Results for 'Andrés Crelier'

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  1.  44
    Attributing Psychological Predicates to Non-human Animals: Literalism and its Limits.Andrés Crelier - 2023 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 14 (4):1309-1328.
    In this essay, I deal with the problem of the attribution of psychological predicates to non-human animals. The first section illustrates three research topics where it has become scientifically legitimate to explain the conduct of non-human animals by means of the attribution of psychological predicates. The second section discusses several philosophical objections to the legitimacy of such attributions provided by central thinkers from the last decades. I try to show that these objections —which are related among other questions to the (...)
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    De los argumentos trascendentales a la hermenéutica trascendental.Andrés Crelier - 2010 - La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina: Edulp, Editorial de la Universidad de La Plata.
  3.  23
    Razones sin lenguaje: el caso de los animales no humanos.Andrés Crelier - 2016 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 28 (2):263-281.
    The paper puts forward the thesis that non-human animals are able to operate with reasons. It argues that the flexible individual conduct is evidence of instrumental rationality and that the context of a practical problem –like tool use by chimpanzees–points toward the existence of deliberative thought. Reasons can be seen as mental representations and deliberation as a way to operate with series of representations. Finally, it is suggested that a communicative infrastructure –such as the one elucidated by Tomasello– makes it (...)
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  4.  14
    La reflexión moral kantiana y el problema del conflicto de deberes.Andrés Crelier - 2013 - Praxis Filosófica 33:11-32.
    El trabajo propone una reflexión sobre el problema de los conflictos de deberes en el marco de la filosofía moral kantiana. En primer lugar, se sostiene que la formalidad y generalidad de las normas son condiciones de sentido, lo cual dificulta concebir conflictos de deberes. En segundo lugar, se señala que la necesidad de especificar las normas es otra condición de sentido, lo cual permite pensar los conflictos. En tercer lugar, se sostiene que la conflictividad se puede evitar si las (...)
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    Los animales entre la mente y el mundo: La filosofía de McDowell y el reencantamiento de la naturaleza por parte de la etología cognitiva.Andrés Crelier - 2018 - Análisis Filosófico 38 (1):57-82.
    El trabajo pone en relación la propuesta filosófica de John McDowell con los estudios recientes sobre cognición animal. La primera sección reconstruye la noción liberalizada de naturaleza desarrollada por este autor en Mente y mundo a partir del umbral representado por las ciencias naturales modernas, y explica luego el lugar que ocupan en ella los animales no humanos. La segunda sección examina dos problemas que posee esta propuesta: su inestabilidad interna y la dificultad para ubicar en ella a los animales (...)
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  6. ¿Tiene razones el corazón? Los marcadores somáticos de Damasio a la luz del debate sobre racionalidad práctica.Andrés Crelier - 2024 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 29 (3):17-35.
    El trabajo propone un examen crítico de la hipótesis de Damasio sobre los marcadores somáticos en El error de Descartes a la luz de distinciones conceptuales recientes sobre racionalidad práctica. Luego de realizar una introducción general (I) y de reconstruir la hipótesis damasiana de los marcadores somáticos (II) se ponen de relieve algunos de sus problemas conceptuales (III). Se analiza entonces esta hipótesis desde la distinción entre racionalidad interna y externa (IV) y desde una distinción entre tipos de razones explicativas (...)
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  7. El mundo y la ética desde el lenguaje: Discusión de las perspectivas de H.-G. Gadamer y K.-O. Apel.Andrés Crelier - 2005 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 40 (86):33-62.
  8.  40
    Penelas, Federico. Wittgenstein. Estudio preliminar y selección de textos.Andrés Crelier - 2022 - Ideas Y Valores 71 (178):206-215.
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  9.  52
    La ética discursiva y el problema del conocimiento pre-lingüístico.Andrés Crelier - 2012 - Tópicos 24 (24):00-00.
    El trabajo problematiza la relación entre el discurso, la base de fundamentación de la ética discursiva, y las capacidades cognitivas pre-lingüísticas. En primer lugar, se critican diversas formas de idealismo lingüístico que suponen que toda capacidad cognitiva depende del lenguaje y se defiende un idealismo "débil", según el cual el conocimiento no lingüístico es virtualmente expresable mediante el lenguaje. En segundo término, se sostiene que entender de este modo lo pre-lingüístico permite aplicar el principio de la ética discursiva a agentes (...)
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  10. La diferencia antropológica: humano, animal, cyborg: actas de las XVI Jornadas Nacionales Agora Philosophica.Andrés Crelier & Nahir Fernández (eds.) - 2017 - Mar del Plata [Argentina]: Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata.
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    Gramática del ethos y comunidad ética en Julio de Zan.Andrés Crelier - 2019 - Tópicos:5-24.
    El presente trabajo realiza una reconstrucción de la filosofía práctica de Julio De Zan poniendo de relieve su filiación kantiana y deteniéndose en cuatro momentos teóricos. En primer lugar, se presenta la noción de una “gramática del ethos”, mediante la cual De Zan presenta –siguiendo a Kant– los aspectos formales de su perspectiva. En segundo lugar, se discute el modo en que De Zan toma en cuenta las críticas a Kant desde la filosofía hegeliana, y el modo en que propone (...)
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    El origen Del lenguaje en la tradición hermenéutica comentario a Andrés crelier, introducción a la filosofía hermenéutica Del lenguaje, buenos aires, biblos, 2013, 284 pp. [REVIEW]Leticia Basso Monteverde - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 11:293.
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    Crelier, Andrés. "La reflexión moral kantiana y el problema del conflicto de deberes".Jorge E. Rincón - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (150):324-326.
    Se busca rastrear la imagen que Platón tiene de Heráclito y articularla con la estructura argumentativa del Cratilo, para comprender las necesidades textuales a las que responde la doctrina del flujo perpetuo, es decir, la discusión sobre la corrección (ὀρθότης) del nombre. Gracias a la inclusión del testimonio heraclíteo, resulta posible rastrear la presunta consolidación de la tesis sobre los nombres primarios y los secundarios como el eje de la separación entre dos planos de realidad (uno estable y uno móvil) (...)
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    Crelier, Andrés. “Razones sin lenguaje: el caso de los animales no humanos.” Areté 28.2 (2016): 263-281.Jesica Sabina Álvarez Ariza - 2017 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (165):434-437.
    RESUMEN Largamente desatendida o malinterpretada, la noción de caos en la filosofía de Nietzsche es una pieza constitutiva de la particular concepción del ser que este autor habría dejado apenas esbozada. El artículo se propone elaborar este concepto en la obra nietzscheana, siguiendo algunas de las metáforas que lo iluminan. Desde allí se busca plantear los rasgos centrales de una ontologia del caos, de sesgo no metafísico, que, al afirmar el carácter acontecimental de la realidad, puede verse como precursora de (...)
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    Crelier, Andrés. Introducción a la filosofía hermenéutica del lenguaje. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Biblos, 2013. 285 pp. [REVIEW]Romina Conti - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (157):269-271.
    A pesar de matices y variaciones de significado, la intencionalidad husserliana sigue al servicio de la verdad como adaequatio, adaptada al orden monádico de la conciencia trascendental. Sin embargo, en la conciencia interna del tiempo se ve la dificultad de interpretar intencionalmente la esfera pasiva de la conciencia, con lo cual peligra la vocación por la verdad de la intencionalidad. A partir de la constitución eidética, se busca una génesis pasiva del sentido ideal intencional, sin perder su referencia egológica. Despite (...)
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    Parente, Diego y Crelier, Andrés. La naturaleza de los artefactos: intenciones y funciones en la cultura material. Buenos Aires: Prometeo Libros, 2015.192 pp. [REVIEW]Álvaro Monterroza-Ríos - 2017 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (164):384-387.
    RESUMEN El artículo responde algunas críticas planteadas por Ignacio Ávila a mi interpretación de la epistemología davidsoniana. Presento argumentos en contra de: a) que sea necesario distinguir entre representaciones epistemológicamente “peligrosas”e “inofensivas”; b) que el empirismo mínimo sea un tipo de realismo directo; c) que mi uso de la expresión “evidencia distal” y el interés por la teoría de la correspondencia sean asuntos ajenos a Davidson. Finalmente, sostengo que la triangulación es un elemento fundamental de la epistemología davidsoniana, pues permite (...)
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    Paradigmas de Filosofía Primera.Mauricio Iván Vargas Mendoza - 2019 - Valenciana 24:273-277.
    Reseña del libro de Karl-Otto Apel: Paradigmas de Filosofía Primera, Andrés Crelier y Miguel Mailluquet (Trad.), Buenos Aires, Prometeo, 2013.
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  18. The Pragmatic Turn in Explainable Artificial Intelligence.Andrés Páez - 2019 - Minds and Machines 29 (3):441-459.
    In this paper I argue that the search for explainable models and interpretable decisions in AI must be reformulated in terms of the broader project of offering a pragmatic and naturalistic account of understanding in AI. Intuitively, the purpose of providing an explanation of a model or a decision is to make it understandable to its stakeholders. But without a previous grasp of what it means to say that an agent understands a model or a decision, the explanatory strategies will (...)
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  19. Polysemy and Co-predication.Marina Ortega AndrÉs & Agustin Vicente - forthcoming - Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics.
    Many word forms in natural language are polysemous, but only some of them allow for co-predication, that is, they allow for simultaneous predications selecting for two different meanings or senses of a nominal in a sentence. In this paper, we try to explain (i) why some groups of senses allow co-predication and others do not, and (ii) how we interpret co-predicative sentences. The paper focuses on those groups of senses that allow co-predication in an especially robust and stable way. We (...)
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  20.  38
    Explanations in K: An Analysis of Explanation as a Belief Revision Operation.Andrés Páez - 2006 - Athena Verlag.
    Explanation and understanding are intimately connected notions, but the nature of that connection has generally not been considered a topic worthy of serious philosophical investigation. Most authors have avoided making reference to the notion of understanding in their accounts of explanation because they fear that any mention of the epistemic states of the individuals involved compromises the objectivity of explanation. Understanding is a pragmatic notion, they argue, and pragmatics should be kept at a safe distance from the universal features of (...)
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  21.  65
    Circular Definitions of ‘Good’ and the Good of Circular Definitions.Andrés G. Garcia - forthcoming - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice:1-14.
    I defend the view that circular definitions can be useful and illuminating by focusing on the fitting-attitudes analysis of value. This definition states that an item has value if and only if it is a fitting target of attitudes. Good items are the fitting targets of positive attitudes, and bad items are the fitting targets of negative ones. I shall argue that a circular version of this definition, defended by Rabinowicz and Rønnow-Rasmussen (2006), is preferable to its non-circular counterpart and (...)
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  22. Political authority and obligation in Aristotle.Andres Rosler - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Andres Rosler's study looks at Aristotle and the question of political obligation and its limits. Rosler takes his exploration further, considering the ethical underpinning of Aristotle's political thought, the normativity of his ethical and political theory, and the concepts of political authority and obligation themselves"--Provided by publisher.
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  23. Transparencia, explicabilidad y confianza en los sistemas de aprendizaje automático.Andrés Páez - forthcoming - In Juan David Gutiérrez & Rubén Francisco Manrique (eds.), Más allá del algoritmo: oportunidades, retos y ética de la Inteligencia Artificial. Bogotá: Ediciones Uniandes.
    Uno de los principios éticos mencionados más frecuentemente en los lineamientos para el desarrollo de la inteligencia artificial (IA) es la transparencia algorítmica. Sin embargo, no existe una definición estándar de qué es un algoritmo transparente ni tampoco es evidente por qué la opacidad algorítmica representa un reto para el desarrollo ético de la IA. También se afirma a menudo que la transparencia algorítmica fomenta la confianza en la IA, pero esta aseveración es más una suposición a priori que una (...)
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  24. Epistemic injustice in criminal procedure.Andrés Páez & Janaina Matida - 2023 - Revista Brasileira de Direito Processual Penal 9 (1):11-38.
    There is a growing awareness that there are many subtle forms of exclusion and partiality that affect the correct workings of a judicial system. The concept of epistemic injustice, introduced by the philosopher Miranda Fricker, is a useful conceptual tool to understand forms of judicial partiality that often go undetected. In this paper, we present Fricker’s original theory and some of the applications of the concept of epistemic injustice in legal processes. In particular, we want to show that the seed (...)
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  25. Understanding with Toy Surrogate Models in Machine Learning.Andrés Páez - 2024 - Minds and Machines 34 (4):45.
    In the natural and social sciences, it is common to use toy models—extremely simple and highly idealized representations—to understand complex phenomena. Some of the simple surrogate models used to understand opaque machine learning (ML) models, such as rule lists and sparse decision trees, bear some resemblance to scientific toy models. They allow non-experts to understand how an opaque ML model works globally via a much simpler model that highlights the most relevant features of the input space and their effect on (...)
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  26. The epistemic value of explanation.Andrés Páez - manuscript
    In this paper I defend the idea that there is a sense in which it is meaningful and useful to talk about objective understanding, and that to characterize that notion it is necessary to formulate an account of explanation that makes reference to the beliefs and epistemic goals of the participants in a cognitive enterprise. Using the framework for belief revision developed by Isaac Levi, I analyze the conditions that information must fulfill to be both potentially explanatory and epistemically valuable (...)
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  27.  65
    Against cognitive artifacts: extended cognition and the problem of defining ‘artifact’.Andres Pablo Vaccari - 2017 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 16 (5):879-892.
    In this paper I examine the notion of ‘artifact’ and related notions in the dominant version of extended cognition theory grounded on extended functionalism. Although the term is ubiquitous in the literature, it is far from clear what ECT means by it. How are artifacts conceptualized in ECT? Is ‘artifact’ a meaningful and useful category for ECT? If the answer to the previous question is negative, should we worry? Is it important for ECT to have a coherent theory of artifacts? (...)
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  28.  71
    Nudging for Liberals.Andrés Moles - 2015 - Social Theory and Practice 41 (4):644-667.
    In this article I argue that anti-perfectionist liberals can accept nudging in certain areas: in particular, they can accept nudges aimed at helping people to discharge their nonenforceable duties, and to secure personal autonomy. I claim that nudging is not disrespectful since it does not involve a comparative negative judgment on people’s ability to pursue their plans, and that the judgments that motivate nudging are compatible with treating citizens as free and equal. I also claim that despite being sometimes manipulative, (...)
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  29. Non-negotiable: Why moral naturalism cannot do away with categorical reasons.Andrés Carlos Luco - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (9):2511-2528.
    Some versions of moral naturalism are faulted for implausibly denying that moral obligations and prescriptions entail categorical reasons for action. Categorical reasons for action are normative reasons that exist and apply to agents independently of whatever desires they have. I argue that several defenses of moral naturalism against this charge are unsuccessful. To be a tenable meta-ethical theory, moral naturalism must accommodate the proposition that, necessarily, if anyone morally ought to do something, then s/he has a categorical reason to do (...)
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  30.  14
    Interpretation of Copredicative Sentences: A Rich Underspecification Account of Polysemy.Marina Ortega-Andrés - 2021 - In Fabrizio Macagno & Alessandro Capone (eds.), Inquiries in philosophical pragmatics. Theoretical developments. Cham: Springer. pp. 111-132.
    It is still an open question how senses of inherent polysemous words are represented and interpreted. Empirical results are not conclusive about the representation of polysemy. Therefore, different representation models try to give an answer about the puzzle of representation of polysemous words in general and of inherent polysemous words in particular. Inherent polysemous words are those that have several related senses that allow copredication, which occurs when one polysemous word is used to express simultaneously two related senses in a (...)
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  31.  25
    The Problem of Inclusion in Deliberative Environmental Valuation.Andrés Vargas, Alex Lo, Michael Howes & Nicholas Rohde - 2017 - Environmental Values 26 (2):157-176.
    The idea of inclusive collective decision-making is important in establishing democratic legitimacy, but it fails when citizens are excluded. Stated-preference methods of valuation, which are commonly used in economics, have been criticised because the principle of willingness to pay may exclude low-income earners who do not have the capacity to pay. Deliberative valuation has been advocated as a way to overcome this problem, but deliberation may also be exclusive. In this review, two deliberative valuation frameworks are compared. The first is (...)
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  32.  16
    The Truth in Social Media.Andrés Bernstein & Antoni Gomila - forthcoming - Topoi:1-12.
    In the last chapter of In the beginning was the deed: realism and moralism in political argument, Williams raised the question of truthfulness in politics and warned that the media, particularly, television, and the market of communication in general, work in ways contrary to truthfulness -understood as the combination of the virtues of sincerity and accuracy. In this paper we would like to carry on Williams’ line of thinking in connection with the impact of the new social media platforms on (...)
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  33.  49
    The Finality and Instrumentality of Value in a Way.Andrés G. Garcia - 2019 - Philosophia 47 (3):681-692.
    Final value accrues to objects that are good for their own sakes, while instrumental value accrues to objects that are good for the sake of their effects. The following paper aims to show that this distinction cuts across some surprising areas of the evaluative domain. This means that there may be some unexpected types of value that can come in a final or instrumental form. The argument proceeds by looking at two prominent types of value, namely kind-value and personal value. (...)
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  34. Los sesgos cognitivos y la legitimidad racional de las decisiones judiciales.Andrés Páez - 2021 - In Federico Arena, Pau Luque & Diego Moreno Cruz (eds.), Razonamiento Jurídico y Ciencias Cognitivas. Bogotá: Universidad Externado de Colombia. pp. 187-222.
    Los sesgos cognitivos afectan negativamente la toma de decisiones en todas las esferas de la vida, incluyendo las decisiones de los jueces. La imposibilidad de eliminarlos por completo de la práctica del derecho, o incluso de controlar sus efectos, contrasta con el anhelo de que las decisiones judiciales sean el resultado exclusivo de un razonamiento lógico-jurídico correcto. Frente el efecto sistemático, recalcitrante y porfiado de los sesgos cognitivos, una posible estrategia para disminuir su efecto es enfocarse, no en modificar el (...)
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  35.  71
    Plagiarism, Cheating and Research Integrity: Case Studies from a Masters Program in Peru.Andres M. Carnero, Percy Mayta-Tristan, Kelika A. Konda, Edward Mezones-Holguin, Antonio Bernabe-Ortiz, German F. Alvarado, Carlos Canelo-Aybar, Jorge L. Maguiña, Eddy R. Segura, Antonio M. Quispe, Edward S. Smith, Angela M. Bayer & Andres G. Lescano - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (4):1183-1197.
    Plagiarism is a serious, yet widespread type of research misconduct, and is often neglected in developing countries. Despite its far-reaching implications, plagiarism is poorly acknowledged and discussed in the academic setting, and insufficient evidence exists in Latin America and developing countries to inform the development of preventive strategies. In this context, we present a longitudinal case study of seven instances of plagiarism and cheating arising in four consecutive classes of an Epidemiology Masters program in Lima, Peru, and describes the implementation (...)
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  36. Artifact Dualism, Materiality, and the Hard Problem of Ontology: Some Critical Remarks on the Dual Nature of Technical Artifacts Program.Andrés Vaccari - 2013 - Philosophy and Technology 26 (1):7-29.
    This paper critically examines the forays into metaphysics of The Dual Nature of Technical Artifacts Program (henceforth, DNP). I argue that the work of DNP is a valuable contribution to the epistemology of certain aspects of artifact design and use, but that it fails to advance a persuasive metaphysic. A central problem is that DNP approaches ontology from within a functionalist framework that is mainly concerned with ascriptions and justified beliefs. Thus, the materiality of artifacts emerges only as the external (...)
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  37.  56
    The Denotation of Copredicative Nouns.Marina Ortega-Andrés - 2023 - Erkenntnis 88 (7):3113-3143.
    Copredication is the phenomenon whereby two or more predicates seem to require that their argument denotes different things. The denotation of words that copredicate has been broadly discussed. In this paper, I investigate the metaphysics behind this question. Thus, mereological theories of dot objects claim that these nouns denote complex entities; Asher (Lexical meaning in context, Cambridge University Press, 2011, thinks that they denote bare particulars; and the Activation Package Theory contends that they stand for multiple denotations. According to (...)
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  38. Reflections on the Possibility of Perceptualism.Andres Ayala - 2019 - The Incarnate Word 6 (1):33-50.
    The following is a paper presented for the Course Rahner and Lonergan at the University of Toronto (Winter, 2014), revised and edited Winter, 2018. Our purpose is to defend the possibility of “perceptualism,” that is to say, the position maintaining that the intelligible content of consciousness is given in perception and not posited by the activity of the subject. Assisted by the insights of Cornelio Fabro, this defense contrasts perceptualism with Bernard Lonergan’s “critical realism”. This paper focuses on the notion (...)
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  39. Axe the X in XAI: A Plea for Understandable AI.Andrés Páez - forthcoming - In Juan Manuel Durán & Giorgia Pozzi (eds.), Philosophy of science for machine learning: Core issues and new perspectives. Springer.
    In a recent paper, Erasmus et al. (2021) defend the idea that the ambiguity of the term “explanation” in explainable AI (XAI) can be solved by adopting any of four different extant accounts of explanation in the philosophy of science: the Deductive Nomological, Inductive Statistical, Causal Mechanical, and New Mechanist models. In this chapter, I show that the authors’ claim that these accounts can be applied to deep neural networks as they would to any natural phenomenon is mistaken. I also (...)
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  40. The Incarnation in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit and Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion.Andres Ayala - 2021 - The Incarnate Word 8 (2):45-69.
    Why I thought it useful to offer an explanation of Hegel’s doctrine on the Incarnation was so that the reader may be empowered to identify Hegel’s influence in modern accounts of this mystery. Even if, in my view, Hegel’s interpretation of revealed religion differs greatly from Catholic Doctrine, it is not surprising to find the presence of some of his concepts in modern theology. In truth, what matters is not the theologian’s self-identification as Hegelian or as non-Hegelian, but whether or (...)
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  41. The Principle of Causality and the Notion of Participation: Deepening into Fabro’s Defense of this Principle.Andres Ayala - 2024 - The Incarnate Word 11 (1):81-99.
    Given the importance of the principle of causality for the demonstration of God’s existence, this paper attempts to justify the evidence and necessity of the principle of causality, by following Fr. Fabro’s Thomistic defense—based on the notion of participation—but adding a particular emphasis on the notion of “being which is not per se,” this latter as an explanatory notion of the notion of “being which is by participation.” The introductory remarks touch upon two misunderstandings regarding the notion of participation employed (...)
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  42. The Cultural Evolution of Extended Benevolence.Andres Luco - 2021 - In Johan De Smedt & Helen De Cruz (eds.), Empirically Engaged Evolutionary Ethics. Synthese Library. Springer - Synthese Library. pp. 153-177.
    Abstract In The Descent of Man (1879), Charles Darwin proposed a speculative evolutionary explanation of extended benevolence—a human sympathetic capacity that extends to all nations, races, and even to all sentient beings. This essay draws on twenty-first century social science to show that Darwin’s explanation is correct in its broad outlines. Extended benevolence is manifested in institutions such as legal human rights and democracy, in behaviors such as social movements for human rights and the protection of nonhuman animals, and in (...)
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    The Impact of Lamarck’s Theory of Evolution Before Darwin’s Theory.Andrés Galera - 2017 - Journal of the History of Biology 50 (1):53-70.
    This paper analyzes the impact that Lamarckian evolutionary theory had in the scientific community during the period between the advent of Zoological Philosophy and the publication Origin of Species. During these 50 years Lamarck’s model was a well known theory and it was discussed by the scientific community as a hypothesis to explain the changing nature of the fossil record throughout the history of Earth. Lamarck’s transmutation theory established the foundation of an evolutionary model introducing a new way to research (...)
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  44. Brief Essay on the Nature and Method of Epistemology.Andres Ayala - 2024 - The Incarnate Word 11 (1):67-80.
    These thirteen paragraphs portray epistemology as the study, not directly of knowing as a human action (which could be considered the object also of anthropology) but as the study of the mode of being of the object in the subject and, in this sense, of intentional being. Moreover, intentional being is not understood as the being of the cognitional species or representation, which is real and subjective, but as the being of the known, as the presence of the known to (...)
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    Finger counting: The missing tool?Michael Andres, Samuel Di Luca & Mauro Pesenti - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (6):642-643.
    Rips et al. claim that the principles underlying the structure of natural numbers cannot be inferred from interactions with the physical world. However, in their target article they failed to consider an important source of interaction: finger counting. Here, we show that finger counting satisfies all the conditions required for allowing the concept of numbers to emerge from sensorimotor experience through a bottom-up process.
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  46. La prueba testimonial y la epistemología del testimonio.Andrés Páez - 2014 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 40:95-118.
    Durante los últimos años, el problema de cómo justificar aquellas creencias que se originan en testimonios ha ocupado un lugar central en la epistemología. Sin embargo, muy pocas de esas reflexiones son conocidas en el derecho probatorio. En el presente ensayo analizo la prueba testimonial a la luz de estas reflexiones con el fin de poner de manifiesto los supuestos epistemológicos de algunos principios procesales. En concreto, analizo la legislación colombiana y la estadounidense en el marco de la disputa entre (...)
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  47. Análisis jurídico de la discriminación algorítmica en los procesos de selección laboral.Andrés Páez & Natalia Ramírez-Bustamante - 2024 - In Natalia Angel & René Urueña (eds.), Innovación en derecho y nuevas tecnologías. Ediciones Uniandes.
    El uso de sistemas de machine learning en los procesos de selección laboral ha sido de gran utilidad para agilizarlos y volverlos más eficientes, pero al mismo tiempo ha generado problemas en términos de equidad, confiabilidad y transparencia. En este artículo comenzamos explicando los diferentes usos de la Inteligencia Artificial en los procesos de selección laboral en Estados Unidos. Presentamos los sesgos sexuales y raciales que han sido detectados en algunos de ellos y explicamos los obstáculos jurídicos y prácticos para (...)
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    The good old discovery-justification distinction: Remarks on Melogno’s analysis of a Kuhnian account.Andrés A. Ilcic & Pío García - forthcoming - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia).
    The discovery-justification distinction stands as a pivotal issue within 20th-century philosophy of science. It subtly underpins many foundational topics and concepts pertinent to our comprehension of knowledge. Thomas Kuhn's contributions are indispensable in this regard, with his critiques playing a pivotal role in shaping both his initial model of scientific progress and its subsequent revisions. Kuhn addressed this dichotomy head-on in the first of his Thalheimer Lectures, presented in 1984. In this paper, we revisit Pablo Melogno's (2019) examination of Kuhn's (...)
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    Limit models in metric abstract elementary classes: the categorical case.Andrés Villaveces & Pedro Zambrano - 2016 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 62 (4-5):319-334.
    We study versions of limit models adapted to the context of metric abstract elementary classes. Under categoricity and superstability-like assumptions, we generalize some theorems from 7, 15-17. We prove criteria for existence and uniqueness of limit models in the metric context.
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  50. Una aproximación pragmatista al testimonio como evidencia.Andrés Páez - 2013 - In Carmen Vázquez (ed.), Estándares de prueba y prueba científica. Ensayos de epistemología jurídica. Marcial Pons. pp. 215-238.
    El testimonio es nuestra mayor fuente de creencias. La gran mayoría de nuestras creencias han sido adquiridas a partir de las palabras de otros y no a través de la observación directa del mundo. Una de las peculiaridades de la mayor parte de las creencias testimoniales es que son aceptadas sin ninguna deliberación consciente. Mientras el testimonio sea consistente con nuestras creencias y la fuente sea confiable, la reacción más corriente es la aceptación automática de la información (Thagard 2004, 2005). (...)
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