Results for 'Anthony Favro'

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  1.  22
    The Return of Geopolitics?Anthony Favro - 1998 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1998 (111):180-182.
    Geocentrism and late-modernity are closely related. Geographical thought connects in often overlooked ways with other contemporary ideas that play important roles in politics, economics and society. Thus the exploitation of geographical ideas to serve political purposes has been a fixture of international relations from manifest destiny to National Socialism, the Cold War to globalization. David T. Murphy compellingly captures the historical moment (Weimar Germany) in which natural law and territoriality were first dealt with as geopolitics, becoming a significant tool for (...)
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  2. Will, Freedom, and Power.Anthony Kenny - 1975 - New York: Blackwell.
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    Self, value, and narrative: a Kierkegaardian approach.Anthony Rudd - 2012 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Anthony Rudd presents a striking new account of the self as an ethical, evaluative being.
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  4. Conversations with Anthony Giddens: Making Sense of Modernity.Anthony Giddens & Christopher Pierson - 1998 - Stanford University Press.
    In this series of extended interviews with Chris Pierson, Giddens lays out the principal themes in the development of his social theory and the distinctive political agenda which he recommends.
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    Thiselton on Hermeneutics: The Collected Writings of Anthony Thiselton.Anthony C. Thiselton - 2006 - Ashgate.
    Situating the subject -- Hermeneutics and spech-act theory -- Hermeneutics, semantics, and conceptual grammar -- Lexicography, exegesis, and reception history -- Parables, narrative-worlds, and reader-response theories -- Philosophy, language, theology, and postermodernity -- Hermeneutics, history, and theology.
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  6. Updating Data Semantics.Anthony S. Gillies - 2020 - Mind 129 (513):1-41.
    This paper has three main goals. First, to motivate a puzzle about how ignorance-expressing terms like maybe and if interact: they iterate, and when they do they exhibit scopelessness. Second, to argue that there is an ambiguity in our theoretical toolbox, and that exposing that opens the door to a solution to the puzzle. And third, to explore the reach of that solution. Along the way, the paper highlights a number of pleasing properties of two elegant semantic theories, explores some (...)
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  7. The Two Philosophies of Wittgenstein Bryan Magee Talked to Anthony Quinton.Anthony Quinton, Bryan Magee & British Broadcasting Corporation - 1976 - British Broadcasting Corporation.
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    Antiquity Revisited: A Discussion with Anthony Arthur Long.Anthony Arthur Long & Despina Vertzagia - 2020 - Conatus 5 (1):111.
    A discussion on antiquity with Anthony A. Long, one of the most distinguished scholars in the field of ancient philosophy, would be engaging in any case. All the more so, since his two recently published works, Greek Models of Mind and Self and How to be Free: An Ancient Guide to the Stoic Life, provide the opportunity to revisit key issues of ancient philosophy. The former is a lively and challenging work that starts with the Homeric notions of selfhood, (...)
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  9. Anthony Downs♦ 21.11. 1930.Anthony Downs - 2004 - In Gisela Riescher (ed.), Politische Theorie der Gegenwart in Einzeldarstellungen. Von Adorno bis Young. Alfred Kröner Verlag. pp. 343--119.
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  10. IIAnthony Savile.Anthony Savile - 2002 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 76 (1):55-74.
    [Richard Glauser] Shaftesbury's theory of aesthetic experience is based on his conception of a natural disposition to apprehend beauty, a real 'form' of things. I examine the implications of the disposition's naturalness. I argue that the disposition is not an extra faculty or a sixth sense, and attempt to situate Shaftesbury's position on this issue between those of Locke and Hutcheson. I argue that the natural disposition is to be perfected in many different ways in order to be exercised in (...)
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    (1 other version)Aquinas.Anthony John Patrick Kenny - 1969 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Anchor Books.
    The historical context of the philosophical work of St. Thomas Aquinas, by D. Knowles.--Form and existence, by P. Geach.--Categories, by H. McCabe.--Analogy as a rule of meaning for religious language, by J. F. Ross.--Nominalism, by P. Geach.--St. Thomas' doctrine of necessary being, by P. Brown.--The proof ex motu for the existence of God; logical analysis of St. Thomas' arguments, by J. Salamucha.--Infinite causal regression, by P. Brown.--St. Thomas Aquinas and the language of total dependence, by J. N. Deck.--Divine foreknowledge and (...)
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  12. Phenomenal experience and functionalism.Anthony J. Marcel - 1988 - In Anthony J. Marcel & Edoardo Bisiach (eds.), Consciousness in Contemporary Science. New York: Oxford University Press.
  13.  22
    An Interpretation of Nietzsche's "on the Uses and Disadvantages of History for Life".Anthony K. Jensen - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    With his _An Interpretation of Nietzsche’s "On the Uses and Disadvantage of History for Life_", Anthony K. Jensen shows how 'timely' Nietzsche’s second "Untimely Meditation" really is. This comprehensive and insightful study contextualizes and analyzes a wide range of Nietzsche’s earlier thoughts about history: teleology, typology, psychology, memory, classical philology, Hegelianism, and the role historiography plays in modern culture. _On the Uses and Disadvantages of History for Life_ is shown to be a ‘timely’ work, too, insofar as it weaves (...)
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  14. Epictetus: A Stoic and Socratic Guide to Life.Anthony A. Long - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (3):613-614.
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  15. The God of the Philosophers.Anthony Kenny - 1979 - New York: Oxford University Press UK.
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  16. Radical Embodied Cognitive Science.Anthony Chemero - 2009 - Bradford.
    While philosophers of mind have been arguing over the status of mental representations in cognitive science, cognitive scientists have been quietly engaged in studying perception, action, and cognition without explaining them in terms of mental representation. In this book, Anthony Chemero describes this nonrepresentational approach, puts it in historical and conceptual context, and applies it to traditional problems in the philosophy of mind. Radical embodied cognitive science is a direct descendant of the American naturalist psychology of William James and (...)
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  17. On Doing Two Things at Once: III. Confirmation of Perfect Timesharing When Simultaneous Tasks Are Ideomotor Compatible.Anthony Greenwald - unknown
    A. G. Greenwald and H. G. Shulman (1973) found that 2 tasks characterized by ideomotor (IM) compatibility could be perfectly timeshared (i.e., performed simultaneously without mutual interference). The 2 tasks were pronouncing “A” or “B” in response to hearing those letter names, and making a manual left or right response to seeing a left- or right-positioned arrow. M.-C. Lien, R. W. Proctor, and P. A. Allen (2002) did not replicate Greenwald and Shulman’s result, and concluded that their finding of perfect (...)
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  18. Aristotle on Other-Selfhood and Reciprocal Shaping.Anthony Carreras - 2012 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 29 (4):319-336.
    This paper concerns the status of Aristotle’s claim that a friend is another self in NE IX.4. Against the prevailing interpretation, I defend the view that Aristotle uses the other-self claim to explain how a virtuous person who values himself will come to value his friend, according to which 1) loving a friend is an extension of self-love, and 2) the conception of the friend as another self explains how the friend’s eudaimonia becomes constitutive of the agent’s eudaimonia. I argue (...)
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    Freud: A Very Short Introduction.Anthony Storr - 2001 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Anthony Storr offers a lucid and objective look at Freud's major theories, evaluating whether they have stood the test of time, and in the process examines Freud himself in light of his own ideas. 'a model exercise in synthesis, and the final essay on the 'appeal' of psychotherapy is especially neat.' -Independent.
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    Trusting the Subject?: Volume Two.Anthony Jack & Andreas Roepstorff (eds.) - 2003 - Imprint Academic.
    Introspective evidence is still treated with great suspicion in cognitive science. This work is designed to encourage cognitive scientists to take more account of the subject's unique perspective.
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  21. Leibniz and the Monadology.Anthony Savile - 2000 - Philosophical Quarterly 52 (208):392-393.
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  22. Aristotle on the ends of deliberation.Anthony Price - 2011 - In Michael Pakaluk & Giles Pearson (eds.), Moral psychology and human action in Aristotle. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  23. The Nonexistent.Anthony Everett - 2013 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Anthony Everett gives a philosophical defence of the common-sense view that there are no such things as fictional people, places, and things. He argues that our talk and thought about such fictional objects takes place within the scope of a pretense, and that we gain little but lose much by accepting fictional realism.
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  24. Sociology of Religion in America: A History of a Secular Fascination with Religion.Anthony J. Blasi - 2014
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  25. The justice of justification.Anthony Simon Laden - 2010 - In James Gordon Finlayson & Fabian Freyenhagen (eds.), Habermas and Rawls: Disputing the Political. New York: Routledge.
  26. Aquinas.Anthony Kenny - 1981 - Critica 13 (38):109-113.
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    The life, unpublished letters, and philosophical regimen of Anthony, Earl of Shaftesbury.Anthony Ashley Cooper Earl of Shaftesbury & Benjamin Rand - 1900 - London: Routledge/Thoemmes Press. Edited by Anthony Ashley Cooper Shaftesbury & Benjamin Rand.
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    Profiles in Contemporary Social Theory.Anthony Elliott & Bryan S. Turner (eds.) - 2001 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE Publications.
    This is an indispensible book for students, teachers and professional researchers in sociology, cultural studies, politics, feminism and philosophy.
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  29. Liability to International Prosecution: The Nature of Universal Jurisdiction.Anthony Reeves - 2017 - European Journal of International Law 28 (4):1047-1067.
    The paper considers the proper method for theorizing about criminal jurisdiction. It challenges a received understanding of how to substantiate the right to punish, and articulates an alternative account of how that theoretical task is properly conducted. The received view says that a special relationship is the ground of a tribunal’s authority to prosecute and, hence, that a normative theory of that authority is faced with identifying a distinctive relation. The alternative account locates prosecutorial standing on an institution’s capacity to (...)
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  30. (1 other version)Merleau-Ponty'S Concept Of Depth.Anthony J. Steinbock - 1987 - Phil Today 31:336-351.
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  31.  34
    The art and logic of Ramon Llull: a user's guide.Anthony Bonner - 2007 - Boston: Brill.
    The quaternary phase -- Changes in the art during the quaternary phase, and the transition to the ternary phase -- The ternary phase -- The post-art phase : logic -- Overview.
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  32. They set out at once and returned.Anthony J. Gittins - 2015 - The Australasian Catholic Record 92 (3):350.
    Gittins, Anthony J It is impossible for anyone to feel the pain you feel; the most people can do is to sympathise or empathise. But because there is nothing new under the sun, all of us can at least try to 'suffer with' the sufferings of others. Our experience of the all too human failings of the church today is by no means unique: ever since the beginning, times of trauma and crisis have alternated with times of peace and (...)
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  33. Freedom and determinism in the Stoic theory of human action.Anthony A. Long - 1971 - In A. A. Long (ed.), Problems in Stoicism. London,: Athlone Press. pp. 173--99.
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  34.  48
    Thiselton on hermeneutics: the collected works and new essays of Anthony Thiselton.Anthony C. Thiselton - 2006 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans.
    Graham N. Stanton, University of Cambridge ?Anthony Thiselton is one of our leading theologians, equally at home in both New Testament studies and in philosophical and theological hermeneutics, and a collection of this major articles will ...
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  35. Matthew's Christian-Jewish Community.Anthony J. Saldarini - 1994
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  36. Philosophy states only what everyone admits'.Anthony Kenny - 2004 - In Erich Ammereller & Eugen Fisher (eds.), Wittgenstein at Work: Method in the Philosophical Investigations. New York: Routledge.
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  37.  55
    Science and philosophy in Aristotle's biological works.Anthony Preus - 1975 - New York: G. Olms.
  38.  81
    Harmonizing Voices: François Laruelle and Anthony Paul Smith.Anthony Paul Smith & Mark William Westmoreland - 2017 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 19 (2):22-34.
    The following interview of Mark William Westmoreland with Anthony Paul Smith–well-known scholar and translator of François Laruelle –considers both implications and extensions of Laruelle's non-philosophy for contemporary thought. Smith has helped bring about a surge of interest in Laruelle due to his many translations of his texts as well as being the author or co-editor of several books on Laruelle. Discussed are in particular the difficulties and joys of translating and the usefulness of Laruelle's thought for Smith's own work, (...)
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    Pers onenregister.Anthony Arak, William Ross Ashby, Francis Maler Bacon, Roger Bakeman, George Berkeley, Ned Block, Wolfgang Bonsiepen, Egon Brunswik, Josep Call & Donald Campbell - 2011 - In Wolfgang Welsch, Christian Tewes & Klaus Vieweg (eds.), Natur und Geist: über ihre evolutionäre Verhältnisbestimmung. Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
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  40. Phenomenology, Mental Illness, and the Intersubjective Constitution of the Lifeworld.Anthony Vincent Fernandez - 2016 - In S. West Gurley & Geoff Pfeifer (eds.), Phenomenology and the Political. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield. pp. 199-214.
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    A reply by Anthony Kenny.Anthony Kenny - 1971 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 9 (4):497-498.
  42. God and Necessity.Anthony Kenny - 1966 - In Bernard Williams (ed.), British analytical philosophy. New York,: Humanities Press. pp. 131-151.
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    II—Anthony Kenny: Seven Concepts of Creation.Anthony Kenny - 2004 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 78 (1):81-92.
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    Trust in the Guise of Belief.Anthony Robert Booth - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 26 (2):156-172.
    What kind of mental state is trust? It seems to have features that can lead one to think that it is a doxastic state but also features that can lead one to think that it is a non-doxastic state. This has even lead some philosophers to think that trust is a unique mental state that has both mind-to-world and world-to-mind direction of fit, or to give up on the idea that there is a univocal analysis of trust to be had. (...)
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    Consciousness in Contemporary Science.Anthony J. Marcel & Edoardo Bisiach - 1988 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Anthony J. Marcel & Edoardo Bisiach.
    The significance of consciousness in modern science is discussed by leading authorities from a variety of disciplines. Presenting a wide-ranging survey of current thinking on this important topic, the contributors address such issues as the status of different aspects of consciousness; the criteria for using the concept of consciousness and identifying instances of it; the basis of consciousness in functional brain organization; the relationship between different levels of theoretical discourse; and the functions of consciousness.
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    Legitimating Post-Fordism: A Critique of Anthony Giddens' Later Works.Anthony King - 1999 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1999 (115):61-77.
    Introduction Although Anthony Giddens describes his approach as “social” rather than “critical” theory, and although there is little obvious Frankfurt School influence in his writing, he believes “social theory is inevitably critical theory.”1 While he might aim at such a critical position, it is far from obvious that he succeeds. On the contrary, his later writings have become an apology for the status quo.2 Failing to consider his prejudices, perhaps because he thinks critique is inevitable, Giddens has increasingly vindicated (...)
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  47. Penn parsed corpora of historical English.Anthony Kroch - unknown
    The University of Pennsylvania Linguistics Department is home of a long-running project to create syntactically annotated (parsed) corpora of historical English. The project is directed by Anthony Kroch, Professor of Linguistics, and the research associate in charge of corpus annotation is Dr. Beatrice Santorini. The Middle English corpus was constructed by Dr. Ann Taylor, now research associate in charge of corpus annotation at the University of York, England.
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    Light in darkness: an exploration into God.Anthony Kelly - 2020 - New York / Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press.
    No question, argues theologian Anthony Kelly, is more important than God and our relationship to God (individually and collectively). He explores these issues while integrating science, theology and philosophy. Kelly offers a fresh perspective on Aquinas as an aid to modern spiritual seekers. Trinitarian theology, he suggests, integrates private devotion with our social obligations. Finally, he approaches the Liturgy as a way to collectively explore into God.
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  49. The Philosophy of F. M. Bradley.Anthony Manser & Guy Stock - 1985 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 175 (1):57-58.
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    Functionalism: Apres la lutte.Anthony Giddens - 1976 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 43.
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