Results for 'Educational technology Philosophy.'

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  1.  1
    The Aesthetics of the Invisible—At the Margins of Phenomenology.Technology Meirav Almog Kibbutzim College of Education, the ArtsMeirav Almog, the Arts in Tel-Aviv Technology, in Particular Israelshe Specializes in Twentieth Century Continental Philosophy, Aesthetics Her Research Interests Phenomenology, Alterity Publications Concern Questions Regarding Corporeality, Intersubjective Relations Dialogue & Human Existence The Relations Between Style - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1-2):47-61.
    Volume 11, Issue 1-2, January–December 2024.
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    The theory of educational technology: towards a dialogic foundation for design.Rupert Wegerif - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Louis Major.
    Educational technology is controversial - some see it as essential to providing free global learning, others view it as a dangerous distraction that undermines good education. In both instances, most theories that have previously been applied to educational technology do not account for the distinctive nature and vast potential of technology. This book addresses this issue, exploring how education has been bound up with technology from the beginning, and recognising that educational aims have (...)
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  3. Educational Technology: From Educational Anarchism to Educational Totalitarianism.Mikhail Bukhtoyarov & Anna Bukhtoyarova - 2021 - In Igor Cvejić, Predrag Krstić, Nataša Lacković & Olga Nikolić (eds.), Liberating Education: What From, What For? Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade. pp. 185-204.
    In the paper, the authors explore the relations between educational technology and educational ideology through the lens of philosophical inquiry. The optics of critical analysis is applied to review the instructional tools, services and systems which compose the complex picture of contemporary educational technology. The authors claim that even when initially established in the ideological domain of educational anarchism most educational technologies when being applied systemically can end up on the more oppressive side (...)
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  4. Philosophy of Technology Assumptions in Educational Technology Leadership.Mark David Webster - 2017 - Journal of Educational Technology and Society 20 (1):25–36.
    A qualitative study using grounded theory methods was conducted to (a) examine what philosophy of technology assumptions are present in the thinking of K-12 technology leaders, (b) investigate how the assumptions may influence technology decision making, and (c) explore whether technological determinist assumptions are present. Subjects involved technology directors and instructional technology specialists from school districts, and data collection involved interviews and a written questionnaire. Three broad philosophy of technology views were widely held by (...)
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  5. The Evolution of American Educational Technology.L. Paul Saettler - 1990 - Englewood, Colo.: L. Erlbaum Associates. Edited by L. Paul Saettler.
    Paul Saettler provides a basis for historical analysis and interpretation of the diverse aspects of American educational technology - the individuals, concepts, and distinctive orientations that have shaped it - and traces its theoretical and methodological antecedents as it evolved from ancient times to the present day.
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  6. Philosophy of Technology Assumptions in Educational Technology Leadership: Questioning Technological Determinism.Mark David Webster - 2013 - Dissertation, Northcentral University
    Scholars have emphasized that decisions about technology can be influenced by philosophy of technology assumptions, and have argued for research that critically questions technological determinist assumptions. Empirical studies of technology management in fields other than K-12 education provided evidence that philosophy of technology assumptions, including technological determinism, can influence the practice of technology leadership. A qualitative study was conducted to a) examine what philosophy of technology assumptions are present in the thinking of K-12 (...) leaders, b) investigate how the assumptions may influence technology decision making, and c) explore whether technological determinist assumptions are present. The research design aligned with Corbin and Strauss qualitative data analysis, and employed constant comparative analysis, theoretical sampling, and theoretical saturation of categories. Subjects involved 31 technology directors and instructional technology specialists from Virginia school districts, and data collection involved interviews following a semi-structured protocol, and a written questionnaire with open-ended questions. The study found that three broad philosophy of technology views were widely held by participants, including an instrumental view of technology, technological optimism, and a technological determinist perspective that sees technological change as inevitable. The core category and central phenomenon that emerged was that technology leaders approach technology leadership through a practice of Keep up with technology (or be left behind). The core category had two main properties that are in conflict with each other, pressure to keep up with technology, and the resistance to technological change they encounter in schools. The study found that technology leaders are guided by two main approaches to technology decision making, represented by the categories Educational goals and curriculum should drive technology, and Keep up with Technology (or be left behind). As leaders deal with their perceived experience of the inevitability of technological change, and their concern for preparing students for a technological future, the core category Keep up with technology (or be left behind) is given the greater weight in technology decision making. The researcher recommends that similar qualitative studies be conducted involving technology leaders outside Virginia, and with other types of educators. It is also recommended that data from this or other qualitative studies be used to help develop and validate a quantitative instrument to measure philosophy of technology assumptions, for use in quantitative studies. (shrink)
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    The Pharmakon of Educational Technology: The Disruptive Power of Attention in Education.David Lewin - 2016 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 35 (3):251-265.
    Is physical presence an essential aspect of a rich educational experience? Can forms of virtual encounter achieve engaged and sustained education? Technophiles and technophobes might agree that authentic personal engagement is educationally normative. They are more likely to disagree on how authentic engagement is best achieved. This article argues that educational thinking around digital pedagogy unhelpfully reinforces this polarising debate by failing to recognise that digitalisation is, as Stiegler has argued, pharmacological: both a poison and a cure. I (...)
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  8.  42
    Educational Technology and Academic Freedom.Jack Simmons - 2001 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 5 (3):158-166.
  9.  46
    Session – Philosophy of Education Emerging Pedagogies, Enabling Technologies.Isabelle Sabau - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 37:251-258.
    The exponential growth of digital and communication technologies coupled with the rising need for continuing education have resulted in a proliferation of distance learning opportunities on a global scale. The most common and preferred option for the delivery of flexible education is online learning which relies oncomputers and the Internet to enable collaboration, participation and instruction. This new modality of learning requires novel pedagogical approaches and the seamless and transparent integration of technology. This paper proposes to discuss the emerging (...)
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    Ethics and educational technology: Reflection, interrogation, and design as a framework for practice.Yujie Huang - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory.
    The field of educational technology ethics is still in its early stages and faces several challenges. These challenges include the lack of a systematic theoretical framework and constrained researc...
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    Philosophy of technology education.Samuel Chukwuka Eyibe (ed.) - 2000 - Onitsha: Adson Educational Publishers.
  12. Media and Moral Education: a philosophy of critical engagement.Laura D'olimpio - 2017 - London, UK: Routledge.
    Media and Moral Education demonstrates that the study of philosophy can be used to enhance critical thinking skills, which are sorely needed in today’s technological age. It addresses the current oversight of the educational environment not keeping pace with rapid advances in technology, despite the fact that educating students to engage critically and compassionately with others via online media is of the utmost importance. -/- D’Olimpio claims that philosophical thinking skills support the adoption of an attitude she calls (...)
  13. Reclaiming virtue: Philosophy in the field of educational technology.J. C. Belland & P. L. Smith - forthcoming - Journal of Thought.
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    Representationalism and Power: The Individual Subject and Distributed Cognition in the Field of Educational Technology.David Shutkin - 2019 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 38 (5):481-498.
    Distributed cognition, as it considers how technologies augment cognition, informs technology integration in education. Most educational technologists interested in distributed cognition embrace a representational theory of mind. As this theory assumes cognition occurs in the brain and depends on the internal representation of external information, it is informed by a mind/body dualism that separates the individual student from material things. Alternatively, the theory of the extended mind describes the mind as a dynamic system of interactions inclusive of human (...)
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    Towards discursive education: philosophy, technology and modern education.Christina E. Erneling - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    As technology continues to advance, the use of computers and the Internet in educational environments has immensely increased. But just how effective has their use been in enhancing children's learning? In this thought-provoking book, Christina E. Erneling conducts a thorough investigation of scholarly journals articles on how computers and the Internet affect learning.
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    Postphenomenology and technologies within educational settings.Markus Bohlmann & Patrizia Breil (eds.) - 2025 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This volume explores the human-technology relations that both shape modern educational settings and have a decisive influence on what education is and will be in the future. The contributors present empirical evidence to challenge and reframe the goal of education in relation to technology.
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    Education in a destitute time[1]. (A heideggarian approach to the problem of education in the age of modern technology).Ruth M. Jonathan - 1983 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 17 (1):21–33.
    Michael Bonnett; Education in a Destitute Time[1], Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 17, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 21–33,
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  18.  27
    Educational simulation: teaching tool for Science, Technology and Society Education in the discipline of Philosophy and Society.Graciela López-Chávez Martínez & Chávez Hernández - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (2):480-497.
    El perfeccionamiento de la disciplina Filosofía y Sociedad en la Educación Superior es una de la exigencias en los Lineamientos al VI Congreso del Partido Comunista de Cuba lo cual contribuye a la preparación de un profesional a la altura de los cambios científico tecnológicos que actualmente despliega la Educación Médica Superior cubana. Para el logro de este propósito se aplicó la simulación educativa como herramienta didáctica avanzada en temas de Ciencia Tecnología y Sociedad en la disciplina Filosofía y Sociedad, (...)
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    Philosophy, Education, and the History of Communication Technologies.J. C. Nyìri - 1999 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 3:185-192.
    The emergence and development of the humanities were initially bound up with the spread of alphabetic writing, and subsequently with the development of printing; the original task of the nascent humanities disciplines was a thoroughly practical one: that of building up our knowledge about the characteristics of the new media with the aim of exploiting this knowledge in everyday life—for the sake of economic, educational, or political benefits. In particular, the beginnings of philosophy lead us back to the times (...)
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  20. Teaching about technology: an introduction to the philosophy of technology for non-philosophers.Marc J. de Vries - 2005 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    Teaching about technology, at all levels of education, can only be done properly when those who teach have a clear idea about what it is that they teach. In other words: they should be able to give a decent answer to the question: what is technology? In the philosophy of technology that question is explored. Therefore the philosophy of technology is a discipline with a high relevance for those who teach about technology. Literature in this (...)
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  21.  11
    Au risque de la science: Les conséquences éducatives et sociales du développement scientifique et technique. Annales 1999-2000.Jacques Arsac & Académie D'éducation Et D'études Sociales - 2000 - Sarment Editions du Jubilé.
    A la fin du XIXe siècle, le progrès des sciences et des techniques parut ouvrir une ère de bonheur où l'homme, délivré des tâches serviles et de toutes les superstitions, serait enfin le maître de la nature et de son propre destin. Mais le XXe siècle ne tint pas ces promesses. Certes, le progrès des sciences a fait reculer la mortalité infantile et allonger l'espérance de vie. Les nouveaux moyens de communication ont permis la circulation rapide d'informations autour du globe. (...)
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  22.  81
    Education in an Age of Digital Technologies: Flusser, Stiegler, and Agamben on the Idea of the Posthistorical.Joris Vlieghe - 2014 - Philosophy and Technology 27 (4):519-537.
    On the basis of a close reading of three authors , I try to elucidate what the growing presence of digital technologies in our lives implies for the sphere of schooling and education. Developing a technocentric perspective, I discuss whether what is happening today concerns just the newest form of humankind's fundamental dependency on a technological milieu or that it concerns a fundamental shift. From Flusser, I take the idea that the practice of writing shapes human subjectivity, as well as (...)
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  23.  42
    Comparison of China-US Engineering Ethics Educations in Sino-Western Philosophies of Technology.Gui Hong Cao - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (6):1609-1635.
    Ethics education has become essential in modern engineering. Ethics education in engineering has been increasingly implemented worldwide. It can improve ethical behaviors in technology and engineering design under the guidance of the philosophy of technology. Hence, this study aims to compare China-US engineering ethics education in Sino-Western philosophies of technology by using literature studies, online surveys, observational researches, textual analyses, and comparative methods. In my original theoretical framework and model of input and output for education, six primary (...)
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  24.  18
    Reflections on technology for educational practitioners: philosophers of technology inspiring technology education.John R. Dakers, Jonas Hallström & Marc J. de Vries (eds.) - 2019 - Boston: Brill Sense.
    Reflections on Technology for Educational Practitioners describes the main ideas of fourteen philosophers of technology and how these ideas are used or can be used in technology education.
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    Education as gift: challenging markets and technology and celebrating the spirit of education.Damian Ruth - 2024 - Boston: Brill.
    Education is about human flourishing and explores meaning, purpose and values. As a holistic and integral practice for developing sustained attention and concentration, education is profoundly antithetical to the market and it is not a technological domain. The combination of markets and technology in the pursuit of efficiency destroys the potential of education to help societies nurture well-being. This book dives deeply into the overlapping crises of education today. The author draws on decades of experience and many disciplines to (...)
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  26. Examining Philosophy of Technology Using Grounded Theory Methods.Mark David Webster - 2016 - Forum: Qualitative Social Research 17 (2).
    A qualitative study was conducted to examine the philosophy of technology of K-12 technology leaders, and explore the influence of their thinking on technology decision making. The research design aligned with CORBIN and STRAUSS grounded theory methods, and I proceeded from a research paradigm of critical realism. The subjects were school technology directors and instructional technology specialists, and data collection consisted of interviews and a written questionnaire. Data analysis involved the use of grounded theory methods (...)
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    Philosophy in technology: A research program.Paweł Polak - 2023 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 75:59-81.
    Philosophy in technology is a research program that studies the philosophical roots of engineering and technology. Technologists, by virtue of their education, believe that the limits, goals, possibilities, and effects of technology on society and humankind are exclusively technological problems, hence their solutions must lie exclusively in technology. In contrast, philosophy in technology asserts that the resolutions to these problems need to be rooted in an understanding of their philosophical origins. This program paper defines the (...)
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    Bernard Stiegler’s Philosophy of Technology: Invention, decision, and education in times of digitization.Anna Kouppanou - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (10):1110-1123.
    Bernard Stiegler’s concept of individuation suggests that the human being is co-constituted with technology. Technology precedes the individual in the respect that the latter is thrown in a technological world that always already contains externally inscribed memories—what he calls tertiary memories—that selectively form the individual and the collective space of the community. Revisiting Husserlian phenomenology, Stiegler renews the critique of culture industries asserting that imagination and differance have always been technologically mediated, and echoing the Heideggerian anxiety concerning thinking’s (...)
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  29.  63
    Heidegger on Ontotheology: Technology and the Politics of Education.Iain D. Thomson - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Heidegger is now widely recognized as one of the most influential and controversial philosophers of the twentieth century, yet much of his later philosophy remains shrouded in confusion and controversy. Restoring Heidegger's understanding of metaphysics as 'ontotheology' to its rightful place at the center of his later thought, this book demonstrates the depth and significance of his controversial critique of technology, his appalling misadventure with Nazism, his prescient critique of the university, and his important philosophical suggestions for the future (...)
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    Technological Metaphors and Moral Education: The Hacker Ethic and the Computational Experience.Bryan R. Warnick - 2004 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 23 (4):265-281.
    This essay is an attempt to understand how technological metaphors, particularly computer metaphors, are relevant to moral education. After discussing various types of technological metaphors, it is argued that technological metaphors enter moral thought through their functional descriptions. The computer metaphor is then explored by turning to the hacker ethic. Analysis of this ethic reveals parallels between the experience of computer programming and the moral standards of those who are enmeshed in computer technology. This parallel suggests that the hacker (...)
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    Towards a philosophy of education built on fragile parts: Technological rationality and knowledge of pathos.Fumio Ono - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (2):182-191.
    The aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between education and technological rationality from the perspective of the philosophy of education, and to show that while education is deeply related to technique, skills, or technology, it can never be reduced to technical knowledge, and that there are things in education that overflow technical knowledge. I will here ask why there is something in education that overflows technical knowledge — I will define it as knowledge of pathos — (...)
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    Paul Ricœur’s Philosophy of Education and its Relevance for our Scientific-Technological Civilization.Eileen Brennan - 2023 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 14 (2):78-94.
    Inspired by the report, Reimagining our Futures Together. A New Social Contract for Education, which warns that humanity and planet Earth are under threat, but acknowledges that education has the power to bring about profound change, this article makes the case for giving careful consideration both to Paul Ricœur’s reflections on humanity and human capacities, and to his comments on “true education” and the educational value of poetic thought. To get a sense of where scientific-technological civilization is headed, it (...)
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    Confucius in the technology realm: a philosophical approach to your school's ed tech goals.Darryl Vidal - 2015 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
    Confucius in the Technology Realm is a ground-breaking new approach to the dynamic world of Education Technology. In this work, the author has decided to soften on structure and focus on art - to take a philosophical approach to the planning and management of the chaotic and ever-changing realm of Educational Technology - what would Confucius think about Ed Tech? But while providing a method of inquiry for philosophical guidance, the book is also meant to reinforce (...)
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  34. ChatGPT and the Technology-Education Tension: Applying Contextual Virtue Epistemology to a Cognitive Artifact.Guido Cassinadri - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (14):1-28.
    According to virtue epistemology, the main aim of education is the development of the cognitive character of students (Pritchard, 2014, 2016). Given the proliferation of technological tools such as ChatGPT and other LLMs for solving cognitive tasks, how should educational practices incorporate the use of such tools without undermining the cognitive character of students? Pritchard (2014, 2016) argues that it is possible to properly solve this ‘technology-education tension’ (TET) by combining the virtue epistemology framework with the theory of (...)
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    Basic Principles in Holistic Technology Education.Kurt Seemann - 2003 - Journal of Technology Education 14 (2):15.
    A school that adopts a curriculum, that aims for a holistic understanding of technology, does so because it produces a better educated person than a curriculum which does not. How do we know when we are teaching technology holistically and why must we do so? Increasingly, more is asked of technology educators to be holistic in the understanding conveyed to learners of technology itself in order to make better informed technical and design decisions in a wider (...)
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    Education for Technological Threats to Democracy.Eric Thomas Weber - 2023 - Contemporary Pragmatism 20 (1-2):38-52.
    This paper examines Larry A. Hickman’s warnings about the dangers of algorithmic technologies for democracy and then considers educational policy initiatives that are important for combatting such threats over the long term. John Dewey’s philosophy is considered both in Hickman’s work and in this paper’s review of what Dewey called the “Supreme Intellectual Obligation.” Dewey’s insights highlight crucial tasks necessary and called for with respect to education to value and appreciate the sciences and what they can do to serve (...)
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    Science-Technology-Society (STS): A New Paradigm in Science Education.Nasser Mansour - 2009 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 29 (4):287-297.
    Changes in the past two decades of goals for science education in schools have induced new orientations in science education worldwide. One of the emerging complementary approaches was the science-technology-society (STS) movement. STS has been called the current megatrend in science education. Others have called it a paradigm shift for the field of science education. The success of science education reform depends on teachers' ability to integrate the philosophy and practices of current programs of science education reform with their (...)
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  38. Engineering students as technological artifacts: reflections on pragmatism and philosophy in engineering education.Brandiff R. Caron - 2020 - In Andrew Wells Garnar & Ashley Shew (eds.), Feedback Loops: Pragmatism about Science and Technology. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    Activity theory perspectives on technology in higher education.Elizabeth Murphy - 2014 - Hershey PA: Information Science Reference, an imprint of IGI Global.
    This book presents the adoption and use of the activity theory during the evolution of technology in higher education into a more advanced activity, offering a combination of theory and practice.
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    Neoliberalism, Technology, and the University: Max Weber’s Concept of Rationalization as a Critique of Online Classes in Higher Education.Gabriel Keehn, Morgan Anderson & Deron Boyles - 2018 - In Aaron Stoller & Eli Kramer (eds.), Contemporary Philosophical Proposals for the University: Toward a Philosophy of Higher Education. Springer Verlag. pp. 47-66.
    In this essay, we focus on Max Weber’s concept of rationalization to understand and make sense of the rise of bureaucratic, corporate governance and online learning in higher education. We reveal the distinct disconnect between human interaction and online platforms and how such disconnection is antithetical to higher learning. We also show how Weber’s analysis helps us recognize the uniquely crass commercialism embedded in the very rationalization that makes online learning in universities thinkable and actionable. Our use of online learning (...)
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    From technologization to totalization in education research: US graduate training, methodology, and critique.Lynda Stone - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 40 (4):527–545.
    Focusing on the context of graduate training in educational research in the United States today, this article is organized into two principal parts. The first overviews the state of research training in order to emphasize the preoccupation with, indeed dominance of, study of methodology. This has turned ‘how to do research’ into valuing method as technology for its own sake, and thus into technologization. The second part turns to three critiques of technology that together point to potential (...)
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    Reality by design: the rhetoric and technology of authenticity in education.Joseph Petraglia - 1998 - Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates.
    An essential resource for understanding cutting edge developments in contemporary education. Using real life examples of educational technology, it explains why rhetorical relations must replace cognitive process as the central focus of education.
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  43. Critical theory of technology.Andrew Feenberg - 1991 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis, Stig Andur Pedersen & Vincent F. Hendricks.
    Modern technology is more than a neutral tool: it is the framework of our civilization and shapes our way of life. Social critics claim that we must choose between this way of life and human values. Critical Theory of Technology challenges that pessimistic cliche. This pathbreaking book argues that the roots of the degradation of labor, education, and the environment lie not in technology per se but in the cultural values embodied in its design. Rejecting such popular (...)
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    History and Philosophy of Science in Japanese Education: A Historical Overview.Yuko Murakami & Manabu Sumida - 2014 - In Michael R. Matthews (ed.), International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching. Springer. pp. 2217-2245.
    This article describes the historical development of HPS/NOS mainly in higher education. Because the establishment of universities in Japan in late-nineteenth century was a reaction against Western imperialism, higher education aimed to cultivate scientists and engineers with an emphasis on practical applications. This direction in higher science and engineering education continues into the present. It has conditioned elementary and secondary education via university entrance examinations, where no questions on NOS appear. Hence, HPS research and education has developed in Japanese higher (...)
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    Technology Choices as Moral Choices in Higher Education.James F. Caccamo - 2022 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 42 (2):307-324.
    Despite the moral aspirations of their mission statements, universities often base technology decisions on technical and financial considerations. This paper will explore what it would be like to prioritize ethical considerations in the selection and deployment of technology in higher education. Using the example of a mission grounded in the principles of integral human development and justice (drawing on sources in the Catholic tradition), it will sketch out a six-point framework for considering technologies: enhancement of access to (...) opportunities; implementation of structures to support teaching and learning; persistence of embodied corporate interaction; upholding the dignity of work and workers (students, faculty, administrators, and staff); transparency; and maintaining free spaces for exploration and innovation. (shrink)
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    Educational Occupations and Classroom Technology.Larry A. Hickman - 2016 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 8 (1).
    Despite the fact that John Dewey had a great deal to say about education and technology, many of his insights have yet to be understood or appropriated. A close reading of Democracy and Education offers support for the view that Dewey was prescient in proposing a pedagogy that was friendly to current initiatives in innovative classroom technology including inverted or “flipped” classroom projects in the United States and elsewhere and the Future Classroom Lab project of the European Schoolnet. (...)
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  47. Philosophy in education and research: African perspectives.Maximus Monaheng Sefotho (ed.) - 2018 - Pretoria, South Africa: Van Schaik Publishers.
    Introduction to philosophy in education and research: African perspectives -- Paradigms, theoretical frameworks and conceptual frameworks in educational research --An afrocentric paradigm in education and research -- Comparative perspectives in philosophy of education in Africa -- Sociological imperatives for education and the theory of change -- Ubuntu's application to the exclusion of students with disability -- Philosophy of disability: African perspectives -- Distance education and the use of information and communication technologies: ethical challenges -- Quality assurance in distance education (...)
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    Technologies and Sustainability – Challenges for Democracy and Education in Our Time.Stefan Neubert & Kersten Reich - 2023 - Contemporary Pragmatism 20 (1-2):14-37.
    In this essay, we discuss some urgent challenges for democracy and education in the Deweyan sense in connection with current developments of technologies and questions of sustainability. We proceed in four major parts, following the systematic distinction of four mutually interrelated levels of technologies in culture found in the late work of Michel Foucault. In part 1, we focus on the technologies of production. We connect Foucault’s perspective with more recent research on questions of social inequality and the production and (...)
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  49. Transforming technology: a critical theory revisited.Andrew Feenberg - 2002 - New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press. Edited by Andrew Feenberg.
    Thoroughly revised, this new edition of Critical Theory of Technology rethinks the relationships between technology, rationality, and democracy, arguing that the degradation of labor--as well as of many environmental, educational, and political systems--is rooted in the social values that preside over technological development. It contains materials on political theory, but the emphasis has shifted to reflect a growing interest in the fields of technology and cultural studies.
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    For Technological Literacy Education: Comparing the Asymmetrical View of Heidegger and Symmetrical View of Latour on Technology.Eun Ju Park - 2022 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 41 (5):551-565.
    Students today are habitual users of digital technology. However, they do not examine the nature of their relationship with technology. Even though we are all enduring severe environmental crises including the COVID-19 pandemic, our students do not appear to see the interrelated connections between the environmental crisis and themselves. A case in point is that they have difficulty drawing a connection between environmental crises and their participation in industrial civilization. This is why it is necessary to consider technological (...)
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