Results for 'Evelyn Hagenah'

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    Staatsaufgaben.Dieter Grimm & Evelyn Hagenah (eds.) - 1994 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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    The Diary of John Evelyn.John Evelyn - 1996 - Routledge.
    John Evelyn (1620-1706) is best remembered for Sylva - his magnum opus - and his Diary . Alongside Pepys' diary, Evelyn's is as well known now as anything else written in their time. A connoisseur of architecture, painting, music, coins, and sermons, Evelyn was renowned for his practical knowledge on horticulture and arboriculture, and he was one of the original Fellows of the Royal Society. His Diary begins with an account of his early life and travels in (...)
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    Evelyn Waugh and Fascism.Evelyn Waugh & Donat Gallagher - 1999 - The Chesterton Review 25 (3):388-390.
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    A Conversation between Evelyne Grossman & Jacob Rogozinski & : Deleuze, reader of Artaud – Artaud, reader of Deleuze.Evelyne Grossman & Jacob Rogozinski - 2019 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 27 (1):1-13.
    A translation of a dialogue between Evelyne Grossman and Jacob Rogozinski on Artaud, Deleuze, and the status of the ego.
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  5. Evelyn Waugh on the American Epoch in the Catholic Church.Evelyn Waugh - 2009 - The Chesterton Review 35 (1/2):317-333.
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    Evelyn Waugh's review of.Evelyn Waugh - 1992 - The Chesterton Review 18 (3):434-436.
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  7. Evelyn Waugh on Thomas Merton.Evelyn Waugh - 2008 - The Chesterton Review 34 (1/2):364-365.
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    The Mirage of a Space between Nature and Nurture.Evelyn Fox Keller - 2010 - Duke University Press.
    In this powerful critique, the esteemed historian and philosopher of science Evelyn Fox Keller addresses the nature-nurture debates, including the persistent disputes regarding the roles played by genes and the environment in determining individual traits and behavior. Keller is interested in both how an oppositional “versus” came to be inserted between nature and nurture, and how the distinction on which that opposition depends, the idea that nature and nurture are separable, came to be taken for granted. How, she asks, (...)
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  9. The Diary of John Evelyn: Volume 6: Additions & Corrections, Index.John Evelyn (ed.) - 2000 - Oxford University Press.
    An edition of the letters of Erasmus, regarded as one of the greatest humanist writers. All 12 volumes of this work have been reissued, complete with their scholarly apparatus of commentary and notes, as well as plates.
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  10. Evelyn Fox Keller Science and Gender.Bill D. Moyers, Evelyn Fox Keller, Leslie Clark, N. Y.) Wnet York & Ill) Wttw Chicago - 1994 - Films for the Humanities.
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    Not the Same Old Chestnut.Evelyn Brister & Andrew E. Newhouse - 2020 - Environmental Ethics 42 (2):149-167.
    We argue that the wild release of genetically modified organisms can be justified as a way of preserving species and ecosystems. We look at the case of a genetically modified American chestnut that is currently undergoing regulatory review. Because American chestnuts are functionally extinct, a genetically modified replacement has significant conservation value. In addition, many of the arguments used against GMOs, especially GMO crops, do not hold for American chestnut trees. Finally, we show how GMOs such as the American chestnut (...)
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  12. Secrets of Life, Secrets of Death: Essays on Language, Gender and Science.Evelyn Fox Keller - 1994 - The Personalist Forum 10 (1):47-49.
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  13. Refiguring Life: Metaphors of Twentieth-Century Biology.Evelyn Fox Keller - 1996 - Journal of the History of Biology 29 (2):312-313.
  14. Knowing As Making, Making As Knowing: The Many Lives of Synthetic Biology.Evelyn Fox Keller - 2009 - Biological Theory 4 (4):333-339.
    The ways in which the various activities of synthetic biology connect to those of conventional biology display both a multiplicity and variety that reflect the multiplicity and variety of meanings for which the term synthetic biology has been invoked, today as in the past. Central to this variety, as well as to the connection itself, is the complex relationship between knowing and making that has prevailed in the life sciences. That relationship is the focus of this article. More specifically, my (...)
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    Review of Evelyn Fox Keller and Helen E. Longino: Feminism & Science (Oxford Readings in Feminism)[REVIEW]Evelyn Fox Keller & Helen E. Longino - 1997 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 48 (4):618-620.
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    Das sportmediale System: Zusammenhänge zwischen Mediennutzung und Sportaktivität / The system of media sports: Interrelations of mass media use and sport activity.Jörg Hagenah - 2008 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 5 (1):27-52.
    Zusammenfassung Als ein bisher eher bescheiden beackertes Feld kann die Medienwirkungsforschung im Bereich des Sportes bezeichnet werden. Es mangelt gleichermaßen an theoretischen Konzepten wie an empirischen Uberprüfungen. Ziel des Beitrags ist es erstens, mit Hilfe einer Übertragung des dynamisch-transaktionalen Ansatzes auf das System des Mediensports einen theoretischen Zugang zum Themenfeld „Sport und Medien“ zu ermöglichen. Dazu wird das „Magische Viereck“ des Mediensports auf der Mikro-, Meso- und Makroebene vorgestellt, um zweitens eine empirische Untersuchung des Wechselspiels zwischen medialer TV-Sportrezeption und Sportaktivität (...)
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    Sur une intonation à valeur métalinguistique1.Evelyne Saunier - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
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    It’s no accident: Our bias for intentional explanations.Evelyn Rosset - 2008 - Cognition 108 (3):771-780.
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    It is possible to reduce biological explanations to explanations in chemistry and/or physics.Evelyn Fox Keller - 2009 - In Francisco José Ayala & Robert Arp (eds.), Contemporary debates in philosophy of biology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 19–31.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Systems Biology Function: A Minimalist Conception Kant and As‐If Purpose Cybernetics and Bernard Machines A Guarded Optimism Postscript: Counterpoint References.
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  20. Reflections on Gender and Science.Evelyn Fox Keller - 1985 - Yale University Press.
    "-Barbara Ehrenreich, Mother Jones "This book represents the expression of a particular feminist perspective made all the more compelling by Keller's evident commitment to and understanding of science.
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    Proceduralism and Expertise in Local Environmental Decision-Making.Evelyn Brister - 2018 - In Ben A. Minteer & Sahotra Sarkar (eds.), A Sustainable Philosophy—the Work of Bryan Norton. Cham: Springer Verlag.
    Among Bryan Norton’s most influential contributions to environmental philosophy has been his analysis and evaluation of democratic processes for environmental decision-making. He examines actual cases of environmental decision-making in their legal, political, ethical and scientific contexts, and, with contextual constraints and goals in mind, he theorizes concerning what they accomplish and how they can be improved. Informed by the political theories of both John Dewey and Jürgen Habermas, Norton’s pragmatist approach holds that appropriate democratic decision procedures will generate broadly defensible (...)
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  22. Understanding development.Evelyn Fox Keller - 1999 - Biology and Philosophy 14 (3):321-330.
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    Sensation Seeking, Non-contextual Decision Making, and Driving Abilities As Measured through a Moped Simulator.Evelyn Gianfranchi, Mariaelena Tagliabue, Andrea Spoto & Giulio Vidotto - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    “Just Access”? Questions of Equity in Access and Funding for Assistive Technology.Evelyne Durocher, Rosalie H. Wang, Jerome Bickenbach, Daphne Schreiber & Michael G. Wilson - 2019 - Ethics and Behavior 29 (3):172-191.
    Assistive technology has great potential to contribute to health, functioning, and quality of life. To date, as exemplified in the Canadian context, variations and inequities in access to assistive technology are evident; the development of legislation, policies, and programs has not kept up with the increasing use of assistive technology. In this article, we apply ;Daniels’s (2008) theory of just health to argue that equitable access to assistive technology funding and services is necessary for justice. In doing so, we offer (...)
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    A Guide to Field Philosophy: Case Studies and Practical Strategies.Evelyn Brister & Robert Frodeman (eds.) - 2020 - New York: Routledge.
    Philosophers increasingly engage in practical work with other disciplines and the world at large. This volume draws together the lessons learned from this work--including philosophers' contributions to scientific research projects, consultations on matters of policy, and expertise provided to government agencies and non-profits--on how to effectively practice philosophy. Its 22 case studies are organized into five sections: I Collaboration and Communication II Policymaking and the Public Sphere III Fieldwork in the Academy IV Fieldwork in the Professions V Changing Philosophical Practice (...)
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  26. Beyond Prejudice: The Moral Significance of Human and Nonhuman Animals.Evelyn B. Pluhar - 1995 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    In _Beyond Prejudice_, Evelyn B. Pluhar defends the view that any sentient conative being—one capable of caring about what happens to him or herself—is morally significant, a view that supports the moral status and rights of many nonhuman animals. Confronting traditional and contemporary philosophical arguments, she offers in clear and accessible fashion a thorough examination of theories of moral significance while decisively demonstrating the flaws in the arguments of those who would avoid attributing moral rights to nonhumans. Exposing the (...)
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    Wahrheit Suchen Und Wahrheit Bekennen: Alexius Meinong: Skizze Seines Lebens.Evelyn Dölling (ed.) - 1999 - Amsterdam: Rodopi.
    Es gibt Gegenstände, von denen gilt, daß es dergleichen Gegenstände nicht gibt. Dieser Satz hat dem Österreicher Alexius Meinong nicht nur Berühmtheit, sondern auch vernichtende Urteile beschert. Hindern konnten sie ihn jedoch keinesfalls daran, die weltweit bekannte Schule der Grazer Gegenstandstheorie zu etablieren. Wertphilosophische, erkenntnistheoretische sowie psychologische Schriften und die Gründung des ersten experimentalpsychologischen Laboratoriums in Österreich komplettieren das Schaffen dieses Philosophen. Meinongs Lebensgeschichte ist die Verquickung der Geschichte seiner Publikationen und der akademischen Aktivitäten seiner kleinen Schule von Schülern. Platz (...)
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    Making Sense of Life.Evelyn Fox Keller - 2002 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    What do biologists want? If, unlike their counterparts in physics, biologists are generally wary of a grand, overarching theory, at what kinds of explanation do biologists aim? A history of the diverse and changing nature of biological explanation in a particularly charged field, "Making Sense of Life" draws our attention to the temporal, disciplinary, and cultural components of what biologists mean, and what they understand, when they propose to explain life.
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    Physics and the emergence of molecular biology: A history of cognitive and political synergy.Evelyn Fox Keller - 1990 - Journal of the History of Biology 23 (3):389-409.
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    4. Language and Ideology in Evolutionary Theory: Reading Cultural Norms into Natural Law.Evelyn Fox Keller - 1991 - In James J. Sheehan & Morton Sosna (eds.), The Boundaries of Humanity: Humans, Animals, Machines. University of California Press. pp. 85-102.
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    On compliance with ethical standards in tax return preparation.Evelyn C. Hume, Ernest R. Larkins & Govind Iyer - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 18 (2):229 - 238.
    The Statements on Responsibilities in Tax Practice (SRTPs) provide guidance to the CPA when making decisions in tax practice. Many of these decisions are ethical in nature and have implications for tax compliance. In this study, a survey methodology is used to test whether the SRTPs affect decisions that CPAs make. The findings suggest that a clear majority of CPAs follow the SRTPs when making ethical decisions relating to tax return preparation and that CPAs follow the SRTPs more often than (...)
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    2. The Postgenomic Genome.Evelyn Fox Keller - 2015 - In Sarah S. Richardson & Hallam Stevens (eds.), Postgenomics: Perspectives on Biology after the Genome. Duke University Press. pp. 9-31.
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    Beloch's Storia Greca- Storia Greca, Parte prima. La Grecia antiquissima, Giulio Beloch. Roma, 1891. Mk. 3.50.Evelyn Abbott - 1892 - The Classical Review 6 (07):318-.
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    Diana Kurz's Holocaust Paintings: A Chance Encounter That Was No Accident.Evelyn Torton Beck - 2009 - Feminist Studies 35 (1):80-100.
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    The Future of Property Tax Exemption for Nonprofit Health Care Organizations.Evelyn Brody, Doug Hammer, Oliver Henkel, Patsy Matheny, Alan R. Morse & Bruce McPherson - 2007 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 44 (3):238-246.
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    11 Beyond the Gene but Beneath the Skin.Evelyn Fox Keller - 2006 - In Eva M. Neumann-Held, Christoph Rehmann-Sutter, Barbara Herrnstein Smith & E. Roy Weintraub (eds.), Genes in Development: Re-reading the Molecular Paradigm. Duke University Press. pp. 290-312.
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    From epistemology to the method: phenomenology of the body, cultivation ( qìgōng) and religious experiences in Chinese worlds.Evelyne Micollier - 2020 - Anthropology of Consciousness 31 (2):200-222.
    At the intersections of social anthropology, philosophy, and Asian studies, my paper explores the body ecologic through a phenomenological frame in the context of Chinese culture engaging both theory and method. How can qì cultivation experiences transporting bodies and persons in movement, within the world and their “life‐world,” be interpreted through a phenomenology of perception? Based on ethnographic study data collected mainly in South China (Guangzhou) and in Taiwan (1990s–2000s), this exploration is situated within qìgōng experiences (training, cultivating and mastering (...)
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    Arguing away suffering: The neo-Cartesian revival.Evelyn B. Pluhar - 1993 - Between the Species 9 (1):12.
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    (1 other version)The perceptual and physical worlds.Evelyn Begley Pluhar - 1986 - Philosophical Studies 31:228-240.
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    The birth of sensory power: How a pandemic made it visible?Evelyn Ruppert & Engin Isin - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    Much has been written about data politics in the last decade, which has generated myriad concepts such as ‘surveillance capitalism’, ‘gig economy’, ‘quantified self’, ‘algorithmic governmentality’, ‘data colonialism’, ‘data subjects’ and ‘digital citizens’. Yet, it has been difficult to plot these concepts into an historical series to discern specific continuities and discontinuities since the origins of modern power in its three major forms: sovereign, disciplinary and regulatory. This article argues that the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 brought these three forms of (...)
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    Ethical Considerations for Psychologists Providing Treatment to Arab Americans.Evelyn Cho - 2018 - Ethics and Behavior 28 (5):347-369.
    Given the recent increase in hate crimes against Arab Americans, there are growing concerns over the mental health needs of Arab Americans and a pressing need for psychologists’ competence in treating this group. Although there are several clinical guidelines for other health care professions, there remains a paucity of information on the ethical issues that may arise for psychologists treating this Arab Americans. This article briefly provides background information on Arab Americans, highlights elements of Arab culture that might influence psychological (...)
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  42. The Century of the Gene.Evelyn Fox Keller - 2001 - Journal of the History of Biology 34 (3):613-615.
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    Moral Intensity, Issue Characteristics, and Ethical Issue Recognition in Sales Situations.Evelyne Rousselet, Bérangère Brial, Romain Cadario & Amina Béji-Bécheur - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (2):347-363.
    Researchers have considered individual and organizational factors of ethical decision making. However, they have little interest in situational factors :101–125, 2013) which is surprising given the many situations sales persons face. We address this issue using two pilot qualitative studies successively and a 2 by 2 within-subject experiment with sales scenarios. Qualitative and quantitative data are obtained from front-line employees of the main French retail banks that serve low-income customers. We show that the recognition of an ethical issue differs depending (...)
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    Jouer en thérapie familiale psychanalytique : objets bruts, objets de relation, objets médiateurs.Evelyn Granjon - 2016 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 3 (3):25-40.
    En famille, on joue avec son corps, avec des objets, avec des mots, individuellement ou à plusieurs. Cette activité naturelle et universelle participe à la fonction mythopoïétique de la famille et aux processus de transformation que nécessite la transmission de la vie psychique. Lorsque ces fonctions font défaut, la famille est en souffrance. Cas pratiques à l’appui, l’article montre que la thérapie familiale psychanalytique offre alors un néo-groupe pour (ré)apprendre à jouer, où objets bruts, objets de relation, peuvent être des (...)
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    Effects of Harsh and Unpredictable Environments in Adolescence on Development of Life History Strategies.Barbara Hagenah Brumbach, Aurelio José Figueredo & Bruce J. Ellis - 2009 - Human Nature 20 (1):25-51.
    The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health data were used to test predictions from life history theory. We hypothesized that (1) in young adulthood an emerging life history strategy would exist as a common factor underlying many life history traits (e.g., health, relationship stability, economic success), (2) both environmental harshness and unpredictability would account for unique variance in expression of adolescent and young adult life history strategies, and (3) adolescent life history traits would predict young adult life history strategy. These (...)
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    Producing and projecting data: Aesthetic practices of government data portals.Evelyn Ruppert & Helene Ratner - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (2).
    We develop the concept of ‘aesthetic practices’ to capture the work needed for population data to be disseminated via government data portals. Specifically, we look at the Census Hub of the European Statistical System and the Danish Ministry of Education’s Data Warehouse. These portals form part of open government data initiatives, which we understand as governing technologies. We argue that to function as such, aesthetic practices are required so that data produced at dispersed sites can be brought into relation and (...)
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  47. Basic Income for Canadians: The key to a healthier, happier, more secure life for all.Evelyn Forget - 2018
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    Ethics of human germline editing.Evelyn Brister - 2023 - Metascience 32 (2):227-229.
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    Suppressing the truth as a mechanism of deception: Delta plots reveal the role of response inhibition in lying.Evelyne Debey, Richard K. Ridderinkhof, Jan De Houwer, Maarten De Schryver & Bruno Verschuere - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 37:148-159.
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    After Eden, The Secularization of American Space in the Fiction of Willa Cather and Theodore Dreiser (review).Evelyn I. Funda - 1993 - Philosophy and Literature 17 (1):182-184.
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