Results for 'Body count'

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  1.  24
    Gérard Jorland;, Annick Opinel;, George Weisz . Body Counts: Medical Quantification in Historical and Sociological Perspective. x + 417 pp. Montreal: McGill‐Queen’s University Press, 2005. $80. [REVIEW]Christopher Lawrence - 2006 - Isis 97 (2):340-341.
  2.  31
    Regum Externorum Consuetudine: The Nature and Function of Embalming in Rome.Derek B. Counts - 1996 - Classical Antiquity 15 (2):189-202.
    Although embalming is traditionally considered an Egyptian custom, ancient sources suggest that in imperial Rome the practice was not employed by Egyptians or Egyptianized Romans alone. The mos Romanorum in funerary ritual encompassed both cremation and inhumation, yet embalming appears in Rome as early as the first century AD and evidence points to its limited use during the first three centuries AD. Within the social structure of Rome's dead these preserved corpses certainly occupied a distinct place. Yet who were they (...)
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  3. Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of Sex.Judith Butler - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    In ____Bodies That Matter,__ Judith Butler further develops her distinctive theory of gender by examining the workings of power at the most "material" dimensions of sex and sexuality. Deepening the inquiries she began in _Gender_ _Trouble,_ Butler offers an original reformulation of the materiality of bodies, examining how the power of heterosexual hegemony forms the "matter" of bodies, sex, and gender. Butler argues that power operates to constrain "sex" from the start, delimiting what counts as a viable sex. She offers (...)
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    The Body We Care for: Figures of Anthropo-zoo-genesis.Vinciane Despret - 2004 - Body and Society 10 (2-3):111-134.
    Clever Hans, the famous horse who was believed to be able to count, is generally cited as the paradigm of the influence of the observer. Psychologist Rosenthal has illustrated this phenomenon with his well-known experiment about ‘bright’ and ‘dull’ maze rats. Hans, however, achieved something much more interesting. Hecould not only read human minds through their bodies: he could also influence his questioners to produce gestures he could read as cues for finding the answer. Hans could make human bodies (...)
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    Lived body and fantasmatic body: The debate between phenomenology and psychoanalysis.Thamy Ayouch - 2008 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 28 (2):336-355.
    Neither the lived body, taken up by Merleau-Ponty after Husserl, nor the libidinal body theorised by psychanalysts after Freud, can be reduced to the counted, measured, physical body, apprehended only from outside. Both phenomenology and psychoanalysis set forth the priority of a global subjective lived body, approached "from within". However, their perspectives seem to differ when it comes to the conception of the interiority of this lived body, which psychoanalysis deems as imaginary. This paper examines (...)
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  6.  22
    The Body as Evidence for the Nature of Language.Wendy Sandler - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Taking its cue from sign languages, this paper pulls together a range of studies to support the proposal that the recruitment and composition of body actions counts as evidence for linguistic properties. Adopting the view that compositionality is the foundational organizing property of language, we find first that actions of the hands, face, head, and torso in sign languages directly reflect linguistic components, as well as certain aspects of compositional organization among them that are common to all languages, signed (...)
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  7.  13
    The body politic: the battle over science in America.Jonathan D. Moreno - 2011 - New York: Bellevue Literary Press.
    In her foreword to Science Next, Elizabeth Edwards wrote of science as a tool for social progress: "Innovation is not simply the abstract victory of knowledge [or] the research that gave me years to live; the next science can advance human flourishing and serve the common good. That's the kind of world I want to leave for my children, and for yours." With these words, she joined a tradition that goes back to America's founders, who saw America itself as a (...)
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  8.  74
    Assuming a Body: Transgender and Rhetorics of Materiality.Gayle Salamon - 2010 - Columbia University Press.
    We believe we know our bodies intimately—that their material reality is certain and that this certainty leads to an epistemological truth about sex, gender, and identity. By exploring and giving equal weight to transgendered subjectivities, however, Gayle Salamon upends these certainties. Considering questions of transgendered embodiment via phenomenology (Maurice Merleau-Ponty), psychoanalysis (Sigmund Freud and Paul Ferdinand Schilder), and queer theory, Salamon advances an alternative theory of normative and non-normative gender, proving the value and vitality of trans experience for thinking about (...)
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  9. The Body Problem and Other Foundational Issues in the Metaphysics of Mind.Barbara Gail Montero - 2000 - Dissertation, The University of Chicago
    My dissertation focuses on the foundations of the mind-body problem: how we should think about the physical world, what the role of science is in arriving at a solution to the problem, and whether it is possible to answer metaphysical questions about the mind while admitting epistemic defeat. ;Many philosophers argue that the mind is physical, but few spend much time explaining what counts as being physical. This, I argue, is a mistake: if the mind-body problem is the (...)
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  10. Against body exceptionalism: A reply to Eyal.Cécile Fabre - 2009 - Utilitas 21 (2):246-248.
    It is hard to do justice, in a short reply, to Eyal's excellent review. Accordingly, I will focus on what I take to be its central claim – namely that I fail to give proper consideration to the extent to which the forced extraction of body parts undermines individuals' opportunities for self-respect. According to Eyal, ‘body exceptionalism’ can be defended on the following grounds: ‘People usually see trespass into a person and into objects they associate with a person (...)
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  11.  97
    The ‘Meeting of Bodies’: Empathy and Basic Forms of Shared Experiences.Anna Ciaunica - 2019 - Topoi 38 (1):185-195.
    In recent years there has been an increasing focus on a crucial aspect of the ‘meeting of minds’ problem :160–165, 2013), namely the ability that human beings have for sharing different types of mental states such as emotions, intentions, and perceptual experiences. In this paper I examine what counts as basic forms of ‘shared experiences’ and focus on a relatively overlooked aspect of human embodiment, namely the fact that we start our journey into our experiential life within the experiencing (...) of a second person, i.e. our mothers. For example, Zahavi and Rochat recently draw on phenomenological insights and developmental studies in order to support the idea that empathy must be considered a central precondition for experiential sharing. Here I suggest that the defence of the primacy of empathy over experiential sharing might reveal how we are often mislead in our understanding of more basic forms of shared experiences. I argue that while previous approaches mainly defined experiential sharing by using the case of visual experience as a paradigmatic example of ‘togetherness’, it is fruitful to consider the case of pregnancy and intersubjective touch in early infancy as a more basic model of experiential sharing in general. I conclude that shared experiences are phenomena emerging first and foremost from a ‘meeting of bodies’ rather than of minds and as such they precede rather than presuppose empathetic abilities. (shrink)
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  12. “Why Should Our Bodies End at the Skin?”: Embodiment, Boundaries, and Somatechnics.Margrit Shildrick - 2015 - Hypatia 30 (1):13-29.
    Donna Haraway's enduring question—“Why should our bodies end at the skin?” —is ever more relevant in the postmodern era, where issues of bodies, boundaries, and technologies increasingly challenge not only the normative performance of the human subject, but also the very understanding of what counts as human. Critical Disability Studies has taken up the problematic of technology, particularly in relation to the deployment of prostheses by people with disabilities. Yet rehabilitation to normative practice or appearance is no longer the point; (...)
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  13. Precarious politics : the activism of "bodies that count" (aligning with those that don't) in Palestine's colonial frontier.Rema Hammami - 2016 - In Judith Butler, Zeynep Gambetti & Leticia Sabsay, Vulnerability in Resistance. Durham: Duke University Press.
  14.  39
    The Grammar of Belonging: Bodies, Borders and Kin in the Belarusian—Polish Border Crisis.Olga Cielemęcka - 2023 - Feminist Review 134 (1):1-20.
    This article aims to be what Jasbir Puar referred to as ‘an unfolding archive’. It makes a critical intervention at a historical crisis point as it is unfolding. It sets out to examine the logic that writes the relations between bodies, borders and kin during the political crisis that transpired at the border of Belarus and Poland in 2021. I think of this logic in terms of a ‘grammar’, drawing on the idea articulated by Hortense J. Spillers, where ‘American grammar’ (...)
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    How Action Shapes Body Ownership Momentarily and Throughout the Lifespan.Marvin Liesner, Nina-Alisa Hinz & Wilfried Kunde - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Objects which a human agent controls by efferent activities can be perceived by the agent as belonging to his or her body. This suggests that what an agent counts as “body” is plastic, depending on what she or he controls. Yet there are possible limitations for such momentary plasticity. One of these limitations is that sensations stemming from the body and sensations stemming from objects outside the body are not integrated if they do not sufficiently “match”. (...)
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    Insight is A Body‐Feeling: Experiencing our Understanding.Jonathan Heaps - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (3):461-472.
    Though Bernard Lonergan is often counted among the so-called “Transcendental Thomists”, this article offers a re-appraisal of his theory of understanding with a renewed emphasis on its a posteriori, rather than a priori, approach. For Lonergan, because understanding is experienced, it can be investigated empirically. It is the further conviction of the author that the experience in which understanding gives itself is a bodily experience. This is the case both in how the experience emerges from biological processes, but also appears (...)
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  17. Those Who Aren't Counted.Matt Rosen - 2020 - In Diseases of the Head: Essays on the Horrors of Speculative Philosophy. New York, NY, USA: Punctum Books. pp. 113-162.
    I propose a distinction between two concepts: affliction and atrocity. I argue that an ethical position with respect to history’s horrors can be understood as a practice of refusing to permit affliction to be seen as atrocity. This is a practice of resisting the urge to quantify or qualify affliction in subjecting it to a count of bodies, which would be taken to totalize all the suffering in a given situation. We should, I contend, resist thinking that affliction qualified (...)
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  18.  49
    The Felt Body and Embodied Communication.Hermann Schmitz - 2017 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 2017 (2):9-19.
    In the 4th and 5th centuries B.C. the most significant paradigm change in Western intellectual culture occurred, later affecting Christianity and subsequently science. In the interest of personal empowerment over spontaneous stirrings, a private inner sphere, a so-called soul was ascribed to every conscious subject which was taken to contain their whole experience, like a house, conceived of as an inner world in which reason was to be the master of spontaneous impulses; the empirical external world between these inner spheres (...)
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  19.  33
    Borrowed Gods and Foreign Bodies: Christian Missionaries Imagine Chinese Religion (review).Whalen Lai - 2006 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1):226-229.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Borrowed Gods and Foreign Bodies: Christian Missionaries Imagine Chinese ReligionWhalen LaiBorrowed Gods and Foreign Bodies: Christian Missionaries Imagine Chinese Religion. By Eric Reinders. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004. 266 + xvi pp.For a long time, Sinology was dominated by scholars with direct or indirect missionary backgrounds, going all the way back to the founding of the discipline by James Legge. Legge occupied the first university chair in (...)
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  20.  38
    Replacing Epiphenomenalism: a Pluralistic Enactive Take on the Metaplasticity of Early Body Ornamentation.Duilio Garofoli & Antonis Iliopoulos - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 32 (2):215-242.
    In the domain of evolutionary cognitive archaeology, the early body ornaments from the Middle Stone Age/Palaeolithic are generally treated as mere by-products of an evolved brain-bound cognitive architecture selected to cope with looming social problems. Such adaptive artefacts are therefore taken to have been but passive means of broadcasting a priori envisaged meanings, essentially playing a neutral role for the human mind. In contrast to this epiphenomenalist view of material culture, postphenomenology and the Material Engagement Theory have been making (...)
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  21.  14
    Whose Life Counts: Biopolitics and the “Bright Line” of Chloropicrin Mitigation in California’s Strawberry Industry.Sandy Brown & Julie Guthman - 2016 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 41 (3):461-482.
    In the context of the mandated phaseout of methyl bromide, California’s strawberry industry has increased its use of chloropicrin, another soil fumigant that has long been on the market. However, due to its 2010 designation as a toxic air contaminant, the US Environmental Protection Agency and California’s Department of Pesticide Regulation have developed enhanced application protocols to mitigate exposures of the chemical to bystanders, nearby residents, and farmworkers. The central feature of these mitigation technologies are enhanced buffer zones between treated (...)
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  22.  19
    Dam(n)med Bodies: Disorderly Subjectivity and Sublime Experience in the Narmada Movement.Tanay Gandhi - 2024 - Journal of Social and Political Philosophy 3 (1):52-66.
    This paper explores moments of democratising disorderliness that interrupt a vision of the sublime as a particular ordering of subjectivity. Situated within the context of the Narmada movement against the construction of the Sardar Sarovar Dam in India in the mid-1990s, it argues that sublime regimes and ‘counter-sublime’ insurgences draw their energies from the figures of the dam and the bund, respectively. Where the dam’s walls establish the horizons of visibility, of who counts as subject, the bund’s curved surfaces reveal (...)
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  23.  60
    Exhuming the Body of the Corpus Delicti Rule.Clifton Perry - 2007 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 21 (2):253-264.
    The Corpus Delicti Rule prohibits the introduction of the defendant’s confession to a crime to count as evidence against the defendant in the absence of independent evidence of the crime in question. The common law rule, designed to protect the defendant who confesses to the commission of a fictitious crime, has fallen out of favor with federal courts and a number of state courts. Moreover, the rule has its academic detractors. This essay is an attempt to investigate the value (...)
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  24.  19
    The Emancipated Bodies of Nicolás Rincón-Gille: Dissenting Memories, amidst Devastations.Laura Quintana - 2023 - In Stephen Zepke & Nicolás Alvarado Castillo, Palgrave. pp. 61-78.
    Colombia has been structured by war, and this situation has permeated the country’s art, with variations that go hand in hand with the transformations of violence. In this chapter, I delve into the work of filmmaker Nicolás Rincón-Gille. What I explore as remarkable in his films is how violence does not “monopolize everything else” but makes life count in the face of the brutal effects of devastation. What persists in these films is the capacity of those who have lived (...)
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  25.  24
    Plastic Naturecultures: Multispecies Ethnography and the Dangers of Separating Living from Nonliving Bodies.Kim De Wolff - 2017 - Body and Society 23 (3):23-47.
    A jellyfish surrounds a plastic fragment, merging the synthetic material with its body; a water agency poster warns of dangerous plastic bottle ‘fish’ in the Mediterranean; marine organisms take shelter on and under synthetic materials. These are the denizens of a growing realm marine ecologists call the ‘plastisphere’, where sea life and plastics meet. Building upon multispecies ethnography, science and technology studies interrogations of nature/culture divides and the practical work of classification, this article explores the indeterminacy – the very (...)
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  26.  45
    (1 other version)Beyond Choice: A Non-Ideal Feminist Approach to Body Modification.Francesca Cesarano - 2022 - Res Publica (4):1-17.
    Gendered socialization has prompted numerous attempts to redefine what counts as an autonomous choice. However, there is strong disagreement among feminist theorists over the criteria to identify cases of autonomy impairment _vis-à-vis_ the embeddedness of individuals in patriarchal cultures. I argue that this focus on choice and autonomy has often neglected the costs of non-compliance to social norms and the trade-offs that women make to flourish within their community. Even if we were to find an effective way to determine whether (...)
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  27. Metaphor and knowledge attained via the body.John M. Kennedy & John Vervaeke - 1993 - Philosophical Psychology 6 (4):407 – 412.
    Mark Johnson argues in favour of embodied experience as the basis for knowledge. An important implication of his analysis is that these experiences instigate pervasive metaphorical systems. Johnson 's argument involves reductionist problems, chicken-and-egg problems and, at times, unclear criteria for what counts as a basic experience and a metaphor.
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  28. Putting the mind back into the body a successor scientific medical model.Laurence Foss - 1994 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 15 (3).
    This paper examines today's received scientific medical model with respect to its ability to satisfy two conditions: (1) its explanatory adequacy relative to the full range of findings in the medical literature, including those indicating a correlation between psychosocial variables and disease susceptibility; and (2) the fit between its physicalist patient and disease concepts and what today's basic sciences, so-called sciences of complexity, tell us about the way matter, notably complex systems (e.g. patients), behave and the nature of scientific explanation. (...)
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    Hard on Everything but the Body.Jillian Guizzotti - 2013 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 33:115-118.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hard on Everything but the BodyJillian GuizzottiIn the fall of 2011, my first year of college, I took a course on Asian religions at Alfred University. I became interested in different kinds of religions, especially Buddhism. I was lucky that the professor who taught Asian religions also offered an introductory class on Buddhism the following semester. It was an upper-level course, generally not open to first-year students, but the (...)
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  30. Counting with Cilia: The Role of Morphological Computation in Basal Cognition Research.Wiktor Rorot - 2022 - Entropy 24 (11):1581.
    “Morphological computation” is an increasingly important concept in robotics, artificial intelligence, and philosophy of the mind. It is used to understand how the body contributes to cognition and control of behavior. Its understanding in terms of "offloading" computation from the brain to the body has been criticized as misleading, and it has been suggested that the use of the concept conflates three classes of distinct processes. In fact, these criticisms implicitly hang on accepting a semantic definition of what (...)
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  31.  44
    Book Review: Ad Infinitum: The Ghost in Turing's Machine: Taking God Out of Mathematics and Putting the Body Back In. [REVIEW]Tony E. Jackson - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (2):390-391.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Ad Infinitum: The Ghost in Turing’s Machine: Taking God Out of Mathematics and Putting the Body Back InTony E. JacksonAd Infinitum: The Ghost in Turing’s Machine: Taking God Out of Mathematics and Putting the Body Back In, by Brian Rotman; xii & 203 pp. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1993, $39.50 cloth, $12.95 paper.Brian Rotman’s book attempts to pull mathematics—the last, most solid home of metaphysical thought—off (...)
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  32.  21
    Ad Infinitum... The Ghost in Turing's Machine: Taking God Out of Mathematics and Putting the Body Back In. An Essay in Corporeal Semiotics.Brian Rotman - 1993 - Stanford University Press.
    This ambitious work puts forward a new account of mathematics-as-language that challenges the coherence of the accepted idea of infinity and suggests a startlingly new conception of counting. The author questions the familiar, classical, interpretation of whole numbers held by mathematicians and scientists, and replaces it with an original and radical alternative--what the author calls non-Euclidean arithmetic. The author's entry point is an attack on the notion of the mathematical infinite in both its potential and actual forms, an attack organized (...)
  33.  53
    ONE, TWO, THREE Cutting, Counting, and Eating.Annemarie Mol - 2011 - Common Knowledge 17 (1):111-116.
    This piece is a response to Marilyn Strathern's article, “Binary License,” in the Common Knowledge symposium on “comparative relativism.” Arguing that, across noncoherent practices, there is room for different natures, the essay suggests that modes of relating (the briefly invoked example given is of divergent counting practices) do not need a shared conceptual apparatus in order to be combined. What is held in the juxtaposition of acts and practices seems to be the sense in which acts are not affected by (...)
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  34.  85
    Why Does Removing Machines Count as “Passive” Euthanasia?Patrick D. Hopkins - 1997 - Hastings Center Report 27 (3):29-37.
    The distinction between “passive” and “active” euthanasia, though problematic and highly criticized, retains a certain intuitive appeal. When a patient is allowed to die, nature appears simply to be taking its course. Yet when a patient is killed by, say, a lethal injection, humans appear to be causing his or her death. Guilt seems to follow naturally from the latter act while not from the former. Yet this view only holds up if age‐old and vague ideasabout “nature” and “artifice” go (...)
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  35.  55
    Contested Commodities: The Trouble with Trade in Sex, Children, Body Parts, and Other ThingsMargaret Jane Radin Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1996, xiv + 279 pp., $35.00. [REVIEW]Robert K. Fullinwider - 1998 - Dialogue 37 (4):855-858.
    Although its title promises a discussion of such matters as prostitution, surrogate motherhood, and markets in blood and organs, this book by a professor of law at Stanford University is really a treatise on market rhetoric, not markets. Its target is the intellectual application of the tools of economic analysis to spheres of human life—such as sexual relations, family life, bodily integrity, and political commitment—that are purportedly structured by moral values and ideals rather than cold calculation of advantage. The “Chicago (...)
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    The women radium dial painters as experimental subjects (1920–1990) or what counts as human experimentation.Maria Rentetzi - 2004 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 12 (4):233-248.
    The case of women radium dial painters — women who tipped their brushes while painting the dials of watches and instruments with radioactive paint — has been extensively discussed in the medical and historical literature. Their painful and abhorrent deaths have occupied the interest of physicians, lawyers, politicians, military agencies, and the public. Hardly any discussion has concerned, however, the use of those women as experimental subjects in a number of epidemiological studies that took place from 1920 to 1990. This (...)
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  37.  52
    Beyond bean counting: Establishing high ethical standards in the public accounting profession. [REVIEW]Jeffrey R. Cohen & Laurie W. Pant - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (1):45 - 56.
    Business professions are increasingly faced with the question of how to best monitor the ethical behavior of their members. Conflicts could exist between a profession's desire to self-regulate and its accountability to the public at large. This study examines how members of one profession, public accounting, evaluate the relative effectiveness of various self-regulatory and externally imposed mechanisms for promoting a climate of high ethical behavior. Specifically, the roles of independent public accountants, regulatory and rule setting agencies, and undergraduate accounting education (...)
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  38. Gravity’s cause and substance counting: contextualizing the problems.Hylarie Kochiras - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 42 (1):167-184.
    This paper considers Newton’s position on gravity’s cause, both conceptually and historically. With respect to the historical question, I argue that while Newton entertained various hypotheses about gravity’s cause, he never endorsed any of them, and in particular, his lack of confidence in the hypothesis of robust and unmediated distant action by matter is explained by an inclination toward certain metaphysical principles. The conceptual problem about gravity’s cause, which I identified earlier along with a deeper problem about individuating substances, is (...)
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  39.  77
    (1 other version)Should the Number of Overlapping Experiencers Count?A. Arturo Javier-Castellanos - 2021 - Erkenntnis:1-23.
    According to the cohabitation account, all the persons that result from a fission event cohabit the same body prior to fission. This article concerns a problem for this account. Suppose Manuel and Jimena are suffering from an equally painful migraine. Unlike Jimena, however, Manuel will undergo fission. Assuming you have a spare painkiller, whom should you give it to? Intuitively, you have no more reason to give it to one or the other. The problem is that the cohabitation account (...)
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    It's the thought that counts: why mind over matter really works.David R. Hamilton - 2009 - Carlsbad, Calif.: Hay House.
    The idea that form follows thought and feeling is not a new one to mystics, but quantum physicists have now shown this to be a scientifically proven reality. A massive shift in people's understanding is occurring to take the implications of this on board and integrate it into our lives. This book assembles the research from mainstream scientists and writers such as Gregg Braden and David Hawkins to create a convincing and inspiring case for the power of compassion and kindness (...)
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  41. Genocide and Social Death.Claudia Card - 2003 - Hypatia 18 (1):63-79.
    Social death, central to the evil of genocide, distinguishes genocide from other mass murders. Loss of social vitality is loss of identity and thereby of meaning for one's existence. Seeing social death at the center of genocide takes our focus off body counts and loss of individual talents, directing us instead to mourn losses of relationships that create community and give meaning to the development of talents.
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    Descartes and the Scholastic Theory of Concursus.Nicholas Westberg - 2024 - Res Philosophica 101 (4):777-810.
    This article critically assesses a recent interpretation of Descartes’s physics, according to which he accepts a medieval account of the relation between God and physical creatures commonly called concurrentism. On this medieval view, God cooperates with creatures as efficient causes in bringing about change. If Descartes were to accept it, then it would entail that physical creatures (bodies) count as efficient causes in some way (otherwise God could not be said to cooperate with them), thus settling a long-standing debate (...)
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  43. COVID-19 and justice.John McMillan - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (10):639-640.
    John Rawls begins a Theory of Justice with the observation that "Justice is the first virtue of social institutions, as truth is of systems of thought… Each person possesses an inviolability founded on justice that even the welfare of society as a whole cannot override"1 (p.3). The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in lock-downs, the restriction of liberties, debate about the right to refuse medical treatment and many other changes to the everyday behaviour of persons. The justice issues it raises are (...)
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    I will never eat another strawberry again: the biopolitics of consumer-citizenship in the fight against methyl iodide in California.Julie Guthman & Sandy Brown - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (3):575-585.
    In March of 2012, following a robust activist campaign, Arysta LifeScience withdrew the soil fumigant methyl iodide from the US market, just a little over a year after it had finally been registered for use in California. As a major part of the campaign against registration of the chemical, over 53,000 people, ostensibly acting as citizens rather than consumers, wrote public comments contesting the use of the chemical for its high toxicity. Although these comments had marginal impact on the outcome (...)
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  45.  36
    Genocide and Social Death.Claudia Card - 2018-04-18 - In Criticism and Compassion. Oxford, UK: Wiley. pp. 61–78.
    This chapter develops the hypothesis that social death is utterly central to the evil of genocide, not just when a genocide is primarily cultural but even when it is homicidal on a massive scale. It is social death that enables us to distinguish the peculiar evil of genocide from the evils of other mass murders. The evil of genocide falls not only on men and boys but also on women and girls, typically unarmed, untrained in defense against violence, and often (...)
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    Basic Beliefs, the Embryo Rescue Case, and Single-Issue Voting.Tyler McNabb & Michael DeVito - 2021 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 21 (2):203-208.
    In this essay, we respond to Dustin Crummett’s argument that one cannot consistently appeal to body count reasoning to justify being a single-issue pro-life voter if one is also committed to the usual response to the embryo rescue case. Specifically, we argue that a modified version of BCR we call BCR* is consistent with the usual response. We then move to address concerns about the relevance of BCR* to Crummett’s original thesis.
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  47.  88
    Nazism And Communism: Evil Twins?Alain de Benoist - 1998 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1998 (112):178-192.
    The publication of this Black Book by a group of historians to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the October Revolution has opened a heated debate, first in France and then abroad. Edited by Stéphane Courtois, who also wrote the preface (instead of François Furet, who died a few months before its publication), this work attempts to provide an accurate account of the human cost of communism in view of the documentary evidence available today. The estimate is around 100 million dead—four (...)
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    Putting names to numbers: The creation of a systematic casualty recording database for the ongoing Russian aggression within Ukraine.Emily Ward - 2023 - Journal of Global Faultlines 10 (2):238-251.
    This research aims to help create a systematic casualty recording database for the civilian casualties of the Russian aggression within Ukraine. It looks at the definitions surrounding casualty recording and human security to help create a baseline for the project. It examines the Register of the Holodomor Victims, the Bosnian Book of the Dead, the Kosovo Memorial Book, and the casualty recording of Iraq Body Count and the Bouderbala Commission, in terms of their recording systems and public databases. (...)
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    Claudia Card's Concept of Social Death: A New Way of Looking at Genocide.James Snow - 2016 - Metaphilosophy 47 (4-5):607-626.
    Scholarship in the multidisciplinary field of genocide studies often emphasizes body counts and the number of biological deaths as a way of measuring and comparing the severity and scope of individual genocides. The prevalence of this way of framing genocide is problematic insofar it risks marginalizing the voices and experiences of victims who may not succumb to biological death but nevertheless suffer the loss of family members and other loved ones, and suffer the destruction of relationships, as well as (...)
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    Claudia Card's Concept of Social Death.James Snow - 2018-04-18 - In Claudia Card, Criticism and Compassion. Oxford, UK: Wiley. pp. 133–151.
    The work of Claudia Card has received far less attention in the field of genocide studies than it deserves. The atrocity paradigm, first introduced in her book by that title published in 2002, offers rich insights that can serve to enhance the understanding of genocidal violence. Her book Confronting Evils: Terrorism, Torture, Genocide, after offering revisions to her secular theory of evil, does speak directly to the evils of genocide, claiming "genocide is social death". This chapter shows that genocide scholarship (...)
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