulman Lindenberger (eds.), Handbook of Binding and Memory: Perspectives From Cognitive Neuroscience. Oxford University Press.
  14. Bhāratīya darśanamāṃ ajñāna.Esther Abraham Solomon - 1998 - Gāndhīnagara: Saṃskr̥ta Sāhitya Akādamī.
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    Turismo y desarrollo sostenible:¿ cambio de época o época de cambio?Esther Trujillo - 2009 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 79:138-141.
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    Can quality from a care ethical perspective be assessed? A review.Esther E. Kuis, Gijs Hesselink & Anne Goossensen - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (7):774-793.
    Background: Ethics-of-care theories contain important notions regarding the quality of care; however, until now, concrete translations of the insights into instruments are lacking. This may be a result of the completely different type of epistemology, theories and concepts used in the field of quality of care research. Objectives: Both the fields of ‘ethics of care’ and ‘quality of care’ aim for improvement of care; therefore; insights could possibly meet by focusing on the following question: How could ethics-of-care theories contribute to (...)
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  17.  56
    The Politics of Real-time: A Device Perspective on Social Media Platforms and Search Engines.Esther Weltevrede, Anne Helmond & Carolin Gerlitz - 2014 - Theory, Culture and Society 31 (6):125-150.
    This paper enquires into the politics of real-time in online media. It suggests that real-time cannot be accounted for as a universal temporal frame in which events happen, but explores the making of real-time from a device perspective focusing on the temporalities of platforms. Based on an empirical study exploring the pace at which various online media produce new content, we trace the different rhythms, patterns or tempos created by the interplay of devices, users’ web activities and issues. What emerges (...)
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    An economist's glance at Goldman's economics.Esther-Mirjam Sent - 1997 - Philosophy of Science 64 (4):148.
    Goldman joins the ranks of epistemologists, philosophers, and science studies scholars trying to use economic models of science. For Goldman, these models are part of social rather than individual epistemics. His hope is that these models will illustrate that non-epistemic goals of individual scientists such as professional success do not necessarily undermine epistemic aims of science such as the acquisition of truth. This paper shows that there are inconsistencies between Goldman's individual and social epistemics, that these models do not live (...)
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  19.  15
    Die Härte des logischen Muss: Wittgensteins Bemerkungen über die Grundlagen der Mathematik.Esther Ramharter - 2006 - Berlin: Parerga. Edited by Anja Weiberg.
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  20. An autonomy-based approach to assisted suicide: a way to avoid the expressivist objection against assisted dying laws.Esther Braun - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (7):497-501.
    In several jurisdictions, irremediable suffering from a medical condition is a legal requirement for access to assisted dying. According to the expressivist objection, allowing assisted dying for a specific group of persons, such as those with irremediable medical conditions, expresses the judgment that their lives are not worth living. While the expressivist objection has often been used to argue that assisted dying should not be legalised, I show that there is an alternative solution available to its proponents. An autonomy-based approach (...)
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    Profiling teachers' sense of professional identity.Esther T. Canrinus, Michelle Helms‐Lorenz, Douwe Beijaard, Jaap Buitink & Adriaan Hofman - 2011 - Educational Studies 37 (5):593-608.
    This study shows that professional identity should not be viewed as a composed variable with a uniform structure. Based on the literature and previous research, we view teachers? job satisfaction, self?efficacy, occupational commitment and change in the level of motivation as indicators of teachers? professional identity. Using two?step cluster analysis, three distinct professional identity profiles have empirically been identified, based on data of 1214 teachers working in secondary education in the Netherlands. These profiles differed significantly regarding the indicators of teachers? (...)
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    Increasing reproducibility and interpretability of microbiota-gut-brain studies on human neurocognition and intermediary microbial metabolites.Esther Aarts & Sahar El Aidy - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    In this commentary, we point to guidelines for performing human neuroimaging studies and their reporting in microbiota-gut-brain articles. Moreover, we provide a view on interpretational issues in MGB studies, with a specific focus on gut microbiota–derived metabolites. Thus, extending the target article, we provide recommendations to the field to increase reproducibility and relevance of this type of MGB study.
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    The feasibility of using pupillometry to measure cognitive effort in aphasia: Evidence from a working memory span task.Kim Esther & Suleman Salima - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Autobiographical disorders.Esther Fujiwara & Hans J. Markowitsch - 2005 - In Todd E. Feinberg & Julian Paul Keenan (eds.), The Lost Self:Pathologies of the Brain and Identity: Pathologies of the Brain and Identity. Oxford University Press.
  25.  18
    “Pure Means” and the Possibilities of the Past.Esther Isaac - 2020 - Radical Philosophy Review 23 (1):5-33.
    In his essay “Critique of Violence,” Walter Benjamin argued that only certain types of strikes can be considered revolutionary, while others—i.e., most bread and butter, or “political” strikes—tacitly rely on the violent logics of the state. This paper suggests, however, that by reading Benjamin against himself and applying his discussion of “pure means” to those “political” strikes, the extent to which even these basic collective actions represent effective “strategies of resistance” becomes evident. This framework requires an interdisciplinary approach to radical (...)
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    “Somatic” Tumor Genomic Profiling and Potential Germline Implications: Ethical Considerations for Children with Cancer.Esther Knapp - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (4):778-783.
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    Michael Polanyi and Alvin Plantinga.Esther L. Meek - 2012 - Philosophia Christi 14 (1):57-77.
    This essay introduces Michael Polanyi’s work through contrasting his innovative epistemology of subsidiary-focal integration with key distinctives of Christian analytic philosopher Alvin Plantinga. Polanyi’s contrasting proposals helpfully bring to light shaping assumptions of the analytic tradition, contributing creatively to a larger common agenda. Polanyi disputes the unexamined assumption that the simplest epistemic experience is a focally apprehended “find-myself-believing” that is explicitly and propositionally expressed. I also contrast the two regarding infallibilism, foundationalism, externalism, justification, epistemic duty, creative antirealism, and ways of (...)
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    A Threat to Selfhood: Moral Distress and the Psychiatric Training Culture.Esther Nathanson - 2013 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 3 (2):115-117.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Threat to Selfhood: Moral Distress and the Psychiatric Training CultureEsther NathansonWhile many medical specialties offer to heal, or even cure, psychiatry—uniquely—places the doctor–patient relationship at the center of the therapeutic effort. Psychiatrists must possess a complex and challenging combination of broad medical knowledge, finely honed interpersonal and analytic skills and confidence in their abilities, despite limited understanding of the workings of the brain. Inpatient psychiatry in particular demands (...)
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    Phenotypic programming as a distal cause of resilience.Esther Nederhof - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38.
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  30. Learning to remain human" : am Beispiel von Simone de Beauvoirs existentialistischer Altersethik.Esther Redolfi Widmann - 2017 - In Brigitte Buchhammer & Herta Nagl-Docekal (eds.), Lernen, Mensch zu sein: Beiträge des 2. Symposiums der SWIP Austria. Wien: Lit.
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    Bodies of Philosophy.Esther Wolfe & Elizabeth Grosz - 2014 - Stance 7 (1):115-126.
    Article published in Stance by Wolfe and Grosz.
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    Rethinking Religion in India: The Colonial Construction of Hinduism.Esther Bloch & Marianne Keppens - 2009 - Routledge.
    This study critically assesses recent debates about the colonial construction of Hinduism. Written by experts in their field, the chapters present historical and empirical arguments as well as theoretical reflections on the topic, offering new insights into the nature of the construction of religion in India.
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  33. Sex and Gender.Esther Rosario - 2024 - In Kathrin Koslicki & Michael J. Raven (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Essence in Philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge.
    This chapter surveys essentialist and anti-essentialist theories of sex and gender. It does so by engaging three approaches to sex and gender: externalism, internalism, and contextualism. The chapter also draws attention to two key debates about sex and gender in the feminist literature: the debate about the sex/gender distinction (the distinction debate) and the debate about whether sex and gender have essences (the essentialism/anti-essentialism debate). In addition, it describes three problems that theories of sex and gender tend to face: the (...)
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    The phallocentric paradox and semantics of Eve’s myth in Zimbabwe’s contemporary national politics: An ecofeminist reading of Bulawayo’s novel, Glory.Esther Mavengano - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (3):9.
    NoViolet Bulawayo’s recently published novel titled, Glory, fictionalises the tragic fall of Robert Mugabe from the helm of power. The removal of Mugabe from power through the 2017 “military coup” engendered a problematic narrative that depicted the former first lady, Grace Mugabe as the biblical Eve’s doppelganger. The purported resemblance of Eve, a character from sacrosanct text, and Grace of contemporary Zimbabwe is often based on mythical and misogynist (mis)interpretations of the former as an epitome of sin and the latter (...)
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    Im Denken einer Bürgerin.Esther Dischereit - 2003 - Die Philosophin 14 (27):11-21.
  36. 230 Shannon speed.Comandanta Esther - 2009 - In Mark Goodale (ed.), Human rights: an anthropological reader. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 10--229.
  37.  1
    Schooling for Refugee Children: A Social Justice Perspective Informed by Children from Syria.Esther Tsz Wing Ng - forthcoming - British Journal of Educational Studies.
    I was excited to know what they have to tell us, their pain and their agony, because they never speak of that in the classroom, they never tell us how they feel. They only come to learn … I was rea...
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    The conversation frame: Forms and functions of fictive interaction.Esther Pascual & Sergeiy Sandler (eds.) - 2016 - Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
    This edited volume brings together the latest research on fictive interaction, that is the use of the frame of ordinary conversation as a means to structure cognition (talking to oneself), discourse (monologues organized as dialogues), and grammar (“why me? attitude”). This follows prior work on the subject by Esther Pascual and other authors, most of whom are also contributors to this volume. The 17 chapters in the volume explore fictive interaction as a fundamental cognitive phenomenon, as a ubiquitous discourse-structuring (...)
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    When “Goal!” means ‘soccer’.Esther Pascual, Aline Dornelas & Todd Oakley - 2017 - Pragmatics and Cognition 24 (3):315-345.
    Autism is characterized by repetitive behavior and difficulties in adopting the viewpoint of others. We examine a communicative phenomenon resulting from these symptoms: non-prototypical direct speech for non-reports involving an actual utterance from previously produced discourse (e.g. quoting somebody’s words to refer to them,Pascual 2014). We video-recorded the naturalistic speech of five Brazilian children with autism, five typically developing children of the same mental age, and five of the same chronological age. They all used so-calledfictive speech(Pascual 2014,Dornelas & Pascual 2016) (...)
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  40. La investigación histórica actual sobre Jesús: Perspectivas, métodos, logros y limitaciones.Esther Miquel Pericás - 2006 - Critica 56 (935):12-17.
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    Refugee Rights and State Sovereignty.Esther D. Reed - 2010 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 30 (2):59-78.
    THERE IS A RELATIVE DEARTH OF THEOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTION TO PRESENT-day discussion about the status of territorial borders. Secularist discourse tends to divide between "partialists" and "impartialists." Partialists work with an ideal of states as distinct cultural communities, which justifies priority for the interests of citizens over refugees. Impartialists work with an ideal of states as cosmopolitan agents, which takes into account equally the interests of citizens and refugees. The aim of this essay is to show how selected biblical texts help (...)
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  42. Biopolítica, necropolítica, zootecnia y domexecración: el poder de la muerte.Esther Adriana Arvizu Ruiz - 2024 - Euphyía - Revista de Filosofía 18 (34):185-214.
    El presente es un ensayo teórico exploratorio, que busca rastrear el potencial de la intersección de nociones conocidas por la filosofía, tales como biopolítica y necropolítica, junto a conceptos como domexecración, provenientes de campos emergentes del conocimiento social, asimismo se recurre al ámbito de la zootecnia, en tanto discurso moderno especializado (en los términos de Foucault) donde es posible develar los efectos biopolíticos, necropolíticos y domexecradores que han afectado a los animales no humanos, ya que la zootecnia es una ciencia (...)
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    "Jüdische Philosophie" in nichtjüdischer und jüdischer Philosophiegeschichtsschreibung.Esther Seidel - 1984 - Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften.
    Durch einen Vergleich nicht-jüdischer und jüdischer Philosophiegeschichten werden unterschiedliche Behandlungsweisen und vielfältige inhaltliche Ausprägungen von «jüdischer Philosophie» vor dem Hintergrund der jeweils vertretenen philosophischen Haltung wie auch des religiösen Standpunktes der einzelnen Philosophiehistoriker aufgezeigt. Darüber hinaus werden Anregungen gegeben für mögliche Definitionen dessen, was «jüdische Philosophie» zu beinhalten hätte, und wie die künftige philosophiehistorische Forschung, jüdische wie nicht-jüdische, die gewonnenen unterschiedlichen Konzeptionen für Darstellung, Beurteilung und Einordnung in das Gesamt der Philosophiegeschichte berücksichtigen und fruchtbar machen könnte.
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    Avidyā: a problem of truth and reality.Esther Abraham Solomon - 1969 - Ahmedabad,: Gujarat University.
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  45. Ciencia globalizada y ciencia invisibilizada.Esther Juliana Vargas - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 4 (1):1 - 7.
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  46. History curriculum with multiple narratives.Esther Yogev - 2010 - In Candice C. Carter & Ravindra Kumar (eds.), Peace Philosophy in Action. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 113--147.
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  47. John Macmurray as a Scottish Philosopher: The Role of the University and the Means to Live Well.Esther McIntosh - 2015 - In Gordon Graham (ed.), Scottish Philosophy in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 270-302.
    John Macmurray (1891-1976) was born in Scotland and began his philosophical education in a Scottish university. As an academic philosopher, following in the footsteps of Caird’s Scottish idealism - a reaction against the debate between Hume’s scepticism and Reid’s ‘commonsense’ – Macmurray holds that a university education in moral philosophy is essential for producing virtuous citizens. Consequently, Macmurray’s philosophy of human nature includes a ‘thick’ description of the person, which is more holistic that Cartesianism and emphasizes the relation of persons. (...)
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    Disentangling Spatial Metaphors for Time Using Non-spatial Responses and Auditory Stimuli.Esther J. Walker, Benjamin K. Bergen & Rafael Núñez - 2014 - Metaphor and Symbol 29 (4):316-327.
    While we often talk about time using spatial terms, experimental investigation of space-time associations has focused primarily on the space in front of the participant. This has had two consequences: the disregard of the space behind the participant and the creation of potential task demands produced by spatialized manual button-presses. We introduce and test a new paradigm that uses auditory stimuli and vocal responses to address these issues. Participants made temporal judgments about deictic or sequential relationships presented auditorily along a (...)
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    Introducing Practical Wisdom in Business Schools.Esther Roca - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (3):607-620.
    This article echoes those voices that demand new approaches and ‹senses’ for management education and business programs. Much of the article is focused on showing that the polemic about the educative model of business schools has moral and epistemological foundations and opens up the debate over the type of knowledge that practitioners need to possess in order to manage organizations, and how this knowledge can be taught in management programs. The article attempts to highlight the moral dimension of management through (...)
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    Intuitive practical wisdom in organizational life.Esther Roca - 2007 - Social Epistemology 21 (2):195 – 207.
    This article investigates whether Aristotelian practical wisdom could be considered as an advantageous "sense" in management practice and as an alternative rationality to that defended by modern tradition. Aristotelian practical wisdom is re-conceptualised in order to emphasise the intuitive component of practical wisdom, an aspect often sidelined by business ethicists. Levinas' insights are applied to Aristotelian practical wisdom in such a way that the role of emotion in moral action would be reinforced. It is argued that the role of emotion (...)
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