Results for 'Daniela Sepúlveda'

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  1.  31
    Comps. Acosta, María del Rosario y Manrique, Carlos. A la sombra de lo político: violencias institucionales y transformaciones de lo común.Daniela Sepúlveda - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (158):285-287.
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    Comps. María del Rosario Acosta y Carlos Manrique. A la sombra de lo político: violencias institucionales y transformaciones de lo común. Bogotá: Ediciones Universidad de Los Andes de Colombia, 2013. 288 pp. [REVIEW]Daniela Sepúlveda Soto - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (158):285-287.
    La recepción durante el siglo XX se preguntó si la filosofía nietzscheana era a-, im- o anti-política, es decir, si podía ser asimilada por la democracia, o si era antimoderna, elitista y reaccionaria. El italiano Roberto Esposito ha propuesto leerla como formando e informando el paradigma de la biopolítica. Se discuten cuatro lecturas de esa biopolítica: como formadora del paradigma de la inmunidad, como tanatopolítica, como liberal y neoliberal, y como biopolítica afirmativa. Twentieth-century readers wondered if Nietzschean philosophy was apolitical, (...)
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    Counter-reporting sustainability from the bottom up: the case of the construction company WeBuild and dam-related conflicts.Antonio Bontempi, Daniela Del Bene & Louisa Jane Di Felice - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (1):7-32.
    Controversies around large-scale development projects offer many cases and insights which may be analyzed through the lenses of corporate social (_ir_)responsibility (CS_I_R) and business ethics studies. In this paper, we confront the CSR narratives and strategies of _WeBuild_ (formerly known as _Salini Impregilo_), an Italian transnational construction company. Starting from the Global Atlas of Environmental Justice (EJAtlas), we collect evidence from NGOs, environmental justice organizations, journalists, scholars, and community leaders on socio-environmental injustices and controversies surrounding 38 large hydropower schemes built (...)
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    Commentary: Attentional control and the self: The Self-Attention Network.Adolfo M. García, David Huepe, David Martinez, Juan P. Morales, Daniela Huepe, Esteban Hurtado, Noelia Calvo & Agustín Ibáñez - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Politics and the Passions, 1500-1850.Victoria Ann Kahn, Neil Saccamano & Daniela Coli (eds.) - 2006 - Princeton University Press.
    Focusing on the new theories of human motivation that emerged during the transition from feudalism to the modern period, this is the first book of new essays on the relationship between politics and the passions from Machiavelli to Bentham. Contributors address the crisis of moral and philosophical discourse in the early modern period; the necessity of inventing a new way of describing the relation between reflection and action, and private and public selves; the disciplinary regulation of the body; and the (...)
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    Impact of initial pattern of care on hospital costs in a cohort of incident lung cancer cases.Eva Pagano, Dario Gregori, Claudia Filippini, Daniela Di Cuonzo, Enrico Ruffini, Roberto Zanetti, Stefano Rosso, Oscar Bertetto, Franco Merletti & Giovannino Ciccone - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (2):269-275.
  7.  12
    Editorial: Temporal Dynamics of Reward Processing in Humans: From Anticipation to Consummation.Ya Zheng, Ruolei Gu & Daniela M. Pfabigan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    COVID-19 Pandemic Worry and Vaccination Intention: The Mediating Role of the Health Belief Model Components.Claudia I. Iacob, Daniela Ionescu, Eugen Avram & Daniel Cojocaru - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Given the negative consequences of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on public health, his study aimed at investigating: the differences between adults with and without chronic illness in buying behavior, vaccination intention, pandemic worry, and the health belief model components; the HBM components as mediators of the relationship between pandemic worry and vaccination intention. The sample consisted of 864 adults, of which 20.5% reported having a chronic illness. Associations between pandemic worry, vaccination intention, and HBM were ascertained using correlation and mediation (...)
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    Forecast of Chaotic Series in a Horizon Superior to the Inverse of the Maximum Lyapunov Exponent.Miguel Alfaro, Guillermo Fuertes, Manuel Vargas, Juan Sepúlveda & Matias Veloso-Poblete - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-9.
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    Experimental evidence of behavioral improvement by learning and intermediate advice.Daniela Di Cagno, Werner Güth & Noemi Pace - 2021 - Theory and Decision 91 (2):173-187.
    This paper attempts to empirically assess how advice may reduce suboptimality in a portfolio choice experiment with risk-neutral participants induced via binary-lottery incentives. Previous studies with a larger set of choice tasks report overwhelming evidence of suboptimality and how it is slightly reduced by learning and experience. Participants confront 15 randomly ordered portfolio choices, which they experience again in 2 successive phases. Intermediate advice between phases alerts participants that less-risky investments can improve the outcome for at least one chance event (...)
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    Körperlichkeit in der Philosophie der Spätantike. Corporeità nella filosofia tardoantica.Christoph Horn, Daniela Patrizia Taormina & Denis Walter (eds.) - 2020 - Baden-Baden: Academia Verlag.
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    Combing Chromosomal DNA Mediated by the SMC Complex: Structure and Mechanisms.Katsuhiko Kamada & Daniela Barillà - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (2):1700166.
    Genome maintenance requires various nucleoid-associated factors in prokaryotes. Among them, the SMC protein has been thought to play a static role in the organization and segregation of the chromosome during cell division. However, recent studies have shown that the bacterial SMC is required to align left and right arms of the emerging chromosome and that the protein dynamically travels from origin to Ter region. A rod form of the SMC complex mediates DNA bridging and has been recognized as a machinery (...)
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  13.  30
    A Naturalistic Observation of Spontaneous Touches to the Body and Environment in the First 2 Months of Life.Abigail DiMercurio, John P. Connell, Matthew Clark & Daniela Corbetta - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Eros e Éris na filosofia de Arthur Schopenhauer.Fernanda Daniela Prado - 2020 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 18 (1).
    Em sua obra magna, O mundo como vontade e representação, Arthur Schopenhauer entende a sua filosofia como um sistema orgânico e afirma que o mundo é vontade e aparece como representação, ou seja, tudo é vontade e, por conseguinte, manifestação da vontade. De modo especial, o autor define uma das formas mais penetrantes da vontade, assim chamada de Vontade de vida, entendida como uma força obscura e cega; um impulso terrível e dramático, que move os indivíduos de forma dolorosa e (...)
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    As relações étnico-raciais nas narrativas de professores de ciências dos anos iniciais: uma experiência de formação.Benedito Eugenio & Daniela Marques Alexandrino - 2024 - Odeere 9 (1):50-64.
    As pesquisas sobre formação de professores têm muito a contribuir com a abordagem das relações étnico-raciais. Neste artigo apresentamos os resultados de uma pesquisa-formação realizada com licenciandos em Pedagogia. A questão a ser respondida foi: Quais saberes são mobilizados por professores em formação inicial no curso de Pedagogia ao participarem de uma pesquisa- formação sobre as relações étnico-raciais no ensino de Ciências? Os resultados evidenciam que o processo formativo possibilitou a construção e mobilização de diferentes saberes, particularmente os pedagógicos.
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  16. The idea of the earth in Günderrode, Schelling, and Hegel.Karen Ng & Daniela Katharina Helbig - 2023 - In Kristin Gjesdal (ed.), The Oxford handbook of nineteenth-century women philosophers in the German tradition. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  17.  19
    Enactive Cognition in Place: Sense-Making as the Development of Ecological Norms.Miguel A. Sepúlveda-Pedro - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This book aims to enrich our understanding of the role the environment plays in processes of life and cognition, from the perspective of enactive cognitive science. Miguel A. Sepúlveda-Pedro offers an unprecedented interpretation of the central claims of the enactive approach to cognition, supported by contemporary works of ecological psychology and phenomenology. The enactive approach conceives cognition as sense-making, a phenomenon emerging from the organizational nature of the living body that evolves in human beings through sensorimotor, intercorporeal, and linguistic (...)
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  18.  37
    Mira como crece la maleza en el Lenguaje. Cuerpo y colonialidad en Piñen de Daniela Catrileo.Daniela Acosta - 2023 - Resonancias Revista de Filosofía 16:27-37.
    El presente artículo aborda la estrategia escritural de Daniela Catrileo. Se propone revisar la elaboración del concepto de piñen examinando la relación entre lenguaje y colonialidad, para, de ese modo, subrayar el potencial político y reivindicativo que comporta en la novela del mismo nombre, Piñen (2019). Dicha hipótesis articulará el ejercicio de lectura aquí propuesto, atendiendo principalmente las estrategias narrativas empleadas –servirse de un polilingüismo que rompe estructuras gramaticales– para descentrar el lenguaje de su determinismo colonial. Así, interpretamos dicha (...)
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  19. Daniela cojocaru Sorin cace Cristina gavrilovici.Daniela Cojocaru - 2013 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 12 (34):37-56.
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  20. Daniela cojocaru Antonio Sandu.Daniela Cojocaru - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (30):258-276.
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  21.  10
    El Bien Común en los inicios de la Compañía de Jesús: desde los primeros años hasta el pensamiento de Francisco Suárez.Ignacio Sepúlveda-del-Río - 2018 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 74 (279):163-178.
    Se ha acusado a los jesuitas, muchas veces, de ser una orden híbrida: son religiosos y también seculares, se preocupan del Evangelio y también de la economía, política, ciencias, etc. ¿De dónde proviene esta particular forma de ser? Pensamos que la clave para responder a esta pregunta está en la preocupación de los jesuitas por la idea del bien común que ya se puede encontrar en sus documentos fundacionales.
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  22.  30
    The Power of Good: A Leader's Personal Power as a Mediator of the Ethical Leadership-Follower Outcomes Link.Daniela K. Haller, Peter Fischer & Dieter Frey - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:355964.
    The study's goal was to examine the socially responsible power use in the context of ethical leadership as an explanatory mechanism of the ethical leadership-follower outcomes link. Drawing on the attachment theory (Bowlby, 1969/1982 ), we explored a power-based process model, which assumes that a leader's personal power is an intervening variable in the relationship between ethical leadership and follower outcomes, while incorporating the moderating role of followers' moral identity in this transformation process. The results of a two-wave field study (...)
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  23.  3
    Regulation and signaling of the LIM domain kinases.Gabriela Casanova-Sepúlveda & Titus J. Boggon - 2025 - Bioessays 47 (1):2400184.
    The LIM domain kinases (LIMKs) are important actin cytoskeleton regulators. These proteins, LIMK1 and LIMK2, are nodes downstream of Rho GTPases and are the key enzymes that phosphorylate cofilin/actin depolymerization factors to regulate filament severing. They therefore perform an essential role in cascades that control actin depolymerization. Signaling of the LIMKs is carefully regulated by numerous inter‐ and intra‐molecular mechanisms. In this review, we discuss recent findings that improve the understanding of LIM domain kinase regulation mechanisms. We also provide an (...)
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  24.  34
    Ciudad, televisión y fantasías: Vírgenes del Sol Inn Cabaret de Alexis Figueroa.Magda Sepúlveda Eriz - 2008 - Aisthesis 44.
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  25.  14
    La creación de la femme fatale en el folletín policial de Los 50.Magda Sepúlveda Eriz - 2007 - Alpha (Osorno) 24.
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  26.  21
    4′33″, Ideas, and Medium in Appreciating Conceptual Art.Daniela Šterbáková - 2021 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 58 (1):57-71.
    How does John Cage’s conceptual work 4′33" communicate its meaning and how can we appreciate it? In this paper, I develop two competing interpretations to tackle these questions. First, drawing on Peter Goldie and Elisabeth Schellekens’s account of conceptual art and on Cage’s commentary on 4′33", I elaborate an overlooked idea that the work creates a new art form of conceptual music, which can be appreciated exclusively through the ideas it conveys. However, I argue that the conceptualist interpretation of 4′33" (...)
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  27. Unification with the Military Institution: Analysis of a Singular Trajectory of Values Development.Daniela Schmitz Wortmeyer - 2022 - In Deep loyalties: values in military lives. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
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    Shielding working-memory representations from temporally predictable external interference.Daniela Gresch, Sage E. P. Boettcher, Freek van Ede & Anna C. Nobre - 2021 - Cognition 217 (C):104915.
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    Overlapping neural systems mediating extinction, reversal and regulation of fear.Daniela Schiller & Mauricio R. Delgado - 2010 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 14 (6):268-276.
  30.  43
    Academia After Virtue? An Inquiry into the Moral Character(s) of Academics.Daniela Pianezzi, Hanne Nørreklit & Lino Cinquini - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (3):571-588.
    An extensive literature has focused on the impact of new public management oriented structural changes on academics’ practice and identity. These critical studies have been resolute in concluding that NPM inevitably leads to a degeneration of academics’ ethos and values. Drawing from the moral philosophy of Alasdair MacIntyre, we argue that these previous analyses have overlooked the moral agency of the academics and their role in ‘moralizing’ and consequently shaping the ethical nature of their practices. The paper provides a new (...)
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  31.  31
    I-Language: An Introduction to Linguistics as Cognitive Science.Daniela Isac & Charles Reiss - 2008 - Oxford University Press UK.
    I-Language introduces the uninitiated to linguistics as cognitive science. In an engaging, down-to-earth style Daniela Isac and Charles Reiss give a crystal-clear demonstration of the application of the scientific method in linguistic theory. Their presentation of the research programme inspired and led by Noam Chomsky shows how the focus of theory and research in linguistics shifted from treating language as a disembodied, human-external entity to cognitive biolinguistics - the study of language as a human cognitive system embedded within the (...)
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  32. Deleuze's Third Synthesis of Time.Daniela Voss - 2013 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 7 (2):194-216.
    Deleuze's theory of time set out in Difference and Repetition is a complex structure of three different syntheses of time – the passive synthesis of the living present, the passive synthesis of the pure past and the static synthesis of the future. This article focuses on Deleuze's third synthesis of time, which seems to be the most obscure part of his tripartite theory, as Deleuze mixes different theoretical concepts drawn from philosophy, Greek drama theory and mathematics. Of central importance is (...)
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  33.  14
    Consequences of predictable temporal structure in multi-task situations.Daniela Gresch, Sage E. P. Boettcher, Anna C. Nobre & Freek van Ede - 2022 - Cognition 225 (C):105156.
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  34. Die Einheit bei Hegel: Eine Phänomenologie des Begriffs in der spekulativen Phase.Pedro Sepúlveda - 2018 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 11 (1):187-191.
    Der Denkweg Hegels kann als ein Bildungsprozess von Einheitsbegriffen angesehen werden. Dieser Weg lässt sich in zwei Phasen einteilen: eine spekulative und eine vorspekulative Phase. Die These dieses Aufsatzes besteht darin, dass der Begriff der Einheit sich innerhalb beider Phasen jenes Denkweges entwickelte und dabei die gleichen allgemeinen Formen annimmt. Von daher kann der Weg dieses Denkens durch einen Doppel-Begriff, den der spekulativen und den der vorspekulativen Einheit, rekonstruiert werden. Im Blick auf das Ganze lässt sich also sagen, dass beide (...)
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    When Training Becomes Incentive for Generative Living and Working Together in Organizations.Daniela Frascaroli, Caterina Gozzoli & Chiara D'Angelo - 2016 - World Futures 72 (5-6):304-318.
    This article has come about from two considerations: on one hand, living together in a work environment is becoming more and more challenging; on the other, training professionals at work represents a used and relevant action incentive in order to support and improve individual, group, and organizational development. In light of the fact that organizations are asking more and more complex questions, this work aims at developing a reflection on how adopting a certain perspective and educational method is particularly suitable (...)
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  36.  29
    Educación financiera para el desarrollo sostenible.Humberto Álvarez Sepúlveda - 2023 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 28:233-243.
    La Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible sostiene que la educación financiera requiere promover conocimientos y habilidades que permitan a los estudiantes comprender y utilizar de mejor forma los productos financieros con el fin de mejorar su bienestar individual y social. En este artículo se indaga en las racionalidades curriculares presentes en los objetivos de aprendizaje e indicadores de evaluación pertenecientes a la “Unidad 4: Componentes y dinámicas del sistema económico y financiero: la ciudadanía como agente de consumo responsable” del (...)
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    On the pure logic of justified belief.Daniela Schuster & Leon Horsten - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-21.
    Justified belief is a core concept in epistemology and there has been an increasing interest in its logic over the last years. While many logical investigations consider justified belief as an operator, in this paper, we propose a logic for justified belief in which the relevant notion is treated as a predicate instead. Although this gives rise to the possibility of liar-like paradoxes, a predicate treatment allows for a rich and highly expressive framework, which lives up to the universal ambitions (...)
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  38.  21
    Desarrollo del pensamiento geográfico en futuros docentes chilenos.Humberto Andrés Álvarez Sepúlveda - 2023 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 28:145-159.
    A partir de los ODS establecidos en la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible, la didáctica de la geografía requiere potenciar el pensamiento geográfico de los profesores en formación para que puedan preparar a las nuevas generaciones de estudiantes como ciudadanos críticos y comprometidos con el cuidado del medioambiente. En este artículo se analizan los conocimientos que poseen los futuros docentes de una universidad chilena respecto al desarrollo del pensamiento geográfico a partir de la aplicación de un cuestionario centrado en (...)
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  39.  27
    Educación abierta inclusiva: diseño instruccional de un libro electrónico.Gloria Concepción Tenorio-Sepúlveda, Katherine del Pilar Muñoz-Ortiz & Cristóbal Andrés Nova-Nova - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (4):1-10.
    Fomentar la educación abierta inclusiva es responsabilidad de todos. Se presenta el diseño instruccional de un libro electrónico para el desarrollo de competencias de información y alfabetización digital. Está enfocado a personas con deficiencia visual. Se utiliza el modelo ADDIE y los principios de Diseño Universal para el Aprendizaje. Se realizó una hoja de ruta para la definición de aspectos iniciales. Como trabajo futuro se contempla desarrollar el libro y compartirlo como recurso educativo abierto con licencia Creative Commons BY-SA para (...)
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  40. Wir werden alle verwandelt werden : die Auferstehung des Leibes in 1 Kor 15,35ff.Daniela Riel - 2019 - In Manfred Gerwing, Klaus Hedwig & Daniela Riel (eds.), Sed ipsa novitas crescat: Themen der Eschatologie, Transformation und Innovation: Festschrift für Manfred Gerwing. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
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    Handling Uncertainty in Controllers Using Type-2 Fuzzy Logic.R. Sepulveda, O. Castillo, P. Melin, O. Montiel & A. Rodríguez-Díaz - 2005 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 14 (2-3):237-262.
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    La perspectiva de la libertad real en Amartya Sen.Jose Luis Sepúlveda - 2013 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 18 (2):105-134.
    The purpose of this paper is to show you the broad concept of “real-freedom”, following both the analyses and comments of a remarkable author, Amartya Sen. This concept inspires most of the works and articles of our author. It is mainly reflected on his most important book of the past years: Development as freedom . We analyse the two points of view of the concept of “freedom” in this book. They are the constitutive role and the instrumental one. In the (...)
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    Rueda de valoracion familiar: un aporte constructivista a la intervención en familia.Pamela Zapata Sepúlveda, Liliana Pérez Ramos & Gregorio Cayo Ríos - 2000 - Límite 7:27-37.
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    Reseña Spadaro, SJ, Antonio y Galli, Carlos María, eds. La reforma y las reformas en la Iglesia.Luis Vicente Sepúlveda Romero - 2018 - Franciscanum 60 (169):351.
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    La derrota de Los pobladores: Cuevas, zurita, formoso.Magda Sepúlveda Eriz - 2011 - Alpha (Osorno) 33:55-69.
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    El pensador materialista de la historia: una aproximación a la filosofía de la historia de Walter Benjamin.Felipe Valdés Sepúlveda - 2021 - Otrosiglo 5 (2):58-77.
    En 1913, Walter Benjamín, escribirá un ensayo titulado Metafísica de la Juventud. En él se expresarán los inicios de una reflexión filosófica sobre la historia, que acompañarán a este pensador durante toda su vida y cuya cristalización más elaborada corresponde a su texto Tesis sobre el concepto de Historia. El objetivo de este escrito es plantear una constelación de ideas que permita dar cuenta de algunos momentos claves en el desarrollo de la filosofía de la historia de este pensador hasta (...)
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    Jana Benická: Staroveká čínska filozofia a myslenie.Daniela C. Zhang - 2024 - Filozofia 79 (5):553-556.
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    Fritz London and the scale of quantum mechanisms.Daniela Monaldi - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 60:35-45.
  49.  43
    Aristotle's Denial of Deliberation About Ends.Daniela Cammack - 2013 - Polis 30 (2):228-250.
    Although Aristotle stated that we do not deliberate about ends, it is widely agreed that he did not mean it. Eager to save him from implying that ends are irrational, scholars have argued that he did recognize deliberation about the specification of ends. This claim misunderstands Aristotle’s conceptions of both deliberation and ends. Deliberation is not the whole of reasoning: it is a subcategory concerning only practical matters within our power. Not deliberating about something thus does not preclude other forms (...)
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    Formal analysis of responsibility attribution in a multimodal framework.Daniela Glavaničová & Matteo Pascucci - 2019 - In Daniela Glavaničová & Matteo Pascucci (eds.), PRIMA 2019: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems. Springer. pp. 36-51.
    The present article is devoted to a logical treatment of some fundamental concepts involved in responsibility attribution. We specify a theoretical framework based on a language of temporal deontic logic with agent-relative operators for deliberate causal contribution. The framework is endowed with a procedure to solve normative conflicts which arise from the assessment of different normative sources. We provide a characterization result for a basic system within this framework and illustrate how the concepts formalized can be put at work in (...)
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