Results for 'Erella Hovers'

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  1.  2
    Cultural innovation is not only a product of cognition but also of cultural context.Yotam Ben-Oren, Erella Hovers, Oren Kolodny & Nicole Creanza - 2025 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 48:e4.
    Innovations, such as symbolic artifacts, are a product of cognitive abilities but also of cultural context. Factors that may determine the emergence and retention of an innovation include the population's pre-existing cultural repertoire, exposure to relevant ways of thinking, and the invention's utility. Thus, we suggest that the production of symbolic artifacts is not guaranteed even in cognitively advanced societies.
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    Überlegungen zum Problem ethischer Kategorienbildung.Gerhard Höver - 2004 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 48 (1):46-53.
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    Unterwegs zur Heimat: Martin Heidegger zum 100. Geburtstag.Lina Börsig-Hover (ed.) - 1989 - Fridingen a.D.: Börsig-Verlag.
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    " Next year will be different:" Two First-Year History Teachers' Perceptions of the Impact of Virginia's Accountability Reform on their Instructional Decision-Making.Stephanie van Hover & Erika Pierce - 2006 - Journal of Social Studies Research 30 (2).
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    Büchführung Und Bilanz Der Weltgeschichte in Neuer Sicht.Otto Höver - 1949 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 2 (1-4):247-259.
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  6. The phenomenon of Breaking the Silence in Israel : "witnessing" as consciousness raising strategy of Israeli ex-combatants.Erella Grassiani - 2009 - In Ted van Baarda & Désirée Verweij, The moral dimension of asymmetrical warfare: counter-terrorism, democratic values and military ethics. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff.
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  7. Contrasting Perspectives on Democracy?S. Van Hover, D. D. Ross & E. A. Yeager - 2001 - Journal of Social Studies Research 25 (1):16-24.
  8. Secondary History Teachers and Inclusion of Student with Disabilities: An Exploratory Study.S. D. Van Hover & E. A. Yeager - 2003 - Journal of Social Studies Research 27 (1):36-45.
  9.  22
    Zur Ontologie und Metaphysik der Wahrheit: der Wahrheitsbegriff Edith Steins in Auseinandersetzung mit Aristoteles, Thomas von Aquin und Edmund Husserl.Magdalena Börsig-Hover - 2006 - Frankfurt am Main: Lang.
    Ist die Wahrheitsfrage nur ein begriffliches Ereignis oder will sie auf ganz andere Horizonte der menschlichen Existenz verweisen? Um den umfassenden Sinn der Wahrheitsthematik zur Sprache zu bringen, wird der vielversprechende philosophische Ansatz der Husserlschulerin und Phanomenologin Edith Stein herangezogen. In ihrer intensiven Auseinandersetzung mit der Griechischen und Mittelalterlichen Philosophie versucht diese den transzendentalphilosophischen Ansatz, den Ansatz einer christlichen Philosophie und der Scholastik zu ihrer Zeit in eine fruchtbare Begegnung zu bringen. Wir werden Augenzeugen einer existentiellen und philosophisch hochmotivierten Auseinandersetzung (...)
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    Erfahrung und Vernunft: Untersuchungen zum Problem sittlich relevanter Einsichten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Naturrechtsethik von Johannes Messner.Gerhard Höver - 1981 - Düsseldorf: Patmos Verlag.
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    A DBQ in a Multiple-Choice World: A Tale of two Assessments in a Unit on the Byzantine Empire.Colleen Fitzpatrick, Stephanie van Hover, Ariel Cornett & David Hicks - 2019 - Journal of Social Studies Research 43 (3):199-214.
    This case study explored how a teacher, Mr. Smith, and his students experienced a mandated performance assessment while simultaneously preparing for an end of the year high-stakes, multiple-choice assessment. We employed qualitative research methods to examine how the teacher enacted a mandated performance assessment during a unit on Byzantium and how students described their learning and classroom experiences from the unit. Drawing on Grant's idea of ambitious teaching and learning of history and Ball's work on policy realization, analysis of these (...)
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    Leiden: 27. Internationaler Fachkongress für Moraltheologie und Sozialethik (September 1995-Köln/Bonn).Gerhard Höver (ed.) - 1997 - Münster: Lit.
  13.  13
    Verbindlichkeit unter den Bedingungen der Pluralität.Gerhard Höver (ed.) - 1999 - Hamburg: Kovac.
  14.  41
    “Try Not to Giggle if You Can Help It”: The implementation of experiential instructional techniques in social studies classrooms.Hilary Dack, Stephanie van Hover & David Hicks - 2016 - Journal of Social Studies Research 40 (1):39-52.
    This qualitative study examined how social studies teachers implemented experiential instructional techniques by closely analyzing videotaped lessons taught over four years in third through 12th grade classrooms across 16 school districts. Data analysis indicated that of the 438 lessons, only 14 involved experiential instructional techniques, and their implementation generally failed to reflect the potential benefits of this instructional approach. Twelve of the experiential exercises (a) lacked a clear instructional purpose related to the content; (b) did reflect an instructional purpose, but (...)
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    Utilitarismus in der Bioethik: seine Voraussetzungen und Folgen am Beispiel der Anschauungen von Peter Singer.Wojciech Bołoz & Gerhard Höver (eds.) - 2002 - Münster: Lit.
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    Mechanisms of Choice Behavior Shift Using Cue-approach Training.Akram Bakkour, Christina Leuker, Ashleigh M. Hover, Nathan Giles, Russell A. Poldrack & Tom Schonberg - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Misleading Mandates: The Null Curriculum of Genocide Education.Anna M. Yonas & Stephanie van Hover - 2024 - Journal of Social Studies Research 48 (4):243-260.
    This content analysis examines the ways that genocide is included in the high school world history content standards of eleven states with legislative mandates requiring genocide education, as well as if the content standards in those states differ from those of states without mandated genocide education. The null curriculum theorizes that the content that is not taught may be as important as what is taught; this lens allows for a nuanced analysis of the ways that genocide is included and excluded (...)
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    Conjoining interventional pain management and palliative care: Considerations for practice, ethics and policy.James Giordano & Gerhard Höver - 2010 - In Gail A. Van Norman, Stephen Jackson, Stanley H. Rosenbaum & Susan K. Palmer, Clinical Ethics in Anesthesiology: A Case-Based Textbook. Cambridge University Press. pp. 143.
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    Zeit der Entscheidung: zu Romano Guardinis Deutung der Gegenwart.Lina Börsig-Hover - 1990 - Fridingen a.D.: Börsig-Verlag.
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    Spirits Hovering Over the Ashes: Legacies of Postmodern Theory.H. L. Hix - 1894 - State University of New York Press.
    This book explores the consequences of postmodern theory and answers the question, "What did postmodern theory begin?".
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    Hegel: hovering over the corpse of faith and reason.Kipton E. Jensen - 2012 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    This manuscript provides a revisionist reading of Hegelâ (TM)s 1802 essay, Faith and Knowledge, in which he critiques the various reconciliations of faith and reason proposed by his immediate predecessors and contemporary faith philosophers â " namely, Kant, Jacobi, Schleiermacher and Fichte. Hegelâ (TM)s agonistic interpretation of these â oereflective philosophers of subjectivity, â who he reads as settling for a form of reason that is â oeno longer worthy of the nameâ and a version of faith that â oeno (...)
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    (1 other version)Hovering Between Roles: Military Medical Ethics.Daniel Messelken & Hans U. Baer - 2012 - In Michael L. Gross & Don Carrick, Military Medical Ethics for the 21st Century. Ashgate.
    Changing faces of war and war-like situations have led in recent years to new forms of military deployment. They range from the so called "war on terrorism" with e.g Operation Enduring Freedom or humanitarian interventions (e.g. Kosovo 1999) to deployments within disaster relief missions as lately in Haiti. These pose not only moral, legal, and organizational challenges to states and the international community but also put individual soldiers and military (medical) personnel in situations that their classical formation does not prepare (...)
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    Hovering Over the Surface of the Waters: Just How Metaphysical is Hegel’s God?Jason M. Smith - 2019 - Heythrop Journal 60 (2):233-243.
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    Book Review: Spirits Hovering Over the Ashes: Legacies of Postmodern Theory. [REVIEW]Thomas Leddy - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (2):511-514.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Spirits Hovering Over the Ashes: Legacies of Postmodern Theory,Thomas LeddySpirits Hovering Over the Ashes: Legacies of Postmodern Theory, by H. L. Hix; x & 208 pp. Albany: SUNY Press, 1995, $16.95 paper.This intriguing, rich and witty book is a collection of twelve mainly previously published essays each of which is titled “Postmodern” something.“Postmodern Grief,” which first appeared in Philosophy and Literature (1993), is a wonderful and fun deconstruction (...)
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  25. The Monogram of the "Sweet Songstress of the Night": The Hovering of the Imagination as the First Principle of Fichte’s Aesthetics.Laure Cahen-Maurel - 2021 - Fichte-Studien 49:219-247.
    This article presents a new reading of Fichte’s aesthetics that differs from a primarily functionalist interpretation of the imagination and art. It demonstrates that the “hovering” (Schweben) of the creative imagination should be viewed as the first principle of Fichte’s aesthetics, in which the latter consists of a triad of the pleasant, the beautiful and the sublime. Moreover, it argues that in the text Ueber Geist und Buchstab in der Philosophie (1795/1800) Fichte created a real and original monogram of the (...)
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    Book review: Spirits hovering over the ashes: Legacies of postmodern theory. [REVIEW]H. L. Hix - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (2).
  27. Messelken, Daniel; Baer, Hans U (2013). Hovering Between Roles: Military Medical Ethics. In: Gross, Michael L; Carrick, Don. Military Medical Ethics for the 21st Century. Farnham: Ashgate, 261-278.Daniel Messelken, Hans U. Baer, Michael L. Gross & Don Carrick (eds.) - 2013
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  28. Rationality in Action: A Symposium.Barry Smith - 2001 - Philosophical Explorations 4 (2):66-94.
    Searle’s tool for understanding culture, law and society is the opposition between brute reality and institutional reality, or in other words between: observer-independent features of the world, such as force, mass and gravitational attraction, and observer-relative features of the world, such as money, property, marriage and government. The question posed here is: under which of these two headings do moral concepts fall? This is an important question because there are moral facts – for example pertaining to guilt and responsibility – (...)
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    Aristotle on the Scope of Practical Reason: Spectators, Legislators, Hopes, and Evils.Pavlos Kontos - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book offers a new account of Aristotle's practical philosophy. Pavlos Kontos argues that Aristotle does not restrict practical reason to its action-guiding and motivational role; rather, practical reason remains practical in the full sense of the term even when its exercise does not immediately concern the guidance of our present actions. To elucidate why this wider scope of practical reason is important, Kontos brings into the foreground five protagonists that have long been overlooked: spectators or judges who make non-motivational (...)
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    Life's Solution: Inevitable Humans in a Lonely Universe.Wolfram Hinzen - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    Life's Solution builds a persuasive case for the predictability of evolutionary outcomes. The case rests on a remarkable compilation of examples of convergent evolution, in which two or more lineages have independently evolved similar structures and functions. The examples range from the aerodynamics of hovering moths and hummingbirds to the use of silk by spiders and some insects to capture prey. Going against the grain of Darwinian orthodoxy, this book is a must read for anyone grappling with the meaning of (...)
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  31. Using artificial intelligence to enhance patient autonomy in healthcare decision-making.Jose Luis Guerrero Quiñones - forthcoming - AI and Society.
    The use of artificial intelligence in healthcare contexts is highly controversial for the (bio)ethical conundrums it creates. One of the main problems arising from its implementation is the lack of transparency of machine learning algorithms, which is thought to impede the patient’s autonomous choice regarding their medical decisions. If the patient is unable to clearly understand why and how an AI algorithm reached certain medical decision, their autonomy is being hovered. However, there are alternatives to prevent the negative impact of (...)
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  32. Some elementary reflexions on sense-perception.C. D. Broad - 1952 - Philosophy 27 (January):3-17.
    Sense-perception is a hackneyed topic, and I must therefore begin by craving your indulgence. I was moved to make it the subject of this evening's lecture by the fact that I have lately been reading the book in which the most important of the late Professor Prichard's scattered writings on Sense-perception have been collected by Sir W. D. Ross. Like everything that Prichard wrote, these essays are extremely acute, transparently honest, and admirably thorough. I shall not attempt here either to (...)
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    Burke on the Sublime and Beautiful.Anthony Quinton - 1961 - Philosophy 36 (136):71 - 73.
    Burke's Enquiry is one of those books that hovers, importantly but ineffectively, at the fringes of the attention of most modern readers of philosophy. It is something that they have always meant to read some time but yet which they all too seldom get around to actually reading. Its neglect, no doubt, is mainly to be accounted for as part of the generally rather forlorn position of aesthetics in our intellectual landscape. Students of literature disregard aesthetics as at once (...)
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    Critical Disinterestedness and Ideological Commitment: An Impasse?Brian Cosgrove - 2004 - Yearbook of the Irish Philosophical Society:16-26.
    Is critical disinterestedness possible? Or, is it, for that matter, even desirable? These are the major questions that hover above this essay - large questions which we face at the outset. For the moment we need to establish, first, what might be meant by 'disinterestedness'. For those whose major business is with the English literary tradition, the first name that will unfailingly come to mind when the term is mentioned is that of Matthew Arnold. The word 'disinterestedness' famously occurs in (...)
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    Conspiracy of Heretics.William Gibson, Jaron Lanier & Bill Joy - unknown
    The encounter occurred aboard the presidential yacht USS Potomac, the same steel-hulled craft that, half a century ago, carried Roosevelt to his meeting with Churchill wherein they secretly plotted World War II. It cruised on the San Francisco Bay as helicopters hovered above, dropping smoke flares to mark a jumper from the Golden Gate Bridge.
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    From Civil to Political Economy: Adam Smith’s Theological Debt.Adrian Pabst - 2011 - In Paul Oslington, Adam Smith as theologian. New York: Routledge.
    The present essay contends that progressive readings of Smith ignore the influence of theological concepts and religious ideas on his work, notably three distinct strands: first, seventeenth- and eighteenth-century natural theology; second, Jansenist Augustinianism; third, Stoic arguments of theodicy. Taken together, these theological elements help explain why Smith’s moral philosophy and political economy intensifies the secular early modern and Enlightenment idea that the Fall brought about ‘radical evil’ and a ‘fatherless world’ in need of permanent divine intervention. As such, Smith (...)
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    The Triumph of Uncertainty: Science and Self in the Postmodern Age.Alfred I. Tauber - 2022 - Central European University Press.
    Tauber, a leading figure in history and philosophy of science, offers a unique autobiographical overview of how science as a discipline of thought has been characterized by philosophers and historians over the past century. He frames his account through science’s – and his own personal – quest for explanatory certainty. During the 20th century, that goal was displaced by the probabilistic epistemologies required to characterize complex systems, whether in physics, biology, economics, or the social sciences. This “triumph of uncertainty” is (...)
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    Five Poems.Deborah Warren - 2019 - Arion 27 (1):43-48.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: Five Poems DEBORAH WARREN Bugonia hic vero subitum dictu mirabile monstrum aspiciunt, liquefacta boum per viscera toto stridere apes utero et ruptis effervere costis. —Vergil, Georgics IV The covert’s dark, but Aristaeus sees —beyond it, in the oleandered meadow, walking to her wedding with her maids— Eurydice, as sweet as early windfall apples to the gods of the bitter dead. She runs, from shifting shade to sun to (...)
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    Impressions, Ideas, and Fictions.Saul Traiger - 1987 - Hume Studies 13 (2):381-399.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:381 IMPRESSIONS, IDEAS, AND FICTIONS I. Introduction Under the heading of "fiction," Selby-Bigge's index to Hume's Treatise of Human Nature lists no fewer than seventeen distinct fictions. There is the fiction of perfect equality, of continued and distinct existence, of substance and matter, of substantial forms, accidents, faculties and occult qualities, the fiction of personal identity, and many others. The notion of a fiction is central in Hume's philosophy. (...)
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    The owl of Minerva: a memoir.Mary Midgley - 2005 - New York: Routledge.
    "Charming, interesting, thought-provoking and a great read." Rosalind Hursthouse The daughter of a pacifist rector who answered "No!" when his congregation asked him "Is everything in the bible true?", perhaps Mary Midgley was destined to become a philosopher. Yet few would have thought this inquisitive, untidy, nature-loving child would become "one of the sharpest critical pens in the west." This is her remarkable story. Probably the only philosopher to have been in Vienna on the eve of its invasion by Nazi (...)
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    Models of Organic Organization in Montpellier Vitalism.Charles T. Wolfe - 2017 - Early Science and Medicine 22 (2-3):229-252.
    The species of vitalism discussed here is a malleable construct, often with a poisonous reputation (but one which I want to rehabilitate), hovering in between the realms of the philosophy of biology, the history of medicine, and the scientific background of the Radical Enlightenment (case in point, the influence of vitalist medicine on Diderot). This is a more vital vitalism, or at least a more ‘biologistic,’ ‘embodied,’ medicalized vitalism. I distinguish between what I would call ‘substantival’ and ‘functional’ forms of (...)
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  42. Agent causation in a neo-Aristotelian metaphysics.Jonathan D. Jacobs & Timothy O'Connor - 2013 - In Sophie Gibb, E. J. Lowe & Rögnvaldur Ingthorsson, Mental Causation and Ontology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Freedom and moral responsibility have one foot in the practical realm of human affairs and the other in the esoteric realm of fundamental metaphysics—or so we believe. This has been denied, especially in the metaphysics-bashing era occupying the first two-thirds or so of the twentieth century, traces of which linger in the present day. But the reasons for this denial seem to us quite implausible. Certainly, the argument for the general bankruptcy of metaphysics has been soundly discredited. Arguments from Strawson (...)
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    “Freedom In”: A Daoist Response to Isaiah Berlin.Christine Abigail L. Tan - 2023 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 22 (2):255-275.
    In his seminal essay “Two Concepts of Liberty,” Isaiah Berlin categorized freedom into positive or negative liberty: “freedom to” or “freedom from.” He provided a powerful critique against the metaphysical nature of positive liberty, arguing that it is oppressive, in contrast to the conception of negative freedom, defined as lack of interference. Meanwhile, conversations around the concept of freedom in Daoist philosophy often hover around categorizing it as either positive liberty in its spiritual form—what Berlin calls the “retreat to the (...)
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    Freedom of Speech and Its Limits.Wojciech Sadurski - 1999 - Springer Verlag.
    In authoritarian states, the discourse on freedom of speech, conducted by those opposed to non-democratic governments, focuses on the core aspects of this freedom: on a right to criticize the government, a right to advocate theories arid ideologies contrary to government-imposed orthodoxy, a right to demand institutional reforms, changes in politics, resignation of the incompetent and the corrupt from positions of authority. The claims for freedom of speech focus on those exercises of freedom that are most fundamental and most beneficial (...)
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  45.  33
    Fichte's Turn from Absolute I to Absolute Knowledge.Yady Oren - 2022 - Idealistic Studies 52 (2):157-178.
    Fichte’s Wissenschaftslehre of 1801/2 is considered to be the beginning of his late phase. In this phase he supposedly alters his earlier thinking and, instead of the transcendental unity of the I, conceptualizes a higher transcendent and simple unity; a unity that has been claimed to correspond to Neoplatonism. I refute these two arguments here. First, through a comparison between the Wissenschaftslehre of 1801/2 and that of 1794/5, I show that both versions contain a similar analysis of the supreme unity. (...)
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  46. Meeting report: second ISHPSSB off-year workshop.Jason Byron - unknown
    At dusk on a summer evening in Bloomington, as mosquitoes and fireflies hovered amidst a congregation of academics, the conversational volume went up as the sun (and drinks) went down. Yet nowhere among the din of voices could one hear the accusatorial phrases, ‘‘that’s not history,’’ or ‘‘is that really philosophy?’’.
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    (1 other version)Beyond Objects, Beyond Subjects: Giorgio Agamben on Animality, Particularity and the End of Onto-theology.Colby Dickinson - 2011 - Cosmos and History 7 (1):87-103.
    The work of Giorgio Agamben could perhaps best be described as an original extension of the onto-theological critique that has dominated much of the last century’s philosophical endeavors. For him, this fundamental critical perspective extends itself toward the deconstruction of traditional significations, including the boundaries said to exist between the human and the animal as well as between the human and the divine. By repeatedly unveiling these arbitrary divisions as being a result of the state of ‘original sin’ in which (...)
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    O espírito livre de Nietzsche e o gênio de Schopenhauer: um paralelismo.Laura Langone - 2020 - Cadernos Nietzsche 41 (1):105-119.
    Resumo Este artigo tem o objetivo de mostrar as semelhanças entre o espírito livre de Nietzsche e o gênio de Schopenhauer. Em primeiro lugar, ambos compartilham de uma abordagem mística do conhecimento: perdem sua individualidade e identificam-se aos objetos do conhecimento com o intuito de obter conhecimento do mundo. Em segundo lugar, ambas as figuras encontram-se associadas à loucura. Em terceiro lugar, o espírito livre e o gênio são indivíduos excepcionais que, diferentemente do que se passa com a maior parte (...)
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    The road home: a contemporary exploration of the Buddhist path.Ethan Nichtern - 2015 - New York: North Point Press.
    A lively exploration of contemporary Buddhism from one of its most admired teachers. Do you feel at home right now? Or do you sense a hovering anxiety or uncertainty, an underlying unease that makes you feel just a bit uncomfortable, a bit distracted and disconnected from those around you? In The Road Home, Ethan Nichtern, a senior teacher in the Shambhala Buddhist tradition, investigates the journey each of us takes to find where we belong. Drawing from contemporary research on meditation (...)
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    Infancy and Experience: Voice, Politics and Bare Life.David Oswell - 2009 - European Journal of Social Theory 12 (1):135-154.
    This article explores the question of the empirical in the context of its related notion of experience, inasmuch as the latter explicitly brings into play issues about subjectivity. The article focuses directly on the ideas of the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben concerning infancy and experience, voice and speech, and bare life and politics. In doing so, an argument is made that questions Agamben's recourse to a particular form of linguistic model and makes evident the limitations that such a model poses (...)
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