Results for 'Bénédicte Reynaud'

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  1. Pour une approche wittgensteinienne des règles économiques.Bénédicte Reynaud - 2005 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 3 (3):349-374.
    Cet article s'appuie sur la pensée de Wittgenstein pour comprendre comment des règles économiques agissent. L'étude (1993-2000) d'un Atelier de réparation de la RATP dans lequel une nouvelle règle de rendement a été introduite en 1993 met en évidence trois conclusions. Tout d'abord, dans la sélection des tâches, les opérateurs n'appliquent pas les règles de façon mécanique ; ils n'interprètent pas non plus les règles en faisant table rase des usages. Nos observations montrent que « suivre la règle est une (...)
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    Pope Benedict's Speech at the University of Regensburg.Benedict Xvi - 2006 - The Chesterton Review 32 (3-4):542-550.
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    Pope Benedict's Speech at the University of Regensburg.X. V. I. Benedict - 2006 - The Chesterton Review 32 (3-4):542-550.
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    Pope Benedict XVI's Inaugural Homily.X. V. I. Benedict - 2005 - The Chesterton Review 31 (1/2):182-188.
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    Pope Benedict XVI's Inaugural Homily.Benedict Xvi - 2005 - The Chesterton Review 31 (1-2):182-188.
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    Particularism and the space of moral reasons.Benedict Smith - 2011 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    By explicitly addressing moral knowledge from a particularists perspective, this book can engage with an established and vibrant area of moral philosophy whilst making a distinctive and productive contribution to a relatively neglected dimension of it.
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    Die Ausgegrenzten: Wie die Gesellschaft sich mit der sozialen Spaltung und Massenarmut abfindet, Kirche und Diakonie das aber nicht dürfenHans-Jürgen Benedict.Hans-Jürgen Benedict - 2015 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 59 (1):17-29.
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  8. Patterns of Culture.Ruth Benedict - 1934 - Philosophical Review 55:497.
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    Can Innateness Ascriptions Avoid Tautology?Valentine Reynaud - 2014 - Philosophia Scientiae 18:177-190.
    Les hypothèses sur l’innéité d’un trait formulées par les sciences cognitives – l’hypothèse d’une faculté innée de langage, par exemple – peuvent-elles échapper à la tautologie? Aucune définition générale de l’innéité ne semble pleinement satisfaisante. En tant que notion dispositionnelle, l’innéité rencontre le « problème de la tautologie » mis en évidence par Locke. Les jugements en matière d’innéité, qu’ils relèvent d’une théorie innéiste ou d’une théorie empiriste (puisque même les empiristes doivent en formuler), dépendent toujours d’une vision particulière du (...)
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    Fonds Emile Corra, archives positivistes, 17 As: inventaire.Manon Reynaud (ed.) - 1992 - Paris: Archives nationales.
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    L’usage chomskyen de l’innéisme cartésien.Valentine Reynaud - 2018 - Methodos. Savoirs Et Textes 18.
    L’article se propose d’explorer l’usage que Chomsky fait de la référence à la philosophie de Descartes. À partir des années 1950, le linguiste et philosophe Noam Chomsky remet l’innéisme sur le devant de la scène en défendant l’existence d’une faculté innée de langage. Comme l’indique sans équivoque le titre de son ouvrage paru en 1966, La linguistique cartésienne, Chomsky inscrit sa pensée dans la tradition cartésienne. Mais ce que Chomsky entend par « faculté innée » est-il vraiment similaire à ce (...)
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  12. La filosofia dialogica de Martin Buber: Misterio y magia del encuentro.C. Reynaud Arana - 1989 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 22 (65):228-234.
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    Les idées innées: de Descartes à Chomsky.Valentine Reynaud - 2018 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    Facultés, concepts, théories et modules innés... Le débat philosophique contemporain sur la structure naturelle de l'esprit multiplie les références aux idées innées. Noam Chomsky lui-même, défenseur d'une faculté innée de langage, s'inscrit dans la lignée de la philosophie moderne. Mais les idées innées contemporaines ont-elles le même sens que celles posées par Descartes et Leibniz? Les progrès des sciences biologiques et cognitives permettent-ils d'attester ou d'infirmer l'existence des idées innées? L'étude analyse les théories modernes et contemporaines des idées innées puis (...)
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    There’s a brain behind the wheel: a meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies of car driving in simulated environments.Emanuelle Reynaud, François Osiurak & Jordan Navarro - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    The Tree in Photographs.Françoise Reynaud - 2010 - J. Paul Getty Museum.
    This surprising selection of photographs by Ansel Adams, Eugène Atget, Alfred Stieglitz, Carleton Watkins, and others, focuses on the tree as subject matter.
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    Cloning, Aquinas, and the Embryonic Person.Benedict Ashley & Albert Moraczewski - 2001 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 1 (2):189-201.
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    Patterns of Culture.Ruth Benedict - 1934 - Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
    Offers an analysis of three strongly contrasting primitive civilizations, showing how behavior is influenced by custom and tradition.
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    Evaluative conditioning with fear- and disgust-evoking stimuli: no evidence that they increase learning without explicit memory.Taylor Benedict & Anne Gast - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (1):42-56.
    ABSTRACTEvaluative conditioning is a change in the liking of a stimulus due to its previous pairings with another stimulus. In three...
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  19. Stability of risk preference measures: results from a field experiment on French farmers.Arnaud Reynaud & Stéphane Couture - 2012 - Theory and Decision 73 (2):203-221.
    We compare two different elicitation methods for measuring risk attitudes on a sample of French farmers. We consider the lottery tasks initially proposed by Holt and Laury (Econ Rev 92:1644–1655, 2002) and by Eckel and Grossman (Evol Hum Behav 23:281–295, 2002; J Econ Behav Org 68:1–7, 2008). The main empirical result from this within-subject study is that risk preference measures are affected by the type of mechanism used. We first show that this risk preference instability can be related to non-expected (...)
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  20. The ethics.Benedict Spinoza - 2007 - In Aloysius Martinich, Fritz Allhoff & Anand Vaidya (eds.), Early Modern Philosophy: Essential Readings with Commentary. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Affordability and Non-Perfectionism in Moral Action.Benedict Rumbold, Victoria Charlton, Annette Rid, Polly Mitchell, James Wilson, Peter Littlejohns, Catherine Max & Albert Weale - 2019 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (4):973-991.
    One rationale policy-makers sometimes give for declining to fund a service or intervention is on the grounds that it would be ‘unaffordable’, which is to say, that the total cost of providing the service or intervention for all eligible recipients would exceed the budget limit. But does the mere fact that a service or intervention is unaffordable present a reason not to fund it? Thus far, the philosophical literature has remained largely silent on this issue. However, in this article, we (...)
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    ‘Saulo, Saulo, ¿por que me persigues?’ Hch 9, 4 en las ‘Enarrationes in Psalmos’ de Agustín.Benedict M. Guevin - 2011 - Augustinus 56 (220):115-122.
    El artículo trata del papel hermenéutico de Hch 9,4 en las enarrationes agustinianas, señalando que, por el lugar y función de esta obra, ese texto bíblico es una herramienta hermenéutica útil para entender toda la exposición agustiniana de los salmos.
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  23. A computational model for binding sensory modalities.E. Reynaud, A. Crepet, H. Paugam-Moisy & D. Puzenat - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (2):S87 - S88.
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    How Chomsky Uses Cartesian Nativism.Valentine Reynaud - 2018 - Methodos 18.
    L’article se propose d’explorer l’usage que Chomsky fait de la référence à la philosophie de Descartes. À partir des années 1950, le linguiste et philosophe Noam Chomsky remet l’innéisme sur le devant de la scène en défendant l’existence d’une faculté innée de langage. Comme l’indique sans équivoque le titre de son ouvrage paru en 1966, La linguistique cartésienne, Chomsky inscrit sa pensée dans la tradition cartésienne. Mais ce que Chomsky entend par « faculté innée » est-il vraiment similaire à ce (...)
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    La Psychologie des Peuples et Ses Applications Durant L’Entre-Deux-Guerres.Carole Reynaud Paligot - 2008 - Revue de Synthèse 129 (1):125-146.
    La psychologie des peuples a connu un grand succès dans les années 1930 dans les milieux les plus divers: sur les bancs de l'Université, tant des facultés de lettres que de celles de médecine, comme dans le monde colonial. Elle demeure imprégnée des postulats raciologiques du siècle précédent: hérédité raciale, influence du milieu géographique et du climat dans la formation des caractères nationaux, représentation inégalitaire de la différence et ses usages politiques ont été manifestes dans le domaine de la politique (...)
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  26. State of Nature versus Commercial Sociability as the Basis of International Law: Reflections on the Roman Foundations and Current Interpretations of the International Political and Legal Thought of Grotius, Hobbes and Pufendorf.Benedict Kingsbury & Benjamin Straumann - 2010 - In Samantha Besson & John Tasioulas (eds.), The philosophy of international law. New York: Oxford University Press.
  27. Depression and motivation.Benedict Smith - 2013 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 12 (4):615-635.
    Among the characteristic features of depression is a diminishment in or lack of action and motivation. In this paper, I consider a dominant philosophical account which purports to explain this lack of action or motivation. This approach comes in different versions but a common theme is, I argue, an over reliance on psychologistic assumptions about action–explanation and the nature of motivation. As a corrective I consider an alternative view that gives a prominent place to the body in motivation. Central to (...)
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    Has the Indian Been Misjudged?-A Study of Indian Character.A. L. Benedict - 1901 - International Journal of Ethics 12 (1):99-113.
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    Make It Plain: Strengthening the Ethical Foundation of First-Person Authorization for Organ Donation.James L. Benedict - 2017 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 28 (4):303-307.
    One response to the chronic shortage of organs for transplant in the United States has been the passage of laws establishing first-person authorization for donation of organs, providing legal grounds for the retrieval of organs and tissues from registered donors, even over the objections of their next of kin. The ethical justification for first-person authorization is that it is a matter of respecting the donor’s wishes. The objection of some next of kin may be that the donor would not have (...)
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  30. Les figures du collectif.Sous la Direction de BéNd́Icte Reynaud - 1997 - In Jean-Pierre Dupuy, Pierre Livet & Bénédicte Reynaud (eds.), Les Limites de la rationalité. Paris: Editions la Découverte.
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    Quasi-Religions: Humanism, Marxism and NationalismThemes in Comparative Religion.Reynaud De La Bat Smit, John E. Smith & Glyn Richards - 1995 - British Journal of Educational Studies 43 (2):240.
  32. The Consecration of Sound: Sublime Musical Creation in Haydn, Weber and Spohr.Benedict Taylor - 2020 - In Sarah Hibberd & Miranda Stanyon (eds.), Music and the sonorous sublime in European culture, 1680-1880. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Pragmatism and the Capability Approach: Challenges in Social Theory and Empirical Research.Bénédicte Zimmermann - 2006 - European Journal of Social Theory 9 (4):467-484.
    This article asks about the conditions of a sociological operationalization of the capability approach developed by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum. Raising the question of freedom and social opportunities, the capability approach has so far mainly been discussed by economists and philosophers. In order to adopt this approach for a sociological and pragmatist perspective, it engages with methodological and theoretical issues. Whereas capabilities have until now mainly been studied within quantitative frameworks, the author opts for a qualitative method of inquiry (...)
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    Address of Pope Benedict XVI to the German Parliament.Pope Benedict Xvi - 2011 - The Chesterton Review 37 (3/4):616-622.
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    The ideal worlds objection.Benedict Rumbold - 2024 - Philosophy Compass 19 (9-10):e70001.
    The Ideal Worlds objection is an objection that purports to identify a potentially fatal flaw in some of our most influential moral theories: including, among others, rule consequentialism, Kant's Law of Nature Formula of the Categorical Imperative and Scanlonian contractualism. In this article, I offer an account of the objection, a survey of some of the ways defenders of affected theories have sought to avoid it, and the problems that those responses can encounter.
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  36. In Defense of Phenomenal Concepts.Bénédicte Veillet - 2012 - Philosophical Papers 41 (1):97-127.
    Abstract In recent debates, both physicalist and anti-physicalist philosophers of mind have come to agree that understanding the nature of phenomenal concepts is key to understanding the nature of phenomenal consciousness itself. Recently, however, Derek Ball (2009) and Michael Tye (2009) have argued that there are no such concepts. Their case is especially troubling because they make use of a type of argument that proponents of phenomenal concepts have typically found persuasive in other contexts; namely, arguments much like those that (...)
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  37. Arrow's theorem, ultrafilters, and reverse mathematics.Benedict Eastaugh - forthcoming - Review of Symbolic Logic.
    This paper initiates the reverse mathematics of social choice theory, studying Arrow's impossibility theorem and related results including Fishburn's possibility theorem and the Kirman–Sondermann theorem within the framework of reverse mathematics. We formalise fundamental notions of social choice theory in second-order arithmetic, yielding a definition of countable society which is tractable in RCA0. We then show that the Kirman–Sondermann analysis of social welfare functions can be carried out in RCA0. This approach yields a proof of Arrow's theorem in RCA0, and (...)
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    Health care ethics: a theological analysis.Benedict M. Ashley - 1997 - Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press. Edited by Kevin D. O'Rourke.
    "Characterized by breadth of coverage, a refreshingly balanced approach to controversial issues, & a highly readable style."-Theological Studies.
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    Prospects for pure procedural moral progress.Benedict Lane - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Issues of methodology are central to the philosophy of moral progress. However, the idea that effective moral methodology, as well as being instrumental to progress, might also constitute progress has not been adequately explored. This paper will critically assess the merits of this idea – what I call ‘pure proceduralism about moral progress’ – taking Philip Kitcher's recent theory of ‘democratic contractualism’ (2021) as a test case. An epistemology of pure procedural moral progress will be sketched: namely, a naturalised epistemology (...)
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    Deep disagreement across moral revolutions.Benedict Lane - 2024 - Synthese 204 (2):1-27.
    Moral revolutions are rightly coming to be recognised as a philosophically interesting and historically important mode of moral change. What is less often acknowledged is that the very characteristics that make a moral change revolutionary pose a fundamental challenge to the possibility of moral progress. This is because moral revolutions are characterised by a diachronic form of deep moral disagreement: moral agents on either side of a moral revolution adopt different standards for assessing the merits of a moral argument, and (...)
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  41. The elephant in the room: What matters cognitively in cumulative technological culture.François Osiurak & Emanuelle Reynaud - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43:e156.
    Cumulative technological culture (CTC) refers to the increase in the efficiency and complexity of tools and techniques in human populations over generations. A fascinating question is to understand the cognitive origins of this phenomenon. Because CTC is definitely a social phenomenon, most accounts have suggested a series of cognitive mechanisms oriented toward the social dimension (e.g., teaching, imitation, theory of mind, and metacognition), thereby minimizing the technical dimension and the potential influence of non-social, cognitive skills. What if we have failed (...)
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  42. B. V. Spinoza's Sämmtlicke Werke, Aus Dem Lat. Mit Dem Leben Spinoza's von B. Auerbach.Benedict Spinoza & Berthold Auerbach - 1841
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    Exodus.Benedict Anderson - 1994 - Critical Inquiry 20 (2):314-327.
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    How Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility Affects Employee Cynicism: The Mediating Role of Organizational Trust.Carolina Serrano Archimi, Emmanuelle Reynaud, Hina Mahboob Yasin & Zeeshan Ahmed Bhatti - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (4):907-921.
    This study examines to what extent perceived corporate social responsibility reduces employee cynicism, and whether trust plays a mediating role in the relationship between CSR and employee cynicism. Three distinct contributions beyond the existing literature are offered. First, the relationship between perceived CSR and employee cynicism is explored in greater detail than has previously been the case. Second, trust in the company leaders is positioned as a mediator of the relationship between CSR and employee cynicism. Third, we disaggregate the measure (...)
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    Caregivers blinded by the care: A qualitative study of physical restraint in pediatric care.Bénédicte Lombart, Carla De Stefano, Didier Dupont, Leila Nadji & Michel Galinski - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (1):230-246.
    Background: The phenomenon of forceful physical restraint in pediatric care is an ethical issue because it confronts professionals with the dilemma of using force for the child’s best interest. This is a paradox. The perspective of healthcare professional working in pediatric wards needs further in-depth investigations. Purpose: To explore the perspectives and behaviors of healthcare professionals toward forceful physical restraint in pediatric care. Methods: This qualitative ethnographic study used focus groups with purposeful sampling. Thirty volunteer healthcare professionals (nurses, hospital aids, (...)
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    Spinoza’s Analysis of his Imagined Readers’ Axiology.Benedict Rumbold - 2021 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 103 (2):281-312.
    Before presenting his own account of value in the Ethics, Spinoza spends much of EIAppendix and EIVPreface attempting to refute a series of axiological ‘prejudices’ that he takes to have taken root in the minds of his readership. In doing so, Spinoza adopts what might be termed a ‘genealogical’ argumentative strategy. That is, he tries to establish the falsity of imagined readership’s prejudices about good and bad, perfection and imperfection, by first showing that the ideas from which they have arisen (...)
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  47. Cannot Manage without The ‚Significant Other’: Mining, Corporate Social Responsibility and Local Communities in Papua New Guinea.Benedict Young Imbun - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 73 (2):177-192.
    The increasing pressure from different facets of society exerted on multinational companies to become more philanthropic and claim ownership of their impacts is now becoming a standard practice. Although research in corporate social responsibility has arguably been recent, the application of activities taking a voluntary form from MNCs seem to vary reflecting a plethora of factors, particularly one obvious being the backwater local communities of developing countries where most of the natural extraction projects are located. This chapter examines views of (...)
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    Duty and 'Euthanasia': the Nurses of Meseritz-Obrawalde.Susan Benedict, Arthur Caplan & Traute Lafrenz Page - 2007 - Nursing Ethics 14 (6):781-794.
    This article examines the actions and testimonies of 14 nurses who killed psychiatric patients at the state hospital of Meseritz-Obrawalde in the Nazi 'euthanasia' program. The nurses provided various reasons for their decisions to participate in the killings. An ethical analysis of the testimonies demonstrates that a belief in the relief of suffering, the notion that the patients would 'benefit' from death, their selection by physicians for the 'treatment' of 'euthanasia', and a perceived duty to obey unquestioningly the orders of (...)
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    Roles of Technical Reasoning, Theory of Mind, Creativity, and Fluid Cognition in Cumulative Technological Culture.Emmanuel De Oliveira, Emanuelle Reynaud & François Osiurak - 2019 - Human Nature 30 (3):326-340.
    Cumulative technological culture can be defined as the progressive diversification, complexification, and enhancement of technological traits through generations. An outstanding issue is to specify the cognitive bases of this phenomenon. Based on the literature, we identified four potential cognitive factors: namely, theory-of-mind, technical-reasoning, creativity, and fluid-cognitive skills. The goal of the present study was to test which of these factors—or a combination thereof—best predicted the cumulative performance in two experimental, micro-society conditions differing in the nature of the interaction allowed between (...)
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  50. Management Students’ Attitudes Toward Business Ethics: A Comparison Between France and Romania.Daniel Bageac, Olivier Furrer & Emmanuelle Reynaud - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (3):391-406.
    This study focuses on the differences in the perception of business ethics across two groups of management students from France and Romania (n = 220). Data was collected via the ATBEQ to measure preferences for three business philosophies: Machiavellianism, Social Darwinism, and Moral Objectivism. The results show that Romanian students present more favorable attitudes toward Machiavellianism than French students; whereas, French students valued Social Darwinism and Moral Objectivism more highly. For Machiavellianism and Moral Objectivism the results are consistent with the (...)
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