Results for 'Educational leave'

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  1.  8
    (1 other version)Educational Leave as a Time Resource for Participation in Adult Learning and Education (ALE).Fabian Rüter, Andreas Martin & Josef Schrader - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    The study investigates effects of the implementation of a law authorizing educational leave in Germany on individual participation in adult learning and education (ALE). In 2015, the federal state of Baden-Württemberg introduced the so-calledBildungszeitgesetz, legitimating an exemption for eligible employees of up to 5 days per year with continued payment of salary. Explaining participation in ALE is a central subject of educational research at national and international level. Current theoretical assumptions of rational choice and empirical findings of (...)
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    Leaving safe harbors: toward a new progressivism in American education and public life.Dennis Carlson - 2002 - New York: Routledge Falmer.
    Leaving Safe Harbors offers radical readings of conventional literature, and makes creative use of philosophy, literature, film and popular culture as it maps out a future for progressive education. Award winning author Dennis Carlson re-scripts the myths embedded in the works of Plato, Hegel, Nietzsche and Heidegger and analyzes them alongside such popular phenomena as Ridley Scott's Bladerunner and the British Punk group, The Sex Pistols. In his fluid writing style, he lucidly illustrates how these modern "myths" may serve as (...)
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    Leaving the Road to Abilene: A Pragmatic Approach to Addressing the Normative Paradox of Responsible Management Education.Dirk C. Moosmayer, Sandra Waddock, Long Wang, Matthias P. Hühn, Claus Dierksmeier & Christopher Gohl - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (4):913-932.
    We identify a normative paradox of responsible management education. Business educators aim to promote social values and develop ethical habits and socially responsible mindsets through education, but they attempt to do so with theories that have normative underpinnings and create actual normative effects that counteract their intentions. We identify a limited conceptualization of freedom in economic theorizing as a cause of the paradox. Economic theory emphasizes individual freedom and understands this as the freedom to choose from available options. However, conceptualizing (...)
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  4. Leaving home for graduate science education in the G‐7 countries: To what end?William W. Cobern - 1996 - Science Education 80 (1):83-84.
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    The European Educational Policy and Early School Leaving: A Conceptual Analysis from the Perspective of the Leaving Subject.Laura Guerrero Puerta - 2023 - Philosophies 8 (5):86.
    This article presents a conceptual analysis of the European educational policy concerning the phenomenon of early school leaving (ESL). It addresses the literature on ESL, emphasizing the importance of studying policies from the perspective of the constructions made of the leaving subject. The concept of lifelong learning is examined, along with its relevance in shaping the subject who leaves within European policies. Additionally, the presence of “double gestures” in educational policies is explored, where, while promoting inclusion, they simultaneously (...)
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    Leaving Safe Harbors: Toward a New Progressivism in American Education and Public Life. Dennis Carlson. New York and London: RoutledgeFalmer, 2002. Pp. x, 200. $ 125.00. [REVIEW]Barbara J. Thayer-Bacon - 2007 - Educational Studies 41 (2):169-174.
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    (1 other version)The school leaving age with reference to the better co-ordination of work and education.C. J. Adcock - 1931 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 9 (4):284 – 293.
  8.  9
    On the Effect of Employer Offered Leave of Work on Participation in Continuing Vocational Education and Training – Investigating the Intention-Behavior Relation.Fabian Rüter - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The availability of time is a deciding factor for participation of adults in continuing vocational education and training. In view of the importance of time for participation, the present study investigates the impact of employer offered leave of work on employees’ participation behavior in CVET. Leave of work provides a specific timeframe for CVET by enabling the use of working time as learning time. The rationale of the intention-behavior relation as theorized by the theory of planned behavior provides (...)
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    Business education and erosion of character.J. Elegido - 2009 - African Journal of Business Ethics 4 (1):16.
    This article discusses the evidence for the claim that exposure to the economic model of man tends to make students more selfish. It also discusses the more general problems created by the employment of the models of human beings used in the social sciences, which often are extremely simple, in business education. After considering some proposed solutions to these problems, the article advocates exposing students to more inclusive conceptions of human nature and, as each model is taught, helping students to (...)
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    On Education and Values: In Praise of Pariahs and Nomads.George David Miller & Conrad P. Pritscher (eds.) - 1995 - Rodopi.
    The educationally emaciated, suffering from intellectual and spiritual bilumia, binge on facts and linear thinking. The imprimatur of clarity and the infatuation with quantification are accoutrements of this affliction, often characterized by apathy. Chaos is introduced as the wrecking ball for the hierarchical skyscrapers that overcrowd the educational skyline. The type of chaos proposed can be explained by the neutron bomb analogy. Chaos destroys all that is inessential but leaves standing the essential and promotes holistic rather than compartmentalized learning. (...)
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    Demoralized: Why Teachers Leave the Profession They Love and How They Can Stay.Doris A. Santoro - 2018 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard Education Press.
    __Demoralized: Why Teachers Leave the Profession They Love and How They Can Stay_ offers a timely analysis of professional dissatisfaction that challenges the common explanation of burnout. _Featuring the voices of educators, the book offers concrete lessons for practitioners, school leaders, and policy makers on how to think more strategically to retain experienced teachers and make a difference in the lives of students. Based on ten years of research and interviews with practitioners across the United States, the book theorizes (...)
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  12.  98
    Beyond Leave No Trace.Gregory L. Simon & Peter S. Alagona - 2009 - Ethics, Place and Environment 12 (1):17-34.
    Leave No Trace (LNT) has become the official education and outreach policy for managing recreational use in parks and wilderness areas throughout the United States. It is based on seven core principles that seek to minimize impacts from backcountry recreational activities such as hiking, climbing, and camping. In this paper, we review the history and current practice of Leave No Trace in the United States, including its complex role in the global political economy of outdoor recreation. We conclude (...)
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  13.  10
    Sufi Education and Mektûb't Tradition as a Different Approach to Distance Education.Edibe Boyraz & Ekrem Zahid Boyraz - 2024 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 28 (2):167-181.
    Although education means evolving or transforming, every individual is the subject of education between the first breath and the last. The individual's relationship with the objects of existence, combined with his uniqueness, constitutes the subject of education on the time-space plane. The individual's relationship with himself and his environment can be associated with education. Since Sufi education adopts a disciplinary structure that aims to enable the individual to know himself first, the individual acquires knowledge from his Lord in his essence (...)
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  14.  50
    Educational participation post-16: A longitudinal analysis of intentions and outcomes.Paul Croll - 2009 - British Journal of Educational Studies 57 (4):400-416.
    The issue of levels of participation in post-compulsory education has been emphasised by the current policy initiatives to increase the age to which some form of participation is compulsory. One of the acknowledged weaknesses of research in the field of children's intentions with regard to participation is the lack of longitudinal data. This paper offers a longitudinal analysis using the Youth Survey from the British Household Panel Survey. The results show that most children can express intentions with regard to future (...)
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  15.  46
    Education, markets and the pedagogy of personalisation.David Hartley - 2008 - British Journal of Educational Studies 56 (4):365-381.
    The marketisation of education in England began in the 1980s. It was facilitated by national testing (which gave objective and comparable information to parents), and by the New Public Management (which introduced a posteriori funding and competition among providers). Now a new complementary phase of marketisation is being introduced: personalisation, whose intellectual provenance is in marketing theory. Conceptually, personalisation is imprecise; practically, at this stage, its intended effects within schools may amount to no more than a new legitimatory rhetoric which (...)
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  16.  20
    To Leave or Not to Leave? A Multi-Sample Study on Individual, Job-Related, and Organizational Antecedents of Employability and Retirement Intentions.Pascale M. Le Blanc, Maria C. W. Peeters, Beatrice I. J. M. Van der Heijden & Llewellyn E. van Zyl - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:474977.
    In view of the aging and dejuvenation of the working population and the expected shortages in employees’ skills in the future, it is of utmost importance to focus on older workers’ employability in order to prolong their working life until, or even beyond, their official retirement age. The primary aim of the current study was to examine the relationship between older workers’ employability (self-)perceptions and their intention to continue working until their official retirement age. In addition, we studied the role (...)
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  17.  49
    Education for Computers.Robert D. Heslep - 2011 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 31 (4):357-364.
    The computer engineers who refer to the education of computers do not have a definite idea of education and do not bother to justify the fuzzy ones to which they allude. Hence, they logically cannot specify the features a computer must have in order to be educable. This paper puts forth a non-standard, but not arbitrary, concept of education that determines such traits. The proposed concept is derived from the idea of education embedded in modern standard-English discourse. Because the standard (...)
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    Educational critique, critical thinking and the critical philosophical traditions.Marianna Papastephanou - 2004 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 38 (3):369–378.
    Responding to Jan Masschelein's discussion of critical distance and the trivialisation of critique in his ‘How to Conceive of Critical Educational Theory Today?’, I draw attention to the antinomic character of immanence and transcendence—that is, to the way that it entails both non-circumventible necessity and omnipresent risks. I argue that the discourse of critical thinking in education is exemplary of the tensions generated by such consolidated meanings. Through this prism, I aim to offer a nuanced account of ways in (...)
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    Educational Encounters of the Third Kind.Gonzalo Génova & M. Rosario González - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (6):1791-1800.
    An engineer who becomes an educator in a school of software engineering has the mission to teach how to design and construct software systems, therein applying his or her knowledge and expertise. However, due to their engineering background, engineers may forget that educating a person is not the same as designing a machine, since a machine has a well-defined goal, whilst a person is capable to self-propose his or her own objectives. The ethical implications are clear: educating a free person (...)
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  20. An education resource account for early school leavers.Andrée-Anne Cormier & Harry Brighouse - 2023 - In Greg Bognar & Axel Gosseries (eds.), Ageing Without Ageism: Conceptual Puzzles and Policy Proposals. Oxford University Press.
    This chapter argues that school should cease to be compulsory at age 16 and that an education resource account (ERA) should be established for students who leave school at that age. The ERA would be sufficient to cover three years of full-time education. It could be linked to inflation and early school leavers could use it in accredited non-profit educational institutions at any later point in their lives. Two sets of arguments are discussed in support of the proposal. (...)
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  21.  46
    The Importance of Formative Assessment in Science and Engineering Ethics Education: Some Evidence and Practical Advice.Matthew W. Keefer, Sara E. Wilson, Harry Dankowicz & Michael C. Loui - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (1):249-260.
    Recent research in ethics education shows a potentially problematic variation in content, curricular materials, and instruction. While ethics instruction is now widespread, studies have identified significant variation in both the goals and methods of ethics education, leaving researchers to conclude that many approaches may be inappropriately paired with goals that are unachievable. This paper speaks to these concerns by demonstrating the importance of aligning classroom-based assessments to clear ethical learning objectives in order to help students and instructors track their progress (...)
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  22.  23
    Is (It) Time to Leave Eternity Behind? Rethinking Bildung's Implicit Temporality.Kjetil Horn Hogstad - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (4-5):589-605.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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  23.  13
    On Education: The Future in Education and Education for a World Adrift.Richard Livingstone - 2013 - Cambridge University Press.
    Sir Richard Livingstone was a British classicist and university administrator, renowned for promoting the value of classical education. First published in 1954, this volume presents the content of two books which originally appeared during the early 1940s. Forming the first part of the text, The Future in Education provides an account which is largely based around perceived failures within the British education system, reflecting the view that 'It is not a question of what the ordinary boy or girl knows or (...)
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  24. Leaving the Cave: evolutionary naturalism in social-scientific thought (ED Hutcheon).J. Muir - 1998 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 30:311-312.
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    Cracking the code of education reform: creative compliance and ethical leadership.Christopher Tienken - 2020 - Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin. Edited by Joshua Starr.
    School leaders must navigate multiple education reform issues while remaining focused on the daily commitment of providing a quality education to all students. In many cases, the education reforms enacted by policy makers lack empirical support and/or result in potentially unwelcome or unethical practices, yet they are cloaked in rhetoric that makes it difficult for school leaders to accurately decipher the potential impacts on students and teachers. The lack of a practical framework from which to critique reforms such as using (...)
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    Parental Education and Expensive Consumption Habits.Danielle Zwarthoed - 2017 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 35 (4):825-843.
    The aim of this article is to investigate the general and special obligations of parents with respect to the shaping of consumption habits, from a liberal egalitarian perspective. The article argues that, in virtue of them being well placed to shape the next generation's consumption habits, parents have a duty of justice to prevent their children from developing expensive consumption habits in order to enable them to leave their fair share to others. In virtue of the special relationship they (...)
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  27.  28
    (1 other version)The Educational Importance of Deep Wonder.Anders Schinkel - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (4).
    That wonder is educationally important will strike many people as obvious. And in a way it is obvious, because being capable of experiencing wonder implies an openness to experience and seems naturally allied to intrinsic educational motivation, an eagerness to inquire, a desire to understand, and also to a willingness to suspend judgement and bracket existing—potentially limiting—ways of thinking, seeing, and categorising. Yet wonder is not a single thing, and it is important to distinguish at least two kinds of (...)
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  28. Gender-neutrality and family leave policies.Matthew Cull & Jules Holroyd - 2024 - In Ernest Lepore & Luvell Anderson (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Applied Philosophy of Language. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Dembroff and Wodak (2018, 2021) argue that we have a duty to use gender-neutral pronouns, but do not extend this argument to all other aspects of our language. We evaluate the extent to which gender neutral language is desirable in the context of parental leave schemes, taking as a case study the parental leave schemes found at a Higher Education Institution in the UK. We argue that the considerations Dembroff and Wodak (2018, 2021) take to speak against gender (...)
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    Educating for an Inclusive Economy: Cultivating Relationality Through International Immersion.Abigail B. Schneider & Daniel P. Justin - 2020 - Humanistic Management Journal 5 (1):133-151.
    As the gap between the world’s rich and poor grows wider and the limitations of institutional solutions such as foreign aid continue to be exposed, students of development are shifting their focus toward individualistic business-based solutions that seek to draw members of marginalized communities into the global marketplace. This focus on the individual, however, raises three interconnected issues: it privileges a view of the human person as individualistic versus relational, it proposes isolated solutions that are not scalable, and it can (...)
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  30.  19
    Continuing education.Joyce A. Griffin - 2013 - Hastings Center Report 43 (3):inside front cover-inside front.
    Working at The Hastings Center has been a tremendous professional stepping stone for me. I have long wanted to work in publishing, and I'm leaving the Center to work for America's oldest publisher, John Wiley and Sons. But I feel that my time here has been more than that‐that it has truly continued my education in ways I could not have anticipated. Thank you for letting me be part of your intellectual lives.
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    The Logic of Deferral: Educational Aims and Intellectual Disability.Ashley Taylor - 2017 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 37 (3):265-285.
    The educational aims described by educational philosophers rarely embrace the full range of differences in intellectual ability, adaptive behavior, or communication that children exhibit. Because envisioned educational aims have significant consequences for how educational practices, pedagogy, and curricula are conceptualized, the failure to acknowledge and embrace differences in ability leaves open the question of the extent to which students with intellectual disabilities are subject to the same aims as their “typically-developing” peers. In articulating and defending valued (...)
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    From Shared Fate to Shared Fates: An Approach for Civic Education.Cong Lin & Liz Jackson - 2019 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 38 (5):537-547.
    In order to facilitate cooperation to solve problems within a nation-state, a new approach which conceptualizes citizenship in terms of shared fate has been promoted to potentially ameliorate the tensions identified between civic liberty and solidarity. Proponents of an emphasis on shared fate frame it not in terms of a particular shared national identity, but in terms of participation in the shared project of the nation-state. The approach of singular shared fate rightly emphasizes the urgency of finding a common ground (...)
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  33. Making Peace Education Everyone’s Business.Gilbert Burgh & Simone Thornton - 2017 - In Lin Ching-Ching & Sequeira Levina (eds.), Inclusion, Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue in Young People's Philosophical Inquiry. Springer. pp. 55-65.
    We argue for peace education as a process of improving the quality of everyday relationships. This is vital, as children bring their habits formed largely by social and political institutions such as the family, religion, law, cultural mores, to the classroom (Splitter, 1993; Furlong & Morrison, 2000) and vice versa. It is inevitable that the classroom habitat, as a microcosm of the community in which it is situated, will perpetuate the epistemic practices and injustices of that community, manifested in attitudes, (...)
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  34. Inclusive Education and Epistemic Value in the Praxis of Ethical Change.Ignace Haaz - 2019 - In Obiora F. Ike, Justus Mbae & Chidiehere Onyia (eds.), Mainstreaming Ethics in Higher Education Research Ethics in Administration, Finance, Education, Environment and Law Vol. 1. Globethics. net. pp. 259-290.
    In many universities and related knowledge transmission organisations, professional focus on empirical data shows as in vocational education that preparation for real life technical work is important, as one would expect from “career education”. University is as the name shows on the contrary focusing on the universality of some sort of education, which is neither a technical one, nor much concerned by preparing oneself for a career. The scope of this chapter is to propose an analysis of inclusion as the (...)
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    What Motivates People to Teach, and Why Do They Leave? Accountability, Performativity and Teacher Retention.Jane Perryman & Graham Calvert - 2020 - British Journal of Educational Studies 68 (1):3-23.
    A longstanding problem in the teacher workforce, internationally and in the UK, is the continuing and substantial numbers of qualified teachers who leave the profession within five years. This paper uses data collected from a survey to the last five years of teacher education graduates of UCL Institute of Education (IOE) in London, to explore what originally motivated them to teach, and the reasons why they have left or may consider leaving in the future. We discovered that despite claiming (...)
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  36. Leave No Stone Unturned: The Inclusive Model of Ethical Decision Making.Donna McAuliffe & Lesley Chenoweth - 2008 - Ethics and Social Welfare 2 (1):38-49.
    Ethical decision making is a core part of the work of social work and human service practitioners, who confront with regularity dilemmas of duty of care; confidentiality, privacy and disclosure; choice and autonomy; and distribution of increasingly scarce resources. This article details the development and application of the Inclusive Model of Ethical Decision Making, created in response to growing awareness of the complexities of work in both public and private sectors. The model rests on four key platforms that are constructed (...)
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  37.  65
    The Tooley report on educational research: Two philosophical objections.John A. Clark - 2000 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 32 (2):249–252.
    The report on educational research, commissioned by the Office for Standards in Education, written by James Tooley with assistance, and published under the title Educational Research: a critique, set out to ‘help provide some badly needed evidence to inform the debate about the quality of educational research’ . Whether this ‘snapshot’ actually upholds Hargreaves' contention that there is a considerable amount of ‘second rate educational research’ is far from clear, although Tooley does conclude that the majority (...)
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    Precarity in Higher Education: Perspectives From The 1.5 Generation in Israel.Victoria Kot & Miri Yemini - 2023 - British Journal of Educational Studies 71 (6):679-699.
    We examined perceptions of precarity in higher education by conducting interviews with a cohort of academics in Israel. The participants were 1.5 generation immigrants who were born in the former Soviet Union (FSU) and then moved to Israel as children or teenagers with their family, typically in the 1990s. Using a narrative research approach, we examined the personal perceptions of 43 academics employed at colleges and universities in Israel. Despite differences in their employment status and contract conditions, our findings made (...)
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  39.  26
    Dōgen's "Leaving Home Life" : A Study of Aesthetic Experience and Growth in John Dewey and Dōgen.Jacob Bender - 2020 - Philosophy East and West 70 (1):42-62.
    This study argues that Dōgen’s “Leaving Home Life” fascicle is not simply about leaving home/lay life to become a practicing monk. At first glance, the fascicle might not appear philosophically significant. To help bring the themes of that work into greater focus, I juxtapose Dōgen’s Shōbōgenzō and John Dewey’s later works on aesthetic experience and education. Both the teachings of Dōgen and the later Deweyan works on aesthetic experience are similar in the sense that both describe nature as a radically (...)
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    Educational Research: The Importance of the Humanities.Richard Smith - 2015 - Educational Theory 65 (6):739-754.
    It is one sign of the lack of understanding of the value of the humanities, to educational research and inquiry as well as to our world more widely, that such justifications of them as are offered frequently take a crudely instrumental form. The humanities are welcomed insofar as they are beneficial to the economy, for example, or play a therapeutic role in people's physical or mental well-being. In higher education in the UK, they are marginalized for similar reasons, on (...)
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    (1 other version)On being musical: Education towards inclusion.Eve Ruddock - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory:1-10.
    This article questions educational practices that undermine ‘being’ musical. Where Western misconceptions about the nature of human musicality distance many individuals from meaningful engagement with an intrinsic part of their humanity, I challenge the status quo to argue for an inclusive educational practice which gives everyone an opportunity to ‘be’ musical. Despite evidence from neuroscience now supporting the understanding that humans are a musical species, the widespread neo-liberal oriented focus on vocational training fails to recognise music as an (...)
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    The Art of Humane Education.Donald Phillip Verene - 2002 - Cornell University Press.
    In The Art of Humane Education, Donald Phillip Verene presents a new statement of the classical and humanist ideals that he believes should guide education in the liberal arts and sciences. These ideals are lost, he contends, in the corporate atmosphere of the contemporary university, with its emphasis on administration, faculty careerism, and student performance. Verene addresses questions of how and what to teach and offers practical suggestions for the conduct of class sessions, the relationship between teacher and student, the (...)
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  43. The paradox of education: A conversation.Bernhard Poerksen & Humberto R. Maturana - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (1):25-33.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Paradox of Education:A ConversationHumberto R. Maturana and Bernhard PoerksenResponsibility of the TeacherPoerksen: Immanuel Kant writes in his essay Über Pädagogik that the wide field of education is governed by a fundamental paradox. On the one hand, we want free and self-determined individuals to leave our schools; on the other, we impose a syllabus on the future individuals, force them to attend schools, punish their failures, and persecute (...)
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    Plato on the Educational Consultant.Thomas O. Buford - 1977 - Idealistic Studies 7 (2):151-171.
    What is Plato attempting to accomplish in the Laches? A cursory reading leaves one with the strong impression that the main topic of discussion is the education of the sons of Lysimachus and Melesias. However, an equally cursory survey of the major interpretations of the Laches reveals that few, if any, scholars agree with that impression. Their view is that the main topic of conversation in the Laches is courage, the examination of which takes place in the second main section (...)
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    Educational technology: what it is and how it works.Jon Dron - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (1):155-166.
    This theoretical paper elucidates the nature of educational technology and, in the process, sheds light on a number of phenomena in educational systems, from the no-significant-difference phenomenon to the singular lack of replication in studies of educational technologies. Its central thesis is that we are not just users of technologies but coparticipants in them. Our participant roles may range from pressing power switches to designing digital learning systems to performing calculations in our heads. Some technologies may demand (...)
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    Pat Duffy Hutcheon, Leaving the Cave: Evolutionary Naturalism in Social-Scientific Thought.Michael Ruse - 1998 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 17 (2/3):155-158.
  47. Kant's Account of Moral Education.Johannes Giesinger - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (7):775-786.
    While Kant's pedagogical lectures present an account of moral education, his theory of freedom and morality seems to leave no room for the possibility of an education for freedom and morality. In this paper, it is first shown that Kant's moral philosophy and his educational philosophy are developed within different theoretical paradigms: whereas the former is situated within a transcendentalist framework, the latter relies on a teleological notion of human nature. The second part of this paper demonstrates that (...)
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    Newleavers and Educational Institutions: Revisiting Schutz’s Research on Strangers with an Intercultural Approach.Germán D. Fernández-Vavrik - 2019 - Schutzian Research 11:75-102.
    As a consequence of the explosion of enrollments, higher education institutions have been confronted by new categories of students the last forty years. In this paper, cultural and political dimensions of the integration of students into educational institutions will be explored. The focus will be on the experience of what I called “newleavers,” namely, people who are leaving their environment of origin without knowing if they will return. The contradictory commitments and challenges faced by newleavers will be studied with (...)
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  49. Ideology, Critique, and Political Education.Iaan Reynolds - 2021 - Dissertation, Villanova University
    While philosophical engagement with ideology once necessitated a “critique of critics” and their social context, today the emphasis often lies in analyzing common and unreflective errors – whether espoused by unrepentant racists, conspiracy theorists, or others in the grip of ignorance. Though cases like these might help us understand the prevalence and persistence of modes of thought that strengthen an exploitative social order, an exclusive focus on such unambiguous examples of false consciousness leaves the reflexive character of social critique out (...)
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    Dewey’s Theory of Experience, Traumatic Memory, and Music Education.Juliet Hess & Deborah Bradley - 2020 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 39 (4):429-446.
    Trauma’s ubiquity in society leads to an acknowledgement that damaging experiences likely affect more students than they leave untouched. Dewey acknowledged the importance of the past throughout his theorizing of experience and simultaneously recognized that students need to draw upon past experiences in new learning encounters. In this paper, we argue that Dewey may have opened the door to account for the possibility of traumatic experience affecting learning. We acknowledge the potential of music to prompt a trauma response and (...)
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