Results for 'Gertrud Farber-Flügge'

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  1.  43
    Der Mythos "Inanna und Enki" unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Liste der meDer Mythos "Inanna und Enki" unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Liste der me.M. W. Green, Gertrud Farber-Flügge & Gertrud Farber-Flugge - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (2):283.
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    Gene and environment interactions in autism risk: Reflections on the carnitine deficiency hypothesis by Beaudet.Keith Fluegge - 2017 - Bioessays 39 (10):1700127.
  3.  7
    Devil take the Hindmost: A Year of the Slump. [REVIEW]Karl W. Fluegge - 1933 - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 2 (3):476-477.
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  4. [Letter from Marvin Farber].Marvin Farber - 1929 - Humana Mente 4 (14):289-290.
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    The Temptations of Evolutionary Ethics.Paul Lawrence Farber - 1994 - University of California Press.
    Evolutionary theory tells us about our biological past; can it also guide us to a moral future? Paul Farber's compelling book describes a century-old philosophical hope held by many biologists, anthropologists, psychologists, and social thinkers: that universal ethical and social imperatives are built into human nature and can be discovered through knowledge of evolutionary theory. Farber describes three upsurges of enthusiasm for evolutionary ethics. The first came in the early years of mid-nineteenth century evolutionary theories; the second in (...)
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  6. Philosophical essays in memory of Edmund Husserl.Marvin Farber (ed.) - 1940 - New York,: Greenwood Press.
    An approach to phenomenology, by D. Cairns.--Husserl's critique of psychologism: its historic roots and contemporary relevance, by J. Wild.--The ideal of a presuppositionless philosophy, by M. Farber.--On the intentionality of consciousness, by A. Gurwitsch.--The "reality-phenomenon" and reality, by H. Spiegelberg.--The phenomenological concept of "horizon", by H. Kuhn.--Phenomenology and logical empiricism, by F. Kaufmann.--Phenomenology and the history of science, by J. Klein.--Phenomenology and the social sciences, by A. Schuetz.--Art and phenomenology, by F. Kaufmann.--The relation of science to philosophy in the (...)
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    Paul Lawrence Farber, Discovering Birds: The Emergence of Ornithology as a Scientific Discipline. [REVIEW]Paul Lawrence Farber - 1997 - Journal of the History of Biology 30 (3):487-488.
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    Metaphysics and the philosophy of mind.Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe - 1981 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    The intentionality of sensation -- The first person -- Substance -- The subjectivity of sensation -- Events in the mind -- Comments on Professor R.L. Gregory's paper on perception -- On sensations of position -- Intention -- Pretending -- On the grammar of "Enjoy" -- The reality of the past -- Memory, "experience," and causation -- Causality and determination -- Times, beginnings, and causes -- Soft determinism -- Causality and extensionality -- Before and after -- Subjunctive conditionals -- "Under a (...)
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  9.  42
    Buffon and the concept of species.Paul L. Farber - 1972 - Journal of the History of Biology 5 (2):259-284.
  10.  17
    Review of Marvin Farber: Naturalism and Subjectivism[REVIEW]Marvin Farber - 1960 - Ethics 71 (1):58-60.
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  11. Causality and determination: an inaugural lecture.Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe - 1971 - London,: Cambridge University Press.
    I IT is often declared or evidently assumed that causality is some kind of necessary connexion, or alternatively, that being caused is — non-trivially ...
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    The ways of the will.Leslie H. Farber - 1966 - New York,: Harper & Row.
    The psychologist Leslie Farber, who died in 1981, has been revered as one of the most astute observers of the human condition and a writer of penetrating wisdom. His essays, on topics as diverse as the pornographic anguish of jealousy and the despair of psychotherapy, were collected in 1966 (The Ways of the Will) and 1976 (Lying, Despair, Jealousy, Envy, Sex, Suicide, Drugs, and the Good Life) and have been out of print for nearly twenty years. Based partly on (...)
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  13.  39
    The Development of Taxidermy and the History of Ornithology.Paul Lawrence Farber - 1977 - Isis 68 (4):550-566.
  14.  24
    Language, Truth, and Logic.Marvin Farber - 1938 - Philosophical Review 47 (1):88.
  15.  15
    (1 other version)The Foundation of Phenomenology: Edmund Husserl and the Quest for a Rigorous Science of Philosophy.Marvin Farber - 1962 - New Brunswick, N.J.: Routledge.
    In this widely hailed and long out of print classic of twentieth century philosophic commentary, Professor Farber explains the origin, development, and function of phenomenology with a view towards its significance for philosophy in general. The book offers a general account of Husserl and the background of his philosophy. The early chapters are devoted to his mathematical-philosophical and psychological studies. The refutation of psychologism is present in detail, together with the critical reaction to it. The development of his logical (...)
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  16. What is it to Believe Someone?Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe - 1979 - In Cornelius F. Delaney, Rationality and Religious Belief. University of Notre Dame Press.
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    The Foundation of Phenomenology: Edmund Husserl and the Quest for a Rigorous Science of Philosophy.Marvin FÄRber - 1962 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 2 (1):58-59.
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  18.  34
    Existence and Being.Marvin Farber - 1952 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 12 (4):580-581.
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    Buffon and Daubenton: Divergent Traditions within the Histoire naturelle.Paul Farber - 1975 - Isis 66 (1):63-74.
  20. What is literature? What is art? Integrating essence and history.Jerry Farber - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (3):1-21.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:What Is Literature? What Is Art?Integrating Essence and HistoryJerry Farber (bio)I. Aesthetic ExperienceThere remains a widespread belief among literature professors that literature doesn't exist; that is, that it has no stable, transhistorical identity. The very term "literature," we are reminded, shifts its meaning from one century to another. And even if someone should insist that, when they talk about literature, they're not talking about writings in general or (...)
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  21.  13
    The Search for an Alternative: Philosophical Perspectives of Subjectivism and Marxism.Marvin Farber - 2016 - University of Pennsylvania Press.
    This is the final work of one of the most influential American philosophers of the twentieth century. After many years of investigation throughout a long and distinguished career, this book represents Marvin Farber's definitive answer to the question of the nature and function of philosophy. Originally a follower of Husserl, Farber can be credited with bringing phenomenology to the attention of American philosophy. In his later years, he abandoned phenomenology for a kind of naturalism and subsequently called himself (...)
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  22.  15
    The roads to modernity: the British, French, and American enlightenments.Gertrude Himmelfarb - 2004 - New York: Random House.
    One of our most distinguished intellectual historians gives us a brilliant revisionist history. The Roads to Modernity reclaims the Enlightenment–an extraordinary time bursting with new ideas about the human condition in the realms of politics, society, and religion–from historians who have downgraded its importance and from scholars who have given preeminence to the Enlightenment in France over concurrent movements in England and America. Contrasting the Enlightenments in the three nations, Gertrude Himmelfarb demonstrates the primacy of the British and the wisdom (...)
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  23.  30
    Dobzhansky and Montagu’s Debate on Race: The Aftermath.Paul Lawrence Farber - 2016 - Journal of the History of Biology 49 (4):625-639.
    Dobzhansky and Montagu debated the use and validity of the term “race” over a period of decades. They failed to reach an agreement, and the “debate” has continued to the present. The ms contains an account of the debate to the present. This essay is part of a Special Issue, Revisiting Garland Allen’s Views on the History of the Life Sciences in the Twentieth Century.
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  24.  90
    Peirce on Reality, Truth, and the Convergence of Inquiry in the Limit.Ilya Farber - 2005 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 41 (3):541 - 566.
    The article analyzes how American philosopher Charles Peirce understands the concept of reality. He identifies the real as that which is independent of what any individual thinks about it and as a type of cognition and as the object of inquiry. Obtrusive realism and projective realism are the two central elements in Peirce's thoughts on reality. A set of problems relating to Peirce's assumption that inquiry must ultimately focus on true beliefs about reality is also presented.
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  25.  42
    The phenomenological tendency.Marvin Farber - 1962 - Journal of Philosophy 59 (16):429-439.
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  26.  31
    Beyond All Reason: The Radical Assault on Truth in American Law.Daniel A. Farber & Suzanna Sherry - 1997 - New York: Oxford University Press USA. Edited by Suzanna Sherry.
    Would you want to be operated on by a surgeon trained at a medical school that did not evaluate its students? Would you want to fly in a plane designed by people convinced that the laws of physics are socially constructed? Would you want to be tried by a legal system indifferent to the distinction between fact and fiction? These questions may seem absurd, but these are theories being seriously advanced by radical multiculturalists that force us to ask them. These (...)
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    Beyond all reason: the radical assault on truth in American law.Daniel A. Farber - 1997 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Suzanna Sherry.
    Would you want to be operated on by a surgeon trained at a medical school that did not evaluate its students? Would you want to fly in a plane designed by people convinced that the laws of physics are socially constructed? Would you want to be tried by a legal system indifferent to the distinction between fact and fiction? These questions may seem absurd, but there are theories being seriously advanced by radical multiculturalists that force us to ask such questions. (...)
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    Social Decay and Transformation: A View From the Left.Samuel Farber - 2000 - Lexington Books.
    In Social Decay and Transformation social and political critic Samuel Farber presents an analysis of social decline that has been missing from the contemporary scene: a view from the Left, one which draws from the ideas and traditions of the Enlightenment's left wing. Using a comparative approach to situate his theoretical conclusions in historical circumstances, Farber looks at the working class and temperance movements, civil rights rebellions and the Black Panthers, and the cultural revolutions of 1920s Russia and (...)
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  29.  88
    Toward a theoretical framework for the study of humor in literature and the other arts.Jerry Farber - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 41 (4):67-86.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Toward a Theoretical Framework for the Study of Humor in Literature and the Other ArtsJerry Farber (bio)With a clearer understanding of the way humor works, we might be better able to give it the attention it deserves when we study and teach the arts. But where do we turn to find a theoretical framework for the study of humor—one that will help to clarify the role that humor (...)
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  30.  24
    Subjektivierung Und Politische Handlungsfähigkeit: Althusser, Foucault Und Butler.Corina Färber - 2022 - Transcript Verlag.
    Welche gesellschaftlichen und ökonomischen Bedingungen bestimmen unser individuelles Subjektsein und damit unsere Identität, Sexualität und Geschlechtlichkeit? Wie werden unsere Wahrnehmungs- und Affektmuster, unsere Körpererfahrungen, unser Denken und unsere Reflexionsmöglichkeit geformt? Corina Färber entwickelt eine integrierte Subjektivierungsanalytik im Anschluss an Louis Althusser, Michel Foucault und Judith Butler. Dies erlaubt ihr, die Subjektwerdung als ambivalenten und konkreten Prozess analysierbar zu machen und im Hinblick auf die Möglichkeiten der politischen Handlungsfähigkeit und politischen Subjektivierung zu befragen.
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  31. Consciousness and the neurosciences: Philosophical and theoretical issues.Ilya B. Farber & Patricia S. Churchland - 1995 - In Michael S. Gazzaniga, The Cognitive Neurosciences. MIT Press.
  32.  49
    Experience and transcendence.Marvin Farber - 1951 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 12 (1):1-23.
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  33.  71
    Heidegger on the essence of truth.Marvin Farber - 1957 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 18 (4):523-532.
  34.  22
    Philosophical Perspectives on Punishment.Gertrude Ezorsky (ed.) - 1972 - State University of New York Press.
    “Punishment,” writes J. E. McTaggart, “ is pain and to inflict pain on any person obviously [requires] justification.” But if the need to justify punishment is obvious, the manner of doing so is not. Philosophers have developed an array of diverse, often conflicting arguments to justify punitive institutions. Gertrude Ezorsky introduces this source book of significant historical and contemporary philosophical writings on problems of punishment with her own article, “The Ethics of Punishment.” She brings together systematically the important papers and (...)
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  35.  36
    From Parmenides to Wittgenstein.Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe - 1981 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    Parmenides, mystery and contradiction -- The early theory of forms -- The new theory of forms -- Understanding proofs : Meno, 85d₉-86c₂, continued -- Aristotle and the sea battle -- The principle of individuation -- Thought and action in Aristotle -- Necessity and truth -- Hume and Julius Caesar -- "Whatever has a beginning of existence must have a cause" : Hume's argument exposed -- Will and emotion -- Retraction -- The question of linguistic idealism.
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  36. The collected philosophical papers of G.E.M. Anscombe.Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe - 1900 - Oxford [Oxfordshire]: Blackwell.
    -- v. 2. Metaphysics and the philosophy of mind.
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  37.  40
    (1 other version)Philosophic thought in France and the United States.Marvin Farber - 1968 - Albany,: State University of New York Press.
    To render the movement of life would involve following, abandoning, and then retracing a hundred different paths; it would mean going outside of France and ...
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    (1 other version)The foundation of phenomenology.Marvin Farber - 1943 - Cambridge, Mass.,: Harvard university press.
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  39. Toward a Naturalistic Philosophy of Experience.Marvin Farber - 1967 - Diogenes 15 (60):103-129.
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  40. Remarks about the phenomenological program.Marvin Farber - 1945 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 6 (1):1-10.
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    Chemical Discoveries by Means of Analogies.Eduard Färber - 1950 - Isis 41 (1):20-26.
  42.  21
    Complex learning and conditioning as a function of anxiety.I. E. Farber & Kenneth W. Spence - 1953 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 45 (2):120.
  43.  71
    Edmund Husserl and the background of his philosophy.Marvin Farber - 1940 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 1 (1):1-20.
  44. How a neural correlate can function as an explanation of consciousness: Evidence from the history of science regarding the likely explanatory value of the NCC approach.Ilya Farber - 2005 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 12 (4-5):77-95.
    A frequent criticism of the neuroscientific approach to consciousness is that its theories describe only 'correlates' or 'analogues' of consciousness, and so fail to address the nature of consciousness itself. Despite its apparent logical simplicity, this criticism in fact relies on some substantive assumptions about the nature and evolution of scientific explanations. In particular, it is usually assumed that, in expressing correlations, neural correlate of consciousness (NCC) theories must fail to capture the causal structure relating brain and mind. Drawing on (...)
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    Husserl's méditations cartésiennes.Marvin Farber - 1935 - Philosophical Review 44 (4):380-387.
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    Lying, Despair, Jealousy, Envy, Sex, Suicide, Drugs, and the Good Life.Leslie H. Farber - 1978 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 38 (4):590-591.
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    Mesopotamian Protective Spirits: The Ritual Texts.Walter Farber & F. A. M. Wiggermann - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (2):263.
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  48. Natural history.Paul Lawrence Farber - 2003 - In Alan Charles Kors, Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  49.  67
    Types of unity and the problem of monism.Marvin Farber - 1943 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 4 (1):37-59.
  50.  46
    The significance of phenomenology for the americas.Marvin Farber - 1943 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 4 (2):208-216.
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