Results for 'Epistemology of physics'

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  1.  29
    Independence: Epistemological and physical.Edith Watson Schipper - 1949 - Journal of Philosophy 46 (4):101-105.
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    Selected Papers on Epistemology and Physics.Brian Carr, B. Juhos & G. Frey - 1980 - Philosophical Quarterly 30 (118):81.
  3.  9
    Roberto torret'I 'I (puerto rico).Physical Necessity - 1992 - In Javier Echeverría, Andoni Ibarra & Thomas Mormann, The space of mathematics: philosophical, epistemological, and historical explorations. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 132.
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    Selected Papers on Epistemology and Physics[REVIEW]M. M. E. - 1979 - Review of Metaphysics 32 (3):552-553.
    Though Béla von Juhos belonged to a Hungarian family, he was born in Vienna and, after his ninth year, lived there for the rest of his life. Though associated with the Vienna Circle, he did not assume a teaching position in Vienna until 1948. The present collection, ably translated by Paul Foulkes and introduced by Gerhard Frey, focuses on the type of epistemological analysis of scientific knowledge that remained Juhos’s abiding concern. By the mid-nineteen-thirties the pristine positivism of the early (...)
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    An epistemological basis for quantum physics.W. H. Werkmeister - 1950 - Philosophy of Science 17 (1):1-25.
    Philosophy of science and, more specifically, philosophy of quantum physics can be but special fields of a general philosophy of knowledge; and the problems arising in these fields can be evaluated properly only when they are seen under the perspective of the whole range of human knowledge. This paper deals with problems of quantum physics and, in particular, with the problem of scientific objects in quantum physics from the epistemological point of view previously defined in the author's (...)
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    Solipsism, physical things and personal perceptual space: solipsist ontology, epistemology and communication.Şafak Ural - 2019 - Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
    Solipsism indicates an epistemological position that denies the existence of ‘others’ by asserting that the ‘self’ is the only thing that can be known to exist. For sophist philosophers, the belief that “we can not know anything, and even if we do so, we cannot communicate it” is central to this theory. However, until now there has been little academic scholarship that has tried to provide answers to the pressing issues raised by solipsism. In Solipsist Ontology: Physical Things and Personal (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Discussion with Einstein on Epistemological Problems in Atomic Physics.Niels Bohr - 1949 - In Paul Arthur Schilpp, The Library of Living Philosophers, Volume 7. Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist. Open Court. pp. 199--241.
  8. Epistemological Problems in Quantum Physics.T. Jepsen - 1987 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 24:19-42.
  9.  24
    Physics Teaching: Mathematics as an Epistemological Tool.Ricardo Karam - 2015 - Science & Education 24 (5-6):645-660.
    We study the interconnection between Physics and Mathematics in concrete instances, departing from the usual expression for the Coulomb electric field, produced by a point-like charge. It is scrutinized by means of six epistemology-intensive questions and radical answers are proposed, intended to widen one’s understanding of the subject. Our interventions act along two complementary directions. One of them regards ontology, since questions induce one to look closely at the electric charge, from different perspectives, promoting reflections about its nature (...)
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    Epistemological and Experimental Perspectives on Quantum Physics.Abner Shimony, Helmut Rauch, Giancarlo Ghirardi, Catherine Chevalley, Jean-Marc Lévy-Leblond & Yuri F. Orlov - 2010 - Springer.
    From the very beginning it was realised that quantum physics involves radically new interpretative and epistemological consequences. While hitherto there has been no satisfactory philosophical analysis of these consequences, recent years have witnessed the accomplishment of many experiments to test the foundations of quantum physics, opening up vistas to a completely novel technology: quantum technology. The contributions in the present volume review the interpretative situation, analyze recent fundamental experiments, and discuss the implications of possible future technological applications. Readership: (...)
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  11. "Physical quantity" and " Physical reality" in Quantum Mechanics: an epistemological path.Michele Caponigro - forthcoming
    We reconsider briefly the relation between "physical quantity" and "physical reality in the light of recent interpretations of Quantum Mechanics. We argue, that these interpretations are conditioned from the epistemological relation between these two fundamental concepts. In detail, the choice as ontic level of the concept affect, the relative interpretation. We note, for instance, that the informational view of quantum mechanics (primacy of the subjectivity) is due mainly to the evidence of the "random" physical quantities as ontic element. We will (...)
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    Logical and Epistemological Studies in Contemporary Physics.Robert S. Cohen & Marx W. Wartofsky (eds.) - 1974 - Boston,: Springer Verlag.
    Proceedings of the Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science 1969/1972.
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    Schooling Bodies Through Physical Education: Insights from Social Epistemology and Curriculum History.David Kirk - 2001 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 20 (6):475-487.
    Using mainly historical material fromAustralia, the paper seeks to understand earlyforms of school physical training, sport andmedical inspection as specialised means ofschooling bodies. The study adopts a socialepistemological perspective in seeking tounderstand the meaning-in-use of notions suchas physical training. It explores the socialconsequences of the practices carried out inthe name of physical training, particularly inrelation to shifts in the social regulation ofbodies over time from a mass, externalised, andcentralised form to a relatively moreindividualised, internalised and diffuse form.This focus on the (...)
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    Epistemological bias in the physical and social sciences.Abdelwahab M. Elmessiri & Alison Lake (eds.) - 2013 - London: International Institute of Islamic Thought.
    The question of bias in methodology and terminology is a problem that faces researchers east, west, north and south; however, it faces Third World intellectuals with special keenness. For although they write in a cultural environment that has its own specific conceptual and cultural paradigms, they nevertheless encounter a foreign paradigm which attempts to impose itself upon their society and upon their very imagination and thoughts. When the term “developmental psychology” for instance is used in the West Arab scholars also (...)
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  15. Epicurus' Garden: Physics and Epistemology.Tim O'Keefe - 2013 - In Frisbee Sheffield & James Warren, The Routledge Companion to Ancient Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 455-468.
    Overview of Epicurean physics and epistemology, ending with a critical discussion of Cicero's report on Epicurean theology.
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  16. Logical and Epistemological Studies in Contemporary Physics.Robert S. Cohen & Marx W. Wartofsky - 1976 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 27 (3):297-299.
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    Buddhism, Christianity, and Physics: An Epistemological Turn.Mark T. Unno - 2008 - In Paul David Numrich, The boundaries of knowledge in Buddhism, Christianity, and science. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. pp. 15--80.
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  18. The anthropic principle and its epistemological status in modern physical cosmology.Bernulf Kanitscheider - 1991 - In Evandro Agazzi & Alberto Cordero, Philosophy and the Origin and Evolution of the Universe. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 361--397.
  19. Is physical realism sufficient?Sidney Hook - 1944 - Journal of Philosophy 41 (September):544-550.
  20.  59
    (1 other version)Quantum physics and the philosophical tradition.Aage Petersen - 1968 - New York,: Belfer Graduate School of Science, Yeshiva University.
    Piercing incisively and deeply into the nature of the overlapping of the material andmental realms. Aage Petersen uncovers the reciprocal relations between quantum physics and theconcepts of metaphysics and epistemology, assessing the extent to which each has influenced theother. The author is eminently qualified to undertake this important work, which grew out of hisclose contact with Neils Bohr and his Copenhagen school during the years 1952-1962.Although themathematical formalism of quantum physics has long since been established, the question (...)
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  21.  30
    Quantum Physics with Neutrons: From Spinor Symmetry to Kochen-Specker Phenomena. [REVIEW]Helmut Rauch - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (1):153-172.
    In 1974 perfect crystal interferometry has been developed and immediately afterwards the 4π-symmetry of spinor wave-functions has been verified. The new method opened a new access to the observation of intrinsic quantum phenomena. Spin-superposition, quantum state reconstruction and quantum beat effects are examples of such investigations. In this connection efforts have been made to separate and measure various dynamical and geometrical phases. Non-cyclic and non-adiabatic topological phases have been identified and their stability against various fluctuations and dissipative forces has been (...)
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    Experience, Institutions, and Epistemology.Riley Paterson - 2023 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 30 (4):385-388.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Experience, Institutions, and EpistemologyRiley Paterson, MA (bio)I am grateful for these comments on my paper, “The Dilemma of Compliance,” because they illuminate the limitations of the paper’s emphasis. The paper is, above all, meant to caution or warn providers of subtle but serious harm that can occur in institutional settings. I want to attune providers to the ways in which institutional coercion and violence occur in the ordinary process (...)
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  23. The epistemological approach to mental causation.Sven Walter - 2007 - Erkenntnis 67 (2):273 - 285.
    Epistemological approaches to mental causation argue that the notorious problem of mental causation as captured in the question “How can irreducible, physically realized, and potentially relational mental properties be causally efficacious in the production of physical effects?” has a very simple solution: One merely has to abandon any metaphysical considerations in favor of epistemological considerations and accept that our explanatory practice is a much better guide to causal relevance than the metaphysical reasoning carried out from the philosophical armchair. I argue (...)
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  24. Epistemological challenges to qualia-epiphenomenalism.Alexander Staudacher - 2006 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 13 (1-2):153-175.
    One of the strongest objections to epiphenomenalism is that it precludes any kind of knowledge of qualia, since empirical knowledge has to include a causal relationship between the respective belief and the object of knowledge. It is argued that this objection works only if the causal relationship is understood in a very specific sense (as a 'direct' causal relationship). Epiphenomenalism can, however, live well with other kinds of causal relationships ('indirect' causal relationships) or even with a reliability account of knowledge (...)
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  25. The Physical Church–Turing Thesis: Modest or Bold?Gualtiero Piccinini - 2011 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 62 (4):733-769.
    This article defends a modest version of the Physical Church-Turing thesis (CT). Following an established recent trend, I distinguish between what I call Mathematical CT—the thesis supported by the original arguments for CT—and Physical CT. I then distinguish between bold formulations of Physical CT, according to which any physical process—anything doable by a physical system—is computable by a Turing machine, and modest formulations, according to which any function that is computable by a physical system is computable by a Turing machine. (...)
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    Physics develops unaffected by constructivism.Helmut Schwegler - 2001 - Foundations of Science 6 (4):241-253.
    The way physics and other parts of science work can be explained in the framework of radical constructivism. However, this constructivist view itself shows that a uniquily accepted epistemology, constructivism or any other, would not be an advantage for the developmentof science. Unlike physics some parts of science successfully use constructivist concepts inside their theories. Because this is the case particularly in learning theory, constructivist ideas can help to improve physics teaching.
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    Bijective Epistemology and Space–Time.Davide Fiscaletti & Amrit Sorli - 2015 - Foundations of Science 20 (4):387-398.
    A level of adequacy of a given model with physical world represents an important element of physics. In an “ideal” model each element in the model would correspond exactly to one element in the physical world. In such a model each element would have a direct epistemological correlation with exactly one element of the physical world. Such a model would become a perfect picture of the physical world. The possibility of misinterpretation, in a sense that one searches for physical (...)
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  28. Descartes' epistemology.Lex Newman - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    René Descartes (1596-1650) is widely regarded as the father of modern philosophy. His noteworthy contributions extend to mathematics and physics. This entry focuses on his philosophical contributions in the theory of knowledge. Specifically, the focus is on the epistemological project of Descartes' famous work, Meditations on First Philosophy.
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    Epistemological Framework for Computer Simulations in Building Science Research: Insights from Theory and Practice.Amos Kalua & James Jones - 2020 - Philosophies 5 (4):30.
    Computer simulations are widely used within the area of building science research. Building science research deals with the physical phenomena that affect buildings, including heat and mass transfer, lighting and acoustic transmission. This wide usage of computer simulations, however, is characterized by a divergence in thought on the composition of an epistemological framework that may provide guidance for their deployment in research. This paper undertakes a fundamental review of the epistemology of computer simulations within the context of the philosophy (...)
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    Mathematical Structures and Physical Necessity.Roberto Torretti - 1992 - In Javier Echeverría, Andoni Ibarra & Thomas Mormann, The space of mathematics: philosophical, epistemological, and historical explorations. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 132.
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    Physical Theories are Prescriptions, not Descriptions.Shahin Kaveh - 2023 - Erkenntnis 88 (5):1825-1853.
    Virtually all philosophers of science have construed fundamental theories as descriptions of entities, properties, and/or structures. Call this the “descriptive-ontological” view. I argue that this view is incorrect, at least insofar as physical theories are concerned. I propose a novel construal of theories that I call the “prescriptive-dynamical” view. The central tenet of this view, roughly put, is that the _essential_ content of fundamental physical theories is a _prescription for interfacing with natural systems and translating local data into compact theoretical (...)
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  32. Counterfactuals and Modal Epistemology.Tuomas E. Tahko - 2012 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 86 (1):93–115.
    What is our epistemic access to metaphysical modality? Timothy Williamson suggests that the epistemology of counterfactuals will provide the answer. This paper challenges Williamson's account and argues that certain elements of the epistemology of counterfactuals that he discusses, namely so called background knowledge and constitutive facts, are already saturated with modal content which his account fails to explain. Williamson's account will first be outlined and the role of background knowledge and constitutive facts analysed. Their key role is to (...)
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    Epistemological vs. Ontological Relationalism in Quantum Mechanics: Relativism or Realism?Christian de Ronde & Raimundo Fernandez Moujan - unknown
    In this paper we investigate the history of relationalism and its present use in some interpretations of quantum mechanics. In the first part of this article we will provide a conceptual analysis of the relation between substantivalism, relationalism and relativism in the history of both physics and philosophy. In the second part, we will address some relational interpretations of quantum mechanics, namely, Bohr’s relational approach, the modal interpretation by Kochen, the perspectival modal version by Bene and Dieks and the (...)
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  34. Mental causation versus physical causation: No contest.Crawford L. Elder - 2001 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 62 (1):110-127.
    James decides that the best price today on pork chops is at Supermarket S, then James makes driving motions for twenty minutes, then James’ car enters the parking lot at Supermarket S. Common sense supposes that the stages in this sequence may be causally connected, and that the pattern is commonplace: James’ belief (together with his desire for pork chops) causes bodily behavior, and the behavior causes a change in James’ whereabouts. Anyone committed to the idea that beliefs and desires (...)
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    Inconsistent Physics DOI: 10.5007/1808-1711.2011v15n1p43.F. G. Asenjo - 2011 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 15 (1):43-49.
    Um certo número de trabalhos foi dedicado à viabilidade e interesse da matemática inconsistente, mas até hoje poucos esforços comparáveis foram feitos no que diz respeito à física. Alguns poucos tópicos de física são aqui descritos no qual a presença de contradições é indisputável e clama por um tratamento lógico diferenciado. O argumento baseia-se em dois fatos. Primeiro, antinomias não são necessariamente geradas por negação: a conjunção de dois enunciados opostos pode igualmente gerar uma antinomia. Segundo, essa antinomicidade por oposição (...)
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  36. The operational framework for quantum theories is both epistemologically and ontologically neutral.Laurie Letertre - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 89 (C):129-137.
  37. Epistemology quantized: Circumstances in which we should come to believe in the Everett interpretation.David Wallace - 2006 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 57 (4):655-689.
    I consider exactly what is involved in a solution to the probability problem of the Everett interpretation, in the light of recent work on applying considerations from decision theory to that problem. I suggest an overall framework for understanding probability in a physical theory, and conclude that this framework, when applied to the Everett interpretation, yields the result that that interpretation satisfactorily solves the measurement problem. Introduction What is probability? 2.1 Objective probability and the Principal Principle 2.2 Three ways of (...)
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    Physical Education, Cognition and Agency.Andrew Reid - 2013 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 45 (9):921-933.
    Traditional analytical philosophy of education assigns a peripheral place to physical education, partly because orthodox epistemology finds its cognitive claims implausible. An understandable but dubious response to this state of affairs is the attempt to relocate physical education within the academic curriculum, with its characteristic emphasis on theoretical knowledge and formal assessment. Dissatisfaction with this response suggests an analysis of physical activity in terms of practical knowledge or knowing how, but the results of this seem inconclusive. More recently, the (...)
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    Husserl’s Phenomenology between Physics and Metaphysics. [REVIEW]Giulio Marchegiani - 2022 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 53 (4):504-505.
    In the framework of the current epistemological, ontological and metaphysical debate about the relationship between reality and physical theories about it, a certain tendency to fix a conceptuality...
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  40. Quantum Epistemology from Mimicry and Ambiguity.Han Geurdes - 2021 - Axiomathes 31 (1):73-83.
    In the paper we look into the epistemology of quantum theory. The starting point is the previously established mathematical ambiguity. The perspective of our study is the way that Schrödinger described Einstein’s idea of physics epistemology. Namely, physical theory is a map with flags. Each flag must, according to Einstein in Schrödinger’s representation, correspond to a physical reality and vice versa. With the ambiguity transformed to quantum-like operators we are able to mimic quantum theory. Therefore we have (...)
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    Symbol and Physical Knowledge.Massimo Ferrari (ed.) - 2002 - Springer.
    Introduces the problem of the symbolic structure of physics, surveys the modern history of symbols, proceeds to an epistemological discussion of the role of symbols in our knowledge of nature, and addresses key issues related to the methodology of physics and the character of its symbolic structures.
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  42. When mathematics touches physics: Henri Poincaré on probability.Jacintho Del Vecchio Junior - manuscript
    Probability plays a crucial role regarding the understanding of the relationship which exists between mathematics and physics. It will be the point of departure of this brief reflection concerning this subject, as well as about the placement of Poincaré’s thought in the scenario offered by some contemporary perspectives.
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    An Epistemological Study on the Relationship between Performing Level and ^|^lsquo;Comprehension^|^rsquo; in Forward-upward-circling.Shigehisa Tsukioka & Yasuki Kato - 1994 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 16 (1):15-28.
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    Onto-Epistemological Pluralism, Social Practices, Human Rights And White Racism.Mónica Gómez Salazar - 2017 - Cultura 14 (2):89-106.
    Based on onto–epistemological pluralism and social practices this work maintains that the proclamation of cultural neutrality originating in the idea of equality without any distinction of color, sex, language, religion or political opinion, really favors white racism and cultural imperialism of the liberal way of life.This article argues that the process of reasoning which justifies human rights is distorted by particular interests, such as the colonization of American territory in the case of the Declaration of the Good People of Virginia (...)
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    Environmental epistemology.Mark Rowlands - 2005 - Ethics and the Environment 10 (2):5-27.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ethics & the Environment 10.2 (2005) 5-27 [Access article in PDF] Environmental Epistemology Mark Rowlands 1. Externalism and Environmentalism There is a view of the mind that began life as a controversial philosophical thesis, and then, much like an aging rock group, evolved into respectability. Indeed, it became common sense. According to this view, minds are to be assimilated to the category of substance. That is, minds are (...)
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  46. Quantum Formalism: Brief Epistemological Considerations.Michele Caponigro - forthcoming
    We argue about a conceptual approach to quantum formalism. Starting from philosophical conjectures (Platonism, Idealism and Realism) as basic ontic elements (namely: math world, data world, and state of matter), we will analyze the quantum superposition principle. This analysis bring us to demonstrate that the basic assumptions affect in different ways:(a) the general problem of the information and computability about a system, (b) the nature of the math tool utilized and (c) the correspondent physical reality.
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    Quantum Epistemology and Constructivism.Patrick Fraser, Nuriya Nurgalieva & Lídia del Rio - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (6):1561-1574.
    Constructivist epistemology posits that all truths are knowable. One might ask to what extent constructivism is compatible with naturalized epistemology and knowledge obtained from inference-making using successful scientific theories. If quantum theory correctly describes the structure of the physical world, and if quantum theoretic inferences about which measurement outcomes will be observed with unit probability count as knowledge, we demonstrate that constructivism cannot be upheld. Our derivation is compatible with both intuitionistic and quantum propositional logic. This result is (...)
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  48. Epistemological vs. ontological relationalism in quantum mechanics: relativism or realism?Christian de Ronde & Raimundo Fernández Mouján - 2019 - In Diederik Aerts, Dalla Chiara, Maria Luisa, Christian de Ronde & Decio Krause, Probing the meaning of quantum mechanics: information, contextuality, relationalism and entanglement: Proceedings of the II International Workshop on Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information: Physical, Philosophical and Logical Approaches, CLEA, Brussels. New Jersey: World Scientific.
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    Epistemology, fieldwork, and anthropology.Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan - 2015 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Epistemology, Fieldwork, and Anthropology explores the space between epistemology and methodology, offering a systematic examination of the empirical foundations of interpretations in anthropology. Olivier de Sardan investigates the complex links between the observed reality, data production, and grounded theories, addressing the issues of bias management and the rigor of qualitative methods.
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    How Can Physics Underlie the Mind?: Top-Down Causation in the Human Context.George Ellis - 2016 - Berlin, Heidelberg: Imprint: Springer.
    Physics underlies all complexity, including our own existence: how is this possible? How can our own lives emerge from interactions of electrons, protons, and neutrons? This book considers the interaction of physical and non-physical causation in complex systems such as living beings, and in particular in the human brain, relating this to the emergence of higher levels of complexity with real causal powers. In particular it explores the idea of top-down causation, which is the key effect allowing the emergence (...)
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