Results for 'Goossens Wk'

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  1. Eulathus and Protagoras.Goossens Wk - 1977 - Logique Et Analyse 20 (77-78):67-75.
  2. Metaphtonymy: The Interaction of Metaphor and Metonymy in Expressions for Linguistic Action.Louis Goossens - 1990 - Cognitive Linguistics 1 (3):323-342.
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  3. El proceso de obtencion de juicos empirico-cientificos.Wk Essler - 1984 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 14 (3-4):461-473.
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    Exploring an Explanation of Moral Duty: Moderate Voluntarism.Charles Goossens - 2000 - Eburon.
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    Exploring a theory of morality and religion: moderate constructivism.Charles Goossens - 2020 - Utrecht: Eburon.
    This book is a fundamental contribution to well-known debates about intuitionism in ethics in light of older traditions. Debates about moral intuitionism do not take into account the theoretical resources of moderate voluntarism. The author submits that these debates should focus attention on ‘intellectualism versus voluntarism’ instead of ‘intuitionism versus utilitarianism’. Whereas according to moral intellectualism moral duty is seen by intuition or detected otherwise, according to moderate voluntarism moral duty is created or generated by moral commitment, ‘commitment’ being used (...)
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  6. Eléments iraniens et folkloriques dans le conte d''Omar Al No 'mân.Roger Goossens - 1934 - Byzantion 9:420-428.
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    Meaning, Truth Conditions and the Internal Point of View.Ch Goossens - 1989 - Philosophical Inquiry 11 (3-4):27-45.
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    Pleidooi voor een empirische rechtskritiek.Charles Goossens - 1982 - Assen: Van Gorcum.
    Rechtssociologische verhandeling over de noodzaak om bij beschouwingen toetsing van het recht de maatschappelijke positie van de betrokkenen in ogenschouw te nemen.
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  9. Taalkaarten in de klas.J. Goossens - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
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    Voor een empirische ethiek.Charles Goossens - 1985 - Assen: Van Gorcum.
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    Brief evaluation of Kierkegaard as ethical critic.Wk Thompson - 1974 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 5 (3):219-232.
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    Einleitung in die Philosophie: Vorlesungen 1922/23.Edmund Husserl & Berndt Goossens - 2012 - Springer.
    Die im vorliegenden Band veröffentlichte Vorlesung "Einleitung in die Philosophie" aus dem Wintersemester 1922/23 ist aus vier 1922 von Husserl in London unter dem Titel "Phänomenologische Methode und phänomenologische Philosophie" gehaltenen Vorträgen hervorgegangen. Die Vorlesung befasst sich vor allem mit dem für die Grundlegung eines philosophischen Systems zentralen Problem der Letztbegründung. Radikale philosophische Letztbegründung ist gemäß Husserl nur möglich in einer sich in apodiktischer Selbstkritik bewährenden phänomenologischen Transzendentalphilosophie. Die tatsächliche Durchführung einer solchen letzten, in seinen späten Schriften und Vorlesungstexten immer (...)
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    Balancing animal welfare and assisted reproduction: ethics of preclinical animal research for testing new reproductive technologies.Verna Jans, Wybo Dondorp, Ellen Goossens, Heidi Mertes, Guido Pennings & Guido de Wert - 2018 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 21 (4):537-545.
    In the field of medically assisted reproduction (MAR), there is a growing emphasis on the importance of introducing new assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) only after thorough preclinical safety research, including the use of animal models. At the same time, there is international support for the three R’s (replace, reduce, refine), and the European Union even aims at the full replacement of animals for research. The apparent tension between these two trends underlines the urgency of an explicit justification of the use (...)
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  14. Democratie als filosofisch vraagstuk.Tim Heysse & Wilfried Goossens (eds.) - 2003 - Kapellen: Uitgeverij Pelckmans.
  15. Engelen van de wereld.Tim Heysse & Wilfried Goossens (eds.) - 2001 - Kapellen: Uitgeverij Pelckmans.
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  16. 'Phanomenologische Methode and Phanomenologische Philosophie'(vol 16, pg 183, 1999).E. Husserl & B. Goossens - 2000 - Husserl Studies 17 (1):85-85.
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  17.  33
    Personalized Nutrition and Social Justice: Ethical Considerations Within Four Future Scenarios Applying the Perspective of Nussbaum’s Capabilities Approach.Karin Nordström & Joe Goossens - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (1):5-22.
    The idea of personalized nutrition is to give tailored dietary advice based on personal health-related data, i.e. phenotoype, genotype, or lifestyle. PN may be seen as part of a general trend towards personalised health care and currently various types of business models are already offering such services in the market. This paper explores ethical issues of PN by examining how PN services within the contextual environment of four future scenarios about health and nutrition in Europe might affect aspects of social (...)
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    Wereldbeschouwelijk denken als filosofisch probleem.Goossen Albertus van der Wal - 1968 - Den Haag,: Kruseman.
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    The phraseology of the contemporary fiction in the PhraseoBase’s corpora and applications.Sascha Diwersy, Laetitia Gonon, Vannina Goossens, Olivier Kraif, Iva Novakova, Julie Sorba & Ilaria Vidotto - 2021 - Corpus 22.
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    Traitement des lexies d’émotion dans les corpus et les applications d’EmoBase.Sascha Diwersy, Vannina Goossens, Anke Grutschus, Beate Kern, Olivier Kraif, Elena Melnikova & Iva Novakova - 2014 - Corpus 13:269-293.
    Cet article détaille la méthodologie mise en place dans le projet EMOLEX qui a abouti à la mise à disposition de corpus multilingues, d’interfaces d’interrogation et d’analyse de ces corpus ainsi que d’applications permettant d’exploiter les analyses linguistiques portant sur le lexique des affects dans cinq langues européennes.
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  21. Science, social theory, and science criticism.S. Restivo & Wk Bauchspies - 1996 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 29 (2):249-272.
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    Recht met reden: verzamelde opstellen.Goossen Albertus van der Wal & Renâe Foquâe - 2003 - [Alphen aan de Rijn]: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Edited by René Foqué.
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  23. De l'utilité du grec moderne.H. Grégoire & R. Goossens - 1938 - Byzantion 13:396-400.
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  24. Democratie als filosofisch vraagstuk. Lezingen over macht, vertegenwoordiging en politiek.Tim Heysse, Wilfried Goossens, Frank Ankersmit, Herman De Dijn, Kris Deschouwer & Jan Frans Lindemans - 2004 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 66 (2):399-399.
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  25. Engelen van de wereld. Hedendaagse filosofen over democratie.Tim Heysse & Wilfried Goossens - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (2):406-407.
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    Can parallel processing and competitive inhibition explain the generation of saccades?M. A. Frens, I. T. C. Hooge & H. H. L. M. Goossens - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (4):685-686.
    The framework of Findlay & Walker's target article provides a first attempt to model the saccadic system at all levels. Their scheme is based on two main principles. These are “parallel processing of saccade timing and metrics” and “competitive inhibition through winner-take-all strategies.” In our opinion, however, both concepts are in their strictest sense at odds with the current knowledge of the saccadic system, and need to be refined to make the scheme more relevant.
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    Long‐term adherence to a local guideline on postoperative body temperature measurement: mixed methods analysis.Marja N. Storm-Versloot, Anouk M. Knops, Dirk T. Ubbink, Astrid Goossens, Dink A. Legemate & Hester Vermeulen - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (4):841-847.
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    A Dual-Pathway Perspective on Food Choices in Adolescents: The Role of Loss of Control Over Eating.Eva Van Malderen, Eva Kemps, Laurence Claes, Sandra Verbeken & Lien Goossens - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    IntroductionOne in three adolescents frequently consume unhealthy snacks, which is associated with negative developmental outcomes. To date, it remains unclear how intrapersonal factors account for food choices in adolescents. Guided by the dual-pathway model, the current study aimed to: (1) examine the joint contribution of inhibitory control and attentional bias in predicting unhealthy food choices in adolescents, and (2) determine whether this mechanism is more pronounced in adolescents who experience loss of control over eating (LOC).Materials and MethodsA community sample of (...)
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    Editorial: Eating Behavior Research in Children's and Adolescent's Naturalistic Environment.Sandra Verbeken, Andrea Beth Goldschmidt, Catharine Evers, Caroline Braet & Lien Goossens - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Less Energy, a Better Economy, and a Sustainable South Korea: An Energy Efficiency Scenario Analysis.Takuo Yamaguchi, Yongkyeong Soh, Chung-Kyung Kim, Yu Mi Mun, Sun-Jin Yun, Kyung-Jin Boo, Jong Dall Kim, Jung wk Kim, John Byrne & Young-Doo Wang - 2002 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 22 (2):110-122.
    An energy efficiency scenario (Joint Institute for a Sustainable Energy and Environmental Future) demonstrates that an energy future built on the use of cost-effective, high-efficiency technologies is clearly within the grasp of South Korea and would justify a nuclear power moratorium with significantly lower carbon dioxide emissions. This is a promising result, especially because applications of other sustainable energy options, such as renewables, decentralized technologies, material recycling/reuse, ecologically based land use planning, forest conservation, sustainable agriculture, and redirection of economic development (...)
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    Palliative radiotherapy of bone metastases: an evaluation of outcome measures.M. B. Barton, R. Dawson, B. Soc Wk, S. Jacob, D. Currow B., G. Stevens & G. Morgan - 2001 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 7 (1):47-64.
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    No Differential Reward Responsivity and Drive, Punishment Sensitivity or Attention for Cues Signaling Reward or Punishment in Adolescents With Obesity.Nienke C. Jonker, Eva van Malderen, Klaske A. Glashouwer, Leentje Vervoort, Caroline Braet, Lien Goossens & Peter J. de Jong - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Cultural perspectives on the linguistic representation of emotion and emotion events.Gün R. Semin, Carien A. Görts, Sharda Nandram & Astrid Semin-Goossens - 2002 - Cognition and Emotion 16 (1):11-28.
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    Plausibility and evidence: the case of homeopathy. [REVIEW]Lex Rutten, Robert T. Mathie, Peter Fisher, Maria Goossens & Michel Wassenhoven - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (3):525-532.
    Homeopathy is controversial and hotly debated. The conclusions of systematic reviews of randomised controlled trials of homeopathy vary from ‘comparable to conventional medicine’ to ‘no evidence of effects beyond placebo’. It is claimed that homeopathy conflicts with scientific laws and that homoeopaths reject the naturalistic outlook, but no evidence has been cited. We are homeopathic physicians and researchers who do not reject the scientific outlook; we believe that examination of the prior beliefs underlying this enduring stand-off can advance the debate. (...)
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    Plausibility and evidence: the case of homeopathy. [REVIEW]Lex Rutten, Robert T. Mathie, Peter Fisher, Maria Goossens & Michel van Wassenhoven - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (3):525-532.
    Homeopathy is controversial and hotly debated. The conclusions of systematic reviews of randomised controlled trials of homeopathy vary from ‘comparable to conventional medicine’ to ‘no evidence of effects beyond placebo’. It is claimed that homeopathy conflicts with scientific laws and that homoeopaths reject the naturalistic outlook, but no evidence has been cited. We are homeopathic physicians and researchers who do not reject the scientific outlook; we believe that examination of the prior beliefs underlying this enduring stand-off can advance the debate. (...)
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  36. WK Wimsatt Jr and Monroe C. Beardsley.William Congreve - 1999 - In Nigel Warburton (ed.), Philosophy: Basic Readings. New York: Routledge. pp. 344.
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  37. (1 other version)Saunders, WK, Degradation: What the History of Obscenity Tells Us about Hate Speech; Heyman, JS, Free Speech and Human Dignity.Julija Perhat - 2012 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 34:111-116.
  38. WK Clifford.H. E. Smokier - 1967 - In Paul Edwards (ed.), The Encyclopedia of philosophy. New York,: Macmillan. pp. 2--123.
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  39. WK Heisenberg, cientista e filosofo (1901-1976).V. de Sousa Alves - forthcoming - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia.
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  40. WK Clifford's Ethics of Belief Revisited.Jan Vorstenbosch - 1999 - In Anthonie Meijers (ed.), Belief, Cognition, and the Will. Tilburg [The Netherlands]: Tilburg University Press. pp. 6--99.
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  41. 0.; Essler, WK et al., 0n the Theoretizability of Social Invariants from the Standpoint of Semantics.K. Apel - 1974 - In Carl Heinz Heidrich (ed.), Semantics and communication. New York,: American Elsevier Pub. Co.. pp. 79--144.
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    On Beall’s New Interpretation of $$WK_{3}$$ W K 3.Nissim Francez - 2019 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 28 (1):1-7.
    I argue that a recent philosophical interpretation by Jc Beall of the middle value of Weak Kleene logic as ‘being off-topic’ is untenable. My main claim is that “being off-topic” is a relation, not a property, and as such cannot serve as an interpretation of a truth-value.
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    Book Review: Damon WK So. The Forgotten Jesus and the Trinity You Never Knew. [REVIEW]Graham McFarlane - 2012 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 29 (2):171-172.
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    (1 other version)Review. Thucydides' Pentekontaetia and Other Essays. WK Pritchett.Simon Hornblower - 1997 - The Classical Review 47 (2):270-272.
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    On Paraconsistent Weak Kleene Logic: Axiomatisation and Algebraic Analysis.Stefano Bonzio, José Gil-Férez, Francesco Paoli & Luisa Peruzzi - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (2):253-297.
    Paraconsistent Weak Kleene logic is the 3-valued logic with two designated values defined through the weak Kleene tables. This paper is a first attempt to investigate PWK within the perspective and methods of abstract algebraic logic. We give a Hilbert-style system for PWK and prove a normal form theorem. We examine some algebraic structures for PWK, called involutive bisemilattices, showing that they are distributive as bisemilattices and that they form a variety, \, generated by the 3-element algebra WK; we also (...)
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    On the existence of moral certainties: The case of the pisa‐suaves.Enrico Galli - 2023 - Philosophical Investigations 46 (4):496-506.
    Recently, José María Ariso and Samuel Laves have critically debated whether killing innocent and non‐threatening people [=WK] is a universal moral certainty. One of the main topics of their discussion concerns the case of the pisa‐suaves, children born in the context of the Colombian civil war who grew up with the FARC guerrillas. While Laves argues that such children hold WK, Ariso rejects his claim and stresses that pisa‐suaves have no moral code of conduct. In my work, I side with (...)
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  47. What is Knowledge?Quassim Cassam - 2009 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 64:101-120.
    What would a good answer to this question – call it (WK) – look like? What I’m going to call the standard analytic approach (SA) says that: (A) The way to answer WK is to analyse the concept of knowledge. (B) To analyse the concept of knowledge is to come up with noncircular necessary and sufficient conditions for someone to know that something is the case. Is the standard analytic approach to WK the right approach? If not, what would be (...)
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    The future of post-human etiology: towards a new theory of cause and effect.Peter Baofu - 2014 - New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    Is the traditional understanding of cause and effect in aetiology so certain that Arthur Eddington therefore proposed in 1927 "the arrow of time, or time's arrow" involving "the 'one-way direction' or 'asymmetry' of time", such that "a cause precedes its effect: the causal event occurs before the event it affects. Thus causality is intimately bound up with time's arrow"? (WK 2014) This certain view on cause and effect can be contrasted with an opposing view by Michael Dummett, who suggested instead, (...)
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    The future of post-human sports: towards a new theory of training and winning.Peter Baofu - 2013 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Are sports really supposed to be so competitive that, as Henry R. Sanders once famously said, â oeMen, I'll be honest. Winning isâ ]the only thing!â? (WK 2012) This competitive view of sports can be contrasted with a critical view by William Shakespeare, who wrote in Othello (Act. iv. Sc. 1), â oeThey laugh that win.â (BART 2012) Contrary to these opposing views (and other ones, as will be discussed in the book), sports (in relation to both training and winning) (...)
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    Re-Envisioning the Agrarian Ideal.Paul B. Thompson - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (4):553-562.
    Abstract Critics of The Agrarian Vision: Sustainability and Environmental Ethics (Lexington: 2010, University Press of Kentucky) have difficulties with its commitment to agrarian philosophy, and have also suggested that the program described there needs more elaboration of how sustainability might be pursued, especially in its social dimensions. The book draws upon agrarian philosophy to argue that habit and material practice are an appropriate and vital focus of ethics. Attention to habit and material practice will counterbalance an overemphasis on intentions and (...)
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