Results for 'Bowie Kotrla'

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  1.  70
    Radical change theory and synergistic reading for digital age youth.Eliza T. Dresang & Bowie Kotrla - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 43 (2):pp. 92-107.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Radical Change Theory and Synergistic Reading for Digital Age YouthEliza T. Dresang (bio) and Bowie Kotrla (bio)Books with digital age characteristics... stimulate curiosity and foster community.—Elizabeth Lennox Keyser, 1999Today’s students think and process information fundamentally differently from their predecessors.—Marc Prensky, 2001PrologueOne of our favorite books is McGillis’s The Nimble Reader: Literary Criticism and Children’s Literature.1 McGillis applies various literary theories—among them the New Criticism, structuralism, feminism, and (...)
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    Prelude to the Special Issue of the Journal of Aesthetic Education on Children’s Literature.Ellen Handler Spitz - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 43 (2):pp. 1-2.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Prelude to the Special Issue of the Journal of Aesthetic Education on Children’s LiteratureEllen Handler Spitz, Guest Editor (bio)When Professor Pradeep A. Dhillon, editor of the Journal of Aesthetic Education, suggested to me one day that I might guest edit a special issue of the journal devoted to the topic of children’s literature, my initial reticence was toppled and my sense of resolve buoyed as I began to fantasize (...)
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    Business Ethics Pioneers: Norman Bowie.Norman Bowie - 2021 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 40 (3):283-294.
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  4. A Kantian theory of meaningful work.Norman E. Bowie - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (9-10):1083 - 1092.
    In this article I use Kantian moral philosophy to develop a concept of meaningful work. Specifically, a Kantian would argue that work is meaningful if (1) it is freely entered into, (2) it allows the worker to exercise her autonomy and independence, (3) it enables the worker to develop her rational capacities, (4) it provides a wage sufficient for physical welfare, (5) it supports the moral development of employees and (6) it is not paternalistic. I then provide examples of contemporary (...)
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    A Kantian Theory of Capitalism.Norman E. Bowie - 1998 - Business Ethics Quarterly 8 (S1):37-60.
    Some years ago Ed Freeman and William Evan wrote an article offering a Kantian stakeholder theory of corporate responsibility. Ed was kind enough to allow Tom Beauchamp and me to publish that previously unpublished piece in the second edition of Ethical Theory and Business. That article has appeared in every subsequent edition. But a Kantian theory of stakeholder relationships is not, I believe, a complete Kantian theory of the modem corporation. I believe Ed originally intended to expand that paper into (...)
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  6. Student Problems with Hypertext and Webtext: A Student-Centered Hypertext Classroom.J. Bowie - 2001 - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 6 (2).
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    Business Ethics in the 21st Century.Norman E. Bowie - 2013 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    This work provides a critical look at business practice in the early 21st century and suggests changes that are both practical and normatively superior. Several chapters present a reflection on business ethics from a societal or macro-organizational point of view. It makes a case for the economic and moral superiority of the sustainability capitalism of the European Union over the finance-based model of the United States. Most major themes in business ethics are covered and some new ones are introduced, including (...)
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  8. The romantic connection: Neurath, the Frankfurt school, and Heidegger.Andrew Bowie - 2000 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 8 (2):275-298.
  9. The similarity approach to counterfactuals: Some problems.G. Lee Bowie - 1979 - Noûs 13 (4):477-498.
  10. Introduction to Judith Butler.Malcolm Bowie - 2005 - In Nicholas Bamforth, Sex Rights: The Oxford Amnesty Lectures 2002. Oxford University Press. pp. 44.
  11.  3
    Making ethical decisions.Norman E. Bowie (ed.) - 1984 - New York: McGraw-Hill.
  12.  2
    (1 other version)Aesthetics and subjectivity from Kant to Nietzsche.Andrew Bowie - 1990 - Manchester [England] ;: Manchester University Press ;.
    This new, completely revised and re-written edition of aesthetics and subjectivity brings up to date the original book's account of the path of German philosophy from Kant, via Fichte and Holderlin, the early Romantis, Schelling, Hegel, Schleimacher, to Nietzsche, in view of recent historical research and contemporary arguments in philosophy and theory in the humanities. The original book helped make subjectivity, aesthetics, music and language a significant part of debate in the humanity. Bowie develops the approaches to these areas (...)
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    A Kantian Approach to Business Ethics.Norman E. Bowie - 1999 - In Robert Frederick, A companion to business ethics. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 3–16.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Background The self‐defeating nature of immoral actions Treating stakeholders as persons The business firm as a moral community The purity of motive Kant's cosmopolitanism and international business.
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    Equality and Distributive Justice.Norman E. Bowie - 1970 - Philosophy 45 (172):140 - 148.
    One of the most influential appeals in disputes concerning distributive justice is the appeal to the value of equality. However, the concept of equality is one of the vaguest concepts in social philosophy and philosophical discussions of equality are notorious for their ambiguity. The purpose of this paper is to formulate concisely and then to evaluate the adequacy of four egalitarian formulas and a four-step egalitarian position for achieving distributive justice.
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    Freud's Dreams of Knowledge.Malcolm Bowie - 1983 - Paragraph 2 (1):53-87.
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  16. (1 other version)Reply: The Schellingian Alternative.A. Bowie - 1994 - Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 30:23-42.
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    The ‘Philosophy of Performance’ and the Performance of Philosophy.Andrew Bowie - 2015 - Performance Philosophy 1 (1):51-58.
    The notion of the 'philosophy of x', which has recently tended to become part of many subjects, from music to management, tends to obscure a range of important issues. The idea behind it seems to be that, by designating one's reflections on a subject as the ‘philosophy’ of whatever it is one is reflecting about, one achieves some kind of higher insight. Such an approach arguably grants too much to a subject whose main manifestation is actually endless disagreement on fundamental (...)
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  18. Early Greek elegy, symposium and public festival.Ewen Lyall Bowie - 1986 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 106:13-35.
    This paper is chiefly concerned with the circumstances in which early Greek elegy was performed. Section II argues that for our extant shorter poems only performance at symposia is securely attested. Section III examines the related questions of the meaning ofelegosand the performance of elegies at funerals. Finally I try to establish the existence of longer elegiac poems intended for performance at public festivals.
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  19. Respect for Workers in Global Supply Chains.Norman E. Bowie - 2007 - Business Ethics Quarterly 17 (1):135-145.
    In “Sweatshops and Respect for Persons” we argued on Kantian grounds that managers of multinational enterprises (MNEs) have the following duties: to adhere to local labor laws, to refrain from coercion, to meet minimum health and safety standards, and to pay workers a living wage. In their commentary on our paper Sollars and Englander challenge some of our conclusions. We argue here that several of their criticisms are based on an inaccurate reading of our paper, and that none of the (...)
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    On being alive.Walter Russell Bowie - 1931 - London,: C. Scribner's sons.
  21.  49
    Twenty Questions: An Introduction to Philosophy : UCF.G. Lee Bowie, Robert C. Solomon & Meredith W. Michaels (eds.) - 2003 - Wadsworth Publishing Company.
    TWENTY QUESTIONS, one of the best selling introduction to philosophy anthologies available today, presents a proven, well-acclaimed forum for introducing students to the rich variety of philosophical reflection. Animated by some of philosophy's more concrete questions--questions that students are likely to have pondered long before signing up for their first philosophy classes--TWENTY QUESTIONS fosters the creative exploration of many renowned classical and contemporary thinkers' responses to the very same questions.
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    13. Why Kant’s Insistence on Purity of the Will Does Not Preclude an Application of Kant’s Ethics to For-Profit Businesses.Norman Bowie - 2017 - In Eugene Heath & Byron Kaldis, Wealth, Commerce, and Philosophy: Foundational Thinkers and Business Ethics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 263-282.
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    Las determinaciones genéricas en los procesos adaptativos.José Antonio Pérez Bowie - 2011 - Arbor 187 (748):305-315.
    El traslado de un texto literario a la pantalla suele estar condicionado por diversos factores derivados del nuevo contexto en el que el título adaptado debe funcionar. Entre ellos están los condicionamientos que ejerce sobre la obra originaria el género cinematográfico que sirve de modelo para el proceso adaptador. En el presente trabajo se reflexiona sobre esas determinaciones y se analizan tres ejemplos del cine español de postguerra en los cuales la obra literaria sufre una transformación considerable para adecuarse a (...)
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    Rights.Norman E. Bowie - 1986 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 47 (1):165-168.
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    University-Business Partnerships: An Assessment.Norman E. Bowie - 1994 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This work assesses the ethical issues arising from the proliferation of university-business partnerships. Bowie pays special attention to the question of whether such partnerships are consistent with the values of higher education, and examines procedures for protecting university values. The work concludes with an extensive section of readings, including articles by David Noble, Nicholas Wade, and Albert Gore, Jr.; copies of historical documents and case studies; and copies of conflict of interest statements from leading universities.
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    The Meaning of the Hermeneutic Tradition in Contemporary Philosophy.Andrew Bowie - 1996 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 41:121-144.
    In his Notes on Philosophy , which he began writing in 1796, Friedrich Schlegel asserts that ‘The fact that one person understands the other is philosophically incomprehensible, but it is certainly magical.’ In the interim a large amount of philosophical effort has been expended on trying to refute Schlegel's first claim. The fact is, though, that what Michael Dummett calls a ‘fullblooded theory of meaning’ is now looking less and less like a really feasible philosophical enterprise, so Schlegel may have (...)
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    Should collective bargaining and labor relations be less adversarial?Norman E. Bowie - 1985 - Journal of Business Ethics 4 (4):283 - 291.
    In this paper I argue that the poker analogy is unsuitable as a model for collective bargaining negotiations. Using the poker game analogy is imprudent, its use undermines trust and ignores the cooperative features of business, and its use fails to take into account the values of dignity and fairness which should characterize labor-management negotiations. I propose and defend a model of ideal family decision-making as a superior model to the poker game.
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  28. On the History of Modern Philosophy.Andrew Bowie (ed.) - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    On the History of Modern Philosophy is a key transitional text in the history of European philosophy. In it, F. W. J. Schelling surveys philosophy from Descartes to German Idealism and shows why the Idealist project is ultimately doomed to failure. The lectures trace the path of philosophy from Descartes through Spinoza, Leibniz, Kant, Fichte, Jacobi, to Hegel and Schelling's own work. The extensive critiques of Hegel prefigure many of the arguments to be found in Feuerbach, Kierkegaard, Marx, Nietzsche, Heidegger, (...)
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  29. Schleiermacher: Hermeneutics and Criticism: And Other Writings.Andrew Bowie (ed.) - 1998 - Cambridge University Press.
    The founding text of modern hermeneutics. Written by the philosopher and theologian Friedrich Schleiermacher as a method for the interpretation and textual criticism of the New Testament, it develops ideas about language and the interpretation of texts that are in many respects still unsurpassed and are becoming current in the contemporary philosophy of language. Contrary to the traditional view of Schleiermacher as a theorist of empathetic interpretation, in this text he offers a view of understanding that acknowledges both the structurally (...)
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  30. Judith Norman and Alistair Welchman, eds, The New Schelling.A. Bowie - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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    Privacy in a Public Society. Richard F. Hixson.Norman E. Bowie - 1988 - Ethics 99 (1):161-162.
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    Ronald F. Duska.Norman E. Bowie & Patricia H. Werhane - 2019 - Business Ethics Quarterly 29 (3):429-430.
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    Where you find God.Walter Russell Bowie - 1968 - New York,: Harper & Row.
  34.  15
    Sarbanes-Oxley and the Compliance Ethics Quandary.Norman E. Bowie - 2004 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 23 (1-2):189-199.
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  35. Ethics and agency theory: an introduction.Norman E. Bowie & R. Edward Freeman (eds.) - 1992 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Agency theory involves what is known as the principal-agent problem, a topic widely discussed in economics, management, and business ethics today. It is a characteristic of nearly all modern business firms that the principals (the owners and shareholders) are not the same people as the agents (the managers who run the firms for the principals). This creates situations in which the goals of the principals may not be the same as the agents--the principals will want growth in profits and stock (...)
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  36. Morality, money, and motor cars.Norman Bowie - forthcoming - Business, Ethics, and the Environment. The Public Policy Debate. From the Eigth National Conference on Business Ethics Sponsored by the Center for Business Ethics at Bentley College. Westport: Greenwood Publishing Inc.
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    International Business as a Possible Civilizing Force in a Cosmopolitan World.Norman E. Bowie - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (4):941-950.
    The effect of capitalism on the quality of life has been much debated. Albert O. Hirschman has classified the views of the impact of capitalism on the quality of life as civilizing, destructive, and feeble. I believe that multinational corporations (MNCs) should be and could be a civilizing force in today’s cosmopolitan but turbulent world. A number of initiatives will be discussed with special emphasis on business contributions to human rights and to the achievement of past and present United Nations (...)
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  38. Music, philosophy, and modernity.Andrew Bowie - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Modern philosophers generally assume that music is a problem to which philosophy ought to offer an answer. Andrew Bowie’s Music, Philosophy, and Modernity suggests, in contrast, that music might offer ways of responding to some central questions in modern philosophy. Bowie looks at key philosophical approaches to music ranging from Kant, through the German Romantics and Wagner, to Wittgenstein, Heidegger and Adorno. He uses music to re-examine many current ideas about language, subjectivity, metaphysics, truth, and ethics, and he (...)
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    Introduction.Norman E. Bowie - 2004 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 23 (1-2):4-8.
  40.  29
    The Contemporary Significance of Early German Romantic Philosophy.Andrew Bowie - 2023 - Human Affairs 33 (4):382-390.
    Recent interest in early German Romantic philosophy can be linked to other approaches, such as that of John Dewey, which are critical of the dominant direction of modern philosophy. The Romantics rethink the relationship between philosophy and art as a way of questioning modern philosophy’s focus on epistemology and scepticism that leads to a lack of attention to the diverse other ways in which human beings make sense of things.
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  41. Privacy Rights On The Internet: Self-Regulation Or Government Regulation?Norman E. Bowie & Karim Jamal - 2006 - Business Ethics Quarterly 16 (3):323-342.
    Consumer surveys indicate that concerns about privacy are a principal factor discouraging consumers from shopping online. The keypublic policy issue regarding privacy is whether the US should follow its current self-regulation course, or whether a European style formal legal regulation approach should be adopted in the US.We conclude that the use of assurance seals has worked reasonably well and websites should be free to decide whether they have aprivacy seal or not. Given the narrow scope and the wide variety among (...)
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    Accountants, Full Disclosure, and Conflicts of Interest.Norman E. Bowie - 1986 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 5 (3-4):60-73.
  43.  65
    Are business ethics and engineering ethics members of the same family?Norman E. Bowie - 1985 - Journal of Business Ethics 4 (1):43 - 52.
    The thesis of the paper is that there are no important differences between problems in business ethics and problems in engineering ethics. The problems are both of the same logical type. What keeps this contention from being obvious is that many view engineers as professionals and business persons as nonprofessionals. If you accept the traditional definition of professional neither engineering nor business qualify. If you adopt the attitudinal definition of a profession which I propose, both practitioners could be professionals. This (...)
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    Adorno and Jazz.Andrew Bowie - 2019 - In Peter Eli Gordon, A companion to Adorno. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 123–137.
    Adorno's essay “On Jazz” of 1936 sees jazz as a commodity in the culture industry and as merely a perverted form of symbolic revolt against social injustice. This assessment is often echoed in his later work referring to jazz. He consequently fails to respond to the detail of the dynamic and rapid development of jazz in the twentieth century. This failure can be seen as a result of some of his assumptions about philosophical approaches to music. Adorno's focus on “what (...)
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    Digital Rights and Wrongs: Intellectual Property in the Information Age.Norman E. Bowie - 2005 - Business and Society Review 110 (1):77-96.
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    Frogs.A. M. Bowie - 1995 - The Classical Review 45 (02):236-.
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    What Do I Try to Achieve by Teaching Business Ethics?Norman E. Bowie - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 1 (1):17-20.
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    Teatro y cine: un permanente diálogo intermedial.José Antonio Pérez Bowie - 2004 - Arbor 177 (699/700):573-594.
    Se intenta trazar una panorámica de las aportaciones teóricas más significativas sobre las relaciones entre teatro y cine, con especial atención a algunas de las producidas recientemente en el ámbito español. En un primer apartado se lleva a cabo un recorrido somero sobre los principales problemas que plantea el cotejo de ambos medios y en los dos siguientes se abordan respectivamente los problemas planteados por adaptación de los textos teatrales al cine y la influencia ejercida por éste, a partir de (...)
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    Who is Dicaeopolis?Ewen Lyall Bowie - 1988 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 108:183-185.
  50. How Kantian a Theory of Kantian Capitalism?Norman E. Bowie - 1998 - The Ruffin Series of the Society for Business Ethics 1:61-73.
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