Results for 'Gerald Konyn'

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    The story of philosophy.Gerald Konyn - 1967 - London,: Muller.
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  2. Negative and positive freedom.Gerald MacCallum - 1967 - Philosophical Review 76 (3):312-334.
  3. Is More Choice Better than Less?Gerald Dworkin - 1982 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 7 (1):47-61.
  4. Reconstructing Scientific Realism to Rebut the Pessimistic Meta‐induction.Gerald Doppelt - 2007 - Philosophy of Science 74 (1):96-118.
    This paper develops a stronger version of ‘inference-to-the-best explanation’ scientific realism. I argue against three standard assumptions of current realists: realism is confirmed if it provides the best explanation of theories’ predictive success ; the realist claim that successful theories are always approximately true provides the best explanation of their success ; and realists are committed to giving the same sort of truth-based explanation of superseded theories’ success that they give to explain our best current theories’ success. On the positive (...)
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    Classical Sāṃkhya: an interpretation of its history and meaning.Gerald James Larson - 1979 - Santa Barbara [Calif.]: Ross/Erikson. Edited by Īśvarakṛṣṇa.
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    Emotion regulation choice: a broad examination of external factors.Gerald Young & Gaurav Suri - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (2):242-261.
    Emotion regulation choices are known to be profoundly consequential across affective, cognitive, and social domains. Prior studies have identified two important external factors of emotion regulati...
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  7. Reasonable pluralism and the domain of the political: How the weaknesses of John Rawls's political liberalism can be overcome by a justificatory liberalism.Gerald F. Gaus - 1999 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 42 (2):259 – 284.
    Under free institutions the exercise of human reason leads to a plurality of reasonable, yet irreconcilable doctrines. Rawls's political liberalism is intended as a response to this fundamental feature of modern democratic life. Justifying coercive political power by appeal to any one (or sample) of these doctrines is, Rawls believes, oppressive and illiberal. If we are to achieve unity without oppression, he tells us, we must all affirm a public political conception that is supported by these diverse reasonable doctrines. The (...)
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    Cognition in emotion: Always, sometimes, or never.Gerald L. Clore & Andrew Ortony - 2000 - In Richard D. R. Lane, L. Nadel & G. L. Ahern (eds.), Cognitive Neuroscience of Emotion. Series in Affective Science. Oxford University Press. pp. 24--61.
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    Integrity and compromise in nursing ethics.Gerald R. Winslow - 1991 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 16 (3):307-323.
    Nurses are often caught in the middle of what appear to be intractable moral conflicts. For such times, the function and limits of moral compromise need to be explored. Compromise is compatible with moral integrity if a number of conditions are met. Among these are the sharing of a moral language, mutual respect on the part of those who differ, acknowledgement of factual and moral complexities, and recognition of limits to compromise. Nurses are in a position uniquely suited to leadership (...)
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    “To Shift to a Higher Structure”: Desire, Disembodiment, and Evolution in the Anime of Otomo, Ishii, and Anno.Gerald Miller - 2008 - Intertexts 12 (1-2):145-166.
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    Doing Philosophy.Gerald Rochelle - 2012 - Edinburgh, Scotland: Routledge.
    First published in 2012, Doing Philosophy presents the basics of how 'to do' philosophy -- what philosophy is, how we can think, the nature of logic, some special terms -- in a straightforward and easy to understand style. Then, using questions and exercises as well as everyday examples, the author takes the reader on a wide-ranging tour of key philosophical topics which, as well as the 'standard fare' of logic, epistemology, mind, God etc., also includes ethical, social, scientific, cultural and (...)
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    Mill's theory of moral rules.Gerald F. Gaus - 1980 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 58 (3):265 – 279.
    David lyons has recently argued that mill's ethics is an alternative to both act and rule utilitarianism. In the first part of this paper I argue that lyons makes mill out to be far too much of a rule utilitarian. The second part of the article then provides an account of mill's theory of moral rules based on an analysis of the four functions rules serve in his ethics. On this reading mill's theory is a hybrid of act and rule (...)
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  13. Philosophie im deutschsprachigen Raum 1800-1830.Gerald Hartung (ed.) - 2020
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  14. Consequentialism, cluelessness, and indifference.Gerald Lang - 2008 - Journal of Value Inquiry 42 (4):477-485.
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    Historical self-understanding in the social sciences: The use of Thomas Kuhn in psychology.Gerald L. Peterson - 1981 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 11 (1):1–30.
    Thomas Kuhn's thesis concerning the structure of scientific change was critically examined in relation to the historical problems of social science. The use and interpretation of Kuhn's ideas by psychologists was reviewed and found to center around the proliferation of theoretical views as paradigms, the viewing of theoretical differences as paradigm clashes, and efforts to affirm particular conceptions of psychology's past or future. Such use was seen as curbing discussion of fundamental issues, and to reflect a continuing neglect of the (...)
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  16. Law's autonomy and public practical reason.Gerald Postema - 1996 - In Robert P. George (ed.), The autonomy of law: essays on legal positivism. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 79--118.
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  17. What's the Matter? Review of Derek Parfit, On What Matters.Gerald Lang - 2012 - Utilitas 24 (2):300-312.
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    Modernity and Conflict.Gerald Doppelt - 1985 - Analyse & Kritik 7 (2):206-233.
    In this essay, seek to provide a plausible alternative to Maclntyre’s bold and provocative conception of modernity. I contest his claim that modern social life is marked by (1) the absence of any shared paradigm of the good, tradition, and social morality; (2) rationally interminable normative conflict; (3) characteristically instrumental poweroriented social relations; and (4) the impossibility of genuine human achievement and virtue. I argue that modern conflict is rooted not in the absence of a shored paradigm of the good (...)
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    Reference and the Ghost of Parmenides.Gerald Vision - 1985 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 25-26 (1):297-326.
    Parmenides didn't mention reference as such, but if he had he would have undoubtedly agreed with the philosophers who nowadays hold what is called "the axiom of existence": that one can only refer to what exists. The sources of possible support for this view are examined and rejected. Primary support for the axiom is given by two sorts of argument; one concerning quantification, the other summarizing a standard Parmenidean puzzle. Weaknesses in both are exposed. Finally, the relations between the axiom (...)
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  20. Dworkin on judicial discretion: Comments.Gerald C. MacCallum - 1963 - Journal of Philosophy 60 (21):638-641.
  21. The idea and ideal of capitalism.Gerald Gaus - 2010 - In George G. Brenkert & Tom L. Beauchamp (eds.), The Oxford handbook of business ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Consider a stylized contrast between medical and business ethics. Both fields of applied ethics focus on a profession whose activities are basic to human welfare. Both enquire into obligations of professionals, and the relations between goals intrinsic to the profession and ethical duties to others and to the society. I am struck, however, by a fundamental difference: whereas medical ethics takes place against a background of almost universal consensus that the practice of medicine is admirable and morally praiseworthy, the business (...)
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    The perception of rotary motion.Gerald M. Murch - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 86 (1):83.
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  23. Perspectives on Ethics and Water Policy in Delaware.Gerald J. Kauffman - 2007 - Journal of Philosophical Research 32 (9999):93-126.
    Water is a finite resource held in common by the community yet coveted by individuals and special interests. The water management field is filled with disputes about water allocation, rights, and pollution. Environmental ethics is a basis for equitable water policy making in Delaware. The resource allocation dilemma is examined in relation to conflicting objectives imposed by a market economy between individual self-interests and community environmental well being. Two forms of water law are practiced in the USA—eastern riparianrights and western (...)
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    When faith does violence: Reimagining engagement between churches and LGBTI groups on homophobia in Africa.Gerald West, Charlene Van der Walt & Kapya John Kaoma - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (1).
    ‘Homophobia’ is shorthand for stigmatising attitudes and practices towards people who demonstrate sexual diversity. In this article, we reflect on how African Christian faith may become redemptive rather than violent in the context of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex forms of sexuality.
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  25. How to derive morality from Hume's Maxim.Gerald Hull - manuscript
    The argument that follows has a certain air of prestidigitation about it. I attempt to show that, given a couple of innocent-seeming suppositions, it is possible to derive a positive and complete theory of normative ethics from the Humean maxim "You can't get ought from is." This seems, of course, absurd. If the reasoning isn't completely unhinged, you may be sure, the trick has to lie in those "innocent-seeming" props. And, in fact, you are right. But every argument has to (...)
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    What's Special about the History of Philosophy?Gerald J. Galgan - 1987 - American Philosophical Quarterly 24 (1):91 - 96.
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    The Biology of Senescence. Alex Comfort.Gerald Gruman - 1957 - Isis 48 (4):481-482.
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    Gesetz und Obligation. Die spätscholastische Gesetzestheologie und ihr Einfluß auf die Naturrechtsdebatte der Frühen Neuzeit.Gerald Hartung - 2001 - In Frank Grunert & Kurt Seelmann (eds.), Die Ordnung der Praxis: Neue Studien Zur Spanischen Spätscholastik. Tübingen: De Gruyter. pp. 381-402.
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    Ordnung ist mehr als das halbe Leben.Gerald Härtung - 2006 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 54 (6):954-957.
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    Rembrandt – Ein kunstphilosophischer Versuch.Gerald Hartung - 2021 - In Jörn Bohr, Gerald Hartung, Heike Koenig & Tim-Florian Steinbach (eds.), Simmel-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung. J.B. Metzler. pp. 365-375.
    Simmels Interesse an der Kunstphilosophie geht auf seine Studienzeiten zurück. Bei Hermann GrimmGrimm, Herman und Max JordanJordan, Max hat er kunstgeschichtliche Vorlesungen an der Berliner Universität gehört. Sein spezifisches Interesse an RembrandtsRembrandt van Rijn Kunst bringt er in Briefen an Paul ErnstErnst, Paul und Margarete von Bendemann zum Audruck. Georg Lukács hat es in seinen Erinnerungen an seinen akademischen Lehrer auf den Punkt gebracht: Simmel habe sich den Figuren Goethe, Kant, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer und Rembrandt als Geschichtsphilosoph genähert, „für den jede (...)
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    The problem of figuration in antiquity.Gerald L. Bruns - 1984 - In Gary Shapiro & Alan Sica (eds.), Hermeneutics: questions and prospects. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press. pp. 147--164.
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    Individual and Polis in Plato’s Republic.Gerald Cantu - 2011 - Polis 28 (1):90-107.
    Two views of Plato’s politics in the Republic predominate in the literature. Political organicism is the view that the polis is an organism and implies that individual happiness is defined by an individual’s contribution to the polis’s good. Individualism is the view that the polis is reducible to individuals, which implies that the polis’s good is nothing but individual happiness aggregated. This article develops a middle-of-the-road view called weak organicism, which qualifies Plato’s organicism and includes a Platonic account of the (...)
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  33.  20
    Some notes on the concept and experimental study of cooperation.Gerald Marwell Anddavid R. Schmitt - 1971 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 1 (2):153–164.
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    Human Flourishing and Autonomy as Passive.Gerald Taylor - unknown
    Most prominent accounts of autonomy are active accounts, which means they hold that an agent can be autonomous with respect to a given action only if that agent has appropriately sanctioned that action. Active accounts, however, are vulnerable to the regress problem, since it seems that the required sanctioning actions are themselves just actions that must be sanctioned. Passive accounts hope to avoid the regress problem by eschewing the notion that autonomous action requires agential sanction, but face in its place (...)
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    The convergence of rights and utility: The case of Rawls and mill.Gerald F. Gaus - 1981 - Ethics 92 (1):57-72.
  36. Vagueness and ‘vague’: A reply to Varzi.Gerald Hull - 2005 - Mind 114 (455):689-693.
    Varzi has recently joined a thread of arguments originating in an attempt by Sorensen (1985) to demonstrate that the predicate ‘vague’ is itself vague. Sorensen's conclusion is significant in that it has provided the basis for a subsequent effort by Hyde (1994) to defend the legitimacy of supposing higher-order vagueness. Varzi's contribution to this debate is twofold. First, contra earlier criticism by Deas (1989), he claims that Sorensen's result is sound so far as it goes. Second, he argues that despite (...)
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    Editorial: History and Dialogue.Gerald Cipriani - 2017 - Culture and Dialogue 5 (2):155-156.
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    Tikkun olam: engaged spirituality and Jewish identity.Gerald Cromer - 2007 - Ramat Gan: Rappaport Center for Assimilation Research and Strengthening Jewish Vitality, Bar Ilan University, Faculty of Jewish Studies.
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    Reconciling an underlying contradiction in the Distancing-Embracing model.Gerald C. Cupchik - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
    The Distancing-Embracing model proposes that negative emotions embedded in literary works can be rewarding. This is consistent with a holistic ontology in the German Romantic tradition. However, the application of cognitive psychology to explain experiences of aesthetic pleasure is problematic because it is founded on a mechanistic Enlightenment epistemology. The appreciation of negative emotions requires cognitive elaboration and closure, whereas hedonistic reward is contingent on the reader's needs, in the moment, for pleasure or distraction.
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  40. In Honor of Bonnie Bullough.Gerald Larue - 1996 - Free Inquiry 16.
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    Some Notes on the Concept and Experimental Study of Cooperation.Gerald Marwell & David R. Schmitt - 1971 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 1 (2):153-164.
  42.  27
    Is St. Thomas’ “Science of God” Still Relevant Today?Gerald A. McCool - 1974 - International Philosophical Quarterly 14 (4):435-454.
  43. (1 other version)Saint Thomas Aquinas.Gerald Vann - 1940 - London,: Hague & Gill.
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    Mortal and immortal DNA: science and the lure of myth.Gerald Weissmann - 2009 - New York: Bellevue Literary Press.
    Mortal and immortal DNA : Craig Venter and the lure of "lamia" -- Homeopathy : Holmes, hogwarts, and the Prince of Wales -- Citizen Pinel and the madman at Bellevue -- The experimental pathology of stress : Hans Selye to Paris Hilton -- Gore's fever and Dante's Inferno : Chikungunya reaches Ravenna -- Giving things their proper names : Carl Linnaeus and W.H. Auden -- Spinal irritation and fibromyalgia : Lincoln's surgeon general and the three graces -- Tithonus and the (...)
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    What I Learned from Schiavo.Gerald S. Witherspoon - 2007 - Hastings Center Report 37 (6):17-20.
  46. Classical sāmkhya and the phenomenological ontology of Jean-Paul Sartre.Gerald J. Larson - 1969 - Philosophy East and West 19 (1):45-58.
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    After the Corporation.Gerald F. Davis - 2013 - Politics and Society 41 (2):283-308.
    Shareholder-owned corporations were the central pillars of the US economy in the twentieth century. Due to the success of the shareholder value movement and the widespread “Nikefication” of production, however, public corporations have become less concentrated, less integrated, less interconnected at the top, shorter-lived, and less prevalent since the turn of the twenty-first century, and there is reason to expect that their significance will continue to dwindle. We are left with both pathologies and new technologies suitable for being repurposed in (...)
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    Logik der Sozialwissenschaften.Gerald L. Eberlein - 1994 - ProtoSociology 6:273-287.
    J. St. Mill's System of Logic (1843) is reexamined from the perspective of present-day analytical philosophy of the social sciences. His naturalistic epistemology, "state", "general/universal laws", "social statics/dynamics" are discussed, as well as his four methods. His nomological-behavioral position is analysed, along with his theoretical approach.
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    Who overlooks the fat woman?Gerald H. Fisher - 1968 - British Journal of Aesthetics 8 (4):394-401.
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    Rabbinic philosophy and ethics illustrated by haggadic parables and legends.Gerald Friedlander - 1912 - London,: P. Vallentine and son's (successors).
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