Results for 'Gene Mirus'

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  1.  13
    The eyes have it: Technologies of automobility in sign language.Elizabeth Keating & Gene Mirus - 2012 - Semiotica 2012 (191).
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    Homonymy and the Matter of a Living Body.Christopher V. Mirus - 2001 - Ancient Philosophy 21 (2):357-373.
    Starting with Ackrill's problem of homonymous parts and the responses of Williams, Cohen and Whiting, I examine Aristotle's account of the matter of living bodies, focusing on the homogeneous parts. I conclude that the dual nature of these parts (material and formal) underlies the homonymy principle in its biological application, and contributes to a coherent theory of body and soul as matter and form.
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    Being is Better Than Not Being: The Metaphysics of Goodness and Beauty in Aristotle.Christopher V. Mirus - 2022 - Washington, DC, USA: Catholic University of America Press.
    In his contemplative works on nature, Aristotle twice appeals to the general principle that being is better than not being. Taking his cue from this claim, Christopher V. Mirus offers an extended, systematic account of how Aristotle understands being itself to be good. Mirus begins with the human, examining Aristotle's well-known claim that the end of a human life is the good of the human substance as such--which turns out to be the good of the human capacity for (...)
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    Aristotle’s "Agathon".Christopher V. Mirus - 2004 - Review of Metaphysics 57 (3):515-536.
    THERE ARE ANY NUMBER OF REASONS for wanting to know what Aristotle means by “good”. For students of Aristotle, understanding his conception of goodness would provide an authentic Nicomachean metaethics, so to speak, a clearer view of his natural teleology, and a great deal of help in making sense of his cosmology and his metaphysics, especially the theological bits. For the less historically minded, the rebirth of virtue ethics makes the relation between nature and norm an important problem, with implications (...)
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  5.  52
    Order and the Determinate.Christopher V. Mirus - 2012 - Review of Metaphysics 65 (3):499-523.
    Aristotle twice affirms that being is better than nonbeing. Throughout the corpus—in both practical and theoretical works—he explicates this claim in terms of three main concepts, each of which serves to link being with goodness. These include completeness and self-sufficiency, which are well-known from Aristotle’s ethics and politics. Even more fundamental, however, are the closely related concepts of order and determinacy, which the present essay explores. Beginning with the causal role of the good in Aristotle’s accounts of nature and human (...)
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    The Metaphysical Roots of Aristotle’s Teleology.Christopher V. Mirus - 2004 - Review of Metaphysics 57 (4):699-724.
    IN GENERATION AND CORRUPTION 2.9, Aristotle sets out to give an account of “how many and what are the principles of all coming to be are like.” In doing so, he situates the cause “for the sake of which,” τὸ οὗ ἕρεκα, within a causal nexus familiar to readers of Physics 2. It is constituted by the end—that is, the form produced—by the matter in which it is produced, and by the agent that produces it. In Meteorology 4.12, moreover, he (...)
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  7.  55
    The Homogeneous Bodies in Meteorology iv 12.Christopher V. Mirus - 2006 - Ancient Philosophy 26 (1):45-64.
    In 'Meteorology' IV.12, Aristotle explains that homogeneous bodies are defined in terms of their functiony "function" he does nos not mean, as Gill has argued, a functional role in some living thing or artifact, but rather a power of acting or being affected that each homogeneous body has in its own right. This points toward a teleology in Aristotle that is less dependent on his biology than has recently been argued.
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    Time, Eternity, Relativity, and History.Christopher V. Mirus - 2020 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 94:193-203.
    What picture of reality emerges from the attempt to hold together the following three claims? (1) For temporal beings only the present, not the past or the future, exists. (2) For God, all times are present. (3) For temporal beings, what counts as present varies from individual to individual, as described in the theory of relativity. These claims jointly suggest that reality is always reality for—for God, or for this or that creature. This is neither relativism nor anti-metaphysical phenomenology; instead, (...)
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  9. Aristotle on Beauty and Goodness in Nature.Christopher V. Mirus - 2012 - International Philosophical Quarterly 52 (1):79-97.
    In this article I provide a philosophical exposition of Aristotle’s claim that natural beings—precisely as beings—are intrinsically good and beautiful. The discussionattends to both living and non-living beings, and also explores the relation between Aristotle’s account of natural beauty, his teleology, and his ethics. I conclude by exploring three objections to Aristotle’s view: that many existing things are clearly bad; that the concepts “good” and “bad” apply only in relation to living things, being relevant to these not as beings but (...)
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    Relation is not a Category: A Sketch of Relation as a Transcendental.Christopher V. Mirus - 2019 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 93:189-98.
    Working within the Aristotelian tradition, I argue that relation is not a category but a transcendental property of being. By this I mean that all substances are actualized, and hence defined, relationally: all actuality is interactuality. Interactuality is the locus for the relational categories of substance, action, being-affected, number, and most types of quality. The interactuality of corporeal beings is further conditioned by relations of setting; here we find the relational categories of place (where), quantity in the sense of size, (...)
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  11.  42
    Excellence As Completion in Aristotle’s Physics and Metaphysics.Christopher V. Mirus - 2013 - Review of Metaphysics 66 (4):663-690.
    This essay explores Aristotle’s description of virtue or excellence as a completion through a contextual reading of two texts: the entry on “the complete” in his philosophical lexicon and the brief discussion of excellence in Physics 7.3. In both Aristotle explores conceptual and ontological issues germane to a general concept of excellence; in both, the key premise is that excellence is best thought of as a completion. His development of this claim draws on two larger themes. In Metaphysics 5, the (...)
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    Evil in Aristotle ed. by Pavlos Kontos.Christopher V. Mirus - 2019 - Review of Metaphysics 72 (4):800-801.
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    Form, Matter, Substance by Kathrin Koslicki.Christopher V. Mirus - 2020 - Review of Metaphysics 74 (1):155-157.
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  14. A Person as a Lifetime: An Aristotelian Account of Persons. [REVIEW]Christopher V. Mirus - 2017 - Review of Metaphysics 71 (1).
  15.  37
    Cognitive harmony: The role of systemic harmony in the constitution of knowledge; Realism and pragmatic epistemology; Epistemic logic: A survey of the logic of knowledge, by Nicholas Rescher. [REVIEW]Christopher V. Mirus - 2007 - Review of Metaphysics 60 (4):878-882.
  16.  60
    Formal Causes: Definition, Explanation, and Primacy in Socratic and Aristotelian Thought by Michael T. Ferejohn. [REVIEW]Christopher V. Mirus - 2015 - Review of Metaphysics 69 (1):132-134.
  17.  40
    Review of Jacob Klapwijk, Purpose in the Living World? Creation and Emergent Evolution[REVIEW]Christopher V. Mirus - 2009 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2009 (11).
  18.  34
    Timothy McGrew, Marc Alspector-Kelly, and Fritz Allhoff, eds. Philosophy of Science: An Historical Anthology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. Pp. xx+680. $104.95 ; $57.95. [REVIEW]Christopher V. Mirus - 2011 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 1 (1):132-135.
  19.  23
    Panton-Valentine leukocidin genes in Staphylococcus aureus.Leukocidin Genes - 2003 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 9:978-84.
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    Agape: An Ethical Analysis.Gene H. Outka - 1972 - Yale University Press.
    This study is the most comprehensive account to date of modern treatments of the love commandment. Gene Outka examines the literature on agape from Nygren's Agape and Eros in 1930. Both Roman Catholic and Protestant writings are considered, including those of D'Arcy, Niebuhr, Ramsey, Tillich, and above all, Karl Barth. The first seven chapters focus on the principal treatments in the theological literature as they relate to major topics in ethical theory. The last chapter explores further the basic normative (...)
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    The influence of stated organizational concern upon ethical decision making.Gene R. Laczniak & Edward J. Inderrieden - 1987 - Journal of Business Ethics 6 (4):297 - 307.
    This experimental study evaluated the influence of stated organizational concern for ethical conduct upon managerial behavior. Using an in-basket to house the manipulation, a sample of 113 MBA students with some managerial experience reacted to scenarios suggesting illegal conduct and others suggesting only unethical behavior. Stated organizational concern for ethical conduct was varied from none (control group) to several other situations which included a high treatment consisting of a Code of Ethics, an endorsement letter by the CEO and specific sanctions (...)
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  22. Individual Difference Variables, Ethical Judgments, and Ethical Behavioral Intentions.Gene Brown - 1999 - Business Ethics Quarterly 9 (2):183-205.
    Abstract:This study examined the relationship between the individual difference variables of personal moral philosophy, locus of control, Machiavellianism, and just world beliefs and ethical judgments and behavioral intentions. A sample of 602 marketing practitioners participated in the study. Structural equation modeling was used to test hypothesized relationships. The results either fully or partially supported hypothesized direct effects for idealism, relativism, and Machiavellianism. Findings also suggested that Machiavellianism mediated the relationship between individual difference variables and ethical judgments/behavioral intentions.
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  23. Fostering ethical marketing decisions.Gene R. Laczniak & Patrick E. Murphy - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (4):259 - 271.
    This paper begins by examining several potentially unethical recent marketing practices. Since most marketing managers face ethical dilemmas during their careers, it is essential to study the moral consequences of these decisions. A typology of ways that managers might confront ethical issues is proposed. The significant organizational, personal and societal costs emanting from unethical behavior are also discussed. Both relatively simple frameworks and more comprehensive models for evaluating ethical decisions in marketing are summarized. Finally, the fact that organizational commitment to (...)
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  24.  32
    A cross-situational test of utility theory.Gene M. Heyman - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (2):324-324.
  25.  38
    Optimization theory: A too narrow path.Gene M. Heyman - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (1):136-137.
  26.  54
    Prospects for a Common Morality.Gene Outka & John P. Reeder (eds.) - 1992 - Princeton University Press.
    This volume centers on debates about how far moral judgments bind across traditions and epochs. Nowadays such debates appear especially volatile, both in popular culture and intellectual discourse: although there is increasing agreement that the moral and political criteria invoked in human rights documents possess cross-cultural force, many modern and postmodern developments erode confidence in moral appeals that go beyond a local consensus or apply outside a particular community. Often the point of departure for discussion is the Enlightenment paradigm of (...)
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  27.  61
    Resolving the contradictions of addiction.Gene M. Heyman - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (4):561-574.
    Research findings on addiction are contradictory. According to biographical records and widely used diagnostic manuals, addicts use drugs compulsively, meaning that drug use is out of control and independent of its aversive consequences. This account is supported by studies that show significant heritabilities for alcoholism and other addictions and by laboratory experiments in which repeated administration of addictive drugs caused changes in neural substrates associated with reward. Epidemiological and experimental data, however, show that the consequences of drug consumption can significantly (...)
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  28. Marketing, Consumers and Technology: Perspectives for Enhancing Ethical Transactions.Gene R. Laczniak & Patrick E. Murphy - 2006 - Business Ethics Quarterly 16 (3):313-321.
    The advance of technology has influenced marketing in a number of ways that have ethical implications. Growth in use of the Internetand e-commerce has placed electronic “cookies,” spyware, spam, RFIDs, and data mining at the forefront of the ethical debate. Some marketers have minimized the significance of these trends. This overview paper examines these issues and introduces the two articles that follow. It is hoped that these entries will further the important “marketing and technology” ethical debate.
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    Functionalism and Causal Exclusion.D. Gene Witmer - 2003 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 84 (2):198-214.
    Recent work by Jaegwon Kim and others suggest that functionalism leaves mental properties causally inefficacious in some sense. I examine three lines of argument for this conclusion. The first appeals to Occam's Razor; the second appeals to a ban on overdetermination; and the third charges that the kind of response I favor to these arguments forces me to give up "the homogeneity of mental and physical causation". I show how each argument fails. While I concede that a positive theory of (...)
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    On the role of imagery in event-based prospective memory.Gene A. Brewer, Justin Knight, J. Thadeus Meeks & Richard L. Marsh - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (3):901-907.
    The role of imagery in encoding event-based prospective memories has yet to be fully clarified. Herein, it is argued that imagery augments a cue-to-context association that supports event-based prospective memory performance. By this account, imagery encoding not only improves prospective memory performance but also reduces interference to intention-related information that occurs outside of context. In the current study, when lure words occurred outside of the appropriate responding context, the use of imagery encoding strategies resulted in less interference when compared with (...)
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  31. The ethics of human stem cell research.Gene H. Outka - 2002 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 12 (2):175-213.
    : The medical and clinical promise of stem cell research is widely heralded, but moral judgments about it collide. This article takes general stock of such judgments and offers one specific resolution. It canvasses a spectrum of value judgments on sources, complicity, adult stem cells, and public and private contexts. It then examines how debates about abortion and stem cell research converge and diverge. Finally, it proposes to extend the principle of "nothing is lost" to current debates. This extension links (...)
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    In defense of generalization.Gene V. Glass - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (3):394-395.
  33.  11
    Religion and morality; a collection of essays.Gene H. Outka - 1973 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Anchor Press. Edited by John P. Reeder.
  34. Tolstoy and the Critics Literature and Aesthetics [by] Holley Gene Duffield [and] Manuel Bilsky. --.Holley Gene Duffield & Manuel Bilsky - 1965 - Scott, Foresman.
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  35. Comic Cure for Delusional Democracy: Plato's Republic.Gene Fendt - 2014 - Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
    In this book, author Gene Fendt shows how Plato's Republic provides a liturgical purification for the political and psychic delusions of democratic readers, even as Socrates provides the same for his interlocutors at the festival of Bendis. Each of the several characters is analyzed in accord with Book Eight's 6 geometrically possible kinds of character showing how their answers and failures in the dialogue exhibit the particular kind of movement and blindness predictable for the type.
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    The Concept of Problem.Gene P. Agre - 1982 - Educational Studies 13 (2):121-142.
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    Can Keynesianism explain the 1930s? Reply to Cowen.Gene Smiley - 1991 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 5 (1):81-114.
    Tyler Cowen's ?Why Keynesianism Triumphed? proposed that only Keynesian economists have presented a successful explanation for the Great Depression of 1929?1933 and the continuing slow and intermittent recovery of the rest of the 1930s. This paper examines recent scholarship on the 1930s and finds that there is increasing doubt about the validity of Keynesian explanations, lending credence to both older and recent scholarship that vindicates free?market views of why the Depression happened and why the recovery was so slow and uneven.
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  38. Hans-Herman Hoppe's argumentation ethic: A critique.Gene Callahan & Robert P. Murphy - 2006 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 20 (2):53-64.
    ONE OF THE MOST prominent theorists of anarcho-capitalism is Hans- Hermann Hoppe. In what is perhaps his most famous result, the argumentation ethic for libertarianism, he purports to establish an a priori defense of the justice of a social order based exclusively on pri- vate property. Hoppe claims that all participants in a debate must presuppose the libertarian principle that every person owns himself, since the principle underlies the very concept of argumentation. Some libertarians (e.g., Rothbard 1988) have celebrated Hoppe’s (...)
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  39.  43
    Platonic errors: Plato, a kind of poet.Gene Fendt - 1998 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. Edited by David Rozema.
    Poetic and dramatic readings of selected Platonic dialogues show the fallacy of the philosophical and political positions usually attributed to Plato. Dialogues dealt with include Apology, Meno, Ion, Republic, Theaetetus, Euthyphro, Laws.
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    Charlemagne, Muhammad, and the Arab Roots of Capitalism.Gene W. Heck - 2006 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Presented in six principal analytic chapters with supporting appendices, this book explores the role of Islam in precipitating Europe's twelfth century commercial renaissance. Employing the classic analytic techniques of economics, Gene Heck determines that medieval Europe's feudal interregnum was largely caused by indigenous governmental business regulation and not by shifts in international trade patterns. He then proceeds by demonstrating how Islamic economic precepts provided the ideological rationales that empowered medieval Europe to escape its three-centuries-long experiment in "Dark Age economics" (...)
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  41.  15
    The Engineering Project: Its Nature, Ethics, and Promise.Gene Moriarty - 2015 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    We all live our daily lives surrounded by the products of technology that make what we do simpler, faster, and more efficient. These are benefits we often just take for granted. But at the same time, as these products disburden us of unwanted tasks that consumed much time and effort in earlier eras, many of them also leave us more disengaged from our natural and even human surroundings. It is the task of what Gene Moriarty calls focal engineering to (...)
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    Insect societies and the molecular biology of social behavior.Gene E. Robinson, Susan E. Fahrbach & Mark L. Winston - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (12):1099-1108.
    This article outlines the rationale for a molecular genetic study of social behavior, and explains why social insects are good models. Summaries of research on brain and behavior in two species, honey bees and fire ants, are presented to illustrate the richness of the behavioral phenomena that can be addressed with social insects and to show how they are beginning to be used to study genes that influence social behavior. We conclude by considering the problems and potential of this emerging (...)
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  43.  13
    Plutonium, Power, and Politics: International Arrangements for the Disposition of Spent Nuclear Fuel.Gene I. Rochlin - 1979 - University of California Press.
    In the early 1970s, the major industrial states were preparing to shift to nuclear fission as their principal source of electrical power. But that change has not occurred. In part, this is due to a growing public recognition that techniques and institutions for management of spent nuclear fuel, separated plutonium, and long-lived radioactive wastes are not yet fully developed. The consequent pressures for resolution have spurred a series of often ill-defined and sometimes contradictory attempts to promote international cooperation and control (...)
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  44. Say No to GMOs! (Genetically Modified Organisms).Gene Thomas & Chris Picone - unknown
    Time was when you could bite a tomato and not ingest fish genes. Time was when you could eat french fries and just worry about the fat and salt, not the bacterial genes that produce insecticides in the potato. Those times are over, thanks to corporate control over both genetic engineering and the lack of food-labeling. Unless you are a “hard core” consumer of organic foods, you eat genetically engineered foods everyday. While 80-90% of US consumers believe genetically engineered foods (...)
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  45.  20
    (1 other version)The ethical journalist: making responsible decisions in the pursuit of news.Gene Foreman - 2009 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    The Ethical Journalist gives aspiring journalists the tools they need to make responsible professional decisions. Provides a foundation in applied ethics in journalism Examines the subject areas where ethical questions most frequently arise in modern practice Incorporates the views of distinguished print, broadcast and online journalists, exploring such critical issues as race, sex, and the digitalization of news sources Illustrated with 24 real-life case studies that demonstrate how to think in 'shades of gray' rather than 'black and white' Includes questions (...)
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  46. Whistle blowing: Its moral justification.Gene G. James - forthcoming - Business Ethics.
  47. Winch on Following a Rule: A Wittgensteinian Critique of Oakeshott.Gene Callahan - 2012 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 18 (2):167-175.
    Peter Winch famously critiqued Michael Oakeshott's view of human conduct. He argued that Oakeshott had missed the fact that truly human conduct is conduct that 'follows a rule.' This paper argues that, as is sometimes the case with Oakeshott, what seems, on the surface, to be a disagreement with another, somewhat compatible thinker about a matter of detail in some social theory in fact turns out to point to a deeper philosophical divide. In particular, I contend, Winch, as typical of (...)
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    Ethics, Ethos and the Professions.Gene Moriarty - 1995 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 4 (1):75-93.
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  49. The particularist turn in theological and philosophical ethics.Gene Outka - 1996 - In Lisa Sowle Cahill & James F. Childress (eds.), Christian ethics: problems and prospects. Cleveland, Ohio: Pilgrim Press. pp. 93--118.
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    Evolution of the stewardship idea in american country life.Gene Wunderlich - 2004 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 17 (1):77-93.
    Theological and secular concepts ofstewardship evolved markedly in the 20thcentury. During this period of evolution, theAmerican Country Life Association through itschurch, academic, farm organization, andgovernmental affiliations, served as a bridgingand bonding agent in developing the stewardshipidea. As in any evolutionary process, thestewardship concept was subjected to a broadarray of influences and characterized bynotable highlights such as the Lynn Smithcritique of the Judaeo-Christian ethic, theman-in-nature statement of Douglas John Hall,and the environmental concerns of ecologistsand philosophers of the post-Rachel Carson era.Some gains (...)
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